
6 October 2024 MORNING SERVICE, St John's Annerley Presbyterian Church (released 13 October 2024) 

St Johns Annerley Presbyterian
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06-10-2024 MORNING Rev. Richard Vaughan
Psalm 16:7-11
HYMN 1 Join all the glorious Names
John 5:1-29
HYMN 2 What can wash away my sin
HYMN 3 Give me a sight, O Saviour
SERMON: The Coming Resurrection
HYMN 4 Something for Thee
DOXOLOGY: Jude:24-25
BENEDICTION: Now to Him who loved us
Scripture taken from NKJV(R).
Copyright(c)1982 Thomas Nelson.
Used by permission. All rights reserved
CCLI Streaming Licence No 1053011
Hymn 1
Join All the Glorious Names
Dr Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Tune: ST JOHN, Canon William H Havergal, 1793-1870
1. Join all the glorious names
of wisdom, love, and pow'r,
that ever mortals knew,
that angels ever bore;
all are too mean to speak His worth,
too mean to set my Saviour forth.
2. Great Prophet of my God,
my tongue would bless Thy Name:
by Thee the joyful news
of our salvation came;
the joyful news of sins forgiv'n,
of hell subdued, and peace with heav'n.
3. Jesus my great High Priest
offered His blood and died;
my guilty conscience seeks
no sacrifice beside:
His pow'rful blood did once atone,
and now it pleads before the throne.
4. Divine almighty Lord,
my Conqu'ror and my King,
Thy scepter and Thy sword,
Thy reigning grace I sing,
Thine is the pow'r; behold I sit
in willing bonds before Thy feet.
5. Now let my soul arise,
and tread the tempter down:
my Captain leads me forth
to conquest and a crown.
a feeble saint shall win the day,
though death and hell obstruct the way.
Hymn 2
What Can Wash Away My Sin?
Dr. Robert Lowry 1826-99
Tune: NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD Dr. Robert Lowry, 1826-99
1. What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! Precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know,
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
2. For my pardon, this I see:
nothing but the blood of Jesus;
for my cleansing, this my plea:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! Precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know,
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
3. Nothing can for sin atone,
nothing but the blood of Jesus;
naught of good that I have done,
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! Precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know,
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
4. This is all my hope and peace:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! Precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know,
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Hymn 3
Give Me a Sight, O Saviour
Katherine A Kelly 1869-1942
Tune: O MAKE ME UNDERSTAND IT, Katherine A Kelly 1869-1942
1. Give me a sight, O Saviour!
Of Thy wondrous love to me,
of the love that brought Thee down to earth
to die on Calvary.
O make me understand it!
Help me to take it in!
What it meant to Thee, the Holy One,
to bear away my sin.
2. Was it the nails, O Saviour!
that bound Thee to the tree?
Nay, 'twas Thine everlasting love,
Thy love for me, for me.
O make me understand it!
Help me to take it in!
What it meant to Thee, the Holy One,
to bear away my sin.
3. O wonder of all wonders!
That through Thy death for me
my open sins, my secret sins,
can all forgiven be!
O make me understand it!
Help me to take it in!
What it meant to Thee, the Holy One,
to bear away my sin.
4. Then melt my heart, O Saviour!
Bend me, yes, break me down
until I own Thee Conqueror,
and Lord and Sov'reign crown.
O make me understand it!
Help me to take it in!
What it meant to Thee, the Holy One,
to bear away my sin.
Hymn 4
Saviour, Thy Dying Love
Sylvanus D Phelps 1816-95
Tune: SOMETHING FOR THEE, Dr. Robert Lowry, 1826-99
1. Saviour, Thy dying love
Thou gavest me;
nor should I aught withhold,
dear Lord, from Thee.
In love my soul would bow,
my heart fulfil its vow,
some off'ring bring Thee now,
something for Thee.
2. At the blest mercy seat,
pleading for me,
my feeble faith looks up,
Jesus, to Thee.
Help me the cross to bear,
Thy wondrous love declare,
some song to raise, or prayer,
something for Thee.
3. Give me a faithful heart,
likeness to Thee.
That each departing day
henceforth may see
some work of love begun,
some deed of kindness done,
some wand'rer sought and won,
something for Thee.
4. All that I am and have,
Thy gifts so free,
in joy, in grief, through life,
dear Lord, for Thee!
And when Thy face I see,
my ransom'd soul shall be
through all eternity,
something for Thee.
Now to Him Who Loved Us
Samuel M Waring 1792-1827
Tune: TRIUMPH, Henry J Gauntlett, 1805-76
Now to Him who loved us, gave us
every pledge that love could give,
freely shed His blood to save us,
gave His life that we might live,
be the kingdom and dominion,
and the glory evermore. AMEN



16 окт 2024




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