
A Qur'anic View of the Bible - Shabir Ally & Samuel Green 

Samuel Green
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The debate occurred June 3/4, 2021



7 сен 2024




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@islamicclarity7062 3 года назад
Thank you for this, sir
@triuneapologeticsevangelis5912 3 года назад
GBU brother samwel,as a Christian I'm proud of you for not only defending my faith but also proving that the Bible is the true word of God.
@theguyver4934 3 года назад
One question if someone told you that there are contradictions in the holy Bible then how would you response sincerely from a muslim
@smk1189 3 года назад
If it was prophesied in (Isaiah 53 . . . .) that Jesus was going die for our sins, WHY than Jesus LIED to the Jewish man by telling him to inherit ETERNAL LIFE is to KEEP the LAW (Luke 10:25-28). Did Jesus commit sin by LYING?
@chrisazure1624 3 года назад
@@smk1189 You twist scripture to your demise. The requirement that Jesus approved was, "“ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" That does not change when Jesus died on the Cross and was resurrected. Those commandments are true today for all Christians. Those are the moral laws. Also, loving God means loving Jesus as your savior and believing Jesus died for your sins.
@sardarkz9929 3 года назад
@@chrisazure1624 Jesus did LIE to the young Jewish man in (Matthew 19:16-17) if he believed himself to be the "suffering servant of Isaiah". Please show me in the context of the verses in Matthew, where does Jesus says to the young Jewish man to "believe in his blood sacrifice for his sins . . ?
@chrisazure1624 3 года назад
@@sardarkz9929 Wow. I thought Muslims loved Jesus. It surprises me that you would slander Jesus as a liar. So what is the lie in the passage you shared? Jesus told him to keep the commandments. Those still apply to Christians. You confuse the forgiveness of sins for the moral obligations we are still expected to adhere to. It shows how ignorant you are of the Christian faith. It also shows your ignorance of the Bible in general. Isaiah 53 is referenced in Matthew 8:17 but also in John 12:38. But Acts 8:26-40 is a longer reference to the passage in Isaiah. But generally you are demanding Jesus say specific words in a particular passage that is not how this works. You approach the Bible and study what it says and not demand it says something you expect it to in a particular passage. That is just stupid. But Muhammad told us that we could find him in the Torah and Gospel, but no one can find Muhammad mentioned. Did Muhammad lie, or was he ignorant and mistaken. Certainly allah would not be so dumb to make that mistake.
@lotsofqurans 3 года назад
Watching Samuel Green debate is always refreshing. I really enjoy your method in debates, and this was another one of your excellent debates. Well done sir. Keep up the good work you are doing.
@theman8070 3 года назад
I bear witness that Jesus christ is the word of God and the spirit of God and the messiah of God and he is in heaven 🙏
@theman8070 3 года назад
@39abat so you beleive the quran is the word of allah and its eternal, but you dont beleive Jesus christ the word of allah is eternal,, even though he is in heaven..?? 😂😂 you are dumb
@rajpaul5381 3 года назад
Jesus is the LORD GOD almighty
@milesheizer698 3 года назад
@39abat you muslims are not believing in the real Jesus, that's a fake Jesus in your Quran 😭
@balthazarbones3694 3 года назад
@@milesheizer698 Said the guy who believes made up bible stories. History Is way different.
@milesheizer698 3 года назад
@@balthazarbones3694 said the guy who's defending a pedophile 😭
@truthdefenders4694 3 года назад
Well done brother Samuel. I'm not surprised Shabir went off topic over and over again, and the moderator allowed questions off topic. It was very crafty of Shabir to ask you if you had read a "book" that was not actually a book yet, at least not in print, very slippery of him. Clearly Shabir lost and even the "book" he introduced destroyed his own religion and book by claiming corruption to the Bible. Shabir doesn't seem to have any shame in continually bringing up arguments that he has been refuted on time and time again as if no one has ever answered him and refuted him. Well as Adnan Rashid said: "Shabir Ali is not a source of information to us" and "Shabir is not an authority for us to take Islam from him".
@King_David794 3 года назад
He is a slippery character but what do you expect when you represent a false religion. Shabir has been debating the same nonsense over and over again. For someone with his intellect he has no excuse not to come to the truth.
@whatdomuslimsknowii9165 3 года назад
Kenny is known for his games. He is very much afraid to have discussion with me about Islam and the Koran once he found out I speak Arabic.
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
He likes to mention some book and then give his opinion about what the book says in one section while ignoring the problems it causes for his side. It is the fallacious "appeal to authority" technique he tries over and over again.
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
@@whatdomuslimsknowii9165 I noticed he interrupted Sam a couple of times, but not Shabir.
@whatdomuslimsknowii9165 3 года назад
@@hazratmuhazmat8831 both shabir and boomer are cowards. Once they found out I know Arabic they ran from any discussion with me. Nadir Ahmed blocked me and ran. It’s funny how they run and then turn around and claim we run from them when we are running after them 🙏✝️🙏
@milesheizer698 3 года назад
Thanks Reverend Green for this informative debate🙏 also thanks to dr Shabir Ally 🦋
@yidiandianpang 3 года назад
The mormons surely do not take the new testament seriously at all. When I lived in Utah in the 80s they would say it was "incorrectly translated." Don't know if they still say that but I really doubt they read it much at all. They would not use water for communion if they took it seriously.
@theguyver4934 3 года назад
Mormonism has nothing to do with christianity and I'm saying that as a muslim
@samt6492 3 месяца назад
Kind of a bizarre position to take. If it is incorrectly translated, they could just make their own translation like the Jehovah's Witnesses.
@yidiandianpang 3 месяца назад
@@samt6492 Its a way to get people not to read it or use it as an authority.
@FaithRationale 3 года назад
Interesting shabir open statement is about Joseph Smith. Muhammad was Joseph Smith of his time. Creating suras to nullify the teachings of Jesus Christ.
@yidiandianpang 3 года назад
Collecting wives
@A13b100 3 года назад
Do you know Muhammed was teaching what most jesus said whicj Christians ignore? You should watch the debate between adnan rashid and James white called whos more like jesus muslims or Christians
@FaithRationale 3 года назад
@@A13b100 There is nothing Muhammad can teach us. Adnan, like you, favors crime of sex slavery. You are of the same stock as Muhammad. Jesus taught us perfection. Jesus is the perfect model for mankind.
@A13b100 3 года назад
@@FaithRationale jesus in fact said slavery is ok in the bible. leviticus says. 44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly. Prophet Muhammad In Hadiths said multiple times the freeing of slaves Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will save all the parts of his body from the (Hell) Fire as he has freed the body-parts of the slave." Sa`id bin Marjana said that he narrated that Hadith to `Ali bin Al-Husain and he freed his slave for whom `Abdullah bin Ja`far had offered him ten thousand Dirhams or one-thousand Dinars. Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 2517In-book reference : Book 49, Hadith 1USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 3, Book 46, Hadith 693 (deprecated numbering scheme)
@FaithRationale 3 года назад
@@A13b100 Jesus had no slaves. Oh you mean YHWH is Jesus Christ. Thanks for proving Jesus is God and Trinity is One God. Now, Christianity is Clear the Old Laws were replaced and OBSOLETED by a more perfect New Testament. The idea of buying slaves from the other nation is to rescue them from the abuse they are receiving from their masters because those slaves are treated like animals. Just like Islam do sex slavery. There is no sex slavery in Israel. One is to be treated as wife or a pure helper in the household.
@Mkvine 3 года назад
There you have it folks, not once in the entire debate could Shabir provide a single verse that says the Gospel or Torah has been corrupted.
@smk1189 3 года назад
According to the FOUR Gospel accounts Jesus was crucified killed on the cross, and the (Holy Quran 4:157) rejects the Gospel accounts of Jesus crucifixion as LIES, as fabricated testimony. The Holy Quran in ONE verse destroys the most important doctrine of Christian faith as a LIE.
@Mkvine 3 года назад
@@smk1189 the Quran simply gets it wrong here.
@smk1189 3 года назад
@@Mkvine That was NOT the point I was trying to make. My point is to believe the Holy Quran confirms the FOUR Gospels in the Bible its SILLY, because just in one verse (Quran 4:157) the Holy Quran calls the entire Christian faith as a LIE, fiction.
@Mkvine 3 года назад
@@smk1189 then I think the Quran has an internal contradiction. On the one hand it says to confirm our scripture, on the other hand it goes against it.
@smk1189 3 года назад
@@Mkvine That is true if the Holy Quran was written many years like the Bible. The Holy Quran was written, memorized in the LIFE time of my beloved Holy Prophet.
@yidiandianpang 3 года назад
So according to Shabir, if we assume Islam is true, the fact that, as Muslims came to know the Bible's actual content and how it differs from the Qurans teachings, Muslims have to conclude the Quran has a negative attitude towards the Bible despite the positive statements. I prefer to conclude the Quran is asserting the Bibles' authority while assuming there was no big difference, i.e. the (human author of) Quran got this wrong. The Quran loves the Bible. Muslims don't. They cannot, but they must. I prefer first century documents over seventh century when studying what Jesus taught. Lost Samaritan, Prodigal Son, Pharisee and tax collector praying, sermon on the mount, healings, exorcisms, Olivet discourse, cross, resurrection, and so on.
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
@39abat But the Quran directly speaks of the Torah and no one doubts the Torah is the Torah. Muslims have to invent reasons why they reject what their Quran tells them to believe. Muhammad was confused when he heard of the Gospel (good news) and did not realize the Gospels records (4 books) tell the Gospel message of Jesus. It just shows Muhammad's ignorance.
@rajpaul5381 3 года назад
@39abat which Qur'an of of 40 different Qur'ans?
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
@39abat You are such an idiot. The Bible did not say that Rachel was still alive, but that Jacob interpreted Joseph's dream as if his mother and himself would bow before Joseph. This is a figurative interpretation, presumably the spirit of his mother would bow. That is how Jacob understood the Sun the Moon and the eleven stars. It does not mean Rachel was still alive. And your Quran did not correct any mistake. It left out details. That is not a correction.
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
@39abat By the way, it is your allah that takes credit for the Torah. When you deride it, it shows how far, far astray you have gone according to your own book. Quran 3:3 He has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book in truth, confirming what came before it, as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel 4:136 O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray.
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
@39abat As I said, Jacob was the one interpreting Joseph's dream. Dreams are figurative and are interpreted. Obviously Jacob knew his wife was dead so how do you explain it? The Quran doesn't "correct" the facts because it doesn't tell us when the mother died. You will grasp at anything to protect Muhammad's lie. Your lies about the injeel lack evidence. You have absolutely no proof and it contradicts your own crappy Quran. The Quran tells you that you can find Muhammed mentioned in the Injeel. According to you, "4- This message was written down at a certain point but it was not preserved. And the Injeel was lost shortly after Jesus was taken up into Paradise." So how could anyone in the time of Muhammad find him in the injeel if it no longer existed? Riddle me that, Batman! You Muslims make up all kinds of lies and invent issues just to try to protect your perverted false prophet. If the Gospels are not the Injeel, then why do Muslims desperately try to claim the Holy Spirit is Muhammad in the Gospel of John? Did they not get the same memo you did? LOL.
@mawims2271 3 года назад
Indonesia kristian translate bilble from the English Bible.. Far away from original. But Quran was preserve the original langguage until today. Alhamdulillah
@Mkvine 3 года назад
The Quran does not teach the Gospel has changed
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
We have the Bible in the original languages. They have not been lost. We translate the message from the original into the local languages so they can hear the message of salvation. We don't believe there is magic in the original languages like Muslims do about Arabic.
@rajpaul5381 3 года назад
@@Mkvine which Qur'an out of 40 s?
@Mkvine 3 года назад
@@rajpaul5381 only 40? I thought there were more
@prophetthemagnificent 3 года назад
See is not that hard to debate on YT, so why many people don't want to debate CP on YT? Cause they sacred to debate CP
@MBiernat0711 3 года назад
The best debate/presentation i have ever seen. At the end - while dr. Green clearly proved that the Quran supports the truth of the previous scriptures-dr. Ally’s conclusion was “oh yes in one context it supports, in some other it denies” - it was refreshing to see dr. Green to REMIND dr. Ally that Ally is making his own contexts. Because Dr. Green was so knowledgeable on the issue and it was becoming clear that Muhammad (or whoever brought up the Quran) was rather arrogant and ignorant about the subject of previous scriptures. Muhammad was ignorant as to the content of the “Torah and Injeel” - and he was arrogant enough to think that no one will ever notice. It was fun to watch Kenny’s head nearly bursting with his well-hidden anger and hatred, and Shabir Ally’s little Muslim hat nearly falling off his head :)
@smk1189 3 года назад
According to the FOUR Gospel accounts Jesus was crucified killed on the cross, and the (Holy Quran 4:157) rejects the Gospel accounts of Jesus crucifixion as LIES, as fabricated testimony. The Holy Quran in ONE verse destroys the most important doctrine of Christian faith as a LIE.
@MBiernat0711 3 года назад
@@smk1189 that is only if you assume that the Quran is somehow “truer” that what is in the Gospel. But this is only your opinion and not set in any standard of truth. As far as I can tell - the Quran is highly blasphemous: it mixes truth with error, and thus, anyone who believe in this error becomes a (t)errorist. Let us not be errorists, let us reject the Quran;)
@smk1189 3 года назад
@@MBiernat0711 Whether you believe the Holy Quran is the truth or not that is not point. My point is the (Holy Quran 4:157) debunks Samuel Green's argument that the Holy Quran confirms the FOUR Gospels in the Bible to be true. The Quran in ONE verse destroys the entire religion of Christianity as LIE, fiction. So, how can someone in there right mind say the Quran confirms the four Gospels. It SILLY.
@MBiernat0711 3 года назад
@@smk1189 Quran 4:157 doesn’t debunk anything - because the Quran over all does not have credibility. It is internally inconsistent and, on occasion, just silly. Quran 4:157 only tells us that whoever composed it followed heretical groups of Christians who did not believe in the crucified Jesus (docetism, Manichaeism). The Quran was influenced by all the religions around the Arabs of Levant (yes, yes, there was no “Mecca” where Mecca is today, the Quran was made up around The Holy Land). …. What else …… oh, prophet Muhammad was also described in the manner of either Jesus (“the prophet mentioned in the Taurat and the Injeel, the way, the light, the lifter of burdens (sins), or prophet Mani (“the seal of the prophets). So you can see how 4:157 just is a form of heretical Christianity. Some believe that the whole “believer movement” including Muhammad are heretical Christians - but i wouldn’t go so far … whoever wrote up the Quran knew a lot of religions on surface, but wasn’t familiar with any of them in depth. There is no message of Christ in the Quran …. So the writers were somehow familiar, but not really
@smk1189 3 года назад
@@MBiernat0711 That is your opinion. But the point I am trying to make is that the Holy Quran does NOT confirm the Gospels accounts in your Bible as Samuel Green claiming. The (Holy Quran 4:157) is the PROOF that the entire FOUR Gospel accounts are no more than FICTION. . . Whether you accept or not that is not my problem.
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
Great job, Sam. I remind Muslims our Torah and Gospel today teaches the same message that the actual copies from before Muhammad said. If they were changed, then bring us a copy of what it is supposed to say. Whenever I read the passage in the Quran about abrogation, I wonder how God could have given inferior instruction? Perhaps you could explain a situational instruction away such as "I wanted you to do this in this situation, but now I want you to do this in the same situations going forward", but to completely change the message and change facts? Ally's explanation does not hold water.
@theguyver4934 3 года назад
One question if someone said to you that that holy Bible has contradictions in it what would be your response sincerely from a muslim
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
@@theguyver4934 I would ask for examples and show them why they are not contradictions. I have seen them all and all when put in the proper historical, theological context turn out to not be contradictions at all. Most are from not reading the full context of the passage or importing beliefs that are inaccurate when they try to interpret.
@theguyver4934 3 года назад
@@hazratmuhazmat8831 - Okay honest
@theguyver4934 3 года назад
@@hazratmuhazmat8831 - One question although I know that the quran never says that the previous books of Allah swt are changed or unreliable but where is the reference where it encourages muslims to read it
@hazratmuhazmat8831 3 года назад
@@theguyver4934 Here are two passages. The first claims the Torah and Gospel are from allah and the second says you have to believe the prior scriptures. Quran 3:3 He has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book in truth, confirming what came before it, as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel 4:136 O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray.
@rajpaul5381 3 года назад
Gifts in Paradise The Qur'an teaches that after the death of faithful Muslim men in Islam, God will give them beautiful girls as wives as a gift. [Surah 52: 17-29; 78: 31-33] And, according to the Qur'an, what kind of rewards does God give to faithful Muslim women in Islam after they die? How can it be said that God, who proclaims the Qur'an in this matter, does not show partiality between men and women? If a Muslim woman is divorced or her husband dies and she lives as a faithful Muslim for five people [husbands] at different times in the world and dies, will she be blessed by the five Muslims who were her husbands at the same time?
@samt6492 3 месяца назад
Maybe this is not within the scope but in relation to Dr. Ally's comment around 1:02:20, Sahih Muslim (2789) does give a breakdown of creation week.
@luisdizon2486 3 года назад
I wrote a number of comments criticizing specific arguments raised by Shabir Ally in Kenny Bomer's upload of this video. I just checked up on it and they seem to have disappeared.
@smk1189 3 года назад
If it was prophesied in (Isaiah 53 . . . .) that Jesus was going die for our sins, WHY than Jesus LIED to the Jewish man by telling him to inherit ETERNAL LIFE is to KEEP the LAW (Luke 10:25-28). Did Jesus commit sin by LYING?
@andrewheldt660 3 года назад
From this debate one can easily see why Shabir will not debate Sam Shamoun. He would not be able to get away with just speculation and evasion!
@shakazulu8254 3 года назад
As usual shabir ali and friends give us personnal view of the qu'ran. Je vous definetively a mushrik
@rensiusnainggolan4476 3 года назад
Why is Shabir Ally afraid to Debate Shamsamun and Christian Prince?
@salamcaolad4674 3 года назад
Becouse they are stupid
@mohamedaliouat 2 года назад
because they are uneduacted, vulgar, disrespectful, unprofessional fools
@rensiusnainggolan4476 2 года назад
@Mansoor Ahmad CP talked based on Quran, hadiths and Islamic sources. Are you saying that all the Islamic sources insulted Islam?
@rensiusnainggolan4476 2 года назад
@Mansoor Ahmad It's your or Muslims obligation to correct him if you think he twisted your Islamic sources...why don't you call him?
@zuraydadamon1332 2 года назад
Many Muslims do call but if he does not like what he hears he starts with his insults and cuts the caller saying its a bad connection
@MrPr1ngle5 3 года назад
Who else saw kennybomer (mujahid) getting roasted by Christian prince? Soooo Epic
@shakazulu8254 3 года назад
Islam the only cult who followers witness something they didn't see awesome cult.
@MrPr1ngle5 3 года назад
Résume: Shabir use a lot « the miracle of interpretation » and twist almost everything ^^ amongst others: « then coran says that Christians have « what god had revealed to them (in there possession)»… this doesn’t mean in it’s entirety…. it can be only some part… »… wtf realy Also: when the coran talk about christ followers being victorious, shabir conclude that it talks about muslims ^^ the two link each other isn’t it? Almost as if it’s made in purpose…
@lenab.m.3708 3 года назад
Commenting for the algorithm. Good Job 👏
@stevewatson7504 2 года назад
The current Bible is not Jesus Gospel. JESUS IS NOT GOD, he is a mighty prophet of GOD.
@SamuelGreen-AU 2 года назад
Thank you for the comment. I address this point in the debate. The Qur'an is clear that the gospel of Jesus is what Christians have (Q5:46-47). The Qur'an does not mention Matthew, Mark, Luke or John in the same way it does not mention the seven haruf or the ten qira'at. The Qur'an just does not give many details.
@theguyver4934 2 года назад
@@SamuelGreen-AU - One question i know this is off topic but who is your favorite apostle of jesus ? Peter, James, Paul or john etc
@SamuelGreen-AU 2 года назад
@@theguyver4934 :-) I do not have a favourite apostle. Sorry.
@theguyver4934 2 года назад
@@SamuelGreen-AU - One more thing is it really true that the quran clearly says that christians not muslims but christians have the promise from Allah swt that they will be made superior on the day of resurrection please i like to hear your views on that because i know muslims will argue that no it's actually talking about muslims just like shabir ally but then again shabir ally also thinks that the previous books are changed or unreliable which i agree with you he's wrong about i would like to know if shabir ally's opinion ever bothers you? Sincerely from a Muslim
@BLNongbsap 3 года назад
@zoraidaortiz4743 3 года назад
I bear witness Shabir Ally is the biggest trol of Islam ☪️ love to be on center stage for his amusement and to cause disruption.He is beyond repair, time and time the gospel have been presented to him and has rejected it;therefore,Jesus Christ will reject him without mercy..Shabir I am hearing noise in the back ground that noise is coming from your demon.Thank you Green awesome 👏
@VandalIO 2 года назад
Bear witness to who ? God ? Jesus or the devil ?
@VandalIO 2 года назад
Who won ?
@theguyver4934 2 года назад
Samuel green and I'm saying that as a muslim
@VandalIO 2 года назад
@@theguyver4934 😂 lying as a Christian
@VandalIO 2 года назад
@@theguyver4934 If you are a Muslim prove it than … Tell me how many raka’a are in sajood
@smk1189 3 года назад
According to the FOUR Gospel accounts Jesus was crucified killed on the cross, and the (Holy Quran 4:157) rejects the Gospel accounts of Jesus crucifixion as LIES, as fabricated testimony. The Holy Quran in ONE verse destroys the most important doctrine of Christian faith as a LIE.
@chrisazure1624 3 года назад
There is no archaeology that supports the early period the Quran discusses. No evidence of Mecca can be found that dates back to the time of Abraham. We can't find the broken idols he allegedly removed from the Kaaba. Nor can we find the stones that killed the people of the elephant. None can find them. The Quran is wrong. So why do you believe it?
@smk1189 3 года назад
@@chrisazure1624 Whether you believe in the Holy Quran it not my problem. My point is the Holy Quran does NOT confirm the four Gospel accounts in the Bible to be true, but FICTION LIES (Holy Quran 4:157). The entire argument of Samuel Green is debunked by one verse in the Holy Quran.
@chrisazure1624 3 года назад
@@smk1189 Muhammad was mistaken that Jesus was given a book called the Gospels. He did not know that Gospel means "Good News" and it is encapsulated in the whole of the New Testament. For the Quran to debunk the Bible, you would need to show the supremacy of the Quran over the Bible. Muslims make claims, but they can't defend it. The evidence is against the Quran. No wall that Dhul Qarnayn built. A myth that Muhammad copied. The sun doens't set in a muddy pool. Primative ideas about cosmology that Muhammad believed. There is no evidence from archaeolgy that Mecca is as old as Abraham. Zip. The Quran is unreliable. It can't judge anything.
@smk1189 3 года назад
@@chrisazure1624 Once again for Christians like Samuel Green to say the Quran confirms the Gospels in the Bible is FALSE, because the (Holy Quran 4:157) destroys debunkens his whole argument.
@SamuelGreen-AU 3 года назад
> the (Holy Quran 4:157) rejects the Gospel accounts of Jesus crucifixion as LIES, as fabricated testimony. The Holy Quran in ONE verse destroys the most important doctrine of Christian faith as a LIE. Please read all of the verses in the Qur'an about the crucifixion. There are three of them. 3:55 and 5:117 says that Jesus was taken in death. 4:157-158 says that it appeared to the Jews that they crucified and killed Jesus but they did not. It does not say that it appeared the same way to the disciple or Romans. You are forcing the Qur'an to say more than it is saying. Please read my article on this subject.
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