
⚡ Jaden vs Duelists | Survival Duel 2 | Anime Deck  

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👀Join Jaden Yuki, the spirited protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, as he embarks on an epic Survival Duel! Watch as Jaden takes on a multitude of duelists from across the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe, pushing his skills and strategies to the limit. Armed with his iconic Elemental HERO deck, Jaden must face off against formidable opponents from every series, testing his abilities like never before. How far will Jaden go in this relentless gauntlet of dueling prowess? Can he outlast and outplay the best duelists from Duel Monsters, 5D's, ZEXAL, and beyond? Tune in to find out in this thrilling, action-packed duel adventure! #JadenYuki #SurvivalDuel #AnimeDeck
💛Using the Edopro dueling platform and authentic anime cards with their original effects, I've crafted a thrilling hypothetical clash between beloved Yugioh characters. Every move in this duel was personally designed by me, aiming to give you the sensation of watching a real duel unfold. Experience epic plays and strategic maneuvers as these characters face off in a duel like no other!
Jaden Yuki, known as Judai Yuki in the Japanese version, is the main protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, as well as the reincarnation of the Supreme King. At the end of the third season, he fused his soul with Yubel, his childhood ace card, with "Super Polymerization" to become a Duel Monster-Human hybrid. He is headstrong, optimistic, fun loving, and a talented Duelist who loves Dueling as much as he cares for his friends.
Music 🔅-
Castlevania Chronicles OST - 09 Bloody Tears (Arrange Ver.)
FDF Meiling's Theme : Strong Wind Scatters the Clouds ~ Kongfu Storm
Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle OST - Boss Battle Theme (SSJ4 Goku)
Megaman X4 - Jet Stingray Stage
Fairy Tail Devil Slayer Ost- Extended
Mega Man X6 OST T10 Infinity Mijinion Stage Weapon Center




22 май 2024




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@jayd.doubledubs Месяц назад
Whoa. What an ending. This was an absolute joy to watch, massive props for coming up with all of these combos
@elteller5306 Месяц назад
Awesome, simply awesome pal, the stress worthed this result!
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
@ygoprovn Месяц назад
Excellent duel💪💪 I thought there would be a vrains character when I saw the extra monster zone and I thought judai would win but unexpectedly manga card appeared
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
thanks 😄💪 there would be vrans characters, but when i realized, duel was almost over and i didn't uses any of them lol
@zexalbarian9819 Месяц назад
@@superbattle4you did well. I love it!!🔥🔥
@djawedcherifi1429 Месяц назад
Great series, I actually like to imagine there is a new special character from a further future than all series who studied all past times and their greatest duelists well and so is each time using a mixed deck to beat some of those legends for some mysterious purpose.
@annemarieangue6727 28 дней назад
​@@djawedcherifi1429 You're coocking good!!
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
✏This duel was really stressful to create, but the result is incredible ✨consider subscribing to reach 2,000 subscribers 🙃www.youtube.com/@superbattle4?sub_confirmation=1 Your subscription motivates me to create new duels! 🎞2 small note, mistake i put 2 glow moss in jaden's deck, and I used Mystical space typhoon, and jaden doesn't have this card my bad 😤 🤡it was supposed to have vrains characters, but I got distracted and forgot to use it
@MrYoda2k Месяц назад
Who cares? The duel was fun as fuck man :D.
@thanh8101 Месяц назад
When will there be a duel of Dartz vs Bohman, my king!
@Chasingdreams008 Месяц назад
Please more survival duels! Do Yugi next please!
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
next time i will plan better, this type of duel takes a lot of time
@thanh8101 Месяц назад
​@@superbattle4When will there be a duel of Dartz vs Bohman, my king!
@velichkanikolova2394 29 дней назад
Vector vs Mizar please, I wanna see some insane Barian battle
@allenofblacksteel9169 Месяц назад
Really love survival duel. last video was Yusei vs duelist. I remember there is a video about zarc vs duelist.
@thanh8101 Месяц назад
When will there be a duel of Dartz vs Bohman, my king!
@annemarieangue6727 28 дней назад
Im ready to pay for a serie of this with clips for all the protags please make it real 🥺🥺
@PedroHenrique-bv9ll Месяц назад
I wish I had your skills to create Scripted Duels, I have so many ideas but I can't put them into practice. But anyway, excellent video👌!
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
sometimes we have good ideas, but the cards have effects that contradict our expectations lol
@thehoennguardians4286 Месяц назад
Will their be a person who actually wins a Survival Duel?
@Hunter87B Месяц назад
Excelent duel😮
@benjaminskoljarev4466 3 дня назад
If jaden used black panther into galaxy eyes shouldn't have work?
@okyx3985 Месяц назад
Loved this survival duels, hope one day you'll use both anime and manga version together
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
Dennis has 3 🧐 static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh-arcv/images/c/c1/Dennis_57-1.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20160721100244
@okyx3985 Месяц назад
​@@superbattle4the link doesn't work, so I'll take your word for it
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
@annemarieangue6727 28 дней назад
Question During Jaden final turn, couldnt he use Glow Moss effect to force the opponent to draw a card but since his deck is empty theb win by deck out? Or you cant use the effect when your opponent deck is empty?
@superbattle4 28 дней назад
you're right, the effect of Glow would do exactly what you said, but anime Glow it has a slightly different effect, If your opponent cannot draw a card, you send 2 cards from your deck to GY
@annemarieangue6727 28 дней назад
@@superbattle4 Daaaamn that a really weird but funny side effect 🤣🤣 thank you i didnt know that and that duel was amazing!!!
@allenofblacksteel9169 Месяц назад
Hey maybe King of Game vs Duelist next. Can't wait to see if that guy who never lose a duel can survive a survival duel.
@ron2millionare972 Месяц назад
I like there being both Pendulum Zones and Extra Monster Zones. I wish it was like that in real life.
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
the pendulum mechanic has been nerfed to the extreme lol
@okyx3985 Месяц назад
How many wonder wands do they have? As far as i remember yuma only had one
@connellychase573 Месяц назад
Now we need to see yuma and playmaker in a tag survivor duel with all the cards they have used in the seires that would be a fun idea
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
strangely teg team (playmaker and yuma) is solid, both complement each other
@connellychase573 Месяц назад
Yeah I just think it would be a fun way to see how Yuma and playmaker together would survive the onslaught no other duelist has
@sageflame6 Месяц назад
Arent no way inpossible jaden going blow away by atem and shark
@janpietzarka6155 Месяц назад
Battle Royal Crowler vs Asuka arc v vs Edo Phönix Arcv vs Jean Michel roger duel request please bitte 🇩🇪
@BeethovenIsGrumpyCat Месяц назад
Jaden Pilgrim versus the world.
@NaBYGO Месяц назад
chaotic duel can you share the script for chaos ancient gear fusion? since the one on edopro crashes the game lol
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
my friend, many attempts until this cursed card ruined everything lol i spent rest of the day trying to fix it, turned out someone on edopo's discord had the same issue, and I was forced to create my own card 😅
@NaBYGO Месяц назад
@@superbattle4 yeah I was one of them, some months ago, they say the card calculates a lot so it will never work I tried scripting a simpler version but couldn't
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
I created the script, but it's extremely improvised lol local s,id=GetID() function s.initial_effect(c) --Activate local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(c) e1:SetCategory(CATEGORY_REMOVE+CATEGORY_SPECIAL_SUMMON+CATEGORY_FUSION_SUMMON) e1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE) e1:SetCode(EVENT_FREE_CHAIN) e1:SetCost(s.cost) e1:SetTarget(s.target) e1:SetOperation(s.activate) c:RegisterEffect(e1) -- end function s.costfilter(c) return c:IsCode(CARD_POLYMERIZATION) and c:IsDiscardable() and c:IsAbleToGraveAsCost() end function s.cost(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk) if chk==0 then return Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(s.costfilter,tp,LOCATION_HAND,0,1,nil) end Duel.DiscardHand(tp,s.costfilter,1,1,REASON_COST,nil) end function s.filter(c) return c:IsType(TYPE_XYZ)and c:IsAbleToRemove() end function s.spfilter(c,e,tp) return c:IsMonster() and c:IsCanBeSpecialSummoned(e,0,tp,true,true) end function s.target(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk) if chk==0 then return Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(s.filter,tp,LOCATION_GRAVE,0,4,nil) and Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_MZONE )>0 and Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(s.spfilter,tp,LOCATION_GRAVE+LOCATION_DECK+LOCATION_EXTRA,0,1,nil,e,tp) end Duel.SetOperationInfo(0,CATEGORY_REMOVE,4,4,tp,LOCATION_GRAVE) Duel.SetOperationInfo(0,CATEGORY_SPECIAL_SUMMON,4,4,tp,LOCATION_GRAVE+LOCATION_DECK+LOCATION_EXTRA) Duel.SetOperationInfo(0,CATEGORY_FUSION_SUMMON,nil,1,tp,LOCATION_EXTRA) end function s.fusfilter(c,e,tp,m,f) return c:IsType(TYPE_FUSION) and (not f or f(c)) and c:IsCanBeSpecialSummoned(e,SUMMON_TYPE_FUSION,tp,true,true) and c:CheckFusionMaterial(m,nil,tp) end function s.activate(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) local g=Duel.GetMatchingGroup(s.filter,tp,LOCATION_GRAVE,0,nil) if #g>=4 then Duel.Hint(HINT_SELECTMSG,tp,HINTMSG_REMOVE) local sg=g:Select(tp,4,4,nil) if Duel.Remove(sg,POS_FACEUP,REASON_EFFECT)~=4 then return end if Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_MZONE)0 then Duel.Hint(HINT_SELECTMSG,tp,HINTMSG_SPSUMMON) local spc=spg:Select(tp,1,4,nil) for sc in aux.Next(spc) do Duel.SpecialSummonStep(sc,0,tp,tp,true,true,POS_FACEUP) --Negate effects local e1=Effect.CreateEffect(e:GetHandler()) e1:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE) e1:SetCode(EFFECT_DISABLE) e1:SetReset(RESET_EVENT+RESETS_STANDARD) sc:RegisterEffect(e1,true) local e2=Effect.CreateEffect(e:GetHandler()) e2:SetType(EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE) e2:SetCode(EFFECT_DISABLE_EFFECT) e2:SetReset(RESET_EVENT+RESETS_STANDARD) sc:RegisterEffect(e2,true) end Duel.SpecialSummonComplete() --Fusion Summon local mg=Duel.GetMatchingGroup(aux.NecroValleyFilter(Card.IsCanBeFusionMaterial),tp,LOCATION_MZONE,0,nil) local sg=Duel.GetMatchingGroup(s.fusfilter,tp,LOCATION_EXTRA,0,nil,e,tp,mg,nil) if #sg>0 then Duel.Hint(HINT_SELECTMSG,tp,HINTMSG_SPSUMMON) local tg=sg:Select(tp,1,1,nil) local tc=tg:GetFirst() if tc then local mat=Duel.SelectFusionMaterial(tp,tc,mg,nil,tp) tc:SetMaterial(mat) Duel.SendtoGrave(mat,REASON_EFFECT+REASON_MATERIAL+REASON_FUSION) Duel.BreakEffect() Duel.SpecialSummon(tc,SUMMON_TYPE_FUSION,tp,tp,true,true,POS_FACEUP) tc:CompleteProcedure() end end end end end
@NaBYGO Месяц назад
@@superbattle4 thank you very much!
@johngentley5015 Месяц назад
Z-arc is the card that ended it all lol
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
merciless zarc
@DavihuX Месяц назад
what will be the next guinea pig lol
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
i don't know 😅😅
@ironphantom4912 Месяц назад
@@superbattle4 Playmaker perhaps
@ANDROS1547 Месяц назад
Hola podes hacer una pelea de zarc contra todo los villanos mas fuertes desde yugioh duel monster asta yugioh vreins
@DavihuX Месяц назад
everyone gets a 6 on the dice, this dice is rigged 😂, wait... how many 6s were there?
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
there were a lot of 6.. 6.. 6.. I don't like that number D:
@MrYoda2k Месяц назад
This duel must've been a bitch to edit xD.
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
and there was still a card not working xD
@thanh8101 Месяц назад
​@@superbattle4what card?
@superbattle4 Месяц назад
@@thanh8101 divine neos doesn't copy the glow (anime) effect correctly, and chaos ancient gear fusion crashes the game
@DavihuX Месяц назад
poor jaden
@ltmad1284 12 дней назад
God this is a sad joke
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