
【Hifuu MV】Five Seconds Before the Revolution’s Dawn -the World of Dystopia-【TUMENECO】 

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TUMENECO’s first Hifuu Club full MV has finally arrived…
The World of Dystopia
Five Seconds Before the Revolution’s Dawn
An announcement: Our next planned album, the World of Dystopia, in the works since last year, met an unexpected obstacle in that the hard drive its data was stored on broke down and has yet to be fully recovered. Having “Lost the DATA” so to speak, will TUMENECO be able to find the light at the end of this dark tunnel?! That remains to be seen. However, in the meantime, we would like to present you with the main theme from this lost album: Five Seconds Before the Revolution’s Dawn, while we work on the rest!
Homepage:Under construction
Album release date:Undecided(Please give us time to recover the data or recreate the songs)
Store Page:Undecided(Most likely Melonbooks)
We hope you will be patient and look forward to the release of the album.
◆MV Credits◆
Illust : Tamahana(Amenohanabi) / tamakohanabi
Lyrics : Nanase(lip tone) / einanase
Vocals : yukina (TUMENECO) / yuzyuz_x & Mie(GET IN THE RING) / miemum
Story : Hitohira(Shimensoka) / allenemy
Video : RF / hal1929 & TELyama-ru Tokutou / telyama_ru10910
Music : tomoya / tumeneco
◆Original Songs◆
Original : Girl’s Hifuu Club、Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World
TL note : In this story, Renko counts using standard Japanese “Ichi, ni, san, yon, go”, whereas Merry counts using a slightly older version with “hi, fu, mi, yo, itsu”. This is also why Merry says “that last ‘one’ is for our Hifuu Club”. Because she ends the count with “hi”, the first syllable of “Hifuu Club”.
〇Five Seconds Before the Revolution’s Dawn / Hitohira (Shimensoka)
“The current local time is 4:45:32 am; our location-the rooftop of the New Kyōto Station complex.”
“I know that much…” Merry replied, covering her mouth as she yawned.
I felt a yawn of my own coming on and tried to contain it-but failed spectacularly, making a clownish sound that should have been easy to make fun of. Although with dawn approaching, I thought, anyone who stayed up all night like us would be tired by now. It might be weird that we want to go to bed just as the run-of-the-mill crowd is beginning to wake up, but that's the spice of life for us members of a delinquent club.
…On second thought, “delinquent” may be putting it too mildly-we did sneak onto the rooftop of a closed-off building, after all-“illegal” is probably a more accurate word to use…not that this is new for us or anything.
That day was just like any other-for us members of an illegal occult club, anyway-but even so, one thing did stand out: the fact that we missed our mark.
“So it looks like that rumored caped crusader won’t show themselves after all this time, huh?” I remarked.
“I wonder if we just picked a bad spot,” Merry offered. “Do you want to try someplace further out into the suburbs tomorrow?”
“Let’s stick with this location for another two or three days, at least. If that doesn’t work out, we can try somewhere else.”
I thought it was too early to decide our initial location was fruitless. We still didn’t know enough about the necessary conditions for the caped crusader to appear. All we had to go off of were the rumors about this individual that were making the rounds among students in Kyōto:
In Kyōto, under the cover of darkness, a mysterious caped crusader flies-building to building, shadow to shadow.
Unfortunately, I thought, we didn’t encounter them this time. There wasn’t any sign of them at all either. The nighttime cityscape Merry and I saw below us didn’t look any different from its usual, peaceful, boring self.
“With them being called a ‘caped crusader’ and all,” I remarked, “the least they could do to respond to their new-found fame is to start announcing their appearances beforehand somehow… I suppose that’s more something a ‘phantom thief’ would do though… I guess you can’t have it all…”
“If a full-blown announcement is asking too much, what about something like, ‘The caped crusader will appear right after this 60-second commercial break! Don’t go away!’?”
“Where did that come from? Were you an entertainer in a past life or something?”
Once our caped crusader has stooped to the point where they're being announced at the end of a commercial break, they’ll have lost any claim they ever had to being “mysterious”…
Besides, getting an announcement like that, sixty seconds prior to arrival, is something I would have mixed feelings about. There’s no element of mystery. All you’re getting is a confirmation that everything is proceeding according to plan. It’s like watching a magician perform a trick you already know the ins and outs of.
When you think of it that way, this swing and a miss of an outing is an essential part of what makes this fun. Sure, I’m tired, but I don’t feel particularly down-even Merry-she looks tired and a bit dazed, but she’s smiling.
It wasn’t a bad night.
With that conclusion in hand, I shrugged my shoulders and said jokingly:
“The best countdown I can reliably offer is to count down the time it’ll take for dawn to break.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“But of course! With my ability, it’s a sure thing. I know exactly what time it is now and when dawn breaks, so I can tell you the number of seconds it’ll take before the sun appears over that building over there,” I said, puffing up my cheeks.
I do have some pride, after all. I couldn’t let a challenge to my abilities stand-but more importantly, we’re talking about my partner here: my co-conspirator, my complement. As long as that’s true, we need to be on the same page. Even so, all Merry did was stare right back at me.
“Renko, are you sure about that?”
“Well, yeah, I…”
As those glass-like eyes of hers full of night stared right at me, my voice trailed off.
It was only then that I, much too late, realized my misunderstanding. Merry was not questioning my ability. Her doubt was not directed at me, but at the world.
When Merry asked, “Really?” she was not asking whether I could really count down to dawn. She was asking whether the dawn would really come on time-if at all. That’s what her eyes told me.
Merry, Maéreverie Hearn. The girl who crosses borders into dreams. In a sense, you could say she lives in an eternal state of wandering-night after night, so it was all the more important to me to return her mellow gaze, to make sure I could still find myself in her eyes.
“…Well, I suppose there may be nights that never see dawn,” I admitted.
“In the same way, there may be dreams one never wakes from… That’s just the way things are.”
“Or conversely, the world might end in the next five seconds. You never know.”
A childish delusion it was, to suppose the world really only was just born five seconds ago, only to end in another five seconds. That in only five seconds, so much about the world could change… That alluring possibility was a dream children believed in, only to be forgotten upon adulthood. Despite knowing this…
“Five, four, three…” I began to count down, slowly, from five.
What if… I began to think. A member of our Hifuu Club, and still a girl at heart-I could not fully give up on such a childish dream.
By the time I count to zero, the world as I know it could end-the world as I know it could change. After all…
“…two, one…”
As I continued to count, I glanced at Merry and her mystical eyes. Nothing had changed, so far. She only continued to gaze at me and listen, unsurprised by my sudden countdown.
After all, Merry… Merry… Maéreverie Hearn… My world has already changed so much because of you.
I met Merry on a night filled with fluttering cherry blossoms. The instant I met her, everything changed. My boring day to day life came to an end, and I entered a new world-a world where Maéreverie Hearn and our Hifuu Club was an everyday part of my life, where each passing day was filled with excitement and each upcoming day I could hardly wait for. There was no countdown then. Right up until the moment it happened, I had no clue. Merry suddenly appeared, we met, and my life was changed forever. It was like magic. That’s why…
…As I uttered that final word, I thought, Prepare yourself, world-for a revolution!
And-of course-nothing happened. The sky didn’t split open, nor did the mysterious caped crusader appear. Not a single change graced the quiet, boring cityscape of Kyōto.
Well, it is what it is, I thought, and shrugged.
“Merry, let’s head back,” I said as brightly as I could. “If we wait around for the sun to rise, I’m sure a security guard will spot us sooner or later, so-”
“Wait, Renko, I haven’t had my turn.”
As I turned back around to face her, I had to choke back a squeal.
Only a second ago, there was a good deal of distance between us, but now she stood right in front of me. With the smile of a scheming child, her face blocked everything else from my view. I hardly had time to react before she raised her hand and covered my eyes.
“Wait, what are you…?”
“Five, four, three…”
Merry didn’t let me finish my sentence. She immediately began her own countdown. Unlike mine, she used an older set of numbers. I couldn’t see anything, so I listened carefully to her voice: It sounded as if she was enjoying herself, as if she was smiling as spoke.
In that world of darkness, Merry’s voice was everything.
I suppose this isn’t so bad, I thought. I’m not really sure what Merry is getting at, but… I might as well let her do what she wants. There’s a reason I like her so much, and this is part of it. I could sit here and listen to her voice forever…
“…two, one…”
But such a forever would not last for me-and Merry’s count quickly approached its end-yet Merry did not speak it.
Instead, she whispered with her lips touching my ear, just so I could hear:
“That last ‘one’, is for our Hifuu Club.”
Slowly, Merry uncovered my eyes. The world had n



7 сен 2024




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@user-uj8mk5sz4t 3 года назад
@user-cz2nl3dg4m 3 года назад
@user-kd9ks5ns4y 3 года назад
@user-fh1nn4xw7q 3 года назад
@mossanMHXX_1728 3 года назад
@user-ut3hs2gf7l 8 дней назад
@Kisaragi_Redline 3 года назад
@hasu961 3 года назад
@Kisaragi_Redline 3 года назад
@@hasu961 わからんこともない
@rumkoch 3 года назад
HDDが壊れてデータが壊れたのは残念ですが曲・PVはとても素晴らしい出来合いじゃないですか。 完成がとても楽しみです。
@SpaRkofFiRe 3 года назад
Who translated the story in the description? Whoever did is a hero 😭😭
@NaokiP72 3 года назад
I only know one source that writes the name マエリベリー as Maéreverie, and that's the translation group 'Don't Think, Look!' You can look them up on twitter and such to see other stuff they've done. It was probably IceFairy since they timed the subtitles too. Edit: It was Kafka Fuura, a longtime translator of touhou songs and stories, in collaboration with Don't Think, Look.
@cairnsh 7 месяцев назад
here is the leftover part for people who would like to read or mtl it  するりと、目を覆っていた手が外された。  世界は終わっていなかった。  世界は変わっていなかった。  けれど――私は、言葉を失っていた。何も言えない。目を逸らせない。  メリーから、ではない。  微笑むメリーの向こう。夜空の頂から、東の果てへと流れゆく星から、目を逸らすことができなかった。流星。流れ星。朝日を探すかのように、空の奥へと落ちていく星の輝きを、私は確かに見たのだった。  涙のように星は落ちて、光は夜に溶けてすぐに消えてしまった。それでも、幻でも夢でもなかった。そのことを、私の前で微笑むメリーの顔が証明しているかのようだった。  微笑みを見つめて、私は問う。 「……どうやったの?」 「泣いてくださいって、夜空にお願いしたのよ」  ヒミツ、と。  そう顔に描いてあるかのようだった。はぐらかすような微笑み。笑みの向こう側に、どんな秘密を抱えているのか悟らせない、それでいて秘密を抱えていることは否定しない――そんな、メリーの微笑みが、私は好きだった。  その笑みを出されてしまっては、何をいえるはずもない。  口を閉ざすことしかできない私に対し、メリーはますます笑みを深めて、 「次は雪でも降らせてみせましょうか?」  世界の在り方を変えてみましょうか、と。  なんでもないことのように、メリーは言う。私は無言で肩をすくめた。降参、の合図だ。  種も仕掛けもない。  そんなものは、ただの魔法で、ただの奇跡だ。  もしそうでないのだとすれば、それは――ああ、それ以上は考えるのはやめよう。こんな夜には無粋だし、何よりもそろそろ夜明けだ。  秘封倶楽部の活動は、今夜はおしまい。 「――その秘密、いつか暴いてやるんだから」  不敵な笑みを浮かべて、私は歩き出す。それは強がりでもあったけれど、本心でもあった。私の楽しみ。変わってしまった、私の――私たちの、世界。  秘封倶楽部の世界で、私たちは生きている。  私たちは歩き出す。ふいに見上げた夜空は、じんわりと夜明けの気配を滲ませている。私は心の中でそっと、夜明けまでのカウントダウンをするのだった。  隣を歩くメリーと、朝日を眺めるのを待ち望むかのように。
@aoribon 11 месяцев назад
@AMDeZani 2 года назад
All of TUMENECO’s Hifuu songs are too good… it’s not fair!
@HakurouGENKAKU1012 3 года назад
@helve_lick2 Год назад
@28-ez4em 4 месяца назад
やっぱり菫子と蓮子は親子だと思うわな。 そうでも考察しなければ、こんな事はあり得ない。
@user-ef1fd5vc1p 2 месяца назад
@@28-ez4em 董子は確か初代秘封クラブ部長を名乗ってて (深秘を曝け! 秘封倶楽部初代会長)* 確か秘封クラブを創設したのは蓮子 (マエリベリー・ハーン(愛称はメリー)と2人でオカルトサークル「秘封倶楽部」を結成している。 自分から行動を起こす事が多く、部長のような存在だと思われる。)* つまり同一人物...() 因みにメリーのほうも、 my reverie(マイリベリー)で私の幻想。 ハーンはチンギスハーンとかのハーンで、 和名だと八雲。 つまりメリーは紫って考えられてる。 メリーのほうは 境界を見つける程度の能力。 紫の能力は 境界を操る程度の能力。 ってことで能力が似てるのも紫だと考えられる理由の一つ... *Pixiv百科事典より。
@user-ef1fd5vc1p 7 дней назад
今更だけど戻ってきたから付けたし。 萃香が紫に向って ”昼間”に”こっち”にいるなんて、珍しいこともあるもんだね。(確か) って言ってるから、昼間は外の世界でメリーとして活動してる可能性。
@natumikan9941 3 года назад
フルMV待ってましたー!!! めっちゃクオリティ高いですね!そしてシンプルにカッコいいw やっぱりyukinaさんとみぃさんのデュエット最高っす(≧▽≦) これからもこういった感じのMV増えるの楽しみです!
@user-id3cp4cv2s 3 года назад
@APHETA-uz5uw 3 года назад
@Kagura_1412 3 года назад
は?何これ 神かよ
@SO-ff9pi 3 года назад
@NOVAalf 3 года назад
歌声も演奏も動画もすべてがいい! フルMV次回も楽しみにしてます(おねだり)
@user-je8tj2bb1t 3 года назад
フルMV! しかもTUMENECO×四面楚歌! 最高です!ありがとうございます!
@user-bh5ss4hk1e 2 года назад
@moko4119 2 года назад
@user-nb8ts1mi9n 3 года назад
素晴らしい…フル、pv豪華すぎるぞ… デュエットやっぱ最高や! 頒布が楽しみ
@ExoticBankai Год назад
Fun song, some really great singing !
@Kisaragi_Redline 3 года назад
@user-sd7qj7bq6t Год назад
@aoribon 11 месяцев назад
@user-rf9pl7wn2i 3 года назад
MV公開待ってました! yukinaさんとみぃさんのデュエット大好きです! 完成楽しみにしてます!
@yukinamera 3 года назад
@aoribon 8 месяцев назад
@user-mh9jh9vo5q 3 года назад
@brettmcclain9289 3 года назад
The name of the album had a new meaning it would of not had a year ago:
@user-mw5pu9st4j 3 года назад
@user-ml2dm6xi3i 3 года назад
@user-du7st8ix9n 2 года назад
很嗨喔 買買買
@GDB3130 3 года назад
大好きのコンビ yukina×みぃ やったぜ
@user-uk5hu8sd6r 3 года назад
@user-sw7hd5hv5n 3 года назад
@user-gk7vl3jb1p 3 года назад
@arturoayala1004 3 года назад
Soo.. the last part of the video... Did the Sealing club just “disbanded”? Where are Renko and Maribel going now? Will this be the end of the Secret Sealing Club?!
@arturoayala1004 3 года назад
And most importantly of all... is this based on a novel or a doujin?.. and if it is a novel... how many pages long it is?
@NaokiP72 3 года назад
TUMENECO and Hitohira (of Shimensoka) have released bundled albums and novels together before, so this might be the case again when this album comes out. Hitohira mentioned being in charge of writing the story for this album, and they wrote the short story that you can find in the description, but we need to wait until the album actually comes out to say anything else for sure
@projectunknown5159 Год назад
Being late for two years. They just have to hide for a period of time for all the messes they(mostly Renko) made in the novel.
@user-id3cp4cv2s 3 года назад
@REO3893 3 года назад
@ravuxisuta2416 3 года назад
@aozumi_lau 3 года назад
@user-eo4lo4ye1v 3 года назад
와 ㅋㅋ 노래 엄청 좋네요 👍 😍 😄
@user-xv9ln4dt8m 3 года назад
Love this song
@user-fy6yf3eq3z 3 года назад
大好き! >
@KisekI369 3 дня назад
@user-sn9uu6fm9v 3 года назад
@elbenja0088 3 года назад
So, what's this song about?
@niara_2250 3 года назад
0:56 2:06
@user-sf2bd7ee3w 3 года назад
高評価565! 低評価0! さっすがyukinaさんとみぃさんのデュエットですね!
@Hifuutorian Год назад
This is amazing!
@Hifuutorian Год назад
Is there more to the story in the summary?
@projectunknown5159 Год назад
Renko finds Serimeko`s cloak at her house in Toyto and gains some superpowers by wearing it, then she flies over Kyoto on one night and is mistaked as a revolutionist who wants to overthrow the goverment and all restrictions on fancies of the scientific era. Maribel, on the other hand, worries that Renko would rely too much on the cloak and causing too much attention to their illegal activity and persuades Renko to seal the cloak. But one mistake causes the cloak out of control and lights the whole city on fire. Chaos fall on Kyoto and Renko soon finds she has to make a choice related to the cloak, Merry and herself. In the end, the two members of Sealing club have to hide for a period of time for all messes they has caused, but they know they will meet again with their new exploration as RenMerry are bonded for their stories, their feelings build up the true Hifuu Club.
@Hifuutorian Год назад
@@projectunknown5159 Is there a way I could read this somewhere? That sounds interesting.
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