Apostate Prophet
Apostate Prophet
Apostate Prophet
Concise, critical, often satirical videos.

I'm a learned Ex-Muslim who focuses on factual and fair criticism of my former religion Islam, relying on experience, knowledge, reasoning, and humor.

No hate intended. Don't take it personally.

"One of the great anti-Islamic polemics of our time." - Mohammed Hijab

"I don't think anyone can end Apostate Prophet. Not a liar." - Farid

"Leads people away from Islam. Literally Shaitan." - Saajid Lipham

"Pathetic murtad." - Yasir Qadhi

"Important." - Daniel Haqiqatjou

"Enemy of Islam." - Ali Dawah
David Wood & Apostate Prophet in Israel
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@PeachDragon_ 6 часов назад
If we fight, you'll lose.
@oussamak7747 6 часов назад
Sana you are amazing. I am Moroccan Ex-Muslim and I see a lot of similarities in our education even in Sunni Muslim Countries. Thank you for saying out loud how they indoctrinate us and we are still little kids, and showing the world, the hidden side of our education
@jackplumbridge7242 6 часов назад
AP claims that the evidence for Christianity is not clear because many people disagree with Christianity, and because if you gave these people the evidence for Christianity, most people would continue rejecting Christianity. But AP also claims that most people believe what they believe for sociological and psychological reasons. He is clearly contradicting himself. If it is true that most people's beliefs are formed for sociological and psychological reasons, then we would not expect most people to change their beliefs when confronted with evidence they are wrong, since their beliefs are not arrived at through evidential reasons, they are arrived at through sociological and psychological reasons. Hence, if people's beliefs about God are primarily formed through sociological and psychological reasons, then we would not expect most people to change their mind when confronted with evidence they are wrong. We would expect most people to continue believing what they do in spite of good evidence they are wrong. As such, AP's claim that the evidence for Christianity is not clear based on the fact that people continue in their beliefs in spite of evidence for Christianity is demonstrably false, by his own standards. The fact that people reject good evidence for Christianity is a problem with the people, not with the evidence. This is what David was repeatedly trying to explain to him.
@kodamuru6689 6 часов назад
@NikMirza 6 часов назад
Ask any Shia, Sufi, Quranist they'll said no because there's no such thing except in Sunnism. Qur'an said there's no compulsion amongst religion
@analiviaplurabelle2171 6 часов назад
I am appalled that the West coined the term “Islamophobia” to silence any critical thinking of Islam, I feel like all the foundational principles of our societies are being used against us: tolerance, equality, respect, freedom. One of the most powerful conquest in Occident is the separation between church and state. A lot of people died throughout history defending this idea and we take it for granted. Islam is not just a religion, it’s a system that dictates all aspects of human life: personal, cultural, political through enforcing sharia law, which is based on the religion. As a woman, a lawyer, I think that Islam is a very dangerous threat to our lifestyle. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live in the 7th Century.
@BlitzWalkthrough 6 часов назад
It should be mandatory for everyone in any migration office to see this clip
@BlitzWalkthrough 6 часов назад
So the jizyah is to protect us from our enemies… but it is the enemy itself whom we pay!
@stephanieconley3234 6 часов назад
everything hilary clinton does is crooked
@DjKjA14 6 часов назад
The truth is in Jesus Christ the Messiah who came from Heaven to redeem us from the grip of our sins. Don't let death knock on your door before accepting the truth because it will be too late by then.
@damienvandoorn2195 7 часов назад
Hahahahahahahahaha, hahahahahahahaha. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Christ-has-Risen. 7 часов назад
I am a Christian.We are still a growing religion and there are many Muslims in my congregation.Because they realize they are a better example than your own Muhammad.And they choose to follow the example of jesus christ the messiah
@fredhosseini2327 7 часов назад
What she said, absolutely right
@Bonend482 7 часов назад
“Christianity” or rather Followers of the Way is not comparable to Catholicism. I grew up around Catholics and attended their churches, they do not believe what Christians believe, what Jesus taught.
@ahmadshasha3632 7 часов назад
Christian should read their bible often..the whole book...
@wolfman597 7 часов назад
Islamic slavery these women are not even second class they are almost invisible, and how insecure are Islamic men
@paulstuart551 7 часов назад
I don't am puzzled why the people of Iran rebel against Muslim oppression then later shout death to Israel when it responds to terrorism. The similarity between Russian & Iranian dictatorship is striking; it is rule by fear. Britain is very tolerant but rejecting Islam has become a major focus. There are many current dangers in the West, Catholicism has poisoned the world since colonialism with corruption & paedophilia. All destructive religions stem from the Torah (inspired by Zoroastrianism)), Mohammed was an illiterate paedophile who misinterpreted the Torah so cannot be the complete word of God. People should stop taking refuge in illusions & base their actions on objective awareness - don't accept indoctrination, look for yourself through fresh eyes.
@AshishSinghh 7 часов назад
I am so proud to be a Hindu 🥰
@Oness2024 7 часов назад
Full content is needed
@davidhawley1132 7 часов назад
@2:12:00 A purpose was given to mankind in Genesis 1, often called the Cultural Mandate, which is to reproduce and fill the earth and rule it. That was supposed to happen in relationship to God, ruling as his regent, but the purpose remains even after the Fall. Humankind is nominally in charge, although in actuality Satan has usurped and suborned our rule. And now Jesus, as our representative, has now been given that titular right.
@stephenhowe4107 7 часов назад
Really, the amount of knowledge I know about the Universe (in terms of places and times and events) would be 0.00000...00x.. % (where x is 1-9) And how many zeros after the point and before the first non-zero digit? Could be 125 or 300 or 500 or more. Therefore there is 99.999999999...% of stuff I dont know. Therefore I consider it nonsense for an atheist to insist there in God. God could reside in that 99.999999999...% of stuff. What we know is so insignificant The smartest human and the stupidest human are barely different,
@jimbrown5268 7 часов назад
@Songplayer. 7 часов назад
What about qureshi nabeel. Many of them are leaving Islam. Fake god and fake prophet
@joshportie 7 часов назад
Well I actually am a historian and I can tell you only Catholic educated "scholars" claim the dark ages never happened or are overblown. I'm not quite sure how you overturn all the first hand accounts. Non Catholic Christian historians maintain what the first hand accounts say. And the Bible confirms this in revelation. The Catholic Church is the mother of harlots in revelation. And the Catholic Church did cause the Dark ages. But what the ignorant atheist or Muslim who made the superchat didn't know is that darkness was focused primarily on the Christians in the inquisitions. How do you disregard 100 popes in succession adding to the institution of the inquisitions by papal bull? You can read them yourselves. You can visit the stone monuments they built to celebrate our slaughter. You can hold the medals they minted. How dare you two continue to spread this ignorance. No amount of truth you tell makes up for the lies like this. Look up their torture devices.
@peagames2002 8 часов назад
I'm atheist, but I know well enough that christianity and its beliefs are good. Issue is, some idiot illiterate 'priests' gospel the Bible in wrong ways, forgetting very important historical details that debunk their passive aggressive arguments.
@robertdodd6561 8 часов назад
Just because you want to do it with children doesn't mean you should.
@annemarie5544 8 часов назад
Muhammad Hjab is the perfect Example of Mohammad his False Prophet. All of what he says is perfectly who he is. People seen him so dirty inside out. Hi thinks people likes him .Coward ,Ego maniac noinsense embicile. I dont waste my time watching him.He is mentally Ill.
@papiJAH 8 часов назад
Bro look at this goofball.
@davidhawley1132 8 часов назад
@1:44:00 And we know that God can reveal himself directly without human knowledge transmission. Muslims have dreams of Jesus. I've even heard of missionaries in first contact with a tribe that have gotten a revelation, and were told to wait for a man who will come and explain it to them (the situation with Muslims who have dreams seems to be similar.) So, the map doesn't prevent God from being just or merciful. As Abraham challenged God 'will not the judge of all the earth do right?'. The answer is: far more than you could imagine.
@ysteinberg5084 8 часов назад
The no debate Biden is probably AI
@davidhawley1132 8 часов назад
@1:26:29 Not all religions are based on 'belief'. Correct action is much more typical, and it seems Islam is actually more like that. But in the case of Christianity, 'belief' is better translated 'trust'. The formula used by the apostles is 'publically confess Jesus is Lord and believe Jesus rose from the dead', where Jesus' resurrection is considered as divine vindication of his message, and his appointment as Lord over everything, including judgement and resurrection. There are very few actual ritual observances in Christianity. No one is born a Christian; anyone who just drifts by as a Christian is a 'cultural Christian', not one according to the bible.
@bradalanmusic808 8 часов назад
His computer says it all. That guy is a predator
@tani8853 8 часов назад
@authenticmedia24 9 часов назад
@vstormvbringer76 9 часов назад
provoking is is the work of the devil.
@adamland12345 9 часов назад
Islam is the cancer of this world. Youtibe will shut my comment down for speaking the truth.
@jimbrown5268 9 часов назад
Daniel never answers any questions. He just obfuscates and throws in lies. His tactics are obvious and the man should not be trusted.
@user-ns9lc9gc6g 9 часов назад
Allah at a Bar!!!!!! Cause he must have been drunk when he picked the PDF prophet Muhumpher
@user-ns9lc9gc6g 9 часов назад
Muslims worship the unholy trinity of Muhammads Penis and Testicles.
@user-ns9lc9gc6g 9 часов назад
This is Islam at its core.
@TeenaLee-rh7up 9 часов назад
God Bless ISRAEL 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@RahimDowah 9 часов назад
Ex moslims have a short life ...?
@tani8853 9 часов назад
LOL Love you guys
@tani8853 9 часов назад
LMAO great one
@demontraitor69 9 часов назад
What happens to muslim men who commit adultery? And rape?
@renier4415 9 часов назад
AP's identity is being up stream. David's identity is in Christ. AP is maby not seeking truth but differnce. David is in the Way, the Truth, Life. HE Jesus is in David.
@langnichtansmikrofon 10 часов назад
You can do your 5 prayers but only without a job like the most Muslims in Europe
@mikebragg5940 10 часов назад
We don't care about your religion or the koran. We have given you the warnings to simmer down..you refused ...ok now we move to Plan B...War it's simple people
@jmisc 10 часов назад
what happened to AP's skin and his face?
@himmel-erdeundzuruck5682 9 часов назад
American food. Additionally, being more happy, laughing makes a face broader, too.