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10 Benefits of Being Paralyzed//Why being in a wheelchair is awesome 

Empowered Para
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5 сен 2024




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@WheelingwithmeBethB 2 года назад
Girl I'd do ANYTHING not to have the benefits and be able to walk. Most places i go the ADA resources are all taken by able-bodied walking individuals. Whether that be parking, concerts, bathroom stalls or even doctors appointments at the hospital here in Atlanta for people with spinal cord injuries. Its caused me to never want to leave my own home to avoid the frustration. I'd say i am soooo grateful most for my wheelchair because it gives me the independence I wouldn't have without it. I can't imagine being stuck in bed all the time!!! And next would be the people i get to meet because of my chair and like you said how kids react to me. 😍 Those things keep me going in this life suffering with paralysis. But i love your positivity when it comes to all we deal with. The bladder, bowel, spasms and pressure sores are what make it all the worst for me.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
I get my fair share of shit parking so I hear ya! I would never trade these benefits for walking. Dude I would walk again if I could. I'm over bitch fests though. I have my hard days that make me want ro quite this life (just this week I had nerve pain so bad I screamed that I wanted to kill myself like 10 times), but then I remember that I can either whine (and make my already hard life harder), or I can focus on what I can control. And what I can control is my perspective.
@johnbuschman8815 Год назад
You are being HONEST!! I think Brittany is trying to put on a false face!! Sorry if that make people upset, but that is MY TRUTH! Joannie
@stevethomas9076 2 года назад
Great video and attitude, using a wheelchair includes many challenges so wheelchair users should enjoy any little benefit they personally find advantageous. Thanks
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Thanks!! I have my days where I feel less positive but it helps to remember that things aren't all bad!
@renem2257 Год назад
@cherylcalifornia125 2 года назад
I can understand what you’re saying and can appreciate your enthusiasm but I personally would never say that “being in a wheelchair is awesome.” I would rather experience a lot of those things that you mentioned as an able body person and not the paraplegic T-4/5 complete level that I am and have been from age19 to my current age of 60. I’m not bitter or angry for it is what it is and I just do what I need to do, to complete the task at hand. I get tired of the struggles I need to do at times especially when it takes me longer than an abled body person. I do have a lot to be thankful for. I’m most thankful for giving birth to a healthy baby girl 24 years ago, a roof over my/our heads, being as independent as I am,....just so, so, much to be thankful for. With all that said and understanding what you are saying, I have stories too that helped me out but I would still rather be able to walk and have all mobility. About 14 months ago I was in a long line that led outside at the dmv office. An employee saw me outside and asked if I wanted to go inside. I said, yes. I was on a small incline and had to use my brakes and I think it was about to shower. I was grateful for his help. And yes, going to theme parks help us in lines a ton. During the holidays though and trying to find a parking lot is stressful for me because the parking lot is always packed. There has been several times I would just continue driving past the store because no disabled parking space was available. That’s a pain but on those occasions I get a parking space I’d be first with a big smile on my face and saying, thank you God for the parking space😇
@WheelingwithmeBethB 2 года назад
I couldn't agree with you more my friend!! I feel the same!! Being paralyzed SUCKS!!! I'd do anything to be able to walk again. 😭
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
I would rather walk too but not if I had to trade the life I have now. I love my life. And I tell myself everyday that I am the only person I can control. And my thoughts are the most important. I tell myself that I am lucky, that I am healthy, that I am happy, that I am strong, that I am worthy of miracles. When I have bad days (and I have some really bad ones), I look around to find things to be grateful for. Just wanted to help others do the same if they couldn't see these positive things themselves.
@WheelingwithmeBethB 2 года назад
I get it. And i definitely think living this way instead of scared, angry and bitter is better for anyone. I have tons of peeps in my life who suffer with nothing and their outlook on everything is negative and I'm the victim mentally. It definitely helps to see others suffering looking at challenges in life differently.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
@@WheelingwithmeBethB love you girl. It takes time and hard work to get undo the anger and hurt! I'm here to help!
@Jaggededge112 2 года назад
@@WheelingwithmeBethB I am here as well if you’d like to talk as well.
@keyup2626 2 года назад
Thanks was having a horrible day feeling really angry with being in a wheelchair. You for your video it really cheered me up a lot. My new wheelchair came, after waiting since we ordered it in October, problems came up with the wheels that weren’t the right size. The backrest we ordered wasn’t going to be available for many months, so now I have to find a different backrest, it feels like a shit show, ( no fault of the sale rep he’s one heck of an amazing rep who really knows so much). And the Natural Fit hand rims won’t be in for months to. Some days just suck but most of the time life is good. Thank you for the positive list you shared with us, it helped make me think about the things that are good in life.😃😃😃😃
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Well I'm glad I could cheer you up! Literally a day after I recorded this video I had horrible nerve pain and had a terrible few days. We all hsve bad days. It's the overall average that counts! Hopefully more good days than bad!
@scottdelong1 Год назад
Ben a T11 para for 15 years now after crashing my motorcycle. Your positive outlook is an inspiration to me; I wish I had a fraction of your positivity. What you are doing is valuable- it enlightens the able bodied and inspires fellow gimps like me. Keep u the great work(!)
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
I'm not always positive lol. Don't be too hard on yourself.
@scottdelong1 Год назад
It's so hard sometimes, especially when you get older and you don't have a family and must live in a nursing home. Thank Dog for opioids.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
@@scottdelong1 May I ask how old you are?
@scottdelong1 Год назад
Sure, I was 51 when I crashed my motorcycle, I'm 68 now. I was in hospital for four months and asked for a therapist, a counseled, any sort of trained specialist to talk to. They sent me a chaplin, which was of limited utility as I've been a staunch atheist since I was 16(!) I was then dumped into a nursing home in a small room with two babbling dementia patients. For some reason, the nurse in charge of my care hated me so she would say nasty things to me (I started reading nurse's reports, something all patients have a right to do) and she was making up things, saying, among other things, I was psychotic and abusive to other patients. This caused an attitudinal shift among the other care-givers, most of whom treated me as though I was a murderer. They left me lying in my own filth and I soon developed severe (stage four bed sores- decubitus ulcers). My blood became septic, had a 105 degree fever, and almost died. Because of this faulty care I developed severe osteomyelitis resulting in the surgical removal of a large part of my pelvis and one femur. I glanced at my medical chart. On the cover page someone had scrawled "do not return patient to this facility." To this day IDK if this was because whoever wrote this didn't like me or because I was being treated horribly. No matter what the motive, that note saved my life; had I been returned to that shit hole I surely would have died. I've been in a number of nursing homes since then. My treatment improved when I realized I was responsible for my health care- if you leave it up to the nursing home and lack outside support you will decline rapidly (and probaly die). What bothers me (well ONE thing) is that before I was a cripple I was friends with a Frenchman who had an identical injury to mine (T11), also from a bike accident. He immediately received intensive therapy and housing. He was encouraged to work and be independent. France, like every other industrialized democracy save the USA, has universal health care. Here, if you can't afford insurance, you are dumped into a nursing home. I am FORBIDDEN to work, although I do some editing under the table. I could do a lot but it's against the rules. My friend travels the world independently and works. I tried living in a group home but I lacked the training to be independent. So it looks like I will live out my days in a nursing home. At least they aren't as bad as that snake pit I was in and now I know how to play the game to optimize my care. Had I lived in a more civilized country with universal health care I dare say my situation would be very different. Sorry- I didn't mean to, ah... ramble on for so long but it felt good to get this shit off my chest. If you'd like to continue our correspondence in private feel free to shoot me a Facebook friend request. I do have some effective techniques I devised for hygiene, bowel/bladder routines, etc. The nursing homes have been useless in this respect. I even had to devise my own method to get in and out of bed(!) My "therapy" couldn't be bothered. 🤕😬😵‍💫
@scottdelong1 Год назад
Shoot me a Facebook friend request if you'd like to converse in private. I have developed some effective hygiene and bladder/bowel routines. I had to develop them on my own because the nursing home "therapy" offered me nothing regarding these. They didn't even teach me how to get in and out of bed! I had to develop my own technique. If you have insurance you would get much better treatment than I got. But if I lived in Canada, Japan, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia, etc. I wouldn't need it!
@robfield2302 Год назад
Right On! That's a great list. I'm a T - 8 para since 1996 and your video's have been very encouraging. Thanks a billion.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
You're welcome!
@bobcompton5145 2 года назад
I HAVE , seen a lot of people abusing the parking spots, they steal these spots because , they are really, extremely fat and most of the time really lazy!!!!! This makes me sooo,, damn angry, because when I applied for a parking permit, I had to actually prove that I have a physical disability, since birth!!! I was born with spina bifida , ( 2-9-73 ) I have had a lot of the same reactions!!! Much love guys keep up the good work!!! Your friend Bob Compton from, maryland
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Oh man I hear you! My pet peeve is old men waiting in the handicap stall for their wives. Makes me so mad! They can park somewhere else and then swing back around to pick their wife up when she comes out. I wish I was more brave and had the nerve to yell at people more often.
@WheelingwithmeBethB 2 года назад
I feel you 💯 people suck when it comes to parking. They don't even care that the lines are what make spot a handicap spot in the first place. I don't care about the spot being up front. I just care if there is room to get me and my wheelchair out of the side of my van. And double parking never helps because i find people park beside me any way and I'm stuck waiting for them to return and move to get back in my vehicle. It sucks no doubt.
@bobcompton5145 2 года назад
@@WheelingwithmeBethB It really, sucks especially in bad weather, snow, windy, or rain!!!!!!!!
@Jaggededge112 2 года назад
@@WheelingwithmeBethB I hear you. I was coming out of the grocery store and someone parked in the wheelchair loading zone and ridiculously close to my drivers side so I couldn’t even put my wheelchair up or anything. Called police they never showed up.
@scoobydee3954 2 года назад
I usually park behind them and block them in
@tomwellsmbe4260 Год назад
Hi Brittany, I’ve been in a wheelchair for 30 years (T6 spinal cord injury). I just want to say that your videos are brilliant, really helpful. Keep going with them! BW, Tom
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Thank you! That means alot!
@christiangrennier71 Год назад
Great video glad you tube recommended it am in a wheelchair myself t 7 spinal cord injury
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
thanks! It's not all wonderful being in a wheelchair but finding some good things sure makes life more fun!
@britacolero 2 года назад
I love this. In rehab my feedback to the education team was, can you tell us something positive about being in a wheelchair? So many tough things but life needs to have joy. I like how you are spreading yours around! Keep it up!
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Thanks ❤️. Not always easy yo stay positive but we gotta try!
@kevinhill8097 11 месяцев назад
​@@EmpoweredParaContinue to keep a positive attitude. Never let a negative perspective over take you. I understand it can be difficult at times, but you are strong and capable. I know you will continue to be an inspiration.
@gtrguyinaz Год назад
❤❤❤your vlogs are fabulous.. your fitness contributes to your ability to deal with this.. I am so happy to see how well you are doing…
@kriskass2670 Год назад
Footless Jo needs to see this video!!!
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
lol who's footless Joe?
@pmc5431 Год назад
@@EmpoweredPara It's Footless Jo. She is an amputee with a channel. She viewed a wheelchair negatively but, came to see the benefits of using one.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
@pmc5431 oh! Thanks lol!
@brandicelorch503 2 года назад
Love your videos my friend. I have a few others: We can inspire someone without any effort. Free movies and sporting events for our companions (probably why my husband started dating me). : ) Side note: Disneyland was eye opening and not the happiest place on earth in my wheelchair.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
I totally thought about adding those perks! I have never gotten a free companion ticket for anything so didn't include that since I personally have never experienced that as a perk. I love easily inspiring people though! We'll have to talk about Disneyland! I'm curious now!
@brandicelorch503 2 года назад
@@EmpoweredPara access2card.ca/participating-venues/?province=8 - check this out.
@JamesSmith-pm9gp Год назад
This is the neatest list! It says so much about you!
@powerchairtrucker894 Год назад
And this one I will agree with you skipping the line is it perk
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Yeah its awesome!
@josecuret6714 Год назад
I tell my wife she is in it for the parking we met on MySpace in 09 been married 13 years in 23. I push the cart at the grocery store and she pushes me 😆
@lyndsayklug2550 Год назад
You should be a motivational speaker!! You're amazing!🥰
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
@mpyronomos4 2 года назад
First of all, thanks for this another one interesting and positive video, again you are awesome. I would like to stand in the second 'benefit' as you say, and ask you to (if you would also like) to make a video about this thing. I think that there is a big misunderstanding in this part of paralysis, so it would be nice to make a video about it. you could show something like an ''unofficial self sensation test😅'' and also show some things about the phantom sensations and how autonomic dysfrexia works. At any case, have a nice weekend and keep staying so positive and nice!
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Will do!!! Thanks for the suggestions!
@ericaaubie860 Год назад
Well I can think of one good thing. It certainly empowers you. It makes you a stronger person. I see that in you.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
It sure does!
@zerofox1551 Год назад
I just found your channel, and I'm a huge fanboy. I'm a c5 hemi, 6yrs a wheelie head. One of the good things with flying is going to the front of the TSA line, of course you don't get patted down by super models.Oh, and you get to preboard, so there's that.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Yeah I love boarding first! It's annoying being the last to leave the plane but I've gotten to chat with so many pilots because of it so not all bad!
@markmcmanus9886 Год назад
Yeah! A different point of view 😊😊
@pmc5431 Год назад
I used to walk with crutches and leg braces. Using a chair takes way less energy and I can go much further and do more in a day. It occurred to me one day that I can take trash and recycling to the dumpster in the parking garage.without shoes and my feet don't get cold or dirty. Recently, I pretty much gave up wearing shoes. No one seems to care. Sometimes I go completely barefoot in stores and restaurants.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Yeah, a wheelchair is much more efficient if walking isn't easy for you. Funny about the shoes lol. I have a friend that never wears shoes ever, not even in winter. People give her weird looks alot though and always ask if she's cold lol.
@bobdeadbeef Год назад
An empty handicap parking stall at Christmas season? Not around here in my experience. Not feeling pain can be annoying and dangerous. I broke my tibia + fibula in a minor slip on the stairs, and only knew it because my left foot was sticking out at a weird angle. I do have some sensation but didn’t need pain meds until 2 days after the surgery. I probably wouldn’t have broken it if I had more sensation! Obviously I’m not paralyzed (stairs!) but still find your channel helpful for a lot of the issues I do face. I can walk with a walker now, but a chair is still handy. Being able to sit while doing cleaning, or carry things on my lap, mean a lot of things I find easier from my chair. Re: kids & wheelchairs-one aspect is that it puts you down at their level It’s good for adults to bring themselves down to kids level to communicate; a wheelchair has that built-in.
@johnbuschman8815 Год назад
I like your comment! At least you are being honest!!! I think alot of people are throwing a bunch of crap, saying how great this video is and so on!!! Being in a wheelchair is NOTHING NICE!! Joannie
@billgoodwin8742 Год назад
I love your positive attitude.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Thanks Bill!
@gregelliott3556 2 года назад
Thanks for the video. Years ago we wnt to Disneyland and did not have to wait in line for any of the rides and the family up to 4 people could come with me. It was awesome. And thanks for the lapstacker info. I've never heard of it before. I can't tell you how many time over the last 39 years that would have come in handy.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
I can't wait to go to Disneyland and get to be the reason my family gets to save time instead of always making things slower for them lol! Yeah the lap stacker is so cool. Definitely on my list of things to get!
@red2775 2 года назад
@@EmpoweredPara hi me here, again.. I just had a, random thought... I was just watching your rival PRO TIPS FOR PARAS and was wondering if you have like an Arnold vs Stallone thing going on? 🤣😎.. But in all seriousness your channel makes a big difference to alot of people...even right here in New Zealand
@red2775 2 года назад
@@EmpoweredPara are you on a mentor program??
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
@@red2775 lol. No rivalry with Pro Tips for Paras 😂. She is friend of mine. She is awesome. She definitely shows me up in the sports/recreation department.and of there was a match between us she'd kick my ass!
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
@@red2775 not sure what you mean by that? Could you elaborate?
@Jaggededge112 2 года назад
I was shopping at the mall with a friend of mine both of us wheelie people :) he needed something from a different level so he found the elevator and I stayed on the first level and this darling 10 month old boy was fascinated by me and my purple and white wheelchair and I asked his mom if I could give him a very quick ride, staying in eyesight of course, she said yes and lil man hopped on my lap and never wanted to get off. I think he liked me, I have always been good with children, but his mom told me he isn't good with strangers and that he wanted to stay with me was amazing. Children do not have any preconceived notions about disability at least not until some adult in their life either is too uncomfortable talking about disability or they straight up say ugly things. So I agree it is good to talk to them when they have an interest and show them how your wheelchair works and if you have any cool gadgets that they might find interesting. I believe shoes are a personal choice for everyone including those in wheelchairs. If you prefer the lower end shoes then that's all that matters. Really people should go for shoes that 1 they can afford, 2. fit properly ,3. is what they like.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Love that story!! What a great opportunity for that kid to be introduced to someone with a disability that was caring and fun! Totally agree with the shoes. Fashion is,not my thing so usually cost is low for my clothes and shoes (or second hand).
@morgancalvi6675 2 года назад
Before even watching the video...I have to agree...being in a wheelchair is awesome. Having that attitude makes life way easier to adjust to your 'new norm'...and I have to admit...being in a chair...I am WAY more productive than I was while struggling to walk and do the same thing. I get way more done now because the pain is less pain...and it is easier. Not to mention things get done faster now. So, this buttercup sucked it up and dealt with it...besides, walking ended up being a moot point for me. By the way, there is NO way you're more negative than me 🤣. Regarding the second point though...not being able to feel pain below your injury. That can be REALLY bad though because I ended up with a horrible bone infection that got into my spina bifida sacral dimple (which goes almost to my spine), causing me a second spinal cord injury which caused a lot of irreparable damage and landed me in a wheelchair as well as losing my legs (that hasn't happened yet, but I will end up a double amputee). There was just too much damage from the infection...which would never have gotten this bad, had I had normal sensation below C4. Not to mention my autonomic dysreflexia from all that is HORRIBLE. I'm German, but was raised by Italians...and crave physical attention, such as hugging and such and just love your #4...being carried. #7 (the lap strapper) in a pinch, I just use bungee cords (they have rubber hooks...so I hook one to each leg) and it holds things in my lap.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't say I where uncomfortable shoes, I said I wear cheap shoes. I make sure my shoes don't have any pressure points. These points can all have negative aspects. Parking can be bad, not feeling can be bad, venues and events can be bad. I was specifically focusing on the good parts of them. But thanks for bringing up points you feel are important for people to consider!
@Jaggededge112 2 года назад
@@EmpoweredPara it’s sad when you are making a positive video trying to show positives of something and someone has to come around and be negative about everything. I for one enjoyed the positive outlook on this video and the list was great. There was zero need for negative Nelly. If a person let go of their negativity they might be a happier person with more friends.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
@@Jaggededge112 ❤
@seanmc1351 Год назад
just found this one, how did i miss it, merry xmas xxyou know me by now lol
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Merry Christmas Sean!
@adaptdefy Год назад
Thanks for sharing the LapStacker Brittney. I had a customer that found out about it through this video. Great content by the way! - Mike
@JanineKazmi 9 месяцев назад
You should send her one of those lap stackers!
@retired_in_portugal 2 года назад
You forgot discounted ticket for hockey games, sporting events and concerts, it's awesome, the cost for you and your "AIDE" is the same as the price for one
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
I've never done that lol. I always forget!
@andreasb8581 2 года назад
I love your attitude and liked the thing about getting carried by your husband.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
@prahd2954 2 года назад
Your advantages are really cool and mostly the one with the vip parking this one is really cool you literally know no one will block your way and you don't need to do circles in a parking lot
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Sometimes people try to double park in there with me and that does block me in but most of the time the parking is great!
@latanyafrancois6108 Год назад
I'm New to your channel and love 💕 your vlogs 💯💕 and interesting to watch and learn to know about your life
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
@3DJapan Год назад
9:42 Sounds like you need a cup holder.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
I do have one now!
@ronunderwood8099 2 года назад
After carefully considering the pros and cons, I believe I’ll skip it as long as I have the option.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
Lol. Skip it for sure. I'd like to skip it too!
@ronunderwood8099 2 года назад
@@EmpoweredPara I intend to try. My grandfather lost both of his legs to poor circulation. Most of his siblings (there were 12) lost a limb or two for the same reason. So, you can see where my mind is going.
@westiepower2020 Год назад
I need to tell you one day very soon about a nifty lil feature our newly ordered vehicle is going to come with. We don't use a wheelchair and the feature isn't advertised for chair-users but I think it would be great for a wheelchair-user....
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
@westiepower2020 Год назад
@@EmpoweredPara Our vehicle we just ordered will have Park Assist. The intent of it is that if some fool parks too close beside your vehicle and it is impossible or difficult to get the driver’s door open, you can wait outside your vehicle, push a button on your key fob. Your car then starts although you aren’t in it, and then you hit another button on your fob and your vehicle straightens itself out and rolls forward or backward up to 30’. Then you can easily get into your vehicle. Or the procedure in reverse if you are trying to park your car. I thought of you on your recent video when you couldn’t find an accessible parking spot and you had to park at the end of a row. This Park Assist function would be helpful if you use a side-door lift. And, no more concerns about morons who don’t observe the spacing on Accessible Parking spots. I don’t know yet if it is available on any minivans, or just the Santa Fe SUV. I’m researching this now.
@ericaaubie860 Год назад
It is romantic for your husband to lift you sweet. Wow, I didn't realize so many things in a good way about being paralyzed. Being positive is better than being negative. Your so positive.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
I'm not always positive lol. It's a constant work in progress!
@ericaaubie860 Год назад
@@EmpoweredPara Yes it is a work in progress. I try to be positive. But, sometimes I may have a bad day. But, I just get back up. I see it like a baby when they first learn to walk. They fall, but the get right back up.
@GAINZonWHEELS 6 месяцев назад
Your asome 😂❤
@EmpoweredPara 6 месяцев назад
No you're awesome!
@Melissa_M88 Год назад
Oh yeah disability parking is great, unless some “able bodied asshole” who doesn’t have use for it or permit for it decides to park there. One thing I love is getting in the express lines, especially concerts or going to a theatre show. I have met some great supportive people. Never feel bad. Yep, we get our own chairs. The best thing ever. 😊
@jamesgranzella5381 Год назад
How Is your love life in your health ???
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
not sure what you mean
@samanthasims7123 Год назад
@@EmpoweredPara i think he means have u found love
@brucehobbs1734 Год назад
That nerve pain is real pain! Don’t sell yourself short.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Yeah its definitely real!
@ramonsanabria1472 Год назад
You're so charming , I love listening to you ! Ha Ha !
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Thanks Roman!
@xyzct Год назад
Lol ... if most guys tried to pick up their wives, _they'd_ be in a wheelchair ;-)
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Are you saying most women are fat? Or most men are wimps lol?
@xyzct Год назад
@@EmpoweredPara, the average woman in the US is 5'4" and 170 lbs. You decide ;-)
@ryanmuir4819 Год назад
I was going to comment a few videos back when you were going to Canadian Tire to get your fishing license that people with disabilities here in Ontario don't need to get a fishing license because I guess it is thought that they will require help to fish from someone able-bodied who does need a license. Anyways, I thought back in that video it might be an a$$hole comment, so I didn't say it. Maybe in Alberta they don't have that rule.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
I hope we have that rule lol. I wanna save $40 bucks!
@jacqueslouisme7909 8 месяцев назад
@GAINZonWHEELS 9 месяцев назад
@juleswins3 Год назад
Just watched you and your husband’s video and you mentioned something that would be awesome: you can pee in bed! Wow! Be able to pee without having to get up and walk to the toilet in the middle of the night - especially if it’s a cold night. Awesome for sure!
@songoftheblackunicorn666 Год назад
I don't think it is awesome you are in a wheelchair I think it sucks. It is wonderful you are being positive but awesome that's a more extreme version of me saying gee it's awesome I have four learning disabilities that made it to where I can't really be assessed on an IQ test, I can't do the math on paper that would have opened up all doors for me and I also know exactly how to sight read music but I am pathologically incapable of doing so.
@michaezell4607 2 года назад
There's really nothing "awesome" about being paralyzed. It was an unfortunate accident that resulted in your paralysis at such a young age however.
@EmpoweredPara 2 года назад
there are some awesome things. I think it's a matter of opinion!
@leesullivan1916 Год назад
Handicaped.... 😱 Do some people/countries still use that word...it's Disabled. Handicaped is so 1970s.
@EmpoweredPara Год назад
Yeah it is 1970s lol. But I don't care what label people use, it means the same thing basically 🤷
@zerofox1551 Год назад
I self reference as crippled, but you do you and I'll do me.🤣
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