
✝️ What we call prayer is not prayer - Dan Mohler 

Dan Mohler - Know your identity in Christ
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@DanMohlerSR 3 года назад
Something to declare in worship. The below can be downloaded as a document, link below. drive.google.com/file/d/1iv1cn3ygKhCTWullcQUG6776wZc3bKXk/view?usp=sharing Don't just declare but believe what you are saying, you are repeating back to God what he has said about you. Colossians 2:6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. You received Christ by faith, you walk in Him by faith. * How do I make what God says I am, mine? * How do I put off the flesh without getting into works? By realizing that it was not what I was created to be. In a place of intimacy and prayer, I separate it from my true new biblical identity. * Colossians 1 teaches me that I was an enemy of God, but now he has reconciled me to Himself and He Himself brought me into His presence and I stand before Him holy, blameless and without a single fault * Colossians 2:6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. * You received Christ by faith, you walk in Him by faith. * When you confess who you are in Christ you speak words of Faith. Where there is Faith Grace will manifest and bring it to fulfilment. * We have to by faith make what the word says we are ours. This is done by confessing and believing the word. Confessing alone won’t do it. We must become the word. * He sees me through His Son, He sees me through the finished work of the Cross. * If I do not see myself the way He sees me, I will never approach Him with boldness and live unveiled and start where He finished. * I will try to accomplish what He has already accomplished and prove to myself that I can’t and I mark myself for where I am not instead of where he has already placed me. * I validate my ability to fail, thinking it is humility. * The Lord reconciled the world to Himself not imputing their trespasses against them. * Through Jesus he was willing to see me apart from what I have done wrong to get me to what He created me for. * I have been born again and am a new creation, old things have passed away and all things have become new. * I have been transplanted from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. I am part of the new Heaven and the new Earth. * I was crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. * I was buried with Him through baptism and just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father I was raised from the dead by the same Glory and this is why I am able to live a new life, not just a different life, a new life. * Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died. * I have died with Christ, and He has set me free from the spiritual powers of this world. I have died to this life, and my real life is hidden with Christ in God. * Father I did not say a prayer just to get me to heaven. I said a prayer and denied myself so I can take up my cross and follow You so You can get heaven back into me, the way you intended it to be from the beginning You created me in Your image, after Your own likeness; to be Your image on the earth. * Jesus you came to save that which was lost; your image. God, You created me in Your image but Adam lost it when he ate of the tree. That image that was lost was restored to me when I was born again and I thank You that as I get to know you better I am becoming more like that image every day. * I triumph over the devil and the flesh because of the Blood of the Lamb the word of my testimony but most of all because I do not love my life unto death. * Father I was not created to be a slave to sin and the flesh. Father, You never made me for anger. You never made me to stand for my own rights and be broken-hearted, disappointed and live for my own gain, my own desire and my own will. * You made me into Your image and to mirror Your image. * I am a new wine-skin that can hold the new wine. * I will not build on the flesh I will pursue You and build on the Spirit I am born again and new life has come. * I put off the things that Adam became when he ate of the tree, the things that sin made me to be. I won’t listen to that serpent anymore. I won’t accept anything that came from that tree. * Anything that is still in me that came through the fall I surrender. I don’t want me I want Your image, the image You created me to be, to be formed in me. * I will only accept that which comes from the tree of life. * If I cannot find it in the life of Jesus I don’t want to find it in my heart I give myself to you whole-heartedly, unreservedly I don’t want nothing of me. * I deny myself the best I understand, I hold nothing back, take me for my word God. Mould me and shape me, let Grace overtake me. Challenge me in every way, correct me in every way and lead me through life in your love. * I hold nothing back the best I understand I am telling you that I am yours. Consume me in Grace and righteousness. * I am not judged I am not condemned, I am not a failure I am loved by You. I am a son of the Most High God. I am not a sinner trying to be a Christian no I am a son that has been accepted by the God of creation and I am loved by Him. * Father I want you, I put on the new man. I am a Man led by your Holy Spirit. I am: A Man of Love, A Man of Joy A Man of Peace, A Man of Patience, A Man of Kindness, A Man of Goodness, A Man of Faithfulness, A Man of Gentleness, A Man of Self-Control. A man that takes no account when suffered wrong. The days of jealousy, hurt and pride is over because it is not who I am. No man can tear me down they can only encourage me and build me up. No man can disappoint me because I have become the love of God. * I will not let sin against me become sin inside me. * I put off the old, it is a lie. It is not what You made me to be. * Everything the world taught me to be I call it dead and I put on Christ I am not alive for me, I am alive for You and Your image. Nothing can stop me. * I will manifest Your nature. * I will manifest Your will. * I will manifest Your love every day of my life. * I submit myself to You. I retain no rights but the right to be like You, to live like You and to look like You. * Mercy wakes me up every day to look more like my Daddy. * I am in Christ and Christ is in me. I am selfless and free. * Father God, I put You on by faith and your Grace is masterfully moulding me and sketching and edging me and shaping me after Your image. * Holy Spirit have Your way and make me beautiful in Christ. Let the world desire You because of what they see in me and let the world know who You are because I am alive. * Farther I have not just taken up my cross but I have denied myself. Self is not my master, You are. I am led by Holy Spirit 24 hours a day. * I am so consumed by You that when I look in a mirror; You stare back at me. * Farther, You did not send Your Son to die on the cross to forgive my sins so that someday I can go to a place called heaven. * Jesus You paid a price to remove my sin, to get Your identity, Your nature and Your Spirit back into me. In other words, it is not all about me getting to heaven, it is about getting heaven back into me, so I can become what you were intended to be from the beginning apart from sin. * Jesus You are the Lamb of God who takes away the sin off the world. I do not have to sin. * Because of the Power of the Cross I do not live with a sin identity but with a righteousness identity. * Father you have dressed me with a cloak righteousness. * I am Righteous because I have been washed with the Blood of the Lamb. * I live righteous conscience and not sin conscience. * I bear good Fruit. We think our ability to sin still labels us as sinners, because we believe that, that is the fruit we produce. Make the tree good and the fruit will be good. We bare bad fruit because the tree is bad. We can't make the fruit good but we can make the tree good then the fruit will be good. Trees thrive and produce good fruit when they are treated with the right fertiliser and taken care of. I was a bad tree in a bad garden that has been transplanted into a good garden by living waters, I must now let the good fertiliser transform me into a good tree. This is done by feeding myself with the word. When the tree is good the fruit will automatically be good. * I thank you that I see people the way you saw me. Other Resources: sites.google.com/site/danmohlerbecominglove/ www.resourcesforchristians.net/music/Dan%20Mohler danmohlerarchive.com/ www.nove-stvoreni.cz/media-dan-mohler www.nove-stvoreni.cz/about
@kissbela7409 2 года назад
Dan. God spoke to me a about 2 years ago. (then of course it turned out that he was always here with me, I just didn't know that He was ...: D) I was looking for teachings. And you were here too. I didn't understand what you were saying for a long time. What are you talking about. Because I lived a lie. In fear. In beliefs. Then I realized: I'm free! Everyone is free! And he gave us happiness, not sadness and grief, and wailing! I got home. :)
@BobbyCulpepper.srv3fender 3 года назад
If every pastor was like dan, the devil would have to leave the planet
@darinm2166 2 года назад
I'd say if every real deal Believer did our Father's will.. Jesus would have already returned!
@jaredshowers1 Год назад
​@@darinm2166 no he wouldn't have
@jaredshowers1 Год назад
If every Christian was like Christ you mean? . Don't start worshipping a pastor... That's part of the problem of error in the body.
@BobbyCulpepper.srv3fender Год назад
@@jaredshowers1 yes, if I must clarify , I don't idolize Dan, but I envy his joy for the Lord, Dan is still a great role model, maybe the best I've seen
@saradanser894 10 месяцев назад
​@@jaredshowers1, there is a scripture verse where an apostle said, Follow me AS I follow Christ
@dustinmester4118 2 года назад
I love the truth that God speaks through Dan. I love how you can just see the Holly spirit in him. I love how his love is contagious in Dan. Thank you father for speaking through Dan. I ask that you put him in my path again sometime .
@DanMohlerSR 2 года назад
HI, Dan is not involved with this channel but I am sure he would appreciate your message, bless you.
@kndxoxo89 3 года назад
Stop letting the world speak louder than the truth….Yes!!
@heathergerard8460 2 года назад
I just love this!! I love other Spirit filled believers
@austinnosa5775 2 года назад
Yayy sister I am asking for Strong sisters in Christ to keep me accountable
@jaredshowers1 Год назад
Aren't we suppose to love everyone?
@camilacampos6374 3 года назад
You don’t find the view of God through life, you find the view of God through Jesus and His life. He’s the revelation of the Father, your circumstances are not.
@davidheroplays7296 6 месяцев назад
I should've been here before, I don't go to this church but your messages are so powerful
@wandaeskridge5572 3 года назад
This has me on my knees. Thankyou Dan...
@DanMohlerSR 3 года назад
HI, Dan is not involved with this channel but I am sure he would appreciate your message, bless you.
@Aur985 3 года назад
How much dysfunctionality in my life!! Thanks God for your Holy Spirit that have brought light on me. God bless you all
@IMCAust 3 года назад
@Kevin Belgrove Where are you finding this please?
@machelpearl6298 3 года назад
Amen!! I am a new creation in Christ Jesus 🙌💃🏻 If you have been born again you are made new. Old things past away behold ALL THINGS ARE MADE NEW!! Not repurposed.
@abrahamhernandez7912 3 года назад
A true man of God
@yvonnesegers3214 Год назад
Só good! Thank you for this Dan Mohler.
@staciahfriendofthemosthigh7049 3 года назад
👏🔥🔥🔥 I love this brother! God bless him and his loved ones and his ministry Abba Father! In Jesus Christ almighty name amen 🙏🏻 Hallelujah!
@Gabyk8905 3 года назад
Another amazing teaching Dan thank you
@Gabyk8905 3 года назад
Oh how I love the message of the Gospel of redemption and restoration taught by you Dan, thank you for being “Just like Jesus” he sure sounds just like you and shines just like you, thank you Father for Pastor Dan 💜❤️
@DanMohlerSR 3 года назад
Hi Kim Dan is not involved with this channel but I am sure he would appreciate your message, bless you.
@BenjiBoy15 3 года назад
Thank you Father for Dan.. I praise you Jesus
@jwinaccount 3 года назад
This guy is spitting straight facts!
@maryann8069 3 года назад
I love Galatians 2:20
@choosebrotherben 3 года назад
You have changed my life Father thru your servant. It's sweet in room with Lord thanking the Father thru Jesus
@choosebrotherben 3 года назад
@Kevin Belgrove Is the whole bible translated?!
@nadacolic7775 2 года назад
I just need God..
@nevaeh1081 2 года назад
and God needs you , love❤️ that's why he is there he loves you 🤍✝️🙏 you got this!!
@rickbruce6490 3 года назад
I so appreciate everything you do brother Dan I love you brother
@DanMohlerSR 3 года назад
HI, Dan is not involved with this channel but I am sure he would appreciate your message, bless you.
@helenavaneden1684 3 года назад
Thánk you SÓ MÚCH Pst.Dan. Your message is an ÁBSOLUTE CONFIRMATION of what Holy Spirit has been saying to me this past week ÉVERYDAY….
@DanMohlerSR 3 года назад
HI, Dan is not involved with this channel but I am sure he would appreciate your message, bless you.
@neltrapper 3 года назад
True 5:45 someone or can't point fingers at resitedental schools and blame the people who misrepresenting Jesus. The one I met Jesus is awesome loving powerful person....He came to save not to destroy...but the enemy came to steal, kill, destroy.
@natemckeel3120 3 года назад
You should make an unofficial Dan Mohler podcast and put all the full messages on there
@DanMohlerSR 3 года назад
@mattgibson4039 3 года назад
DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel yes and Spotify!
@JaymeOrr 3 года назад
There is a Spotify podcast with all of Dan's material
@MichealVakas 3 года назад
Are you asking about a Spotify thing or are you stating there is one ?
@robmangeri777 3 года назад
@lucyyoung888 3 года назад
@lucyyoung888 3 года назад
@kisemboeva1782 3 года назад
Yes, you did get me.
@kouladerzotis8207 3 года назад
God bless you prother
@michaelminer3157 3 года назад
Thanks pastor Dan. Needed to hear this.
@LizelleGrobler 3 года назад
Thank you 🙏🇿🇦
@DanMohlerSR 3 года назад
👍👍👍👍👍 Pleasure
@j-man7775 3 года назад
Amen! and Hallelujah Dan! Nail on the head!
@elliotcasson2808 3 года назад
@daru1085 3 года назад
Amen so true
@alicec9092 2 года назад
So good!
@AdventuresinPopUps 3 года назад
All so good
@cjasse 3 года назад
@cjasse 3 года назад
My mother was healed in the name of Jesus of a demon that was oppressing her. I watched it happen. I've watched people saved and set free using the name of Jesus. I understand the translation, but I also see God honors a heart after Him. If we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. I feel His indwelling Holy Spirit and was baptized into the Holy Spirit. I cannot undo what has been done and revealed to me. To say I'm being deceived, I know satan doesn't set people free and baptize or heal in the name of Jesus. I believe He honors His word and those who call upon Him will be saved. Do you think Bibles in China where Christians are dying from persecution have the older translation? If not I'd go out on a limb and say they know the cost and have accepted Jesus and will be met by Him in heaven. We serve a God of mercy. I believe we can pray Yehushua HaMashiach or Jesus Christ and God is glorified.
@markcholak3230 3 года назад
@@cjasse yes!!! Praise Jesus!!!
@genaross4143 3 года назад
@Cheese_crackers 3 года назад
What fellowship building I s this
@imtroublesome 3 года назад
Dan is so funny 😭😭😭😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
@matthewsjones7 3 года назад
Listening to this I heard as a reaction to pain around us, - at around 5:15 - becoming introverted as an identify fault, especially as a reaction to pain. Eh, what? If this were true, we should ALL be extroverted as we come to Christ but this is not consistent with scripture. The beautiful tapestry of how people are made and mixed up as they come to Christ is part of His extravagant design. Just like our body is not made up of just hands, of faces, or legs, or kidneys, or toes, etc etc. All have a very specific purpose to the body and some (hopefully) are never seen! If my lungs wanted to come out of my body to be seen that would be a serious problem! Perhaps its a definition issue, but I think it's unfortunate that this was included in the list of being hurt, broken, frustrated, etc. I get the POINT is that Jesus gives us our true identity, which as the creator He is the ONLY one that can; but to say that all of these things are "wrong", then being human is "wrong"? Did God ever get hurt, broken, frustrated or angry? Yep. If we are to believe scripture then you can find this in several places. Eden didn't happen and the Lord went whoops, well I guess it's screwed when Adam choose the fruit. Loving an IMPERFECT people and providing restoration is part of the character of our Mighty God. It's a display of His great love that he would love us and choose us BEFORE we ever choose Him. I get why you might use these as an example but feel you actually take away part of God's beautiful creation and Love by essentially demonizing these reactions and calling them identify. While many DO take these on as mantras in their life, in themselves they are not against the creation that He has made us to be.
@seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 3 года назад
What he is saying is to get off ,living by the senses/ soulish nature and live by The Spirit/ Word, only then we can love another as ourself.
@nicolekohler5066 2 года назад
Of course God has made different personalities... But if any of your makeup is born out of past experiences and birthed out of fear it is NOT from God but from the world. Dont let the devil use one word you have misinterpreted from what Dan has said make you be blocked from hearing what God is saying by his Spirit. Be humble and teachable... If it fits you, hear it...if NOT it was said for someone else that HAS become introverted because of a painful experience.
@Zfaith_fitness_detox 3 года назад
I so appreciate this channel, I do wish the angry cards would stop though. It's extremely distracting and stops us from hearing what God is trying to say. I get that youtube is being awful, but maybe this is more than monetization, it's about giving people the word of God.
@markcholak3230 3 года назад
What do you mean about the angry cards?
@jaredshowers1 Год назад
😂😂😂 Maybe you should ignore them.
@Stephyjay09 2 года назад
What was the worship set list this session?
@jessejohnabrahammartinez9931 2 года назад
@roshunepp 3 года назад
A duh "aha" moment. No one lights a candle and then covers it.... We're the candle. God lit us. I know it's obvious but it's my turn for the light bulb to turn on. Lol
@roshunepp 3 года назад
@Kevin Belgrove then there's no salvation in YHWH either?
@tw33ty4u 3 года назад
TO OVERCOMERS REV: 12:17 💥 For the priesthood being changed of necessity there also change of the Torah Hebrews 7:12 - HERESY 💥 For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitable for the Torah made nothing perfect Hebrews 7:18/19 WICKEDNESS 💥 He has made the (covenant's) first obsolete. Now what is growing cold is vanishing away - Hebrews 8:13 HERESY All grievous 💔 Psalm 119:160 The Entirety of Your WORD is Truth and every one of Your Righteous Judgements endures FOREVER Psalm 119: 152 Concerning Your Testimonies, I have known of old that You have founded them FOREVER Psalm 19:7-,9 The Torah of YHWH is perfect converting the soul, The Testimony of YHWH is SURE making wise the simple, the Statutes of YHWH are RIGHT rejoicing the heart. The commandment of YHWH is PURE enlightening the eyes, the fear of YHWH is CLEAN enduring FOREVER, The Judgements of YHWH are TRUE and Righteous Altogether Proverbs 28:9 Whoever turns his ear away from hearing the Torah/ instructions even his prayer is detestable. The enemy wants you disabled in lawlessness, blind always outside sin and repent circle, defeated with a thorn in your side, denounce that thorn lie too! 🔥 The commandments and testimonies is Fathers self revelation of Himself, He wrote the commandments with His own Finger. It is His hearts desire and best for us. Messiah DID NOT come to do away with the Torah or the Prophets but to UPHOLD them, or CONFIRM them. They were not obedient to His Torah/ instructions. Our rebellion harms us being separated from the Father by our sin and lawlessness. His Torah is His standard and reveals Himself ( 1st 5 books of the bible). The WORD made Flesh. Reconciled to YHWH in reverence and intimacy. Only by His Spirit can we obey & live abundantly Messiah spoke. You cannot have His Spirit and live contrary to His Way. He is a good Righteous Fathers His Spirit is a helper to us sent by Beloved Messiah Yahushua. If we are not obeying His commandments Matt 7:22/23 Applies. He will Judge by His Torah/ LAW. Humbly Please Let Holy Spirit teach you the TRUTH, there is real FREEDOM 🔥🕊
@dagman85 3 года назад
Thank you for making your position clear by calling the teachings in the book of Hebrews heresy and wickedness. It helps us to know where you're coming from. Part of the issue here is the multiple ways that "Torah" is used. God made covenants with Israel, originally through Abraham and later through Moses. We can learn from the laws that He included in the Mosaic covenant, but it's the people who are committed to that covenant who are bound to it. My covenant is with Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah, and it was His sacrifice on the cross, His blood, which initialized that covenant. It is because of His sacrifice that I am in covenant with Him, and He is working in me every day through His Holy Spirit to lead me, guide me and transform me. He is revealed through all of the Bible, including the Torah, but He is the one who fulfilled the Mosaic covenant by living a completely righteous life and upholding the Law perfectly. He obtained righteousness through adherence to the Law, when no one else could. He thus fulfilled the covenant and inherited its blessings, whereas the Jews who did not accept the new covenant in Jesus' blood experienced the judgment in 70 AD that Jesus had warned in Matthew 24 was coming upon that generation.
@DylanIsArchAngel 3 года назад
We live by God's grace through faith not under the old law that was fulfilled by Christ. Grace, not law. Jesus Christ IS our faith. This is His-story. It's all about Him and for good reason; He truly is the only worthy of worship. What He willingly did on the cross for us is amazing. The Word made flesh. God as man.
@dagman85 3 года назад
@Kevin Belgrove - thankfully the Son of the Most High God, the Savior, the Messiah, seems to respond equally well to both names. He knows when He is being addressed.
@stephenthompson9722 3 года назад
So I guess king David wasn't praying in the Psalms when he was talking to God...ok... :p
@57andstillkicking 3 года назад
King David was processing with God, not complaining. He ended every psalm in praise and thanksgiving.
@shannonelliott9230 4 месяца назад
And Lot's wife "looking back" no doubt had feet, as she was heading back, because nothing had happened "yet"...
@TabiMcArdle 3 года назад
@larryfulmer 3 года назад
This sounds like gibberish.
@jennierenzi8739 3 года назад
Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Pray for it
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