
4000 Essential English Words 3 

4000 Essential English Words
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15 окт 2024




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@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 7 abandon - tark etmoq ambitious - shijoatli bark - vovullamoq bay - qo'ltiq brilliant - aqlli chin - jag' complaint - shikoyat deaf - kar enthusiastic - g'ayratli expedition - ekspeditsiya horizon - ufq loyal - sodiq mayor - shahar hokimi mutual - o'zaro overweight - semiz refuge - boshpana restore - tiklash rub - ishqalamoq senses - hislar veterinarian - veterinar
@Xoshimov09 9 месяцев назад
thanks so much🖤🖤
@gausseking Год назад
@NurZaxra 11 месяцев назад
Thanks very much❤
@توحید-ص7ص Год назад
Thanks for your program and 🎉
@xatka8510 6 месяцев назад
Thx very mush ❤❤❤
@anithamukara6499 Год назад
keep going you helped me a lot
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 4 bloom - gullamoq compact - ixcham curl - jingala decay - parchalanish dessert - shirinlik dip - botirmoq distant - uzoq eclipse - tutilish fairy - farishta grace - viqor leisure - dam olish mankind - insoniyat passion - ehtiros pillow - yostiq pulse - zarba refresh - yangilash sneeze - aksirmoq spice - ziravorlar whistle - hushtak wool - jun
@tokyo2445 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much but 4k not enough we need more ,10k please ❤
@tqpmusic4354 7 месяцев назад
Nice xừ
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 5 acquaint - tanishmoq cemetery - qabriston curse - la'natlamoq disguise - niqob fancy - noodatiy flashlight - chiroq hood - qalpoq inhabitant - yashovchi nourish - oziqlantirish pirate - qaroqchi publication - nashr riddle - topishmoq rot - chirimoq scare - qo'rqitmoq shortly - qisqa vaqt ichida skeleton - skelet spoil - buzilmoq starve - och qolmoq thrill - qiziqish wicked - yomon
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 9 ail - ozor bermoq ally - ittifoqchi boast - maqtanmoq bounce - dukkilamoq bully - bezori carbohydrate - Uglevod crawl - emaklamoq defeat - mag'lubiyat dial - terish dominant - dominant mercy - rahmdillik nod - bosh qimirlatmoq opponent - raqib quarrel - janjallashmoq rival - raqib sore - og'riq sting - nish, chaqmoq strain - tirishmoq torture - qiynoq wrestle - kurashmoq
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 8 anniversary - yilligi arithmetic - arifmetik ashamed - uyatli burst - portlash carpenter - duradgor coal - ko'mir couch - divan drip - tomchilamoq elegant - bashang fabric - mato highlands - tog'li hududlar ivory - fil suyagi mill - tegirmon needle - igna polish - jilo bermoq sew - tikmoq shed - omborxona thread - ip trim - tartibga solmoq upwards - yuqoriga
Yeah it us very good
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 6 alert - ogohlantirmoq broadcast - eshittirish bulletin - xabarnoma bump - do'ng, bo'rtgan joy chop - bo'laklamoq closet - shkaf console - yupatmoq district - tuman drawer - tortma endure - chidamoq execute - qatl qilmoq grasp - mahkam tutmoq rear - orqa senator - senator skull - bosh suyagi stir - aralashtirmoq tap - bosmoq tremendous - ulkan underneath - ostida worm - qurt
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 18 armor - sovut / zirh blaze - kuchli yonmoq boom - baland ovoz chiqarmoq cliff - tik qoya flame - olov independence - mustaqillik invasion - bosqin / hujum knight - ritsar lightning - momaqaldiroq rebel - isyonchi retreat - chekinmoq revolution - inqilob spear - nayza steep - tikka summit - cho'qqi thunder - momaqaldiroq ovozi troops - askarlar warrior - jangchi withdraw - chekinmoq yield - ❓
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 26 alter - o'zgartirmoq aside - chetda autumn - kuz blend - aralashtirmoq collapse - qulab tushmoq crush - bosmoq / preslamoq curve - ❓ disgusting - jirkanch / sassiq drain - oqova embrace - quchoqlamoq envy - hasad qilmoq fireworks - mushakbozlik flour - un fuse - ❓ ginger - zanjabil (o'simlik ildizidan olinadigan ziravor) jealous - hasadgo'y paste - kley receipt - chek wipe - artmoq wire - sim
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 1 arise - yuzaga kelmoq benefactor - ko'mak beruvchi blacksmith - temirchi charitable - ochiqqo'l chimney - mo'ri compensate - qoplamoq encounter - duch kelmoq exceed - oshib ketmoq forge - shakllantirmoq humble - kamtarin iron - temir ladder - narvon modest - kamtarin occupy - yashamoq penny - chaqa preach - voizlik qilmoq prosper - yashnamoq province - viloyat satisfaction - mamnuniyat sustain - davom ettirmoq
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 2 acquire - ega bo'lmoq awkward - noqulay caretaker - enaga deceive - aldamoq discourage - tushkunlikka solmoq fake - soxta hatred - nafrat hut - kulba inferior - past lodge - kulba neglect - beparvolik qilmoq newcomer - yangi kelgan offense - jinoyat overlook - e'tiborsizlik repay - qaytarish ridiculous - kulgili satisfactory - qoniqarli shepherd - cho'pon venture - oshiqmoq wheat - bug'doy
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 21 accustomed - odatlangan affirm - tasdiqlamoq astonished - hayratda qolmoq bang - dang'illatmoq clan - urug' aymog' dim - nursiz / hira emphasis - alohida etibor fable - qisqa hikoya feast - ziyofat / bayram glow - ❓ hollow - ichi bo'sh instinct - instinkt joint - bo'g'im leak - ❓ physician - shifokor sacrifice - bag'ridan o'tmoq stiff - qattiq stroke - silamoq tragic - fojiali tune - kuy / musiqa
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 14 apprentice - shogird assure - ishontirmoq / kafolat bermoq bandage - bint bleed - qonamoq bond - do'stlashmoq chef - bosh oshpaz crown - toj departure - jo'nab ketish diligent - mehnatsevar emperor - imperator fiber - tola horrible - dahshatli impolite - odobsiz kneel - tizzalamoq luxury - hashamat massive - juda katta panic - vahima priority - muhim vazifa robe - xalat (uzun keng kiyim) scold - tanbeh bermoq / so'kmoq
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 12 anticipate - oldindan bilmoq barrel - bochka beam - sinch casual - oddiy / norasmiy caution - ehtiyotkorlik contrary - teskari / zid deliberate - qasddan / ataylab dissolve - suyuqlikda erimoq explode - portlamoq fasten - bog'lamoq / mahkamlamoq germ - mikrob kit - to'plam puff - tutun rag - latta scatter - sochmoq scent - hid steel - po'lat swift - tezkor toss - otmoq / irg'itmoq triumph - g'alaba
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 27 acknowledge - tan olmoq ambassador - elchi blonde - mallasoch conquer - zabt etmoq / egallab olmoq drag - sudramoq exaggerate - bo'rttirmoq heritage - ma'daniy meros insult - haqorat qilmoq meanwhile - bu paytida necklace - marjon noble - zodagon / boy precious - qadirli prejudice - noto'g'ri fikr rumor - mish-mish sin - gunoh spectacle - manzara stack - uyum (da*ya) suspicious - ishonmaslik / gumonsiramoq tin - arzon oq metal (kanserva) vase - vaza
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 20 beneath - ostida cub - hayvon bolasi dawn - sahar dissatisfied - norozi ease - osonlik evident - ma'lum / ayon hail - do'l howl - uvullamoq leap - sakrash magnificent - ajoyib necessity - ehtiyoj outcome - natija pile - uyum profound - teran seize - changallamoq squeeze - siqmoq supreme - oliy terrific - ajoyib trait - o'ziga xoslik vital - muhim / zarur
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 15 affair - marosim assembly - bir xil maqsadda birlashgan GURUH bless - duo qilmoq cereal - boshoqli taom cheerful - hursand / quvnoq diameter - diametr exploit - majburiy ishlatmoq famine - ocharchilik harvest - hosil / yig'im terim merry - hursand nut - yong'oq pardon - afv etish pharaoh - Fir'avn ripe - pishgan / yetilgan roast - qovurmoq routine - o'zgarmas tartib scheme - reja / loyiha slim - ingichka stove - pechka theft - o'g'irlik
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 30 appliance - qurilma basin - rakovina broom - supurgi caterpillar - kapalak qurti cupboard - shkaf delicate - nozik emerge - paydo bo'lmoq handicap - kamchilik / nuqson hook - ilgak hop - sakramoq laundry - kir kiyim pursue - ketidan quvmoq reluctant - xoxlamaslik sleeve - yeng spine - umurtqa stain - dog' strip - tasma swear - qasam ichmoq swing - silkitmoq utilize - foydalanmoq / ishlatmoq
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 19 bench - skameyka confront - ❓ daisy - moychechak dispute - bahs / tortishuv horror - qo'rqmoq incident - voqea / hodisa mist - tuman (tabiat hodisasi) object - ob'ekt orphan - yetim plot - ❓ pregnant - homilador rage - g'azab revenge - qasos shame - uyat sigh - xo'rsinmoq sneak - sezdirmasdan yurmoq spare - berib yubormoq stem - poya (asos) supper - kechki ovqat tender - yumshoq
@latran5514 Год назад
U2 9:50
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 28 ache - og'riq arctic - arktik canal - kanal chemist - kimyogar chill - sovuq, izg'irin congress - Kongress dairy - sut mahsulotlari descend - pastga tushmoq grocer - oziq ovqat sotadigan kishi hesitate - ikkilanmoq institution - muassasa jog - yengil yugurmoq merchant - savdogar poke - barmoq bilan itarmoq postpone - kechiktirmoq / keyinga surmoq splash - yorilib to'kilmoq stubborn - qaysar suburb - shahar cheti tide - suv sathi tragedy - fojia
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 10 absence - pustoy / yo'qlik aloud - ovoz chiqarib bald - kal blanket - adyo'l creep - o'rmalamoq divorce - ajrashmoq imitate - taqlid qilmoq infant - chaqaloq kidnap - o'g'irlash nap - mizg'ish nowhere - hech qayerda pat - surtmoq relief - yengillik reproduce - nusxa yasamoq rhyme - qofiya suck - so'rmoq - shimmoq urgent - shoshilinch vanish - g'oyib bo'lmoq wagon - arava wrinkle - ajin
@jamolraximov217 Год назад
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 22 accommodate - taminlay olmoq / sig'dirmoq circus - sirk coincide - bir vaqtda sodir bo'lmoq commission - topshiriq bermoq dose - doza dye - bo'yamoq extent - daraja gender - jins headline - sarlavha / mavzu informal - norasmiy inquire - so'ramoq messenger - xabarchi peer - diqqat bilan kuzatmoq portrait - portret pose - qimirlamay turmoq ranch - ferma steer - boshqarmoq stripe - yo'l-yo'l chiziq tame - qo'lga o'rgatilgan tempt - undamoq
@govindadawangepatil6654 Год назад
Very nice
@asilentsoul.6522 6 месяцев назад
Unit 1 3:27 4:21 3:51 4:26 3:16 4:28
@xushnozarajabova0606 Год назад
Its very good 🤗🤗
@JanaAshraf-kx9eo Год назад
@吴晓烁 10 месяцев назад
I love you.this is what I want.❤
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 29 bomb - bomba certificate - sertifikat circumstance - vaziyat / sharoit coffin - tobut cope - yengmoq (prablemani) criticism - tanqid devastate - vayron qilmoq frown - xo'mraymoq gaze - tikilib qaramoq glance - qarash / nazar tashlash grief - juda og'ir qayg'u groom - kuyov license - litsenziya microscope - mikroskop nuclear - yadroviy portray - tasvirlanmoq rotate - aylantirmoq / aylanmoq souvenir - estalik sovg'a submarine - suv osti kemasi trace - andoza olmoq
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 25 circulate - tarqatmoq / yoymoq consequent - natija derive - kelib chiqmoq drown - cho'kib o'lmoq dynasty - sulola fraction - qism / bo'lak frost - qrov illusion - illuziya invade - bostirib kirmoq lieutenant - leytenant marine - dengizdagi merit - qigan xizmati navy - flot / dengiz kuchlari polar - qutbdagi ray - nur resign - ishdan bo'shamoq suicide - o'z joniga qasd qilish tremble - qaltirash underlying - ❓ via - orqali
@hazemreda3795 Год назад
Keep going ❤
@hussain980 Год назад
thanks so much for amazing video
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 13 aboard - bortda bitter - g'azablanmoq bullet - o'q devil - shayton drift - havo yoki suv tomonidan sekin harakatlantirish enforce - qo'llamoq / joriy qilmoq fountain - fontan harbor - bandargoh inhabit - yashamoq march - bir xil shagat tashash millionaire - millioner port - port sheriff - sherif startle - qo'rqitib yubormoq sweat - terlamoq trigger - qurol tepkisi unify - birlashtirmoq vessel - kema voyage - kema yoki samalyotda qilinadigan uzoq sayohat worship - ibodat qilmoq
@BartolaCalzada 2 месяца назад
Challenging levels
@kevinluo4630 Год назад
what's the difference between the 4000 Essential English Words 3 and 4000 Essential English Words 3 (2nd edition)🤔
@4000EssentialEnglishWords Год назад
Almost it's similar between two editions.
@kevinluo4630 Год назад
Which is better?🤔
@4000EssentialEnglishWords Год назад
I prefer the first edition to the second edition.
@mariamessam6217 Год назад
I'm very grateful, that I found a good channel like that .keep going you helped me alot❤
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 16 adolescent - o'smir aptitude - tug'ma iqtidor compliment - yaxshi fikr bildirish hinder - to'sqinlik qilmoq journalism - jurnalistika jury - hakamlar hay'ati justice - adolat liberty - ozodlik literary - adabiy pharmacy - dorixona pill - kapsulali dori presume - ... deb o'ylamoq privacy - xolilik / yolg'izlik punishment - jazo sensible - aqlli slice - tilim / bo'lak sorrow - qayg'u straw - naycha swell - kattalashmoq tidy - toza / tartibli
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 8 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 24 baggage - yuk bulb - lampochka bundle - pochka $ cattle - chorva mollari flee - qochmoq graze - o't yemoq greed - ochko'zlik herd - poda initiate - ❓ lane - yo'lak nerve - asab optimist - optimist parade - parad pave - yo'lga nimadur yotqizmoq phantom - sharpa / ruh portable - ko'tarib yurishga qulay poster - afisha / plakat scratch - qashimoq symphony - simfoniya widow - beva ayol
@DaccaChittagong Год назад
1:47 3:51 8:22 9:20 12:02 17:12 22:15 27:57 29:27 29:48 29:58 34:46 43:38 44:00 46:18 46:41 50:56 56:41 1:00:21 1:01:37 1:02:17 1:06:04 1:24:08 1:24:43 1:35:51 1:36:46 1:36:58 1:41:58 1:42:19 1:42:40 1:47:55 1:52:17 1:53:27 1:53:37 1:58:16 1:58:57 2:01:38 2:03:38 2:03:48 2:03:59 2:08:22 2:16:25 2:30:44 2:32:50 2:37:20 2:39:20 2:45:19 Spectacle = sight || Give in Crept down the tree Crawled across the floor
@dragonbahae8331 Год назад
That's great
@mesutdemir343 6 месяцев назад
@dracolaozzzed7807 Год назад
What should be my level after finishing the whole six books 📚?
@4000EssentialEnglishWords Год назад
You can consult this listing: 4000 Level books | Major word level in the books | CEFR level 1️⃣ Book 1: 1000 A2 2️⃣ Book 2: 1000-2000 A2 3️⃣ Book 3: 2000-3000 В1 4️⃣ Вook 4: AWL B2 5️⃣ Book 5: 3000-4000 B2 6️⃣ Вook 6: 4000 C1
@mohamdmoaed2746 Год назад
@sustriana6936 Год назад
Thanks a lot, but if each word and example sentences repeated for 2 times it would be better and we can memorize these words and the pronunciation.
@ШепотСмерти-ш8м 18 дней назад
@yuerlao9990 Год назад
This version is good . Big fond are wonderful! But,4,5,6 are not
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 3 alley - tor ko'cha ax - bolta bunch - dasta, shingil chore - majburyat decent - yaxshi disgrace - sharmandalik elbow - tirsak grateful - minnatdor irritate - jaxlini chiqarmoq kid - bola loose - bo'sh mustahkam emas offend - xafa qilmoq overnight - kechki paytda persist - davom etmoq pine - qarag'ay scar - chandiq sensation - hissiyot sled - chana tease - masxara qilmoq valentine - shaydo bo'lmoq
@dracolaozzzed7807 Год назад
I am really glad that i found this channel ❤ huge respect
@anithamukara6499 Год назад
zou are the best in the world
Where part 4 and 5,6
@4000EssentialEnglishWords Год назад
I am going to public it latter.
@tek.858 8 месяцев назад
İs this American pronounce ? Right?
@JanaAshraf-kx9eo Год назад
Keep going you are the best 💜💓🤍
@amazingvinh7951 Год назад
Unit 20
@amazingvinh7951 Год назад
@anithamukara6499 Год назад
this is to much words
@شورشفیروزی Год назад
@JanaAshraf-kx9eo Год назад
@MuhammaddelwarjahanFakir Год назад
@baxtiyortojiboyev8687 9 месяцев назад
BOOK 3 UNIT 11 abnormal - noodatiy bamboo - bambuk blossom - gul compass - kompas dialect - sheva dishonest - vijdonsiz / noinsof dwarf - gnom / pakana odam ecosystem - ekotizim fatal - ayanchli impatient - sabrsiz leaf - barg manuscript - qadimiy qo'lyozma marsh - botqoq patience - sabr - toqat perfume - atir pond - hovuz proverb - maqol pursuit - quvlamoq recite - qaytarish yoki ko'pchilik oldida baland aytish wilderness - chakalakzor
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