Millennial Momma
Millennial Momma
Millennial Momma
I am a mother of 2 and struggle with OCD. I started as a "checker" in 2012. I would check light switches, doors, etc. I took a care aide course and entered Health Care full time. My habits developed slowly- I'd come home and just feel the need to shower & be fine, this was roughly in 2014. After I had children, the habits became more & more stronger. I started coming home after work & showering, cleaning anything that I "thought" i had bumped/walked by after work. I also started cleaning out the tub after work once COVID-19 started. It's been a painfully slow process but slowly things are getting better. I want to show people that with determination things do brighten up after the storm, and prove to myself that I can get back to my old self. For myself, my husband & my children.

With my videos, I am hoping to provide some sort of support in people dealing with OCD, in showing that you are definitely not alone in your journey! With support we can kick this monster to the curb! :)
3 года назад
3 года назад
3 года назад
Trigger Warning
3 года назад
3 года назад
3 года назад
3 года назад
3 года назад
Things Turning Around?
3 года назад
A little light after the Storm
3 года назад
Good ocd day
3 года назад
Unraveling my progress??...
3 года назад
Living with OCD
3 года назад
Baby steps....
3 года назад
3 года назад
OCD panic attack
3 года назад
My OCD Triggers
3 года назад
Opening up about living with OCD
3 года назад
@Lolalee87 2 года назад
Thanks. Good luck to you too. Glad your doing better. #IhateOCD
@hichampeace3080 2 года назад
I wish you to be cured fully and live freely again 😊
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
Glad to hear you are doing better👍
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
Sorry to hear your return to work didnt go well. Sounds like you have a good plan to put into action though. I hope your short term disability comes through and your plans go well. Hope your rough patch is short
@kearempel7677 3 года назад
Love you Denise! You can do this! You are a strong , smart, wonderful person and it really is just one day one minute at a time.
@nicolegreenan 3 года назад
You’re needed in this world!! Just remember that! It’s ok to not be ok!! And it is ok to cry. This is the time to worry about making you ok. Do everything you can to survive. One day, one hour, one second at a time.
@johnnynelson241 3 года назад
Stay strong Denise 💪. Love ya cous🤗
@millennialmomma846 3 года назад
Thanks Johnathan ♥️
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
Was glad to see you alot more upbeat towards the end of the video. Its sometimes good to get outside and/or do something fun. Hope the good feels last👍
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
We all have good times and rough patches. This is just a rough patch. If a new job will help, do it. Just make shure you look at the improvements and good things as much as the bad. Hope your rough patch is short👍
@kearempel7677 3 года назад
I love what you have to say about judgement. If we had more support and less judgement it would be a much healthier world.
@kearempel7677 3 года назад
You are amazing..!
@kearempel7677 3 года назад
@kearempel7677 3 года назад
I know through experience that some people are antagonistic by nature.. I don't like hanging out with those people.
@millennialmomma846 3 года назад
100% agree
@kearempel7677 3 года назад
I am crying right along with you.. Love you! You are doing amazing! 1 day or 1 minute at a time
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
Its good to see some positivity. Glad you had a good day. Hopefuly many more to come You asked for some tips. Things that have helped me most If you get a new obsession and or compulsion. That is the easiest time to deal with it. If you feed it, it gets stronger. So be aware of new stuff trying to come in and stop it at the start. Talking helps. Wich I'm guessing by your channel you are alredy doing. Realise there are other people with the same issues. You are not alone. Bit of an odd one. I used to suffer horrific intrusive thoughts. I dont know if you have that issue. Mine where real bad, and the most distressing part of my OCD. Maria Bamford (a comedian with alot of mental health issues) once made jokes about telling people her intrusive thoughts to take the power away from them. I never knew if it was a joke or not, but at that point I'd have tryed anything. So I arranged with my girlfriend and a few frainds that I was going to start doing that. And made them aware that it was problys going to be some canny horrible stuff (not advisable to try this with strangers or anyone you have not pre arranged this with haha). I started doing it and half the time it ended up being funny and ridiculous. Make shure its people that won't take offence and can be light harted about it too. It did take the thoughts power away. My intrusive thoughts are sooo much better now since I started that. It rarely happens now. Another thing. Laugh. Do things you enjoy to distract yourself. Laugh some more. Life is better when you have a laugh and enjoy yourself👍
@millennialmomma846 3 года назад
Thanks for the reply. I 100% agree that talking helps. As long as you have a good support system. I don’t have intrusive thoughts (I guess if you consider the little monster telling me to clean etc then maybe). That’s great that you found a different technic to use! It’s these types of things that I love hearing about.
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
@@millennialmomma846 a good support system is definatly helpful. I'm not shure if obsessions are intrusive thoughts or not? But. Yeah. Glad you don't have intrusive thoughts. They sucked. Funny you call it the little monster haha👍
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
Those little steps are important. They may seem little to some but there's alot of us been there. I used to not stand on lines or cracks. Not only that but when I stepped over them I needed an even amount left footed to right footed. (Nearly fell a few times trying to do this). Seems daft but I was chuffed the first time I managed to get it so I only had to not step on the lines and cracks. Was realy pleased with myself that day. Was a small step, but an important one. Just like your small important step. Well done👍
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
Great news. Sounds like a great step👍
@Deadlocks86 3 года назад
Your not alone. The everybody is going through crap thing isn't a well known enough thing
@j.a5255 3 года назад
Stay strong💪. You can do this, one day at a time...❤️
@johnnynelson241 3 года назад
Sending virtual hugs❤
@dawnbennett490 3 года назад
You are so incredibly strong and resilient Denise. We are so proud of you ❤️.
@johnnynelson241 3 года назад
Love it Denise!
@TheEunoiaProject 3 года назад
Loved this! We hope to create positive content just like you!💜