
10 Flaws with the Imperial Guard WARHAMMER 40K | BEST SPACE MARINE SERIES 

Generation Films
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@gibuswagen7729 5 лет назад
Yes inquisitor, this video here
@jacksonw453 5 лет назад
Gibuswagen I will bring forth an exterminatus my lord
@PartOfTheGame 5 лет назад
Well done.
@IsaiahClemmons 5 лет назад
Oh yes thank you child i have contacted the arbites as well. This heresy must not stand. And this fool has forgot about lasrifles and carapace armor as well being standard kit. This week i would assume chaos tainted fool would have no idea how to charge a lasrifle if all you have is a fire.
@inquistorajax2217 5 лет назад
Who called and inquisitor?
@ajeraca98 5 лет назад
This citizen here m'lord
@igorwojtyna2158 5 лет назад
The imperial inqusition: Wants to know your location
@PartOfTheGame 5 лет назад
Location confirmed. Inquisitor: En Route.
@Pikkabuu 5 лет назад
Like the Inquisition wouldn't already know where they are...
@theinquisitor8112 5 лет назад
@chaos9731 5 лет назад
Chaos: wants to know your location.
@Titanic_Tuna 5 лет назад
@@chaos9731 Slaanesh My body is ready
@dinosaurguy2869 5 лет назад
it doesn't matter how bad their strategies are, how poor the communication is and how many die in the name of the Emperor. When one falls there will always be 1 million more soldiers, 20 tanks, and 17 ogryns and a bucket of the Emperor's light to replace him.
@wojszach4443 5 лет назад
Problem is that strategy level in averange regiment is in our modern standards, in galactic scale yes,1 dead is replaced by 20 milion but planetary conflicts are usually bellow 10 milion(at least battle of Armageddon was)
@reasonableastartes 5 лет назад
​@@wojszach4443 Another problem is that those 1 million need to be raised and trained from a hundred worlds, equipped by a dozen forge worlds, mustered by a hundred transport fleets, concentrated through the warp by thousands of astropaths, and deployed along a supply chain months long. A war that "only" takes months can be lost before those millions arrive. Logistics is the primary enemy of the Astra Militarum.
@wojszach4443 5 лет назад
@@reasonableastartes actually population of single hive world is high enough to send dozens of regiments,let me remind you that regiments very from 3 to 10 thousand men,so single hive world is able to throw dozens of them
@joshuawilliams9020 5 лет назад
@@wojszach4443 ... Except those "regiments" would be worse than PDF. It takes months to train armies, just giving someone a gun doesn't make them a soldier.
@wojszach4443 5 лет назад
U kno that it's actually reversed? Imperial Guard is picked from PDf,and PDF quality depends on local standards,or they end up with soviet "conscript army" or you get highly trained proffesional military
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 лет назад
May Allen's valorous struggle against the deviant flippered degenerates go smoothly. We look forward to offering him a hero's welcome once he returns to the beauteous cradle of Humanity.
@nathanleschke4719 5 лет назад
@peters6345 5 лет назад
The flaw about lack of tactics is not exactly true. Its not all die in mass and sit in fortifications. Imperial guard uses killteams for surgical strikes and diversion tactics. Not to mention drop troops or karsyrkin with better weapons and armor
@sergeantsharkseant 4 года назад
The diaphanste Cain books show some decent tactics
@Robloxman01 5 лет назад
1. The most important equipment is usually fairly standardized based on Segmentum (though there are exceptions, usually either worlds like Mordia or Armageddon that have special needs). The pattern of lasgun largely doesn't matter, as ammunition is universal and replacement parts are usually compatible with any pattern. The armor and uniform is usually mostly a difference of paint, which is easily sourceable in almost all cases. The Cadian standard is usually held by the vast majority of regiments, ignoring the relatively few worlds that have special needs for their soldiers such as the poisonous atmosphere and vast deserts of Armageddon or the cramped and overpopulated hives of Mordia. While the Warp can cause issues, it usually requires something on the level of a warp storm or a Tyranid invasion to slow things down significantly. 2. Most IG regiments are given a fairly extensive BCT during transit to their first combat zone. Most of the tech a feudal worlder will be expected to operate and maintain is largely idiot proof. Much like the AK-47 of today, the Lasgun is a weapon you could give to a child and expect him to be able to operate it decently, as it is little more than "point barrel towards thing you want dead and pull trigger". The lack of moving parts, minimal to nonexistent recoil, and simplicity of design and construction ensure that it's easy for someone with no clue how to operate a gun to learn how to use. And anything a feudal worlder would struggle to learn would be handled by the AdMech detachment even if he was from a Forge World. And most strategies the Imperium uses are simple enough for someone used to shield walls and pike lines to learn. Trench warfare isn't exactly complicated, and most feudal regiments won't be getting raised to fight as mechanized infantry. 3. See above. While it might be harder to teach them tactics, the life of constant fight or flight they experience leaves them more physically fit than most so more time can be devoted to the more... intellectual parts of Guard training to make up for those deficiencies. You overstate the difficulty of using a lasgun. And even if they can't use a lasgun, there are plenty of enemies who would be more than eager to meet them in melee combat. Orks anyone? 4. Penal legions are expendable. If they all die completing their objective, it's a victory. Considering the kind of battles the Imperium fights, it makes a decent amount of sense. Why waste perfectly good actual Guardsmen when you have a bunch of hardened criminals with bombs strapped to them who can do the job for you? For smaller conflicts or sensitive missions, you send actually trained Guardsmen or units trained for those missions. Penal Legions tend to be deployed to bolster a normal regiment rather than being the only Guard force on the planet. 5. Astropathic communication is actually superluminal. It just requires the warp to not actively be being fucked with. Which means if you're fighting Chaos, or Tyranids, you're a bit fucked. Chaos invasions tend to cause Warp storms of some form or another, and while they won't necessarily be strong enough to cut off the sector, it will generally make communication and transit take longer. And Tyranids are just a shadow in the warp that makes it utterly impossible to get *anything* in or out. It has other definite flaws, since the Astropath then needs to deliver the message to whoever it's intended for, but it's relatively quick and mostly reliable. 6. Technology is stagnant mostly because the last time Humanity went crazy with innovation it nearly caused the end of the species. Call the AdMech what you will, their dogma surrounding innovation is very necessary in a world where machines are sentient and will explode in your face (or worse, turn to chaos) if you do something as simple as cross the wrong wire. It's not that innovation and new technology is never introduced to 40k (we're seeing new tech getting introduced right now actually), it's just that it takes a *long* time to make sure that when it is introduced it will actually work and won't fall to Chaos. For example, the last time someone tried to build a new class of Titan it ended up falling to Chaos and nearly destroying a planet. 7. The DKK is a very specific example. Their entire culture has been built into essentially a death cult for centuries. From birth to death they're raised to believe that death is the only way to atone for the terrible crimes their ancestors committed against the Imperium. While a Krieger may have no hope, fighting only for the goal of finding peace and forgiveness in death, that doesn't hold true for other regiments and is most definitely not a universal constant. The Imperium has worlds where the population deal with terrible living conditions and hope is dead, and it has worlds where the even the common man lives in relative comfort and has a future to live for. You'll see many regiments that fight not just for the Emperor, but that humanity survives another day. The Imperium is powered by hope. Hope that the Guard will hold. Hope that the Emperor will return. Humanity is xenophobic, cultishly religious, and hyper-aggressive, but not without compassion or hope. 8. You extremely understate the strategy used by the Guard here. Holding massive fortifications and making human-wave charges is necessary when fighting an enemy as numerous as the Orks. The modern concept of mobile warfare that we started using by WW2 simply wouldn't work against the sheer numbers of the Orks. But it isn't the only tactic the Guard uses. They are entirely capable of mobile, mechanized warfare and urban fighting tactics that match or even outclass modern combat tactics. It depends on the situation and, sometimes, on the regiment. If a regiment is exceptionally good at trench warfare, they'll usually find themselves deployed against the Orks or the Tyranids. If they're exceptionally good at mechanized warfare, they'll go fight the Eldar or the Tau. But most regiments aren't exceptional at any one thing. They, like most armies, are good in general and they have to adapt to whatever foe they find themselves against. 9. The Guard lacking control of fighters and bombers is a major flaw, as those fall under the purview of the Navy, but most other pieces of equipment will be found in a guard regiment (artillery, tanks, APCs, heavy weapons, etc.) unless a regiment is EXTREMELY specialized into one particular thing. For example, you won't find a lot of armor or artillery in a Catachan regiment. Not because the Imperium doesn't want them to be a capable regiment, but because they come from a world that makes the jungles of Vietnam look like a golf park. The simple nature of their home means that any sort of mechanization is all but impossible, so they're trained and deployed with that in mind. Got a jungle you want taken? Send the Catachans. Need a city shelled? Find a more standard regiment. 10. You said it yourself here. The Guard faces threats that force them to ignore whatever cultural differences exist between them. While they may get into brawls and throw insults, that isn't really all that different from the behavior of a bunch of Army meeting a bunch of Marines at the same bar today. But once they're on the field, they have a job to do. A Cadian isn't going to have time to mock the feral worlder he's fighting next to for his different concept of what the Emperor is when a horde of Bloodletters are charging their position.
@nsargeant92 5 лет назад
@adamstringer7092 5 лет назад
Kind of like in the UNSC, Imperial Guard NCOs are often the most experienced soldiers in a regiment. The officers are usually recruited from a planet's upper class, meaning they are ranked by social standing rather than ability often leading to heavy casualties, due to poor leadership
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
Officers are as varied as the planet they are from. Some planets like Krieg and Cadia only elevate officers from the ranks, i.e. every Colonel was once as conscript. Other worlds have military academies that produce trained officers for their regiments in a similar fashion to the USA or Great Britain. But yes their are some regiments where all it takes in the right breeding to get a commission.
@TrayTerra 5 лет назад
His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan. His name is Alan.
@LordProteus 4 года назад
Orks love fighting Rough Riders, they get a good fight, and if they win, both a great hat and a good lunch afterwards.
@HyperK7 5 лет назад
You forget a lasgun can punch a hole straight through a human, creating a hole that burns someone from the inside and a volley of lasguns is like a volley of muskets from veteran redcoats into peasant hoards at 50m.
@attila535 5 лет назад
The Man Emperor would probably agree with this video. Things were so much more efficient when he walked among us.
@Springfield1191 5 лет назад
The disadvantages that are also advantages are the diversity of the different units (this keeps their tactics flexible and difficult to defend against), the lack of communication (creates a compartmentalization of communications and thus secure intelligence), cannon fodder (the vastly superior numbers tend to bring atritional success) and combined arms (creates a tactical focus for smaller units and makes it easier to allocate the proper resources for deployments). These are easy to mistake for flaws so we citizens of the Imperium forgive this error. From one of your Battle Sisters, Ave Imperator. And remember to bring humanity's light to the xenos through the Emperor's Word and the barrels of your bolters.
@CakeTh3Jake 5 лет назад
Additional Note, #5: some regiments (etc) still use runners - someone physically running to relay information somewhere else - during ground battles which can take days for the information to not only be received but also for it to be acted upon.
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 лет назад
All fair criticism of the various issues facing the... less exalted regiments of the Astra Militarum as a glorious army of the Emperor. However, Trooper American Ben, being correct proves no more than being innocent; denigrating the armed forces of the Imperium of Man is still heresy, and the local circuit Inquisitor has been notified. Fortunately for you, the Emperor's Most Holy Ordo Xenos is fully aware of your righteous and unflinching hatred of all forms of foul alien - most particularly the degenerate, blow hole breathing aquatic affronts to the Emperor's grace known as 'dolphins', and the deviant lies of those most corrupt heretics who would dare to suggest that such wretched creatures arose from the purity of Holy Terra's long lost oceans. As such, your sentence of excruciation and summary execution has been commuted by the Emperor's limitless mercy, and instead you are to be offered new opportunities to serve His most glorious cause as a cybernetically enhanced and cognitively re-sculpted combat servitor in service to the Ordo Xenos. I have even been granted special dispensation to inform you of the existence of a secret, elite force of warriors drawn from many different Astartes Chapters known as the Death Watch, who are humanity's foremost shield against vile Xeno breeds of every stripe, and to congratulate you on your productive future serving alongside these most elite champions of the Emperor. Savour this revelation, trooper, since once the conversion to combat servitor begins you will lose your memories, sense of identity and capacity for independent thought entirely, though that is but a paltry price to pay to serve the Emperor. Only in death does duty end, and you aren't dead... yet.
@GenerationFilms 5 лет назад
In the face of our great heresy, we indeed hope the Inquisitor will heavily consider our long record of general and unequivocal xeno hatred over the course of many years, in casting his judgement.
@ravenknight4876 5 лет назад
Press F to pay respect.
@badfoody 5 лет назад
Mounted units are important. They can traverse terrain unsuitable for vehicles, they can travel undetected. and by the time they're in position it'll be too late. Kriegers use mounted units cause most of the battlefields they fight on are muddied hellholes where it'd be too easy to spot a tank or apc trudging through
@liamfarsi5964 5 лет назад
@Necrodermis 5 лет назад
You also forget to mention that guard casualties in the millions are also rookie numbers.
@bvdemier1 5 лет назад
All of these flaws do not supress the one greatest advantage the Imperial guard has : The Emperor Protects
- we are a Imperial Guard - but, but. But. But. Astra Militarum! - WE ARE. IMPERIAL. GUARD! Cadia stands!
@LordELnumber8 5 лет назад
I see no flaws here, just features. Join the guard today kill the mutant, burn the heretic and purge the xenos!
@acommonsoldier8607 5 лет назад
No Commissar I promise I’m not a heretic! I don’t know how that video get into my video history?!?!
@GaoDaHoi 5 лет назад
Theu are known as the imperial speed bumps for a good reason.
@dinosaurguy2869 5 лет назад
at 9:00 those are no warhammer 40k pictures. you can clearly see high elves in the lower right corner
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 лет назад
I think Generation Films might subscribe to the idea that the Old World of Warhammer Fantasy was just one primitive, pre-technological world within the Imperium of Man, though Games Workshop has already debunked that theory several times. That said, in the early iteration of the respective game universes the Warp did connect both settings and sometimes people from the Old World would find Imperial technological artefacts in the northerly regions of the world near the Chaos Wastes, and have no idea what they were.
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
There were also plenty of images of Fantasy Ogres as well.
@aaronpaige4176 5 лет назад
He seems to forget that Daemons can possess ships machine spirits if the gellar field goes out.
@tylerpeterson3281 4 года назад
It should be noted that though rare, combined arms forces do exist in 40k, the death core is a good example surprisingly, whereas other forces raise regiments, the death core raises armies of millions and are given leeway to act as their own combined arms force
@tylerpeterson3281 4 года назад
Partially due to their suicidal loyalty
@Gwagia 5 лет назад
Your humanity first goal, has come and long since passed into antiquity, in the 40k timeline.
@konnii1 4 года назад
You listen here. The planet broke before the guard, we hold the line.
@khartog01 5 лет назад
@philltimothy4600 5 лет назад
Happy new year🎉🎉🎉
@GenerationFilms 5 лет назад
Happy New Year!
@ojisanhoward8940 5 лет назад
If ANYONE can take on those evil dolphins it's our Allen! #humanityfirst
@legionofthedamned157 4 года назад
this is so mighty fine heresy right here
@pyeitme508 5 лет назад
@matthewclark3893 5 лет назад
And, they also are extremely efficient for a galaxy spanning empire.
@joaquinmorgan4836 5 лет назад
Could you do some more warhammer 40k video plz
@randomelite4562 5 лет назад
To be honest I would’ve used the storm troopers not the guard
@fan9775 5 лет назад
Which ones are you talking about? The 1st or second version?
@jehoiakimelidoronila5450 5 лет назад
I always keep on hearing about dolphins. What's up with the dolphins man?!?!?! What the heck!
@wali531 5 лет назад
flaws?.....Flaws???.....FLAWS????.....FLLLAWWWWSSS???!!!!!!..........*takes deep breath* HEEEERRRREEEESSSSEEEEYYYYY
@enterprise-h312 5 лет назад
5:43 American Ben looks a lot like Sanguinius after he got struck down by Horus.
@tistedmentality3715 5 лет назад
You guys should do one based on the MACO or something like that from Star Trek Enterprise.
@Boseeinsteinshake 5 лет назад
No consistency? Three out of four guard regiments are part of the silly hat division!
@swordmaster2k1 5 лет назад
What's the source for the clip playing around 1:10? It looks awesome!
@samuelwall5559 5 лет назад
Slay many xenos and have a happy new solar rotation
@klosharr 5 лет назад
did someone say 'die for the Emperor'? men, fix bayonets... Colonel-Commissar Jensen of Krieg, 762nd Valhallan Guards Regiment
@p00bunny Год назад
I dont always invade as cadia, but when i do, i disapear
@Xspy70 5 лет назад
Flaws - everything
@200jack200 5 лет назад
This Heretic preacher must be silenced and given the Emperor's justice from our Bolters.
@frenchsoldier8485 4 года назад
You dare criticize the Imperium in any form? *I need my heavy flamer for this heresy*
@lastradio968 5 лет назад
Purge these heretics, BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@lockretvids 5 лет назад
It's not necesseraly the Cult Imperialis that's holding technological development back. The fact that only the Adeptus Mechanicus (and *ONLY* the Adeptus Mechanicus) are allowed anywhere near technological development is what's holding the Imperium back. There are multiple reasons why that is, but the biggest flaw of the Mechanicum is that it's more concerned with the preservation of technology rather the development of it.
@travissmith2848 5 лет назад
Get well soon Allen.
@KiroKnife 5 лет назад
I hope our weekend space warrior is okay
@KeyManDan 5 лет назад
For every one of us who falls ten more will take his place!
@Nipplator99999999999 5 лет назад
There is no such thing as a glorious battlefield.
@laurentiuanton4806 5 лет назад
should i add the golden throne has eldar tech as the main technology that sustains the Emperors life? + let him die... hes a perpetual
@robkemp598 5 лет назад
*sigh* so many "Heresy" comments, I love 40k but you guys are not very imaginative
@pontaciddee66 5 лет назад
You're a heretic! I've informed the commisar of your "imagination" and "love"
@Modelstl063 5 лет назад
rob Kemp ur opinion is noted. Remain where you are. The inquisition will be upon you shortly.
@matthayward7889 5 лет назад
rob Kemp you accuse the emperors finest of no imagination? HERESY!
@robkemp598 5 лет назад
@@Modelstl063 yeah but by the time they get here I'll have been dead for centuries so what do I care?
@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 лет назад
@@robkemp598 Let me introduce you to the glory of one of the lesser known Ordos of the Imperium - the Ordo Chronus, who police the temporal stream against Xenos, Daemonic, and Heretical manipulation and deal with the most egregious of heresies and treason irrespective of when they might have occurred. Remember, the Emperor has always been the rightful ruler of humanity throughout history, and as such the writ of the Imperium is retroactive and holds even before the formal Imperial government came into being...
@azrael1263 5 лет назад
Subjugation of the Dolphins is fine as long as it benefits the Imperium of Man. We us Astropaths for sending messages not ships. Ships are for killing xenos not passing notes. Call him on earth the God King again and the Inquisition will come and burn your house to the ground, he is The God Emperor.
@Gus-dj1ub 4 года назад
The Imperial Guard would probably get their asses kicked by any of the other militaries in this series. Well, except the mobile infantry.
@mar71n32n0v1lLL0 5 лет назад
If you think about it, Astra Militarum's flaws can all be chalked up to a severe lack of innovation, in all fronts. Innovate in the education of officers and NCO's and battles will be conducted more effectively; innovate in transport technology (WEBWAY) and not only one can exponentially increase the speed and safety of deployments, it also adds a near instant means of communication. Brawn is nothing without brains, and for all the might the Astra Militarum holds on paper, it just goes nowhere in the long run if said "might" can only be deployed in place and time when stars align (funny, that's quite literal on that universe).
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
The Webway project was fucked by Chaos, and only the Emperor had a chance at pulling it off.
@deez420nuts69 4 года назад
Topic: Space Marines. Shows: Imperial Guard. Space Marines: *HERESY.*
@championjosh3536 5 лет назад
Can you do helghast soldiers? I know they are not marines.
@davidcannon3515 5 лет назад
War hammer 40k is just so over the top.
@Arugal1993 5 лет назад
You shall burn to the stake for your HERETICAL words apostle of Tzeentch. We will not be tempted and our faith in the God-Emperor will not wither. Treble before the majesty of the Emperor, for we all walk in his immortal shadow!!!!
@sabbirraiyan3396 5 лет назад
Did you do one for StarCraft ?
@jesusmora9379 5 лет назад
all of that, and still: imperial guard>>>>>>>>>storm troppers>starship troopers>alien colonial marines>crappy avatar soldiers>halo
@shyman0128 5 лет назад
It’s a shame that the emperor wasn’t able to lead the imperium himself
@nadav2003 5 лет назад
@bobskywalker2707 5 лет назад
The emperor protects
@1chaplain 5 лет назад
Who needs lasguns when you got bayonets
@rcticwolf1451 5 лет назад
They shouldve put the space marines from the Koprulu sector into this list
@john_wack 5 лет назад
In the grim darkness of the far future...
@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 5 лет назад
"Cadia Falls No More!"
@TheYamR6Sp 4 года назад
Hope is the first thing on the road to disappointment
@plaidpvcpipe3792 5 лет назад
@plaidpvcpipe3792 5 лет назад
10:50 Heretical lies
@NillocsKeep 5 лет назад
Flaws with the IG? Sir the Inquisitors wish to speak with you.
@thelouster5815 5 лет назад
*By ThE eMpErOr!!!!!*
@nukatt 5 лет назад
you could always do a Spartan vs Astartes vid
@blitz8425 5 лет назад
Somebody finally admitting something warhammer has flaws? I never thought I'd see the day
@IkilledTRex 5 лет назад
Wow this Sci fi has a lot going in it! I've been thinking about checking it out for a few years, might have to now.
@L0stEngineer 5 лет назад
You overstated the warp and logistics flaw. The imperial guard are sent precisely where they are needed when they are needed. .... Give or take a century or two.
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
I love the stories where the Guard show up to a planet a century or so before the invasion.
@christiandauz3742 5 лет назад
At least they appear with a massive force Out of the TWENTY THOUSAND STAR DESTROYERS... ...only twenty appeared on Endor THE MOST IMPORTANT BATTLE IN THE GALACTIC CIVIL WAR! Had the Guard been tasked with defending Endor (unlike the 501st failures) they would have stationed A BILLION GUARDSMEN!
@mouseprotector5081 5 лет назад
I love that one story of that ork whos wahhggg went back in time and he ended up killing his temporal clone so ge could have 2 of his favorite weopon. Cause you know Orks.
@cryptosporidium1375 5 лет назад
Jonathan Schmidt or a millisecond
@detectiveshaft9990 5 лет назад
@@adambielen8996 Or that one story where the Imperial Guard showed up to a planet hundreds of years after the Tau took it- just as the Tau were fighting Tyranids on it though so the commanders just shrugged and helped out the very invaders they were meant to fight in the first place.
@dt534 5 лет назад
@vladimirdragonov 5 лет назад
Interestingly the Death Korps of Krieg and the Armageddon Steal Legion are one of the few regiments trusted with the privilege with combined arms formations (Well the steel legion kinda found a loophole but still)
@samuel10125 5 лет назад
We aren't combined we are mechanised
@lordpfeiffer8490 5 лет назад
@@samuel10125 mechanized are combined as transport regiments have to be seperated from infrantry regiments.... They have seperate command structure. so they are combined arms
@TheJarric 5 лет назад
@@lordpfeiffer8490 point is not all are and navy is seperate from guard
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 лет назад
It's not combine arms, it's mechanised ;)
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 лет назад
@@samuel10125 dammit you beat me to it
@davidvanvranken1595 5 лет назад
Hey now, the Death Korps of Krieg do what they do out of extreme penance.
@vladimirdragonov 5 лет назад
In life , war. In death , peace. In life Shame. In death, atonement.
@lordfrostwind3151 5 лет назад
And unlike the degenerate filth in the penal legions, they don't require the extra “persuasion" to heroically throw themselves at the enemies of man.
@pedrokantor3997 5 лет назад
They are masochism incarnate.
@noasnobody8929 5 лет назад
@@pedrokantor3997 no that's slanesshi deamon, their both sadism and masochism incarnate
@DynamiteBarcTrooper 5 лет назад
Lord Frostwind the best part is that commissars are often needed to prevent Kriegers from being too suicidal instead of preventing retreat.
@randycheow4268 5 лет назад
@RegulanVulture 5 лет назад
Humanity first
@randycheow4268 5 лет назад
Where’s the Arbiter oops wrong universe
@lordfrostwind3151 5 лет назад
Prepare the conscripts, we will crush them under a tide of bodies!
@cullenwalsh9733 5 лет назад
Heresy no this is the truth
@justinsmith9006 5 лет назад
@@RegulanVulture no the emperor first!
@TheIroncladResearcher 5 лет назад
@VioletEverlasting 5 лет назад
@GaoDaHoi 5 лет назад
Don't forget they hold the line against the chaos gods minions.
@andrewduncan7801 5 лет назад
Cadia stand
@desolation2438 5 лет назад
Now I know y'all niggas did not put mostly 5's on the imperial guard, because as much as I love them they (even more specifically designed units) are hardly precise or even effective at what they do.
@sebastianojeda3144 5 лет назад
As much as I like the Cadians, the sole purpose of the planet was to stop the bulk of the Chaos forces at the Eye of Terror and deny them the chance of a full scale offensive on the Imperium. If the planet was destroyed and Chaos advanced, the Cadians FAILED at their mission, it doesn' t matter how brave and stoic was their stand. The guardsmen can still redeem themselves, but the Cadian Gate was broken.
@lithuaniantroll8146 5 лет назад
@jbaggers4322 5 лет назад
Wow. I wasn't expecting your profile picture.
@freddykrueger8076 5 лет назад
Lieutenant pigeon No one ever does
@lithuaniantroll8146 5 лет назад
Exactly my comrades, the God-Emperor's (Spanish) inquisition is never expected ! And we are always watching you.
@lithuaniantroll8146 5 лет назад
@N-word Surfer And ? This is clearly in the context of the 41st millennium, the Emperor is rotting on the Golden Throne and his will is interpreted by the Ecclesiarchy, who are very, VERY religious. Also, the vast majority of humans worship the Emperor as a God.
@desolation2438 5 лет назад
Now I know y'all niggas did not put mostly 5's on the imperial guard, because as much as I love them they (even more specifically designed units) are hardly precise or even effective at what they do.
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
40K absolutely does small scale. Commando raids called Kill Teams are used all the time as are patrols, assassinations, and sabotage. The Imperial Guard may be the Emperor's Hammer but sometimes you just need to tap a nail in rather than smash rocks, and (most of) the commanders know when this is.
@bubble2670 5 лет назад
Adam Bielen depends if the commander is a pampered part of some planetary governors family or not if so then subterfuge is a impossible concept and if you even Suggest it he will have you shot for no xeno scum could overpower the guard
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
@@bubble2670 hence why I added my (most of) caveat.
@Stanislav292 3 года назад
Imperial guard has tempestus scions, they are part of Astra militarum, they are elite, they can do special operations
HERESY! Xenos and Chaos Heretics have dared to insult the Emperor's Hammer! Listen nought to these lies, brothers! The Planet broke before the Guard did, and Cadia shall stand for as long as the Guard stands! For the Emperor!
@psychokozel9916 5 лет назад
@andrewduncan7801 5 лет назад
@matty9699 5 лет назад
Александр Костин PRAISE THE EMPEROR!!
@Echo-479 5 лет назад
By the emperor, Cadia stands!
@zameliz 5 лет назад
@roboticfish317 5 лет назад
@dankovskimark4540 5 лет назад
He does this it apease himself some Eldar hookers. He follows Emperor's steps there so Commisariat will let this slide, this time.
@Arugal1993 5 лет назад
Where is the Inquisition-why this channel still exists????
@TheGlassSword 5 лет назад
@psychokozel9916 5 лет назад
We are like Soviets our number is Greater than their supply of ammunition
@TheGlassSword 5 лет назад
Psycho Michael lol
@jackherman8467 5 лет назад
More like a 100 takes his place. Make a thousand.
@spartanx9293 5 лет назад
Ollonius Pius was a catheric
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 лет назад
Pfffft. You must be in one of those pussy Regiments like the Shock Troopers or the Iron Guard. In the Death Korps, 5 million take my place when my service to the Emperor is complete.
@glenndewolf9659 5 лет назад
Astra Miliwhates? YOUR IN THE GUARD SON!
@robertandrew5328 5 лет назад
Sir yes sir! My men are asking if we might be rotated back to our home world of Cadia, is that possible any time soon?
@igneous061 5 лет назад
exsactly my thoughts.....
@detectiveshaft9990 5 лет назад
@@robertandrew5328 Unfortunately Cadia is no more. Just take to heart that your planet broke before the guard did and try to emulate that bravery!
@1110-s1t 5 лет назад
@@detectiveshaft9990 He is Cadian. He needs not be reminded by the likes of you. The Emperor Protects!
@GiskardRevenlov 5 лет назад
*you're, sir!
@twylakenarcher 5 лет назад
you dare insult the imperial guard!?
@gibby8540 5 лет назад
Cam down steve
@justinsmith9006 5 лет назад
chaos has taken a foothold in generation films to arms brothers!
@wojszach4443 5 лет назад
Ye,he just looked at grimhammer novels and completely disregarded cannonical lore. Imagine something like this,take modern soldier and make him look worse than conscript from Stalingrad(that one carrying clip)
@PartOfTheGame 5 лет назад
Insults to my guard is an insult to me.
@theinquisitor8112 5 лет назад
@@PartOfTheGame I am already on it, my Emperor.
@harmen2456 5 лет назад
Ok, so I'm sad to say that whoever did the research... Didn't. First there are a few simple things: FTL communication exists, by so called Astropaths, telepaths able to send messages across the stars. Secondly warptravel is potentially dangerous, if the Gellar field fails that ship is probably fucked, but its not a massive risk on a day-to-day basis unless you are in a warpstorm or close to one. Interstellar commerce, troop movements etc etc etc all exists and function, if not the Imperium wouldn't have lasted for as long as it has. Technology is handled by the Cult mechanicus, a semi-indipendant empire within the wider Imperium who worships the Omnissiah, the machine god. Their teachings are to restrict everyone below the rank of Magos (a fairly high rank) from innovation since they have experienced some really bad shit like the Men of Iron (40k flavoured Skynet) on top of low ranking traitors forming circuits or designs into particular patterns or geometries which invites demons of chaos to slowly corrupt the crew such as the Retaliator class Grand cruisers. Lastly on tactics: The Guard is diverse to the point of madness, regiments are separated by culture, equipment, type and ability. A penal legion will probably indeed simply be sent screaming into machine gun fire, but that's the reason they are created. Each regiment has a singular purpose and stratagem they are expected to perform, this is a weakness yes... But the Orbital droptroops are going to be good at their jobs, so will the artillerymen, the tankers, light skirmishing infantry etc etc etc. None of which will (generally) just be thrown at the enemy because... The guard is an elite of sorts, Imperial standard ground forces are split between the PDF (Planetary defense force) and the Guard. The latter of which gets the better of everything. Yes, 40k is grimdark and derpy (part of why I love it) but please, don't just look at the meme's. Oh ,and right. Commissars aren't religious figures, there are battle priests from the Ecclesiarchy (the church of the God-Emperor) who would probably declare war on anyone trying to move in on their turf...Probably have. On more then one occasion.
@Ueberdoziz 5 лет назад
You must be fun at Partys
@gryf92 5 лет назад
First travel and communication are inherently slow and flawed in 40k, they depend on Imperium greatest enemy- Chaos that can disrupt or even cut it off if it wish so.Also fleets can take decades it centuries to arrive, same goes for inforamation, or military response to threat. Second Clult Mechanicus is a cast that restrict innovation solely because sharing technology with all Imperial Planets would diminish their power. They are capable of innovation (primates) and advancements but they don't share them with Imperium rather hoard it for themselves. Their armies are technologically well equipped in comparison to regulal Imperiums army. Lastly, flawed tactics, and lack of combined arms are due to Imperiums lack of any strategy in fighting Chaos. They are at the mercy of dark goods in terms of transport and communication. Their only solution to chaos corruption is extermination of corrupted people/ whole planets population, so Imperium fear another immanent betreal form anyone. Furthermore Imperium treats it's citizens like cogs/meat grinder/shit making rebellions/chaos corruption even more tempting for dehumanised masses.
@geordiebaker3661 5 лет назад
I think (barring the god king?? weirdness ) the way they presented the information here is more to simplify and stream line the information then lack of research. They have to take into account that many people watching the video have more then likely never even heard of 40k let alone being versed in the lore
@JacatackLP 5 лет назад
Robert Ahlqvist Commissars aren’t religious figures? Nonsense. Faith in the God Emperor are hardwired into them and they will often lead prayers before and during battles, which have even been powerful enough to mess with daemons
@teroslarone1171 5 лет назад
Bart Mika First a standard warp transit which is pretty much most of them can have a smaller chance of accidents then a modern plain trip, but sinply due to scale you will have a few more accidents. Second, the stuff the mechanicus does works. We know machine spirists are real and that inovation can be quiet dangerous. A new type of cruisers fell to chaos because sone circuts formed the eight pointed star. Last chaos uprisings aren‘t that commen, hell the imperium doesn‘t rely enforce anything on planets besides a few laws and a tax of troops and materials. Chaos uprisings are more commen when an outside factor introduces the world to that madness. A normal rebellion might not even be noticed as long as the production remains.
@awelshperson306 5 лет назад
Sounds like Heresy to me...
@alreadyblack3341 5 лет назад
@A Welshman If it talks.
@AxDhan 5 лет назад
you know, the Imperial Guard have good tactics and strategy, they dont use more "modern" tactics just because they are not good enough, in general, almost all the flaws listed here arent flaws at all, they are consecuences of managing a galactic size imperium
@djcuevas1057 5 лет назад
A flaw is still a flaw.
@captainangel1078 5 лет назад
@@djcuevas1057 But it aint universal
@djcuevas1057 5 лет назад
No but it is a extremely common occurence when compared to the full galactic scale. This is about the organization as a whole not individual regiments.
@williamfrancis5367 5 лет назад
Good given their limitations and strengths.
@ironstarofmordian7098 5 лет назад
It is a flaw. If all the Minotorum can scrap up to hold off a Whaag if two Cadians Regiments and a dozen feral Regiments then that planet is screwed do to poor unit cohesion and garbage soldiers.
@Plasmacore_V 5 лет назад
Good luck Alan. Bag some dolphins for us.
@oliviabean9129 5 лет назад
Give 'em hell!! In the name of Humanity and soon to be former dophin trainers everywhere show those flipperhands we mean business!!! ... also I know this probably goes against protocol for some dumb reason but can you bring me back a blowhole? Nothing says top of the food chain like using a xeno's breathing apparatus as a waterproof lining.
@albireotheredguard1599 5 лет назад
Yeah, fuck those Dolbins!
@immortalwarrior2695 5 лет назад
Well actually your uniform thing is wrong. Actually in my information, 80% of uniform and armor is been copied from Cadian forces. The rest 20% are those whose regiment are popular or unpopular depends on what regiment you are talking about
@wojszach4443 5 лет назад
and tactics,and general belief that battles in 40k are 16th century fights with space guns and gazilion troops per km"2
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
I don't think it is anywhere near 80%, but Cadian pattern gear is definitely the most popular style.
@FinALIEN93 5 лет назад
@@wojszach4443 Depends.. a conscript regiements fight like in 1800's.. But a Tempestus Company (Stormtroopers for old gitz) fights like a modern day green beret (or a nation equivalent) but just better due superb training and equipment.
@wojszach4443 5 лет назад
Uh... no? Even green pesant with rifle will scatter rather than stand close to each other in era of machineguns
@wojszach4443 5 лет назад
unless we have a planet stuck in 1700s
@xavi-kun 5 лет назад
Maybe try doing a “Best Space Navy” Series next?
@matchesburn 5 лет назад
But then you start running into the Stardestroydotnet autism where you're trying to face off space ships and technology where one side is supposedly leaps-and-bounds more powerful according to some calculation. Just look at the Star Trek vs Star Wars technology and it's like a grown-up version of "Nuh-uh! Mine's stronger!".
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
@@matchesburn Well it would be more like this series where the factions are compared on organization, strategies, tactics, flexibility, and how they fare against their own enemies.
@NeoDeGenero 5 лет назад
there's already another guy that does this. EckhartsLadder
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
@Pappy Tron When they are properly organized they are definitely in the running, but normally no. Also where did that comment come from, it is a little off topic.
@adambielen8996 5 лет назад
@Pappy Tron not my original post.
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