The ABA Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) is an international development program that promotes the rule of law by working with in-country partners to build sustainable institutions and societies that deliver justice, foster economic opportunity and ensure respect for human dignity. The ABA Center for Human Rights (ABA CHR) works on mobilizing lawyers to help threatened advocates, protect vulnerable communities, and hold governments accountable under law.
@chitatel48 7 дней назад
Здравствуйте. Продавец (ответчик) вернул покупателю (истец) деньги за товар (панели) и монтаж (хотя за монтаж истец платил другому лицу, не ответчику) по постановлению суда (апелляция). Истец покупатель вмонтировал панели и их продавцу ответчику не вернул. Теперь продавцу какой иск подавать в порядке виндикации или реституции либо кондикции? Чтоб покупатель демонтировал паннли за свой счет и вернул их продавцу...
@emranahmed5255 19 дней назад
Are you lawyer give me your whatsapp number please
@mase6899 3 месяца назад
Спасибо данному профессору за такой вклад в развитии данного курса. Очень помогло в процессе обучения в университете!!!!!
@sergeyborja 4 месяца назад
Какие потрясающие лекции! Жаль, что раньше не обнаружил. Обязательно пересмотрю весь плейлист
@ПАНККОЛХОЗНЫЙ 5 месяцев назад
А если иск. заявление передано по подсудности, а др. Судом принято к производству спустя 5 лет. Ррошели ли срок давности?
@klassklass5241 6 месяцев назад
А если у продавца нет денег?
@AkasH_Official2.0 9 месяцев назад
Hi, There, I visited your RU-vid channel. Really nice video. I like it. But your video SEO score is very low, Tags, descriptions, and titles are not perfect, If you want to grow your channel and increase your video views, then video SEO is very important. If you give me permission to fix the above-mentioned issues of your channel, your channel will get organic traffic, increase subscribers & views for Monetization, videos go viral and your channel will go to the top rank on RU-vid.
@vthilton 10 месяцев назад
Sharing will save the world.
@The0ldg0at 10 месяцев назад
It's mostly looking at transactional corruption. But there is also the strategic corruption, some call it the quinary sector of investment. Those are funds that are aimed at promoting to high level decision making jobs in industry, government, media, Institutions, NGOs people that have been educated in having strong bias for specific geo-economic and/or geo-politics theories. It is more sophisticated than good old bribery but it is harder to collect convincing data on all the mechanisms involved. Another sophisticated form of corruption is based on the quinary sector of the economy, the knowledge based economy. A large corporation can open a subsidiary in a tax heaven state which will manage all the patents of the parent corporation. Share of patents have values link the the licensing revenue. So if suddenly a patent is used in a mega project it's stock price will rise many fold. For corporations competing on a megaproject one bribery scheme is to offer hints that they can provide to the top level decision maker the precise stock package name for the patents of a that project. When the top level decision maker has told his portfolio manager to buy that stock, he/she has a strong incentive to push his administration for one competitor and no one will knows about it with no cash deposit in his bank account.
@NeilMcGinnis-z8r 11 месяцев назад
You need the evidence and facts. There is the Prevailing merits of the data breach within North Dakota. It can be accessible by attorneys outside of North Dakota. As much as this is about bio metric data collected, harvested and gathered under United States Attorney General's office. The North Dakota Attorney's hate motivated vindictive malicious selective reprisals against me is inhumane and cruel. Depriving me of my Constitutional, legal rights immunities privileges. All of this goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week non stop. Posting the post you of attorneys can do your own private investigations as the neutral disinterested fiduciary. Your the attorneys who don't tolerate hate motivated vindictive malicious selective reprisals involving violating policies regulationis rules laws and The United States Constitution. Questioning the veracity genuine equal fair trusts of why they withhold exculpatory evidence of Neil McGinnis from their own Supreme Court is not my problem.I'm not an attorney, you are. I post this requesting intervention, refers to my multi litigation (of what is evidence for you to read on legal sites ). They refuse to answer to why their hate motivated malicious vindictive selective reprisals and persecutions is authorized under the North Dakota Attorney General's office . The data breach is witnessed by residents of Fargo North Dakota and those surveying on the North Dakota security surveillance information system,,,monitored under the Bureau Criminal Investigation agents who act as the gang banger they aren't supposed to be. Data does not lie....government employees lie as they abuse the authority and power entrusted to them by the residents of North Dakota and citizens of The United States ....supposedly residents are citizens of The United States. I question them to their veracity genuineness and equality and fairness to these words and emails and data breach of what I'm lied to by them for their own reasons ..... The United States Supreme Court can deal with them.I'm done. My request is to have attorneys contact me mcginnisneil3@gmail, 701 964 9077.....lastly sexual content sexual content of communicated collected data is being one sided withheld by attorneys of North Dakota.......My sanity my equality my humanity of good conscience is my life not theirs.
@welovephilippineswithmylov5419 11 месяцев назад
Isa pa ito Matapang yan si Maam Conchita magaling rin. Salamat Po Ma'am kung asan man kayo ngayon Thank You..
@normannabatar6260 Год назад
The ABA-ROLI funded by USAID piloted the Judicial Affidavit Rule in the Philippines in Sept. 5, 2012 in the time of Chief Justice Lourdes Sereno in order to cut trial time to 50%. Between the sworn statements made during the proceedings in a Congressional hearing, e g., the cases of former Senator Leila de Lima recorded in audio-video format and posted in Congress' channel in RU-vid, it can be surmised that the Supreme Court made the Judicial Affidavit as an excuse to refuse admission of the sworn statements in the Senate hearing and labeled it coercion of the witnesses. It also admitted the recantation of some of the key witnesses but not all. Should the Supreme Court dismiss the last of three cases, it will render the clear, coherent and plausible results of why Sen. de Lima was visiting the New Bilibid Prison, among other things.
@arturzuromski4410 Год назад
Может Казахстане суды следуют букве закона ! В Литве же, приследуют личную цель !
@arturzuromski4410 Год назад
Вы замечательно излагаете термины, и правильно используете, по назначению, слышал что лудшие адвокаты это в Казахстане !
@arturzuromski4410 Год назад
Спасибо большое за информацию !
@jackhale8497 Год назад
"promo sm" 😻
Расскажите пожалуйста про купли продажи дома по доверенности.где доверитель даёт все полномочия для поверенного вплоть до продажи дома.
Проведите лекцию про то как поверенный продал имущество доверителя по низкой цене.а третье лицо незнало и не могло знать о договоре между доверителем и поверенному.
Проведите лекцию пожалуйста о том когда доверитель даёт доверенность поверенному и третьим лицом которое приобрело имущество по доверенности. Риски третьего лица.
Добрый вечер господин Алиев.как с вами связаться?меня зовут Абдушакир и я в тяжёлом положении.
Здравствуйте господин Алиев как можно с вами связаться?хотел попросить о помощи вас.
Уважаемый Азар Алиев вы можете мне помочь.
@шифу-з4и Год назад
благо дарю из украины. но это прикол в стиле ссср-по желаниям трудящихся-вот вам договор присоединения. нельзя быть таким лицемером.
@Batyrkhan-tp1rk Год назад
КАЗГУЮ здесь?
@arturzuromski4410 Год назад
Обалдеть, всё правильно но ни чего не понятно ! :) таким и должен быть адвокат ! Очень технический язык ! Жаль что в Литве нет таких адвокатов ;)
@joanmanuelsdelvalle Год назад
⚠ *THIS COMMENT IS DEDICATED TO YOU PRO-FREEMASON, WHO IS READING THIS RIGHT NOW* ⚠ Recently, I observed how the RTVE channel aired an interview with a Ukrainian woman who lives with her 5 children under the age of 10 near the front line of the conflict. She was accompanied by some Ukrainian police or military who advised her to evacuate the area, but she said she would not leave and would not allow the police or soldiers to take her children to safer areas. She said she wanted her children to experience the danger. In Ukraine, the protection of minors is mainly regulated by the Masonic Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of the Rights of the Child" of 2017. In particular, Article 4 of this law establishes that the State must take measures to protect children against any form of violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation and any other form of inhumane or degrading treatment. Additionally, Article 9 of the law establishes that in case of an imminent risk to the life or health of the child, child protection services must take immediate measures to protect the child. These measures may include, among others: *1. Temporary removal of the child from their home* 2. Assistance and protection for the child in their home Furthermore, Ukraine has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which implies the obligation of the State to protect the rights of children, including the right to protection against violence, abuse and exploitation, as well as the right to protection in case of imminent risk. It is worth noting that, like in other countries, the protection of minors in Ukraine is also regulated by other laws and regulations, such as the Law of Ukraine "On the Prevention of Domestic Violence" and the Law of Ukraine "On Social Services". If all the necessary evidence is gathered to demonstrate that the president or any other public official was responsible for allowing parents to keep their children in a dangerous place, which caused the death of the children, an investigation may be opened by national authorities and, in some cases, by international bodies such as the International Criminal Court or the International Court of Justice. The crime in question could be considered a crime against humanity, specifically the crime of extermination, if it is proven that the conduct of the president or public official contributed to the total or partial elimination of a human group, in this case, the affected children. While Interpol does not have jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute crimes itself, it can collaborate with national authorities and other international bodies in the investigation and prosecution of crimes such as the crime of extermination. World organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and other international NGOs can also investigate and report serious violations of human rights, including crimes against humanity. If it is confirmed that the president or public official was responsible for the death of the children, a judicial process may be opened at the national and international levels. *HOW STRANGE THAT YOU PRO MASONS IGNORE THESE CRIMES*
@mabeedludlu315 Год назад
Thank you, son Velaphi, for the consummate and brave presentation on the politi al landscape in Swaziland. Yes, the Ssazi government continues to suppress the citizenry, and the situation is so dire that one hopes that external forces will apply the pressure so that the current regime can relent.
@clementmaseko4771 Год назад
We are really short of words to thank you for your sincerely concern on the Swazis situation and wish God strengthen you to fullfil you quest for justice in our land in honour of our father,comrades, and leader Thulani Maseko, it's peharps sad for a country to have such a heartless leadership, we are in dip slave pit in this country to say but least but the struggle will continua, aluta continua✊thank you mr Mamba for your clarification and appeal for assistance from the entire world we need democracy we no longer need this monarchy thing to exist its brutally and recklessly killing us
@sihle709 Год назад
What a great leader T.R Maseko✊🏼
@ruthgoldbergives6945 Год назад
My Country Feedback USA 🇺🇸 In God We Trust Greetings O my goodness. Something tells me that I am about to learn a lot more. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen Humanities, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Theology, Philosophy, Literature,Law, Mythology, Mysticism Gothic continued Medieval Dark Ages Cadavers Dismemberment Cadaver lovers Necrophilac Psychiatriatry Darkest Africa Darkest South America Shrunken Heads Cannibalism Fetishism Fetishist Exotic Maniacs Voodoo Hoodoo Spiritualism Torture Chambers Torture Abnormal Psychology Death Darkrst Island Religions Dark World religions Darkest Christian Religions Darkest Catholic Religions Darkest Near Eastern Religions Under World After Life Embalming Embalmers Funeral Mortuary Dead bodies Autopsies Disection Darkest South American Mysticism Darkest African Mysticism Darkest African Religions Darkest South American Religions Darkest Asian Religions Darkest Native American Religions Darkest Paganism Darkest Satanism Darkest Heathenism Darkest Hedonism Greek Religion Roman Religions Gothic Religion Mad Scientists Mad Physicians Trance Necromancer Fixations Obsessions Irresistible Impulse Dark Rituals Terrorism Horror Ugliness Deformity Backward Psychiatric Patients Bellview Psychiatric Hospital World Psychiatry Madness Insanity Mad Prophets Mad Hatters Hypnotics Mesmerism Mass Murderers Sadists Phobias Fear 😨
@yerdoskhamzin7690 Год назад
Raqmet 🙏
@yerdoskhamzin7690 Год назад
@SherryG1 Год назад
Judge Judy was a beacon of light and a true supporter of the rule of law. She will sincerely be missed.
@samanthalevine6540 Год назад
Thank you for such a beautiful tribute to my Aunt Judy! Not only was her life’s work incredible, but I could tell my whole life that she truly loved what she did. Judge Judy was a leader in the world while Aunt Judy was an inspiration to me! ❤
@christiejones7472 Год назад
I will miss Judge Judy deeply. Thank you for this wonderful tribute.
@jkreznik Год назад
thank you so much for sharing this interview. Judy lived an impactful, extraordinary life.
@ronaldelotaku2673 2 года назад
Gracias señora Dayana, por lo que hace por nosotros los migrantes la admiro y la aprecio mucho, es merecedoradora de ese premio un fuerte abrazo 🤗.
@rexbarnhill8755 2 года назад
@carmenpilarrojasmora5815 2 года назад
Buenos días, asisto desde la Dirección de Justicia Transicional del Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho.
@LuisHernandoCastellanos 2 года назад
Buenos días reportamos participación, desde el Fondo de Defensa Técnica y Especializada para los miembros de la Fuerza Pública - FONDETEC, muchas gracias.
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
It is just vice versa!!!
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
Nasrin sotoudeh Will be released from prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
They are not more powerful than god!
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
Omidvaram, ke nasrin-e sotoudeh mitavanad kheili khoshhal bashad, vaghti ke u gush mikonad, chejuri-e ma u ra besiar dust darim!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
Doa mikonam, ke dar zendan nemimiune.
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
Mersi. Omidvarim!♥️♥️♥️
@danijelakelava6602 2 года назад
We will pray for them!