Opie has grown up now...
Video the Vote, Report 2
17 лет назад
Video the Vote, Report 1
17 лет назад
Re: Youtubia National Broadcast
18 лет назад
@Arglefrasterenchante 12 лет назад
@kosherrealizations Music without a message is meaningless. Don't choke the voice. These people have something to say you owe it to them to at least consider what they are saying.
@almasali1993 13 лет назад
this song explains everything the Palestinans are feeling and going through. Long live Palestine, we are behind you, supporting you, and fighting for you. No matter how much you feel like you are alone, you are NEVER alone. Long live Palestine <3
@1slmalool94 13 лет назад
@MikeyMcCrashCap 13 лет назад
In two generations, the Palestinians will outnumber the Jews and they will all be Israeli citizens with voting rights. When that happens, things will be very interesting for the modern day fascist state of Israel. The Jews want an Israel without Arabs but that is simply not going to happen. On the contrary, Israel is becoming more and more Palestinian each day and one day, the Palestinain people will have their rights and freedom again.
@fiddymcdiddy46 13 лет назад
Israeli blood will never be more valuable than Palestinian blood. The lost lives in Palestine will spark the greatest revolution to EVER exist If they kill the innocent people in Palestine that will never kill the eternal revolution that lives among us all. The revolution of justice, freedom and equality that will resurrect itself in the most powerful way and conquer every type of evil and tyranny. Zionism is most wanted on peoples death wish. G-d will answer us inshAllah
@MycologicalBlasphemy 13 лет назад
@opiegonebad I definitely appreciate your work in putting the subtitles up here. I agree that the best music has something to say, and that debate is good. However, what I see on literally every single video, ever, about Israel/Palestine is just a whole bunch of people slinging their opinions around, and telling everyone who doesn't agree with them that they're wrong, and possibly fascist. In other words, I see a major lack of any real debate. That's what I'm reacting to.
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@magemager0 form part of Israel maybe Israeli citizenship should be given to palestinians there ( which they will become arab israelis) , if israel leves the settlements, as i say, israelis must leave because it will be a silly thing having jews living here being not israelis.
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@magemager0 hope that the peace plan finally goes good altough im not agree with borders because Israel has maked too many peace offers and palestinians have rejected it ALL. so i think they must agree with the west bank and gaza. Israeli Settlements, they are part of Israel till Palestine gets independent, then, Israelis and Palestinians must agree in a solution for them. But if what now are the settlements go to Palestine, Israeli citizens must leave them, if the settlements continue to
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@magemager0 Palestine has the right to exist, at the same time ISRAEL has the time to exists, two states is the better solution, palestinians have the right to have their own state at the same time that jews/israel have the right to have their own. I consider myself as a zionist but as Israel and all other countries in the world palestine have the right to exist. So much difficult is to accept that Jews have the right to have their own country in Israel? I wish the best for palestine and i
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@opiegonebad as far as i know this group defends the union of Palestine and Israel in a single Federal country , the one state solution ;)
@magemager0 13 лет назад
Bottom line guys, the United States is afraid to criticize Israel; therefore, the atrocities continue to happen to the Palestinian people.
@gomezesmorticia 13 лет назад
Dam is blood in Arabic too.
@viagaraninja 13 лет назад
@opiegonebad All I saw were Israeli police standing around doing nothing and looking bored. While rappers try to mimic the the African american struggle story in order to express "how deep" their lives are, and shots taken of random bulldozers scooping up trash that could be from any construction site, and a woman standing by behind some random barbed wire in a whole in the wall, that also could have been any where.
@TheGeraldemerald 13 лет назад
@DrCHPD Politically I'm neutral but as an ex-Christian (now proud hater of ALL religions) who studied Hebrew I know that DAM raps in Hebrew with lots of the underground leftie rappers in Tel Aviv - his battles with Sagol 59 are great! It ain't all black and white y'know... Damn (!) if the politics weren't about he would be free to be more artistic than atavistic, which would be great coz he has a great turn of phrase and flow...
@orenab1 13 лет назад
@opiegonebad Israel has given the Palestinians hugggee amount of land. You may argue if it's enough or not, you may argue about the portionallity of it's use of force (but compare it to the Russians in Grozny, for example), but you can't argue that Israel has made a huge sacrifices for peace, and that Hamas prefers shelling it and holding a captive than even considering peace.
@orenab1 13 лет назад
@opiegonebad If I pinch you over and over until you hit me in the face, now you got some pinches and I got hit in the face, does that makes me right because I got hit more badly? The fact they stand no chance, and also doesn't want peace, but still give everything they have to the war against Israel is what doesn't make sense, and comes from their (irrational) Fundamentalist Islamic Ideology. Just like Al Qaeda.
@orenab1 13 лет назад
@opiegonebad What does that death ration tells us? Hamas calls openly for the destruction of Israel and states it's it's main ambition. It could have returned Gilad Shalit and stop the shelling and there wouldn't have been an operation from the first place. It could have invest money in it's cities instead of investing it in smuggling weapons. Instead it chooses terror, fighting one of the strongest armies in the world with suicide bombers and mortars. Doesn't make sense. I know.
@milesbe7785 13 лет назад
Wow. Great video.
@DrCHPD 13 лет назад
@opiegonebad Yo, Hadag Nadash is a great band from Israel and their not Zionists, so you argument that Israeli rap is all about bitches and bling bling is not very is not really convincing
@djpeia 13 лет назад
@Bookwormygirly 13 лет назад
@Permitheous1 You can keep on using the term "3rd world" to describe Palestine & the rest of the globe that lies outside of the White/Euro-centric/So-called "western" world - but that doesn't make it so. Your rhetoric is typical. Palestine & the rest were not "third world" until they were captured, invaded & raped of their culture, people & natural resources by the west. What u call "third world" conditions were created by the invaders. Before invasion, farmers farmed on their own land.
@The3mber 13 лет назад
تحيا فلسطين
@danilche 13 лет назад
But zionism is the jews' desire to have a homeland -- just as palestinian arabs want their homeland. Both deserve one. If you oppose zionism, you wish to deny to jews the thing you desire for palestinians: a nation which they can call their own. What is needed is a genuine two-nation solution. Opposing zionism *is* anti-semitic.
@superelbeaner 13 лет назад
@nawaflih 13 лет назад
We're all against the idea of zionism Peace! from Jordan
@ourstupidvideoz 13 лет назад
This song is awesome! I raped the replay button
@Irregulation 13 лет назад
I searched "dam" on the search bar and got this.
@hbarghouthi 13 лет назад
@Revolutionary1794 The "embarrassed" & "Silk" terms refer to poverty in the "neighborhood". A bride without a veil refers to the long time 'she's' been waiting for the change.
@kingOFtheFISHpeople 13 лет назад
@thesistersincomedy (allow me to be devil's advocate) if someone steals your car, does he get to negociate for its return? does he get to say "let's share the car"? I know it's more complicated than that, but that is how most Paletinians see the situation
@MrEmony253 13 лет назад
I'm actually diggin this, if you want to more about DAM look for Dave McDonald.
@GetItInProductions 13 лет назад
@foreverlemonjonas i am a jew and i completely agree. It makes jews JUST as ignorant as nazis tbh.
@BarKafka 13 лет назад
@makingPhotosWin This Zionist pushed the like button.
@ZymekMusic 13 лет назад
Dams's official site, w ww (.) damrap (.) c om All lyrics and news are in there ( In Arabic and English) :) Please Copy and Paste this message in all their Videos so people can know :) P.S, they are going to release a new Album soon!!!! Free Palestine~ شبكة دم w ww (.) damrap (.) c om روح زورها، فيها كلمات كل الأغني أو أخر الأخبار....لو سمحت، شرق الرسل، على كل أغانيهم على اليوتيوب :) اه صح، بدهم يعملو ألبوم جديد، 2رب يطلع :) فلسطين الحرة~ :)
@thesistersincomedy 13 лет назад
why fight with each other? can't you be neighbors and love one another? we are all people and we want the same things. We teach our children that "sharing is caring", but we can't seem to manage it ourselves. Hate and retaliation will get us nowhere; we are chasing each other in a circle of vengeance - eventually someone is going to have to stop and say, "Enough. You are my brother and I am ready to love you." Israel should be a place for anyone to come to find acceptance and peace.
@MariastellaArgentiTia 13 лет назад
Thx to Vik Arrigoni I knew you and now I thx you fo singing reality ! Always in my heart, stay human !
@MrPasto1 13 лет назад
@foreverlemonjonas Fuck you. I am a jew and live in israel and I think its a very bad situation. and guess what, you little fuckface while you are sitting in your home writing staff like that without nothing anything about whats going on there are alot of people (including me) trying to fix the situation by actually going to the street and doing staff.
@mzubaroglu 13 лет назад
Hi everybody Please let me know Who is the woman singer in this song? Do you know her name? Thanks
@hoozulooz 13 лет назад
@JesterPoetryArtVlogs When they speak Arabic, they have both English and Hebrew lyrics. The part without the Hebrew lyrics is Hebrew.
@shaysotil 13 лет назад
at the day that hamas will be gone israel and gaza will live together in peace
@hxocxjo 13 лет назад
@irenaash It doesn't mather whether palestinians originaly existed as a distinct nation( I think they didn't) but the point is that (most of them) were the people whose ancestors lived there for generations, before the State of Israel existed or was even planed.
@maryamni92 13 лет назад
check out the documentary "the furius force of rhymes"
@nathaliliana 13 лет назад
ist so long time ago i see u people with that song in euronews i got message for u people do more i love it
@JesterPoetryArtVlogs 13 лет назад
which verse is the Hebrew verse?
@MassGogo 13 лет назад
@mrgenius4 the world is so unfair sometimes, and people like you are the ones to blame. i'll give you an example. When a Muslim extremist blows himself up in a mall or a bus "for the sake of Allah and religion", everyone says "Do not hate all Muslims just because one of them is a lunatic", which is okay in my opinion. However, when one Israeli soldier accidentally shoots dead an innocent civilian (still a horrible act), suddenly "every Zionist is to blame, and they all take innocent lives "
@irenaash 13 лет назад
No such people-the Palestinians. It's an Arab. In addition, they blow up buses and fire missiles into our homes and kindergartens. Why Hamas is not shown in the video?
@ZymekMusic 13 лет назад
Hi all Muslim or Jew. If you support DAM, and want them to make more songs, then please, please go to "thedammusic" which is their RU-vid channel, and subscribe. Show them the support they need, and definitely deserve. Free Palestine~ DAM please keep up the good work. (Copy and Paste this on the other Songs by DAM to spread the support)
@_gnoam 13 лет назад
@nixjobbdolgom Not all Post-Zionists(or anti-zionists if you wish) are from Neturei Karta. Both in Israel and of course that in the rest of the world. Just saying.
@TonnyV 13 лет назад
Israel is going to cause WWIII...
@MrRolaCosta 13 лет назад
מוקף בביוב
@technicalerr0r 13 лет назад
support from an English Jew. end the assault on Palestinian rights now. the actions of the Israeli government do not represent my views, and are an embarrassment, to intelligent Jews across the world.