
1 Tip For EVERY SMITE RANK To Rank Up Fast! ⤴️ | SMITE GUIDE 

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@chubbyostrich 2 года назад
Currently im 3500 mmr and the biggest tip I have for EVERY rank is don't be toxic. If you start being toxic to someone then they will play worse and sometimes just feed on purpose so what I try to do is be nice to your teammates. Even if they start being toxic to you just try and be nice and you can always mute them.
@Chris-87 2 года назад
This comment is severely underrated. If someone is too toxic over small things like first death, which is bound to happen to someone, that player may int feed just because the toxic player is a turd. Instead of leaving, they'll just make the whole team suffer because of one person's attitude
@Recusant39 Год назад
@@Chris-87 true
@allengakin7594 Год назад
True I was 8 -0 being trashed talked the whole time I'm literally to every stat. It came to 10 minutes I started a quit vote. We were winning but they asked why stay quit. I said I'm carry toxic teammate. He apologized, realized and finally shut the fuck up.
@margaritadankova1932 Год назад
@debatable1984 Год назад
​@@allengakin7594 20 seconds into game: "You Rock, Cancel That" "You Rock, Cancel That" 5mins in he's on 1 - 8 your on 4 - 1
@JackieKog 2 года назад
I'd love a sieging video to help my friends who back when the enemy team is dead for a full 30
@getuhm 2 года назад
Hi! Yes, are you me?
@zoldyck9610 2 года назад
@chrispybacon6394 2 года назад
Our the one who stop farming consistently just because their ahead.
@heuoaktree6871 2 года назад
Would love a sieging video
@shinyemperor2745 2 года назад
Same here !
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
Another tip. Play it through. I've came back from unbelievable deficits. Trust me people throw games ALL the time. Alot of people don't have the endurance to maintain solid play for 30+ min. You'll catch their ass slippin one time in the late game and win it. Happens alot more often than you'd think even in the diamond+ games
@tubbisaurusrex 2 года назад
I had a guy throw a game last week because we decided to help our mid instead of get fg at 16 minutes. We were so far ahead but just because we helped our Ra not die, he split pushed the rest of the game
@nashbutler 2 года назад
Honestly no screw that if it’s 10-0 against you then u might as well surrender. I don’t care just let the suffering be over
@robit9058 2 года назад
i won a 3v5 the other day
@adamb7973 2 года назад
Almost every game someone on my team will try to surrender because they’re losing lane while the rest of the team is winning
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
@@adamb7973 low lvl players always do just ignore that shit and play on
@Eigalaxy 2 года назад
Im just a masters player but one tip that I want to say is that as a jungle look at your map and lanes, the reason for this is from you being able to make invade calls. An example could be if your solo is out pressuring there opponent make a call on the opponents blue same with mid lane. Then from having all that map pressure you can make plays for gold and fire then win the game.
@nauclerus6367 2 года назад
Underrated comment
@XytaVuramee 2 года назад
I'm a GM player and one thing I have to say about climbing the ranks (when it comes to console) is that once you reach a certain skill level, it is literally luck based, if you aren't getting an 0/10 feeder, a pre 10 minute fountain sitter, or some troll it'll be something that throws your games, no matter how well you play you are totally dependent on your team not to throw, basically just try your best and don't let the trolls get to you.
@jameskendel5146 2 года назад
@lagunalibre117 2 года назад
I got a question, once you are GM what happens next? You can apply to be a pro player now? I have no clue how spl teams spawn lol
@iamjulian2810 2 года назад
@@lagunalibre117 no no no no lol. GM means absolutely NOTHING in terms of being a pro.
@some_shitposting_idiot3023 Год назад
@@lagunalibre117 smites ranks are essentially "i got lucky that my team was better than the enemy team more often than not" you can be better than every player in a match but still lose because one person on your team was far worse than the enemy team
@ricolives1166 2 года назад
I'm in masters and I have tips. Communication. Call missing Buy wards Buy anti heal Stop copy and paste what the pros do then saying you are in the spl. When someone asks for help, help them. Don't say "not my job" Also call missing and communicate.
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
I'm in masters and don't do none of that fr. My tip play tanks and run it down. And don't be a bitch about dying. Expect to die just make it worth it
@ricolives1166 2 года назад
@@jordanweaver3448 you mustve gotten hard carried
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
@@ricolives1166 very rarely maybe 1/100 games or so but it did feel good when the team pops off
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
@@ricolives1166 9/10 I'm farming in solo and I get triple ganked but its all good I don't mind it
@virustsunami4096 2 года назад
Also dont spamm in chat when someones missing xD most people dont use minimap ^^
@Bllhyss 2 года назад
Im just a plat player that just cant push past plat 1 but for the gold tip I can say learning to buy wards each time you back and just placing them anywhere really there'll be a point in which its useful atleast once on top of that just learning to be more communicative is extremely helpful for not only you and your teammates
@miriamschmitz394 2 года назад
People not talking playful bullshit in the lobby is a red flag for me.. they usually lose
@KayaFiend14 Год назад
It's crazy that to this day, wards are still as underrated and underused as they are. Underrated comment and something that I'll never understand.
@mechanics____1410 2 года назад
The worst part of climbing through ranked each season has to be mid-plat in my experience. If everyone's talent matched their boosted egos it would probably be a lot more smooth
@nathanruthardt8822 2 года назад
I’ve been stuck in play for so long. I get to plat 1 then lose like 8 in a row thanks to usually my carry feeding their brains out
@willhaugh3691 2 года назад
as a masters player myself, the biggest thing that helped me rank up was learning how to play support properly. I found myself losing all the games in which i didnt get my role and got stuck at support, so when i fixed that problem my rank went from plat to masters
@lordmew5 2 года назад
Honestly i feel if you don't know how to play support hirez should ban you.
@KHRAVINRAJ 2 года назад
@@lordmew5 ah yes the salty plat
@lordmew5 2 года назад
@@KHRAVINRAJ i mean i was diamond 1 in season 5 and i got to diamond 5 this season and i only stopped at diamond 5 to prove i could get diamond again so im not really a plat player but support is the easiest role to play so long as you don't do anything stupid.
@claytongreenlee7808 2 года назад
support is definitely my worst role, I do fine later in the game but the laneing phase and early rotating I just dont understand bc Im used to jungle which I always win on, any tips or good video recommendations to learn?
@differentmind 2 года назад
@@lordmew5 definitely not the easiest, you are the one who rotates the most along with the jungler, you are the one who set the kill for the team, and the one who defend the mid or carry. You have to learn a lot about when to go in or defend.
@bakublader1999 2 года назад
I do want to make 1 point that a lot of similar videos are making and I just don't agree with. These types of videos often suggesting getting good at a hypercarry role etc and then just try to climb from there, but this often comes from ones own personal experience in which the content creator is typically better than the rank that they're playing in and can get away with it. I don't think this translates well from theory to practice. I haven't played smite in years but support diffs were surprisingly common to see if I'm being honest. Everyone on both teams is "practicing their hypercarry" and the team with the solo and support that can either take over the game late (fed solo) or have scarily good rotations and gank setups(supports) often is the one that is making the difference. Exactly because so many people have this hypercarry mindset is why the non-hypercarry roles are becoming the decisive factor for the outcome of the game.
@teamtryhards2552 2 года назад
Speaking from personal experience, gold is the “nothing is ever my fault and my team is all horrible” rank. Mainly stuff like the 1/4 carry screaming at the 11/3 jungle because I didn’t gank his lane enough in the early game or the jungle screaming at me for holding chaac ult in a 2v4 when they all have escapes up and I’m just trying to zone them off
@miriamschmitz394 2 года назад
To be honest.. You better gank duo early if needed, cause that shit will cost you the game if the adc doesn't get online..
@warrenward6294 2 года назад
Once upon a time i was gold 1 on the plat border. 2 seasons of not playing pretty much at all sees me thrown back down into the bronze pit. Idk why bit this video gave me the spark to redownload smite again and grind my way back
@cinque2246 2 года назад
The platinum tip is very true. When I started ranked I got to silver because of troll teammates. Which I didn't mind at first bc I could dominate every game like crazy. But even tho I was doing amazing as solo, I would still lose most games bc I couldn't carry my team in the late game. Then when I switched to carry (even tho I find it boring af) I won 14 out of the next 16 games.
@federicohz2001 2 года назад
Thats why i started hated ranked, i got to diamon laste year but tbh i stoped playing ranked for atleast 6 month tbh best thing i ever did, i have more fun and sometimes harder games in casual than i did in ranked. And i dont have to deal with angry tryhards etc etc, you still have your troll picks etc but i have more fun in those cases than i did before at ranked. And i dont have those eternal wait times to play a game.
@claytongreenlee7808 2 года назад
Yeah I have the same problem, I have low rank bc I tried it at lvl 30 and then quit and now almost lvl 100 ive started a little bit again and when I get jungle I absolutely carry the game and win everytime but then when the game doesnt give me jungle and im support I feel helpless and we usually lose so my mmr just goes up and down its so annoying
@justinmatthews4602 2 года назад
been a high masters player since season 4. The biggest tip I would give is to just chill out and have fun. I have found that playing to have fun while trying to win produces much more positive results compared to trying really hard while raging and being toxic lol. Mechanics are another big thing. Try to work on them in a carry role. Wards win games. If you pop a ward down, that ward has a decent chance of getting you a kill.
@KayaFiend14 Год назад
or saving your ass (or potentially both). Wards are
@devilcwesker5980 2 года назад
I'm a late diamond player who is climbing towards masters and came from being ass from bronze slowly climbing up. My tip is to learn by the palm of your hand what items do so u can easily build an item set against any opponent you come across
@iweeblul 2 года назад
Been diamond in the Brazilian server, was pretty excited to maybe climb my way up to masters but now I'm just not too into smite once again. At level 159 it didn't take me much to get the feel of conquest, thus I managed to quickly get into diamond V, because before that I was stuck playing joust games cuz I have friends to accompany me there and that's what my computer used to be able to handle. The amount of toxicity there makes you think for a while before queueing the next game, and sometimes a casual conquest match can be even more toxic than a ranked match. Anyways, good vid as usual, hopefully one day I'll have the willforce to go over to masters.
@KayaFiend14 Год назад
Agreed with casual often being more toxic than ranked.
@godgod3367 2 года назад
First and only match in ranked was joust with my friend. The random said he was going to play Cthulhu, but the other team banned him so he said we were toxic and kept running into their tower and letting the enemy kill him. So if you ever see someone named Aguila OAA he will literally throw a match if he doesn’t get what he wants.
@KayaFiend14 Год назад
He should have just picked nothing and dodged the game at that point lol
@alejandromt44 2 года назад
From a Master player: it’s common to say group up, siege, etc. The MOST hard part into get higher is literally do not feed, by grinding “playing games” and be a “normal player” each game by keeping your KDA above 2 your % of win rate will go highly up. I am not saying KDA is the most important thing but if you keep the constance to not focus on kills and focusing on your own deaths is really helpful assist matters even tho nobody likes them and idk why. If your KDA in a match of 25 min is above 2.5 you should be winning most of your games.
@AlecAstaire 2 года назад
From GM: 1. Be careful with risky Fire Giant calls. Fire giant buff doesn’t always decide the game, but losing an FG to a steal destroys moral and turns the team against each other. 2. Give someone the chance to pop-off, and they will. You don’t have to be the superstar every game. 3. It’s all about the grind. Grinding makes more of a difference between Masters and GM than raw skill does. That’s why you often see GMs who don’t/couldn’t play in the SPL
@erickmalm9458 2 года назад
Good tips. I'm always between bronze and silver (mostly due to people trolling or rage quitting) and I get boned constantly due to trying to be a team player and trying to help someone else who doesn't know how to play.
@ARo151 2 года назад
I was one win away from diamond (with no duo queue partner at all) and the toxicity just got to be too much. Every game someone on my team quit playing just because we fell a little behind. There even was a game we were winning and our chang'e mid quit because she died twice to Odin and his cage, even though she had 4 assists and we were winning by 4k and many kills. I stopped playing and my rank decayed into gold, which feels bad as an individual player
@shortymcbluehair9671 2 года назад
I'm toxic, but not in ranked. Making your teammates feel good will make them more responsive to your calls, play better and just have a higher morale in general. When you type at someone, they start feeling upset or insecure and start tilting. Even if their play was pretty terrible, it'll do you more good having their head still in the game when you reach the FG fights and sieges later on.
@sdve4512 2 года назад
True but its easier and it feels a lot better telling them they trash lol
@tycoughlin735 2 года назад
Ok, but why would you be toxic in a casual match? Most people are just trying to have fun
@KayaFiend14 Год назад
@@tycoughlin735 tbf I'm never toxic first but if someone makes a few comments, it is fun to start roasting them ( usually my team agrees with my roasting by that point and it's funny for the rest of us) Ranked tho, I just take it and keep rollin along. I'll even apologize for something that isn't my fault sometimes lol
@memesarefunny2944 2 года назад
Inters3ct im currently stuck in gold 4 im double queing ranked but we cant get out gold 4 and this tip of yours were already like using it but for some reason we regularly get bronze 3 players that just started in ranked in our teams and gold 1 players in enemy teams we just cant get a break. Anyway merry Christmas (was very late on that one)
@DevinGroves93 2 года назад
I'm gold 4 also. It feels like a gamble. I'll be 6-1 solo with a 2k gold lead on them and the score board is 10-22. It honestly feels like the only matches I win are the ones I hard carry. I almost never have a teammates where I'm like damn that dude popped off.
@ihaveafootfettish237 2 года назад
Dude I've bee stuck in gold for ages now, gonna try these tips. I feel like I'm doing most of them, but idk maybe I'm just bad lol 😆
@GamersLifestyle12 2 года назад
You’re not bad bro
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
The best way to get better is be aggressive and don't care if your die or not. As long as you get your ult off and some of their relics you'll be fine along as your team have thumbs
@virustsunami4096 2 года назад
Ur not bad but in gold often guys get a lead and push t2 alone to throw their lead xD
@claytongreenlee7808 2 года назад
@@jordanweaver3448 uhh thats just feeding lol, dieing to get an ult or relic is definitely not usually worth it
@ihaveafootfettish237 2 года назад
@@virustsunami4096 yeah and worst part is like inters3ct mentioned majority of people in gold and I guess in plat think they know the game. I believe truly after 10 to 15 minutes the whole team should group and push objectives. Idk man 😆
@chhaxz5830 2 года назад
Im a d2 player with masters mmr i think what ppl struggle with the most is playing late game and ending
@AndrewH1994 2 года назад
recently having been in gold lobbies with a friend, i was in a game that was literally arena from 1 gold fury to the next one spawning... the fight actually just didn't stop for 5 full minutes.... so idk. gold is where people start getting mechanics, but higher game knowledge and counter rotations and reasonable split pushing doesn't exist yet
@colinmalonik9629 2 года назад
Also I’m a high plat low diamond player d2 is my highest but didn’t last long lol. But my tip is: don’t get into a screaming match with your salty teammate or w.e the situation is, your man they mad it’s best to ignore or mute that person and focus on the match.. I fall victim to this way to much 😣😂
@villageflippinidiot 2 года назад
You forgot an important part of sieges. Support goes in first, not solo, because supp is tankier to eat tower shots, and this allows solo to dive and not worry about resetting tower aggro.
@vygintas4741 2 года назад
I have been in all those ranks, exept master, those tips are good and i Agree with, I am main jungle and i agree with arguments about jung and mid in early to mid game time. But I say that, I am not the best player, like GM, master's or SPL, but how much I seen some players doesnt have any brain cells, because I am trying to do some strats how to outplay enemy and Etc. But other stuff in matchmaking, is those trolls, leavers, afk, feeders, because of them I had lost huge amount of games.
@gotcha927 2 года назад
The thing you said about low diamond being cancer as sin is so true. Everyone thinks they’re gods gift to the earth and good enough to play some dumb off role picks which end up costing the game EVERY TIME. if you’re so good, grind it to masters then.
@rafaelvasile4848 2 года назад
As for sieging moments the team doesnt understand that after 4-5 hits even on a full tank the phx starts to hurt and u cant block that dmg and the enemy team dmg so u either move fast and all in commit to it or u have to constantly step out and reset the shots progresion.Im in plat and i can play evry role decent but usualy choose solo or sup as they are impactfull, like the right timmed stun can turn a fight. I would like for more players to understand this better no matter the division and stop blaming sup for evry bad thing that happens in the game....
@JvP519 2 года назад
At the high diamond ranks I run into a lot of trolls that say they’ve already reached masters or gm so they have the border and now want to screw around. It’s extremely annoying but once I’m in masters all those trolls seem to disappear.
@dreaddinosour3728 2 года назад
Interesting, being a casual main who does all these tips already feels good
@colinmalonik9629 2 года назад
I’m gonna be honest your content in my opinion for the last while has been directed to lower level players but this video right here is for everyone I agree with everything you said, this is the content you need!
@crossfam5940 Год назад
Just got into smite ranked 2 days ago and lost 10 games in a row I wanna kms 978 Mmr now thanks for the tips I’ll report back when it goes up
@voicesinhead3577 2 года назад
Please do the sieging video. My god my party needs it. We always have the split pusher and he’s determined that it’s a better strategy than being in a team and defending the siege
@miriamschmitz394 2 года назад
It's super risky, but it can work. Most of the time it doesn't unfortunately
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
One more tip. If you haven't seen them use their escape or ult then assume they have it otherwise you'll constantly make an ass of yourself
@antzwids 2 года назад
I don't play ranked, and barely play conq, but i think a seige guide would be helpful in almost every game mode tbh
@lukaspecson6095 2 года назад
Thank you Inters3ct I too have been masters but never been GM before but I will take your advice and only q siege
@copeharder6701 2 года назад
i don't play ranked much and I had like 12 games in ranked this season and peaked to gold that fast, but matchmaking takes longer and you get matched with a lot of bad players that don't know what anti heal is and chase kills instead of getting objectives, so I just stopped playing it
@Seanhood2324 2 года назад
What separates a masters player from a gm player is to atleast carry 3 out 5 players being impactful on the map and the most in team fights knowing your role better then the opponent and having some knowledge of shotcalling being able to command your teammates to win the game
@justinmatthews4602 2 года назад
and most of the time GM players have GM mechanics. They can play most any god and hit 90 percent of their abilities.
@lycopolis4132 2 года назад
For platinum, the most grouped team Wins. For high Diamond, just dont throw: People WILL try to bronze trap you, People WILL 4 man gank you if youre ahead, people WILL rush atyou if they see you clearing duo while they do gold with their fg, they WILL ward that purple of yours and come at you if youre alone, even with Fg. Just dont let it cause you to lose games.
@lencivargas 2 года назад
What is a bronze trap?
@lycopolis4132 2 года назад
@@lencivargas It's literally what the name implies: A trap for bronze players. It's the kind of traps that bank on the ennemy not being careful and doing the basic mistake of going somewhere they shouldnt with no vision cause they assume you won't be here, except you're there and now they're dead. For example when you have fg, if ennemy purple is up, ward their purple and hide behind the wall, 90% of the time the adc will come alone to clear and get it. Gank him, he's down for 50 seconds, get free phoenixes.
@adamb7973 2 года назад
Another tip. If you’re playing jungle, expect your solo lane to lose their lane and blame it on you
@sdve4512 2 года назад
Usually the jg difference always decides who's getting ahead in solo tbh.. you can be the better solo laner but if you the type of jg that dont visit solo from lvl 1-4 but theirs does then its decided which laner is gonna be 3 levels ahead by 10 mins
@izanagiforsmite4365 2 года назад
As someone who had never played ranked conquest before I feel I could give a unbiased look on each role
@tomgraham7168 2 года назад
People in high plat should learn how to siege properly too, as someone who only started playing smite 2 years ago but watches a lot of content from pro players etc I climbed relatively quickly. I’m now finally in and out of GM. By far the biggest roadblock was high plat with its ridiculous lack of team play and I’d suggest to masters, especially in roles such as jungle solo and support, you know what the enemy gods do, you know what most players are going to try to do, peel for teammates that are worth way more than you and stop focusing so hard on diving the backline
@jeckles 2 года назад
Ayy cheers Gil happy holidays brother
@thecapn8614 Год назад
Intersect consistently puts out good smite content, haven't played since Maui release but this makes me wanna hop back on the grind
@Inters3ct Год назад
@HMPRODIGY 2 года назад
I've played smite for years now and i barely played ranked. But if i was to guess id probably be near platinum or higher. Since i do have experience in mobas even before smite
@silverbolt6699 2 года назад
Listening to this video as a Solo/supp main 😭 @ 4:05
@cuellas1338 2 года назад
Supp has way more impact than adc almost for the whole game. Find a duoq that mains mid, feed them up in the midgame and protect him. If you both do it well enough you can win games by yourselves quite easily. Most people underestimate the supps´ carry potential, but that hard cc machines can set up kills and make dps immortal.
@brockjohnson83 2 года назад
Gold is literally home to thousands of people who care more about trolling than winning. Some high Silvers as well. But I've met some of the worst people throughout the Smite community in gold and high silver. I myself end up carrying most of my mid and supp games. I would say I'm Diamond or at least a high plat and can never make it there myself due to lack of competent teammates. The small group of people who actually belong in gold are typically genuinely nice people. I feel as though they need to add a more generous play style below Platinum ranking. They should allow up to three teammates all the way up to gold 1. It's such a struggle and ruins Ranked Conquest for me. I experience this both playing by myself and a friend whos close to my skill. The only reason I still continue is because I've been on and off the game since the beta for Xbox. I forgot to mention I'm an Xbox player.
@brockjohnson83 2 года назад
Man I wrote a lot but I really do have strong feelings towards this.
@virustsunami4096 2 года назад
Siege guide!! ❤️ Since i siege 5min yesterday w no bird i think its needed to say that solo has to go in
@ateex8070 2 года назад
Honestly. I dont remember bronze/silver/gold anymore, but holy, plat and diamond were on point.
@joshuamercadomendez6679 11 месяцев назад
Make a video on how to seige please. Make a tier list with best gods to seige with.
@aidannilson5583 Год назад
30 seconds in, already like the honesty
@gamingowl7422 2 года назад
i gotten diamond 1 multiple times but no master and just gave up ngl
@luism.6766 2 года назад
My tips: Always kill the adc when defending phoenix, why? Cus it doesnt matter if they can tank the phoenix if they dont have dps they will back off or take a bad fight under your phoenix which is just great for your team. Learn how to play 2 roles, and at least have 4 comfort picks that arent meta, that way you are guaranted to play those characters all the time. Make decisions, if you dont help at least go farm, place wards in fire and gold for your team to defend them. Smite is an arena game so play characters that you know can output a lot of damage, smite is an arena for all ranks, ppl like to talk about how masters is so much better but its not, ranked is arena learn how to play arena in ranked
@darkpaladin18 2 года назад
I was in dis and then hard reset…stuck in silver and gold…people are just rage quitting or go afk…so how do you rank up?
@lpardosixtos 2 года назад
A good masters tip is to accept that you and the others can make mistakes even if you are around 3k MMR. Most of the time your team is more than capable of turning the game around, don't ruin it by crying about some teammate being the first blood.
@bullwinkle1446 2 года назад
Facts. People throw games by raging at teammates for one mistake instead of giving them the chance to make up for it
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
To rank up is simple learn match ups play aggressive and expect to die. Dieing is fine just make it worth it. Also don't worry about the meta having a counter pick is always better than having "better" pick. That's how I got to masters lol
@louisxiv1603 2 года назад
How do you know which god counters this specific god though?
@gabrielpraslin9576 2 года назад
@@louisxiv1603 Sometimes it's common knowledge, sometimes it's something you find out or are good at. I recently found out Scylla is an excellent Zhong Kui counter since his passive is defense and Scylla's is penetration and he has a hard time catching her anyways.
@louisxiv1603 2 года назад
@@gabrielpraslin9576 Is a counter pick also for example Mulan vs Nike in solo lane? Mulan being able to interrupt Nike's 1 easily with her 3 and so on having pressure on wave? Cause that's what I think when I hear about counter picks. Just wanna learn since I'm lvl 60 and I haven't played ranked yet.
@jordanweaver3448 2 года назад
@@louisxiv1603 you study what the gods do for example khumba is the best counter against heavy auto attacks comps. Ymir and Odin destroy dash heavy comps geb counters light cc comps. I main solo n supp so I look at it from that prospective mostly lol
@gabrielpraslin9576 2 года назад
@@louisxiv1603 Anyone that can interrupt channelled abilities is good against Nike and Guan Yu because their damage come from a long channel. Nothing really counters Mulan but someone who can put up a fight against her is Achilles since he has the damage and sustain.
@teach5040 2 года назад
Please make a sieging video, i want to show it to some of my friends because they very much lack the ability to do so well, also a video on how to properly bait/do fire giant and gold please.
@PGK87 2 года назад
I am in silver...I wish I could climb...I can't...People don't listen to calls...don't do the most basic things like building magical def against a magical lane opponent. I am stuck with a Horus in solo running crit...Chaac with crit, Terra support building damage... So...yeah...stuck 😵
@DevinGroves93 2 года назад
It honestly doesn't feel much different in gold dude.
@luchinopiumetta4046 2 года назад
As a master player i say the mm is bad 50% matches you have the afk, the feeder or troll and without voice chat is difficult to grind mmr
@yazandj241 Год назад
can someone explain to me how the god borders work in ranked i have a god that is more than 70% winrate but stil gold border
@KenkuRanger 2 года назад
I feel really called out by those Silver tips, but I’ll try to improve
@bloodfrostgaming9204 Год назад
If someone is being toxic and calling you shit, just say "Okay." Just say okay to every single message, and they will get more tilted than you ever will.
@lordmew5 2 года назад
I would love a seige guide just make sure to tell us what the hell is a seige
@TheSarcasticKing99 2 года назад
What account have you been masters in? It is not the Inters3ct one as of now
@Septicshites Год назад
Currently trying to see how far I can go with Ymir solo lane
@ryanbackvlogs7356 2 года назад
I'd love to follow your advice but in my experience it just doesnt work. I lost all of my placement matches due to afk or dc teammates or being matched with people who dont know how to play, not even a basic understanding. I got put in bronze but had a really good run of wins all the way into gold with my MMR telling me I should be high plat/low diamond. Then it began. I lost 9 out of 11 games. Every game being matched with players who seemed to have the skill level of bronze five. They throw games, feed, dont listen and are toxic af. Im now stuck in this downward spiral where Im being matched with worse and worse players who are pulling me further and further from where I should be and its getting me more and more frustrated. As a support main I feel I have no chance but to be stuck at this level with idiots. I tried switching it up and playing jungle to try and carry my way out of this hole. Went 16 4 last game and still lost... I feel like giving up as the matchmaking system is clearly broken.
@Recusant39 Год назад
Take all opinions with a grain of salt. I try things, see what works.
@HelleauO 2 года назад
Yay to a sieging video!
@egaita 2 года назад
Siege video is a great idea
@CrazySpecc 2 года назад
In my experience masters player say,, idc I'm masters I don't need the win " and pick hunter full d in solo Means they stop trying cause they can't get out of masters what is dumb imo u should still be able to get thrown out of masters
@adamstone5865 2 года назад
You’re very humble ;)
@justmehere34 2 года назад
If they fixed the matchmaking for the game, a lot of the issues (egos, grief players, etc) would go away. I can’t stand being the solo lamer while the mid and carry type constantly, bitching at each other while the ENTIRE TEAM ROTATES ON MY LANE!
@Diogo9709 2 года назад
Watching this although i don't play ranked, i wanna be a better player
@sickomobamba9619 2 года назад
Im a low end masters player, and I will say while ranking up, high plat is the absolute worst.
@dougdimmadabs5001 2 года назад
honestly is backwards for me when i grinded from gold to plat i had amazing matches and ppl used coms. But the moment i hit diamond i get literal trolls, rage quitters, ppl TRYING gods in roles they never play fucking golds with boosted mmrs i went from D1 to D5 just cuz trolls and shit match making. The higher i climb the worst matches get i dont get it
@C0d0ps 2 года назад
Commenting for youtube algorithms1
@marcojones6746 2 года назад
Im D1 in rank joust and can't make it to Masters... can you do a video on this?
@justinmatthews4602 2 года назад
play two warriors and a mage gg lol
@franzferd1603 2 года назад
tried playing support at first and lost 18 games in a row and now im stuck in bronze where no one speak english and is damn near impossible to carry the games because even tho im not complete ass im not that good feels sad man
@rogelioalonzo2911 2 года назад
Siege and terminology. Adc, siege, and rotation. Lots of words no explanation
@mekonancer 2 года назад
Professional Uber GM Apex Predator Tip : Build Med
@joshwarriorlfc 2 года назад
Stuck in plat/gold world 😂🤣 totally agree team fights really hurt gold
@BostonBeerSnob 2 года назад
they always want a 5 v 5 mid team fight starting at 10 minutes
@joshwarriorlfc 2 года назад
@@BostonBeerSnob I destroyed their adc , their jungler mercury came over and targeted me. Meanwhile my support nike and ymir solo just W keyed to death down mid 😂😂
@bradhurtz9173 2 года назад
Dunno why I'm watching a ranked video when smite on switch with how bad it crashes or doesn't even load you into the match
@frankheathersu9790 2 года назад
I’ve been playing for a year now.. and I never knew smite had ranks💀💀
@virustsunami4096 2 года назад
A whole guide would be good..
@brendanspencer6735 2 года назад
Give us that siege video.
@DWAINEMonster Год назад
Going from casual to queuing ranked for the first time, omg. They're so much worse than they are in casuals. It's like these ppl have never played before
@Inters3ct Год назад
Yep you'll be at the base rating for ranked but have a higher rating in casual. Will take a little bit to get to your casual rating but in ranked.
@MichaelJones-yx4zv 8 месяцев назад
A lot of this is sooo true
@Th3ranc0r 2 года назад
I’m in plat and I’m the most humble person I know ;)
@isaacvitela5131 2 года назад
Tones change when one is losing
@Th3ranc0r 2 года назад
@@isaacvitela5131 ooookkaaaayyyy
@RoemelloDouglas 2 года назад
I need to work on my H-E-C my aim is bad lol
@sirmoth3955 2 года назад
They're taking Siege from us, so I want you to teach me how to siege.
@UpNextGames 2 года назад
This why I play 1v1
@Slxud 2 года назад
tbh just be like autospeed or me and just play Arachne or kali easiest gm ever not that hard
@bryanrojas2031 2 года назад
On Platinum mute your teamates if you don't wanna get flamed😂 People think they are gods because they are platinum players (they blame their team but never themselves).
@ice_siberia1546 2 года назад
Siege vid please
@mortalcoil8585 2 года назад
Anyone in GM able to give tips?
@alexanderjohnson6178 2 года назад
That guy who’s never played ranked “these tips are handy”
@electthought1296 2 года назад
I don't play smite ranked because I'm terrified of bad teammates I get angry easily so it's not a great combo
@whitneyhouston9879 2 года назад
@seijakaczynski 2 года назад
Wow big achievement
@whitneyhouston9879 2 года назад
@@seijakaczynski thank you
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