
如何製: 炒米茶 HOW TO MAKE: Fried Rice Tea 

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HOW TO MAKE: Fried Rice Tea 如何製: 炒米茶
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炒米茶Fried Rice Tea
今天介紹三種炒米茶Today we introduce three kinds of fried rice tea
炒米茶一般是給產婦坐月時候喝的, 一般稱為代茶Fried rice tea is generally drunk for mother when they are sitting in the confinement period, and is generally called a substitute for tea/water
媽媽在產後喝白開水會有風, 而且很寒涼Mother drinking plain water after giving birth is windy and very cold
一般建議用炒米茶代替白開水It is generally recommended to use fried rice tea instead of plain water
第一種, 這是最基本的, 是炒米 + 陳皮The first type, this is the most basic, ingredients include fried rice + tangerine peel
第二種, 有開胃作用, 炒米 + 陳皮 + 山楂, 味道略帶酸甜The second one is appetizing, ingredients include fried rice + tangerine peel + hawthorn, slightly sweet and sour
第三種, 有補血作用, 炒米 + 陳皮 + 紅棗 + 龍眼肉The third type, has the effect of nourishing blood, ingredients include fried rice + tangerine peel + red dates + dried longan meat
首先把陳皮浸水直至鬆軟, 然後把有黏性的內層刮去First soak the tangerine peel in water until it is soft, then scrape off the sticky inner layer
一隻陳皮配一杯白米的比例The ratio of one tangerine peel to a cup of white rice
把陳皮剪成條狀Cut tangerine peel into strips
用鑊把陳皮炒乾, 記住不要加油Stir-fry the dried tangerine peels in a wok, remember not to add oil
慢慢炒, 直至把陳皮大部分水份蒸發Fry slowly until most of the moisture in the dried tangerine peel has evaporated
炒白米 (我沒有預先沖洗) Stir-fried white rice (I did not pre-rinse)
買回來的白米, 如果你要預先沖洗, 就必須要把白米吹乾才可以炒If you want to pre-rinse the white rice you bought, you must air dry the white rice before you can fry
炒白米的時間亦會較長Stir-fry white rice will also take longer time
炒五至六分鐘以後, 你會發現白米開始膨脹After frying for five to six minutes, you will find the white rice starts to swell
並且由透明變成白色And changed from transparent to white
用細火, 慢慢炒Use low heat, fry slowly
加入陳皮, 需要把陳皮完全炒乾Add the tangerine peel, you need to dry the tangerine peel completely
白米開始變黃色White rice starts to turn yellow
白米和炒米的顏色相差很遠The color of white rice and fried rice are very different
完成後, 放入器皿冷卻After finishing, put it in a container to cool
冷卻以後可以放入密實盒儲存Can be stored in a sealed box after cooling
可以製成多包茶袋Can be made into multiple tea bags
兩湯羹炒米, 加兩片陳皮Two tablespoons fried rice and two slices of tangerine peel
每次用一包來泡熱水就可以喝You can drink it every time, just use one pack to soak in hot water
媽媽產後盡量避免喝白開水, 用炒米茶代替Mother must avoid drinking plain water after giving birth and use fried rice tea instead
如果覺得炒米加陳皮比較淡 ,你可以加入山楂If you think fried rice with tangerine peel is lighter, you can add hawthorn
可以增添胃口Can increase appetite
產婦在坐月時喝一些米水, 會感到比較舒服Women who drink some rice water during confinement will feel more comfortable
兩湯羹炒米, 加兩片陳皮, 加一片山楂Two tablespoons fried rice, two slices of tangerine peel, one slice of hawthorn
製成多包茶袋, 隨時可以泡熱水喝Made into multiple tea bags, you can soak in hot water and drink at any time
如果覺得疲倦, 沒有精神, 可以加入紅棗和龍眼肉, 有補血作用If you feel tired and lack of energy, you can add red dates and dried longan meat, which has a blood-tonifying effect
紅棗要去核Red dates need to be pitted
可製成茶包, 用兩湯羹炒米, 加兩片陳皮, 一粒紅棗 ,兩粒龍眼肉Can be made into tea bags. Two tablespoons of fried rice, two slices of tangerine peel, one red date, two dried longan meat
這種茶包, 平常我們都可以喝, 有提神作用This kind of tea bag, we can usually drink it, it has a refreshing effect
可以做多一點炒米加陳皮, 放入密實盒, 放進雪櫃可以儲存三個月You can make a little more fried rice and tangerine peel, put it in a sealed box, and store it in the refrigerator for up to three months
可以泡熱水或煮粥You can soak in hot water or cook porridge
若果不想喝太多米水, 可以不用炒米, 用以下的材料煲湯水, 都很有益If you don’t want to drink too much rice water, you don’t need to stir-fry rice. Use the following ingredients to cook the soup.
南棗, 紅棗, 黑棗, 龍眼肉, 杞子, 北芪, 黨參Southern Date, Red Date, Black Date, Dried Longan Meat, Wolfberry, Radix Astragalus, Codonopsis
炒米茶, 味道甘香清甜Stir-fried rice tea, taste sweet, fragrant and sweet
可以增加餵人奶產婦的奶水, 可以驅風,補血It can increase the milk of breastfeeding mothers, drive wind and nourishing blood
不妨多喝Why not drink more
大功告成 ! You're done ! Yummy !
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@user-tp1bv8tk7g 6 месяцев назад
@user-kf3ge4jw5b Месяц назад
@AhKingKitchen 11 дней назад
對不起! 遲了回覆.! 顺产后可以 立刻 开始喝炒米茶, 可以 喝一個 月, 謝謝你!
@chiungantsang8872 4 месяца назад
@AhKingKitchen 4 месяца назад
對不起! 遲了回覆. 用慢火 煮20分鐘就可以. 謝謝你!
@tohahyian3257 Месяц назад
@AhKingKitchen Месяц назад
@jennysha1329 Год назад
@anhah4172 2 месяца назад
@user-tp1bv8tk7g 6 месяцев назад
@AhKingKitchen 6 месяцев назад
可以在大型超級市場或網上購買. 謝謝!
@kityeechang66 Год назад
Hello...do you need to wash the red dates and Logan?
@AhKingKitchen Год назад
If you don’t put in the tea bag, just soak it in hot water, it’s better to rinse it first. But if you need to put in the tea bag, you don’t need to wash it, because it will make the tea bag wet. You can wash it if you want, but The red dates and logan should be dried before putting them into tea bags, but it is more work. Thank you!
@yangngayan4246 Год назад
@AhKingKitchen Год назад
餵人奶/不是餵人奶, 可以飲炒米水!
@qwz7876 2 года назад
@AhKingKitchen 2 года назад
唔係坐月都可以飲, 要加陳皮炒米! 可以健脾,去濕 ,舒緩消化不良及腹瀉, 小孩子都可以飲, 適量地飲用是有益的, 但如果飲得太多, 就可能會比較熱氣 謝謝你!
@yuyuchan6370 Год назад
@AhKingKitchen Год назад
對不起! 遲了回覆. 根据您提供的信息,如果老人家同时患有三高(高血压、高血脂、高血糖)和肾功能不佳,并且不喜欢喝水,仅仅喝豆奶代替水,那么他应该非常小心选择饮料,以确保不会进一步损害他的健康状况。 炒米茶是一种传统的中国饮品,通常用于清热解毒、消除疲劳、促进消化等方面。但是,如果老人家肾功能不佳,则需要避免过量摄入咖啡因和茶碱等刺激物质,因为这些物质可能会增加肾脏负担。 因此,建议老人家在饮用炒米茶之前先咨询医生或营养师的意见,以确保它不会对他的健康产生不良影响。此外,老人家应该多喝水,并注意避免过度饮用含糖、咖啡因或其他刺激物质的饮料,以确保他的身体得到足够的水分和营养. 謝謝你!
@tnitang3554 Год назад
請問是把茶包放在茶杯加熱開水焗幾分鐘 好,還是煮30分鐘 好, 有不同效果嗎?
@AhKingKitchen Год назад
用茶包浸水就比較方便, 隨時隨地可以飲用。如果在家中喝茶, 就可以直接煮, 無需用茶包, 兩者效果差不多。謝謝你!
@wongbetty8920 Год назад
@AhKingKitchen Год назад
非產婦都可以飲炒米茶! 謝謝你!
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