Godsplaining | Catholic Podcast
Godsplaining | Catholic Podcast
Godsplaining | Catholic Podcast
Godsplaining is a podcast hosted by five Dominican friars of the Province of St. Joseph. In each episode, we help you to deepen your faith, pray with confidence, and tackle today’s difficult issues. Taking ideas from the Church’s Scriptures and tradition, we bring them to bear on life’s most urgent questions. So tune in, as we converse to convert.

@TheChurchofBreadandCheese Час назад
I disagree with the good father.
@epel4416 3 часа назад
“This is what a nonviolent protest means, an intentional nonconformity to a trend...and that’s not nothing.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@williamkish6823 5 часов назад
Read Romans Ch. 1vs. 21-32 regarding this. Pray for Christ to forgive them.
@toasterofdoom9629 6 часов назад
If God doesn't have emotions then is Jesus not God? Jesus had emotions, presumably Jesus still has emotions.
@dezericka 8 часов назад
😆 these guys crack me up
@teddyc2012 8 часов назад
Excellent conversation Fathers. Thank you!
@brianpratt7368 9 часов назад
What is the deal with the RCC's unhealthy obsession with Pride Month? Get over it. It is 2024, not 1524 anymore, you cannot control people like they did hundreds of years ago with your false sense of gloom and doom, Indulgences and false narratives anymore.
@cw919 10 часов назад
Thank you gentlemen!
@eduardohoover2127 12 часов назад
My daughters were born in June and this LGBTQ crap is flagrant and flamboyant in the face of their birth month. How much more disturbing it is against the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
@therese_paula 12 часов назад
No way will I wave their flag
@AbdulAlHasRol 13 часов назад
I'm from Peru, and I'm debating whether to join the Dominicans or the Jesuits.
@user-xb8kb9ft5k 20 часов назад
Any priest who's attracted to the same sex isn't a priest 💯
@user-xb8kb9ft5k 21 час назад
God makes NO mistakes. Women at birth and men and birth, women with man, man with women 💯 God has to be respected and that's all to it.
@user-xb8kb9ft5k 21 час назад
Man with women women with man 💯
@et1016 22 часа назад
You can shove pride month where the sun don’t shine. 🙄
@ephesians_2_8 День назад
Is mind your own business perhaps an option?
@Matt_Dalton День назад
honestly, if catholics did show some passion and anger and actually expressed how they really feel (as Fr. Patrick did at around the 20:40 mark), it would be *so* much easier to have real conversations with them. I say this as a queer man who celebrates pride month. I don't want your politeness, because it's not for me. It's for you. I can't speak for every queer person, but I will say I know quite a few who feel the same way. Have the guts to just call us disgusting. Reveal yourselves. You're easier to avoid that way, which I think is the way we both want it.
@rx0102 6 часов назад
he was talking about freaks dancing near naked in front of children and you took that personally?
@RomanDiaries 6 часов назад
He didn't call you disgusting, he called the behavior of adults dancing provocatively in little to no clothing around children disgusting. If you identify with that behavior so much that that comment felt like a personal insult, you're telling on yourself.
@Matt_Dalton 6 часов назад
@@RomanDiaries he’s talking about men dancing at pride events, which do happen in public, but they can be avoided, because that’s how events work. If you don’t want your kids to see performances at pride, don’t take them to pride.
@RomanDiaries 6 часов назад
@@Matt_Dalton Do you think kids should be banned from attending pride events where adult men are allowed to gyrate around in speedos and similar garb, or do you think it should be allowed?
@Matt_Dalton 6 часов назад
@@RomanDiaries no, I don’t think they should be banned. Pride events are what they are. Public events are what they are. There’s nothing inherently wrong or perverted about dancing in a speedo.
@jimlaguardia8185 День назад
The Jesuits are the finest group of men on Earth.
@deeswearingen5778 День назад
I've always had people call me stupid for giving money to the poor on the streets. They said these poor people would just go out and buy beer. My answer was that once I gave them the money what they did with it was between GOD and them, it's none of my business.
@Matt_Dalton День назад
@paulalucas1744 День назад
The word is conversing
@jean-claudechupin9233 День назад
@jean-claudechupin9233 День назад
Que d'hypocrisie...
@eduardohoover2127 11 часов назад
Chastity and homosexuality are not to be confused. The problem is worse in public schools but it does not mean the egregious acts of some of the clergy did should not be condemned. When one points at a hypocrite three fingers point back at themself and the largest digit points to God. This as any terrible situation needs much prayer to God.
@jean-claudechupin9233 7 часов назад
​@@eduardohoover2127la stigmatisation des chrétiens homosexuels dans l'église est Innaceptable..
@jean-claudechupin9233 День назад
Chaque jour le péché s'étale dans nos journées par la violence le racisme la guerre.. L'église ne dit rien et passe son temps à stigmatiser les personnes homosexuelles et de genre tout cela n'est pas très évangélique.. Que Dieu bénisse les rejetés de la société
@TedSeeber День назад
I don't hate persons, I hate abuse. If you make your identity ONLY about abuse, and promote abusing people, I can't have any compassion for you. Pride is sinful. Always. About ANYTHING.
@itinerantpatriot1196 День назад
Don't engage? Passive resistance? Those are the kind of buzzwords the enemy loves to hear and it's the kind of approach that got us into our current mess in the first place. I love my parish but we had one priest who used to speak out against this wickedness and now he's gone. Whether one thing had to do with the other I can't say but he left the priesthood and as far as I know nobody has heard from him since. In 2017, just prior to the inauguration, a whole group of LGBT activists showed up at VP Mike Pence's home and put on vulgar displays for the entire neighborhood to witness. A reporter asked a quarter dressed man why he was engaging in such lude behavior and he said he was doing it because Mike Pence and his entire neighborhood needed to see it. The reporter then asked him why they needed to see it and the man simply said; "they just do." That is evil for evil sake. No rational reason behind it. Just a demonic spirit at work inspiring a movement that is antithetical to God and God's creation. They may feel they are just lashing out, having a bit of fun, but Satan doesn't see it as fun and games. This is spiritual warfare. That needs to be acknowledged and kissing the boo-boo of people engaged in mortal sin is not compassion. I'm not saying we should hate anyone, or get angry, but taking the libertarian position "You do you and I'll do me" is exactly what the enemy wants from us. The truth of the matter is the woke agenda or whatever you want to call it is a religion for a lot of people who reject God but still want to be a part of something larger than themselves. They have high priests and priestesses and at it's core is a doctrine of secular humanism with a heavy focus on hedonism and pagan rituals and festivals, like pride month. And the disciples of that religion are far more energized, far more zealous about evangelizing than we are. Normative behavior and basic rules of civility, the guardrails that once kept people's passions in check, have been removed. People in positions of power, instead of acting as good stewards support and promote the cause, treating it as the new state religion. That is not some rant, just an acknowledgement of the world of the way things are. Like I say, I'm not calling for us to meet hatred with hatred or rage with rage, but passive resistance, especially on the part of of Church leaders? Well we've tried that haven't we. Not only do we have to not live the lie, we have to call it out for what it is in a peaceful way now before it escalates to the point where passions are inflamed beyond control on all sides. The problem requires leadership and for Church leaders it's not a choice, it's a requirement. “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you realize that we will be judged more strictly" ― James 3: 1 “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the Lord” ― Jeremiah 23:1
@andrewferg8737 День назад
In many municipalities it is now required by law to be not only tolerant, but affirming. These laws apply to government and non-government agencies alike. Teachers, social workers, foster-parents, and other public servants are being forced to affirm positions which they find contrary to their personal or religious beliefs. The alternative is to no longer service their community, which seems equally contrary to religious belief.
@KittyM- День назад
Rewatching this, LOL'd throughout again, it's just brilliant + hilarious ❤
@pauls.6360 День назад
"The dictatorship of relatism"? That's a joke, right? I suppose that must mean that having a religious commandment engraved in stone and force-fed to you is the ultimate freedom.
@TedSeeber День назад
My response is that I want nothing to do with the deadly sin of Pride.
@ValsVersion День назад
Disagree. We’re here, we’re queer and we’re going for your children demands a different focus to your response and how you interact with it.
@ValsVersion День назад
Pretty much sounds like the right order of self doubt inducing guilt trip packing thoughts when casually encountering the corner panhandler. Add why am I so annoyed
@buddharocket День назад
No mention how catholics must accept or celebrate pride & gender ideology at their job or be fired. I don't think yall understand how bad the problem is. Let down.
@matthewcruz1709 День назад
What do you guys think of Matt Fradd's Reclaim the Month T-shirts?
@matthewcruz1709 День назад
Had to go and check my Apple calendar... Pride month isn't on the Australian holidays calendar. Must be a US thing.
@grills5 День назад
If a grown, able-bodied man is laying about the streets parasitizing women and children for the money that they earned working, generosity is not what he needs. Sitting around and theorizing about it might make you feel good but it’s completely divorced from reality.
@shadix365 День назад
It’s that time of the year where Christian influencers clickbait content for pride month like the lgbt community didn’t abandon pride month in 2014.
@TedSeeber День назад
For abandoning it, the anti-hetero hate is sure still strong.
@shadix365 День назад
@@TedSeeber All I see is anti-lgbt content. Its become a joke in my friend group that my fellow Christians go on holiday from acting like Christians in June.
@TedSeeber День назад
@@shadix365 ​ You have an entire month dedicated to Pride, you've succeeded in convincing 30% of people under the age of 15 that they are gay, and you've started medically sterilizing and altering children to feed your habit for new people to rape. All legally. So no, you don't get to claim "anti-lgbt" is against Christ, not when you're playing such a level of hatred of heterosexuality. And it's not just June, you're supporting this level of outright abuse all year. Stop it..
@paix1234 День назад
Thank you so much Frs.
@paix1234 День назад
It looks like Fr Patrick is waving those flags. Thank you Frs. for this wonderful episode.
@FARP1964 День назад
Excellent discussion to be shared with our colleagues and fellow parishioners. Very pastoral approach. I’m sure you may have some listeners who will be sending you hate mail for this. God blew you
@thomasmakin7479 День назад
I think Fr Briscoe’s comment about mercy and how to respond is worthy of Papal consideration.
@thomasmakin7479 День назад
Can Fr Bertrand stop using the word “like” please
@HarleyGirl75 День назад
I really enjoyed the conversating! 😉😁. This was a great conversation and I love the idea of promoting the Sacred Heart in June. Great episode!
@MichaelSmith-ym2rz День назад
People may have same sex attraction but nobody is gay. That double speak is a relatively new phenomenon.
@MichaelSmith-ym2rz День назад
St Charles Lwanga and Companions Pray for us! Feast day: June 3
@therese_paula День назад
Blessed month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
@tonyhoffman6749 2 дня назад
Where did you guys learn your grammar?
@debbiegraham5585 2 дня назад
I also get, that I am looking at it religiously, and they say they are not...
@debbiegraham5585 2 дня назад
God's rainbow is a symbol of the love He has for us....❤
@debbiegraham5585 2 дня назад
But our brothers and sisters who are gay or their families, friends, don't believe we love them! 😢 Marriage is between a man and woman, period. I do have acquaintances who are gay and I do love them, but I don't celebrate their choice of lifestyle, just like I don't agree with abortion of a family member or friend.
@God_my_Savior 2 дня назад
Sacred Heart of Jesus, i place all my trust in you! ✝️