
🔥 Church Leaders Lay It All on the Line - Is Our Faith of God or the Devil? Watch Before You Decide! 

The Words of Christ
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@kirriesummers5219 Месяц назад
Truth always swells my soul. The Book of Mormon and the words of these brethren are truth from our Father and our Saviour.
@flossietube2065 Месяц назад
The Book of Mormon IS true! And is indeed the word of God! And Jesus IS the Christ! The very living Son of God the Father! I humbly add my testimony to these great and true testimonies, as seen in this video in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Bro. Davied Harrell
@Boa_Omega Месяц назад
I add my testimony. In every way the Book of Mormon teaches of Jesus Christ. It teaches his eternal message. Read it and pray about it openly and honestly. You can feel the Holy Ghost bear witness.
@StewartSwitzer Месяц назад
Through the trials and difficulties of life, the Book of Mormon always brings me back to hope and joy-it is such an incredible blessing!
@luisp4009 11 дней назад
As Elder Bednar just taught recently, we the members of the Church don’t need to DEFEND our beliefs , we just need to PLOCLAIM IT! and that’s exactly what channels like this one does ! Keep up the good work brother , God is in charge and at the helm of this Church!
@jodie672 Месяц назад
Unfortunately looks like the trolls have found you brother 🙄 you must be doing something right. Stay strong 💪 we are with you!
@DC-pm8wv Месяц назад
“Fools mock but they shall mourn”….for “happily (they) be found even to fight against God.” For anciently, the Pharisees, in like manner, did unto the Savior!
@BettyHorn Месяц назад
I love all these men. They speak the truth. It's good to see footage of Bruce R. McConkie! He was a good man. The Book of Mormon is the word of God as President Nelson testified. I add my testimony to theirs.
@debraroser985 Месяц назад
Thank you for words of testimony and truth.
@lesliegabriel8695 Месяц назад
To live by the teachings of the Book of Mormon , will , bring us eternal life.
@JoanneMercader 22 дня назад
It's the truth. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. The truth is still the truth.
@jodie672 Месяц назад
I know The Book of Mormon is true! The Holy Ghost revealed that fact to me.
@perryewell5395 Месяц назад
It is true. The Book of Mormon is either the word of God or the work of the devil. Those are the only two options. The adversary would never teach of Christ like the Book of Mormon, so it must, therefore, be the word of God.
@verafrazier3209 Месяц назад
Amen! Thank you Brethren, Prophets, seers and revelators. I too know that the Book of Mormon is true, and of the Lord.
@Josh-vy2zq Месяц назад
the field is white ready to harvest ,,,the holy peisthood has awaken dont waste time to blocked it in jesus name amen.
@romulusmadison8432 Месяц назад
For 49 years I've studied literally thousands of Near Death Experiences since I first read Raymond Moody's book in 1975. In not one of those encounters was the Experiencer told to read a particular book or join a particular church. In fact, many Experiencers were told that it mattered not what church they attended, but what really mattered was developing a Christ-like attitude of love toward all people. Whom are we to believe? People who have actually seen the other side? Or people who merely repeat what they've heard all their lives?
@MichaelSaline Месяц назад
That’s because God allows all men agency to choose, and he will compel no one to heaven or hell. Right from the beginning “we will prove them here with” “men are free to choose life… or death” true seekers of Christ will be drawn to all things that testify of Him. I myself have died in a motorcycle crash 15 years ago and I was told to return to testify that his second coming is upon us, and I know that the book of Mormon is a true testament of Jesus the Christ!
@romulusmadison8432 Месяц назад
@@MichaelSaline You had a Near Death Experience in which you were told that the Book of Mormon is true? If not, what methodology did you employ to discover its truthfulness?
@MichaelSaline Месяц назад
@@romulusmadison8432 I can not break it all down for you here on a RU-vid comment. Let’s just say there are a few things I know as surely as you know you have a mother. They are as fallows: 1. “Mormons” or saints as in members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint, Absolutely are saved by every metric of understanding you poses, by and those you currently don’t, through the atonement of Jesus Christ! This of course is on an individual merit not as a group. just because a person professes. “Lord lord have we not … ? Ye know me not”. this applies to all persons regardless of religion. 2. There is a “covenant path” or “straight and narrow gate” that only exists at the present time on earth, under the authority of the priesthood passed down to Joseph Smith, by the hands of John the Baptist and Subsequently Peter, James and John. These blessings are available to all those who humble themselves be for God and recognize his Holy Spirit and are will to submit to Him in all things! 3. Faith in Christ alone is enough to save a man. However “faith by works” as James teaches in chapter 2:14-26. The works are the ordinances or rituals “rights of passage” like baptism and the covenant path. Allows us to become hairs with Christ, and like him become like our father in heaven, in every way. Notice even being perfect, Christ was baptized “to fulfill all righteousness”. Or to accomplish the ordinances that justice demands for mercy’s sake! In other words “do the will of the father,” or “that which I seeth the father do” 4. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ! And a testament to the new and old testaments, and there connection to the temple ordinances or covenant path or straight gate that “few there be that find it!” I know These things and so much more like I know my sons. If you could get over your fear of ridicule from the world and bring all the knowledge you have of Christ to the church of Jesus Christ through the spirit we will only add to what you know to be true! THats all I’ll say about my experience! You know the casting Perls before swine thing. Just know I have no doubts!
@romulusmadison8432 Месяц назад
@@MichaelSaline I already know that that's what you believe. I asked two simple questions: 1) You had a Near Death Experience in which you were told that the Book of Mormon is true? 2) If not, what methodology did you employ to discover the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon?
@MichaelSaline Месяц назад
@@romulusmadison8432 I knew it was true!!! And it was emphatically confirmed!
@DillonCorley-r8b Месяц назад
I know and believe the Book of Mormon to be true. ❤❤❤
@captainfox6212 21 день назад
"It declares plainly that all men must accept it as pure scripture or lose their souls" what does that mean for Christians who have accepted the Bible only??
@dl1130 Месяц назад
I believe Bruce R stated the truth.
@maryacaron635 29 дней назад
I know with ever fiber of my being that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and a great Testimony of Jesus Christ . Iknow it is a devine book translated by Joseph Smith translated it by the power of God.
@glennbacyan7462 16 дней назад
I add my testimony with you all. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith Jr. is the prophet of restoration. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true and living Church of God here on earth, restored with all the correct organization, priesthood authority, power and keys necessary for exaltation. Jesus Christ is the head of this Church and anointed Prophet Russell M. Nelson as the current prophet.
@STurbo5247 16 дней назад
The book of Mormon is real. God has restored his true church to the Earth through Joseph Smith.
@irisjohnson2126 Месяц назад
I know it is true without any doubt!
@josephwhirlwind6086 Месяц назад
The book of mormon is TRUE and is God inspired scripture , in the Holy name of Jesus Chrst , Amen. !!!
@gratefulmother Месяц назад
Great compilation. Thank you. Thank you for including sources.
@TheWordsofChrist Месяц назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@maliasio5237 25 дней назад
The Book of Mormon is so so True. I add my testimony is indeed the Word of God! And Jesus Is the Christ, N Holy Ghost who is helping us all to listening to the small voices n council all of us in good n great things that will helped out in our lives. I testify That God live And His Son Jesus Christ n The Holy Ghost who helped us out on greatest thing. I Humbly said these Things in the Named of Jesus Christ Amen!…
@teresahill3570 Месяц назад
Please add my testimony to these. I know the BOM is the word of god. Joseph Smith is a prophet. Heavenly Father and His Son did appear to Joseph Smith. Pray about it. Read it. You can know this too. Heavenly Father loves you. You are his child. He wants you to be happy.
@Josh-vy2zq Месяц назад
im the one suffering donr get mad is not you amigo love jesus amen.
@GODISMYSTERIOUS 19 дней назад
The Devil is only about him. The Devil will not ask anyone to follow Christ. Whether the Book of Mormon is all true or partially true, the Book directs us to Christ. So I don’t believe the Book is the work of the Devil. Anyhow, in the Old Testament, God sent prophets to foretell the coming of Messiah to the Israelites. In the New Testament, we learned that Christ would come again to Israel in the place where He ascended to Heaven, i.e. Mountain Olive. I don’t find any scriptures in the Bible foretell the New Jerusalem will be in the U.S..
@TheWordsofChrist 19 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It’s important to consider that while the Devil may seek to lead people away from Christ, any teaching or book that directs individuals to Him can be seen as aligning with divine intent. First, the Old Jerusalem will indeed be rebuilt, fulfilling ancient prophecies. Additionally, a New Jerusalem will be established here on the American continent. This belief is supported by scripture in the Book of Mormon, which mentions the New Jerusalem in connection with the establishment of a righteous society in the Americas. For instance, in the Book of Mormon, the prophet Ether speaks about this: Ether 13:3 "And they did come to the land of Bountiful, and they did build a city, and they did call it the New Jerusalem." Revelation 21:2 mentions the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, indicating a new and significant place of worship in the future. The Book of Mormon, from our perspective, complements the Bible and directs us to Jesus Christ, affirming the truths found in the Bible. John 16:13 states, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.” This suggests that additional revelation will align with and confirm existing truths rather than contradicting them. The Lord warned of a “famine of the word” in Amos 8:11, which says, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.” This famine would be addressed, as promised in Revelation 14:6-7: “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” The Lord kept His word, as He always will, by sending an angel named Moroni. He visited a young boy named Joseph Smith and gave him an ancient record of God’s dealings with the people of the Americas. This pattern of communication, involving prophets and heavenly messengers, is consistent with what we see in Amos 3:7: “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” This record, known as the Book of Mormon, was sent to affirm the truthfulness of the Bible and to stand as a second witness that Jesus is the Christ. It contains the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, providing clarity and settling any misunderstandings about truth according to the Lord. We warmly invite you to read the scriptures, including the Book of Mormon, and to seek divine confirmation through prayer about its truthfulness. Millions of people have done this and received an answer from the Holy Spirit. As Moroni promises in Moroni 10:4-5, if you ask God with a sincere heart and real intent, He will manifest the truth of it to you by the power of the Holy Ghost. We hope you will have this same enlightening experience.
@JIKOKALOL 29 дней назад
The BOM is true, but only for those who prefer to follow it while disregarding and changing the Holy Bible to fit their religion.
@TheWordsofChrist 29 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your perspective. We believe that the Book of Mormon complements the Bible rather than replacing or altering it. In fact, both are considered to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and His teachings. In 2 Timothy 3:16, the Bible states, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” We hold this verse in high regard, affirming the Bible’s divine inspiration and its crucial role in guiding us. The Book of Mormon itself testifies of the Bible’s truthfulness. As stated in 2 Nephi 29:8, “For thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom.” We believe that both scriptures work together to provide a fuller understanding of God’s word and His plan for us. We appreciate your engagement on this topic and encourage a careful study of both the Bible and the Book of Mormon to see how they support and enrich each other’s messages. Note : I noticed that your recent comment seems to differ from your earlier statement about the Book of Mormon being true. I encourage you to carefully study both the scriptures and seek the Lord's guidance on whether the Book of Mormon is truly His word. Many, including myself, have sought this answer through prayer and have received a profound confirmation from the Lord. Your sincere inquiry and study can lead to the same clarity and understanding.
@tsmithson1 Месяц назад
Suggesting that the book was written by God or the Devil contributes to our misuse and misreading of scripture. It was "written" by neither God nor the Devil. Scripture is NOT divine dictation, it is penned by human beings doing their best to explain their quest to make God alive in the world. Scripture is filled with contradictions, and very troubling actions promoted as moral deeds. Scripture may be inspired by God, but it in no way was "written" by God, so please stop making that assertion.
@evanwalton5965 Месяц назад
Seems you've not taken the time to listen to the video. Please read the Book of Mormon and seek Christ through it. Follow the council and invitations they provide and learn the power of scripture. It is divinely inspired and divinely brought further for our day. Time is running out. Do not waste your life mocking God and the Book of Mormon.
@karynbloxham Месяц назад
Might I suggest a different point of view? If you are a believer in God, then God is limitless, he is endless, knows all sees all knows all. You must acknowledge this truth. Using our very LIMITED understanding of the universe we cannot ourselves put any limits on God. Which means He can choose ways and means to accomplish His work, which is all about His love for us. Why wouldn’t he choose righteous men who can hear His voice and record it for teaching his children that we may return home to where He lives. I have spent many years of my life reading all scripture including books not in the bible. I under strict faith and covenants made that the Book Of Mormon is true. The only way to know it is to read it. I love that book above all others and have read and studied it for over 50 years. Read it desiring to know for yourself. It is the only way to find out the truth.
@derrickcox7761 Месяц назад
No one claims what you erroneously suggest. Scripture is written by inspired individuals...not God himself. The errors are those of imperfect people, which is why the spirit is required for understanding them.
@karenfulton8795 Месяц назад
Amos 3:7 surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealed his secret unto his servants the Prophets
@stephensmith9665 Месяц назад
It is of God. Period. (Or full stop as proper English speakers would say)
@andrewreed4216 Месяц назад
The book of Mormon is true, the lds church has gone off topic. The nemenhah records (622 pages), chief midegah, and the birch bark scrolls.
@trillmusicofficial Месяц назад
@@andrewreed4216 The Fullness of the gospel is contained in the Book of Mormon, and is truly the words of Christ which will point you which way you should go. The Nemenhah records and chief midegah definitely please the curiosity of the carnal mind, but they do not speak with the same divinity and feeling of power in the name of Jesus Christ as priesthood authority and the Book of Mormon do. Continue in fasting and prayer and be aware of wolves that will lead you astray.
@MrThrock09 Месяц назад
In one hand, there’s the restoration of the gospel, and the other hand is the direction the leader ship of the church has been going for the last 30+ years, encouraging humans from around the world to violate the laws the very laws that we are required to follow to be in good fellowship in the church. The policies of the brethren have pushed probably 1 million formally active members of the church away, you can’t with one hand, chastising scold members of the church. On the other hand. You’re giving away all the tithing money to people who are violating the rule of law, and don’t kid yourself if you don’t think what I’m saying is correct comes from their own mouths.
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