
16 Months in Outland - My TBC Story & Review 

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@WillEmmo 2 года назад
Sort your real life consumables out for Wrath Classic now - Use my link or go to strms.net/WilleFactorSeptemberYT and use code POGWILLE130 to get $130 off across 6 boxes!
@goldenmemes51 2 года назад
Difference between tbc and wotlk prep for me is a healthy lifestyle and working out ! I use a meal delivery healthy service similar to this one instead of the typical gamer junk food
@Dracosrslylol 2 года назад
we need this for europe, too! (there is probably one, i guess(?), which i am just not aware of)
@andrewmoluf4299 2 года назад
That segue was epic, they owe you a tip
@bobbykotick1163 2 года назад
The 'one button class' design is hyperbole, to play mage properly i used 72 keybinds
@yeetyeet2027 Год назад
Guess your last statement didnt age too well
@fufu1405 Год назад
TBC feels like the coziest expanion to me. It's unfortunate private servers manage to deliver a better WoW experience. TBC feels better on most private servers.
@joseantoniocardozolopez7246 2 года назад
Thank you WillE for doing these, amazing content. I played an Ele shammy and i was more focused on PvP, it was rough and sad.
@tristanbrooks6594 2 года назад
Tank main here - Threat was fun. Probably peaks with Fury Prot Warrior in Vanilla and gets a little less fun in TBC. Also big separation between good groups and bad groups as a result of threat being a mechanic. But, threat was fun at the top end.
@Scarletpimpanel73 2 года назад
Have to agree. Fun isn't just about pressing more different buttons, it also has to do with pacing fight rhythm, and being observant of other players. One thing I used to love about TBC was in pacing and timing of threat drops and DPS boosting cooldowns. From memory these sorts of things don't really matter in Wrath and beyond. DPS becomes more about a rotation on the keyboard than about pacing through the course of an encounter. Without threat mattering DPS becomes a lot more solipsistic.
@tristanbrooks6594 2 года назад
@@Scarletpimpanel73 agreed. In Naxx 40 a good raid was really about rhythm. Having the hunter pull. Timing the Patchwerk packs. Doing the dance, bursting Mograine. Just gold when you were all on point.
@alessandroaldobrandi1704 2 года назад
As someone who never played either vanilla or tbc when they first released because i was too young, i gave both iterations of the game a shot and i just couldn't make myself like them because of just how much time is required from you to "complete" your character. I'm so looking forward to wotlk classic and leaving tbc behind once and for all, the qol changes i've seen so far in the prepatch have been amazing. Definitely playing way more this time around.
@cattysplat 2 года назад
Once they are done though, they are done. You don't need to grind world quests, dailies and mythic+ chest gambling for infinity like retail. They are infinitely more achievable over time compare to the expected daily chores.
@Treborbobuk 2 года назад
Excellent vid WillE, really enjoyed it, thanks!
@ViktorBlaskov 2 года назад
I wanted to pvp when TBC came out. I'd played tons of private servers and was totally familiar with the absolute top level of pvpers, since they were people who played every private server for 10 years nonstop only arenas all day every day. I thought to myself, since I'm much more casual and I have already played with them, the rest of pvp would be really fun and janky. Instead, what I got, was that people at 1500 were fully geared, fully meta, fully prepared with discord, addons pre-done together with knowledge what to look at. It was extremely rare that I'd find someone making a mistake. My first week I pushed to 1850 and felt completely burned out. Second week I decided to try full meta and swapped specc only to realize there was virtually nobody without gear, so I was far behind and at 1500 I was forced to play my absolute hardest to outskill them. This kind of broke it for me. It was not that it was so challenging, it was that there was no human error, no human skill, nothing involved beyond following a script which was on screen via addons for everyone. Every rogue played the same, every mage played the same, everyone played the exact same. This is why I'm skipping Wrath. I have zero interest queueing into a million death knights, paladins and warriors who might as well be PvE bosses.
@syntaxed2 Год назад
I had an absolute blast in both vanilla and TBC classic :) Wasnt at all grindy, dunno what yer talking bout...one week and boom we were 70 - One week too much for the meme generation? If you solo then ofcourse it will get boring, although, even in solo the community and social elements in the classics are miles and miles better than solo in retail. The heroic and rep grinds later on in TBC was especially fun, as we delved into deep discussions combined with lots of beers it was just hilarious. Add to this random player interactions that always occur in classics due to better zone design etc, who can forget that epic teamwork with enemy faction where you help eachother finish off elite Q :) The awesome raids, the atmosphere, the zones, the music, it outshines retail every time. Even with less content the game still had so much more to offer. The classics play like a mmorpg, the retail plays like a singleplayer action rpg.
@JJJBunney001 Год назад
Unless you mean played time that's crazy that you leveled in a week. If you had to sit there grinding the same content over and over or played for 18 hours a day for a week straight, in both of those cases. Yes that is too much for most people
@xRip666x Год назад
Thanks for the video! I quit my classic journey after reaching level 67 on my hunter in blades edge at launch, and getting a new job irl
@secondslate7158 2 года назад
Yep I'd like to see either vanilla or wrath plus after wrath. BC was fine, but it's too simialr to vanilla with not enough changed for my liking, and only 10 levels to progress meant the try-hards got to max too quickly and I didn't have any opportunities to level alts as my guild tanks wouldn't come online unless they'd get loot, either, so it kinda sucked and I bailed at TK. Started fresh for Wrath on Giantstalker and I'm so happy. I love Wrath more than anything and even though it won't be the same as the first time around, it'll be something amazing in its own right; I can already feel that.
@cattysplat 2 года назад
The simplification of tanking and huge number of death knights certainly helps with the constant tanking shortage in the game.
@Brunnen_Gee Год назад
I'm sad I missed TBC Classic. I wasn't following the game at all anymore and didn't even know they had released it (or had even planned on it), I thought Classic was just Vanilla and that was it. TBC is when I came to WoW, so it has all the nostalgia for me.
@increasegas2221 2 года назад
heroic blood furnace was some serious business, trash swinging for 8k that also stun, thats the good stuff
@joewhiting 2 года назад
Great video Will!
@net-42 2 года назад
WillE: there were no meme specs in TBC Me: SMITE!
@paulmcf1115 2 года назад
Classic Plus. Make it Wotlk gameplay, Cataclysm zones, and the unknown long quest chains of classic. Corrupted Ashbringer quests. Send us to Outland, Northrend, and Pandaria, but make it like a super rare bonus level, and not just reused zones. Redesigned as if it was 2006 again put into Vanilla. Make hero classes like Demon Hunter, Death Knight and Brewmaster unlockable from these bonus lands. Outland could be a super long quest chain like the Scarab Lord. Northrend is only accessible from a portal in Naxx after beating KT, Ragnaros has a portal to the firelands for bonus bosses, the way Ragnaros seemed like bonus boss for those who got the douses. Open up goblin and worgen characters for those who unlocked it. Maybe limit Panda characters to only 10 per realm, or like Scarab lord where its time gated. Itd be like a different time line from current wow, but still take place after WC3
@tonyx6380 2 года назад
I've played a tank in many MMOs and seen at least two translate from gameplay where threat is king to threat being an entire non issue and I think it really removes an important layer of group dynamic in pve. I like threat mattering a great deal, especially with mechanics like misdirect not gimmicking it
@Arm1q Год назад
Amazing video again, thumbs up for longer content.
@bald_swan 2 года назад
@WillE - would you suggest participating in WOTLK launch as well? is the launch experience worth it? for me it would be 2AM when Northrend becomes available.
@dusiolek6 2 года назад
Nice video. One thing I disagree is the feeling of being done with TBC forever. I think it will pass eventually.
@Babaganoosh69 2 года назад
Agree with a lot of what you said, especially the idea that we can put TBC away possibly forever now but Classic Vanilla still draws me back. If Blizz was to just roll back Vanilla, TBC, Wrath servers again after Wrath Classic I'd play for sure, but I'd skip TBC just didn't have a good enough time to want to do it again.
@jimmychu7917 2 года назад
great video man
@MaidensRag 2 года назад
Shaman, feral, and no warrior in a group as a ret was just a horrible feeling. mainly shaman and feral. both of those were massive dps losses when not in the party
@keny46 2 года назад
TBC raid wise was just better imo. Raid size, no world buffs, consumes were cheaper and sometimes free, better designed bosses and more difficult. Problem was this time around most people only had to level 10 levels. TBC was a lot more front loaded once you hit cap but inevitably once you got into the swing of raiding you were raid logging just like in vanilla only difference being you weren't doing it for world buffs but because you didn't really have anything left to do to advance your character. People playing classic wow are playing it more for accomplishments than say in the past so anything outside of contributing to those goals they just flat out don't do; and since everything in the game is already known you can accomplish those things much quicker than when it was current content.
@scrioz 2 года назад
I feel like if they were about to do some kind of TBC again it should be like a TBC 2.0. Something the classdesign from eg WotLK with the content of TBC - adjusted accordingly. At first I really wanted to start TBC, hell I was so damn hyped for it as it was the expac I started with back in the day. I kinda wanted to relive that time. But I realized that it might destroy my rose tinted memories of that time. I've done it all back then but SWP after Brutallus. When I leveled in the prepatch and watched all of your "is it any better now"-Videos many times it became clear to me that I dont want to play "dull" classes that mostly just pressed one button. Playing felt so slow in terms of class mechanics. So I came to the conclusion that I love the world of TBC, but I do not enjoy the gameplay. I learned what I like about the retail version in terms of classes and quality of life features - especially the ability to change specs freely and account wide progression. Now I'm kinda contemplating if I should give WotLK a shot since it's the only expac I kinda missed out on. I only did t7 after release and quit back then. Missing out on Ulduar, ToC and most of ICC. But as you put it - the barrier of entry is quite high. Maybe they should keep the XP buff atleast up to 60.
@thom3124 2 года назад
I remember the first launch of TBC. The servers were so busy I could not get logged in because i was in a Q. I was also working 100 hours a week. No real time for gaming. I remember it being fun. I do not find that in today's game. Boring grind after boring grind.
@DarkLepus42 2 года назад
always love your vids!
@Anirox 2 года назад
TBC was the best expansion in wow history IMO
@tobiassandager58 2 года назад
Greate vid!
@EtherPump 2 года назад
I've always said "TBC is Vanilla, but good". I think TBC improved every single aspect of WoW. I cannot say the same for Wotlk though. While Ulduar and ICC was pretty good, the majority of raiding in Wotlk was pretty bad. Classes are slightly more advanced compared to TBC and raid's become slightly more than just Target dummys with voicelines. However, all of wotlk is just fricking dreary... It's the end of the Xbox360 era where everything was brown but in Wotlk is just brown, Ice colored, and gray... Unless it's for a gag/comedic releif(Nessingwary Camp in Sholazar Basin), everything is just death, destruction, sorrow and exhaustion.
@SmilePecoSmile 2 года назад
Outland has never appealed to me. It definitely feels like a place you're not supposed to be - a hellish nightmare born of a dead planet... but I don't want to hang out there lol. It truly felt like an expansion to Vanilla. Something added on to it. Later expansions feel more substantial in what they offer zone-wise.
@nicothiemig5112 2 года назад
I Hope they will make wotlk Last 2-3 years and Not only 16 fucling months! Idk why only 16 months ?
@thorinpeterson6282 2 года назад
I tried to reroll from Warrior to Shaman when TBC dropped, and was just never able to catch back up. By the time I was doing tier 4 content, tier 5 was out, and the community expected full tier 4 gear in order to get into tier 4 pugs. I just quit. I wish I just bought the fucking boost, but no, I had to be principled and level myself. What a fucking idiot I was.
@cattysplat 2 года назад
That is not the fault of the game. That is the min max cancer that has infested Classic community and how much of casual raiding has died off.
@majesticfool Год назад
I had a much better time in classic than TBC. Classic still has that jankiness, unrefined, mysterious feel to it. Flying mounts kill interaction and scope of the world. Wotlk is pretty good so far though, but classic is something I could always replay
@Drommund 2 года назад
Comment for the algorithm Great job thanks
@tommyspuds 2 года назад
@PhattPhatt07 2 года назад
TBCC started off slow for me. I had some irl things happening that didn't allow for me to play TBCC at launch and because of it I fell drastically behind by several weeks. P1 did seem to drag on a bit too long(and that's bcz i started TBCC almost a month late). I also think P3 was too short. Blizz brought out P4 a few weeks too soon in my opinion. Overall I did enjoy TBCC but P1 was very boring because of my delayed start. I'd say I also enjoyed Classic more than TBC. I think everyone knows how awesome Wrath is and I too am eagerly awaiting to start playing it.
@az9498 2 года назад
WillE you should play Horde for a go
@cattysplat 2 года назад
That Belf paladin looks like he did.
@Lintary Год назад
I will never forget my first Karazan raid being a hunter in greens and blues. I got a whisper from a person I boosted through the DM a lot of times months ago pre TBC, "Hey want to raid Karazan? Our hunter didn't show up and we need one." I explained I would love to, but I never done it and I was in greens and blues and his answer "Doesn't matter we need a hunter to kite." and I got an invite and off I went, preforming the ancient mostly lost art of hunter kiting.
@danmoore1427 7 месяцев назад
A hunter to kite what?
@danmoore1427 7 месяцев назад
Also it's not a lost art your just inflating your self importance
@randomrandom7208 5 месяцев назад
@@danmoore1427Nothing realy, the same thing happened to me, I was a mage and people thought they would need sheep, that never happened, but I got a place in the main roster because I was a good mage and a decent person.
@YeoSoyaa 3 месяца назад
based on ur gear, i dont think u even attune, why are u making up a story ?
@marcwirth5769 2 года назад
Just stopped half way through the video to let you know how enjoyable it is! Storytelling is on point as usual, and the images already feel nostalgic... keep it up!
@Manifibell Год назад
It is funny to sit here and watch this now. I wouldn't mind a season of TBC
@StevenJeffrey-h2g Месяц назад
a shame they don't have wotlk or tbc servers but 3 janky versions of boring old vanilla....
@maldlions5313 2 года назад
Still the BIS expansion that WoW had.
@StevenJeffrey-h2g Месяц назад
@tylerm6080 2 года назад
a 40 minute long wille video? what a blessed day
@Mike-pn8ln 2 года назад
The willy videos I watch are usually 5-10 minutes max
@masturone8257 2 года назад
That's not all Willie has 40 long
@General12th Месяц назад
WillE is quite long, thank you very much.
@cole8834 Год назад
Every zone in Outland is gorgeous. Blade's Edge*** Mountains, Hellfire*** Peninsula, and the Bone Wastes*** are meant to be a little dreary... ya know? The fact people love Zangarmarsh and Nagrand, the lush zones, so much means that the level designers did a great job designing the desolate regions of Outland. I'm also one of the few people who loves Terokkar Forest as well.
@yolover111 2 года назад
It was such a fun ride, got to show 2 friends what wow was about, sadly life happens, only got to play through phase 1 tbc, but it felt so good to be back. specially returning and doing all the stuff in prepatch with them has been awesome again, reason I loved this game so much, but to be able to play with homies this time around, was so much better. Wrath is my last hurrah, wont do cata, but what a cool lil ride to go back on.
@laius6047 2 года назад
Do you think they're going to even do cata?
@llwonder 2 года назад
really hoping for Classic+ like Asmon has talked about: Vanilla WoW world + classic wrath talents and class design. Use this as a base to make new content.
@ugoboom 2 года назад
pservers are already doing this and way better than 2022 blizzard could ever hope to
@LennyDykstra1 2 года назад
Update the graphics also
@ez6791 2 года назад
@@LennyDykstra1 just not wod models, half of the new ones look bad others look ok
@Messametti 2 года назад
Classic+ after WOTLK would be great, i hope they dont go the lazy route and release Cataclysm Classic.
@wythore 2 года назад
lol as if it was asmon that came up with taht idea . Turtle WoW is a private server that is essentially a Vanilla+, it has custom content that continues the spirit of vanilla, addin new races, new zones, hundreds of new quests and spells/talents that follow the idea of WoW Vanilla
@Ijjigunzhack 2 года назад
Started watching you when classic released, ever since I've been looking forward to watching your new videos. You're currently the best wow creator by far, calming voice, interesting topics, good editing, what is there not to like. I could watch a video of you explaining how to cook potatoes and I wouldn't be bored.
@MistahTeeLecksAhFly 2 года назад
Truest comment
@simenkristiansen5272 Год назад
@Number69 Год назад
In before willie gets sponsored by microwaveable potatoes
@spanosjono7283 2 года назад
Willie filling the void that Madseason left.
@cattysplat 2 года назад
I miss him so much. Classic TBC not having much of the content/meme community to FF14 and burnout feels empty.
@1thut 2 года назад
Amazing video, sadly the last line didnt aged well as survey for Cata is out :D
@skyclaw36 2 года назад
i cant believe how quickly time has gone. 1 year ago yesterday Phase 2 TK/SSC came out!!
@x3wildcard 2 года назад
TBC is still my favorite. Content phasing and the availability of information kind of ruined it--and that genie is never going back in the bottle. I will forever pine for the days of trying to figure out a strat for Archimonde when we only had 1 shaman. 97 wipes in mostly kara and some t5 gear. No guide videos on RU-vid, just 25 friends piecing things together one try at a time. It's impossible to convey the difference between how T6 felt in classic iteration vs OG TBC. It was a *completely* different experience. Steamrolling it with t5 BIS and guide videos just made it boring. Probably time for me to hang up the WoW cleats, because Wrath isn't going to scratch that itch, either.
@chrisspike3282 2 года назад
I really share the sentiment of there being little reason to go out in the world outside of raiding. It really bothered me because I even found myself raidlogging for months.
@xalanii 2 года назад
I raid logged more in classic than tbc, world buffs really made it so playing in between raids was just not worth it - at all. At least tbc had flying, and dailies, and decent farms, and reps to grind. Classic had..............DM jump runs?
@Mr.Slaughter 2 года назад
I don't understand this mindset. There was plenty to do outside of raids, you just didn't want to do any of it. Pvp, heroics, alt leveling, farming, new daily hubs with mounts like Netherwing, etc. There was stuff to do. If that isn't your bag, fine, then why get bothered by it?
@NoksUndKutten 2 года назад
​@@Mr.Slaughter I had the same issues as the original comment PvP was something I never had an interest, if I did PvP then in the open world which didn't happen. Heroics are done after a while too with nothing to gain, yeah you could get more badges for god knows why Alt leveling I spent the most time on in TBC but I don't want that to be the case, I have a MAIN character for a reason that I want to play Farming is the most I could do with my main but Outlands is so ugly and small so that wasn't nearly as fun as in Classic or Wrath Daily hubs are good but not a feature where I think "Damn can't wait to log in and play!" but rather "I HAVE to do my dailies today!" I had such a blast with classic since Nostalrius and I also had a blast with Wrath in the past (retail + private servers) but I can't stand TBC, it is the ugly middle child in this scenario.
@caneyebus Год назад
Some of the best times I had in TBC was during the down time between raids. Drunk farming primals to craft gear for new guildies or raid mats was fun as hell.
@chokobo0047 Год назад
He touched on threat and agro management and as someone who main tanked all of Vanilla WoW, TBC, and beyond I can tell you that 90% of the prob with Vanilla was that as a Warrior's gear improved, his threat generation got worse. Most of the rage generated was from damage taken. So as you mitigate more, block 100%, etc etc. Your ability to hold a bosses attention diminished. I did not play the Classic relaunch but I assume it was about the same. It was about 3 years before TBC come out from WoW's launch and it got really bad in the last year. It was complaint #1 on warrior forums for a long time. It got to the point that you started to drop your rotation and let a boss crit you just so you could keep agro up. Which was dangerous because new content could two round you easy. TBC was a great improvement, other classes could tank, and they reworked the entire threat system. Anybody from the outside looking in could tell. But it all stemmed from one issue and it was not so obvious if you weren't the guild's punching bag. Threat output solely based on damage incoming. That system works fine until the day it doesn't.
@override83 2 года назад
Damn, I just can't compliment you enough on your details you put in your videos Willie. I love how you did this review in steps right from the beginning. I pretty much agreed with you on everything, with the exception of group/raid wide buffs. As a pally main until TBC, it was a chore to buff everyone. I didn't mind it, but group/raid wide buffs made it much more easier and less time consuming for me. When TBC launched, I switched to my shammy, as enh was always one of my favorite specs, and in TBC, it got plenty of love. Unfortunately, this time around, I didn't get to pvp and raid as much as I would've liked to. In Original Vanilla and TBC, I was a young, single punk who didn't have much responsibilities. This time around on re-releases, I'm working full time and have a family to provide for, as do many of us who try play when we can. Anyways, I agree with pvp, it just didn't seem as fun as it did "back than." You touched on the exact points that made it difficult for me to enjoy it, catching up and trying to maintain as the game progresses. Another great upload, much appreciated on the details and honest feedback. It's nice to see these longer videos come out. I really like listening to them while I'm grinding some pre-patch honor. Only these past few weeks, I feel I've been able to enjoy pvp again, because the honor gain is greatly increased, making it easier for a casual dad player to try get gear before WOTLK officially launches. Cheers, Willie. Thanks for the upload.
@seagullphilosopher2173 6 месяцев назад
The vibes of TBC i think were better than Wrath..that diablo 2 guy soundtrack gave it such a unique atmosphere. I wish they would do a new Classic to TBC to Wrath rotation server. TBC is the only masterpiece expansion to WoW.
@sinisternemesis1918 2 года назад
Amazing video WillE. I'm right there with you on just about all fronts. I really think pvp sucked in TBC, and trust me I tried. Somehow it seemed even more rock paper scissors than vanilla. Anyway. Loved the content, and I'll like and comment on the next video... very soon
@Eener1000 2 месяца назад
For me, TBC is where the feeling started of content that felt like a super fake themepark environment instead of an immersive world. I also hated the scifi and draenei stuff that thematically felt like it didn't belong.
@DeviousWizard 2 года назад
The only big criticism I have of classic and TBC is lack of Dual Spec. The inability to easily be specced for pvp or pve is 99% of the reason I didn't play much in both.
@Mike-pn8ln 2 года назад
So does that mean you've started up again for wrath?
@mrc560 2 года назад
I agree with this. I don't PvP much but I mained a healer and everytime I had to do quests or anything not grouped it was just a pain in the ass
@rastahima1223 2 года назад
just pay the money each week.
@andrewmoluf4299 2 года назад
or as sham swapping resto to ele. Swapping everything to spellpower helped as much in this regard as dual spec
@swing9this 2 года назад
Totally agree. Committing to maining a healer, but not having tons of time to farm gold to switch specs, was just too daunting. Happily coming back to Wrath where I can dual spec.
@Ichiban_gg 2 года назад
It's always a great day when a WillE video drops. Keep up the amazing work. The best WoW content on RU-vid by a mile
@crimsontorque7720 2 года назад
By far my favourite Wow content creator, always get the urge to play again after watching one of your longer vids, nice to see Pyrewood Village is still going strong!
@maddyfromwas 2 года назад
My guess is that wrath had the most players active ever, so that's why we're seeing so many people coming back. Also, a lot of people didnt stay for TBC due to the boost/pay to save character drama, and even MORE left after the scandal during the first months (investigation of sexual harassment and HR disaster). I saw so many just go away because of that
@williamshore6355 2 года назад
Awesome review Will! I skipped TBC classic and happy I did. Only so many times you can run something before it is a little stale.
@BangThatGong 2 года назад
Biggest gripe about TBC was servers getting 100% abandoned by one faction or completely killed and being in a semi serious guild. The raid comp having to have 5 + shamans and a boomie a ret, feral etc was annoying.
@Xaelyrion 2 года назад
I have no idea who the warlock at the start of the video is. WillE is a gnome.
@markusyoyoxdqt 2 года назад
Solid video down memory lane. I share the sentiment of having enjoyed TBC, but I dont think I would play it again. Altho, after having played a geared warrior with double BL and a fully optimized group comp, that was probally some of the most fun raiding in a while
@LeweRG 2 года назад
Definitely going to miss proper windfury and recklessness
@wusscake 2 года назад
I had some fun in TBC classic. It was nice being able to play a feral druid without being lectured to farm a bunch of level 32 staves from Gnomeregan, and having my dps be viable. After a while though, the game atmosphere just felt...stale. Most people that played didn't talk much, minmaxed to hell and back, and it didn't feel like an adventure. Once I beat Illidan, I feel like I was able to complete the content I never got a chance to as a teenager, and was able to hang up the old WoW boots for a final time. I'd like to see a MMO that puts a brand new spin on the meta. Something that doesn't use the standard leveling system with the "grind to end game" mentality. I want a whole new world to explore, with something fun and exciting to see at every turn.
@ichbinein123 2 года назад
I could listen to your videos for hours. I'm quite pleased that Classic TBC was over 6 months earlier than the original release. It lacked the scope of the oringal classic WoW, and got quite boring quite fast. I took a break after phase 2, and came back when Sunwell opened, and I don't feel like i missed much. I also switched my main to a Ret Paladin, as my Guild needed one.
@andromidius 2 года назад
I will say on a personal level I'd have liked one additional month in Sunwell before the nerfs hit. My guild was so close to beating M'uru, and then the nerfs hit and we sleepwalked through it. Bit of an anti-climax end to an overwise great experience. And I hope Wrath gets a full 18 months. Considering there's more content, I really think it deserves it. Just over 4 months per tier seems decent, no (ideally, 4 of Naxx, 5 of Ulduar, 4 of ToC and 5 of ICC)?
@Hybridsixtynine 8 месяцев назад
@@andromidius well
@sanneh. 2 года назад
I definitely agree with you, this expansion had some very high highs but it dipped quite a lot as well. As a more casual player I would've liked to play nerfed Sunwell for a bit before prepatch hit so that my dad guild would also be able to get further than Brutallus. Still, I did manage to kill KJ eventually and as a prot warrior main, maintanking Illidan was the highlight of my expansion for sure. Overall I liked TBC a lot less than Classic though. I would return to Azeroth but not to Outland.
@iosifrazvan4095 2 года назад
EU or NA? im looking for a dad guild:)
@sanneh. 2 года назад
@@iosifrazvan4095 EU, I'm on Pyrewood Village Alliance as well
@ThePlatinumx 2 года назад
sunwell was the only raid, besides vashj/kael that wasnt to easy. for sure, phase 3 lost a lot of its glory cause it was a joke in this state. i hate the prepatch nerf to all content
@Enlae 2 года назад
Really good review and i agree 16 months of TBC feels to short
@Liberty73_NA 2 года назад
I'd like to see a single dedicated TBC server. Very disappointed they didn't create one.
@od1568 2 года назад
Here waiting for Asmon react.
@SuperSumalu 2 года назад
I love these retrospectives! Keep up the great work Will!
@mrak9794 2 года назад
I had so, so much fun in phase 1 of BC, more fun than I ever had in classic. But by the time phase 2 came out, my smaller server was dying, and the tier 5 content was honestly a huge slog and not fun at all for me (a tank). So I ended up quitting, and I really wish I had enough motivation to stick around for the other phases.
@jaywarriuk 2 года назад
thanks for the review willie! I became a father just before tbc launch and decided it was probably a good time to give wow a break. love to watch ur videos from time to time to see what i've been missing!
@samuellang9761 Год назад
TBC was so much fun playing PVP the insane amounts of resil in wrath just kills the game completely for me. Will always remember my time in AB as a fire mage in classic and TBC I absolutely fucking destroyed kids. Going 45 kbs 100 kills and 0 deaths in AB is by far the best gaming experience I have ever had.
@baneleaf7025 2 года назад
Ok, that was epic, Bellular quality, sponsor transition right there.
@Crazybull20 2 года назад
so much to do in classic wow, yeah gather world buffs kekw. TBC was a rly good expansion and still is, if u want to do stuff in game u can. its about how u approach it. Classic tbc was rly good, however i think we shouldve had more time with tier 6. If i had to choose tbc or vanilla again it would be tbc all the way. fuck the world buff meta and the stupid 2 hour cc's in pvp etc.
@loftus4453 2 года назад
I was in a dad guild called Salt on a PVE server. We were a chill group of skilled players with low competitive motivation and it was a great ride honestly. I agree with most of your analysis here. If you were lucky enough to be in a stable guild and were able to progress through all the content as it came out, it was a really fun time. Thanks to all my Salt friends! Loved the video Wille!
@aroundthefur1210 Год назад
Coming from someone who tanked back then, the changes from TBC to LK were pretty horrible and ruined so many things for me. Instant threat on a group after 1 swipe/thunderclap/consencrate is not fun and ruins the gameplay loop you had. You now just stand there and don't really have to work hard at anything. Any satisfaction for being a decent tank and learning how to manage threat and hold aggro on groups was instantly gone and you just felt like a really low DPS who took the hits. Also, my druid was basically dumbed down into a prot warrior with much fewer buttons. We no longer could stand apart by going for a high armor/evasion OR high HP build. Going back now and playing something different from a tank, I can see why people like the changes in LK, but I feel that it was an overall bad direction for the game.
@REgamesplayer Год назад
The problem with attunements is that you can't just give players raids. What would happen is that they would rush straight to raiding through boosting. Then would raid non-stop. Exhaust the end game content and get bored quickly. Blizzard then would have to non-stop create end game content with ever inflating statistics which would cause ever downward spiral. Attunements and anti-cheese mechanics are healthy for the game. The fact that players did not liked only shows that they were working. It prevented players getting bored with a game and having to play more before maxing out their characters. Back in The Burning Crusade, maxing out a character was a challenge. Attunements was a major part of why. It prevented players from ruining their own gameplay.
@noduj 2 года назад
They made too many mistakes, starting in prepatch to tbc, not managing their servers and faction balance, waiting 60min for a bg, so i just quitted like many others in week 2, the fixes came too late.
@aaslandyo9584 2 года назад
I'm not here to promote private servers or anything, but I think I now what you're after while playing classic. You should really try out Turtle WoW if wotlk gets a bit meh in the middle of it like tbc did. But anyways, great content as always! Keep it up WillE :)
@Sat4nix 2 года назад
33 Wipes on Muru without nerf Dats whats WoW about ! TBC WAS GREAT !!
@wylerhunt9067 Год назад
Tbc was my favorite expansion, I quit playing in wrath, my main was shadow priest tho, so not a 1 button raider... I was really hoping for a tbc server, I want to experience prenerf KT and Vashj again😢
@maesterjono 2 года назад
Awesome video mate. I stopped at the beginning of Phase 5 as I became a Dad! Was awesome to live the rest of the journey through your recap.
@joncarter3761 2 года назад
16 months for the entire of TBC makes me worried how fast they're gonna rush through Wrath. Wouldn't complain about Ruby Sanctum or Naxx being shorter patches but the rest really needs to be longer, this is their golden goose expansion and (alongside vanilla) the most popular expansion when it comes to private servers. It could well be they rushed things because of declining players and are hoping Wrath will pull back some elapsed players (I know I'm tempted) but I think there's also problems with the company that are also putting people off. The TBC 'deluxe' edition and level boost options really left a sour taste in my mouth and I have a feeling we're getting the WoW token in classic Wrath to 'deal' with the botting problems in the most profitable and lowest effort way possible.
@Anubiszz512zz Год назад
There really should have at least been a comment about botting, boosting, and the official digital deluxe pack. These were all very negative things in my experience that dramatically effected TBC.
@feedfuck 2 года назад
love the vids thumbed up from me
@Mr91Jmay 2 года назад
BC classic was trash. Didn't even have the charm of early phase vanilla. Wotlk will be good though, the modern mentality started there so it won't be such a departure of how actual wotlk was played
@bigdaddykyle451 Год назад
Beautiful video. Just wanted to leave a comment to show my support and appreciation. Long time sub. Thanks WillE!
@coza10 2 года назад
In my experience vanilla classic was a mountain better of a game than tbc. TBC was hugely disappointing based on my expectations
@rafaelmartinez7369 2 года назад
excellent video, you nailed every good and bad aspect of tbc, i still feel like tbc was a bit rushed and i hope i can play it again in a few years.
@juanalvarado7794 2 года назад
Started playing GW2 and stopped paying for wow 6 years ago. Wallet is happy and it doesn’t feel like your in an abuse relationship ❤️
@fok8810 2 года назад
"your class gets utility added to become a valuable and wanted part of your raid group" rogues: " ... " "there weren't any meme specs" assassination rogues: " ... "
@kevinbaker4836 2 года назад
You had your time in classic
@unhappycat3935 2 года назад
I know its an unpopular opinion but im rly gonna miss tbc
@Congutal 2 года назад
Surely they will do Season of Mastery TBC?
@kent-ingestensen5371 2 года назад
Tbc was the peak of classic raiding, imo ofc. Wrath and vanilla raids is easy. Ssc/Tk & Sunwell pre nerf actually challenged my guild. Was so fun to raid. Gonna miss seal twisting aswell 😢
@420OngBak 2 года назад
It's not an unpopular opinion. Obese mouth breathing Vanilla Andy's are just extremely loud creatures
@Beranin 2 года назад
0:32 maybe small editing mistake? Tier 1, 2 then back to 1? Great video Will-E, super thought out and really nails the TBC feeling on the head.
@NickPlays95 5 месяцев назад
Really just want to see them bring back tbc classic in the form of Era. I would play forever
@thrawn1598 Год назад
pvp was great and not a mess it was fun. RNG is great. man do u not like a challenge and fill accompished u just a casual gamer?
@mcfarvo 2 года назад
I didn't play the Classic re-releases, but when it comes to what I played the most back in 2005-2009, it would be vanilla and WotLK more than tBC. They should the best features of all three of those iterations of WoW to make a Classic+ with seasonal and hardcore/permadeath servers.
@Taylor-bw4zg 2 года назад
When it comes to levelling i go from like 3-5 levels a day to one level every couple days, that place is jsut miserable to quest in lol
@mildlydazed9608 2 года назад
Oh this is excellent. Appears youtube unsubbed me since I could have swore I was subbed already.
@TheKingCoaster 2 года назад
Really really great video thank you for this ! I hope we’ll have something incredible with Dragonflight (it’s really promising) and made me come back so I catch up before it launches, I still have to buy it but at the moment discovering the Chromie time line feature is AMAZING ! I’ve been replaying Legion and having a blast with my boyfriend :) Love your video ❤ thanks for making this ! The editing is INCREDIBLE 👌🏻
@TieflingUnshackled 2 года назад
Legit my guild tanks refused doing early heroics while in full Naxx bis. They were like the laziest and whiniest tanks. I had to pug everything to get my badges for the icon.
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