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坐忘,庄子揭示人生恢复出厂设置的三个关卡和七个步骤 #佛法 #庄子 #道德经 #修行 #养生 #道家文化 #tiktok



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@st2559 Год назад
坐忘论 Translated to English: Stage 1 敬信 "Respect and Faith" "The root of the Tao lies in the untrustworthy; the stem of virtue lies in respect. When the root is deep, the Tao can grow; when the stem is firm, virtue can flourish. Thus, if one is attached to form, one's mind becomes confused; if one's thoughts are dominated by reason, one's emotions become erratic. Moreover, the Tao transcends sensory pleasures and desires, and one's true nature is separated from worldly desires. However, one who is able to perceive the subtlest nuances and maintain faith will not be led astray by illusions. It is like a person who hears the concept of "sitting and forgetting" and believes that faith is essential for cultivating the Tao. They should respect and revere this concept, and with unwavering determination and diligent practice, they will surely attain the Tao. Zhuangzi said: "Abandon knowledge and discard wisdom, and people will benefit a hundredfold." This is called "sitting and forgetting." What is it that one does not forget? One is unaware of their own body, and is ignorant of the universe. One is united with the Tao, and all worldly thoughts are abandoned. Those who hear of this concept and doubt it will be unable to attain it. How can one hope to attain the Tao if they lack faith? Stage 2 斷緣 "Interception of karma" "Those who sever their worldly ties are severing the attachments to worldly matters. By abandoning these matters, their physical body is not fatigued, and their mind is at peace. They simplify their lives day by day, and gradually reduce their worldly concerns, becoming more and more distant from worldly affairs, while becoming closer to the Tao. Who among the sages and the divine has not followed this path? As the saying goes, "Block up the source, close the door, and you will never have to work hard for the rest of your life." Some people seek to display their virtues and talents, seeking help from others. Some engage in busy work, handling affairs back and forth, while others pretend to seek seclusion. All of these actions are motivated by a desire for personal gain and advancement, and are not in line with the Tao, seriously hindering one's progress towards the ultimate goal. Therefore, all such actions should be completely abandoned." Stage 3 收心 "Restraining the Mind" The heart is the master of the body and the commander of a hundred spirits. When it is calm, wisdom arises; when it is agitated, confusion sets in. In the joyous delusion of illusory realms, only words seem real. In the pleasure of worldly affairs, the inner self is forgotten. Only through a firm resolve can the heart come near to the Way. The sages and the gods all follow this path. The scriptures say: "Close the opening; shut the doors; toil not, and you will not grow old." Some seek to display their virtues and abilities, seeking help from others. Some are entangled in social obligations, seeking favors and repaying debts. Some hide themselves in seclusion, hoping for advancement. Others invite people with food and drink, hoping to receive future favors. All of these are clever schemes, used to seize opportunities in the moment. They are not in line with the Way and hinder the proper course of business. All such practices must be abandoned. The heart is the master of the body and the commander of a hundred spirits. When it is calm, wisdom arises; when it is agitated, confusion sets in. In the joyous delusion of illusory realms, only words seem real. In the pleasure of worldly affairs, the inner self is forgotten. Only through a firm resolve can the heart come near to the Way. Some may argue: "Those who follow the Great Way are not affected by worldly things, are not troubled by actions, and remain calm even in motion. They are never stirred by anything and always remain peaceful." However, seeking tranquility alone and striving for stability alone are two diseases. Abiding in things is not the way to accomplish the Way. One should not cling to anything, and instead enter into emptiness. In this way, the heart becomes one with the Way. Some may say that the Way can be attained by living in the world without being stained by it, by dealing with affairs without being disturbed by them, by being active without losing composure, and by being still without being empty. Seeking only stability and tranquility is a mistake. Therefore, the scriptures say: "The Way is profound and far-reaching, and it goes against the world. Only then can there be great success." Stage 4 簡事 "Detachment from Affairs" When a person is born, they must experience things. The things to be experienced are manifold, not just limited to one person. A twig in the bird's nest, a river filling the beast's belly; they are both dependent on their surroundings. One should seek outside things while also being introspective, knowing one's place in the cycle of life. Do not focus on things that do not matter. Recognize what is necessary and act accordingly, avoiding unnecessary work that hinders your intelligence. Excessive effort harms the body and spirit; how can one reach the path in such a state? Therefore, those who seek to cultivate the Tao should simplify their relationship with things. Recognize what is important, weigh their significance, and reject what is unnecessary or frivolous. Those who compare fame and status with moral character will find that fame and status are false and inferior, while moral character is genuine and precious. One who knows the difference should let go of the former and strive for the latter. Do not let fame harm your body or let status change your intentions. As the Zhuangzi says: "To follow one's reputation is to lose oneself; this is not the way of a gentleman." As the Xishengjing says: "To embrace the origin and guard the one is to exceed even the gods." If one cannot do this but instead becomes lost in power and position, then they will become overwhelmed by their own mind and incapable of cultivating the Tao. However, if one can maintain a peaceful state while dealing with things and without being burdened by them, then they are truly on the path of realization. If one claims to be unburdened but has not yet achieved this, they are deceiving themselves. Stage 5 真觀 "True Observation" Those who truly observe have a wise foresight, Able to keenly discern the good and bad of capable people, Investigating the fortune and misfortune of past events, And adapting accordingly by seizing the opportunity. Deeply pray to protect oneself and safeguard one's life, From beginning to end, to live without any regrets, To act without leaving any traces, to adhere to this principle, This is what is called true observation. However, every meal and every sleep is the source of gain or loss, Every action and every word can become the root of fortune or misfortune, Even though skillfully handling the end result of a task, It is not as good as sincerity in the beginning. To observe the root and understand the end, requires a calm and collected mind, Therefore, simplify one's tasks and reduce daily activities, Calm the body and quiet the mind, and only then can the subtle be observed. Stage 6 泰定 "Intense Concentration" "泰定" is the ultimate state of detachment from worldly affairs, and the foundation of attaining the Dao. It is the successful cultivation of stillness, and the ultimate state of tranquility. The body is like a withered tree, the mind like dead ashes, without desires or feelings, and the highest degree of detachment is reached. One who has achieved this state of "定" is not only capable of achieving it, but can also apply it to all aspects of life, and therefore it is called "秦定". As it is said, "宇泰定者,发乎天光", which means that the stillness of the mind is the foundation of the Dao, and when it is achieved, the wisdom of the Dao will emerge. The mind is the instrument of the Dao, and when it reaches a state of stillness, the Dao will be present and manifest its virtues. The wisdom arises from the original nature and is not something that can be acquired in the present. However, due to greed and delusion, people often fall into confusion. By cleansing and purifying the mind, returning to the original state of purity and stillness, one's true spiritual nature will gradually become clear, not as a result of new wisdom arising at present, but rather the original wisdom becoming manifest. Once wisdom has arisen, one should treasure and cultivate it. It is not difficult to attain wisdom, but it is difficult to put it to use. Many people forget their true nature, but few forget their reputation. Not using the wisdom one has attained is also a form of forgetting oneself. The world regards such a person highly, and therefore it is difficult for them to remain humble. Wealth cannot be gained without extravagance. They avoid the mistakes of the mundane world and can maintain wealth and status. By being still and detached, using wisdom but not being attached to it, one avoids the mistakes of the Dao and can attain true constant nature. In practicing the Dao, one gradually reduces unnecessary things every day and ultimately returns to the natural state. One practices stillness and emptiness, and sharpens their mind and body, until they sit in a state of forgetfulness and stillness, close to the realization of the Dao. Those who tread this path will understand the meaning without cease, and those who follow this path will witness the wonder of the Dao. Though their efforts may be small, the result will be profound and wondrous.
@jasonwang9667 Год назад
【 觀自在 ~ 非觀,非自,非在 】 ~萬象皆幻! 【 初聞不知曲中意,再聽已是曲中人 】 ~樂在其中! 觀人者智,觀己者明,觀心者空。 觀即有空,無我無空,空空如也。
@read-book Год назад
@lihe3499 Год назад
主持人您好! 阴阳太极图的大圆代表着整个宇宙,其中“黑鱼”代表阴界或灵界;“白鱼”代表阳界或人界。庄子所要恢复的人的出厂设置,其实就是人的本性,或叫人性。人是由灵魂和肉身所构成。人死,是指肉身的死,灵魂会回到灵界。活在人界的人具有的人性就是回到灵界的灵魂具有的灵性。回到灵界的灵魂叫灵人。 为什么要恢复人的人性或灵人的灵性呢?“恢复”是回到本原的意思。灵人的灵性本来体现为慈悲、善良、和利他的爱。知道些瑞典人史威登堡事迹的人可能听说过他描述的灵界里有三层天堂三层地狱的地方。灵人生活在哪一层取决于他具有的灵性的高与低。造成灵人灵性有高有低的原因是灵人眼前所看到的万物。 阴阳太极图的前身是一个全黑的大圆,叫天界。那时既不分天堂和地狱,也没有阳界或人界,我们都是生活在天界的具有初始善良灵性的灵人。天界里除了天界的太阳以外的一切景物、灵人体也和人界中的一切一样都是虚拟物,可是越来越多的灵人由于认识不到面前万物的虚拟性而逐渐对其产生了占有欲,或叫物欲,而产生物欲的同时,灵人的灵性就退步了。灵人的灵性退步的多少,与他对“物”的欲望的强弱成正比。 灵性退步的灵人渐渐地发现自己看不见周围的景物和其他的灵人了,在这种情况下灵界的最高管理者(上帝)和下面的管理者(众神)们商议后决定再创造一层光线强度和光能量都要弱一些的“天”(区域)来供这些灵人居住,等到谁的灵性提升了,欢迎回到上层天来。 情况比预期的要糟糕,能回到上一层的灵人很少,而从上一层下来的灵人倒很多。不仅如此,越来越多的这一层灵人的灵性又退步了,又看不见周围的一切了,于是这一层的管理者们模仿上帝的做法又创造了再低一个等级的“天”。 随着情况继续的糟糕,越来越多的最底层天的灵人又出现了灵性的退步,这一次,这层天的管理者们决定模仿阴界的样式造一个阳界或人界(注:两界的根本区别在于阴界的太阳是客观存在之物;而阳界的一切都是虚拟之物。)。阳界造好后,哪个星球适合移居了,就会送灵魂去到那里,于是就有了金星人、火星人、地球人等。 综上所述,庄子所说的“恢复人的出厂设置”,其实就是提升人的人性或灵魂的灵性。在提升人的灵性上,我与庄子的“坐忘”有些不同的观点。我的观点是受到了《零极限》一书的作者之一的伊贺列卡拉.修.蓝先生在书中的一段话的启发,他说:“你可以用两种方式过活,用记忆或者用灵感生活。记忆是旧有定式的重演,灵感则是神性给你的启迪。你要的是灵感,而聆听神性的启迪与接收灵感的唯一方法就是清除所有的记忆。因此,你唯一要做的就是不断清理。”。 清理什么呢?清理掉我们潜意识里根深蒂固地认为面前的万物都是客观存在的实体之物的所有旧的记忆或者思维模式。 清理方法很简单,有信仰者对着自己的内心念各自所信奉的祈祷词、或佛号,无信仰者对着自己的内心念《零极限》书中推荐的四句话(对不起 请原谅我 谢谢你 我爱你),或者只念四句话中的任何一句也一样有效。 谢谢分享!
@jinghuanpang4275 Год назад
@alfredyu1468 Год назад
@chitta369 Год назад
@Piluzhenafo Год назад
@daved8698 Год назад
@user-wr7lm1gt3i Год назад
@chenwilliam5176 Год назад
恢復出場設定! 比喻得好❤
@t.o.p6612 Год назад
這集真的太屌了!!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 太驚艷了💖💖💖💖愛死了!
@jonathanforester2785 Год назад
@GraceGuo Год назад
@user-xe6xz7xq3y Год назад
@chunyinli9714 Год назад
@user-ud4oy8ry4x Год назад
@a1987654321 Год назад
@Kwa2866 Год назад
@LING44444 Год назад
@homanhuang2054 Год назад
@lishenlum107 7 месяцев назад
@huchang1269 9 месяцев назад
@chunliu2375 Год назад
曾滄海难为水。难,不是做不到,只是有些难。 “地气上为雲为雾,天气降为雨为露”,曾经滄海,恢复出厂设置,就有一个生老病死的毁灭过程。在没走完全程,也只能部份恢复而已。
@Philip-tm6ye Год назад
忘掉仁義﹑禮樂﹐ 是否即是金剛經的 無人相 ? 忘掉身心的坐忘﹐ 是否即是金剛經的 無我相 ? 道家所謂的回歸大道﹐是否即是佛家的涅槃 ? 道家是否即是菩薩道的資糧道﹐亦即是基礎佛教的前行解脫道 ? 修行有其次第﹐未證羅漢﹐未契大道﹐未出三界而妄行菩薩道﹐仍是以“人”的意識形態來行菩薩行持﹐如痴人說夢﹐煮沙成飯 ?
@zm165 Год назад
@user-wx4cs7vo8s Год назад
@jiegao7537 Год назад
@user-gx1rr6st1q Год назад
师父要看你们的行动。你们真修实修之后,身上就干净了,不会有污泥浊水,你们就可以清洗无始无明的业由啊,业力的由来,实际上就是业因,作孽的因果的因。我们过去生中带来的业的种子,我们必须要清洗它。 --不针对任何 人和事,仅分享善言,感恩宽容!
@Rainz_Storm 7 месяцев назад
面對繁華世間, 就是要接受, 但清楚這些都不是重點, 道生人出來就是無聊想體驗一下有趣的事, 體驗過了, 就要懂怎回去, 最終近乎於道, 長生不滅, 也不失樂趣, 也不失大道。
@黃國秋 Год назад
心如工畫師 能畫諸世間 五蘊悉從生 無法而不造 宴坐水月道場 降伏鏡裡魔軍 大作空中佛事 廣度如幻眾生
@黃國秋 Год назад
@weiqiangxu7518 Год назад
@user-cy2hx7ku5u Год назад
@zm165 Год назад
@chenwilliam5176 Год назад
有人制定法律, 就有人鑽法律的 漏洞😢
@user-ml3cr9vz5w Год назад
@zm165 Год назад
别信解说。前半段可以听,「坐忘无我」修行翻译的一点不沾边。修道修到最后人如枯槁心如死灰谁家大聪明教你这么误人修行的 :)
@omBrumSoha Год назад
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