Dragon and Phoenix
Dragon and Phoenix
Dragon and Phoenix
Dedicated to General Hospital's #1 supercouple, Jason and Sam, AKA JaSam.

With the announcement of Steve Burton's return, my focus will be on 2024 onwards. There are channels with content prior to 2024 to check out (I watch all the time, JaSam are THAT addictive).

All videos on this channel are clipped by me unless otherwise noted.

Please add a warning if you post spoilers.

Jason Morgan 06.28.24 Part 1
16 часов назад
Jason, Sam & Danny 06.27.24 Part 2
19 часов назад
Jason, Sam & Danny 06.27.24 Part 1
19 часов назад
Jason Morgan 06.25.24 Part 2
День назад
Jason Morgan 06.25.24 Part 1
День назад
Jason & Sam 06.21.24 Part 2
14 дней назад
Jason & Sam 06.21.24 Part 1
14 дней назад
Jason & Sam 06.20.24 Part 2
14 дней назад
Jason & Sam 06.20.24 Part 1
14 дней назад
Jason & Sam 06.18.24 Part 4
14 дней назад
Jason & Sam 06.18.24 Part 3
14 дней назад
Jason & Sam 06.18.24 Part 2
14 дней назад
Jason & Sam 06.18.24 Part 1
14 дней назад
Jason Morgan 06.12.24
21 день назад
Sam McCall 06.11.24 Part 3
21 день назад
Sam McCall 06.11.24 Part 2
21 день назад
Sam McCall 06.11.24 Part 1
21 день назад
Jason Morgan 06.10.24 Part 2
21 день назад
Jason Morgan 06.10.24 Part 1
21 день назад
Jason Morgan 06.04.24 Part 2
Месяц назад
Jason Morgan 06.04.24 Part 1
Месяц назад
Jason Morgan 06.03.24 Part 2
Месяц назад
Jason Morgan 06.03.24 Part 1
Месяц назад
Jason Morgan 05.31.24
Месяц назад
Sam McCall 05.30.24 Part 2
Месяц назад
Sam McCall 05.30.24 Part 1
Месяц назад
Jason & Sam 05.28.24 Part 2
Месяц назад
Jason & Sam 05.28.24 Part 1
Месяц назад
Jason Morgan 05.20.24
Месяц назад
@sharonsims1731 День назад
Jason leaves his house It s bothers me!!! Tear me up all the time I see it. ❤❤Jasam❤❤
@sharonsims1731 День назад
Your father breaks laws all the time Dante.
@alexismackenzie7 3 дня назад
Sam doesn’t give Danny enough credit she can’t predict how her son would react/ feel
@rayannl5127 4 дня назад
Really guys, she went to prison she has always admitted when she has been wrong. And jason has always put carly first shit he even put michael first instead of his own kids so sam has a right to feel the way she does, plus they are acting the way it is being written
@lordehooks7799 4 дня назад
I loved this scene between Jason/Carly tbh. Their relationship is wild to me but absolutely also goals. Lol . But I really do need for them to wrap up this pikeman story. At this rate we wont get that or get Sonnys meds fixed till next year tho.
@feliciatierney2265 5 дней назад
I'm going to use my psychic powers to predict that someone is going to spill the beans to Danny about why Jason stayed away and Danny's going to pull a stunt like Michael did and run away. Meanwhile, Jason and Sam will have to take off together to find him.
@sharonsims1731 5 дней назад
Everyone was making Jason the one everybody should feel sorry for Im a Jasamfan love Jason but not right now!!
@sharonsims1731 5 дней назад
Shut up Carly shut up
@sharonsims1731 5 дней назад
Jasam dont speak to each other😮😮😮😮😢😢😢
@InspectorTokage 6 дней назад
Krusty Korte strikes again!
@BlaccX 6 дней назад
Steve Burton is a great actor... Pay attention to how he moves his arm like he's ashamed of the tattoo when she brought it up. It is kinda hard to explain getting a full sleeve but can't take time out to make a call & tell your family you're alive 😅
@sharonsims1731 6 дней назад
This is Bull waiting Korte!
@artbybabz 6 дней назад
Carly is a pain
@iappledarby 7 дней назад
Im so tired, carly did not have ti run sonny organization. And why didnt sonny step in.
@KrystalKassie 7 дней назад
I think Jason should have done things extremely different but I do question. Would Sam still have the same energy if he was protecting her from some thing? I think that’s where people get their dislike for Sam. Because I don’t think it would be received this way if it was him protecting Sam from whatever.
@KN-um9rw 7 дней назад
Carly spending more than two decades demanding that Jason make her his first priority to now asking why he chose her is nasty work. They're really doubling down on the complete destruction of Jason's character. #TeamSam all day every day.
@CaptainPikeachu 7 дней назад
Jason’s character is doing fine. It’s not a big deal. No need to be so melodramatic.
@KN-um9rw 7 дней назад
​@@CaptainPikeachuNo need for you to respond to me either yet here we are. 🤷🏽
@jeanlyric7203 7 дней назад
Sam use the word Abandon one more time i swear to chirst smh.. she really tripping
@Scorpio-xy8jg 8 дней назад
I don't think it would break Danny's heart. I actually think Danny would see it as his father stepping up to protect someone he cares about. I think the only way it might break Danny's heart is when he finds out Sam tries to paint Jason as the bad guy. But it won't be Jason breaking his heart it would be Sam. Sam was never in Jason or Carly's situations so to me she has no business judging ether one of them. I'm glad Dante was able to talk sense into Sam hopefully it will stick. But it was good seeing Danny with Jason.
@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 8 дней назад
Sam has no business judging Carly or Jason? The he!! she doesn't have a right. They are the ones who messed with her kid's heart! She held Danny in her arms while he cried over Jason being "dead". She can judge them all she wants to.
@KN-um9rw 8 дней назад
It looks like they're setting Danny up for a fall with Jason. All this hero worship and my dad is the best might come crashing down when he finds out what caused him to miss out on two years with his father. Could be wrong, we'll see.
@Scorpio-xy8jg 8 дней назад
Its good to see Jason & Danny bonding with one another.
@sharonsims1731 8 дней назад
Sam fix cars too. She fix Jason car when she was in Mexico . Don't leave Sam out!😮😊
@Scorpio-xy8jg 8 дней назад
Well Sam doesn't want Danny near his father sadly.
@jeanlyric7203 7 дней назад
She on some weird stuff now so at this point it's no point they bond anymore she tripping smh
@sharonsims1731 8 дней назад
I don't understand the writers for my favorite actress why they got her with Dante I don't understand 😢😢 love Jason and Danny but why can't they put her with Jason like they hate the Jasamfan base°!!!
@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 8 дней назад
Dante is a really nice guy but to be honest he's the definition of a second-string character. Sam/Kelly is a leading lady and should be on the front burner with a front-burner character/actor. It's pretty crazy they've had her in this little bubble for what 3 years now? Break her out and let her soar. I swear the writers are haters.
@tash3801 4 дня назад
Exactly that's what I was saying too it seem so strange they should let her act with a lead character I think Jason should be the one especially after everything they have been through.
@myseriesvids2139 8 дней назад
Thank you for the clips as always. True Jasam fans appreciate you doing this for us.
@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 8 дней назад
TY for the clips. Nice Jason/Danny scenes. I really don't understand why Sam and Jason can't talk or say hello, or he!! even look at each other now. Is this a writing choice or am I being paranoid and something else is happening BTS? Whatever it is, it's mind-boggling to have two characters with so much history in the same room and have them act like the other is invisible. Something's got to give because this hurts. They can't keep dragging them through the mud this way. It's not right, especially because Sam gets the brunt of the hate from crazies online. Anyway, thanks again for the clips.
@dadriamcgregor8346 8 дней назад
Well everytime Jason has tried to communicate with her she attacks him ... she's been attacking him since he got back with no benefit of the doubt or remorse so he just treats her like he dis the quatermaines ... just don't speak unless he has to . And what she said was a lie she ain't break into the fbi to help jason she just wanted to know his business I actually hope they find out cause she just a Lil too self righteous and judge for me .
@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 8 дней назад
​@@dadriamcgregor8346 You literally just proved my point about what I said about online posters lol Have a great day.
@KN-um9rw 8 дней назад
​@@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 😂😂😂 The level of anger they have for Sam while giving Jason a pass is truly something to witness. Indeed, have a great day, ma'am.
@brendaweber9820 8 дней назад
I'm surprised no one has called out Sam for treating Danny similar to how the Quartermaines treated Jason after his accident. I get that she is scared, but Sam's fear is causing her to be irrational, and controlling Danny's moves will only push him away. Quartermaines tried to control Jason's moves after his accident---cutting off his bank account, taking away his keys, and planning to put him in a facility. The attempt to control Jason pushed him towards Sonny and his dangerous lifestyle.
@sallykohorst8803 9 дней назад
I dont know whether i believe you Anna and you should have done it Jason's way. You love Valentin too much and that is obvious. But Jason has other problems Carly Spinelli and Sam.
@stingerfan30 7 дней назад
I believe her but her feelings for Valentin are going screw things up. I am so sick of Jason cleaning up Carly's crap and Sam is a 'Karen'
@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 10 дней назад
Yes Sam! Yesss queen! Preach.
@NurseChoco 10 дней назад
Jason needs to grow up .. but he refuses too
@scarletcole9555 11 дней назад
The kind of loyalty Jason shows to his friends... If only people loved their friends like that in real life 💙
@sharonsims1731 11 дней назад
When we going to see Danny and Scout!
@sharonsims1731 12 дней назад
Why they got alot of Jason fans on this channel go over to another channel!
@luckyjasonfan 12 дней назад
WHAT TF!?! 😂😂😂 This is a channel for JASON fans!!! U r 🥴
@sharonsims1731 12 дней назад
This video had alot of views what happened?
@sharonsims1731 12 дней назад
Danny ?
@sharonsims1731 12 дней назад
Well i love Sam!!!
@josielynn4198 12 дней назад
Sam has more than a right to be furious
@teejamaal9488 13 дней назад
Carly’s been making Jason sacrifice things since he met her in 1996. She destroyed any relationship he and AJ could’ve had, cost him his relationship with the Qs for years, his relationship with Robin, his baby with Courtney and their relationship, then had the nerve at one time to criticize him for his relationship with Alan bc he got on her about John Durant when she she was the cause of some of that strain. She still expected him to put her over Sam and his sons, and like a dummy Jason did. Drew just mad bc Jason didn’t reach out to him. That can be fixed bc their relationship was getting better before he left.
@sharonsims1731 13 дней назад
He got s lot of fans . I dont believe this ..😮😮😮😮 some body is pulling strings for SB
@MitsukiSakura 13 дней назад
Sam had a right to be mad. Jason deserves to have his butt ripped. Jake and Danny should come first. Not a grown woman who also is halfway at fault Sam’s daughter lost time with Drew. I love Jasam , and Sam’s danger talk was getting to me , however, in this instance she’s not wrong for being angry.
@sallykohorst8803 14 дней назад
I really enjoy Sam and she has a right to her opinion
@sallykohorst8803 14 дней назад
I never liked Jagger.
@cora5127 14 дней назад
Here's the thing about Carly and Sams scene that makes no sense. Carly did the same thing to Sonny when she sent Morgan to military school. When Michael and Morgan were younger, Carly was portrayed very similar to how Sam is being portrayed so the writing feels very convoluted, and for a soap opera, thats not a good thing.
@KN-um9rw 14 дней назад
I am absolutely convinced that everyone in these comments angry with Sam would sell their children down the river before they hold this man accountable for his actions. A mother who had to watch her child grieve for 2 years is supposedly wrong for being upset at the source of his grief. To this day, neither Carly nor Jason has addressed the impact Jason's disappearance and presumed death has had on Danny. Y'all are special, frfr.
@CaptainPikeachu 14 дней назад
The source of the grief is the FBI, but Sam can’t be mad at the FBI for coercing Jason so she’s aiming her anger at others. If she should be blaming anyone, she should be blaming Cates. It’s silly to think that if not Carly then the FBI wouldn’t find other ways to force Jason’s hand, they clearly wanted him for their goals, they had an opportunity and they weren’t gonna just let him go. The notion that Jason abandoned anyone by his own volition and not because someone coerced him is silly. Sam ought to know this, and the only reason she’s upset and making this against Jason is because he is the easier target.
@bkgleesh 14 дней назад
I see from both side
@KN-um9rw 14 дней назад
​@@CaptainPikeachu Mad at Cates for doing his job? The FBI isn't the source of grief, the FBI does what it does which is law enforcement. The fact of the matter is that Carly thought that breaking the law was a risk she was willing to take. The FBI having evidence against her is a consequence of her actions. The FBI may have wanted Jason for their own goals but the only thing they had to bargain with was this. They literally had nothing else. So to pretend that they would've magically summoned something else to hold over his head is wishful thinking. Acting like Jason had no agency in this matter is wild; the continuation of the infantilization of Jason does a huge disservice to his character. Sam is making this against Jason because he is the source of it. He was given a choice, he made it, and everyone else had to suffer for it.
@usernamejax1 14 дней назад
⁠@@KN-um9rwso you must be EQUALLY upset that Sam just broke federal laws hacking into the FBI. But what about Sam’s children when Sam faces the consequences of the laws she just broke. What is good for the goose is good for the gander right? Sam is hypocrite of the highest order because she actually thinks she is the virtuous one in the situation.
@Babygirlly555 13 дней назад
Well I'm on Sam's side. Jason put Carly before his sons. It was his choice.
@bkgleesh 14 дней назад
Sam why you so mad at him you know n he kinda of life Jason live! And to me you act like you still have feel and a jealous girlfriend too! And if I was his kid I be be ok with cuz my dad was do something to protect people he care about you know if that didn't work FBI would try something else cuz jagger Is out for revenge he does care who stand in his way!!!!!plus we all know you still in love with Jason girl
@KN-um9rw 14 дней назад
While Jason was out protecting Carly, who was there protecting his kid? Sam. Who should have been there to protect his kid? None other than Jason, but he was too busy protecting the adult in this situation. I guess Danny's grief is okay as long as Carly and her loved ones are happy.
@bkgleesh 14 дней назад
@@KN-um9rw Danny know is dad would stay if he was live with out some force him to Danny happy is father is live
@bkgleesh 14 дней назад
@@KN-um9rw FBI would find something else to use against him jagger is out for revenge not the true so if you blame jason you have to blame the FBI to i understand why Sam is mad she as ever right to be but come one he live he try to make it right so you can see is kids that what the big picture is
@KN-um9rw 14 дней назад
​@@bkgleeshWhy would I blame a law enforcement agency for performing law enforcement? You say Sam has a right to be mad but then question why she's mad. Which is it? Is she allowed to only be a little mad? Is her level of anger too high? How much anger is acceptable? Jason's decision affected Sam's and Jason's child. At the end of the day, Jason made Carly and her children the deciding factor, completely disregarding his child, that's horrible.
@EbonyCoulter6723 14 дней назад
I don’t like jagger
@missashe5819 14 дней назад
Sam please you literally went through a whole damn surgery to have a baby not mention all the pregnancy test you took crying and all.
@TeresaWilliams-fz6ks 14 дней назад
Ilove old Sam and new Sam. The Sam bashing cause she doesnt want to bury ger son is ridiculous. Shes the one whose been raising Danny. While Jason decided it wqs more important to find Britts mom and cover Carlys ass then to be home with Jake and Danny
@KN-um9rw 14 дней назад
This storyline isn't hitting like the writers expected, I'm sure. We're supposed to see Jason as some noble hero who sacrificed his own happiness to save his bestie and that might have been something we'd have begrudgingly accepted before Danny but in the present time, it highlights even more the toxic, codependent, unhealthy nature of this friendship. The fact that so many people are upset with Sam for being angry about this is atrocious. When Jason begged Sam in 2012 to allow him to be a father to Danny and to allow them to be a family, he made promises to her that he has broken time and time again. Sam told him in 2012 that Danny comes first for her and he accepted that. Sam putting Danny's emotional and mental health before whatever deluded thoughts Jason had about this being even remotely okay is not in any way wrong. Jason didn't just choose Carly's and her kids happiness over his own, he chose Carly's and her kids happiness over his own son's happiness and well being and as a mother, Sam has every right to go scorched earth on Jason. Why should she give him the opportunity to continue to hurt Danny? He has proven where his priorities lie and it's not with Danny. Until he can prove to her that Danny truly does come first for him, he doesn't deserve any goodwill from Sam.
@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 10 дней назад
Love your post! I wish I could thumbs up it about 500 times.
@refelicia824 15 дней назад
Where was this energy when Drew gives up his freedom for Carly? She said she understood but when Jason does it it’s different? And I’m sick and tired of these people not seeing what Carly and Jason did for them all those years ago was not only to protect themselves and the family but also to protect PC.
@Dee-ix4xg 10 дней назад
The difference is Scout knew where her father was and that he would eventually come home. The situation wasn't ideal but she wasn't grieving for her supposed dead father. Danny went for years thinking his father was dead. That's a huge difference. Protect Port Charles. Yes, superhero Jason and Carly, swooping in to save Port Charles. Whatever would the poor denizens of Port Charles do without Batman and Robin.
@oldtimeywimeysoaps2 10 дней назад
Carly has never done ish for anyone that wasn't self-serving. As for Jason, he may help people but only after he's made sure to help Carly's a$$ first.
@devaughnjohnson 15 дней назад
Jason made his choices. If Jake and Danny knew why he made those choices, maybe they'd feel he did the right thing or that they were better off without him, but that's their choice
@yassinkoumaneh8288 15 дней назад
I think people are missing a lot of facts. Yes Jason had a choice but this wasn’t just about Carly it was about her kids Donna Josslyn Michael. Jason even admitted to Anna that Carly had more to lose than he did if Carly goes to prison for twenty years that would devastate her kids I’m sorry but Sam’s not right Jason didn’t choose Carly over her he made a sacrifice
@KN-um9rw 14 дней назад
So Jason chose to devastate his kids instead of Carly's. 😂😂😂 Y'all cannot be serious. Father of the year that one. Michael and Josslyn are grown adults. Donna had her father right there available to her. This is crazy.
@yassinkoumaneh8288 14 дней назад
It doesn’t matter that Michael and Jocelyn are grown ups young or old everyone needs their mom and dads this wasn’t Jason’s fault if you wanna blame someone blames John Cates he’s the one that threatened to put Carly in prison for 20 years if he didn’t become an fbi operative
@KN-um9rw 10 дней назад
​​​You say young or old everyone needs their moms and dads. Except....Danny? Does that include Danny? Danny just gets left out here, huh? And that's acceptable because adult Michael, adult Josslyn, and Donna got their happiness. Gotcha. Again, how are you blaming John Cates for doing his job? When you break the law, you do so with the express understanding that you might get caught and have to face the consequences of your actions. Action: Carly commits crimes that fall under the RICO act and gets caught. Consequence: Prison. John Cates wouldn't be here if she didn't do what she did.
@seavista4810 15 дней назад