
3.24 Understanding Personal Hangars - Types, Sizes & Details | Cargo Career Will Never Be The Same 

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In this video we will try to understand the different type and size of personal hangars that will come in the 3.24. Check out what game package will come with what hanger type, and revisit Inside Star Citizen to get another glimpse of what is to come. The cargo career will never be the same and I am not really excited for that to be honest. But Enjoy!
00:00 Introduction
00:40 Roadmap update June 26, 2024
02:27 Types of hangars
03:42 Hangar type that comes with your pledged ships
07:05 Hangar sizes
08:22 ISC - Hangar details
12:13 ISC - Hangar sizes information: S, M, L, XL
12:53 ISC - Cargo career will never be the same




2 июл 2024




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@Gofr5 6 дней назад
Unless it has changed without me being aware of it, all hangars come in all sizes. The only differences between them are just the visual styles and cues each hangar type features. Selfland is basic and barebones, Aeroview a nicer everyday business class styling. Revel and York ultra fine and fancy. VFG very industrial feeling (somewhat similar to Selfland, but perhaps not as barebones??).
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
Yes indeed, as I read all the comments here I understand much better now, so here are what I understand: 1. The 4 types of hangars are 4 types of looks for your hangar, self-land is the most basic, the York hangar are most luxurious looking, and the Industrial Hangar are industrial look and they are determined by your home locations 2. Each type of hangars will have all 4 different sizes: S, M, L, XL 3. The size of your personal hangar is determined by your largest pledged ships: for example, your C2, A2, M2, as well as the Cat, and Ironclad will have L hangar. Your pledged reclaimer, 890j, or Polaris will give you the XL hangar.
@Gofr5 5 дней назад
@cpt_foxyloxy Yeah that's it, you got it.
@gigarott 6 дней назад
Hey, those hangars in the pledge store where from when we had hangar modules back then, they don't have anything to do with these new hangars at this time, just don't want you to worry about that.. hangar size will be based on the largest ship in your inventory when you first log into 3.24
@gravity00x 6 дней назад
not true at all. it will be based on the largest ship you have purchased. they will wipe ur ships.
@gigarott 6 дней назад
@@gravity00x that's what I mean
@Cowcow211 5 дней назад
@@gravity00x Inventory on the CGI website is your purchased ships, you're just saying the the same thing differently.
@crispy9175 5 дней назад
​@@gravity00xi mean, virtually everything he said was correct.
@sparkycalledmarky 6 дней назад
The old hangar styles have nothing to do with size. Back in the day you could spawn a Connie in a selfland. The only hangar that could fit the larger ships (in the hangar module when it existed) was the R&Y. It was specifically expanded to do so. Hangar styles were initially intended to dictate your options of where to start out more than anything. Only selfland and you could only opt for LZs with selfland hangars, then Aeroview more options if you have it, the R&Y, and VFG for more options. Some LZs having multiple hangar styles available. No idea if this is still intended.
@TemplarGuardian 6 дней назад
The Carrack will hate this patch
@ghost134 5 дней назад
Wonder how many more years it will be until we can open Carrack cargo holds.....
@vik12D 5 дней назад
​@ghost134 or use it's exploration map or fabricator that makes...no idea and isn't it supposed to have drones too?
@TemplarGuardian 5 дней назад
@@vik12D yeah, atleast it has the room for it and operator seats
@vik12D 5 дней назад
@TemplarGuardian I'm guessing the fabrication room is to repair components. Probably like the Ironclad Assault repair bay. When the Carracks modules come out and all the other stuff is fleshed out, it'll kinda be a big deal.
@TemplarGuardian 5 дней назад
@@vik12D yeah, I’m not quite sure if the drones are for exploration or repair, I haven’t looked into it. But that repair printer does seem cool
@ericsutton1400 5 дней назад
Before they make us use the inventory kiosk for everything, they had better fix the storage boxes so that we can use them, unless everybody wants to carry every piece of armor individually to your ship.
@Meta-Space-TV 5 дней назад
Chris Roberts has already said that for the personal hangar, only ONE hangar per account because the hangar is linked to the reputation of your character and can be moved from the system if you become a pirate.
@ericsutton1400 5 дней назад
Also, according to SalteMike, if you do the automatic loading on a C2, it will take five hours or more.
@Tentacl 5 дней назад
More specifically 5h if you choose 32 scu container, little more than 1h if it's 1 SCU containers (both for the full cargo capacity)- so the time calculation looks borked atm.
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
That's insane
@ericsutton1400 5 дней назад
@@cpt_foxyloxy that’s what he was saying in one of his videos earlier today. He really didn’t want to weigh in on whether that was too long or not. He just said make of that what you will. That does seem a little excessive to me. If you’re wanting to make a cargo run, start the loading time and get some rest. You’ll be making that trip tomorrow.
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
yeah, there has to be some kind of balance about the auto loading time, such as if you pay more, it can get loaded faster, or a lot more profit for your cargo runs, if not, this is cargo career is dead from the beginning.
@Tentacl 5 дней назад
@@cpt_foxyloxy Yeah. Rebuiding your C2 from thin air after it was destroyed in deep space? 6 minutes. Load it? 5 hours XD
@eltreum1 5 дней назад
I miss my Revel & York hangar module; it was the largest. For those who have never seen it imagine Origin making a showroom hangar for the 890j. Glass elevator, wrap around balcony with sitting areas, and a huge office with a view over it all with a big fishtank and display cases and space for your deco.
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
that is a dream!
@GUNNER67akaKelt 4 дня назад
@@cpt_foxyloxy I'm sure you can find videos showing the R&Y hangars. They were snazzy, lol.
@lightning_dynamics 6 дней назад
the hangar types will be set to locations,in LZ like in New B. are aeroview hangarsright now, in arccorp, hurston are selfland and in grimhex VFG. That was mentioned in a VERY old around the verse and I always wonder why they change it in the hangar FAQ. But be uttly stupid if you had a fucked up VFG or selfland in New B. or Orison andR&Y in GrimHex 😀 thx for your work foxy, love you SC science.
@cpt_foxyloxy 6 дней назад
Thank you for the added info, now I understand what they mean.
@realWorsin 5 дней назад
If you think about it, they HAVE to automatically give you the hanger needed because people can buy ships in game. If I buy an M2 in game it has to automatically give me a hanger that an M2 would use.
@Bronwyn031 5 дней назад
They've already said that won't be the case. You'd have to go run over to the regular ole peasant ASOP terminal in the spaceport hangar area to call up your in game purchased M2. Your persistent high-born hangar's size is determined by the largest PLEDGE ship on your account. Which will be the normalcy for everyone considering your fancy smancy high-born hangar is located ONLY at your home landing zone. If you're out and about you will get a regular ole peasant hangar from thr ASOP terminal but it will have a freight elevator. You're welcome!
@specialcircs 5 дней назад
Yes, you'll get the hangar size that fits the biggest ship in your fleet, regardless of whether it was an original concept or CCU'd (upgraded)
@alphonse11 6 дней назад
I have a 400i "pre-order" standalone ship, it also comes with revel & york hangar.
@DerpMcDerp101 6 дней назад
I always thought revel and york came with luxury ships for some reason. The industrial hangar used to be in the game it was pretty big. What im hoping is that when base building is in you can craft all the diffrent hangars if you own them and have them at base. that would be really cool.
@GUNNER67akaKelt 4 дня назад
Yeah, it was for the bigger fancier ships. The Constellation Phoenix for example. Which was a big ship back then. I think Origin ships had them, too, because origin = fancy.
@s1rmunchalot 2 дня назад
Quarter 3 ends on September 31st, it is a period of 3 months. Patch 32.4 is in Evocati PTU now. Version 4.0 is a different build branch to 3.24. There is no reason to think that both branches may not be ready within the same 3 month period, both are in active testing right now.
@lazysnipe 2 дня назад
they will most likely sell hanger themes as well now when next patch comes in a few weeks. you will be able to buy them in-game later we were told not long ago.. but another way for cig to earn money so they will def sell it for cash (they did do that for a few years by the way before but no one really bought them)
@Hunikengt 3 дня назад
I'm not too worried about hangar sizes, I'm just wanting to start to build my outpost/base in Microtech green zones somewhere next to a nice lake, Pioneer should come out next year for base building!!
@FoxCreativeGaming 5 дней назад
I bought the stand-alone MISC Razor EX and Anvil Hawk, which came with the Revel & York Hangar.
@jamesthenewb 5 дней назад
I feel like the pledge hanger type will probably indicate styles (looks/layout) of hanger available. Then again they will have different starting points that have thier own look/feel, so maybe they haven’t decided yet or don’t want to say?
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
Yeah, but we will know soon enough when it goes to wave 1 PTU
@ronwolf71 5 дней назад
As for size of hanger will be determined by the largest ship you own.
@medicsansgarantee 5 дней назад
the cheapest standalone ships with a aeroview hangar is the gladius, if I am not mistaken at price tag or $90. Hull -A for VFG industrial hangar. Then perhaps any connie for the Revel and York hangar. Need to double check though
@ColbyWanShinobi 6 дней назад
Those hangars are a style, not a size. You get a size of hangar based on the size of your biggest ship, and the style will match the style of your landing zone. At least for now. I’m pretty sure that’s how it works at first.
@CallMeTeach2 5 дней назад
Correct. They made comments about how the original styles of the owned hangars will change.
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
Yes indeed, as I read all the comments here, I understand better now. 1. Those 4 types of hangars are just looks and they are already determined by your home location 2. Each type of hangar will have all 4 different sizes, S, M, L, XL 3. The size of hangars are determined by your largest pledged ships, for example, pledged C2 or Ironclad or Cat will have L hangar, and pledged Reclaimer and 890j will have XL hanger, Pledged Polaris will also have XL hangar.
@LuismaLorca 5 дней назад
Just a note / correction because I see lots of confusion because of the terminology: ALL hangars in 3.24 are personal and instanced, not just your persistent hangar. The only single difference is that your persistent hangar has state maintained between sessions, while public hangars don't. But all hangars, both persistent and public, are personal and instanced. You can spend hours in a public hangar now prepping, loading stuff into the elevator, and even decorating it, however everything you leave there is lost once you leave, unlike your persistent hangar, so thats the one you'd want to decorate etc. But the biggest change of the update is for every hangar, its a system wide change, your home persistent hangar is just a small addition on top of it, its not the big thing of this patch.
@tommyrottn 5 дней назад
Well until you hit the 15 minute timeout. WTF? I can stare at the screen for minutes on end while in Quantum travel, but can't go smoke a cigarette?
@cpt_foxyloxy 4 дня назад
great info
@TyrannicalTortoise 2 дня назад
Only got Selfland and Areoview hangars in game at the moment, Selfland at Lorville and Area 18, Areoview at Orison and New Babbage.
@brockoala2994 5 дней назад
HangAAAAAAAAAAAAr God damn it!
@parkerxgps8101 6 дней назад
Get that legacy trading while you can. Gotta wonder how cargo missions will fold in. Do they expect us to leave these loads for the next day? Doubt the missions will work that way.
@Haegemon 6 дней назад
Why not. It's a Persistent universe, and the hauling is a logistics gameplay. You can have your schedule of ships to load and unload for transport on a different day. The Caterpillar and the Ironclad will be abble to detach the cabin and just attach to another hull. Classic hauling, detach a full hull of cargo and attach an empty one or another loaded of cargo for the trip back home.
@parkerxgps8101 6 дней назад
Eventually yes. Missions unfortunately, don't persist beyond sessions, currently. I have my doubts this is changing real soon.
@fnunez 6 дней назад
@@Haegemon Not only that, the game is heading more and more towards multiplayer gameplay. I'm sure the expected way to handle a Hull-C sized hauling mission is with a bunch of other players to handle the cargo, not just to accept the mission and go do something else for a week while the game auto-loads your ship.
@danielrdotcom 5 дней назад
I can imagine they will have to bump profit margins if cargo will be so slow to make the time investment worth it and/or make the auto loading faster
@dailato 6 дней назад
"I gotta wait 10 minutes, what am I gonna do in that time?" Well based on current numbers in evocati it's more like 30 seconds per scu, so about 4 and a half hours for that catterpillar you can go crush instead of 10 minutes. If you got a C2, you can get the loading started before you go to work, and come back just in time to be able to start trading xD hu hu hu hu
@Haegemon 6 дней назад
It's all about planification.
@dekulruno 6 дней назад
They should make it per box rather than per scu. Doesn’t take any longer for tractor beams to move around 32 scu boxes than 1 scu boxes.
@cpt_foxyloxy 6 дней назад
Here I thought 10 min was long enough.....4 hours...man, we are going backwards
@fnunez 6 дней назад
That might be how they're planning on balancing trading so that the small ships aren't completely worthless. Make profit margins way bigger and also make the large ships take longer to load and unload, that way someone who wants to do some quick hauling can make a decent profit out of it while not making the large ships completely OP.
@Ogata123 5 дней назад
Set the ship to load before work, do your 15-30 sales trip, set your ship to unload and… I guess this will work with people with short time to play the game. The cargo gameplay will become a 30 minutes of actual gameplay loop with 6 hour waits between being able to play again
@Aeonitsu 3 дня назад
I remember calling this years ago that ppl are gonna hate it, but nooooooo i was told that ppl are gonna love it. Well its here now and it turns out i was right.
@vik12D 5 дней назад
The Revel York used to be the prettiest, high tech, when hangars were out.
@Bronwyn031 5 дней назад
I just checked my account. I have a stand-alone Revel & York Hangar from 2015. I guess way back in the day CIG sold hangars as game store purchases. I also own the Phoenix Connie which comes with another Revel & York Hangar. Weird lol, my 890Jump original LTI pledge comes with both a Revel & York and VFG Industrial Hangar.
@oceanaa967 5 дней назад
Yup hangers Where always a plan
@Royaltea_Citizen 5 дней назад
Love your content! Keep it up!🎉
@its5oclockcharlie 6 дней назад
VFG Hangers is why GrimHex has new asteroid city lights around it
@minicute2234 6 дней назад
i wonder bout hull c or bigger can cargo on it?
@TizzaOG День назад
Ah nice, so if i have the starter package with the titan and i then buy a cargo ship to do cargo hauling i cant do it because i cant fit into my hanger? Sounds very cool
@jahnringereide 5 дней назад
10/10 editing. He he he
@DracoEX 5 дней назад
In case they Force us to use planet side Personal Hangers, which starting planet has the quickest time to Quantum jump out?
@mateoemanuel3517 6 дней назад
how do u get the gladius pirate to appear in store i rly wanna buy it
@be_hoppy5395 6 дней назад
Finish all waves in an Online Lobby of Pirate Swarm in Arena Commander. That will unlock the ability to pledge for the Aegis Gladius Pirate Edition and Drake Caterpillar Pirate Edition
@Ace-Brigade 5 дней назад
400 I has a revel and York as well. And yes even my brand new merchant man and Polaris which were upgraded to lhave self and hangers lol
@sirdeslok 6 дней назад
good video. My 400i has a Revel & York Hangar
@kevinm3751 6 дней назад
Looking to me that regardless what you want to do in the game a huge chunk of our time will be spent slinging cargo and gear around. Yea, thats going to be so much fun! If I wanted to play a game like that I would find one where all I did was work in a warehouse as a stock boy! I am not impressed with this BS idea they have come up with! They want to make everything in this game like real life except fighting in ships which is nothing but 100% arcade! Sure as hell is not the game I was sold by Chris when I first pledged for this game thats for sure!
@oceanaa967 5 дней назад
New it was coming forever lol
@WarbeastMGC 5 дней назад
so nice that i can spend money to ccu ships up and still dont get the worth of hangar i would get if i bought it directly..
@specialcircs 5 дней назад
HangArs, OMG! ;-)
@CopperRavenProductions 5 дней назад
Nautilus is saving my arse. I woukd be screwed with the Hull C
@mrdashin8323 6 дней назад
Do home locations determine hanger style?
@cpt_foxyloxy 6 дней назад
According to the comments here yes, they do
@mariuskraft3155 6 дней назад
HangErs are for shirts!!!😫
@wayneyang1 6 дней назад
what is all the about if it is not playable? 3.23 now is so bugged and I stop playing it after 2 hours.
@TheProsirius 6 дней назад
thanks for the Video. The Revel & York Hangar pass come with two other Standalones as well. Anvil Hawk and Origin 400i. And Yes: VGF Industrial Hangars are the best upgrade: All Hangar Stiles below are there included. So you can use a Revel & York beside the Asteroid based VGF Hangar. Salute o7
@cpt_foxyloxy 6 дней назад
Good to know, thank you for this added info.
@TheProsirius 6 дней назад
@@cpt_foxyloxy thank you for the good content!
@derekwebb7577 5 дней назад
The type of hangar doesn't determine the size, the size of your largest ship does.
@biggyzee8773 5 дней назад
I upgraded my starter to a Connie. Will i get a industrial hanger?
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
According to the comments here, I learned, the types of hangers are just the look, the size will be determined by your biggest pledged ships, so if you upgraded to a connie, you will have big enough hanger for your connie.
@Liege_Maximo 6 дней назад
I have an 890 that comes with a Revel & York
@MusicByNumbersUK 5 дней назад
The long times are there to encourage manual loading or multitasking. They will probably come down a lot though in balancing
@cpt_foxyloxy 4 дня назад
really hope so
@rinkaemina 6 дней назад
my LTI Hover Quad upgrade to BMM, still has Self-Land Hangar i think they will upgrade, suck waste spends for LTI then if not
@aleksanderw5536 5 дней назад
Read the title in my feed and was wondering. Did they add hangers to the SC? I mean we have closets and undersuits as well as clothes so why not? With all the fidelity and stuff why not hangers... In the end its Hangars. What a let down ;)
@rixxy9204 6 дней назад
3 .24 is the same timeline as 4.0 ?? CIG is totally lost. Who's paying their project management team?
@SolarWindsRider 6 дней назад
Different hangar types are probably just different visually. I think on Microtech and Orison there is a label "Aeroview" in the hangars, so that visual style is likely Aeroview. Industrial would probably be Hurston hangars and so on.
@cpt_foxyloxy 6 дней назад
Understood, thank you!
@Ogata123 5 дней назад
This patch will do serious damage to the popularity of cargo hauling as well as kick carrack owners in the groin. Likely do added serious damage to the reclaimer
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
Agreed, they should get the carrack modules done before this.
@ChookyChuck 5 дней назад
A very well done video. Thank you for keeping us informed on star citizen news. I know making these Vids is a lot of work !!!! I thought i heard you say the hanger size is determined by what ship you originally pledged not what it is upgraded too ... that kinda seems like ripe-off. Maybe I misunderstood you vid.
@cpt_foxyloxy 4 дня назад
So after talk to some EVO testers. Your largest hangar size is determined by your largest pledged ships including your ungraded ships.
@ChookyChuck 2 дня назад
@@cpt_foxyloxy Thx dud
@BlooJay.mp4 6 дней назад
poor guy is gonna be self conscious of his own laugh for the rest of his life 😭
@danlewis2999 5 дней назад
Yeah, he's really done him dirty for no reason there.
@Luciphell 6 дней назад
Want to go on record saying this is likely a bad thing. All it's going to do is remove a bit more of the immersion factor to make things easier for casuals. Like always.
@ShawnMeira 5 дней назад
Idek if looting bodies will be possible anymore.
@Omellykim 6 дней назад
11:08 this will save a lot of time but i had hoped you can call land vehicles from the cargo hanger like they showed several months ago back at citizen con ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-0BRSf_wWvgs.html additionally it would be great if they just got ship in ship spawning working that way we could avoid all of this 😅
@BernhardMarchhart 5 дней назад
An exorbitant high number would be 1 Sec/SCU for autoload. Everything longer will kill the immersion and the flow of the game. 11 and 1/2 min to wait on an outpost is a fucking long time.
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
yeah agreed, there has to be a balance for this
@revilixjohnsen9496 5 дней назад
Bad idear for a tradding rout. Have 2 Frends with each a C2 and yourself with one. 1 is always Flying, if it sels you make outload. Take the one of your frend, thats loaded. Fly back to the other loaded... and keep the Cicle so every C2 not flown is getting loaded.
@bretheweb 6 дней назад
Anybody else got a standalone Starfarer? Mine didn't come with a hanger. Anyone else?
@thefryinallofus 6 дней назад
Why on earth would you refer back to a support article from three years ago for clarity on how hangers are working now, in 3.24 evocati?
@GizmoMagui 6 дней назад
@Vagrant-Paladin 5 дней назад
Self Land Hanger is not a SMALL hanger. It is BASIC hanger. It comes in different sizes. I believe the Aero View also comes in different sizes.
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
Yes indeed, I am not EVO tester, so I couldn't get this information, but based on the comments here from the Evo tester this is true. Each type of hangar will have all different sizes, the the type is only the look of hangar, and the size is determined by your largest pledged ships.
@arborealoctopus7235 6 дней назад
One more sub captain o7
@CPT_Crandalf 2 дня назад
They damn well better give us a bigger hangar for a bigger ship that was an upgrade. Seems like an oversight the idiots at CIG will definitely pull 😂😂
@TRVLOVE 5 дней назад
very very concerned about stability issues. if the game cant handle dupers, these personal hangars with x amount entities will wreak havoc on servers.
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
same here
@BenitKolburn 6 дней назад
First ! o7
@cpt_foxyloxy 6 дней назад
@tommyrottn 5 дней назад
Somebody needs to make these devs play the game they are creating. Master Modes is stupid, just use real life physics like they used to. Physicalized inventory? Why? It's a time sink, and also stupid. Maybe they should spend time fixing ships. Fix the doors, fix the ramps, fix the elevators. Or maybe fix the NPCs. I don't mind the fact that they stand in weird places and do weird things, but keep NPC ships off landing pads and leaving random weapons / parts around.
@oceanaa967 5 дней назад
I like the people crying about how time-consuming things are. We know this is a space sim and that this was coming since 2017 but when you tell anybody that they wanna say no it’s not now what do you think
@The_Real_bubbazaneti 5 дней назад
Time sinks on Time sinks......On Time Sinks! Wow! Imagine taking a mission on Monday....but cause of all the BS and time wasted, this mission you cannot do until Friday.....so guys you need to stay online for a whole week to prep for a mission that will perhaps take 10 minutes!!! Yeah I know.....a bit over reacting....but still...where is the fun in it! One more thing, I thought CIG announced, that hangars would be based on ships we have in inventory at the time, they release the patch, and not on what ships one has bought with RL cash! If that is true, then all the bigger ships bought ingame will not be able to spawn in our personal hangars! I am getting depressed even more!!! Bring back 3.22!!!!!
@TheGavric 5 дней назад
A HANGER is for your clothes or pictures. A HANGAR is where you land your ship. H-A-N-G-A-R! When did we give up on literacy?
@cpt_foxyloxy 5 дней назад
One simple mistake does not make one lose literacy. Like you never made any typos
@CallMeTeach2 4 дня назад
Wait Wait Wait................. How did you get a 2949 reclaimer pledge upgrade on a cutter? that makes no sense...... that reclaimer isn't available anymore with the best in show. how did you do that?
@cpt_foxyloxy 4 дня назад
I bought it from Star Hangar but had searched and waited for a very long time, until one day, I saw it on sale with decent price, and got it right away.
@Tainted-Soul 5 дней назад
Auto loading ONLY 10 mins LOL mor like 5 hours from what the evo's say
@Haegemon 6 дней назад
When there wasn't game, people entertained themselves. During waiting times, people will have to find stuff to do. You can expect waiting time to access a public hangar when there is thousands of players in the verse in the same spaceport.
@asog88 6 дней назад
That’s never going to be a thing
@Ogata123 5 дней назад
When there wasnt a game, people played other games. When the game came out they played the game. When the game now takes away the gameplay time they will find other games to play and very possibly not come back.
@asog88 5 дней назад
@@Ogata123 I mean, it’s as if people were not playing the same game, the one with the train ride and elevators. The people here will stay here. It might stop attracting as many casuals though
@ronwolf71 5 дней назад
Those hangers are no longer in game.
@99mserna 6 дней назад
I don’t understand the point of overusing and looping the laughing bit…
@haydenbsiegel 6 дней назад
I got the Connie package but hate the Connie so I asked if I could keep the Revel & York hangar if I melted for the Hull-A and CIG said no. So, I am fairly sure we are stuck with the hangar for our package even after upgrading. Ergo I am melting my Talon and Hull-A for a dumb Constellation I won't even fly. I hate that ship. I know people love it and why but I hate it.
@josephhighfill4371 День назад
Old information.
@geoDunkleAura 5 дней назад
This edited in laugher is cringe editing, and unfair to the dev
@Razor87FIS 6 дней назад
LAME laughing...
@daveroles3783 3 дня назад
This guys voice is terrible
@cpt_foxyloxy 2 дня назад
right back at you
3.24 Is Going To Be Interesting...
Просмотров 11 тыс.
😍😂❤️ #shorts
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