
雷瓦達尊者 Ven. Bhikkhu Revata大禮敬巴利Mahā Namakkārapāli巴利課誦Pāli Chanting 

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雷瓦達尊者 Ven. Bhikkhu Revata大禮敬巴利Mahā Namakkārapāli馬哈 那馬嘎拉巴利
巴利課誦Pāli Chanting (巴利‧音譯‧英譯‧中譯對照)
製作: 果緣(J.J. Chi)、Roy(法山園林 dhammagiri ārāma)
【大禮敬巴利Mahā Namakkārapāli馬哈 那馬嘎拉巴利】



15 окт 2024




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@SiewmengTan-l4o 3 месяца назад
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏 🙏 🙏
@binhle4640 4 года назад
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
@dhammagiriarama5584 6 лет назад
21. Yo jino anekajātiyaṃ 優 基諾 阿內嘎迦帝漾 saputtadāram-aṅgajīvitam-pi, 薩補答達拉曼格基維當畢 bodhipemato alaggamānaso adāsiyeva 缽提貝馬多 阿臘格馬那首 阿達西耶瓦 atthikassa; dānapāramiṃ tato paraṃ 阿提嘎沙 達那巴拉明 答多 巴浪 apūri sīlapāramādikam-pi, 阿補律 西臘巴拉馬地岡畢 tāsam-iddhiyopayātam-aggataṃ: 答薩密提優巴亞答馬格當 tam-ekadīpakaṃ namāmi. 答美嘎地巴岡 那馬密 The conqueror [the Buddha], Out of wish for Enlightenment, Offered, for many lives, with unattached mind His children, wives, bodily limbs, and life to the needy. He thus fulfilled the perfection of offering, And further on the perfection of virtue, and so on. I pay homage to him who reached The pre-eminent state [Buddhahood] By the success of those [perfections], And is the sole island [for deliverance]. 勝者愛樂菩提故,在許多生中以無執著之心,將兒子.妻子.肢體.生命施與希求者;完成佈施巴拉密再[完成]其他戒巴拉密等,我禮敬彼以那些成就達至最上者.獨一之洲! 22. Devādevātidevaṃ nidhanavapudharaṃ 得*(ㄉㄟˇ děi) 瓦得瓦帝得旺 尼塔那瓦補塔浪 mārabhaṅgaṃ abhaṅgaṃ, 馬拉龐崗 阿龐崗 dīpaṃ dīpaṃ pajānaṃ jayavarasayane 地邦 地邦 巴迦囊 迦亞瓦拉薩亞內 bodhipattaṃdhipattaṃ; 缽提巴當提巴當 brahmābrahmāgatānaṃ 布拉哈馬 布拉哈馬格答喃 varagirakathikaṃ pāpahīnaṃ pahīnaṃ, 瓦拉笈*拉嘎提岡 巴巴唏*囊 巴唏囊 lokālokābhirāmaṃ satatamabhiname 洛嘎洛嘎毗拉茫 薩答答馬毗那美 taṃ munindaṃ munindaṃ. 當 木寧當 木寧當 I always and very respectfully Pay homage to that lord of sages, Who, on the excellent ‘seat of victory’, Attained Enlightenment and reached The foremost state [in the world]; The supreme and pure God of all gods, The bearer of his last body, The defeater of Māra, and undefeated One, The illuminator of the lamp [of wisdom] for all, The preacher with an excellent voice to Brahmas and non-Brahmas alike; Who abandoned the contemptible vice, And is a delight for this [human] world And other [deva-brahma] worlds beyond. 諸天之中的極[殊勝.清淨之]天,持最後之身,破魔的不敗者,諸人(有情)的[智慧]明燈,在最上勝利座上得達菩提.得達[世間]最勝處。梵天.非梵天(天.人)來集,演說最上[法]音;已斷惡.劣,牟尼王為世間(人).非世間(天.梵天)所喜愛,恒常禮敬彼牟尼王! 23. Buddho nigrodhabimbo mudukaracaraṇo 布陀 尼格樓塔賓缽 木度嘎拉吒拉諾 brahmaghoseṇijaṅgho, kosacchādaṅgajāto 布拉哈馬 摳誰尼姜摳 果薩差當格迦多 punarapi sugato suppatiṭṭhitapādo; 補那拉畢 蘇格多 蘇巴帝提答巴兜 mūdodātuṇṇalomo atham-api sugato 木兜達敦那洛摩 阿他馬畢 蘇格多 brahmujuggattabhāvo, nīlakkhī 布拉哈木竹格答杷握 尼臘企* dīghapaṇhī sukhumamalachavī 地喀邦唏 蘇庫馬麻臘差維* thomyarasaggasaggī. 陀米亞拉薩格薩笈* The Buddha has a bodily range like a banyan tree, Has soft hands and feet, and a voice like Brahmā; Has legs like an antelope’s, And male organ enclosed in a sheath. And again the Sugata sets his feet down squarely, Has hair [between his eyebrows] Which is white and soft like cotton. And then also the Sugata has, like Brahmā, Straight limbs, and his eyes are deep blue; Has projecting heels, fine and dirt-free skin, And admirably acute nerves for taste. 佛陀之身如榕樹[一般圓滿].手足柔軟,聲如梵天.脛如鹿.生殖器密藏;另外,善至站立足平穩,[眉間]白毫柔軟;還有,善至如梵天[一般身軀]直立,眼色紺青.足踵長.皮膚細滑無垢,嚐味得最上[滋味]。 24. Cattālīsaggadanto samakalapanajo 吒答利薩格當多 薩馬嘎臘邦那舟 antaraṃsappapīno, 昂答浪薩巴畢諾 cakkenaṅkitapādo aviraḷadasano, 吒給南積*答巴兜 阿維*拉達薩諾 mārajussaṅkhapādo. 馬拉竹衫卡巴兜 tiṭṭhanto nonamantobhayakaramudunā 帝灘多 諾那曼多杷亞嘎拉木度那 jaṇṇukānāmasanto, vaṭṭakkhandho, jino 彰努嘎那馬衫多 瓦答慷馱 基諾 gotaruṇapakhumako sīhapubbaḍḍhakāyo. 苟答盧那巴庫馬果 西哈補拔塔嘎優 He has forty excellent teeth, which are even; The furrow between his shoulders is filled in, The soles of his feet are marked with wheels, And has teeth without gaps; The conqueror of Māra [the Buddha] has arched feet; When he stands without stooping, He touches his knees with the palms of both his soft hands; Has well and even rounded neck, Eyelashes like a young calf, and torso like a lion. 四十顆最上之齒整齊,肩膀無縫且平滿;足有輪相.齒無縫,勝魔者足踝高好;站立不彎曲,柔軟的雙手可以觸摩至膝;肩膀圓滿.睫毛如牛犢(ㄉㄨˇ dú),上半身如獅子。 25. Sattappīno ca dīghaṅguli-m-atha 薩答畢諾 吒 地康固利 馬他 sugato lomakūpekalomo, 蘇格多 洛馬古貝嘎洛摩 sampannodātadāṭho kanakasamataco 桑般諾達答達陀 嘎那嘎薩馬答周 nīlamuddhaggalomo. 尼臘木塔格洛摩 sambuddho thūlajivho atha sīhahanuko 桑布馱 土臘基厚 阿他 西哈哈努果 jālikappādahattho, 迦利嘎巴達哈陀 nātho uṇhīsasīso itiguṇasahitaṃ: 那陀 翁唏*薩西首 依帝固那薩唏當 taṃ mahesiṃ namāmi. 當 馬嘿新 那馬密 He has seven convexities, and long fingers and toes. And then the Sugata has body-hairs that grow singly, Each body-hair growing alone in a hair socket; His teeth are white, his skin has the colour of gold, And the tips of his blue-black hairs turn up. The Sambuddha has a large tongue, And then is lion-jawed; has netted feet and hands, And his head is shaped like a turban. Thus to that great Seer Endowed with these qualities [of a Great Man] I pay my homage. 七處平滿、指纖長,善至一毛孔一毫毛,擁有白色的牙齒、如黃金般的皮膚,青色毛端向上[生長];正覺者舌廣長.又顎如獅子、手足縵網,怙(ㄏㄨˋ hù)主頭頂有肉髻(ㄐㄧˋ ji);我禮敬彼擁有如是功德的大仙! 26. “Buddho buddho” ti ghoso atidullabhataro 布馱布馱帝摳首 阿帝度臘杷洛 kā kathā buddhabhāvo? 嘎 嘎他 布塔杷握 loke tasmā vibhāvī vividhahitasukhaṃ 洛給 答思馬 維*杷維 維維塔唏*答蘇康 sādhavo patthayantā, 薩塔握 巴他漾答 iṭṭhaṃ atthaṃ vahantaṃ suranaramahitaṃ 依湯 阿湯 瓦漢當 蘇拉那拉馬唏當 nibbhayaṃ, dakkhiṇeyyaṃ, 尼杷漾 達企*內漾 lokānaṃ nandivaḍḍhaṃ dasabalam-asamaṃ, 洛嘎喃 南地瓦堂 達薩拔臘馬桑茫 taṃ namassantu niccaṃ. 當 那馬衫都 尼章 The word ‘Buddha’, ‘Buddha’ Is the most rare one, Not to mention [the attainment of] ‘Buddhahood’. May, therefore, in the world, Intelligent and good people Who wish manifold blessings and well-being, Pay homage to the unique Buddha Endowed with the ten powers; The bearer of desirable and profitable things, The benefactor of devas and humans, The safe One, the worthy of offerings, And the bringer of auspiciousness. [甚至聽到] 「佛陀,佛陀」的聲音都極難得,更不用說[證悟]佛果了!所以,世上希求[世間、出世間]各種利樂的明智者、善人們,願恒常禮敬彼帶來可愛[今生後世]義利者,受天、非天(人)敬奉者,無畏者、應施者、增長世間福樂者,具十力者、無比者! (註:《大禮敬》是緬甸帕奧禪林每天晚課的唸誦文之一。巴漢譯文是摘錄自由瑪欣德尊者所編譯的《上座部佛教唸誦集》。)
@dhammagiriarama5584 6 лет назад
【大禮敬巴利Mahā Namakkārapāli馬哈 那馬嘎拉巴利】 Namo tassa Bhagavato arahato 那摩 答沙 杷格瓦多 阿拉哈多 sammāsambuddhassa. (x3) 桑馬桑布塔沙! Homage to the Blessed One, the Arahant, the Supreme Self-enlightened One 禮敬彼世尊、阿拉漢、正自覺者! (三遍) 1. Sugataṃ sugataṃ seṭṭhaṃ, 蘇格當 蘇格當 誰湯 kusalaṃkusalaṃ jahaṃ; 古薩闌 古薩闌 迦漢 amataṃ amataṃ santaṃ, 阿馬當 阿馬當 衫當 asamaṃ asamaṃ dadaṃ. 阿薩茫 阿薩茫 達當 saraṇaṃ saraṇaṃ lokaṃ, 薩拉喃 薩拉囊 洛岡 araṇaṃ araṇaṃ karaṃ; 阿拉喃 阿拉囊 嘎浪 abhayaṃ abhayaṃ ṭhānaṃ 阿杷漾 阿杷漾 他囊 nāyakaṃ: nāyakaṃ name. 那亞岡 那亞岡 那美 I pay homage to the excellent Sugata (Buddha), The well-gone, Who abandoned wholesome And unwholesome states; The deathless, peaceful, and peerless One, Who gave us the peerless deathlessness; The Refuge, the comprehender of the world, The undefiled One who made others undefiled; The safe One, and the leader to the safe place(nibbāna). 善至、善語的尊貴者,已捨斷善與不善;不死(涅槃)、寂靜的無比者,施與無比的不死。 世間的皈依處,知解世間,無染者[導人]作無染;無畏者、至無畏處的導師,禮敬導師! 2. Nayanasubhagakāyaṅgaṃ, 那亞納 蘇杷格 嘎漾崗 madhuravarasaropetaṃ; 馬荼拉 瓦拉薩樓貝當 amitaguṇagaṇādhāraṃ, 阿密答 固那格那 塔浪 dasabalamatulaṃ vande. 達薩 拔臘 馬都闌 旺得* I venerate the Buddha who is endowed With an auspicious body pleasing to the eye, and with a sweet and excellent voice; The bearer of immeasurable qualities, The matchless One with the ten powers. 擁有悅目的身體、甜美殊勝的聲音;持有無量的功德聚,禮敬無比的十力者! 3. Yo buddho dhitimāññadhārako, 優 布陀 提帝曼倪阿塔拉果 saṃsāre anubhosi kāyikaṃ; 桑薩瑞 阿努婆西 嘎依岡 dukkhaṃ cetasikañca lokato, 度慷 揭答西剛吒 洛嘎多 taṃ vande naradevamaṅgalaṃ. 當 旺得 那拉得瓦曼格闌 The Buddha, the concentrated One, And the bearer of the perfect knowledge, Underwent, for the sake of the world, Physical and mental suffering in the saṃsāra. I venerate Him who is a blessing for men and devas. 佛陀是持有穩固[定力]者、證悟者;為了世間,身與心在輪迴中受苦;禮敬彼人天的吉祥者! 4. Bāttiṃsatilakkhaṇacitradehaṃ, 拔丁薩 帝臘卡那 吉特拉得*漢 dehajjutiniggatapajjalantaṃ; 得哈 竹帝尼格答 巴迦闌當 paññādhitisīlaguṇoghavindaṃ, 般倪阿 提帝 西臘 固諾喀維印當 vande munimantimajātiyuttaṃ. 旺得 木尼曼帝馬迦帝優*當 I venerate the Sage (the Buddha) Who, with his thirty two marks, Had a charming body Emitting light and shining; Who experienced the profusion of the qualities Of wisdom, concentration, and virtue, And was worthy for his last birth. 三十二相的莊嚴之身,身體放射出輝耀的光明;擁有慧.[定]力、戒的功德聚,禮讚牟尼.最後之生者! 5. Pātodayaṃ bāladivākaraṃva, 琶多達漾 拔臘地瓦嘎浪瓦 majjhe yatīnaṃ lalitaṃ sirīhi; 馬伽 亞帝喃 臘利當 西律唏* puṇṇindusaṅkāsamukhaṃ anejaṃ, 補恩寧度 衫嘎薩木慷 阿內彰 vandāmi sabbaññumahaṃ munindaṃ. 旺達密 薩班紐*馬漢 木寧當 I venerate the lord of the sages, the omniscient One, Who, like the new sun in the early morning, Is, among Seers, gracious with splendour, With a face similar to a full moon, and free of lust. 猶如早晨升起的朝陽,在諸行者中[顯得]莊嚴祥瑞;臉如滿月.無渴愛,我禮讚一切知的牟尼王! 6. Upetapuñño varabodhimūle, 伍貝答布恩紐 瓦拉缽提木雷 sasenamāraṃ sugato jinitvā; 薩誰那馬浪 蘇格多 基尼特瓦 abojjhi bodhiṃ aruṇodayamhi, 阿缽耆(ㄑㄧˊ qi) 缽庭 阿盧諾達漾(密)唏 namāmi taṃ mārajinaṃ abhaṅgaṃ. 那馬密 當 馬拉基喃 阿龐崗 The Sugata endowed with merits Conquered, under the Bodhi tree, Māra with its army, And at dawnrise realized Enlightenment. I pay homage to the conqueror of Māra, The undefeated One. 具足功德的善至,於菩提樹下降伏魔軍;在明月升起時覺悟菩提,禮敬彼降魔的不敗者! 7. Rāgādichedāmalañāṇakhaggaṃ, 拉格 地佉達馬臘倪阿那卡崗 satīsamaññāphalakābhigāhaṃ; 薩帝桑曼倪阿 帕臘嘎 毗格漢 sīloghalaṅkāravibhūsitaṃ: Taṃ, 西洛喀闌嘎拉 維*菩西當 當 namāmibhiññāvaramiddhupetaṃ. 那馬密賓倪阿 瓦拉密荼貝當 I pay homage to the Buddha Who, after seizing the `shield' of mindfulness, And being adorned and embellished With the profusion of virtue, Cut off the mental impurities of lust and so on, With the ‘sword’ of knowledge; And who was endowed with the excellent Supernormal power Called ‘higher knowledge’. 以念為盾,以智為劍,斬斷貪等而無穢垢;他佩戴戒聚為莊飾,我禮敬具有證智的最上神通者! 8. Dayālayaṃ sabbadhi dukkaraṃ karaṃ, 達亞臘漾 薩罷提 度嘎浪 嘎浪 bhavaṇṇavātikkamamaggataṃ gataṃ; 杷旺那瓦帝嘎馬馬格當 格當 tilokanāthaṃ susamāhitaṃ hitaṃ, 帝洛嘎那湯 蘇薩馬唏*當 唏當 samantacakkhuṃ paṇamāmi taṃmitaṃ. 薩曼答吒昆 巴那馬密 當密當 I revere the compassionate One, Who, in all his lives, performed Difficult acts [of merit]; Who crossed the ocean of existence, And reached the foremost place; The protector of the three worlds, Who was well composed in mind, and benefactor; The all-seer and boundless One. 慈悲者於一切生中難行能行,超越有海(生命的海洋)到達無上處;三界怙(ㄏㄨˋ hù)主、具妙定者、利益[眾生]者,我禮拜普眼者.無量者! 9. Tahiṃ tahiṃ pāramisañcayaṃ cayaṃ, 答唏印 答唏印 巴拉密衫吒漾 吒漾 gataṃ gataṃ sabbhi sukhappadaṃ padaṃ; 格當 格當 薩毗 蘇卡巴當 巴當 narānarānaṃ sukhasambhavaṃ bhavaṃ, 那拉那拉囊 蘇卡桑杷旺 杷旺 namānamānaṃ Jinapuṅgavaṃ gavaṃ. 那馬那馬囊 基那補恩格旺 格旺 I pay homage to the eminent conqueror Of impious beings, Who here and there [in his rebirths] Accumulated the totality of perfections, And reached the blissful state (nibbāna) That can be reached by the virtuous ones; And who brought about happiness To humans and non-humans. [無量生中]處處累積巴拉密,已到達善人們可到達的安樂境;為諸人天引生快樂,禮敬不屈者、勝者、牛王! 10. Maggaṅganāvaṃ munidakkhanāviko, 馬崗格那旺 木尼達卡那維*果 īhāphiyaṃ ñāṇakarena gāhako; 依(亞)哈批漾 倪阿那嘎瑞那 格哈果 āruyha yo tāya bahū bhavaṇṇavā, 阿盧(亞)伊哈 優 答亞 拔護 杷旺那瓦 tāresi Taṃ buddhamaghappahaṃ name. 答瑞西 當 布當馬喀巴漢 那美 I pay homage to the Buddha, the Sage who, as a skilful captain embarked On the ship of the [noble] eightfold path, And by it helped many folk to cross The ocean of existence By endeavouring with his enlightening knowledge And alleviating their suffering. 牟尼是道支之舟的熟練船師,以智手執持努力之櫓(ㄌㄨˇ lŭ);許多人乘坐它渡過有海.捨離痛苦,禮敬彼佛陀!
@dhammagiriarama5584 6 лет назад
11. Samatiṃsatipāramisambharaṇaṃ, 薩馬丁薩帝 巴拉密 桑杷拉囊 varabodhidume catusaccadasaṃ; 瓦拉缽提度美 吒都薩吒達桑 varamiddhigataṃ naradevahitaṃ, 瓦拉密提格當 那拉得*瓦唏(依)當 tibhavūpasamaṃ paṇamāmi Jinaṃ. (維)帝杷烏巴薩茫 巴那馬密 基囊 I revere the Conqueror Who completed the thirty perfections, And realized under the Bodhi tree The four [noble] truths; Who attained the excellent supernormal powers, Benefited humans and devas, And achieved the cessation [of rebirths] In the threefold existence. 培育圓滿三十種巴拉密,在菩提樹下悟四諦;已達最上之證智、利益人與天,我禮拜勝者、三有寂止者! 12. Satapuññajalakkhaṇikaṃ virajaṃ, 薩答補恩 倪阿迦臘卡尼岡 維拉彰 gaganūpamadhiṃ dhitimerusamaṃ; 格嘎努巴馬庭 提帝美盧薩茫 jalajūpamasītalasīlayutaṃ, 迦臘竹巴 馬西答臘 西臘優*當 pathavīsahanaṃ: paṇamāmi jinaṃ. 巴他維薩哈囊 巴那馬密 基囊 I revere the Conqueror Who, due to innumerable merits, Is endowed with the [thirty two] marks; And who, like the [clear] sky above, Is free from defilements; Whose concentration is, Like the mountain Meru, unshakable; And who, like a lotus in the water, Is endowed with virtue that is cool, And, like the earth, has enduring patience. 有百種功德所生的具[三十二]相之離塵者,智如天空.[定力]堅固如同須彌;清淨之戒如水中生長的[蓮花],堅忍如大地.我禮敬勝者! 13. Yo Buddho sumati, dive divākaro va, 優 布陀 蘇馬帝 地韋 地瓦嘎樓 瓦 sobhanto ratijanane silāsanamhi; 首龐多 拉帝迦那內 西臘薩那密 āsīno sivasukhadaṃ adesi dhammaṃ, 阿西諾 西瓦蘇卡當 阿得*西 堂茫 devānaṃ: Tamāsadisaṃ namāmi niccaṃ. 得*瓦囊 答馬薩地桑 那馬密 尼章 The Buddha, the wise, Shining like the sun by day, Sat on the delightful seat of virtue And expounded the [abhi-] dhamma To the devas That gives the safe [nibbānic] bliss. To that peerless One I always pay my homage. 佛陀、妙慧者如白天的太陽般照耀,坐在[令人]生喜悅的石座上,教導[阿毗]達摩、施與諸天[涅槃的]吉祥快樂,我恒常禮敬彼無比者! 14. Yo pādapaṅkajamuduttalarājikehi, 優 琶答幫嘎迦木度答臘拉基給唏 lokehi tīhivikalehi nirākulehi; 洛給唏* 帝唏維嘎雷唏 尼拉古雷唏 sampāpuṇe nirupameyyatameva, nātho, 桑琶補內 尼盧巴美亞答美瓦 那陀 taṃ sabbalokamahitaṃ asamaṃ namāmi. 當 薩罷洛嘎馬唏當 阿薩茫 那馬密 The protector One [the Buddha] Reached, in the three worlds, The incomparable state By the complete and distinct [circular] lines On the soft soles of his lotus feet. To that matchless One, The benefactor of the whole world, I pay my homage. 到達三界無以倫比處的怙主,帶有無瑕疵、不混亂條紋的蓮花足柔軟平整;我禮敬彼利益一切世間的無雙者! 15. Buddhaṃ narānarasamosaraṇaṃ dhitattaṃ, 布堂 那拉那拉薩摩薩拉囊 提答當 paññāpadīpajutiyā vihatandhakāraṃ; 般倪阿巴地巴竹帝亞 維*哈當塔嘎浪 atthābhikāmanaradevahitāvahaṃ taṃ, 阿他毗嘎馬那拉得瓦唏答瓦漢 當 vandāmi, kāruṇikam-aggam-anantañāṇaṃ. 旺達密 嘎盧尼嘎 馬格嗎南担倪阿囊 I venerate the Buddha, the focal meeting point Of humans and non-humans, the concentrated One; Who removed the darkness [of ignorance] With the brightness of his [arahatta] wisdom; The well-wishing One, and benefactor To humans and devas; The compassionate, and foremost One, Of infinite enlightening knowledge.] 佛陀是人.非人集會[的皈依處],自己[定心]堅固.以慧燈之光摧破[無明]黑暗;[為有情世間]求義利者.為人天帶來利益者,我禮讚彼悲憫者.至上者.無邊智者! 16. Akhilaguṇanidhāno yo munindopagantvā, 阿企臘固那尼塔諾 優 木寧兜巴剛特瓦 vanam-Īsipatanavhaṃ saññatānaṃ niketaṃ; 瓦那密西巴答那瓦漢 衫倪阿答囊 尼給當 tahimakusalachedaṃ dhammacakkaṃ 答唏*馬古薩臘佉當 堂馬吒岡 pavatto, tam-atulam-abhikantaṃ 巴瓦多 答馬都臘馬毗岡當 vandaneyyaṃ namāmi. 旺答內漾 那馬密 The lord of sages, a deposit of perfect qualities, Arrived at Isipatana grove, The abode of self-controlled sages, And there set forth the Dhamma-wheel That cuts off the unwholesome. To that matchless and most pleasant Sage, Worthy of veneration, I pay my homage. 無餘功德寶藏的牟尼王,去到稱為[仙人落處]的森林.自制者的住處;在那裡轉動法輪.斬斷不善,我禮敬彼無比者.極可愛者.應禮讚者! 17. Suciparivāritaṃ, surucirappabhāhi rattaṃ, 蘇吉巴律瓦律當 蘇盧吉拉巴杷唏 拉當 sirivisarālayaṃ gupitamindriyehupetaṃ; 西律維*薩拉臘漾 固畢當明德律耶護貝當 ravisasimaṇḍalappabhutilakkhaṇopacittaṃ, 拉維薩西曼達臘 巴菩帝臘卡諾 巴吉當 suranarapūjitaṃ sugatam-ādaraṃ namāmi. 蘇拉那拉補基當 蘇格答馬達浪 那馬密 I respectfully pay homage to the Sugata, Who is surrounded by noble retinue And has a delightful body With very pleasant radiance. Who is a shelter for meritorious people, And is endowed with guarded faculties; Who has graceful marks on the soles of his feet Beginning with the discs of sun and moon, And is honoured by devas and humans. 被清淨眾圍繞.可喜的[身體發出]怡人的光芒,住立於吉祥聚.具備守護諸根;[足之輪]相從日月輪開始多姿彩,受天.人敬奉者,我恭敬地禮敬善至! 18. Maggoḷumpena muhapaṭighāsādi- 馬苟掄貝那 木哈巴帝喀薩帝 ullolavīciṃ, saṃsāroghaṃ tari; 伍洛臘維*靜 桑薩樓康 答律 tam-abhayaṃ pārapattaṃ pajānaṃ; 答馬杷漾 巴拉巴當 巴迦囊 tāṇaṃ leṇaṃ asamasaraṇaṃ 答囊 雷囊 阿桑馬薩拉囊 ekatitthaṃ patiṭṭhaṃ, puññakkhettaṃ 欸嘎帝湯 巴帝湯 補恩 倪阿客*當 paramasukhadaṃ dhammarājaṃ 巴拉馬蘇卡當 堂馬拉彰 namāmi. 那馬密 I pay homage to the king of Dhamma [the Buddha] Who, with the raft of the path, Crossed the flood of saṃsāra With its waves of delusion, aversion, desire, etc., And reached the safe shore [nibbāna]; Who became a shelter, a secure place, A unequal refuge, a save haven, A support [for deliverance], A field of merits for [all] beings, And a giver of supreme happiness. 以道筏渡過[充滿]癡.瞋.欲波濤的輪迴暴流,到達那無畏的彼岸;人們的庇護所.避難所.無比的皈依處,獨一的渡口.依止處.功德田,我禮敬施究竟樂的法王! 19. Kaṇḍambaṃ mūle parahitakaro yo 岡當邦木雷 巴拉唏*答嘎樓 優 munindo nisinno, accheraṃ sīghaṃ 木寧兜 尼新諾 阿佉浪 西康 nayanasubhagaṃ ākulaṇṇaggijālaṃ; 那亞納蘇杷崗 阿古蘭那笈*迦闌 dujjāladdhaṃsaṃ munibhijahitaṃ 度迦臘堂桑 木尼毗迦唏當 pāṭiheraṃ akāsi, vande taṃ, 琶帝嘿浪 阿嘎西 旺得*(ㄉㄟˇ děi) seṭṭhaṃ paramaratijaṃ 當 誰湯 巴拉馬拉帝彰 iddhidhammehupetaṃ. 依提堂美護貝當 The lord of Sages wishing the welfare of others Sat under the Kaõamba tree And performed the marvelous [twin] miracle That was rapid, pleasant to the eye, Combined with water, fire, and flame, Shattering the net of wrong views, And which was habitually performed By all Buddha-sages. I venerate that excellent, supremely delightful Sage With supernormal qualities. 利他的牟尼王坐在甘噠芒果樹下,快速[顯現]稀有.悅目.水火焰混雜的[雙神變];為破壞邪[見]網.牟尼們不捨行神變,禮讚彼尊貴的.生至上樂的具神通法者! 20. Munindakko yeko dayudayaruṇo 木寧達果 耶果 達優*達亞盧諾 ñāṇavitthiṇṇabimbo, vineyyappāṇoghaṃ 倪阿那維*庭那賓缽 維內亞巴諾康 kamalakathitaṃ dhammaraṃsīvarehi; 嘎馬臘嘎提當 堂馬浪西瓦瑞唏* subodhesī suddhe tibhavakuhare 蘇缽帖西 蘇帖 帝杷瓦古哈瑞 byāpitakkittinañca, tilokekaccakkhuṃ 別亞畢答紀*帝能吒 帝洛給嘎吒(恭)昆 dukhamasahanaṃ: taṃ mahesiṃ 度卡馬薩哈囊 當 馬嘿新 namāmi. 那馬密 With His compassion like the rising dawn, And with His wide range of knowledge, The great sage alone, like the sun [awakes] The lotuses in clean lotus lakes, Awakened With His excellent dhamma rays Multitudes of beings to be guided, In the three planes of existence. I pay homage to that great Seer of pervading glory, The sole eye in the three worlds, Who endured hardships. 悲憫如朝陽.智慧廣大圓滿者,獨一的牟尼王如太陽;如清淨池中的蓮花,以至上的法光善覺悟,在三有中教導可調教的有情眾.稱譽遍滿,我禮敬彼三界獨眼.難忍能忍的大仙!
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