Aboriginal Education
Aboriginal Education
Aboriginal Education
Videos from the Aboriginal Education Program in the Central Okanagan School District.
@kathyabeauty 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, Elder for your poignant story. Sending love to all survivors. No words, just tears of shame over the atrocities committed to such a beautiful people from mainstream white society.
@ascoop22 Год назад
Dr Bryce made calculations in 1907 that 150,000 aboriginal children, from the period between 1857 and 1997, are anticipated to have attended the schools. 55 to 80,000 children are estimated to may have not made it home from the schools. That's either a special kind of calculation or Dr Bryce didn't intend for the mortality rate of 30 to 60% to continue until 1997.
@marcusgorski3285 Год назад
I’m so sorry 😐
@RaeZoladawn777 Год назад
We are certified ppl in knowledge ...this the way of my Gramma s and Dad
@MsGarfield1978 Год назад
Industrial School is almost the same as when human try to domesticate animals into its herd. They build fences and put the wild animals there for herd. Human is an APEX PREDATOR, and has the tendency to become a predator or a prey. Christian Religion, is political religion deviced by Roman Empire to colonize the territories it can to become part of its state, or province. The CHURCH is a political power and a STATE in its tenets. They used the human concept of a god in order to justify any atrocities they could do. If there is a truly god, why did IT allow cultural genocide, human predators and wars hardship? ANS: because there is no god, a god is simply a human concept that evolved from the earliest known human religious culture called ANIMISM of the Paleolithic human civilizations. Europeans is simply an advance civilization of this world and has a tendency to become THE PREDATOR to other less advanced, hunter-gatherer civilization.
@diannajensen1154 2 года назад
They can still come for your children if you refer to their right gender that your child doesn't want to be that day. It is horrible that the government has even now so much power they can infiltrate our educational institutions and our family units to mold our children into what they have determined a human being should be. Parents don't have much say anymore.
@diannajensen1154 2 года назад
That's right there was atrosities throughout history and so many people suffered especially our vulnerable children. But we learn from history not to repeat our ancester mistakes in the present time. This tragedy was created by the government.
@ronniejames1110 2 года назад
The only abuse she suffered in res school was at the hands of other aboriginals..but they deny their people's criminality so they use the church as a scapegoat.
@ronniejames1110 2 года назад
Fake news..natives calling discipline abuse to further the native victim mentality..why don't they talk about the physical and sexual abuse of native children by their own people...always quick to point the finger at others.
@amaleilaniyo67 2 года назад
My heart ache!!..I stand with you and my heart cries with you
@beataens1 2 года назад
Apuiu puiio tzipapepwa eh
@GameReality 2 года назад
All other religious schools, all over the world in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and north and south America, needs to be controlled if they also have burried children outside. Because this can not been happening only in Canada !!!!!
@jacobzaranyika9334 2 года назад
Thank you🙏 Aboriginal Education.
@BGWFILMSTUDIOS 2 года назад
I was taken out of my home at 3 years old and taken to residential school only to be almost killed there. They didn't want me thereafter, and I was taken to the Supreme Court to be made a ward of the courts. I was then handed over to the social service to be put into the foster care system. I was in the foster care system up until I was 13 years old and I was kicked out of my foster parent's place. Social service could not find another place for me, so I was put on independent living at 13 years old, soak that in. Two weeks after I was on my own, I was kidnapped, raped by a man up in the mountains, almost killed, and left for dead up in the mountains stark naked. And today I'm a filmmaker telling our story.
@b.bailey8244 2 года назад
The pain they have carried since childhood at what was done to them and to their parents and grandparents, is heartbreaking. Restitutions must be made. The government and church's attempt was NOT to educate them; it was to "kill the Indian" in them - alienating them from their culture, their languages, their beloved relatives, and the white world who never accepted them. SHAME. This woman is a beautiful soul. I hope she is still around for her children and grandchildren.
@BGWFILMSTUDIOS 2 года назад
I was taken out of my home at 3 years old and taken to residential school only to be almost killed there. They didn't want me thereafter, and I was taken to the Supreme Court to be made a ward of the courts. I was then handed over to the social service to be put into the foster care system. I was in the foster care system up until I was 13 years old and I was kicked out of my foster parent's place. Social service could not find another place for me, so I was put on independent living at 13 years old, soak that in. Two weeks after I was on my own, I was kidnapped, raped by a man up in the mountains, almost killed, and left for dead up in the mountains stark naked. And today I'm a filmmaker telling our story.
@cecillaviolette920 2 года назад
Thay don't give a fuck!!!!🤬🤬🤬😡😡
@randybrown9706 2 года назад
Is it a cowinceidence that residential schools started the same year cp rail started to survey the route
@joesilva1849 2 года назад
A book of truth the Den of evil conquistadors burning in hell with there father the Devil
@joesilva1849 2 года назад
Like all Indigenous people just bad stories my people Revolt of 1680 my people ran to Lincoln New Mexico my grandparents we’re the Regulars in Lincoln all my grandparents are all marked anglos including my parents and me I am a Geronimo how can I be anglo my grandmothers and grandfathers were Geronimos never enrolled we’re all anglos critical race theory There’s more but I hold my tongue
@nickiewilson6985 2 года назад
I lived through the 60's scoop and being Metis Coast Salish Penaluket. My Father left me our history and my GGGrandfather a Captain was first to arrive in his Steamships at the Songhees Village in 1842. He married my Gram from the Haida Gwaii. Tossamitsa Edenshaw was a Chief's daughter and interned to Kuper Island, while he was picking up body's around Vancouver Island in his Steamships. My Gram was once the oldest Native to die on Vancouver Island in 1931 at 104. All 3 of my GGGrandfather's were Captain's and 2 were from PE1 and my Grandfather Captain Fredrick J Warren. My Aunt Sarah Warren was a Matriarch of the Songhees & was King Freezies GGGrandaughter. She was the First Person to Win Back the Right's for the TRADITIONAL MASK DANCE IN 1950. And the First person in 🇨🇦 CANADA to have open ❤ Heart Surgery. I grew up with my w. Mom in. Port Alberni and want to school with the last two Chief's Judith Sayers, Les Sam's, Watts & many boarded out student's at Gill & AW Neil & all these story's are true as heck and we can not let this go on anymore. We are a Country not a Corporation of uncivilized corrupted creeps. I missed out on my culture, legacy & went through. Most of the same rasist attitudes during my 65 yrs & this will haunt me till we get rid of the Indian Act.
@judyparent7942 2 года назад
Hugs to you, sweet lady. I am so sorry you endured such horrific pain. I care for you and your people.
@marcusgorski3285 Год назад
Hello 👋 how are you doing? Hope you’re having a good day I was dropping a comment when I come across your profile, I liked what you shared , but we are not friends . May the lord be with you and your family 🙏🕊
@cx3262 2 года назад
Que l'on en fasse obligatoirement une vrai historique complexe, SANS PROPAGANDES avant d'extrapoler sur les causes de mortalité.., l'autopsie (réelles cause de mort). Que l'on analyse l'histoire a savoir s'ils ont été victimes d'une maladie (épidémie), d'un empoisonnement externe et pourquoi ce n'est pas évident a l'archive (comme un dossier qui aurait été gardé secret par une conspiration, jusqu'ici) avant de faire croire au meurtres en série, dévié et déteindre encore sur l'institution "en théorie Catholique" (dumoin pour l'éducation, restant a savoir pour le traitement social individuel de certaines personnes introduite). Les pensionnat autochtone (au nom du Catholique) pourraient sérieusement avoir été introduit de jésuites (judéo-chrétien, symbole du poisson tribal), premiers enseignants (introduis en sous-traitant de l'éducation Catholique) chez les premières nations considérer "problématique", c'est a dire ; iroquois et possiblement mohawks du Québec-Ontario en premiers lieux. Offrant l'éducation au natifs (non ceux déjà métissés, intégrés...) du nouveau monde tout en n'ayant pas les même fondement de personnes (plus de l'endoctrine linéaire que respectueux des cultures, dans une éducation et communion des sciences). C'est possiblement eux qui introduisirent le cours de catéchèse, catéchisme (mot, vide de sens pour plusieurs...) parlant d'un Jésus dans des récits mythomane (ternissant l’intérêt et accentuant le mot "religion", seulement la dessus...) , avec les lois copiés des pré-Catholique (alors transmise de bouche a oreille...). Introduisant des règles de comportements (ne tuera point, convoitera...) pour aussi bien paraître en sociétés étrangère (sans se faire exclure...), qu'ils introduisent systématiquement (tactiquement...) pour le système judaïsme (pseudo contrôlant de communisme enrichissement et contrôleur de société), cousins des musulmans (par Abraham). La vrai religion naturelle (Catholique.., comme bouddhisme, hindouisme...) est en fait tout un système de fondement (en chaque territoire naturel) qui n'a rien a voir avec la bible (ou autre...) et un gourou humain alias un Mahomet ou Jésus ajouté. C'est tout le fondement d'une société et ces valeurs que la religion est supposé gardé vrai en s'auto-éduquant avec renouvellements des mentalités erronés (hors de tout doute) et améliorations des sciences normales, pour savoir pensé de soi-même, se joindre en s'unissant au gré des besoin et en actions nécessaire, sans nécessairement être forcer, ou commandé. Les vrais Catholique (sans l'introduction des corruptions servant le communisme privé, "DONT ILS SONT VICTIMES AUSSI") de la simple croix aiment les sous-cultures naturelles sans fourberies, comme ils respectent la nature. Il n'en différencie que l'hérésie ou les manques de connaissance chez les indigènes tout en apprenant aussi d'eux. Enseignant aux enfants (plus qu'aux adultes.., dumoin en pensionnats, a savoir pourquoi?) l'éducation des sciences normale a partir de Dieu (le grand naturel tangible, ou grande création).., que les autochtones décrive jusque avant cela par l'adoration de divinité décrivant de grands phénomènes marquant (la pluit, la terre, le vent, l'hivers...) ou éprouvants leurs vie (la guerre, la mort...), ainsi que l'imagerie de leurs grandes volontés protectrices (la chasse, le gibier, Windigo, totem, manitou...). Les vrais mission Catholique (au Canada, Afrique, Asie, moyen orient...) ont souvent introduis une touche de saine nativité aux réunions (communion) et éducation qu'exerce la religion.., il considère belle et normale les métaphores naturelles, dans un total respect de se qui est "vrai", bénéfique a la vie de l'évolution individuelle et de société. * Les médias corrompus (aide de domination.., dictature sur le bien et le mal...) participent a une croisades contre les protectorats et organisation aux vœux de simplicité, vérité et de réelle éducation des faits. Contre la vrai organisation de travail Catholique constitutionnelle au seul "vrai fondement" du pays. Menaçant aussi (sans questionnement...) les biens immobiliers (de conception solide, voir éternelle) précieux, trop convoité des destructeurs, appropriant, promoteurs immobiliers, voleurs, fraudeurs de papiers, criminels communistes ou sectaires. Nuisant par peur de perdre un contrôle et la loi du silence (sur eux...) qu'ils espèrent... Craignant le jour ou ceci pourrait revivre et améliorer de meilleure façon la vie a long terme, aider de tout natifs d'origine "avec" ou (plus) "sans travail salarié" qui pourrait alors se consacrer au vrai Canada et en être réellement responsable dans une réelle démocratie, sans mensonges de leurs intentions dans une relève viable et une éducation théologique améliorer par un système X d'assermentable-assermenté en mission (non corrompus d'un salaire) sur les importances des différentes bases de société. * PS : Les intelligentes personnes savent qu'ils n'y a pas 12 "développement génétiques" indigène originaire du Canada (dans 60 langues.., selon statistique Canada) et pas une trentaines en nord Amérique en dehors des développement naturelle mayas, aztèque et autres, prouvés en origines. Donc les pensionnats autochtone ont possiblement servis a l'assimilation "voulue" de peuples indigènes natifs d'outre-mers aussi, s'aidant (par leurs enfants en premiers...) a briser des barrières de langue et de culture.., qu'ils refusent possiblement même dans leurs pays d'origine. Derniers "païen" refusant l'hérésie des gourous envoyez des plus anciennes civilisations organiser en évoluant souvent dans les guerres et hypocrisie. Peuples de vie native attirer par le vrai enseignement Catholique, qu'ont leurs donnent, mais de façon intégrer et corrompu du chrétien, auto-protégeant mutuellement et possiblement aussi leurs secrets, pour s'en servir ensuite en part d'intégrants autres d'éducation Catholique mais quelque peu propagandés ou manipulé pour certains peuple. Passant ainsi pour des premières nations (judaïsme-chrétiens s'en servant parfois en occulte association de corruptions...), mais qui en fait pourraient avoir arriver dans les mêmes temps que les français (de Cartier...) et autres, longuement ou un peu avant les organisation X occulte a la pré-colonisation Nord-Américaine et venant en fait de tout continents. Les bébés-enfants dépayser et inconfortabilisé génétiquement gardent peu ou pas de souvenir, mais sont possiblement enclin a certaines frustrations normales causant des heurts avec leurs "éducateurs" les moins appréciés, étant aussi des humains d'origine diverses ayant parfois eux la vie rude eux de même. C'est possiblement a leurs parents "consentant possible" que ces enfants pourraient en vouloir, mais cela est un tournant de civilisation qui leurs a peut-être été obligatoire. (- Faits basé sur des théories non officielle, mais totalement possible.) D'autres histoires, d'éducation normale forcés ("pour TOUT les types d'enfants canadiens") et déportation de tribus déjà installer au territoire sont venus ternir la réputation des pensionnats. Mais, il ne faut jamais participé a mélangé les culpabilités des faits mis en désinformations et propagandes. Faisant souvent dévié sur un imaginaire "agresseur" (sur des individu dit; "Catholique") qui ternirait un des seul systeme (a désintégré de corruption) auto-protégeant le pays contre le mal, dans la connaissance de. Religion déja bafoué du gouvernement qui n'avait aucun droit de contribuer en laissant salir "illégalement" 9selon les codes de loi) les bases propre de sa constitution Catholique constitutionnelle a la place de différencier et punir certains individus fautifs qui sont maintenant aussi devenu de faux haut-représentants "illégitime" en assermentation au pays. - - - - * Ce sont les membres politique et du gouvernement qui ont toujours été difficile a emmener en court de justice, mais ont ne s'est jamais gener pour faire un scandale et arreter un pretre ou un travailleur Catholique supposé présenté un comportement sain, dans une institution pronant la réelle justice plus que la corruption (* dans leurs possibilités de...). Ce sont les manques de connaissances et la menaces de ses gardiens qui tu (tuer et faire taire). La menace sectaire et technologique de l'éducation rend la domination centralisé plus facile a établir la ou ou le vrai Catholique et autre esprits sains sont nuit dans l'apprentissage logique de la pensée de soi-même, pour la remplacé par une pensée de plus en plus induis en erreurs, dictaturé et confortabilisé artificiellement. Tous mis dans la confusion totale des incompréhensibles actions occultes qui heurtent la société évoluée par ceux qui agissent en société sectaire (ou protestante UK, aussi contitutionnelle..., mais d'un niveau inférieur..) de robots linéaire qui ne seront pas plus heureux, parce que leurs buts et contentement est utopique ou de consommation a court terme, dans une vision trop étroite ne laissant aucune place a la pensée et actions préventives sur les conséquences engendrant des drames sur la citoyens, jusque dans toute la planète, a partir d'ici et d'ailleur... * (Dite non, svp!!!) J.Trudeau a annoncer (sans urgence ou accusation pouvant être porter sur quelque-chose, sans toute preuves...) vouloir dépenser 75 millions a la démolition et fouille de bâtiments Catholique, NB: Les autochtones sont aussi des canadiens pouvant voté. CESSEZ DE PARTICIPEZ AUX LAISSEZ-ALLER DES JEUX RÉDUCTEURS DE SOCIÉTÉ, PROPAGANDES ET DÉSINFORMATIONS. (-PAIX)
@RaeZoladawn777 2 года назад
There so much damage to over come 500 yrs of Genocide ..thefirst landing of Ccolumbus was the east coast it was horrific what was done to the Indigenous ppls there omg the terrible things they endured. Problems are the Magistrates of England were so afluent and bigoeted and dishonest . They are the tryanny of trouble and evil that stained and murdered our Culture. Our only solution is to gain understanding and re write history ..throw out and burn the old text books . Teach the truth of what happened and claim our territories and Land back 1 section at a time . And bring the Children home for proper burials. Shame on the Govt Shame on them.Bring the kids home ...
@TurningOak 2 года назад
Like Chief Ellis says from BC, we were WARRIORS. Not peaceful people. Let's not forget this aspect to the story & they had slaves.
@delmarsimpson8117 2 года назад
what is crazy is there are proffessing christians that defend the schools villianizing the indigenous person....check out winnipeg christian apologetics.
@repure1999 2 года назад
I'm so ashamed of how our country and Catholic church treated our first nations. I'm with you every step of the way.
@ascoop22 Год назад
What about Anglican, Methodist, United and Presbyterian Churches and nondenominational organizations that ran far more schools together than what the Catholic church did? Are you not ashamed of them also?
@leopapineau3887 3 года назад
Sorry Justin. In case you were too young at the time ,your own father Pierre Rlliot was openly for integration…one nation…same institution ,same nation like many other nations in the world…like Mexico for instance.
@frivolityrestores9608 3 года назад
I always felt horrible as a child for having to say the "native land" part of "our home and native land" in the anthem. I would always not say that by progressively lowering my voice as I approached that line so it would seem like I muttered it that way I wouldn't get in trouble. Even as a kid you realize some things
@linkekinnme6412 3 года назад
My dad told us he was in an orphanage and he had chicken pox a nun took a wire brush to his back side he said he was in agony and the sores bled and he had scares on is back from that
@tiffany4628 3 года назад
Omg that's absolutely evil. Infuriating that these atrocities were committed by " people of god" and in the name of religion. Those people were evil demons and did the opposite of being Christ like. I could go on and on. Sorry he had to endure that physical and psychological pain
@Sunnyskies1955 3 года назад
You sweet, lovely lady. I am so sorry for all the pain and suffering that you, and the countless men, women, and children endured and still endure. Such unbelievable cruelty and gross injustice! It's TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE! I hope that the entire universe conspires in your favour, and the Great Eternal Spirit supports you in all you do. My hope is that this situation turns around very soon. God bless you my dear.
@leopapineau3887 3 года назад
Finally our indigenous friends found another way to maybe suck money from the government and the “ rich “ Catholic Church .
@pvachina5596 3 года назад
將他們所有的敎堂都燒光,拆光,推平,這個就是西方的民主和人權嗎?Crime against humanity
@leopapineau3887 3 года назад
Dear Indian brothers and sisters . A simple question : How many white people , young or old, even children you “ poison “ day after day, on your S ECRETE RESERVES , by the way subsidised by the white people ? How about their health ,you justly care about
@yolandael8725 3 года назад
The people of this land suffered at the hands of Europeans. The ones of this land America and Canada nationality are Moors and Mexicans. Europeans indoctrinate your minds to call yourself Indians. We were not Indians. Were are Moors and Mexicans from different tribes. By United Nations Law on the Rights of Indigenous People you have the right to proclaim your nationality. Nationality is what links you to your land. Calling yourself Indians make it look like you came from India and that's not true. I'm from the Cherokee Tribe (Moorish). The Navajo (Mexicans) went through the same as you, being put on Reservations and children taken from them and made to speak English and not their language. Moors were put into slavery and children taken and taught by Europeans to call themselves Negro, Black, Colored etc. Time to wake up and take a stand as to who you really are and give back European sociology which was forced generations ago.
@franklingarcia7072 3 года назад
After 1940 and sometimes before and on these days ,the prime ministers of Canada are been blind or maybe they didn't care of natives. Incredible, but it's the reality. Very sad situacion. All the religious have to disappear. People,believe in yourself, it's time to wakeup.
@regentmartin4854 3 года назад
Say rather the suprematite and racist Canadian federalism of John McDonald !? Because it is he who created and financed the residential schools. Easier to blame religious communities than on the regime you are defending !? Have you forgotten the Métis massacre and the hanging of Louis Riel by the founding father of federalism John McDonald? It's like accusing only those in charge of the concentration camps but refusing to name the Nazi regime and Adolf Hitler! ....
@franklingarcia7072 3 года назад
For more than 70 years all of these Creepy dangerous morons: priests, nuns, pastors and all the human involved in religion have done aloof damage to the humanity. They have been abused the kids,for years and nothing happened to them..why they are immune,?? Here the Canadians govern hasn't done JUSTICE, they only apologize and offer money,money to the family affected, but how about the criminals, specially the priests, nuns and pastors.The Pope or bishops ( also abusers) send this criminals to anothers countries, where they continue doing damage to the humanity. The words Jesus, Bible, priests , pastors , nuns and Pope bishops, etc. It's time to throw all this things to the garbage. People it's time to believe in yourself.
@frivolityrestores9608 3 года назад
Hearing and seeing a sweet elder lady recount childhood trauma is worse than just reading about it. f this had happened to either of my grandmothers in their childhoods I would not forgive it if I learned of it. I'd rather it happen to me than my grandparents or parents, and I'm sure everyone feels like that about their elders. I think this might be why elders are looked down on overall now in mainstream north American culture compared to other cultures around the world including of first gen immigrants who just came here .. a sort of curse for a country which broke so many families and childhoods intentionally.
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
Well what should be done is the Indians that are left that will fill the government house should be ground and educated to run the government and it should be given back that day will never come and it's unfortunate and it's unfair and it's going to cause the United States to get knocked down and it will only take 1 hour so let the chips fall how they may it's coming and it'll come fast
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
The one with the deadly wound that healed that's the Romans the Roman Catholic Church
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
Well look at the Inquisition and the rich bureaucrats blackmail them and sold the reports back to them look at over all the generations what the Holy Roman Empire and they're ignorant Catholic priests have done to the children of the poor 81 Generations worth they're the little horn spoken of in Revelation
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
For all I know there still genocide the Indians
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
I have a clue my grandsons were taken right here in the United States by our government and when they tell you that it's not your business where your grandkids are and you were a good mother and raise your children then you know your country is in deep trouble so I feel your pain
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
A lot of them that survived they wiped out their memory with those electric chairs that's MKUltra you need to check into MKUltra and find out who took those chairs today schools
@frivolityrestores9608 3 года назад
They're doing this with an institution for disabled children and adults for decades (court approved it now recent news) in Massachusetts. Extremely unethical practices which anyone can go read about because I haven't the heart to type it out. I've little doubt it's done here too and if not, I'm sure they will bring it here.
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
No they were good at farming. They taught the white man how to farm they didn't have Farms where they came from they were eating their dead date the Indian taught the white man how to farm don't you know your history
@frankribeiro399 2 года назад
It looks that you do not know western civilization. Get back to school.
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
Well somebody carried in a few electric chairs some MK Ultra mind experiments was also done on them too and that could be what they're trying to hide
@frivolityrestores9608 3 года назад
They also did pharmaceutical testing on them which is fact my sister's school went to a res school of years ago and they showed them mattresses had been filled with human hair. Her high school on Ontario (Oakville) went there years ago. Hair tested in lab, found traces of high levels of chemicals that made them know for sure about this. That's just known. Another example they learned was if child was caught speaking in their mother tongue their tongue could be pierced with a device (I'm guessing this was a threat mostly because faced with such punishment as a kid I would stop talking in mother tongue too)
@karenotte5420 2 года назад
@@frivolityrestores9608 I'm so sorry for the American Indians !! This land belongs to them but you never here them talk of the evil genocide that was performed on the natives in the owners of this land. As far as I'm concerned they should educate them in the best colleges like they do the rich bureaucrats children and give them back their country and let them run it I'm sure they probably do a better job than who's in there now
@karenotte5420 3 года назад
You know this is going to sound totally insane period but wedding insane around here anymore look at the direction we're going in. Here goes I'm going to spill it, why don't they just give the power back to the Indians to run their land all of it since it was all stolen redo the White House call it something else educate the Indians who were here first and let them run the country since it was stolen from them in the first place? We owe it to them to educate them and let's give back their country there's probably enough of them left to fill the White House and run their government we are on the free education the top education and I'm sure they couldn't do any worse than those idiots that are in there now selling out student taxpayer dollars God forbid do the right thing huh
@patriciaharrison2737 3 года назад
I am 40 yrs old, at 30 I found out that my father was part of the indian day schools, he was age 4 to 13 when he went through this, it breaks my ❤, he was an alcoholic, he always told me to embrace my white side, now im lost, slowly finding myself and my hieratage with help of elders mine and others. I would never allow my children to go through this, they will learn their culture white skin or not they are part owjibwa and proud, as they get older even prouder the more we learn together.