
5 Tips to Run Dungeons Faster! 

Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
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@BeginTheEnd570 10 месяцев назад
On the note of using sprint, learn the "sprint points" as I call them. An example is after the second boss of Troia or the first boss of lunar subterrane. Both have zone transitions with long runs after, but shorter runs before so if you wait until the transition to sprint, you get more out of it since having sprint DURING a pack pull is more impactful since you can get everything grouped faster. I notice people sprint far too early a lot and it leaves them behind once the pull actually starts
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
This is very true! Optimally you want to, with one exception, sprint precisely before you enter combat, so you get to sprint for the full 20 seconds of pulling. The common exception being, that if you sprint earlier, you are doing so to make sure the cooldown on sprint is ready again in time to use it before entering combat for the next pull over! For your exact pull example, I believe I normally sprint exactly as I come out of the loading screen from going up the stairs, specifically for that exception reason! ^^
@BoBennings 10 месяцев назад
Yeah sometimes I’ll still get a lot of people sprinting preemptively where I would otherwise as tank want to sprint before pulling mobs.
@scoobiusmaximus9508 10 месяцев назад
I'm just going to simplify this to "sprint when the tank does" because even if the tank is wrong you're not going to use your more efficient sprint to get ahead of the tank.
@BeginTheEnd570 10 месяцев назад
@scoobiusmaximus9508 true, and he even gave that advice in the video, but that only works for healer/DPS. If you are tanking and trying to maximize speed, learning when it's best to sprint is something that helps. For my examples specifically, sprinting right after the stairs in Troia, and about a third of the way down the hill after teleport from the crystal in subterrane will both maximize how long you are sprinting to get the packs grouped, and have your sprint come up in time for the next pull. If you use sprint just before the mobs in either of those case (especially subterrane) it leads to a lot of lost sprint uptime.
@msguysmiley 10 месяцев назад
Big one for tanks, learn to group the mobs. Some pulls are harder than others due to big mobs dispersing, but never run into the middle of the pack and let them spread out around you. Run through the back mobs so the group clumps better and allows the maximum chance for everyones aoe to affect all mobs in the encounter.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
A very good tip indeed! You can also run to different sides of the clump to stack up the mobs on the opposite end to come in closer and such! Perfectly clumping the pack is a skill of its own!
@msguysmiley 10 месяцев назад
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Indeed. Throughout the entire encounter part of the tanks focus should be making sure the mobs are as stacked as possible in the most predictable way. An understated part of the tanks primary job is to ensure the group can do as much dps as possible, safely.
@Zanador 10 месяцев назад
This is a great point. More specifically, if there's a few random ranged mobs who are standing away from the rest of the group, go stand on top of them once you have everything aggro'd. They won't move away from you as long as you're in range, and all the melee mobs will group up on top of them once you're there.
@Itama22 10 месяцев назад
Specifically for WHM Players. If you don't use your lilies for a pull, dont forget about them and just use those inbetween pulls and obliterate the next pack with a blood lily!
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
A great white mage tip!
@HyouVizer 10 месяцев назад
THIS if a tank barely needs heals, I burn my lilies in-between pulls to open with Death Flower aoe >:3
@moofy69 10 месяцев назад
I just wish whm would use regen in Max level content
@sacredlunatic 7 месяцев назад
yea, this realization was HUGE for me
@Tinandel 10 месяцев назад
It hardly matters at such low levels, but I was min-maxing ninja a bit last night in Haukke Manor. At that level, I had no AOEs at all.... but the other party member was a bard, who DOES have Quick Knock at that level. As such, I would single-target enemies down to low health and then switch to another target instead of finishing them off, so the bard could maximize his AOE hit potency.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
That is also a good tip for low level! If you have no aoe, simply switch to whatever has the most hp and attack that, so others can aoe! 😁
@mosley3485 10 месяцев назад
The BRD doesn't actually gain anything by hitting more enemies though. At low level it's better to kill the low HP mobs to reduce damage on the tank and increase the number of GCDs that your healer can use for damage.
@iPlayOnSpica 10 месяцев назад
I argue as NIN, it's better to commit to one enemy at a time (but of course, bonus points if it has the lowest health). This is because you can use your ninjutsu, then Hide -> Trick Attack (if off cd), then use 2 free ninjutsu mid-fight.
@minos4016 10 месяцев назад
You can add that if you play a ranged dps (phys or magic) you can use the LB1 on one of the pulls after the 2nd boss It does a lot of damage, and you can get LB1 during the last fight most of the time
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
This is also a very good tip! It can significantly reduce the time spent on the packs before the final boss! ^^
@minos4016 10 месяцев назад
There's the case where you have 2 melee DPS. At this moment, you can use the LB1 on the 2nd boss if you have it.
@nspaulding07 10 месяцев назад
​@@minos4016As someone who is STILL farming Dead Ends to try and get the minion, I do this anytime I play melee dps in there since half the time if I tell the ranged to use it, they simply don't.
@Zanador 10 месяцев назад
Ranged LBs (both of them) are - dare I say it - a gain on 2. Hitting 2 or more enemies with a Ranged Phys or Magical DPS LB will deal more total damage than Melee LB. Add in that you don't often get LB2 until so late in the final boss that it doesn't accomplish anything (if you get it at all) and it's clear that it's WAY more valuable to use ranged LB on a pack of mobs, and then usually get LB1 back for the final boss to use Melee LB anyway. I've noticed in my own runs that doing this tends to encourage the melee players to use their LB on the final boss as soon as it comes up too, which I also see as a good thing. Using LB1 to deal 5% of the boss's HP earlier in the fight is better than waiting until you see the boss at 5%, clicking LB, and then not having the damage come out until the boss is at like 2%.
@DeuceTG 10 месяцев назад
Nice vid as usual, on my own two cents about the dungeon optimization or just making it better for everyone I have a couple things that I think haven't been mentioned here in the comments: 1 - I rly like doing my first run of a brand new dungeon using the Trust system, it allows me to get to know the cadence of the pulls which might change a bit from instance to instance at my own pace and take all the time I want looking around without bothering others who might be interested in just getting it done asap, however I main tanks (primarily PLD) which means I can ¨force¨ those scions to ¨just goooo¨. In my opinion being rdy to Sonic the Hedgehog the moment I get in with other ppl due to having an idea of what I'm about to encounter is a win win for everyone 2 - Jobs that can build up resources like RPR or RDM are great for those who like to obliterate bosses without necessarily skimping on dps during mobs since you can time resource buildup so that you reach said bosses with those gauges full without having to spam 1, 2, 3 all the way because you don´t like wasting the good stuff on trash, you still use some of that stuff vs mobs but at the same time you manage it, it doesn´t matter where you drop all that accumulated potency, what matters is that you drop it somewhere and don´t over cap it or drift those buffs all the way to Narnia. That way you can just watch as generic "big bad" melts right before your eyes because you just casually dropped a quadruple enshroud or turned a RDM into a SAM :D
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Going in through duty support is a great way to get acquainted with the dungeon indeed! It let's you take all the time you need to learn what the enemies do! For the resource management, indeed you can stockpile resources as you like. As you say, just make sure you don't sit on them and waste by generating more than you can hold! 😁 Spend the excess when you can! 😄
@timb8549 10 месяцев назад
I wonder if killing some mobs early can reduce incoming damage enough on some pulls, possibly saving a gcd heal from the healer. In other cases, removing a mob that is dropping annoying aoes can make it easier for the group to address the rest of the mob. But even those are just wonderings. This is a great video - thanks!
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Depends on the tank. If the tank is fine, then removing mobs early might not change very much. If they need the help, it might be beneficial. For the annoying AoEs, all tanks and melee DPS have a stun that can be used to interrupt the mob when it casts its annoying AoE, so that can sometimes alleviate that too - unless your healer is a White Mage, in which case the mobs will probably have built up stun immunity by that point! ^^' Still, great considerations! and Thank you! :D
@Gryzon96 10 месяцев назад
I'd say on low level dungeons both tanks and healers have a kit so limited it might be worth reversing the advice and targeting low health mobs. Otherwise, let me spend my goddamn lilies!
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
@Gryzon96 Indeed, if the group needs it, focusing on reducing the pack can be more beneficial!
@mosley3485 10 месяцев назад
It's worth bearing in mind that you can target the lowest HP mob so that it gets your auto attacks + max damage from your skills that hit 1 target for more damage and less damage for the rest, while you continue to AOE. This will kill the low HP mobs first, reducing the number of mobs dealing damage to your tank, while still allowing you to use your AOE rotation for max damage.
@timb8549 10 месяцев назад
@@CaetsuChaijiCh And this response is part of why I really appreciate your videos. You had one that talked about the hardest wall to wall pulls in the game. Most of them are related to incoming damage on the tank, so I like to thin out the mobs when there is an opportunity. On every other pull - I really hadn't thought about targetting the mob with the most HP, but that will absolutely be my approach from now on! I'm glad that you appreciate the nuances, and don't give a one-size-fits-all approach.
@Thundawich 10 месяцев назад
Somewhat related to your last video, I'd suggest trying 1 tank 3 dps. All tanks, sufficiently geared, can do 90 rouls/expert stuff without a healer. You need to change cooldown rotations a little bit and just generally play well, but the extra dps you get from not having a healer is wild. You really notice the difference in clear speeds, especially if you have classes that do good AoE stuff.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
This is very accurate. I decided to quietly leave this tip out because I felt it was a bit unhelpful to the solo player for example, but you are absolutely right that bringing tank and 3 DPS is much much faster!
@MekamiEye 7 месяцев назад
I know this is 2 months old at this time, but I have three tips for dungeon optimization: 1. Try not to pull to the literal wall. What I mean is, instead of running all the way to the dead end door, just stop at where the last mob pack is. This is what I do, and what most tanks do, but it's annoying for DPS or healers with barrier fields (BLM, WHM, SCH) that put down AoEs and then the tank runs out of it to the wall. Most people will stop at the last pack's location in that pull, and setup for DPS/healing. This is really important for the healer, since, during the pull, the tank is taking damage from said mobs. stopping with the mob pack's location gives the healer the much needed time to make sure if they need to cast GCD heal or not, and caster DPS no longer have to spend their instants to keep up. point 1 goes into point 2 2. If you're the tank in a dungeon run, with some experience you can generally tell about when the last mob(s) will die in a pull. I generally know about how many more GCDs will be required from me left before I start running again. Usually, I hit the mob, run to the soon-to-be-opened door, and about halfway through my GCD, the door opens(since the last mob dies). The other party members in those runs usually figure out I'm doing this in advance and runs with me. We didn't waste time running longer, and we have minimal down time to the next zone, with no healer burning swift to keep the tank alive. everyone's happy. (I even do this during bosses. One last GCD hit, then start for the exit) 3. As the tank, During boss fights, look for ways to help you and your melee DPS to keep uptime on the boss. For instance, if you know the boss is about to dash to the wall, you can pre-position the boss near that location (like the second boss of the most recent dungeon. Pattern is easily recognizable, so I always make sure I end up north with the boss just before it jumps north). Doing this assures that the melee DPS don't have to burn their gap closers outside of burst windows as much and/or they don't have to do the run of shame if they burned them all and the boss dashes to the other side. This keeps melee uptime high, and boss death that much sooner.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 7 месяцев назад
Very good tips to add Indeed! Thank you! 😊
@rust454 10 месяцев назад
Main thing I can advise is as a caster or phys ranged use the limit break on trash pulls after they're grouped up. It contributes more overall damage on a large group than a melee LB2 on the final boss (assuming you even get to charge up to LB2 which is rare with even average DPS)
@Aioaverona 10 месяцев назад
I've noticed most tanks don't do reprisal or arm's length. Try to use both or alternate after big pulls. Arm's length is an AOE debuff that slows enemies for 15 seconds, while reprisal reduces damage by 10% in a 5 yalm radius.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
A very good tip! It is surprising how many tanks forget about arms length especially!
@timb8549 10 месяцев назад
@@CaetsuChaijiCh And if I have a White Mage who will be using Holy, I'll hold off until they've cranked out 4-5 rounds of it and the mobs are stun resisted before putting those two up. No fun slowing and debuffing attacks that aren't going to come!
@pklifeupa7064 10 месяцев назад
Sprint b4 you pull, to get 20 seconds instead of 10.
@tsbulmer 10 месяцев назад
A topic I'd love to see covered sometime is unusual LB optimization. For example, in Sohm Al, there isn't a particularly impactful use for AoE LBs against trash near the end, so is it worth saving for Tioman's wings? On the other hand, if I recall correctly, once you destroy the wings, you get a big boost to the LB gauge, so is it better to save the LB until afterwards, so that the melee DPS can use LB2? In Bardam's Mettle, does a well-timed LB on the boss allow you to skip a phase, and is that better than using the LB on trash? I know my answers to these, but I think it'd make for an interesting and helpful discussion! My favorite dungeon LB may be using AoE LBs in Baelsar's Wall to free the healer from Ilberd's Restraint Collar *and* damage the boss. I've had some healers gush over how awesome they thought that was. :P
@SuperMG95 10 месяцев назад
Pretty much every time I run a dungeon as SMN, I wait to summon Bahamut until everything is pulled. The only times I use Bahamut as we're in the process of pulling everything is when I'm setting up to use LB on the pack when everything is finally pulled. This lets me put Bahamut on cooldown while still blowing everything up quicker because of the LB.
@immersion9880 9 месяцев назад
If you’re a tank, be sure not to leave your healer behind, ESPECIALLY if they’re a shield healer. They will spend most of their resources getting your HP back up instead of DPSing the group.
@bobseesall 10 месяцев назад
If you're a caster and you're a bit close to the AOE meatball, either take a hit or step backwards. I can't count how many times I've seen casters stop mid cast and move sideways out of a marker. Another marker always shows up and that's 2+ casts missed.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
That is a good point, don't greed too hard, it'll only come back to bite! 😅
@RagnarokiaNG 10 месяцев назад
Summoner in dungeons is the Simpsons joke of "But Marge the little guy hasn't done anything yet... and you know it's going to be good!" with Bahamut megaflare sounds when closing the door... and smashing through the kitchen window is likely the result of a badly timed Ifrit charge.
@Saieden 10 месяцев назад
On cooldowns, and resources, it is definitely worth saving them if you're not getting most of the buff time, or you only havr a few gcds to finish to pack off. With GNB for example, if the pull is going to end ~70s from when you use no mercy, keep it and farm cartridges for a maxed out burst on the next pull or boss. Not only are going to get more charged attacks under buffs but they'll be hitting more mobs too.
@mosley3485 10 месяцев назад
You might lose multiple uses of NM over the course of dungeon and also desync your NM from raid buffs by doing this though, which would be a significant loss in overall damage. It's usually better to just have everyone use everything on cooldown every time. Sure, you might only get 10 seconds of no mercy at the end of a trash pull, but the cooldown will be halfway over by the time you're in combat again anyway and you'll stay synced up with raid buffs.
@Jilhel 10 месяцев назад
A very helpful video as always
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, Aredhel! ^^
@VashimuXIV 10 месяцев назад
I’m sure it’s been said to all my fellow tanks, but remember to group up your pulls as best you are able to, for the ease of your DPS being able to AOE things better. Seems like a simple matter to talk about, but it’s those little things that makes it go that extra bit smoother. It’s harder to do in low level dungeons due to the less linear structures, but still important to build good habits early and often. I love traveling through the dungeons of course, but on the matter of using people’s time, it’s better to cooperate more than drag your feet.
@dustinhatfield8373 10 месяцев назад
I feel like a lot of samurais sleep on Hagakure. When in a pull as a samurai, I will use it to build up as much kenki as I can instead of just sitting on the stickers until we have stopped long enough for Iaijutsu
@edgarlarios4718 10 месяцев назад
Feel free to invuln as a tank in a mob pack before the first boss, it will be back before the third, and depending on the job/dungeon, before the second. It frees up the healer to do damage.
@Zanador 10 месяцев назад
This is true, but it depends on the dungeon. Sometimes the pull that you don't have invuln for in this situation is the one where you would want to have it the most.
@purplefreedom1631 8 месяцев назад
If the healer cure1's you, you're legally obligated to flash them as a WAR
@miamha 10 месяцев назад
I love phys ranged who pop their aoe mit during wall pulls, means I can holy spam more 💖
@HotAkPL 10 месяцев назад
Not sure how much this helps, but I like to move next to the exit when the boss are about to die. As long as you don't die, eating a mechanic or 2 to dps more towards the end of the fight would likely be faster. You will be healed up before the next pull anyway.
@4SkippyRoo 10 месяцев назад
okay, so cool down ... I thought it referred to the period of time an action can't be used- you pressed it so now it's on cool down. But often times I hear it used in place of mit- tanks using their cool downs. i am confused 😅
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
That is correct! 😊 Cooldown refers both to the period where you can't use an action after you already used it! But also refers TO actions that have such a downtime period at all! This means you can both have offensive cooldowns and defensive cooldowns (such as tank mitigation!) 😊
@4SkippyRoo 10 месяцев назад
@@CaetsuChaijiCh ah, okay. TY!
@sixthcairn 10 месяцев назад
Art of War is a gain on two (2), usually. But if you're in the level range just after getting Art of War, it's actually a gain on ONE (1)!
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Correct! Make sure to weave in auto attacks for full value!
@iPlayOnSpica 10 месяцев назад
For clarification to other readers, this is lvl 46-53.
@dustinhatfield8373 10 месяцев назад
Misshapen Chair is that you?
@cleyra8550 10 месяцев назад
Tank invulns are busted and should be stated to the healers when you're going to use one in an upcoming pull. Likewise, if a DRK tells you theyre going to use Living Dead, please let them get low.
@Dyxid 10 месяцев назад
Honestly, I'm never gonna get used to the idea of wall-to-wall pulls, it just runs so counter to everything I've been taught in other MMOs. Thankfully I can level the Tank classes in other ways otherwise they'd wither on the vine, lol.
@InsanoRider777 8 месяцев назад
Wall-to-walls are really quite anxiety-inducing. Not only do you have to be fairly on-point with your C/Ds, you're also putting a lot of faith into the healer's ability to manage the damage while maintaining DPS.
@ASTOGK 8 месяцев назад
I die inside every time I see a Dancer using Standard Finish without being in range to damage the pack or boss and saving Tech Step for bosses when it would make mowing down trash packs way quicker.
@GemmiElf 10 месяцев назад
A lot tends to depend on the tank, I've ripped aggro from the tank during first pack smn bahamunt pull and some tanks can handle me blasting that early without aggro issues. I've ripped aggro as a dancer aoeing during a pull, and some tanks have absolutely no issue keeping threat. In either case I've always found keeping pace with the tank generally solves the issue the quickest in case you do rip aggro. It might mean weaving an extra defensive in (Samba Dance or burning through carbuncle shields) but it will affect the healer the least as you can while the tank picks up aggro again. I recall ripping aggro once during the first pull of LS(was absolutely fucking nuking Mike) but as I was in melee range the tank picked up on it quite quickly and whatever damage I took from holding aggro for a few seconds was ignored by the healer as it was not needed healing, and outside of combat hp regen healed me before the second pack without issue. Also the first pull tends to tell the aggro pattern for the rest of the instance. If ripped aggro during pack 1, I'm most likely going to end up ripping aggro doing the same series of things later on a different pack. So it's best to adjust from what knowledge you gain from that first pull to make other pulls smoother.
@Ymirsabella 10 месяцев назад
The thing that always helps me is playing with friends
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
That also helps a lot! Both because it is more fun that way, but also because you can trust your team to deliver! :D
@timb8549 10 месяцев назад
Playing with friends allows for some... creative... uses of rescue that might be seen as rude with people you don't know! :D I love rescuing my tank friends forward as a pull is about to finish.
@the_dark_soul_of_man 10 месяцев назад
Number 8: Don't be directionally challenged like me.
@azraeldraco9979 10 месяцев назад
This is mostly for AST and caster DPS, but they should be aware that their AoE spells are generally targetted and therefore will be centered on the mob they target. This can cause you to not hit all the mobs or sometimes not hit anything at all if you target the bigger mob. It's not an issue in most dungeons, but specific ones and some alliance raids even.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
This is very true. Sometimes, mobs can even be so big that you don't really hit more than a single thing when you center your AoE on a really big mob!
@azraeldraco9979 10 месяцев назад
Especially with the Garuda puddle, I have seen many SMNs place it on the big target and it not hitting anything else xD@@CaetsuChaijiCh
@Zanador 10 месяцев назад
These AoEs also have extra incentive to target the healthiest mob in the group, because if the mob you're targeting dies while you're mid-cast then your spell will be canceled and you'll be stuck doing nothing for a couple of seconds.
@Yokai_Yuri 10 месяцев назад
The only tip is: disrespect the healer.
@misterbxiv 10 месяцев назад
The advice at 7:14 is actively trolling. If there’s enough enemies for your aoe to be a gain over single target you should ALWAYS be doing aoe. Doesn’t matter if there is 1 mob with a milllion health. Killing the smaller ones faster lets EVERYONE swap to single target for the final mob. The ONLY exception to this rule is if doton or slipstream will kill the weaker mobs without needing any more damage
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Since some jobs have attacks with AoE components that they use on single target anyway, keeping more mobs around to get hit by that can also be considered valuable, as long as it doesn't impact the tank or the healers ability to attack ^^ For example, all four tanks have a level 90 action that works like that. All healers have significantly better AoE attacks compared to their single target. And most DPS jobs have at least one attack that has an AoE component that they use on single target anyway, so prioritizing a main target and mildly ignoring some of the other mobs to make sure it all dies together can actually be beneficial in this regard. Although I do kind of get what you are going for with things like Doton and Slipstream ^^
@theultimateevil3430 10 месяцев назад
Bahamut can never steal aggro from a competent tank. PLD and GNB have dots, DRK has oGCD line cleave, every tank has ranged attack that has increased range since 6.0 specifically so you can attack the pulled mobs while running, one by one, and you have Provoke on top on that. You can also just not allow casters to do damage by being faster. As RDM, I can only do as much casts as I have jumps (2 engagements/displacement gives enough time to do 2 dualcasts), but if you're slow af, then I'll do more and steal aggro. Stealing aggro has never been a problem if you're following the tank. Just go to where the mobs at. Non-tanks have just enough hp to get hit by half of the pack once and then they'll get healed to the full by oGCD AoE heal that always goes off on every pull. A decent healer can also throw E.Dia or Regen while running.
@JiooguProductions 10 месяцев назад
5 Tips everyone should have figured out for themselves through common sense
@Dastan117 10 месяцев назад
Unfortunately, the players that need to watch this video, won't. They are content to continue to play the game on brain dead mode. Being a burden to everyone else that has the unfortunate luck of playing with them. Never learning how to actually play their jobs and making everyone else's in-game experience terrible.
@ShoryukenPizza 10 месяцев назад
Had a SAM yesterday in lv87 dungeon using single targeting attacks on mobs. Took 2 mins for every pull. typed out "aoe :o" in chat and fixed it, but damn I had like no cooldowns for a good min.
@HyouVizer 10 месяцев назад
"Help the tank" bless you sir, it makes me wish fient and addle were aoes like reprisal too. 8:39 as a SMN & DNC this bugs me too. I have to do my opener/buffs on mobs as tank is still pulling so they'll be back off CD by the next boss. Otherwise everything falls out of alignment meh.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Yeah it is a very awkward thing to play around!
@InsanoRider777 8 месяцев назад
I love DNC but those RNG procs are killing me.
@lightknightgames 10 месяцев назад
In low level dungeons usually. If you do not have AoE, then hit the *healthiest* mob. The tank always has AoE, so you can optimize by lowering the final mob just like Tip 4 Also there's some weirdness with the level 53 and 55 dungeons because they are time locked and single-target mob locked while inside medium sized pulls, so using buffs is pointless and singletarget is stronger, respectively Might also be some other ones to look into, but I think it's just those two off the top of my head.
@JohnDCrafton 10 месяцев назад
There's a tradeoff between targetting the healthiest mob and targetting the mob that will give your attack the most potency. There are some mobs that are so large your aoe will hit only them if they are your primary target, but if you target a less healthy mob that is also a lot smaller, you'll hit the whole pack.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
That is very true, sometimes you simply can't focus the main big mob without losing out on a lot of AoE, it is a difficult trade off. Similarly, these big chonky mobs sometimes shuffle each other away, leading to the mob requiring more attention to fall with the rest of the group, so it all does get quite complex!
@masterplusmargarita 10 месяцев назад
Two incredibly 101 points that I often notice sprouts messing up are -Learn on how many enemies your AoE rotation is more powerful on than your single target rotation. For most jobs at most levels it's 3, so you should switch to single target when there's 2 enemies left, but there's a few jobs where AoE is a gain on 2 enemies, and, for a while Scholar's Art of War is (say it with me) actually technically a gain on 1 enemy. If your single target rotation is more damage, refer to Cae's point on how the pull has as much HP as the highest HP enemy and attack accordingly. -Sometimes, slightly delaying a GCD while pulling so you can start AoEing a little sooner is beneficial. Rather than reapplying Aero for 20 potency in the last second you're going to be running and then milling around with your hands in your pockets for a bit, waiting half a GCD cooldown and pressing Holy on the entire pull that much sooner is probably beneficial. This one I say because I do it all the time and feel daft when I do.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Very good tips indeed!
@silverhairedelf09 10 месяцев назад
As the healer for my group, whenever we run dungeons I always ask for a WtW pull, because I know that I can rely on my tank communicating when he uses his CD's and I can adjust accordingly, and it helps that WtW just makes the whole dungeon run faster, *and* it also helps me learn more about how to use my kit as effectively as possible (as WtW is demanding to the healer). On pubs I usually let the tank dictate the pace of the run, however when I'm *confident* I can handle a WtW, I run forward a bit and furiously jump to let the tank know I can handle more LOL. It's helped with speeding a lot of dungeons for me, especially EW. (Tower of Zot's WtW is actually so much fun for me)
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
The classic communication of the MMO: Jumping! :D
@milesg7877 10 месяцев назад
As someone new to mmo and loving the WAR, the healer jumping and running ahead lets me know to speed up the pressure!
@nezunskyfire292 10 месяцев назад
A good tip I found for min-maxing on WAR at higher level dungeons: at the start of a dungeon pull after you meatball the first pack, nail the first pack with overpower, run until your GCD is about to finish, stop for a moment to let the mobs catch up, then follow up with Mythril Tempest and start running again, that way you can get Storm Surge up and start using Inner Release the moment you hit the second pack and get your CDs rolling asap
@Zaknalfein0974 10 месяцев назад
tanking 101 from Professor Cae
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
A little bit of everything, but certainly, running dungeons faster is heavily leaned on the tank! ^^
@skeletalSir 10 месяцев назад
It's nice getting these thoughts to words. I come from a WoW M+ background so I knew this stuff, but I never had a good FF14 context way to say it when doing rolos with friends. While also having some confirmation that it's still a valid (when appropriate) mindset. Particularly #5. When my team cracked that code, our performance shot up. Thanks 😊 Edit 2: The Slow effect on Arm's Length is attack speed related instead of movement speed. So acts as an extra defensive to pop. If you snag aggro during the big pull, pop Arm's Length while you run the mob to the tank's AOE. You take less damage and maybe the tank will as well.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
I also came from an M+ background actually! I'm glad you found it helpful in that way! 😁
@skeletalSir 10 месяцев назад
Updated my tip to be cleaner, but a minor tip I wanted to follow up with is Arm's Length and Surecast working on the steam knock backs in the early Alexander trash hallways. Which is nice for mooglestone spamming to pop just as you enter that room and avoid the maze.
@martinsmith9371 10 месяцев назад
While on the topic of part 3 Having Kardia on a tank as sage is a must. Yes slap it onto other people that get damaged by all means, were all human and make mistakes or have to take eye of screen, but refusing to slap Kardia on tank or party is just utter bs. Yes I've been in plenty dungeons were sage hasn't been using Kardia, and this is at level 90 runs
@InsanoRider777 8 месяцев назад
I was halfway through a Castrum Meridianum run once and I was like "ugh, why is this tank so hard to heal?" Turns out I forgot something lmao
@martinsmith9371 8 месяцев назад
@@InsanoRider777 instant trigger How dare you forget kardia lol
@iPlayOnSpica 10 месяцев назад
Reprisal can be used to generate enmity in place of a gcd aoe if your kit lacks ogcd aoes (mostly WAR at a majority of levels). However, you should plan to use this very early so it's back up later in the pull, and/or already have a great deal of trust in your healer to do the extra work for having one less mit active. Additionally, healing and/or party buffs like Equilibrium and Divine Veil are also good for generating enmity.
@EdgeKisaragi 10 месяцев назад
If you think about how many times you run a dungeon in an MMO then over time those seconds saved add up! 😅
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Very true! 😂
@InsanoRider777 8 месяцев назад
I don't think about that. I consider that time spent playing the game lmao
@EdgeKisaragi 8 месяцев назад
@@InsanoRider777 live inefficiently 💪🏻
@Catwithsunglasses_ 10 месяцев назад
helpful as always
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
I'm glad to hear that! Thank you! :D
@Catwithsunglasses_ 10 месяцев назад
I started playing a few weeks ago and you have helped me so much on my journey so far! :)@@CaetsuChaijiCh
@Anolaana 10 месяцев назад
I hope Criterions never get timed! I feel like WoW's timed dungeon/M+ system contributed a lot to the intensification of wow's endgame.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
It probably did! 😅 Criterion giving you 90 minutes now is very nice at least 😅
@alloounou6900 10 месяцев назад
Also want to add, sprinting can reduce damage as a tank but if your party isn't on the same page then its a waste. Especially if you left your healer behind and now they're burning through their tools to get your hp back up. Always be aware of the party.
@immersion9880 9 месяцев назад
As a scholar I feel this so much. I’m always left wondering why they gave Sage the gap closer when Scholars gcd shield is cast and not instant.
@vespi57 10 месяцев назад
For pulling, I have a certain way to make sure I have aggro on all enemies in wall-to-wall pulls. Pull with range skill (e.g Shield Lob), use two AoE-skills to aggro, then drag them to the next mob. Some claim that one AoE-skill is enough, but I have often seen that using just one may not give the tank enough aggro to keep all the mobs on the tank, even with tank stance on, while dragging them to the next mob, since other players will attempt to damage the mob at any possible moment, and their aggro can exceed tank's aggro. By using two, tanks will get more aggro, which gives a better safety window, and other players don't have to worry about stealing aggro. And tank also doesn't need to do target switching while running.
@Zanador 10 месяцев назад
Another thing you can do (which is slightly more complicated but faster) is use ranged skill to initiate, AoE the pack once, and then run to the next pack, BUT keep using your ranged skill as you run to hit everyone in the first pack at least once while they're chasing. Ranged skill generates so much aggro it's insane, so as long as you hit each mob once you should be golden. And once you're sure you've got everyone, you can keep throwing attacks out behind you just to get some extra damage in.
@deltaoalice9281 7 месяцев назад
depending on class you can do different things. I almost exclusively use Provoke over the ranged aggro skill as it is an ogcd. Pulling without an ogcd allows for you to start casting your actual AoE GCD earlier which is significantly more damage. On jobs like Dark knight, using a GCD + Flood is often enough to get enough aggro so prioritising getting to the second pack instead of mashing your single target skill (which doesn't really save time since you are still limited by the damage on the second pack but pads raw numbers) is more important.
@vespi57 7 месяцев назад
@@Zanador I've been doing that too, especially if there are any ninjapullers in the party.
@nezunskyfire292 10 месяцев назад
What SAM sword were you using during tip 2? That looks amazing!
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Majestic Manderville Samurai Blade It is the third step of the endwalker relic weapon!
@nezunskyfire292 10 месяцев назад
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Thanks!
@4mb127 10 месяцев назад
I have the opposite problem. I want to take the dungeons slow, but my only alternative seems to be to do it with NPCs.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
I've seen some people host party finder groups for slow run dungeons. I don't know how successful it would be, but it's worth a shot?
@InsanoRider777 8 месяцев назад
Every time I encounter people trying to speedrun dungeons or alliances, I find myself wondering why they don't just turn off the game if they're in such a hurry to not play it. Yes, I get that many of us have run these instances gods-know how many times; I've been playing since 2.0 so I get it completely. Waiting a few seconds for the tank to do a combo or to make sure nobody's in cutscenes (I play on PS4 and more than once I've had people start bosses before I've even LOADED the cutscene to skip it) won't kill anybody.
@Noah-gn2gu 10 месяцев назад
Dungeon optimizing is so rich and has so much depth. It really pushes you to know your kit and know what affects time and damage. You have to constantly adjust to things changing around you. It also can make some jobs shine more or less compared to raids. Every job has nuances that can really affect a dungeon if you know what you're doing. #4 is really a PSA you can save so much time by targeting your "X potency to the first target and half as much to the rest" to the strongest mob. Whole GCDs worth of time (can add up to almost a minute with 3-6 pulls.) I'm sad they removed that aspect from DNC's AOEs. About #2, you don't always want to use everything on CD. Sometimes you want to save an oGCD or gauge for a mob pack instead of a boss because it's a gain to hit multiple targets over half a use. Sometimes you want to save an oGCD or gauge for single-target raid buffs if it's close in potency. For example, Edge of Shadow is 460 and Flood of Shadow on 3 is 480. But Edge of Shadow with Mug is 483, and most Ninjas will save Mug for bosses. It's very job and comp dependent and that's what makes dungeon optimizing so rich.
@DantoriusD 10 месяцев назад
Actually it is pretty Easy as a SMN to do something within the First Pull. You can Sprint Hardcast Tri Desaster, weave in Energy Syphon, then Ruin 4 into Swiftcast Tri Desaster. That are already 7 seconds and by that Time the Tank should be arrive at the 2nd grp for your Bahamut. After that every Mob grp should be covered by your summons. On Dungeons you usually have 1 Demi in every Mob grp and after that i would go Ifrit+Garuda or Garuda+Ifrit that saves Titan for the small Packs between Pulls.
@Shizuma 10 месяцев назад
I do some speed dungeoning with friends and apart from what's mentioned there's a couple things. 1. Using Ranged LB when it's available on mob packs. Usually this will happen after the second boss. Hiting 8 enemies with an LB1 beats a melee LB2 every time. 2. no healer. Of course.. you can't do this without 3 other people and in some lower level dungeons.. but you don't need a healer at all in dungeons. (you don't need a tank either but tank aoe is really strong)
@ziegelstein001 10 месяцев назад
Yes, your invuln is also a mitigation and not a panic button for panics that seem to never happen
@alloounou6900 10 месяцев назад
One thing that dps mains may not be aware of is that mob pulls hit significantly harder than the boss. Also, dungeon design is such that a well performing group can use their big skills on the first pull and have them available again by the time they reach the boss
@alloounou6900 10 месяцев назад
And you brought this up. Thorough as usual.
@Itama22 10 месяцев назад
My tip for playing tank would be for mob packs of 4 enemies or lower, dont stop and use aoe to get threat of the enemies. What I do instead is to sprint past the group while doing the following: Ranged Attack, Tab Target, Provoke, Tab Target, Ranged Attack, Tab Target/Click last enemy, ranged attack. I rather click the last enemy on 4 enemy packs, because you dont have much time until you're out of reach and tab targeting is unreliable. This method: - is faster because you dont stop - You take less damage because you're out of range of most enemies melee attacks while pulling. -Your DPS can unleash hell on the enemies (Summoners and Bahamut) while pulling without getting to much threat, since they will never get past the ranged attack/provoke threat, where they would deal enough damage to steal threat from just one tank AoE hit. It may need some practice for 4 enemy packs because of targeting the last one, sometimes you have to turn around and take your time to range attack the last enemy if you fail to get it in time. It also looks sick and professional if you pull like that :D
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
I very much agree with strategy, and in most cases I will use it too 😁 I also teach it in my tank guides! I have heard that it might be a lot harder to pull off on a controller though, but I wouldn't know! 😅
@timb8549 10 месяцев назад
I'd only adjust that tab *after* provoking. Hitting provoke at the start of a pull puts you at the top of the enmity list, but doing that before anyone has generated any makes it easy for that provoked mob to leave you. I still do it, but will follow with a Tomahawk to the same mob.
@cleyra8550 10 месяцев назад
Honestly doesnt matter, cuz that goes into the point the video made...until everything is dead on the wtw pull, one second is nothing. Most cases you can aoe while sprinting and voke one if you miss it. If they pull aggro, who cares. They should be sprinting to bring the mobs up anyway. Your way works, but its extra as hell.
@Itama22 10 месяцев назад
@@cleyra8550 The whole point of this video is extra as hell, that's the point of speed running, it's something you do when you're bored or want to challenge yourself :D Also imagine playing with people, who don't care anyway and burst the living shit out of the initial mob pack, or healers who struggle to keep up your HP while using Cure I. This is not the exception and in both cases, this method can help you survive and keep enmity plus getting some extra speedrun seconds. another point, enemy pathfinding is weird and they usually stop walking on occasion to do an attack or something, so in terms of aoe attacking the pack, you have to stop or slow down, or even walk back aswell, or use ranged attacks anyway. And what you said is correct: "They should be sprinting to bring the mobs up anyway". They SHOULD, they usually don't do it though :D
@cleyra8550 10 месяцев назад
@@Itama22 Saying the whole video is extra as hell is intellectually dishonest. You know you would like to see people use their cooldowns outside of boss fights. You know you'd like to see people use sprint. You know you'd like to see people focus damage fall off moves on heavier health targets. Those fall under pretty good general advice. You can use your ranged hits on the move after an aoe, without stopping. God forbid a ff player takes critisim.
@cowinjapanese6896 10 месяцев назад
Honestly, if the tank is single pulling and not taking any damage whatsoever... Yes, I am going to pull more for them.
@ShoryukenPizza 10 месяцев назад
inb4 "u pull, u tank"
@cowinjapanese6896 10 месяцев назад
@@ShoryukenPizza Been there done that. Once tanked all of Copperbell as a healer after a tank got salty I pulled a single mob extra when they were single pulling and not taking any damage.
@InsanoRider777 8 месяцев назад
Hey if you've got other games to play, by all means go play them. We could do with one less toxic player.
@cowinjapanese6896 8 месяцев назад
@@InsanoRider777 Toxic? Oh, not at all. If it's a new player or sth, I will allow them to learn. But if I see a max lvl tank in your search info, I expect some level of competence.
@ShuckleII 10 месяцев назад
As if anyone in an ultracapitalistic country needed to speedrun even more, especially in this game, revolting.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 10 месяцев назад
Country? 🤔 This is mostly a way to improve how well you play the game, and isn't intended to demand people rush more than they desire to 😅
@sixthcairn 10 месяцев назад
Frixio called. The sylphs want their milkroot back.
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