
🚢🆘 Theofilos NEL lines in Lemnos 2012 case 

V. Triantafyllidis photojournalist-whistleblower
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Υλικο πνευματικης ιδιοκτησιας. Αν αποπειραθειτε αν το ανεβασετε ξανα στο καναλι σας στο ΥΤ, το βιντεο αυτο θα ενημερωσει το ΥΤ αυτοματα και θα μαζεψετε την πρωτη αρνητικη βαθμολογια που μπορει να επηρεασει το καναλι σας κλπ. Σας προειδοποιησα.
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The video witnesses the attempts made by the captain of Greek NEL LINES Ferries 'THEOFILOS' in Myrina's harbour (Lemnos Island,Greece) to safely anchor in an afternoon of horor, after the ferry dragged the anchor of a fuel carrier ship (already anchored) about 150meters away from dock and towards Greek Navy ship, escaping a collision last minute !
Video is over an hour shrank in fast motion. Ferry left afterwards, to another local bay to get wind protection,returned after some hours an left again.
Watch LEFT anchor of ferry still dragging the chain of fuel ship !



28 сен 2024




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@pkwentworth 11 лет назад
As a captain I was impressed at how this Captain maintained control of his ship despite the very challenging weather conditions. He had a real sense of where the stern was and managed to keep it away from danger. All hands served as excellent lookouts, no doubt communicating the sterns position to the master. Lots of very close calls, but he managed to keep his bow into the wind much of the time. Very difficult feat to do with the winds he was battling..
@ridgerunner98570 11 лет назад
Captain did a great job under the worst of conditions. Kudos to his training and experience!
@gregoriousblantonius 10 лет назад
i don't know all the international rules and protocol, nor those that apply to this particular situation, but i will say this with certainty: piloting a ship that large, in conditions like that, in a space that small, is incredible.
@scdevon 9 лет назад
Gregory Blanton And irresponsible. A lot of people almost got hurt. That line snapping was the most dangerous part.
@marionbrodthagen4965 6 лет назад
Gregory Blanton k
@RitterAnhur 11 лет назад
Wow! That was an incredible amount of force to snap that mammoth cable like it was yarn. Kudos to the captain for avoiding danger in such a grave situation.
@Krazyvet666 10 лет назад
Greeks like any people around oceans are the best naturally. Peace
@smartingamerica 4 года назад
Very effective use of corrective motion stabilization in this video sequence. Its one of the finest and most welcome examples of the use of that correction technique I've seen. Thank you for keeping it free of annoying music also. Well done!
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 4 года назад
not sure but since i stabilised the logo started shaking as well... hahah
@smartingamerica 4 года назад
@@LemnosExplorerDotCom Hahah! That's okay. It's message is still clear with a brief pause.
@MarcosSanchez-mb1lc 11 лет назад
Desesperante situación. Una lucha larga y complicada por el control del barco. Admirable capitán.!
@pinehorse2785 10 лет назад
Amazing bit of work in the wheelhouse. The vessel's owner owes that captain a few bottles of really good scotch.
@anry1966 11 лет назад
My respect to the master. Brilliant work, dear colleague!
@ViitorTulbure 12 лет назад
Those ferries have no pilots,the master is by himself. A damn good one on this video,too!
@panagiotismavridis4381 10 лет назад
In small greek islands, people wait the boat as it is their only communication with the rest of the world. Having this in mind, I can understand the efforts of the captain to reach the port, and I congratulate him for his superb skills.
@kamilhummel2238 4 года назад
A já bych chtěl vidět Vás!
@7891mamak 6 лет назад
Such a breathtaking maneuver, under horrific conditions. The XYZ vector forces on the anchorage alone, if anyone facet failed he would have been in BIG DOO DOO and the Capt well understood the consequences...
@francinedeschenes8613 9 лет назад
Very hard work from the captain.
@karilee22 12 лет назад
The pilot has lots of guts trying the landing and almost made it the second time,but as a master myself i would have left the harbour after that and waited for the wind to settle down.The company was probably pressuring him to come in as it seems to be even more windy when he is trying it in the dark.
@notrombones5041 11 лет назад
Looks like Poseidon was angry that day.
@SRSpoony 12 лет назад
i think you did really well waiting all that time and showing us all what happened. well done
@ΤάκηςΜουτάφης 12 лет назад
σωστά. Η Λήμνος έχει φυσικό λιμάνι (Μούδρο) που είναι ασύγκριτα πιο ασφαλές. Δεν εξυπηρετεί όμως τις ακτοπλοϊκές, μια ώρα ταξιδιού επιπλέον
My opinion in that fact is that the Greek Captains are brave because of two reasos 1.The Greek Islands have very small ports and 2.The weather is not helpfull at all the times that they try to proced. Also the ships are very large for that ports... And the ship i very important for the people who lives in the islands...!!!
@عاشقالبحر-غ6ب 5 лет назад
In these strong winds, it is necessary to throw Monday the Hankers. Before entering the marina in any case the wind is very severe
@ViitorTulbure 12 лет назад
Excellent video! So much pressure on masters. I understand the greek master,what he must have felt,because I am a master myself and had almost same situation. We should not accept economical pressure and follow our guts and what you learnt in past experience.
@edoflo9471 10 лет назад
Using the anchor like they did here is called a " poor mans tug." It is a good maneuver when necessary. This pilot lost control of the situation. He pissed off a whole lot of people there...
@SoldadoFerreiraa 12 лет назад
drfit slow motion on the water!!! nice pilot!
@JBJB14 11 лет назад
"Did you have a good day at the office dear ?"
@Antipodean33 10 лет назад
That is one awkward place to have to berth a ship, especially on that angle and in weather coming in like that
@polisloco 11 лет назад
True story, safety first! But as you can see, in this occasion they had to go.
@Gustavo2803 12 лет назад
Tides and winds are to factors that you have to keep in mind and one in not in control of. You are right on that he made a magnificent job on not hitting anything and in that weather it would have been understandable. Harbour mastre should not have had him berth in the first place anyway
@FysDane 11 лет назад
Incredible experienced capt...!
@pits181 11 лет назад
Πριν ενα χρονο σχολιο..μαλιστα!! Δεν ηθελα να θιξω ΚΑΝΕΝΑΝ! Εγω απλη ερωτηση εκανα που απαντηθηκε με μυνημα απο φιλο και ολα καλα...οσο για το Πρεβελης δεν χανει δρομολογιο εννοω προσεγγιζει παντα ασχετα με καθυστερησεις! Και ξαναλεω δεν εθιξα κανεναν καπετανιο και καθε ναυτικος ειναι ηρωας και ειμαι χαρουμενος που εστω και για ενα χρονο ταξιδεψα στα ποντοπορα!
@sotogun_1981 10 лет назад
@jakenorthbriz 6 лет назад
This captain is a legend
@TheSoloAsylum 5 лет назад
Back a ship in during a storm, yeah that's fucking brilliant...
@Chazzangenio 12 лет назад
Seguramente el capitán recibió órdenes de atracar sin importar el clima, fue suerte que las cosas no salieran peor que tener que esperar a que el clima cambie a favor. El personal de tierra sabía perfectamente que todo podía salir mal y terminada su labor se alejaron lo mas posible; un riesgo innecesario a todas luces.
@reconx86 11 лет назад
The Slow and The Furious: Tokyo Drift
@scotteagle7219 9 лет назад
Good job mate very good parking
@droitega 11 лет назад
Not a single scratch was given that evening! Greta captain!
@gready45 12 лет назад
Good seamanship from an experienced skipper. However, the conditions were too much. He used his own anchor as a pivot. He did not catch the anchor of the other ship.
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 11 лет назад
elin was anchored on the right of navy ship at the beginning and anchor was cut later on.
@oblivion4lcf 12 лет назад
Κατάλαβα!σε ευχαριστώ για τη διευκρίνηση!
@woodbear97 12 лет назад
that boat was owned by color-line in norway 20 years ago
@tul333 12 лет назад
How did he drag the Elin's anchor 150m yet the boat never moves from 90 degrees to the quayside? The Captain did a great job in the harbour, only thing is, should he have been there in the first place considering the conditions?
@Naughtyjug 11 лет назад
Skipper did all he could in appalling conditions. Just wondering why he chose to drop his port anchor instead of his starboard. With the starboard anchor down he could have maneuvered back towards the pier and tied off aft on his starboard side. Still, very tricky in a very small harbor with that amount of windage; glad he chose to get the hell out of there.
@tejasnite 12 лет назад
the seas were some what calm at the beginning but as usual they got a intense quickly so goes a being on a lakeu see storm APPROACHING u don't hesitate to get off water quickly as possible that storm will intensity fast
@christianschrder9781 11 лет назад
nope , the pilot is only a guide , the captain is still the responsiple and the one in charge .
@justinlynch3 7 лет назад
Does this harbor not have any sea breaks to reduce the waves and the swells? Seems like a incredibly unsafe place if the sea can just come in there full force like that.
@Gustavo2803 12 лет назад
In fact not that much I have only 3 yeras in the ship brokerge business. In fact I think the captain did a fantastic job i mean he did all this and with no tug boats to help him out. And yes greeks have a long tradition at sea, longer than many of us. But on the other hand Port Authorities must have said something about the weather or have certain restrictions on brething under certain weather conditions. It is not every day that you come across a cap that handle the situation that well
@montero0987 9 лет назад
The port anchor saved the masters ass.
@ZZombyWooff 10 лет назад
he accidently pressed ',' 4 times and put the timescale to x16. those things are difficult to steer that fast
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
was around sunset time that season. thanks. real difficult situations make better professionals by video analysis.
@bill739123 11 лет назад
i dont really know what was going on but it looked like the capt. managed to do some wild driving in a very small area.
@SRSpoony 12 лет назад
nice video :) how long was the running time for trying to dock her ?
@TheBigWWI 11 лет назад
The screw up was the aft deck crew, not the captain. Had they moderated tension on the starboard stern line until they got several warps ashore it would have not ended like that. Then they fail to wind the snapped line up quickly enough allowing it to foul the prop(s). I would fire the aft deck crew and whatever mate was in charge.
@davidwest9685 5 лет назад
He dropped the wrong anchor ! Ship ran over it and probably d-ducked the bow thruster. Sometimes best To heave too offshore until the fun subsides.
@axios76 11 лет назад
If he was so skilled, why when they got the stern lines, he didnt try to align the stern with the dock, by going astern, but instead he stayed there relying on only one secured line and anchor to hold the whole ship against the wind, which at that point was almost abeam. He should have helped those lines with the engines, until the ships get closed and they double the stern springs for the final berthing.
@thewordsopinion 11 лет назад
that chain snapped like a rubber band
@Westdawgg 11 лет назад
Okay just being honest the guys did not tie the ropes with much of looping process that was needed.
@stevefromPA2 12 лет назад
wouldnt think a ship that size would be that effected by current and gales...and thats why im not a captian of a ship...
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
after an hour or more he left to another lemnos possition, i heard platy village bay to wait for wind, and then he came back after many hours.
@axios76 11 лет назад
Being a captain there its not about showing how good you in going in the wolf's mouth, like in this case. Its about doing the job safely. This guy, although lucking didnt kill anybody from the parted stern line or smashed into the product tanker or navy ship, doesnt know where the safe limits are. You just dont risk that much. However if he is afraid from being punished for aborting, then its a management fault and that needs to change the company management system.
@axios76 11 лет назад
Because I am not the captain,and i am not in the above situation. More important,as i said in the previous posts he should have aborted the port on the first place.Second and very important companies with ships visiting certain ports,like ferries and similar ships with schedule,should have policies for aborting ports, depending on the weather conditions.This way the captain shouldnt feel pressured to take the safe decision.In my company certain routes close after steady 35knots wind,for example
@jamesdewer 12 лет назад
Rough as fuck there. No wonder he was having trouble.
@petkovmarin 12 лет назад
whats the program you use to stablize the video
@MaryNightfall 12 лет назад
@palaiologos33 είναι της Μυρινας του λιμάνι όμως. χαχαχα αλλά ούτε και αυτό έπρεπε να φαίνεται γιατί ουσιαστικά είναι ένας ντοκος στο ΒΑ αιγαίο.
@FerryChat 4 года назад
Hi, Nice video, Thanks
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 4 года назад
welcome - highlighting issues in the ferry world.
@Lellobeetle 11 лет назад
My dad only had commercial fishing biats but always said...Norwegian captains
@mtlassen1992 12 лет назад
Hard enough to turn that beast around to dock without that 50 knot wind. My only cruise ever was delayed leaving because of a 30 knot wind. Ships aren't very aerodynamic!
@axios76 11 лет назад
To van KOS - I know you are right, but decisions have to be made on time. I think he waited too long trying. For sure followed by experience, tha captain tried, believing he could do it. Well, he needs to know when to say" That's enough" for the sake of safety of pax and the ship. I am chief officer on a ferry and have been many times in the greek islands area and know what those Meltems can be
@crudecod 11 лет назад
dude, it's an island with like, 2,000 people living on it..
@GreekMacUser 12 лет назад
Πω πω καπετάνιε μου! Τα έχεις μεγαλύτερα και από το καράβι που καπετανεύεις!
@pasgiannina9706 10 лет назад
το θεοφιλος δεν ειχε προσκρουσει στο λιμανι της χιου????
@nikosloudaros9784 6 лет назад
@polisloco 11 лет назад
If you have 5000 islands total and a lot have people even winter with bad weather conditions some ship must go.
@Wiener-Doo 11 лет назад
I think the guys on the deck must have balls the size of Mars - each one!
@xlene10 11 лет назад
Lines in the water with props still turning, some people getting their tickets pulled.....
@Bymb2020 11 лет назад
kinda hard to dock with out tug boats. if you got to a ship yard and watch the tug boats dock them .
@dallasbennett36 12 лет назад
Chuck Norris was the captain of that boat and no one thanked him!
@ZandisVreten 12 лет назад
Its madness to try to dock a ship under this circumstances. Captain should have abort after the first attempt.
@yanisselinis3593 12 лет назад
@12Achilleas 12 лет назад
Κάποτε είχε σπάσει ο κάβος και βρήκε έναν ναύτη στο πόδι και του το ξέσκησε δεν έχω ξανακούσει ποτέ πιο δυνατά ουρλιαχτά πόνου
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
καλη ερωτηση
@alistairville9303 6 лет назад
Is the port anchor stationary? Or is the point to drag it a little?
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 6 лет назад
anchor on the dock is stationary if you asked this
@davidbradley3982 7 лет назад
most of us have this sorted out by about 4yo in the bath tub.
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
@superTrugoy thanks friend
@choulio91 12 лет назад
Greece has the 1st place in shipping...and in ALL greek vessels all the "masters" are greek...and not only in greek flags...
@MrMickWay 11 лет назад
Φημες λενε, οτι ο καπετανιος κανει ακομα παντιλικια και οι επιβατες ειναι ακομα μεσα! :3
@EirFragk 11 лет назад
ναι σωστά! τυχαία δηλαδή το πες, χωρίς βέβαια να θές να θίξεις κανενα καπετάνιο. χαχα
@SanTenChan 11 лет назад
big boat indeed
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
που να δεις με 10 μποφωρ τι γινεται....
@NumburOneZero 8 лет назад
iceberg right ahead..
@RednecksGoneWild 11 лет назад
just go back to sea & wait...
@welshpete12 11 лет назад
I think that is remarkable seamanship , given the conditions and how little room he had to manoeuvre !
@ThanasisIoannidis 11 лет назад
of course you wouldn't say that if you lived in that island and that ship was also carrying medicine or anything else of crucial importance to the survival of the locals, no?
@SeriPK 11 лет назад
actually the greek captains are the best !!!!!!
@Benandlandon 4 года назад
At bailing out and crying.
@dmpan6063 2 года назад
@@Benandlandon ενώ εσείς είστε άντρες χωρίς την σημασία της λέξης.το μόνο που ξέρετε να κάνετε είναι να κλέβετε και να κατηγωρητε τους άλλους.κλεφτες δώστε τα αρχαία ελληνικά πίσω.
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
LOOL this is why all ferries sunk in the sea have 'italian masters' we begun joking in greece. But in the schettino case was a greek too and dont know if was just coincidence
@Antipodean33 12 лет назад
Thats a really ordinary looking harbour, it's open to the sea,imagine how bumpy it would get in some severe weather
@patagualian 11 лет назад
Under those conditions,I'd say the Captain did a good job. Poorly designed port though: Breakwaters next to useless.
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
well after all these hours recording it, i felt sea sick !
@chewbear22 4 года назад
I saw the USS Holand do that twice in one week, in Rota Spain. Actually saw 3 inch hawser line smoke as the ship got under way. Screwed two guys up pretty bad that were on deck handling lines.
@29Alkis 11 лет назад
The Greek captains are great ! However, the windy Greek see in the winter is preety sh************ty !!!!!!!!!!!
@georgebird9867 11 лет назад
Now you see why the cost of living and especially travelling to these islands is so high for the natives.
@RSBSTEADICAM 12 лет назад
When I was working toward my licence many years ago I had a Captain who seemed to the whole crew to be the worst of the Captain Bligh model. He use to come up with all sorts of situations that the crew thought completely remote and a waste of time. It took me many years to appreciate his style. Being ready for the unknown is what it's all about! It's obvious that this Captain knew the area (you're right) but was having problems getting things coordinated. Bet they all know now!!!
@LemnosExplorerDotCom 12 лет назад
@MaryNightfall --sosti ! το ελιν, ειχε ριξει αγκυρα στη μεση του λιμανιου ! πηγε και ο αλλος ο κακομοιρος να ριξει, και καταλαβε οτι δεν πιαστηκε χταποδι στην αγκυρα αλλα σκαλωσε με της ελιν. αυτο που δε δειχνει το βιντεο ειναι οταν το τραβουσε το ελιν, που το εσερνε και πηγε να πεσει πανω στο Π.Ν. Μεγαλη τυχη τελικα να μην υπηρετεις τη θητεια σου στο ΠΝ σε τετοιες καταστασεις.... Ολοι το βλεπανε και δε μπορουσανε να φυγουνε επισης...
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