
10 Underrated Roman Emperors 

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Subjective list, of course. Tell me what you think in the comment section!



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@freyasslain2203 Год назад
Domitian is the most underrated emperors , hands down . He did what no emperor could do . He cracked the inflation code !
@Duke_of_Lorraine Год назад
With the exception of Aurelian or Diocletian, I forgot which one, who fixed inflation by switching to the aureus, a gold coin that would remain stable during much of the early Middle Ages. The chad Gold Standard vs the virgin fiat currency.
@rockstar450 Год назад
Domitian's impact on dominion is currently debated. He's better than history portrayed him but he's far from a top emperor
@flaviusjconstantius Год назад
@@Duke_of_Lorraine it was Constantine with the introduction of the solidus. The aureus is the gold coin that was replaced. Unfortunately he didn’t do anything for the debasement of silver coinage so it really didn’t correct any underlying problems.
@Exeggutor_Enjoyer Год назад
Domitian is my favorite Roman emperor. My 7th grade history teacher said, and I quote “That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.” His was Marcus Aurelius. Big surprise.
@creationsxl2979 Год назад
@@Exeggutor_Enjoyer lol same, my gamer tag is now HeirOfDomitian
@adrianli7559 Год назад
Gallienus played arguably one of the cruelest games of Whac-a-Mole in history: he deals with threats up in the West, then they pop up in the East, during the time I'd honestly argue that Rome was at its absolute worst. It's a testament to his ability that he lasted for fifteen years, during a fifty year period with more than twenty emperors (or claimants).
@geordiejones5618 Год назад
The efforts of him, Claudius, Auralien and Probus all got retconned by the tetrarchs and no one had any way to verify so they got a bunch of credit for what those four did over 30 years. They held down the empire at the most vulnerable it had been since the end of the Second Punic War.
@Caesar_Himself Год назад
You absolute chadlad. Tiberius, Galienus AND Domitian. 100%. I have always attempted to challenge the narrative of these champs. Though they ruled in very different times, it is apparent that whatever flaws they had are massively eclipsed by their strengths. Roman history is riddled with character assassination that far too many historians accept without question. Great to see you put it on video. Cheers
@Michael_the_Drunkard Год назад
Wasn't Tiberius a pedo?
@Kbelikar Год назад
I mean, historians are the ones who bring you the info about these figures. You arent smarter.
@Caesar_Himself Год назад
@@Kbelikar Absolute brainlet response
@ManiacMayhem7256 Год назад
What do we know about Caligula's, Commodus' and Nero's character assassination? Were they probably decent emperors
@aaronclarke1434 Год назад
@@Caesar_Himself ​his point contains a grain of truth: they were simply closer to events. Propinquity to events often does the heavy lifting. Take the world’s best historian today vs. Arrian on Alexander the Great. Arrian had access to Ptolemy’s account and others. Simple nearness to events, even if centuries later, makes them weightier- even if Senators don’t like certain Emperors. Imagine only the negative sources on Augustus survived. You’d still get a lot of truth about the man: his sexual hypocrisy, his ambition, his dependence on Caesar’s name, his dependence on Agrippa, his early ruthlessness. Shouldn’t throw out the baby with the bathwater and assume the negative sources have 0 value because they’re agenda-driven.
@TetsuShima Год назад
Aurelian: *Spares the Life of Zenobia after defeating her* Romans: "Why did you let her live?" Aurelian: "You see, I think it was necessary to do it in order to end all this spiral of violence that has devastated the Empire for the last decades. Rome was built, not only with blood, but with wisdom and morality too, even though it seems that the whole world only remembers the blood. As long as there exists only violence, there will only be chaos and lack of control everywhere. Perhaps sparing my enemy's life won't change anything, but what right would I have to call myself emperor if I only thought with my fist and not with my mind? Did Augustus, Marcus Aurelius and many others become gods just with their thirst for blood? I may have started my career as a very bellicose person, but these last few years have completely changed my life. And if I can change, then everybody can change..." Romans: "You just did it to bang her, right?" Aurelian: "Yep"
@luanasari5161 Год назад
cant blame him
@gaiusjuliuscaesar-wg1hy Год назад
Quid est tē?
@noonespecial9704 Год назад
Lol Wouldn't blame him. But I doubt he would cheat on his wife, especially with the Emperor of Sol Invictus and the Restutitor Orbis!
@therearenoshortcuts9868 Год назад
@@noonespecial9704 he got her to restore the shine on his orbises...
@redjirachi1 Год назад
Have you seen her Fate/Grand Order depiction?
@thewildformosanformosan Год назад
Glad that the Crisis of 3rd Century boys like Gallienus and Aurelian getting some proper overdue recognition... being handed the empire at that time was definitely like playing the game in Deity mode when compared to emperors like Antoninus Pius and Hadrian who had a strong and stable empire to manage from the beginning
@CommonSenz Год назад
True, but still think that Hadrian IS the top of the top. The guy was born to be emperor. And he even was successful with the succession.
@FazeParticles Год назад
that might be true but maintaining peace for 21 years was absolutely based especially in Antoninus Pius' case.
@therandomnessnetwork1658 Год назад
​@@FazeParticles seriously though his letter to the Persians "hey don't do that or I might do something about it" and then they stopped, while possibly not true is some serious based Chad energy
@therandomnessnetwork1658 Год назад
Hadrian wasn't exactly playing on easy mode since the Senate basically hated him and were possibly plotting to kill him for years but couldn't figure out how, since he was on the road and upgrading the empires defenses non stop
@MaxwellAerialPhotography Год назад
Speaking of Uncle Claudius, I’m surprised he isn’t on this list. While that the general consensus is no longer that he is a bumbling fool, I still don’t think the Uncle Claudius gets the love and recognition he truly deserves.
@haventfoundanameyet Год назад
I don’t know if he deserved to be on this list, he might’ve. but he was definitely underrated.
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
Many people overlook this good Emperor. Such was life for Uncle Claudius...
@TrajGreekFire Год назад
Because he's known as a great emperor?
@daniellinanmolina1044 Год назад
he DEFINITELY gets the love he deserves. some have him on the top 5 for gods sake
@Alf9393 Год назад
I was kind of thinking the same thing. I was definitely expecting Aurelian, Domitian, Claudius, and Antoninus.
@louisvalencia5244 Год назад
Majorian is to me to most underrated of all
@littleantukins4415 Год назад
He almost became aurelian
@DynMorgannwg 2 месяца назад
I’m not sure which is sadder, him or Aurelian being taken to soon to truly save Rome
@micahbonewell5994 Год назад
One thing to consider about Tiberius as well is that Augustus really did not want Tiberius as his heir, he really wanted Germanicus or one of his blood relatives. So considering that he spend his whole life being the backup, I'd say he did pretty well.
@Zetact_ Год назад
Appreciate the shoutouts to my boy, Constantius II. Dude worked insanely hard, must say. For someone who is regarded as being short tempered, he didn't show it much in his policy. He actually didn't start any civil wars, but only reacted to uprisings that happened around him. And when he did have to mobilize against Magnentius and later Julian, Constantius made sure that he could negotiate a ceasefire with the battle against the Sassanids and in the case of Magnentius he even let him retreat after fighting in Pannonia because he focused on ensuring the Rhine region was secure before following. And he was willing to swallow his pride when it came to Julian. I don't really think that Constantius was conspiring against Julian (he exiled Marcellus) but I do think that he wasn't really fond of the boy, so being able to recognize that a power vacuum was the last thing that the empire needed and Julian was the most competent guy around he was able to abdicate.
@FadedResolutions Год назад
The late Crisis of the Third Century had A LOT of OP people running around at once.. You have Gallienus, Aurelian , Claudius Gothicus , Constancius I , Diocletian , Valerian , and more all alive at the same time ... and most served in the cav together. Talk about a time of giants... without these amazing people all being alive at the same time and all their hard work they each put in.. its likely Rome wouldnt have survived.
@Exeggutor_Enjoyer Год назад
There were just as many people like Maximinus Thrax, Constantine the second, Trembonialus Gallus, and 3 million usurpers. I apologize for the butchered spelling.
@FadedResolutions Год назад
@@Exeggutor_Enjoyer Its okay I know who you mean xD
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
These heroes of Rome were admirable. However, I think it shows the state Rome was in. From the Severan dynasty onward (Severus and Caracalla contributed greatly to the Crisis of the Third Century), the Empire required heroes just to survive for any prolonged period of time. As Tominus Maximus said, in its late period, almost no one saw Rome as worth saving.
@julianhermanubis6800 Год назад
Glad to see Gallienus heading this list. One more of his accomplishments was acting as a patron to Plotinus, the founder of the philosophical school of Neoplatonism, which had a profound intellectual impact on late antiquity, both pagan and Christian thinkers.
@t.jwitherspoon3983 Год назад
If not for Gallienus the west would’ve fallen much sooner. He kept it together and paved the way for Claudius ii, Aurelian, and Probus
@bear499 Год назад
I would've had a stroke if Gallienus wasn't number one. Easily the most punished emperor in history. This man inspires the same absolute respect and admiration that Constantine XI does.
@brendenwright7957 Год назад
I'd say do an Overrated Emperors video next... and I can list a few who would go on it.... One, Septimius Severus... killed the one man who could have been a perfect co-emperor with him and continued the Pax Romana... but no, try assassinating him, fail, and then pursue him with an army to defeat him, only then to tax the roman people and devalue the empire's currency to pay for your sons to be co-emperors, one of whom would be one of the worst tyrants the empire had... Another is Diocletian... his position is unique because while he did many great things to stabilize to Empire during his twenty years in power, quite a few of his reforms failed, and many that did succeed, were placed right next to a line in the sand, and when he stepped down, they fell apart pretty fast.... Not to mention quite a bit what he and Maximian, are credited for... really came from the good barracks emeprors during the crises of the third century, Gallienus, Probus, Claudius Gothicus, and Aurelian, and maybe the crises would have ended sooner, had their reigns been longer and their armies not suddenly deciding to kill each of them... ( except Gothicus, he died of plague )
@drill0152 Год назад
Gallienus is so hated for no reason
@chadvogel3594 Год назад
I agree with all of these, another person I would add to this list is Nero. He was actually very popular with the common people during his reign. And he wasn’t in Rome when it burned.
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
Nero definitely wasn't a bad Emperor. He was just incapable. It didn't matter at first, because Seneca, Agrippina, and Burrus were keeping him in check. Without them, he had no hope of maintaining power.
@epicnate6277 Год назад
Domitian only executed 11 senators, in comparison Claudius had 35 senators and 300 equestrians executed or forced to commit suicide.
@MaxwellAerialPhotography Год назад
Now we need a top 10 overrated emperors. I want flaming hot takes.
@JustinCage56 Год назад
Septimius Severus, Justinian I, and Domitian comes to mind. Romaboos only really love Domitian in particular only because he fixed the coin system. His military failures in the dacian wars was pretty horrible.
@altairiel6335 Год назад
Diocletian BY FAR. Although he ruled the tetrarchy and brought stability to the economy, he slaughtered Roman citizens, including children, due to their religion on such a scale it lead to a noticeable decline and future disloyalty, forcing people to keep the jobs of their parents, and the fact his tetrarchy ultimately failed the moment he resigned, and became exactly what he tried to avoid in the first place: A Christian dominated nation ruled by a single man who brought back succession by blood. Plus there's belief he organized the deaths of some emperors, including Carus. Dude was straight up power hungry and had the perfect alibi to look like everything was under control...by being the only guy who knew how the system worked. Just look at Constantine's version of the Tetrarchy. It was just a worse version.
@arthurkernkraut8904 Год назад
Great list! If you ever make a list of overrated emperors, I would have some suggestions. Nerva (because of the “five good emperors) Septimius Severus (praised for ending civil wars that he started, initiated lots of trends that weakened the empire in the long run, like debasement and overpaying the army) Julian the Apostate (started a war with Persia to gain legitimacy and died, leaving the empire in a weaker position) Theodosius the Great (his solution for the goths led to many problems for the empire and destroyed many western armies, leaving both half’s of the empire in a weakened position at the star of the V century)
@huntercohen4613 9 месяцев назад
I definitely agree with Domitian and Galienus being the two most underrated emperors, great list!! The only thing that I would change is I would probably add Julian the apostate somewhere on the list, and would probably even add Antoninus Pius as well
@TrystaneTheBlack Год назад
"No Byzantines on this list" kind of weird to just cut a massive chunk of Roman emperors out but great video none the less
@pablo2448 Год назад
Vespasian and Claudius are easily the most underrated
@Monsterknecht 5 месяцев назад
Correct, and both belong to the top 5!
@johnmurdoch8534 Год назад
A good list..glad to see constantius ii here..a cold blooded bastard but conmpetent who knew what his duties were. Domitian was the best. Given nothing to start he did everything well . I always thought gallienus got the worst hand dealt to him. No matter how tirelessly he seems to have worked he suffered one trsgedy after another and one overwhelming problem after another.
@Channel-23s Год назад
Now a top 10 tragic/impactful Roman deaths would be great too either Emperors or General deaths or top 10 Roman Betrayals
@BunnyhopsX Год назад
Number 1 Majorian
@VerilyViscous Год назад
1-10: Aurelian
@randomguy6152 Год назад
caesar and aurelian had the same story so tied at 1st
@BunnyhopsX Год назад
@@randomguy6152 well after Caesar or Aurelian the empire didn't fall and it Majorian's preparations to invade Africa weren't sabotaged it would have been impressive comeback for the western empire
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
Caesar's death and the subsequent death of the """""Liberators""""" gave the death blow to the Republic. Granted, it was already dying after Gaius Marius' military reforms.
@VerilyViscous Год назад
I am quite surprised to see Aurelian here. Every time I see him, I wonder if I could ever be so grossly incandescent.
@JustKuro. Год назад
Probus needs to be on this list
@taxavation Год назад
My list: 10. Claudius Gothicus 9. Carus 8. Vespasian 7. Tiberius 6. Valentinian I 5. Majorian 4. Gallienus 3. Probus 2. Constantius II 1. Domitian
@Darkblender5 Год назад
Galienus' spot at number one is absolutely deserVed. Reading about all the shit he had to deal with as Emperor and seeing him come on top of it all and nearly bring the Gallic Empire back into the fold was a wild ride. Rome would've ended had it been under a lesser man at the time.
@BigHatSupremacist Год назад
He was a great emperor at a time where being a great emperor simply wasn't enough
@mattgarland9090 Год назад
Gallenius is my favorite emperor just because of the position he was put in and that he didn’t fold. Man needs respect on his name.
@danielsantiagourtado3430 Год назад
Awesome list as always, your insight never gets old!
@Michael_the_Drunkard Год назад
It's incomplete!
@Nihoolious Год назад
Wholeheartedly agree with the top 2 placements. Would love to see a list of overrated emperors. I can think of several names that belong there like Theodosius, Septimius Severus, and especially Justinian
@micahbonewell5994 Год назад
Justinian isn't overrated, he largely got fucked over by the Justinian Plague. Which was the black death. Not like Europe handled that well centuries later.
@tezz2698 Год назад
@@micahbonewell5994 And yet he didn't let that stop him from trying to assert control over Italy.
@george6397 Год назад
At this point Aurelian is a bit overhyped. dont get me wrong, he was cool and I would rank him in top 10 emperrors, but he isnt underrated by anyone. Also he basically profited from the Gallienic reforms and Claudius Gothiccus success. At this point, Probus and Carus, who succeeded him are way more underrated, even tough they were also pretty successful
@Michael_the_Drunkard Год назад
Aurelian is far from underrated
@mism847 Год назад
I like how the automatic subtitles keep saying Garlic Empire, the Gods (for the Goths), and Maxentius as Max Sanchez
@gilcosta1762 Год назад
Que bom é ver um canal com tão bom conteúdo, ainda por cima feito por um português. Continua o bom trabalho 😉
@noobfenrir2240 Год назад
Could you do a video about Lithuania/Poland, I'd appreciate that greatly
@elmerelles9542 Год назад
I always had a soft spot for Julian the polytheists. But yeah Aurelian was the best of the best, for what was accomplished in 5yrs.
@zan4336 Год назад
Antoninus Pious could get an honourable mention probably
@illman8876 Год назад
He sent out the first group of Roman traders to reach China that's pretty underrated
@zan4336 Год назад
@@illman8876 yeah he's completely overshadowed by Hadrian,Trajan and Marcus Aurelius
@causantinthescot Год назад
1. Theodosius I 2. Valentinian I 3. Gallienus 4. Domitian 5. Septimus Severus 6. Constans I 7. Valens 8. Tiberius I 9. Constantius II 10. Severus Alexander My Top 10 underrated emperors.
@user-rh3pe7um8d Год назад
1. Odoacer 2. Geiseric 3. Alaric
@jacksonpierce3996 9 месяцев назад
No Majorian? He was like the last hurrah of Rome. The incarnation of what was and never again to be. He could not save Rome but his efforts were truly commendable. Perhaps it's a bit of romanticizing yet it does feel like that when you understand his situation. He's in this video yet I see almost no comments on him.
@lucaspacitti182 Год назад
If Silbannacus was really Roman emperor and Ulpia Severina was really Roman empress, then they are the most underrated by far, since almost no one even knows they exist
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
Then there's the 3rd century Dacian usurper Sponsian, who we basically know nothing about.
@niccolorichter1488 Год назад
@@aaronTGP_3756 most likely becase he dint exist
@mrtrappedchest7160 6 месяцев назад
If this was a Byzantine list, my top three would be Heraclius, Justin I, and Constantine XI (not necessarily in that order), with heavy honorable mentions to Maurice, Zeno, and Theodore I.
@daniellinanmolina1044 Год назад
my man gallienus on top as he deserves, and i think you forgot carus, dude so underrated he aint even here
@matthewmiller6987 Год назад
I’d like to point out Maxentius wasn’t the last emperor to reside in rome as anthemius, glycerius, olybruis, and Julius nepos all resided there
@isaaclopez1490 Год назад
Watching this with my 3 month old son so he can learn early
@carausiuscaesar5672 Год назад
Imagine being handed rule of the Roman Empire at the age of 14 like Elagabalus.
@El-Silver Год назад
So when the byzantine list occurs Constans II
@Michael_the_Drunkard Год назад
Some should have been in this list, since they are Roman too. Separating them is unhelpful.
@causantinthescot Год назад
His son, grandson and yes, Theophilus.
@proffjosue1970 Год назад
Aurelien The Golden Emperor
@CommonSenz Год назад
I agree with your list, altough I am sorely missing Julian and Galerius. Mostly the former.. Julian was Marcus Aurelius reborn and with his death the last candle for the hope of another glorious period of Rome was extinguished.
@micahbonewell5994 Год назад
Julian is overrated. He didn't rule for long, and his attempts to bring back paganism did more harm than good. Not to mention his glory seeking attempt to take Mesopotamia ended in the deaths of many Roman soldiers. He really wanted to be Trajan, but he was more so Marc Anthony.
@St.Augustine-p7k 5 месяцев назад
Julian was trash, only pagan LARPers like him.
@redjirachi1 Год назад
I've always wondered what might happen in Gallienus was never assassinated. Might he have taken Aurelian's role in the timeline?
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
He would have defeated the Goths in the Battle of Naissus, and eventually defeat the Gallic Empire (because he almost did once before getting wounded). Maybe not as great as Aurelian, but certainly a viable replacement.
@purplen33t17 Год назад
​@@aaronTGP_3756 recent histography indicate that it is more likely than gallineus was the one leading the Romans at the battle of naissus not claudius gothicus
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
@@purplen33t17 I was just going from the orthodox consensus. But I personally agree: Gallienus definitely won. Now for headcanon: Claudius II, a minor officer had Gallienus assassinated. He proved his military worth by winning the Battle of Lake Benacus, but showed incompetence when the city of Autun defected to him, but he refused to help. This soured relations with Zenobia. So he sent someone to subdue her. This man failed and Zenobia decided to abandon her loyalty to Rome. Meanwhile, Claudius was busy trying to fight the defenseless Goths in the Thracian mountains (probably wanting an easy victory). Only due to Postumus getting killed for refusing to sack Mainz and the subsequent turmoil in Gaul, Spain defected to Rome and Placidianus was able to subdue the Rhone Valley. His general Aurelian was planning a conspiracy, but they got lucky and Claudius died of plague. Aurelian was proclaimed Emperor by the army, while Claudius' brother Quintillus gained allies in Rome. When things had cooled down under Diocletian, he successfully eliminated most memory of the late crisis emperors, especially for gallienus and aurelian. Decades later, Claudius' relative Constantine used the limited knowledge to their advantage, using propaganda to make Claudius II a hero and conqueror of the Goths, and attributed his misdeeds to Gallienus, and Gallienus' great victory to Claudius II. Is this mostly made up? Essentially yes, but I guess I just really hate Claudius II, who is overrated. He was really just another 3rd century Emperor: a half-decent general who had a short reign.
@Sombrero604 10 месяцев назад
"no byzantines are on this list" me: ight imma head out
@brianaguila6925 Год назад
Anyone here who watched The Caesars tv series (1968)? Their portrayal of Tiberius was way better than the I,Claudius version of treason trial and indulging in perversion along with his quarrel against Agrippina the Elder.
@Fullychargedevil Год назад
Was sitting through this list thinking "If he doesn't mention Gallienus I will have issues". That man deserves recognition
@marvelfannumber1 Год назад
Uh, Maxentius was not "the last Roman Emperor to reside in Rome"... Where did you get that from? I mean, for one, Constantine resided in Rome immediately after him. Even the later Western Roman Emperors like Valentinian III, Libius Severus and Anthemius all resided in Rome.
@aeris2001 Месяц назад
I'm assuming he means last Emperor of united empire to have Rome as his capital/Home. Constantine moved capital to Constantinople
@ElBreadini Год назад
Here's an idea for a video, what would you have done to save the empire at a certain point in its history. In other words what went wrong and made it inevitable
@jacksonpierce3996 9 месяцев назад
Majorian was not the greatest emperor. But he sure wasn't one who went out without commendation. Any who recognize the name might think he was naïve or a bad statesman. But at the time he was implementing reforms any other competent emperor would have done. The problem was the attitude of the senate. Back in the days of old it was to give up yourself for Rome, but in the days of Majorian it was give Rome for yourself. Majorian fought as the breathing embodiment of the roman spirit. He would not allow Rome to fall in the same sense the senate would not bow to Hannibal nor would Aurelian allow the empire to fracture. Majorian reigned as long as he won battles. But once his fleet gone so was he. Could he have saved Rome? No, it was beyond saving. Could he have extended it? Absolutely, he had already done so for the 20 years it continued, if he succeded, why not 50?
@marshallsilverstar9636 Год назад
Could you also do underrated eastern roman emperors ?
@aaronTGP_3756 Год назад
Honorable mentions: Valens, Antoninus Pius, Alexander Severus.
@nazeem8680 Год назад
Macrinus: first non aristocratic roman emperor, came from a humble berber family, managed to stabilize the roman currency in his 14 months long rule
@zarathustra7291 5 месяцев назад
Julian the Apostate.
@Heiligesbrot1 7 месяцев назад
The top underrated emperor ist Vespasian He is so underrated that he isn’t even on this list and so underrated that you forgot him again😂☝️
@historicalized-edits9080 Год назад
Restituor Orbeez. Thank you youtube captions.
@Colddirector Год назад
I insist on believing you said “building fortresses in anime territory” at 3:25 and nobody can tell me otherwise
@randomguy6152 Год назад
"Manu ad ferrum" Imperator Caesar Lucius Domitius Aurelianus Gothicus Germanicus Parthicus Augustus "Restitutor Orbis" english translation: "Hand on hilt" Emperor Caesar Lucian Domitian Aurelian Gothicus Germanicus Parthicus Augustus ",Restorer of the World" will never be forgotten he my favorite emperor ever and is the only man besides for constantine to manage to rule with 1 emperor, 1 empire, and 1 god
@Eazy-ERyder Год назад
Jovian and Valentinian, back to back emperors and the TWO funniest deaths on your other list. Draw your own conclusions
@billychops1280 Год назад
I was expecting Gallienus to be number 1
@nacho3741 Год назад
Of course the Brits would think that calling someone a "Redditor" is a compliment
@Diddiwehy 6 месяцев назад
Valentinian III and Majorian
@istvanszabo6468 Год назад
can you make I video about ranking every Hungarian king pls I will like and sub to you!
@mr.beatfan8814 Год назад
My List 10. Carus 9. Quintillus 8. Titus 7. Lucius Verus 6. Tiberius 5. Carus 4. Majorian 3. Nero 2. Constantius Chlorus 1. Domitian PS- I thought that Constantius Chlorus ruled from 305-306. Are we thinking of different people?
@sethfrisbie3957 Год назад
Maybe you can do a part 2.
@megalodon3655 Год назад
Next up top 10 eastern Roman Empire defeats and victories. And Top 10 Roman Empire victories.
@sageex3931 Год назад
New sub
@LittleFoxInTheBox Год назад
Controversial but... You should've put Nero on the list in my opinion.
@freyasslain2203 Год назад
Valentinian died in the most comical fashion.
@akatsukijutsu545 Год назад
Caligula was underrated for about 6 months 😂😂
@user-rh3pe7um8d Год назад
My favorite "emperor" is Flavius Odoacer.
@EricNielsen85 Год назад
Merry Christmas everybody!! Or should I say.. Merry Saturnalia?
@cdcdrr Год назад
I had expected Nero to be present. He gets a lot more hate than is warranted from people who wrote the histories, and had their own contentious bones to pick with him. Killing his own mother certainly sounds bad, but moms in imperial Rome had a tendency to be dangerous schemers who sought control and power, and destabalized the whole empire. Nero's was a prime example. His persecution of christians was rough, but neither was it uncommon for even good emperors to do so, nor was he the first to do it. He overall strikes me as a fairly gregarious and cultured fellow, who kept things relatively stable and peaceful for a while. Not a very good emperor, but certainly not the villain he's remembered as.
@Emil.Fontanot Год назад
I would say that Aurealian is not underrated anymore, actually he's probably overrated now. Other than that great list, some of the Emperors here have bad reputations but they were actually great
@masxalis6978 3 месяца назад
Me, wondering where the hell Basil II the Bulgar slayer is: 🤨
@littleantukins4415 Год назад
Aurelian was underrated until Dovahhatty arrived
@augustdavis4725 Год назад
I still think Antoninus Pius should be on the list.
@themightyavenger1023 Год назад
I feel like Julian is super underrated just because people like to ignore all the bad stuff Christianity did for the Empire and see him as a villain
@Fhjull33 10 месяцев назад
He is rather overrated. Julian started a civil war, was an unsuccessful ruler, and his adventurous Persian campaign naturally led to disaster,
@St.Augustine-p7k 5 месяцев назад
Overrated AF, converting to Paganism only hurt the empire.
@alessandrogini5283 Год назад
I think that Alexander severus Is underrated
@causantinthescot Год назад
Valentinian I: You forgot me and I am the most underrated emperor, even my brother Valens and Severus Alexander are amateurs. Oh yes, I have just torn Lupicinus and Maximius into pieces.
@JstZelda Год назад
Alexander severus
@aaronbacon9087 Год назад
free engagement comment
@dieu7905 Год назад
Top 10 overrated Emperors next?
@haventfoundanameyet Год назад
yes pls
@dieu7905 Год назад
@@haventfoundanameyet In my mind, Septimus Severus, Nerva and Antoninus Pius could fit in that category.
@haventfoundanameyet Год назад
@@dieu7905 yes, possibly Hadrian too
@dieu7905 Год назад
@@haventfoundanameyet Really? I'm curious why you think that. Hadrian is by far one of the best emperors imo
@dieu7905 Год назад
@@haventfoundanameyet That's fair.
@MBP1918 Год назад
@nachteinfallt8915 Год назад
pretty low volume
@paprskomet Год назад
I'm sick from Aurelian being constantly claimed to be underrated while he is actually very popular among people interested in Roman history while Probus is ACTUALLY UDERRATED Emperor which some Romans themselves considered better than Aurelian.
@motionpictures6629 Год назад
Septimius Severus? Nobody knows him, but he was the first roman emperor that started a real dynasty and the only one that conquered Scotland and Iraq. One could make the argument that his empire was even bigger than Hadrian's. I don't understand why Diocletian is seen as a good emperor. For me, he ended my beloved Rome by turning citizenship into serfdom.
@robbevanooteghem7429 Год назад
I am more impressed with alexander severus personally, even though his rule was short he was kinda decent in a time where the empire was going downhill fast
@tristonschannel6241 Год назад
I kno this isn’t a good vid for this comment. Honorius is Latin for Honorable Honorable my a-
@szymonpajak1477 Год назад
@Michael_the_Drunkard Год назад
So, Western Roman emperors count as Roman, but the Eastern ones don't? What's wrong with you?
@St.Augustine-p7k 5 месяцев назад
Orthobros seething.
@overdriveoutershaxson1837 Год назад
What happened to Aurelian’s mask? Did he actually wear one?
@TheGrolgoth221 Год назад
Have you ever thought about making a list of Danish monarchs? Some real badasses as well as a few complete idiots in there.
@spartangenix2131 Год назад
Aurelian should be number 1 on this list regardless of whether or not he could've reigned for longer. It took Aurelian just 5 years to achieve what most emperors would take years to do. So why he's not number 1 is a mystery to me. But regardless great video!
@zan4336 Год назад
He placed him lower because he's got a pretty great following at modern times but not enough.
@TrajGreekFire Год назад
@@zan4336 except when you look at Rome memes most of them are with Aurelian
@St.Augustine-p7k 5 месяцев назад
Aurelian is incredibly overrated, he was a good general but his conduct related to the state was poor.
@laisphinto6372 Год назад
half of them are salty senators character Assassination
@TheManCaveYTChannel Год назад
Thumbs down for no eastern Roman emperors. As if there isn’t enough info out there about pre 476 emperors.
@Michael_the_Drunkard Год назад
Well done, I did it too! One can't accept western emperors and simultaneously reject eastern emperors. If he wanted to be neutral, he would have listed all emperors pre-395.
@yehezkielpanjaitan7926 Год назад
Bro rank chinese emperors
@MMajor13 Год назад
I personally feel like Tiberius did not deserve to be here, because he both allowed himself to become a puppet of his Praetorian Prefect (Sejanus), and towards the end of his reign he essentially became a shut-in on the Island of Capri, “governing” the Empire via dispatches to agents in Rome. This is not to say that he was a “bad” Princeps, simply that he was not necessary a “good” one.
@noukan42 Год назад
Underrated is a very relative term. Tiberius has been famously fucked over hard by Tacitus to the point many still think of him as an actual Tyrant because of that. In that sense he is quite underrated even in spite of his obvious faults.
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