

Moving Socks
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With the crazy energy bills we come up with some ways to save your energy bills !
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14 окт 2022




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@anitalo1252 Год назад
Dishwasher/washing machine 係用Eco mode 洗係最慳電慳水, 雖然用最長時間, 返而你用speed mode用最多電
@iThinkThereforeiSing Год назад
Yes I was going to come and say the same. It's not about the length of time you use the dishwasher.
@andrewwong9769 Год назад
@wmxwwstudio2784 Год назад
@PatPinkBB Год назад
@josephwuuk Год назад
@walawalaha2649 Год назад
這集真的非常有用,多謝晒你們🙏😍好開心又見到你們,很久沒有聽你們了! 真的每次見到你們都好開心,帶給我們歡笑正能量🥳
@cindylau2656 Год назад
@josephlownang6992 Год назад
@allen282 Год назад
洗衣機主要用電多係發熱那部份! 所以有些洗2-3小時的多數水溫係低的, Eco那個選項係洗好耐, 但就最慳電!
@rachierich8015 Год назад
Wah The tea-set in the cupboard looks nice! 😃
@karinawong5063 Год назад
Those appliances standby mode use up a lot of electricity. Steve should try drinking ginger tea before going to sleep. Those LED light bulbs are awesome.
@kalongismyson Год назад
@owlypublishing Год назад
Try to cover the windows with Double Aluminum Bubble Insulation Foil. Many RV users are using the same technique to keep their RV warm.
@casschow2710 Год назад
冬天冲凍水涼 🤣😍正ar
@misscarriebb Год назад
洗碗碟機Eco mode需要3個鐘,但確實比半個鐘慳水又慳電。,所以睇說明書係好緊要架!
@yesyeewong4209 Год назад
@chantaichung8188 Год назад
thank you 😀😀😀😀😀
@craftgreen6779 Год назад
冬天開heat,我會將不常用空間的門關上,如bonus room,書房等。熱力沒有流失得咁快,電費真的減少了。 除非你要成日沖奶要用電水壺keep六十度暖水,否則煲完水倒入保溫水壺係減少幾次番煲用電。 太陽能floodlights 在Costco約35加元,有motion sensor。
@fukeungchan2280 Год назад
Great moving socks information save electricity power thanks
@brianhoo123 Год назад
Useful information 👍 Nice Sharing 👍!
@henryluk2036 Год назад
可以講講boiler 慳電方法, 同埋定期清有發熱線家電的limescale
@xhovisx1 Год назад
The thing with desktop PCs is that unless you really need it for like gaming or editing then using something like a Ipad or a laptop is far far better for energy consumption, plus what I do is to get a portable battery to take to work with me and charge it up at work to be used at home for charging phones and Ipads :)
@2110stanley Год назад
香港有人講過 plug 唔用直頭抽返出黎更慳電 , 保暖煲有真空設計會慳到好多電, 電燈用 LED 最好, 自己有屋就直頭裝太陽能板
@MrLegantWong Год назад
@domedome3099 Год назад
good show
@vichoy1347 Год назад
改善手腳冰冷 沖完熱水涼 馬上上床瞓覺 原理都係血液循環 我以前都係全晚瞓覺 腳到天光先會暖 後來改左沖完涼馬上上床 對腳唔會冰冷 仲容易入睡 過了一段時間 連日間 對手都無咁凍 腳就更加唔使講
@grandblazehuang7882 Год назад
Very good tips sharing
@jimmy_wong Год назад
@ernestng624 Год назад
nice share 補充少少,有啲電器有 Standby mode,其實只係用少啲電,如果唔用,直接關牆身制:例如 音響,打印機,電腦⋯⋯
@luckyman88 Год назад
請教如果冬天返香港無開boiler水管是否會结冰爆水管, 住曼城, 應該點到預防唔該
@simontam6723 Год назад
@christmasmerry8801 Год назад
@leekitling78 Год назад
do u know how environment is polluted during the manufacturing process of the battery? and disposal of the battery?
@33289wonderland Год назад
Steveo 真係好風趣幽默
@andychan1645 Год назад
@winning649 Год назад
@kaufancy4142 Год назад
@izplus Год назад
一開始就引觀眾笑 😆
@dk11236 Год назад
洗衣機同洗碗碟機洗得耐唔一定最用電! 慢係先浸再洗, 快因為行高温所以快
@qiqi1953 Год назад
Faye 妳自己講護膚品既CHANNEL請問有無 Link ? 搵唔到既 ?  同埋妳尐 headband 好靚
@yumisonson Год назад
請問turn off了boiler去旅行,返來會唔會结冰壞掉?
@TheHelenwong320 Год назад
Thank you Stevo和Faye!
@teresafunk8562 Год назад
we are from Saskatchewan,Canada. We have 2x 28 cu ft fridge and 2 same size freezers in our house. And I have been debating to get a 3rd one. I don't think I could live with any less. Thankfully, our energy cost is still reasonable.
@bububebe4490 Год назад
請問Faye 用咩牌子skin care, 好透亮😍
@wendylam3768 Год назад
@user-cf3nr8bn4h Год назад
屋出面做太陽能燈都好 我見香港街燈同巴士站都用咗太陽能燈 。 你哋地方大 可以在屋頂蓋幾塊大太陽能板😂自給自足源源不絕😂
@portiale988 Год назад
洗衣機有ECO mode 係要洗3-4小時,因為個滾桶會減少用電起動去滾動衣物,所以係比普通mode 較慳電。快洗時間短但只可洗半機衫,反而更浪費呀!
@TA-2020TA Год назад
@denisechoi1088 Год назад
我用eco mode 真係洗成3個鐘,仲耐過用其他mode. 我諗唔明,仲驚佢用多左電
@sclo2172 Год назад
@@denisechoi1088 「胡思頻道」最近有一集係講如何使用洗衣機慳電。佢指洗衣機用電主要是在加熱啲水及乾衣服
@portiale988 Год назад
@@TA-2020TA 以上係洗衣機代理嘅講解,佢話水量係同普通mode 差不多!最主要係慳電。
@bonniabonnia Год назад
我嗰部機書明說有寫Eco mode 同其他mode比較,如果同樣洗9kg雖然Eco mode需時耐,但會用少啲電和水😊
@reinac4311 Год назад
Hi thanks for your sharing, but I am afraid some of your advice may be misleading unless you have cross checked the appliance manuals. The shorter cycles in dishwashers and washing machines generally use more water (and possibly electricity) to enable quicker cycles. To achieve the same results within a shorter time period the machines need to run more powerfully using more resources( water and possibly electricity )This is why any “eco” mode runs ages - with washing machine the clothes are soaked for longer so requiring less power and resource (at the expense of time!).
@wmw0604 Год назад
@vincentleung5298 Год назад
All our outdoor flood lights are use solar energy. Not hard wired. The most important this is the insulation of the house to keep the indoor temperature. All walls must be insulated. Use double glassed windows. No leading doors.
@karunawoodroad1609 Год назад
多謝你哋!尤其是Stevo !我屋企部洗衣機都有快洗功能,但係不嬲都覺得好似會洗唔乾淨咁,等我以後多啲用啦! 之前都有人教過我,唔用嘅電器要掹插蘇(如果好似你哋咁喺個電路版已經裝埋制就仲好啦! ),因為佢咁做,一個月就慳咗港幣千幾蚊,所以我之後都跟住做!
@nv18s Год назад
you can use solar powered flood lights
@puimanli5945 Год назад
In the winter time make sure you do not turn the thermostat all the way down otherwise the water in the pipes will freeze up.
@elfho34 Год назад
No wonder more people are bringing their laptops to libraries these days.
@wmw0604 Год назад
desktop 睇火牛幾大Watt數。有勁Display card就多數勁啲了。
@hao6535 Год назад
@FacelookHK Год назад
Turn off the lights behind you... 🤣
@astrochung4947 Год назад
@shellenyuen4738 Год назад
Don't use vacuum cleaner, better a broom or swiffer.
@zolangrisser Год назад
天氣凍就著多件衫,唔開咁多焗爐同暖爐洗小好多,返房開一個heating, 其他就唔好開,電費貴,但貴唔過gas。
@hao6535 Год назад
@natalielam220 Год назад
Dishwasher ECO mode needs 3-4 hours. If you read the menu, normal mode use more energy then ECO.
@loeric1020 Год назад
想請教林小姐,那 Quick Mode 會否較 ECO mode 慳電?小弟天真地以為洗兩小時 (ECO Mode) 很嘥電🙏🏻
@natalielam220 Год назад
@@loeric1020 Best way to tell is to check the manual. Different machine has a different setting. You can always find the manual online. The machine i am using saying quick mode uses more energy than the ECO because it uses more energy to heat the water and to dry the dishes. Just check the manual and it tells.
@everlasts Год назад
Apple Mac computer use very little power compared to PC laptop.
@pamtl908 Год назад
你Living Room盞燈應該好食電呀
@ethanleung1021 Год назад
@hao6535 Год назад
@fffhhggff3655 Год назад
着3對襪 血液循環吾好 反而更難暖
@jkw3904 Год назад
洗碗碟機, 洗半個鍾, 真係唔乾淨先再開多半個鍾.
@kuoskuo9978 Год назад
daytime 廚房開甘多燈😂
@ckwok4593 Год назад
When I make tea in the morning. I boil up the kettle and make my husband tea in his double walled tumbler and add in my water bottle. It is still pipping hot when he returns from work 8 hrs later. If you buy a good brand it will keep water hot for 12 hrs or cold for 24hrs.
@MovingSocks Год назад
What brand did you buy? Can you share with us? 🤩
@ckwok4593 Год назад
The tumbler I got years ago from Amazon by the brand 'Reduce COLD 1'. My water bottle is by the brand 'Chillys'. There is lots of other brands if you make sure they are vacuum double walled.
@alanwongcw Год назад
@laukalung3261 Год назад
@jenc8450 Год назад
@Edmondphk Год назад
我連燈都唔係幾開😂 焗爐唔會焗少少野 / 翻熱就開
@andrewlekin4627 Год назад
@MayyeeLosaLam Год назад
@albertcheecf Год назад
同意sarah 做法。因為我都係咁做❤from linda
@simonho3959 Год назад
@vincentleung5298 Год назад
We, in the USA, paying $0.00 for the electric bill because we have solar panels on the roof top. By definition we should make money from the panels because they make more power than we used. And the excess power going back to the grid.
@antonyng9933 Год назад
我屋企因為係economy 7 我會set時間凌晨先洗衫
@corinardh8635 Год назад
Such a cute couple
@melindachan7123 Год назад
1. 關於EV,有冇考慮carbon footprint,在製造過程,比傳統汽油車更汚染! 2. 慳電膽,可有留意,你比以前用電量少了,可是電費卻沒有少呢?因為你用少了電,電力公為了保持利潤,只好加價,有否覺得被人搵笨?
@MrMilanoLau Год назад
@wmw0604 Год назад
@rayloi6104 Год назад
@iratishum Год назад
Faye 個頭巾好靚,好襯你❤
@leokwchung88 Год назад
but laptop using life is much shorter. use not more Tham 5 yrs
@joepooncouk Год назад
floodlight 可以用太陽能led, 可以安裝係間屋嘅外牆或者圍欄。Amazon, ebay好平就可以買得到,用咗四五年都冇壞過。 如果有用防盜鏡頭, 有floodlight錄影會清楚啲 。如果冬天嘅時候去一段長時間旅行, 就算屋入面冇人我都會每日開著Central heating 一兩個鐘。 原因係如果天氣太凍, 屋頂會有機會爆水喉!
@ukhappybaby Год назад
@myjourneyazcarbert Год назад
請問係咪要安裝時間掣等heating自動開關?thank you
@joepooncouk Год назад
英國大部分嘅屋 (可以講係全部) Central heating 已經有安裝時間掣同一個調溫度嘅掣。 而家新式嗰啲, 時間制同溫度掣係同一個, 仲可以用手機app 調整。
@myjourneyazcarbert Год назад
@albertcheecf Год назад
Stevo 著一對羊毛襪就足夠。我在Montreal 每一個冷天都要著襪瞓覺💤。Linda ❤
@FacelookHK Год назад
Use sleeping bags.
@wmw0604 Год назад
@francisshao6559 Год назад
@ryanchow7658 Год назад
@danachan8636 Год назад
如果住嘅係獨立屋咁就唔可以唔開暖氣,因為係歐洲或北美呢啲天寒地凍冰天雪地嘅國家,唔開暖氣水管會結冰爆裂,咁就房屋保險也不陪保,但如何住apartments 咁就好啲,因為你隔離或樓上樓下單位有開暖氣爆水管機會較低,不過最好保持水管不會結冰温度為佳,其實電車都唔環保,佢個電他已唔環保啦,用人力車就真係環保
@ngyuishing Год назад
@albertchan5726 Год назад
沖凍水涼 人都健康啲
@kinmanmak2447 Год назад
@enghse888 Год назад
@wendywong6590 Год назад
@idalai7583 Год назад
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Q&A: 點解Stevo會識講廣東話!
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小天使和小丑离家出走#short #angel #clown