
22 Dangerous Animals you Should Never Touch 

Ultimate Fact
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Our planet has a lot of dangerous yet interesting-looking animals that we most certainly shouldn't touch even though it’s very tempting sometimes. Just because something is cute and adorable or just out of the ordinary doesn’t mean it's safe. Some may not appreciate you invading their personal space. From funny-looking sea creatures to scary-looking bugs, here are the dangerous animals you should never touch.
1. Sea Urchin
Sea Urchins can easily be mistaken for underwater rocks. They’re seen most commonly in Hawaiian waters. Surfers, snorkelers, or divers often run into these black thorny sea creatures. The urchin’s outer shell with these sharp customized weapons should be a clear indication that people should stay as far away from them as possible. These kinds of accidents can easily be avoided by just not touching the dangerous creature. Drivers should follow proper diving protocols and know their limits before jumping into the water. Urchins move very slowly along the algae on the reef, so it’s pretty easy to spot and stay away from them. In some parts of the world, a certain kind of sea urchin is considered a delicacy.
2. Pufferfish
Pufferfish is another ocean resident that you might want to steer clear of. It’s another animal that looks harmless but isn’t. Pufferfish are commonly known as blowfish. Belonging to the Tetraodontidae family, they are carnivorous and can grow up to three feet. Pufferfish can be of many kinds such as Congo, Dwarf, Golden, Red-Eyed, Fahaka, and so on. One thing that all these fish have in common is that they all have many spikes on their skin that are extremely dangerous and you should never touch these animals especially when are puffed up. The interesting fact is, even with the high threats that these fish posses to humans, people still like to have them in their home aquarium. Specifically in China, Korea, and Japan, this deadliest animal is considered a delicious treat.
3. Slow Loris
The Loris are the cutest animals ever and they can lure anyone into touching them. But a bite of this cute animal can actually end you. They are the only primates that have venoms and needless to say you should never touch them no matter how they tempt you. Self-control is the best control and trust me, you do not want to be the victim of the venom. The slow Loris collects it by locking its inner elbow, the brachial organ. In order for the toxin to be released from the arm gland, saliva is required. Apart from this very limited information, not much else is known about the chemical nature of the toxin. What we do know is that a bite from the Slow Loris is no joke.
4. Giant Titan beetle
The Giant Titan Beetle is one of the deadliest animals that you should never touch. It’s the largest beetle in the world and its size and looks alone should be enough reason not to mess with it. The strong jaws and legs of the wild insect are a deadly combination. The good news is. The Titans usually warn people by making a hissing sound before using their huge jaws to bite attackers and don’t attack unless provoked. So if you don’t want to lose a chunk of your flesh, don’t mess with them.
5. Giant water bug
These water bugs are the most dangerous bugs you can ever come across and no matter what you do, do not touch them. These insects can be found in certain parts of India and most of their species are quite large, the smallest being 0.75 inches. These bugs usually come out after a rain in great numbers. If anyone touches them or tries to smash them with bare hands, the result can be this highly disturbing skin condition. The amazing yet disturbing fact is, these dangerous bugs are a popular food item in many Southeast Asian countries much like the sea urchins. Some however believe the picture of the infected is not authentic and is a product of great photoshop work.
This picture has been circulating the internet for months and has caused a great debate on its authenticity. Do you believe it’s real or just a huge prank? Share your views in the comments below.
6. Blue-ring octopus
Looks can be deceiving and what better way to prove that than the Blue-ringed octopus? This particular breed of octopus is one of the prettiest and most dangerous animals in the ocean. They have these beautiful vibrant blue rings on them that invite people to take a closer look. But the moment humans come in contact with a blue ring octopus, their lives get in grave danger. These octopuses carry highly toxic venoms in their saliva. When they bite into their prey using the beak, the saliva instantly paralyzes it. These deadly animals don’t produce the toxin themselves. So if you come across a brightly colored octopus on your dive, you should never touch it and stay as far away from it as possible.
Have you ever seen or touched any of these? Which one do you think is the most dangerous? Let us know the comments below.
#ultimatefact #facts #dangerousanimals



25 июн 2024




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@Duolingo-323 Год назад
1st also i❤️u
@sandyyoung9073 Год назад
I wouldn’t touch none of those things.
@UltimateFact Год назад
@terradrummond2069 Год назад
😂yes I love it
@erainmartinez8175 11 месяцев назад
Don't touch it 3:00
@SFBenjaminK 8 месяцев назад
is he cute?
@tanyairwin3695 Год назад
If you don't know anything about certain animals, don't touch them.
@lennydetloff1031 Год назад
Exactly, curiosity killed the cat 🙀
@josephsummer777 8 месяцев назад
Divers do not confuse fire coral with seaweed. Not ever. Puffer toxin is not in spikes. Scorpions are arachnids, not crustaceans. Two of the pics of the flamboyant cuttlefish weren’t flamboyants. One was a Pygmy cuttle. The other I couldnt see enough of to ID but could tell it wasn’t a flamboyant.
@MacTechG4 8 месяцев назад
Pufferfish don’t carry venom in their spines just their flesh, the spines do not inject venom, you’re thinking the stonefish and the lionfish
@kingscorpion712 9 месяцев назад
Scorpions are not crustaceans, they are arachnids, also only male platypus have spurs...that's just 2 of the mistakes in this video...this guy needs to study more, before putting out misinformation
@kendal4452 Год назад
No problem, I'm never trying to touch a bug.
@Abdullahahmed335 Год назад
aww why not
@kendal4452 Год назад
@@Abdullahahmed335 They just look scary to me.
@Allious131 7 месяцев назад
@@Abdullahahmed335 Because my shoe said so
@1legend517 8 месяцев назад
Scorpions are NOT Crustaceans. They are arachnids like Spiders, Ticks and Mites.
@raduahtemenciuc5085 2 месяца назад
@1legend517 2 месяца назад
@@raduahtemenciuc5085 It's ok. Stay uneducated.
@1legend517 2 месяца назад
@@raduahtemenciuc5085 It's ok, stay uneducated.
@1legend517 2 месяца назад
​@@raduahtemenciuc5085 🤡
@1legend517 2 месяца назад
@@raduahtemenciuc5085 🤡
@Number_of_beyond 2 месяца назад
1.What is lenovia oblika: First described by Arocha-Pinango and Layrisse in Venezuela in 1967, the hemorrhagic diathesis caused in humans by touching the Lonomia species begins with inflammatory changes at the site of envenoming, followed by systemic symptoms such as headache, fever, vomiting, and malaise. 2.What is emerald cockroach wasp: Emerald cockroach wasps can be a very effective part of the defense army. They don't land long enough to sustain much damage from creatures and can quickly kill you 3.What is sea urchin: Sea urchins are covered with long, sharp, sometimes venom-coated spines. Touching or stepping on these spines typically causes a painful puncture wound. The spines commonly break off in the skin and cause chronic pain and inflammation if not removed. Joint and muscle pain and rashes may develop. 4.what is harvest ant (short) It make you extremely painful 5.what is cone snail: A cone snail sting can cause mild to moderate pain, and the area may develop other signs of an acute inflammatory reaction such as redness and swelling. 6.what is fire coral: These corals have strong stinging cells and are either blade-like (shown) or encrusting (flat), and are mustard-yellow to dark orange, often with white edges. Prevention: Do not touch any corals. Symptoms: Painful burning sensation, rash, redness, tingling, itching, welts and allergic reactions. 6.what is pufferfish: The pufferfish's skin is covered in spines and spikes, which are exceedingly hazardous. Carry a toxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is deadly to other fish and humans. You should avoid touching a pufferfish, especially if it is "puffed out." Your hands could be damaged and you could die. 7.what is crown of thorn starfish: It is very painful and can cause nausea, swelling, and infection, so it must be approached with caution. It feeds on coral, which turns white and dies when eaten. Conch shellfish are unaffected by the poison and often eat these starfish." Source: Crown-of-Thorns Starfish . 8.what is Indian red scorpion: Left untreated, an Indian red scorpion sting can lead to pulmonary edema, causing death in less than 72 hours. Children are especially susceptible to these stings, many times getting stung while running around outside barefoot. 9.what is jellyfish: Jellyfish sting their prey with their tentacles, releasing a venom that paralyzes their targets. Jellyfish don't go after humans, but someone who swims up against or touches one - or even steps on a dead one - can be stung all the same. While jellyfish stings are painful, most are not emergencies. 0 10.what is slow lorus: These small animals hide a secret: they are the only existing poisonous primates. Slow lorus' venom can cause the death in small mammals and anaphylactic shock and death in people. 11.what is giant Titan beetle: When the bite happens, the beetle releases a chemical substance that can cause the skin to blister. The blister usually heals within a few days and causes no permanent extreme damage. 12.what is Selenadon: All laughing at the expense of the solenodon aside, please no touchy this animal if you happen to find one. Not just because solenodon is endangered, but because it has a venomous bite, an extreme rarity for a mammal. 13.what is platypus: The platypus is one of the few living mammals to produce venom. The venom is made in venom glands that are connected to hollow spurs on their hind legs; it is primarily made during the mating season. While the venom's effects are described as extremely painful, it is not lethal to humans. 14.what is blue dragon: A blue dragon sea slug is a sight to behold. Just don't try to actually hold it. 'Blue dragons' are sea creatures that have been turning up on popular beaches, and you DON'T want to touch them and Tunnell said if you step or touch a blue dragon, you should seek help from a lifeguard or get medical attention. "The venom is so powerful. There could be a chance of nausea, vomiting and things like that," Tunnell said. 15.what is flamboyant cuttlefish: Flamboyant Cuttlefish are technically referred to as being poisonous because they don't inject their toxins via a bite or sting. Instead, you would have to eat a Flamboyant Cuttlefish to experience any negative effects. 16.what is Brazilian wandering spider: Along with other members of the genus, they are often referred to as Brazilian wandering spiders. Its bite can cause severe symptoms, including increased pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate; extraordinary pain; penile erection that lasts for several hours; and, in several documented cases, death. 17.what is water bug: water bugs can deliver a painful (though nontoxic) bite between the toes of unsuspecting human feet. This explains one of their common names: toe-biter. Giant water bugs can feign death-becoming rigid for several minutes-if removed from the water, only to snap back to life. 18.what is blue ringed octopus: Symbiotic bacteria in blue-ringed octopus salivary glands produce tetrodotoxin (TTX). This substance is potently neurotoxic, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. This stops muscles from being able to contract and has potentially deadly consequences. Hope you e n j o y Also DON'T EAT BANANA when Brazilian wanderings spider Use to a web in it
@DogeKingUltimate Год назад
The thumb nail gives me the heby jebys
@eifanelson4746 11 месяцев назад
It wouldn't be easy to not touch a platypus They really are so adorable
@melodyszadkowski5256 8 месяцев назад
If it's a female you're ok. It's the males that make you wish you could die. But I think picking one up to check its gender is a 50-50 shot at pain.
@daisypekin6787 3 месяца назад
scorpions aren't poisonous, they're venomous.
@SangaySherpa-mg1dm 2 месяца назад
Poisonous and venomonous is similar
@murlocmaster6192 Месяц назад
​@SangaySherpa-mg1dm not the same tho, and poison is deadlier
@joeylawn36111 11 месяцев назад
The TTX mentioned in the blue-ringed octopus is Tetrodotoxin, the same toxin found in the pufferfish mentioned earlier.
@indridcold8433 8 месяцев назад
Tetradotoxin creates zombies. An attack is mounting unlike any other upon the world. Very ugly things are afoot. This is an extinction level event that will hit us.
@rohanmadhu1603 Месяц назад
I was bitten by a indian red scorpion,,but i'm still alive😅
@BenBlackEquinoxEngelhard 9 месяцев назад
Bright colors are NOT a lure. They are a warning.
@smokejaguar67 8 месяцев назад
The beetle species in that thumbnail flew down the back of my shirt once when I lived in Guyana. I have never danced like that before and I have never danced like that since... I also learned how to sing opera
@chelseaopara8390 Год назад
No I will never eat a blow fish
@elia-kayciakay6365 Год назад
the stinck bug looking one is giving me the heby jebys
@elia-kayciakay6365 Год назад
and im not going to touch it ever right guy,s
@cliftongaither6642 9 месяцев назад
@bruce8961 8 месяцев назад
I ate hundreds of blow fish. Years back, you could catch 50 in 30 minutes. I would Clean them, my mom cooked them. I was 12 years old when I started catching those tasty critters. Last one I caught, I was about 30yrs old
@rjmprod 8 месяцев назад
I will never blow an Eat Fish…!
@user-sz5oj4ml5n 5 месяцев назад
A Hairy Rat Of Death Metal That Is Funny
@GhastlyGhostrider 11 месяцев назад
See, this is why I love the winter! No freakin giant toxic bugs comin at you in a snowstorm :D
@BenBlackEquinoxEngelhard 9 месяцев назад
They all just live under your house where it's warm.
@NONYABUSINESSBOZO 8 месяцев назад
Its kinda cool how you left snakes out of this video. I say that because the world of them is a huge debate on which is deadlier or more venomous or more dangerous.
@The-Fishkeeper 10 месяцев назад
Your information on Pufferfish is very off in several ways, but the biggest inaccuracy is that their spines are venomous, which they are not. Puffers are very highly poisonous but are not venomous and handling them poses little risk to the human.
@KawaiiHippityHop-cl5bb 5 месяцев назад
The turtle in the very beginning of the video is so cute!
@harubernardo4313 Год назад
22:03 poor sergeant major😢😢😢😢
@johnvane5240 4 месяца назад
You seem to have missed box jelly fish. As ready as the irakandli jellyfish is it’s not really a big concern in Australia because of its relatively limited habitat. The box jellyfish on the other hand is so dangerous and so widespread that it stops people from swimming in the ocean during the hottest part of the year (box jellyfish season) in the north of Australia. I know someone who was stung by a box jellyfish as a child and he can still feel the pain 30 years later.
@MakeADifference02 Год назад
I think the water bug is the most dangerous if that picture is real
@NatRogers 4 месяца назад
The platypus sting is apperantly the most painful in the world haven’t seen any one game enough to try it yet
@AireannaDano-nv2rp 3 месяца назад
Fun fact about blue ringed octopus’s.when the blue rings start to appear and glow it means stay away from it because it will bite you if you try to pick it up
@harikrishna09 7 месяцев назад
8:41 definitely not having pufferfish for dinner
@charleshines2142 Год назад
If you think ants are harmless, don't get _too carried away_ in that sort of thinking hehehe!!
@raymondtorres-gy8uj Год назад
The box jellyfish is the most deadly, I'am not Even going to try to write the name of that lil box jellyfish.....That conjy Lil guy they and the cone snail they are real deadly....
@RootlessNZ 8 месяцев назад
Sea urchins, called kina in New Zealand are delicious when eaten raw. And scorpions are not insects or crustaceans - they are arachnids.
@politicalfoolishness7491 8 месяцев назад
Klaus Schwab should be the taste tester and safety tester.
@Paula-sw2tt 8 месяцев назад
I really wish you guys would quit calling venomous animals poisonous. There is a difference!
@johnslugger 7 месяцев назад
@ahmadprice-up7rj Год назад
@valcaron 8 месяцев назад
Pufferfish are adorable!
@seltik825 8 месяцев назад
Scorpions are not crustaceans. They're related to spiders, this is common knowledge.
@user-pz9zm9so6v 8 месяцев назад
Agreed where did this guy get his research from? Scorpions belong to the arachnid family like spiders.
@armandiic791 8 месяцев назад
Yea this is unacceptable 😠
@user-pz9zm9so6v 8 месяцев назад
@armandiic791 agreed but too bad the film was already made.
@sleepyhyrule6894 8 месяцев назад
Anything with an exoskeleton is basically a bug. Categories are a construct anyways.
@riftwytch 7 месяцев назад
​@@user-pz9zm9so6vAfter calling it a crustacean, he called it an insect. Weird.
@ireneesch8555 3 месяца назад
Anybody who wants to touch any kind of bug is beyond weird.
@aidomonelar9431 15 дней назад
thank you 🙏
@RobinTillman-xp6rg 16 дней назад
Awesome 👌 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@thundergaming5785 Год назад
I love how almost half of these are sea creatures
@raven4k998 8 месяцев назад
roach killing wasps man who would have thought
@MistySartin 8 месяцев назад
Those cockroach looking ones with pincers are here in Texas too. 1 crawled on my shoe and was going to pinch me but I kicked it off. Nasty looking bugs!
@guadalupelucio9429 3 месяца назад
Oh my nope just scary. But good to know. I have to share this.
@pauld5265 Год назад
The Wandering Spider is also called the Brazilian death boner spider.
@Paula-sw2tt 8 месяцев назад
Clint from Clint's Reptiles on RU-vid talks to a man bitten by one. Interesting story.
@__ItsImmortal__ Год назад
@user-vv6no5nf1m 2 месяца назад
I will not touch anything in this video
@anthonycassillo5142 15 дней назад
Applying a fresh thick slice of onion to bee stings draws the venom out
@jonneiss7562 Год назад
also, you know, my mother-in-law. She is an undead thing. Stalks the earth, especially at night. Has claws, fangs, a will to nag, it is all pure evil.
@user-vc4yp9um7o 2 месяца назад
Lol sounds like my sister pure hate and venom lol ❤
@elia-kayciakay6365 Год назад
im scard of bug,s
@JunikaKanyemba 4 дня назад
They ate disgusting
@peacefulpatriots 7 месяцев назад
You should change your channels name to Ultimate Guess.
@Silverado1st 5 месяцев назад
I had a friend that got stung by a jelly fish at a Panama beach and got god awful muscle cramps, luckily we got her safely to land and she was fine after a while. We were stationed there for a few weeks and were doing an obstacle course type physical training, the last part of which was climbing the side of a cliff, afterwards we had an end of deployment beach party.
@Silverado1st 5 месяцев назад
I lost a nice pair of raybans in the Panamanian ocean.... worst deployment ever! lol
@scottanderson7239 11 месяцев назад
I don't even touch the Florida alligator snapper or the traditional North America snapper if I don't know what the animal is and what it's capable of doing I don't touch it it's mainly common sense.
@QuincyVReps Год назад
@Stoogewriter 7 месяцев назад
That's exactly why I don't go around looking for these creatures!
@ziriebruney8357 Год назад
I saw a blackand white sea urhine before
@Vvoornth 7 месяцев назад
Scorpions are arachnids not crustaceans
@relebogileseboko2367 5 месяцев назад
When did you get that picture
@johnmarkey4862 5 месяцев назад
Very interesting
@hossainsyed507 Год назад
I aint neva gonna touch bugs ever again
@ryanstatt9910 11 месяцев назад
Was that a problem before the video? Wanna talk about anything?
@johnalden6584 8 месяцев назад
Sea Urchins are a delicious treat in Japanese restaurants ! These are called Ooni ! Itadakimasu !
@ChuckJansenII 11 месяцев назад
I classify all of these critters as Natures Most Toxic A-holes.
@indyj16 8 месяцев назад
just don’t touch anything in the ocean, ocean critters don’t play around
@banjo6685 7 месяцев назад
Scorpions: Apparently, as a rule of thumb, the larger the pincers the less toxic the venom, I wouldn't like to test it.
@jameswillett2403 5 месяцев назад
Glad I live in Canada. Worst we get are ornery moose!!!
@vectronics403 Год назад
Cool its nice
@janekstrom6915 Год назад
Jag trodde verkligen att bläckfisken va den giftigaste ...😊
@wenjiewang9021 3 месяца назад
I wouldn't want to find out about the water bugs!
@lsarlls3049 4 месяца назад
I lived in Ponce, Puerto Rico as a child (1960's). There was an abundance of black urchins in the Caribbean at that time. The sting was intense, but only lasted about 15 to 20 minutes. They left black "tattoos" that were gone the next morning. My parents always told me to wear shoes in the water, but, being a child, I couldn't resist getting my bare feet in the water and wiggling my toes, etc. I'd wind up stung every time - the urchins had a habit of hiding around the rocks and in the crevices of the rocks. I've heard that the urchins have died off from the whole South side of the island, and pollution is suspected. I say "Good riddance!".
@jenniferlanedu2554 20 дней назад
7:34 puffer fish are poisoning
@SannPisetha 9 месяцев назад
I do scare Cerambycini the most.
@garylee5384 7 месяцев назад
Agreed scorpions are in the family arachnids
@seanstevenson7592 4 месяца назад
Thank you for the nice video. No numbered countdown, no preaching about evolution. Just nicely done. Ty
@michaelanggol1749 3 месяца назад
im not gonna talk about that girl that looks ilke a unknown monster
@Abdullahahmed335 Год назад
one time my brother got a bee on one of his eyes and it was soooooooooo funny
@handledav 11 месяцев назад
@jakobpicard6341 Год назад
@randallpetroelje3913 8 месяцев назад
Why are they touching them?😂Darwin award winning
@jeremysiron9622 7 месяцев назад
Sea urchins aren’t that bad if you just handle them properly, if you accidentally step on one, that’s a different story
@CalicoVaSouthside 2 месяца назад
I don’t know why anyone would wanna touch anything in this video . Especially raw with no gloves and protection
@arielmalsireal5453 2 месяца назад
The Thumbnail 😂😂😂 Also The Viewers: 💀💀💀☠️☠️☠️
@Mister-Mayhem37 Год назад
I've had several blowfish 🐡 to eat! Really really good you guy's!!
@deepdubey4511 Год назад
i would never these animals never ever
@DISCODJ74 Год назад
Pronunciations! Edema - A-deema. Brachial - Bray-chial.
@Grayson-Martiii Год назад
Hell no
@GlenGerbitz Год назад
How many of these people shown touching these toxic animals are dead or permanently disabled? Every time I see a person handling one of these creatures I think of Steve Irwin.
@ryanstatt9910 11 месяцев назад
Hopefully all of them. Side note: Steve Irwin never wore sunscreen. How do we know? It protects against rays
@bruce8961 8 месяцев назад
When I was 12yrs old, I catch and Clean about 50 blow Fish every weekend, my mom cooked them. They're a great tasting dish
@BreadGang215 3 месяца назад
The fact that y’all are on here telling him what’s wrong and right is hilarious 😅
@scobra5941 2 месяца назад
Question everything.
@jamzray243 Год назад
I think the Brazilian wandering spider would have to be the worst one there… I am wondering which one is worse, Brazilian wandering spider, or Sydney funnel web?
@ryanstatt9910 11 месяцев назад
The funnel web
@michaelmcclung1829 8 месяцев назад
Actually a sand spider is the most deadly
@phillipdequal3436 Год назад
Me too
@jaycellinnemaecusipineda9860 Месяц назад
I don't like to touch sea creatures again!
@careyadviento5060 8 месяцев назад
I live country Town ,and seen the toe biter ,it can kill a water snake.
@RichTwalaHappyDayz 2 месяца назад
Wondering Spider & Box Jellyfish are the most dangerous in ur presented list
@Reggie-kv2ql Месяц назад
21:27 boy that looks enticing....
@melodyszadkowski5256 8 месяцев назад
Every verified death due to pufferfish has been from eating them when processed improperly. I've never heard of anyone dying from just touching the outside of a puffed-up specimen. And taking an over-the-counter painkiller after contacting an irukanji is a waste of time. There have been cases where repeated doses of intravenous pain meds did not phase the pain. Better to use that time to get to an ER.
@KathyCunningham-ql6oe Год назад
Some comes nails can shoot spikes
@agabrielhegartygaby9203 7 месяцев назад
I would eat puffer fish in a place where chefs who prepare them for customers HAVE TO be certified by the government. The number of deaths associated with puffer fish consumption is relatively rare: restaurants who sell the fish do not wish to kill off their customers..... the poisons we know about are not the poisons that get us.....G
@keithfaulk1354 7 месяцев назад
No problem here!! 😂
@jamiewright6111 Год назад
wow huo bo they bohat
@user-dg1hu8uu1o 9 месяцев назад
I think that all bugs are cool 😎, but I know not to touch them
@logancardenas8711 9 месяцев назад
Speaking of insects I’m actually taking care of 2 grasshoppers right now but those are harmless and you could touch them even if it does feel wired cause their not going to hurt you in case you don’t know what that is🦗🦗
@ando1135 7 месяцев назад
who doesnt know what a grasshopper is?
@Narcissus03. 9 месяцев назад
Why will anyone try to touch an insect talk more of an animal you’re seeing for the first time
@83goobmoonlight 3 месяца назад
By the fact that cone snails looks like a tank
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