
加入大灣區令香港前途蒙上陰影?! 香港前途將會...陶傑看經融(中文字幕) 20190429 

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@kinfan8523 5 лет назад
@hkmachi 5 лет назад
@sweetieip 5 лет назад
陶傑只是发表他的观点。他不一定是对的。不过聪明的政治层会采纳别人批评而改出更好的策略。 10 年后我们再回顾吧。
@minkeiken1 5 лет назад
@yiliu5606 5 лет назад
Swee Tie Ip 我霉油炸锅看过他发表的都是偏激和短见,如果香港以这种人为有见地,那就是悲哀
@sweetieip 5 лет назад
@@yiliu5606 他算不偏激的了。
@yiliu5606 5 лет назад
Swee Tie Ip 胡说八道居多
@littleredbook2882 5 лет назад
若果有得揀, 一個係美國矽谷, 送美國綠咭及US passport, 另一個是中国大湾区矽谷, 送中国護照及内地居民身份證, 会揀边個 ???
@WingKai 5 лет назад
@littleredbook2882 5 лет назад
@Wing Kai 真係?我就“暗簡”本外國护照, 手揸另一本. 看看人行長, 易先生, 早年居美, 个仔born in USA;佢自己手揸住嘅, 应該係外交护照, 如果只係公務护照,就不成体統! 中國人, 你最懂的!😆👏👍
@何晔-g6y 5 лет назад
@wongalan8062 5 лет назад
何晔 哇 咁你講 個個都係馬雲啦 你個強國人又唔見你e+入十大富豪榜 加上美國打公仔既福利都好過你班 中國鐵血工廠打工仔啦 幾多中國人農村人黎大城市咪一樣做苦力 最最最起碼啊 美國都有人權憲法 勞工法 你中國有咩啊 雜種憲法 小熊維尼唔高興 你就係叛國 叛黨 不愛毛xx啦 係中國做咩有錢啊 做五毛 村霸好過啦
@littleredbook2882 5 лет назад
@@wongalan8062 做到馬雲又如何?刹那風光, 之後便要交出 “阿爸”, 叫你知所進退, 你就要急流引退喇, 唔好要爺爺講第二次 !港人要前車可鑑!
@asas-ni1mf 5 лет назад
Your channel is good, Pls keep up the good work :)
@風清揚-e9e 5 лет назад
@jackyue8584 5 лет назад
@為什麼你辣摸可愛 5 лет назад
也不是這樣說的,自古媒體都是必爭之地,要得民心就要控制媒體,大陸在香港也控制不少媒體,若說僅憑幾個youtuber就能控制「無腦」香港年輕人,香港市場自由,媒體亦是,正反皆有,那麼就便是大陸反控制的媒體技不如人,說服不了廣大的香港年輕民眾 文人從來如此,如果不是這樣唐時不會有牛李相爭,宋時不會有朋黨等 況且無論是香港還是大陸,百姓的意見也不見得有多重要,這些朋黨相爭,最多的也不過是百姓茶後話題,真正掌權也不見得是這些媒體或者是百姓
@TungA-r5q 5 лет назад
9:40部分我不大認同,有本書叫“Bad Blood”就是一個例子。 “2014年,伊丽莎白·霍姆斯所创立的企业希拉洛斯由于其革命性的血液检测技术--在一滴血上进行两百多项专业检测--在短短十年间成长为硅谷最具商业价值的独角兽公司。霍姆斯本人更是跻身全美四百大富豪榜,入选《时代》杂志影响全球的百大人物,一跃成为硅谷第一位亿万女性创业家。希拉洛斯的身后隐藏着豪华阵容的董事会成员--美国前国务卿乔治·舒尔茨、亨利·基辛格,媒体大亨鲁伯特·默多克,甲骨文创始人拉里·埃里森,传奇创投家唐纳德·卢卡斯等。就在人们期待着希拉洛斯成长为下一个苹果或者谷歌时,一个真相逐渐显现--希拉洛斯所声称的革命技术是假的,这个商业神话内核的只有一个,那就是谎言。” 當然上述只係一個例子,但係我只想話其實黎D野邊到都有,只係美國比較少。
@tcesourl3221 5 лет назад
@rickychiu8032 5 лет назад
@yfung4140 5 лет назад
林有冇訪問過 Redwood city 至 San Jose 一帶先?
@Alex-oy4oo 5 лет назад
經常提鄧小平講了什麼,江澤民講了什麼, 習近平講了什麼。 廢話 !! 他們都是共產黨 ,共產黨講嘅說話 ,一個字都不能信,這是歷史教訓 !! 請問 中英協議如何? 世貿協議又如何 ?瞓醒覺未呀?
@tsechunming3800 5 лет назад
Happy Life 正硧完全正確
@wuwaibun8893 5 лет назад
@rogertam3425 5 лет назад
@pacoouyang8754 5 лет назад
@yiqingwu3053 5 лет назад
@michaelchung9457 5 лет назад
@kamannmoore6168 5 лет назад
@安仔-w5z 5 лет назад
有錢佬嚇走晒啦! 有理想嘅人拉九晒啦! 頂尖人材趕走晒啦! 剩底只有陶生呢D就退休嘅人、我呢D無學識嘅人、同林鄭呢D咁能叻嘅人。咁究竟應該邊D人去大彎區呢?人材又無、錢又無、良好制度你又無、咁又話搞乜搞物、成班人係咪黐缐架?
@唔講得-u6h 5 лет назад
其實佢 真係識咩叫做經濟同政治? (我無言)
@zhangweidong1177 5 лет назад
@Johnny.deeeeeep 5 лет назад
分辨五毛好簡單,點入距地名稱去你會發現系冇任何資料 然後你就會發現,香港youtube被老共翻牆滲透
@Johnny.deeeeeep 5 лет назад
@屈德肺 你沒有罵我們啊,我也很愛你們,一見到簡體字就想提醒你們,你們主子快要被老美滅了,你們這些走狗記得要陪葬哦
@冥侦探夜沐 5 лет назад
@屈德肺 而我们也被共洗脑了 我比较中立 都各退一步。一国两制也是为了让他们慢慢适应
@dixianyang942 5 лет назад
Norris Li 无语的傻逼
@zoooinsingapore 5 лет назад
Yayaya, you are right, no change is the best for hk.
@jackyyao6006 5 лет назад
@何晔-g6y 5 лет назад
@luisgui6832 5 лет назад
Not joining would make Hong Kong much more marginalised.
@alglin6237 5 лет назад
陶傑說關於華爾街評估投資風險並不全對. Theranos 的 創辦人, 19 歲的Elizabeth Holmes, 大學沒有讀完就可以得到數以億美元的投資,就是因為她父親的關係.Christian Holmes 是Enron 前 Vice President. 後來又在美國政府高層任職. 根本全家都是騙子. Wikipedia 這樣說: "The early credibility of Theranos was in part interpreted as an effect of Holmes's personal connections and ability to recruit the support of influential people including Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, George Shultz,.." Bill Clinton 還特意上電視介紹 Elizabeth Holmes 為最年輕的科技天材及 entrepreneur. 其實為財無義,古今中外都是一樣態度. 不同者,在中國,有權有勢,可以逍遙法外. 在美國,還是有一點兒司法公正的.
@黄晓彬-v5o 5 лет назад
@dixianyang942 5 лет назад
@劉-s7o 5 лет назад
@grosu4750 5 лет назад
劉美珠 死猪不怕开水烫的意思吗
@uuyu01 5 лет назад
@siyinHo 5 лет назад
@pangjoe3027 5 лет назад
之前聽過香港的中藥港數碼港啦, 而家見到D咩呀!!又玩呢招騙港人,唔會再信你特區政府啦啦!!!
@toku7827 5 лет назад
數碼港 中藥港 是老懵董特首 明益商家的決定 從沒有相信過 跟大陸所說的大灣區完全不同
@ericwong8950 5 лет назад
數碼港被李嘉誠父子玩成了房產港,後來又來中藥港 大家都怕了,怕變成第二個數碼港
@maymi372 5 лет назад
@xsuper6086 5 лет назад
@@maymi372 祝香港赶快死
@edenz7879 5 лет назад
@alexzhang2898 5 лет назад
@chanfranc 5 лет назад
@区木嘴 5 лет назад
@hingkongkwan4693 5 лет назад
@Im.RealMAN 5 лет назад
@yatpangko3823 5 лет назад
RealMAN Zhu 如果香港唔入大灣區 就真正自己淘汰自己
@Im.RealMAN 5 лет назад
@@yatpangko3823 最近去過大陸的大灣區嗎?
@dbsse7503 5 лет назад
@Im.RealMAN 5 лет назад
@@dbsse7503 在大陸還是貧窮的時代,那時的香港已經是經濟起飛的四小龍了! 你好像都不知道吧?!
@Im.RealMAN 5 лет назад
@@dbsse7503 沒有香港這個後門,中國就得不到美帝的最高端科技。(你國借香港高校名義購買美帝最高端科技科研設備) 不過,你皇習帝自己想封死後門,美帝會成全他的。終止《香港關係法》,取消香港獨立關稅地位,以及即將通過的《香港民主及人權法》(制裁香港的專制官員),夠習帝享用多年了!
@rayraygor 5 лет назад
等阿7畫隻咁大個餅出嚟,車公已經講左唔work. 不如打造亞洲矽膠中心仲快賺,全球d人都嚟隆胸呀,整鼻呀。仲好啦,反正個個都咁鐘意表面嘢,又要靚。隨時帶旺埋旅遊業添!
@lagunadeseca 5 лет назад
We can look at other successful countries to set a model, however, we can also engineer our own miracle. Nazi Germany and Soviet Union did not have Western style of freedom or democracy yet they still pioneered some of the most advanced technologies at the time. Given China's great pool of talents and the Chinese society's eagerness towards new technology we should not doubt China's ability to create leading technologies. Who would have thought just 10 years back that Huawei would become a global company in the smart phone industry just behind Apple and Google? Who would have thought 10 years ago that Shenzhen would surpass Hong Kong in GDP, and that it would become China's Silicon Valley with great growth potential still untapped? Hong Kong may have cemented it's place as the financial hub of Asia under British rule, but in today's global economy, smarter living and utilisation of new technologies for everyday use are the focus of growth, wealth, and global competitive advantage. City state economies cannot compete with global powers! Hong Kong should consider itself lucky to be included in the Greater Bay Zone economy to enable it to use it's competitive advantage to drive further growth in the Zone and in turn benefit itself. If you grow the cake bigger then you get a bigger share too! If it doesn't accept this role and isolate itself it will just become irrelevant and fall from grace quicker than you think. Just look at how much Taiwan declined over the last 25 years as a result of this attitude, now they have democracy but are no longer rich, if it keeps this up for long it might get stuck in the middle income trap just like some South America countries are.
@g600f700 5 лет назад
What you said about some technology from one/two countries is similar to looking at a star vs looking at a galaxy. First, forget about the country level, if you want to design a game for people to make money, you need to have a fair game rules. Once these rules are set, more and more people will join. There will be some people don't like to play and they are free to leave. This is the building blocks of a money making game. When you want to start a new game, company or even a country, ask yourself " how do I design so that 1, most people have a chance to make money 2, most people like to stay 3, not only for one generation, it will work for other generations 4, it last a long time. 5, other empires like Roman empires, chinese dynasties, Egyptians...etc what are the reasons they failed? What can we learn from them? I am sure some people will disagree and if they have a better idea, feel free to explain how it's better. My 2 cents.
@lagunadeseca 5 лет назад
@@g600f700 My comments mainly focus on the practicality of the state run economy such as China's using Nazi Germany and Soviet Union as reference, as they had a similar centralised power regime like China's, yet were similarly successful on the technological front. Their collapse were brought about not by their centralised way of ruling but by war and Facism (Germany), and failed economical reforms (Soviet Union). The point is that these examples show that centralised ways of ruling do not fail innovation or technological advances. Given China is a civilisation state with a modern system of rule at only 70 years young, so long as it remain stable with a focus on the core technologies and the right policy reforms it will surely thrive. It is true that China is not as open politically and does not have complete freedom of speech but given time and development it will surely improve. The west as we know it today such as the US had racial segregation policies up to the 1970's, it is only through constant improvements overtime that they achieved today's freedom. Likewise, China will improve overtime.
@ttssinmood9677 5 лет назад
@@lagunadeseca ...I am sorry...HK had been tripped and dream the fantastic as YOUR thinking since the HAHDOVER..Now,,what's happenings in H K in the last six years....the whole world seen it...!!
@lagunadeseca 5 лет назад
@@ttssinmood9677 It is true that Hong Kong is counting on China to improve and in turn benefit HK. The disappointment lies in the fact that Chinese cities such as Shenzhen thrived more rapidly over the last couple of decades than Hong Kong, and that Hong Kong doesn't have democratic elections to enable it to do what they want. Yet again neither did Hong Kong have democratic freedom under British rule, but Hong Kong was still able to achieve it's miracle back then. The only exception is China has become stronger, being the 2nd largest economy and still booming. Though I too like Hong Kong and it's culture and influence in the hay days, I think it must wake to the new reality which is that you need to cooperate with China to gain your next wave of growth. Otherwise the resentment and declining attitude will bring HK down... It will be sad to one day see HK being surpassed by Singapore due to this resentment. HK has far too many reasons and advantages to thrive so much better than Singapore, Singapore couldn't even dream of swapping places with HK and be in the Greater Bay Zone, as they know that with the right implementation they will thrive, Singapore couldn't dream of Malaysia or it's closer neighbors to give it anything close to this advantage!
@mattc688 5 лет назад
美國成功因素是其本身自我糾正的能力, 而這種能力源於容許對抗力量存在, 鼓勵制衡力量check & balance.中國不容異議, 要為自己的錯誤不斷付巨大代價.
@tatchunglau5618 5 лет назад
@mattc688 5 лет назад
@@tatchunglau5618中國嘅發展都係利用他國的思維,技術,和經驗而成, 自己沒有建立發展能力, 他國是經過300年不斷投入, 積累失敗經驗一點點而成, 這種能力會不斷發展更新, 中國已經到了跟他國很接近的水平, 他國開始警覺不讓中國得到先進技術, 中國只會再被拋離. 中國的大進步是傾全國之力去做, 固然是有效率, 但亦會因沒有自我糾正的能力而必須付出極大仳代價去彌補, 中國壓抑思想, 把創造力也壓了下去
@tatchunglau5618 5 лет назад
@@mattc688 你覺得14億人嘅國家咁快就改變得曬?要循序漸進架。當年文化大革命冇留低教訓嘅?仲有創造力問題,如果講科技,背後係要講專利係屬於邊個,仲有就係得到呢個專嘅方式,如果日日話抄,你覺得係歐洲美國有業務嘅公司唔畀人告?如果你話影視遊戲呢類,我個人都要批評一番,特別係19廣電局,有啲太過一刀切
@samsanng7974 5 лет назад
@yimlee2533 5 лет назад
@robothugo8549 5 лет назад
@joelai1760 5 лет назад
@tatlei1670 5 лет назад
@alglin6237 5 лет назад
About 20 years ago, when HuaWei started a new office in California, they contacted me in the East Coast and asked me to be their consultant in acquiring US intellectual properties. In particular, they were interested in terabit routers and network processors. I put together a small team from MIT and Harvard to do the research for them. To make a long story short, my impression of HuaWei was they did not seem to know much about the Internet and Telecom technologies. But that was 20 years ago. HuaWei is probably better now. Still, the Chinese ought to invest more efforts in fundamental research, instead of relying on Western technology. Their R&D infrastructure is pretty weak. Early in my career, I was with BB&N (Bolt, Beranek, and Newman) where my colleagues invented the Internet. For many years, I did technical consulting for a number of major telecom companies. I know the industry very well. I don't understand the hoopla surrounding this 5G technology. 5G is convenient for playing online games or downloading movies, not much else. It is laughable to think it will make an impact in military applications, which require completely different standards from civilian networking protocols. For that matter, check this out: "該波形稱為第5代先進訓練波形(5GATW)已由馬塞諸薩技術學院林肯實驗室研發,並在9月進行了最後的試飛,實驗中,該波形在地面站和2架飛機間傳遞了儘可能多的數據 ". Search online, and you will see the full story. 5GATW was designed and developed by my team (Tactical Airborne Networking Group) at the MIT Lincoln Lab over 3 years ago. The project was sponsored by the US Navy. We delivered the working prototype to Cubic, which turned it into a functional system for deployment. Our lab is a research institute; our job is to demonstrate a proof-of-concept, not to build products. Since then, we have moved onto more advanced research and technology. I, and my MIT colleagues' opinion is 5G is mostly hype. It might work in densely populated cities, but at a cost. In remote, wide-open areas with small populations, because of its short wavelength, it is not a viable solution. I think the future of wireless communications is in airborne infrastructures, such as small, low-flying satellites and space stations. Our lab started working on the airborne technology over 10 years ago. The reason Elon Musk's SpaceX exists is to help us launch these internet satellites. I truly don't understand why some people think the Chinese might have an edge over the US in communications technology. Perhaps I can paraphrase 鄭經翰: "你不認識華為就被它嚇死. 你認識華為就被它笑死."
@alexanderchen5538 5 лет назад
@au4stevepau 5 лет назад
@marcorubio3388 5 лет назад
@wesleyqwe8345 5 лет назад
@ronnyrong641 5 лет назад
@chungqk 5 лет назад
@miuswn1160 5 лет назад
@eol5215 5 лет назад
@八十万水军教头 5 лет назад
香港号称自由港 仰赖的是周边尤其是大陆的不自由 随着大陆以及越南等东南亚的自由 随着中国大陆自身开放的需要 尤其是西方国家的要求同香港一样的所谓自由(金融等) 香港的没落不可避免 害死香港的 还包括来自西方国家要求中国大陆的和香港一样的自由 既然一样了 要你香港干嘛 香港的硬件是没有优势的也不在金融贸易运输的支点 有辐射的能力完全仰赖周边的缺失。
@wonghing5478 5 лет назад
97 前的香港是什么? 要正香港人才知道.这是書無得读.飯無得吃年代.我等有机流浪到外国做差俚半工读是万幸.今日的一班政治口水老是吹水.今曰中国強做华侨的才能领悟.
@yc2861 5 лет назад
@Msccube 5 лет назад
Tao said that silicon valley is so creative. Someone thinks about opening a web-site to let home owner to rent out their home to travelers. Wall Street has at once input ton of money and the web-site becomes Airbnb. China cannot do this. Does he know that years ago, a young guy called Ma played so many video games to a point that he developed a big tech giant called TenCent? Ma did not even get the money from Wall Street. So Ma is more powerful than those guys in silicon valley. Does Tao know that a young student from U of Hong Kong of Science and Technology built a drone in the U for his thesis and the drone was further developed to be the DJI company, a huge international company controlling the drone market. This student did not get the Wall Street money and so he is more powerful than silicon valley. Does Tao know that Facebook's Zuckerberg went to China to learn how to use an App, WeChat to send money or paying bill. Zuckerberg is trying to repeat the same in USA. Does Tao know that in the world, China has the second largest number of Unicorn in the world, next to USA? Does Tao know that Hong Kong does not have even one Unicorn? By the way, does Tao know what a Unicorn is? If not, please go to China to learn about it before you speak in this channel. Thanks.
@jerry-hh9dm 5 лет назад
1.这个人对大陆的一切先入为主的不信任。华为5G目前确实是全世界领先,但他还是觉得西方厉害。 2.香港要破局,就要经济多元化,加入大湾区未来对香港来说肯定是有好处的。可他首先看到确实边界,法律这些问题。只要想进步,办法总比困难多。而不是像你这样,目空一切,抱足不前。 香港多几个像你这样空口白牙的文人,前途好让人担忧啊。思维局限,自带偏见。
@xiangli5582 5 лет назад
@mmaaiissee1 5 лет назад
以前好崇拜陶生, 現在覺得佢好乞人憎.
@godfather7762 5 лет назад
@chunlamszeto9640 5 лет назад
@wing4725 5 лет назад
真係搞錯嗮,宜家唔係林鄭要打造大灣區,而係香港點樣融入大灣區。 最後佢講嘅幾個問題,有如人生一樣,係唔係宜家冇,將來就冇? 宜家冇,就唔需要開始? 人一出世乜都唔識就唔使做人? 陶生喺po嘢之前請先做吓功課,再唔係返學校再讀多幾年書補充一下自己嘅知識同分析力。 觀點同立場都錯嗮。
@hunglo341 5 лет назад
@leongoui5293 5 лет назад
@leongoui5293 5 лет назад
@@pertayiiliu5832 完成之后你全家老衬?
@dixianyang942 5 лет назад
美国拍 泰坦尼克号时不是说,让妇女和儿童先走吗?结果先拿我们妇女儿童开刀!
@soulongwang9712 5 лет назад
@oliverhuang9846 5 лет назад
@chunlamszeto9640 5 лет назад
@dragon123fantasy 5 лет назад
@willengel2458 5 лет назад
host needs to decolonize his brain first. he must've missed the days when hong kong citizens as second class citizen on its own soil.
@bochurick9930 5 лет назад
Hongkongers, mainly descendants of Chinese refugees fleeing Communist persecution, didnt mind becoming the second class citizen as you described during the colonial era since they were able to enjoy freedom and human rights that you mainlanders feel envy. The host just tells the truth that stupid patriots find it hard to accept
@yiqingwu3053 5 лет назад
@hegelg.b7408 5 лет назад
@hegelg.b7408 5 лет назад
@xiaoleo275 5 лет назад
@siklau5443 5 лет назад
@董鑫-s8f 5 лет назад
@wing4725 5 лет назад
@jofpotier3873 5 лет назад
@张喆-t3w 5 лет назад
@dbsse7503 5 лет назад
@lovecat5386 5 лет назад
@YY-mb8go 5 лет назад
全世界邊個政府經濟唔係由一班富N代官N代操控? 今日先知原來美國冇官商勾結: ) 自由民主原本用來洗班弱智腦 洗洗下西方自己都落左搭
@yiliu5606 5 лет назад
@chenjian290 5 лет назад
@1636cltsang 5 лет назад
盲毛,德州、紐約州都叫獨立啦。 什麼叫言論自由,去共匪國叫下會點?
@chenjian290 5 лет назад
@yiliu5606 5 лет назад
jian da 这里遇见老乡,幸会
@aki925100 5 лет назад
@chilo2513 5 лет назад
@WM-mc9ez 5 лет назад
@hingkongkwan4693 5 лет назад
@kamcha5798 5 лет назад
it is simple, if your house has been broke into by burglars, what will you do?
@chrissymoy672 5 лет назад
Kam Cha 好心寫中文啦,你啲英文好肉酸!
@kamcha5798 5 лет назад
@@chrissymoy672 you are urgly! Fxxk
@dbsse7503 5 лет назад
@lovecat5386 5 лет назад
@zhnjqwe5769 5 лет назад
@岩迩铭治 5 лет назад
@kelwong116 5 лет назад
@ronaldau3518 5 лет назад
陶傑講咁撚多嘢, 最終都係為搵錢,為揾食, 不敢得罪任何一邊, 日日想兩邊舔盡, 所以乜都係佢講哂 !
@吳知道-f1m 5 лет назад
@wing4725 5 лет назад
突登入嚟聽吓佢有乜廢嘅觀點,不出我所料,真係冇料到。 對文盲嘅人嚟講佢確實係才子。
@云里看雾 5 лет назад
@陈辉-c6d 5 лет назад
@bochurick9930 5 лет назад
完全贊成睇法 橫掂都係而家即刻取消每日150個單程證限額 又唔使洗萬億填海 又唔使每年招呼六七千萬人嚟買奶粉打疫苗 全國最有錢嘅馬雲馬化騰又唔使麻煩攞香港身份證兼買咁貴山頂樓 廣東加油
@yyw7825 5 лет назад
@boscolin5790 5 лет назад
@ivanpan1608 5 лет назад
@dr.jackylam1022 5 лет назад
學台獨 就沒錢途
@射入你妈子宫 5 лет назад
@Fuc888 5 лет назад
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