Keith Thompson
Keith Thompson
Keith Thompson
This channel seeks to exalt the glory of Jesus Christ. On this channel you will find sermons, interviews and debates by some of the Godliest men of this generation of which consists of; John Piper, John Macarthur, Voddie Baucham, Tim Conway & Paul Washer amongst many more.

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Romans 8:29-For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Twitter @ KeithThompson52

God bless.
Hello Brethren! (Channel Update)
3 года назад
Truth Snippet | Perseverance
3 года назад
Truth Snippet | Blasphemy
3 года назад
Truth Snippet | Unequally Yoked
3 года назад
Truth Snippet | Justification
3 года назад
Truth Snippet | Holiness Of God!
3 года назад
Is God's Love Unconditional?
3 года назад
Truth Snippet | Election
3 года назад
The Bible  | The Book Of All Books!
3 года назад
Truth Snippet | Is Salvation Hard?
3 года назад
@carloscaceres5111 11 дней назад
The soul is born in heaven but is born from God our Heavenly Father, there’s a difference between the world and God, power is limited but strength is eternal through and from our Heavenly Father, nothings ever a quisadence or an accident instead planned and tested on what type of light we’ll become, no matter how many years go by, this episode shows light, amen to all, faith is strong💛❤️♾️✝️🙏🏽🕊️🔥☀️⭐️
@piratepuppy3394 24 дня назад
I bet ! Disney can do this
@piratepuppy3394 24 дня назад
What a moral past we have passed by. Day by day faith, beliefs , religion become one in history.
@MackLeeGreen 27 дней назад
I remember the first video I saw of Pastor Anderson and there was a handful of people. A few years later that place looks pretty full. That his following seems to be growing is just as disturbing as the grossly un Christlike manner that he displayed
@southernmostrebel Месяц назад
KEITH, you said "we all know why this is wrong" a lot of people don't understand how evil Francis Chan actually is. But I was having problems hearing your video. Is there a way that you could turn up the sound? Thank you and thank you for calling to have this man held accountable!
@DevinJ_xd Месяц назад
I miss when the world was about Jesus now you see a few amour of ppl claiming they love Jesus and even if they do say the do, they don’t rlly mean it
@TheAllSeeingEye2468 8 дней назад
Even back then few believed
@LarryBanks85 Месяц назад
@RomaroBrandon Месяц назад
"Don't give me that easy answer garbage"
@XX-sp3tt Месяц назад
Who the Hell said it was ever easy?
@otakuzillagaming7635 Месяц назад
And this is why she left him Magneto which is Jewish by the way so
@Goofy-ah58 Месяц назад
So basically she led Arthur down the path to hell
@dulldaisy4043 Месяц назад
I love it 🥲I have cancer and would watch this scene when I was "afraid my time is coming to an end." And from our perspective its amazing. God bless you, and Arthur.
@avenger291 Месяц назад
Which show and episode is this?
@GrapeCheckerBoard Месяц назад
It’s from X-Men: The Animated Series. It’s from the episode where the group meets Nightcrawler.
@avenger291 Месяц назад
@@GrapeCheckerBoard which episode is that? Wanna find it and watch it
@GrapeCheckerBoard Месяц назад
It’s season 4, episode 8.
@prettylady8133 2 месяца назад
Heretic with a degree
@newwinepropheticministry222 2 месяца назад
Personal interpretation is automatically wrong
@fumarc4501 2 месяца назад
Nightcrawler being a christian is not his entire being, it’s but a part of what makes him admirable as a man. Will always be one of my favorite childhood heroes.
@gagnose26 2 месяца назад
.... I'm a fool. Always was.
@anchorofgracedevotionals2239 2 месяца назад
Does Romans 3:23 mean that the person is incapable of believing the gospel?
@jericholacey5954 2 месяца назад
Kurt is an amazing friend to the x-men ❤
@iamalittler 2 месяца назад
Wow! Christian’s used to be biblical too, not a bunch of fascists
@livingeveryday777 3 месяца назад
Sumo is not a real deadlift
@Herberich-immobilienDe 3 месяца назад
This moment Gary Regrets first time what He did
@Mario-yp5pn 3 месяца назад
Why do people who don’t believe that speaking in tongues is for today always assume the role of hero who must save the world from speaking in tongues. My friend It’s easy to win a point… when there’s no opponent to debate with.
@eric_sandstrom 3 месяца назад
You said there would be a link here. I don't see it
@VideoQuestEx 4 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing this! GOD Bless! For those interested, at the end of the video, Logan (Wolverine), is reading ISAIAH Chapter 12, Verses 1 to 2, from The Bible. (1). And thou shalt say in that day: I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, for thou wast angry with me: thy wrath is turned away, and thou hast comforted me. (2). Behold, God is my savior, I will deal confidently, and will not fear: O because the Lord is my strength, and my praise, and he is become my salvation.
@tiberias7419 4 месяца назад
Save by grace only not work, Jesus bless you all❤
@snappertrx 4 месяца назад
Even if religion or Wolverines faith never came up again in the series the fact that this would even be a thing in a kids show is intriguing. Theres definitely no way such a thing would be created in todays environment.
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 2 месяца назад
It's for the better. It's fine to have characters of different religious beliefs but this is pure propaganda complete with manipulative musical cues similar to what charlatans like Benny Hinn uses. Children's cartoon shows shouldn't be used as religious propaganda. If it's not okay for Islam, Satanism or Scientology to put this in a cartoon show then this shouldn't be okay either. That Wolverine's faith comes up almost as often as Superman's pressure point martial arts skills effectively puts this in the category of 'plot induced stupidity' (PIS).
@reverendcoffinsotherson5807 2 месяца назад
Yeah, it is really tragic, isn't it?
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 2 месяца назад
@reverendcoffinsotherson5807 Not at all. It's wonderful news. Persecution is a recurring theme within the X-Men and ultimately, no religion has created more persecution than Christianity so it makes little sense for this show to be putting Christian propaganda. And yes, had you not said anything to me on my thread, I probably wouldn't be replying to you here. Maybe next time you should keep quiet Lol.🤫
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 2 месяца назад
@@reverendcoffinsotherson5807 testing urfsju uyujj
@reverendcoffinsotherson5807 2 месяца назад
@@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV all you did was lie. Persecution? Where is the Church persecuting people today?
@ods1123 4 месяца назад
Isaiah 12:1
@Tee-gx2xm 4 месяца назад
Tired of Christians calling each other names, let's just Let God do the Judging.
@caxopa600 4 месяца назад
As much as Sister Cauldron is nice, i don't like what she says here. For us to atone for our sins we must accept Jesus as our savior. This scene is still beautifull.
@Iustaxina 4 месяца назад
@YuiTeaTime 5 месяцев назад
>Catholicism is demonic Protestant garbage, 2000 Church history and still reigning.
@maggievada4797 5 месяцев назад
Good video.
@countryboyred 5 месяцев назад
I guess rockstar didn’t want to do it because it would be controversial, but I was kind of surprised at the *lack* of things like churches or the amount of very religious people in the game. The year is 1899, this would have been right after the great awakening period. People in this era of American history were extremely religious and went to church all the time. Christianity was ubiquitous- a vital fabric of the culture. It would be like playing a game set in Saudi Arabia but none of the characters are explicitly Muslim. Idk just a minor gripe. Great game though.
@thanevakarian9762 5 месяцев назад
If someone believes Jesus is lord, died for our sins, was resurrected and ascended to heaven, believes in the trinity, but is mistaken or has misunderstood the Bible in other places how does that make them a heretic? We should really be careful about casting stones.
@diogomarques03 6 месяцев назад
@elyaqui5324 6 месяцев назад
Im not a Christian and will never be. But i believe in God. I remember seeing this and 8t made me cry.
@BiggTswan 5 месяцев назад
I’m not a Christian either too but ppl keep on telling me bless be thankful when I was a kid I lost in faith to god because of abuse by my step father who kept on hitting every day and night cause I was nothing like his son or his other children because of my disability because I’m special needs does mean he treated me like nothing but garbage
@jakeschwartz2514 4 месяца назад
@@BiggTswanim so sorry that happened to you. I too have been through abuse, and its as Nightcrawler says in this episode.. pain either drives us to seek God or drives us away. Choose God friend, God bless you
@apubakeralpuffdaddy392 3 месяца назад
@@BiggTswan Blessings. Seek help. Find a good Christian youth group.
@blueraccoon1088 2 месяца назад
As an autistic Christian your dad misused the love of God he was blind. But will you see your faith again?​@BiggTswan
@talmadgemillerjr6430 Месяц назад
Just know that Jesus loves you brother, and just as Logan saw through different eyes and opened himself to Christ if you do the same Christ can save you just as he did with Wolverine in this scene. I pray you find the Lord man. Blessings to you and all love.
@mousinius 6 месяцев назад
It's not real life and red dead is a satirical game, it would be unfitting and out of place for the game to be more explicitly christian than it already is, she's not a heretic, she's just a made-up character by writer of the game managing to insert christian themes into a crime game without making it look forced
@NixFlix012 6 месяцев назад
Herr Strauss = Mathew Levi
@KINGDREX24 6 месяцев назад
The Bible is in the Christian thing
@janderson947 Месяц назад
Yes the Bible is a manual there is God who created the earth and everything in it,the son who was sent in the form of a baby,Jesus to save us from our sins and the holyspirit he is with us and gives us the strength to endure good and bad he was sinless so he absorbed all the bad things the anger the hatred, and took it to the cross so now he is the bridge between God and us its thanks to Jesus we can get to God he was the sacrifice before Jesus came the Old Testament they would sacrifice animals a perfect lamb to take to the altar to speak to God , but after Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross you say psalms23 and just speak to him SINCERELY and he will hear you ,he is like the wind you can’t see but you can feel it that’s why it’s called faith it’s a inner PEACE that the world could be chaotic but you just know that you’re going to be OKAY because Jesus got you and the Bible is just a reinforcement and records of how God saved man over and over and even though he slows to anger he’s quick to forgive all he has is that you TALK to him and spend time with him it’s not always easy but if Jesus can make time for you it can be reciprocated he doesn’t want perfection but just progression and for you to try he LOVES you no matter what…
@disneyvillainrocket1 6 месяцев назад
So amazing
@ImJustSayn.6732 6 месяцев назад
Pt2 In Mt.13 The Lord gives a parable showing what The Kingdom of/from Heaven would be like. He said, it will be like an enemy sowed tares amonst the wheat while men slept.. and when the wheat came forth so also the tares.. Let them grow together, and He will send the reapers to sever the tares & throw them in the Fire, but they will gather the wheat into His Barn. There is a Judment that comes to those who are appointed to Ministry but are not Faithful nor do they seek God. This is why the wheat will be layed down, set aside, by definition. When will this happen? In the End..and where are we now? In The End. This is what Paul meant in 2 Thess. 2, the mystery or hidden truth about iniquity doth already work...but He that letteth (hold down fast) will let until he be taken out of the way.. He that letteth is God, until he the false are taken out from the midst (the way) The Church is being held down (unable to move from faith to faith and glory to glory) because there is No Sound Doctrine going forth today.! Therefore..no real instruction no nutrients to feed the Spirit with which we are Sealed. Therefore..He's letting them hold His Church down through false teaching until they (false teachers , leaders, prophets, and youtubers etc.) are taken out of the way. As you have heard antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrist.. They went out from us but they were not all of us but they went out that they might be made manifest they were not all of us.. Judas was a son of perdition and amongst the 12...and was a type...they are perditious and are contrary, the opposite of... Here's a few examples Proving they're False. No one knows if there will be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, mid, or post right. Yet, in Mark 13:23-27 After the triibulation of those days..after sun goes dark..then he'll send his angels to gather His elect. U mean 30, 40, 50 yrs and Seminary and they've never seen that verse? So...prepare for the days ahead understanding these are the last few yrs. I know it's long but I want EVERY blvr to understand whats ahead and be ready... I am a Teacher .
@ImJustSayn.6732 6 месяцев назад
To Keith Thompson: pt1 I see you haven't responded to the question I posted on another video...most don't...But I've also noticed your videos are not recent, that's Good...Good because God is getting ready to Judge the False Teachers and False prophets that have infiltrated His Church. There's an inundation of error, false doctrine, doctrines of devils.. And is why The Church is not in alignment with The Word of God. Many well known leaders today are not who you think they are. And are exactly who Jesus Warned would come in Mt. 24:5. For many (mostly, often, or largely ) will come in His name relating in words I am Christ anointed (ie. Anointed to this or that Office or Ministry), and shall deceive, causing many to go astray, to wander from the truth. Paul prophesied this would come. They oppose and exhalt themselves above all that is called to teach God...(that's what called God means in the gk.), or that is adored (which is God); So that he (either he or she) like God, sitteth to appoint in the temple of God exhibiting himself, that he is God. Is this not what we're seeing in varying levels & degrees? "We" are the temple of God 1 Cor. 3:16...If "we're" the temple why would God be waiting for another temple to be built? He's not, they've interpreted it wrong. Because they're False. See. 1 Cor. 11:19. They sitteth to appoint- "We all can prophesy.." ~Isaiah Saldivar..."Prophecy is no longer for the elite" Dr. Luke Holter..."We need to be possessed by God.." ~Patricia King & James Goll...'Prophecy is not for today" ~ John Macauthor...Yet, 1 Cor. 2:14 teaches But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned....The natural man is one who is unregenerate..John Macauthor is Flesh and is a Tare..Which is why there's no real revelation to his teaching. But most are unaware bcz this is all this generation has ever seen. which is why there is so much error and false doctrine..fear..and confusion in the church today.
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 7 месяцев назад
No this show wasn't Biblical. Nightcrawler was just one character and I don't recall seeing Wolverine or Rogue demonstrate religious tendencies again. Plus evolution seems to be a fact in this universe and I think Professor X was an atheist or agnostic. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but wasn't the whole point of the X-Men to create stories about marginalized people who are different (including the LGBT community)? I think there was even a Republican legislator who compared the transgender community to 'mutants' from the X-Men.
@DanzigDevilock 5 месяцев назад
What is your point? Only take away I get from your comment. Is that this scene bothers you.
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 4 месяца назад
@@DanzigDevilock The first sentence answers your question.
@snappertrx 4 месяца назад
No, the whole point of the X-Men was so that they didn't have to create origin stories for the heroes, they were just born that way. Stan Lee said that he heard someone tell him about that concept and that it was the furthest thing from his mind.
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 4 месяца назад
@@snappertrx I don't mean from day one, I mean regarding the general tradition. Either way, my point still stands.
@jaegar2786 3 месяца назад
@@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIVDude. Nightcrawler converted Wolverine into a Christian. It’s okay to have differing views once in a while, even if that view makes you uncomfortable. Besides to me the real beauty of this scene was turning someone who was cynical without a doubt who lived and been dragged through the shit in more ways than one, find hope. It’s unthinkable. That’s why it’s just so powerful.
@user-xm6ro1ep5d 7 месяцев назад
The foundation God has built in our hearts, can never be destroyed
@BiggTswan 5 месяцев назад
I’ll remember as a kid I thought god is real or not when I was a teenager I started giving up on god because my abuses step father hurt me and tried to kill me cause my mother didn’t do nothing be watching so I’ll faith
@apubakeralpuffdaddy392 3 месяца назад
@@BiggTswan God love you. Hope you find peace, and you have a right to be safe.
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 2 месяца назад
You say that but yet there are so many other religions that predate Christianity. Even YHWH himself is actually a God that the ancient Israelites appropriated from the Canaanite Pantheon.
@apubakeralpuffdaddy392 2 месяца назад
@@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV Sources, please.
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 2 месяца назад
@@apubakeralpuffdaddy392 Try searching it online. Search phrases like; *'which religions are older than Christianity'* or *'Yahweh Canaanite God'* are a good starting point.
@1truthplease 7 месяцев назад
@PrincessMavenKittyDarkholme 8 месяцев назад
Whats wrong with Lumity
@ratking5921 6 месяцев назад
Homosexuality is not what God made us to do, and he loves us enough to let us turn away from that behavior
@PrincessMavenKittyDarkholme 6 месяцев назад
@@ratking5921 no
@ratking5921 6 месяцев назад
@@PrincessMavenKittyDarkholme go see the word of God
@thessk_2870 4 месяца назад
@@ratking5921Do you not realize your hypocrisy? You hate it when LGBTQ representation is in media, but love it when religious ones are in.
@AGNOSTIC_incomprehensibleXIV 4 месяца назад
@@ratking5921 In the Bible, YHWH literally turned people into homosexuals.
@tylerpresley3282 8 месяцев назад
This cultish church indoctrination mentality is exactly why I gave up on Christianity. Anyway goodness and purity with Christ's message is out the window with that kind of mindset. If she tried to convert him, he would have wallowed in misery in the truth of his own damnation.
@BigJaids 6 месяцев назад
Well then you don’t understand the gospels my friend, if you believe in Jesus Christ and believe you are free from sin then why would you suffer thinking about your damnation
@cliffowens3629 8 месяцев назад
Wolverine touches on the heart of the matter when he extends his claws and wonders how God could allow evil men to create him? If we go to the story of Joseph being sold by his brothers into slavery that question raised by Logan still remains. As it would turn out what Joseph's brothers meant for evil God would turn it to good when Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's nightmares of a coming drought that would last 7 years. Joseph was made second in rulership and put into place a program that would collect grain for that drought. It was only when his brothers came to buy grain that Joseph would reveal himself and preserve his family. To be sure God's plan would take years to fully implement, yet it did. Logan was still in his own wilderness of bitterness and ire that took nothing to bring out his full anger. He reminds me of myself and an abuse case palomino QH mare ex rodeo mount I'm fostering. She was a bomb with a smoldering lit short fuse that took nothing to set off. I've worked with her for 2 1/2 years and ive teased to the surface the sweetness she hid down deep. People who knew her from before can't believe it's the same horse. There are some residual bad memories that crop up now and again, but I work around them. I became the mare's real horsewhisperer. I peered into her soul and smoothed the wounds I found there. I've uttered secrets softly into her troubled ears. She has come a long way and has some distance yet, but we're in it together she and I.
@cliffowens3629 8 месяцев назад
I see a lot of myself in Logan. My lodestar psalm is Psalm 63.
@RandomZayMK8 8 месяцев назад
The sister really annoyed me, i guess she was written by atheists.
@JoeVington 6 месяцев назад
Why? She gave really good advice lol
@marcinkrzyzanowski3859 3 месяца назад
​@@JoeVingtonShe gave unbiblical advices
@JoeVington 3 месяца назад
@@marcinkrzyzanowski3859 So?
@elyg6531 3 месяца назад
Actually as a Christian I kind of like it she gave good advice to someone who didn't belive in the word I wish they added verses
@JoeVington 3 месяца назад
@@marcinkrzyzanowski3859 so what? Arthur found her advice very comforting and it inspired him to become a better person, that’s all that matters