Samuel Green
Samuel Green
Samuel Green
Islam & Christianity: The Preservation of Scripture
10 месяцев назад
The reliability of the gospels
11 месяцев назад
Salvation in Islam & Christianity
11 месяцев назад
The Spirit in the Qur'an
Год назад
Is it reasonable to believe in God?
2 года назад
Is the incarnation coherent?
2 года назад
Is Jesus God?
2 года назад
How are we saved?
3 года назад
Slavery and Islam
3 года назад
Slavery and Christianity
3 года назад
Did Jesus Foretell the Coming of Muhammad?
3 года назад
What does the Quran say about the Bible?
3 года назад
Is Jesus God? Samuel Green & Adnan Rashid
4 года назад
@haseebibnmoheb9327 8 часов назад
30 QUESTIONS TO CHRISTIANS WHO BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS GOD. ------------------------------------------------------------------- (NB. FEEL FREE TO CONSULT THE HOLY GHOST BEFORE ANSWERING ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) If Jesus was GOD, then why Mark 15:34 says "And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice; "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"- which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" who is the God Jesus cried to? (2) If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 8:28 Jesus said "I do nothing of myself"? Can't GOD do anything he wills ? (3) If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 14:28 Jesus said "My Father (GOD) is greater than I"? (4) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Luke 23:46 Jesus said "Father (GOD), into thy hands I commend my spirit"? or is Jesus a Baby-God? (5) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Mark 10:18 Jesus said “And Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.”? (6) Also in Luke 18:19 Jesus said only GOD Almighty is Good: "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good- except God alone." (7) If Jesus was GOD, then why in John 20:17 Jesus said "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.' " (8)If Jesus was GOD, then how comes his own disciples in Matthew 16: 13-14 only knew him as one of the Prophets. (9) If Jesus was God how comes he was seen sleeping in Matthew 8:24 yet God never sleep as reported in Psalms 121:4. (9) If Jesus was God who forgives sins then how comes when we was wronged in Luke 23:34 he said that Father forgive them since they don't know what they are doing. (10) If Jesus was GOD , then why in John 17:3 Jesus said that eternal life is believing in one God and believing in Jesus Christ who was sent by God. (11) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Acts 2:22 it is stated that Jesus was a mere man from Nazareth and all miracles and wonders were made by God through him. (12) If Jesus was GOD, how comes in Hebrew 2:9 he was just made a little lower than angels. Can God the creator of the universe be lower than his creation. (13). If Jesus was GOD, how comes in Luke 22:43, he was strengthen by angels, Can God be strengthened by his creatures, how can God be this weak. (14) If Jesus was GOD, then why in Luke 4:8, he said that it is written that worship and serve only God. How come he did not say that worship only me but made reference to God. (15) If Jesus was God, how comes in Revelation 1:1 it is reported that this is the revelation of Jesus which God gave him yet he (Jesus) himself is God as you claim. (16) If Jesus was God how comes in Luke 4:13 he was tempted by Satan yet in James 1:13 God cannot be tempted by evil. (17) If Jesus was God, then how comes in Luke 2:21 he was circumcised . Do you really want us to believe that God was circumcised, do you believe that the man who circumcised Jesus was holding God by his penis !!!. Isn't this the greatest blasphemy. (18) If Jesus was God then how comes in Mark 11: 13, he was very ignorant that he did not know that it was a season of figs. How can God be ignorant to this level. (19). If Jesus was God, then how comes in Mark 11:12 he was hungry, How can God be hungry, isn't this blasphemy to God. (20) If Jesus was God then how comes he said in Matthew 24:36 that he does not know the last day and hour. How can God be this ignorant and fail to know the last day of judgement. (21). If Jesus is God how comes he had a tribe as stated in Revelation 5:5 that he was a Jew from the tribe of Juda. Can God have a tribe, does it make sense to you if you start treason. (22) If Jesus was God then why did he say in Matthew 15:24 that he was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Can God be sent in the first place and can he be so tribal like this. (23) If Jesus was God then how comes in Luke 11:37-38, he was seen eating food, he even forgotten to wash his hands before he ate because he was very hungry. Imagine God eating food . if Jesus a te food, the end result is that the food had to be digested meaning that he visited the toilet, imagine God on a toilet !!! . let us start reasoning please. (24) If Jesus was God, then how comes in John 18:22, he was slapped by one of the officers. Can God be slapped by a mere man. Jesus cannot be God. (25) If Jesus was God, then how comes it is mentioned in Luke 2:40 that Jesus while still a child grew and filled with wisdom and the grace of God was with him. Which grace of God was with him if he was himself God. (26) If Jesus was God, how comes that in Mark 1:35, He used to pray, which God was he praying to if he was himself God. (27) If Jesus was God ,then why is it written in 1 Timothy 2:5 that there is one God and one mediator between God and men who is the man Jesus. #المسيح_ليس_اله #Jesus_is_not_a_GOD (28). If Jesus was God, then why did Paul say in 2 Corinthians 1:1 that I Paul I am an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God. (29). If Jesus was God, how comes in Acts 2:36, it is mentioned that GOD has made Jesus both Lord and Christ. Which God made Jesus Christ if he (Jesus) himself was God. (30). If Jesus was God, then how comes in Hebrews 5:7, Jesus prayed while crying in strong tears so that God saves him from death and God heard his prayers by saving him from death.
@MohamadMostafaNassar День назад
Samuel looks like you have deleted my comments here and you are refusing to engage with Islam and Muslims. That is really a bit of contrast to what you claim to be promoting??
@EngagingWithIslam 20 часов назад
@@MohamadMostafaNassar I have not deleted anything and engage with any Muslim.
@scholarforpeace 2 дня назад
When Muhammad (PBUH) was alive, he did not send jihadists into Iraq and Syria, these battles and jihadists began after he died. His sole mission was to purify the Arabian peninsula and the House of God (Mecca) from polytheism and worship of any deities other than God. He did not "conquer" anything, he purified the religion and the faith of those who claimed to be Jews and Christians, yet, partook in usury, gambling and adultery. God does not like to be ascribed a partner, or even worse, a son. God does not beget, nor was He begotten - He created humans and can create humans and anything he wishes to create, why would he then be ascribed a son? The Quran even states that "IF God had a son, IF He truly had a son, I [Muhammad] would be the first to worship him (the son)." God does not have a son or daughter. When Christians in the 600s refused to call Jesus a human being and held the council of Nicaea to enforce the trinity, God grew very angry with them. God did not care for the whole world at that time, He had been ascribed a son. God was ready to purge the whole world as He did at the time of Noah. Muhammad's purpose was to return people to the worship of this One God and shun false deities and cleanse the name of Jesus - Jesus never claimed to be anything more than human. But people would not listen. Muhammad's mission included clearing out Jesus's name among Christians and Moses's name among Jews. He was not sent to conquer the land as you put it, he was not the "king" of Arabia and he did not establish himself a legacy as any other "king" would do. He merely relayed a message to people, purified the Abrahamic faith from the corruption of polytheism and ascribing a son to God who is glorified for ever more and holy above all else.
@scholarforpeace 2 дня назад
When saying that the Quran "revolves around Muhammad's life" and that "what Muhammad says in the Quran is in response to certain situations in his life." you are saying that the Quran is a product from Muhammad as though he would leave it as a legacy for future generations. This is a false conception of the Quran and of Islam in general. The Quran is God's Words, God's speech, God wrote it and dictated it to angel Gabriel who transferred it from God's presence towards earth and to people through the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). You can't "start a conversation with a Muslim" if you do not hold that as a belief. Especially since you had one of the quotes from the Quran explaining that the Quran is "from Allah". The Quran was not "composed" by Muhammad, he did not forge it himself based on events from his life. It was God who composed it. Many Jews still believe that "the Torah is not in Heaven", it is on earth. If the "Torah" is the scripture based on which Yahweh made everything, created everything and set them to follow certain measures. The Quran is exactly that. It is the "scripture" which was in heaven and then came down to earth - it is a reset button where God reformed the whole world from the point of "speaking the Quran" in heaven onward. In a similar manner, the Quran was spoken in heaven by God and came down to Earth to establish a new set of rules based on which human beings were to interact with one another. Such an important message had to come to humans through a human interpreter, a human whom the divine (God) would communicate with to relay the message to other humans. The human is the Messenger of God and his name is Muhammad (PBUH). Whether he relayed rules on how to interact with Jews and Christians, how Muslims would behave with one another or with Jews and Christians - these were not his own rules. He did not make them up as he pleased just because the situation necessitated them - they were God's rulings and commandments. When the Israelites received the 10 commandments from God through Moses, why did they not say that Moses wrote the tablets? or that they were "Moses's rulings and commandments" but rather said they were "God's 10 commandments"? This is similar, but instead of tablets on which to write God's commandments, God sent down a whole book that was transferred and transmitted orally rather than in writing. The Quran is the Word of God, God is the author of every last bit of it. It is very unfortunate that 1400 years after He had sent them down people are still arguing about its authenticity by claiming that they are only valid to explain the Prophet's life. The Quran is not about the Prophet's life by the way. Only 1% of it is about the Prophet's life where it mentions his name and specific incidents that happened with him, the remaining 99% of the Quran is about everything else and about the whole world. People are still oblivious to that fact.
@scholarforpeace 2 дня назад
When you say "Muhammad has a wrong understanding of the trinity." You are essentially claiming that Quran, the verses you read, are not God' words and that's that. You are essentially saying that it is Muhammad's views and not God's words, which is where your argument comes short. In those verses it does not say that the three parts of the trinity are Mary, Jesus and God. In fact, the Quran does not even delve into the trinity's "parts", it refutes the trinity ever being true to begin with. It just says that God is NOT triune - it is only One God. He is a singular being who cannot be divided into three parts. You can't worship God by claiming he is a trinity and you cannot come close to God by invoking the trinity, or its parts. It is true, however, that people worshipped Jesus, and others worshipped Mary. At the end of Surah al-Maida (Chapter 5 of Quran), it lists a conversation between God and Jesus, where God asks whether Jesus ordered you (Christians) to consider Jesus or Mary as gods instead of God. There, God is asking whether people were told to worship either Jesus or Mary. The Quran does not say anything about the trinity except that it is a false understanding of God. Jesus is not the son, the Holy Spirit is angel Gabriel - both of which are separate entities who are not "divine" because divinity belongs to God alone. Jesus is a human being, angel Gabriel is an angel, and God is the only God. These are three different beings. Worshipping God is the essence of monotheism which Jesus came with and Islam came to enforce. He is not triune. You cannot ask Jesus for anything, you cannot ask angel Gabriel for anything, you can only ask God. Otherwise, you have blasphemed God. The trinity is a fake conception and a falsification of the "Message" which Jesus came with. These are not "Muhammad's views", this is what the Quran states, which is the literal Words of God. The fact that Christians deny that the Quran is the Words of God, the same God they worship (or are supposed to worship) is what caused this difficulty in having a conversation with Muslims.
@user-te7zd4nr9y 3 дня назад
ur books been changed so that’s why u don’t see anything in Bible about Islam and Prophet Muhammad cuz the corrupt it
@user-te7zd4nr9y 3 дня назад
we all Muslims know christanity
@user-te7zd4nr9y 3 дня назад
if u follow jesus ur Muslim bcoz Jesus was Muslim
@user-te7zd4nr9y 3 дня назад
Christians call theirselves christian’s but the don’t follow Jesus
@moafro6524 21 час назад
Brother, this is the most profound comment on this video. You are 100% correct, they eat pork following Paul, they don't circumcise following Paul and so forth. They took Jesus's teachings and watered it all the way down to, go to church on Sundays.
@stephenconnolly1830 3 дня назад
Dear Christians, if you love your religion so much show us your dedication by memorising the Bible like Muslims have memorised their holy book.
@XFinityDesigns 3 дня назад
I took Mr. Green's advice a long time ago. I read the Bible. I asked the Christians, including pastors questions on the Bible. I was told not to question the Bible, just believe, believe. Twenty five years have gone by, and NOT ONE person has answered my question. Ask me what that question was??????????
@iampakistani4092 4 дня назад
No doubt Christianity is man mad religion it has nothing to do with teaching of Jesus Christ peace be upon him
@iampakistani4092 4 дня назад
There is no god but Allah And Mohammad SAW is his messenger
@rizwanrafeek3811 5 дней назад
If your Christianity came from the God of Abraham, can you provide me one thing you believe and practice as in Christianity that is valid before the God and it stands before the God, that which could lead you to salvation, just one thing please????? Hint: Five pillars of Islam that Muslims practice day-in and day-out are valid before the God and they stand before the God. Please read the question slowly and understand the question before anyone attempt to answer it, make sure your answer meets the asked criterion in the question above.
@Stiffytheenlightened 5 дней назад
Allah never helps any Muslim because 'Allah' is just Muhammad's made up name for the god of the Jews.
@abdar-rahman6965 5 дней назад
*This man is spreading misinformation. Millions of Forged hadith are not part of Islam. Mohammad and Four Caliphs left behind only the written Quran; nothing else; not even a single page of extra-Quranic manuscript. Unlike 4 anonymous Gospels of NT; Quran is verbatim word of God*
@XFinityDesigns 5 дней назад
Samuel Green wants you to be sheeple. Don't read and learn about Islam, you need to be thoroughly brainwashed. Don't be a sheep. Go and read and learn by yourself. Sammy boy has been defeated in numerous debates with Muslims. Watch these debates.
@XFinityDesigns 5 дней назад
Muslims love Samuel Green and Dr Jay Smith. Kids who want to be one of these guys, will read the Quran so they can confront Muslims. Guess what happens next? They are astounded by the message and abandon Christianity and become really good Muslims. So Thank you, Samuel Green. Thank you, Dr Jay Smith. Thank you, David Wood. Thank you, Sam Shamoun. We love you all.
@RationalityPersonality-w7v 5 дней назад
Lets ask the Coptic Christians of Egypt how they have fared under 1400 years of "Islamic jurisprudence" ! Go research it. Hint: Not a pretty picture.
@NoMan-pp1jq 5 дней назад
Copts are not real Christians
@channelone3773G 5 дней назад
Well well well.... Samuel Green After losing Debate from Rabbi , Haven't you converted into Noahidism...? Murtad!
@sgmovies7864 5 дней назад
Muslims are true 'Christians' John 5:30 - I cannot do anything of my own will, but according to that which I have heard, I judge, and my judgment is just, for I am not seeking my will, but the will of him who has sent Me. Muslims submit their will to God Luke 2:22 - And when the time of purification according to the Law of Moses was complete, His parents brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord Muslims practice circumcision Luke 4:2 - where for forty days He was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when they had ended, He was hungry. Muslims practice fasting Luke 24:36 - While they were describing these events, Jesus Himself stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” The phrase "Peace be Upon You" is a common Muslims' greeting Matthew 26:39 - Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Muslims prostrates (touching the forehead on the ground) when they pray Matthew 7:22-23 - Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Jesus Christ is not his real name On Judgement Day, be sure that you do not only profess while lacking full surrender to his Lordship in your life.
@rafikibrahim7950 5 дней назад
The Christian converting the Muslim by deceiving and by covering them self by looking Muslim
@Az-my3fu 5 дней назад
Christianity spreads by 'sword' through colonialism
@eckhardtkiwitt8602 6 дней назад
What rights and freedoms does Islam guarantee, or at least concede? 🤔
@stephenconnolly1830 3 дня назад
The Qur'an specifies a state of peace between states unlike Christian practice (predating the UN Charter by some 1,300 years), Muslims have killed far less people during war than Christians, English law is based on Islamic principles (like the jury system), the European enlightenment resulted from the appreciation and application of Islamic freedoms and concepts, etc, etc.
@eckhardtkiwitt8602 6 дней назад
"Understanding Islam": Is there *FREEDOM OF RELIGION* in Islam ?🙄
@RusselKabirTR 5 дней назад
Yes, but there is no freedom to apostatize in Islam or in Christianity or Judaism. You guys don't follow those laws anymore. That's not a Muslim issue. That's a you issue. But there is no compulsion in Islam, i.e.people cannot be forced to become Muslim. You pay Jizya (a military tax on able bodied military-age men only; women, children, monks, priests etc are exempt) and you can have your own laws governing your community, Sharia doesn't apply in your intra-community disputes. But a Muslim cannot convert to join your religion. No Muslim apologist worth their salt argues otherwise. And yes Islam teaches just like all other Abrahamic Prophets have taught war of conquest as well. Nothing inconsistent there either.
@eckhardtkiwitt8602 5 дней назад
@@RusselKabirTR: Aah, "no compulsion in Islam ...". Have you informed the rulers of Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Afghanistan, ... about this ?
@RusselKabirTR 5 дней назад
@@eckhardtkiwitt8602 Will do so when they actually become Shariah countries and collect the Protection Tax (Jizya).
@eckhardtkiwitt8602 5 дней назад
@@RusselKabirTR: Does the term "Shariah countries" depend on "collect the Protection Tax (Jizya)" ?? I'd say that in the above mentioned countries, Islam is the state religion and islamic laws are applied, right ? Therefore, they are islamic countries with no freedom of religion.
@maltija1 6 дней назад
Listen to Dr Jay Smith, Christian scholar of Islam, teaching Christians how to refute Islam.
@Kurfuffle 5 дней назад
Any Muslim with a modicum intellect will not be convinced that 1 + 0 = 3 Your best bet - look for people that have serious emotional baggage and woo them with singing and unlimited, no consequence sinning.
@contact594 5 дней назад
@@Kurfuffle No Christian will be convinced by the 9yr old wife.
@Kurfuffle 5 дней назад
@@contact594 Difference between Muslims and Christians - Muslims want to see Christians flourish and they want to be allied with other communities of believers in societies that are increasingly hostile to the non-secular. Ultimately, Islam is considerably more logical and primary and secondary sources are painstakingly preserved. It’s not a knock on Christianity, it is merely objective truth - evangelical Christianity in particular is devoid of an intellectual tradition. There’s plenty of historical record that’s available to us about the Prophet (PBUH), including a great deal of insults that were hurled his way by the persecutors of early Muslims. Yet, there is no record of any of the Prophets enemies raising an issue about the age or maturity of any of his wives. If Ai’isha (RA) was 9, 12, or 14 (birth dates were not recorded), during consummation, we know by the Prophet’s example, that his wife would have been sufficiently physically and emotionally mature. We’re talking about 6th century Arabia at a time where the global population was decimated just decades earlier by the plague AND one where the average person died between 35 and 40. If Mary (RA) was 12 when she gave birth to Jesus (PBUH), what kind of criticism does that open us up to? In fact, some of our Abrahamic cousins have plenty of grotesque explanations.
@XFinityDesigns 3 дня назад
Do not read and research Islam. Just listen to Jay Smith and believe, believe. Be a sheep.
@stephenconnolly1830 3 дня назад
​@@contact594- get your facts straight, she was 16/17. Do some due diligence for God's sake.
@Tan-qr7gt 6 дней назад
Total rubbish...no need to talk to these savages, they should learn to talk civilly...we should not pamper to their stupid whims
@mikeh.8912 6 дней назад
Oh my goodness! So many churches need more stuff like this! Thank-you for posting these.
@fiftybag9772 6 дней назад
1996-2005 this btch ate his words 🤣🤣
@christelledekock8496 7 дней назад
This is helpful. Thanks Samuel.
@zakadam154 7 дней назад
0:54 the name of God in Islam is Allah and it's that's the replacement for Yahweh so it's not the word for God it's it's the name of God 12:47 YHWH is not one of Allah's names, why are you not addressing this fact that they have *REPLACED YHWH* God's revealed name? The Quran talking of Allah ign0rant of YHWH, why? There is no possible or imaginable justification for that.
@mehmettekoglu-dr7tf 5 дней назад
in aramaic gospels Father's name is Allaha. Yahwe is a translatable name
@zakadam154 3 дня назад
@@mehmettekoglu-dr7tf what?
@mehmettekoglu-dr7tf 3 дня назад
@@zakadam154 most people think Allah means god. That's not true. Allah is the name of the Most High. Jesus rarely refered to Abba as Allaha, a name that must be pronounced with reverence, never meant to be for daily conversations.
@zakadam154 15 часов назад
@@mehmettekoglu-dr7tf what?
@zakadam154 7 дней назад
Samuel Green Mr Green what are you doing?
@fedesetrtatio1 7 дней назад
You cant have a civil conversation with a Muslim. He is going to beat you down with lies. Sam Shamoun and David Wood can teach you how to have a conversation with Muslims.
@sideeqaljanabi6544 7 дней назад
هداك الله وشرح قلبك للإسلام يا سامويل
@GWOT_ 8 дней назад
Nice Job Samuel
@myBLOODisPALESTINIAN 8 дней назад
Quran 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤ the ultimate solution to everything.
@ballerinadream4502 11 дней назад
Mr Nasser is very funny actualy. Is his son equal with the black stone? And he denied his Quran as well by saying that the three were not Allah Mariam and Isa.
@yh.99999 12 дней назад
Allahumma barik Deedat is such a character
@yh.99999 12 дней назад
14:03 No 🤦‍♂there were only 7 dialects of the Quran revealed to Muhammad. You are confusing the 10 well known Qiraat to the Ahruf. You guys are sounding very incompetent speaking so confidently on a topic you have no beginner-level credentials in while bringing no sources to prove your claims. And if u did, u are heavily mis misunderstanding what the hadith is conveying
@yh.99999 12 дней назад
13:36 Just because you have almost 0 clue on how its works, doesn't mean Muslim Scholars don't. There have been multiple voluminous works written by the top renowned scholars of Islam. So no, no one is needing to construct a whole new theology on this matter since its already been done, countless centuries ago 😂
@yh.99999 12 дней назад
the difference with our "varients" and the Bibles is that the Ahruf were revealed to enrich the meaning of the Quran. The Bible on the other hand has different number of books within different sects, apocryphal passages, whole verses added, committed and altered and even words changed, alongside Church Father writings not matching up with some of the oldest Codexes with different wordings etc...
@yh.99999 12 дней назад
9:41 Who are you to judge whether a translation is "good" when neither of you can speak Arabic? 😂😂😂
@yh.99999 12 дней назад
the problem at hand here is that both of you lack fundamental understanding of the history of Ahruf and Qiraat and its purpose for revelation, which can only be accessed through the hadith and scholarly work that follows. The Muslim Lantern explains it fairly briefly in a 40 minute well presented video on his channel, feel free to check it out to gain a basic level understanding.
@MuhdNoorAsmain 12 дней назад
at 1:30:20, I know that voice!! it is Hatun's !!! very deceiving as always.
@rosahanna4336 13 дней назад
Very good explanation .God bless you .if you can translated to Arabic please 🙏
@Teampomuchpo 13 дней назад
Samuel your answer is not satisfied 😊
@lemonadelemon1960 13 дней назад
“You don’t have a gospel of Jesus”. Is this real??😂😂😂😂
@jamalatmaca8071 13 дней назад
When one understand the shaliah principle then one understand why Moses (as) is called elohim and why Jacob(as) wrestle with god but it was an angel and not god. Logos... God created through his word / command like in the Thora and not an incarnate being. This understanding was took from the pagans under the greek philosophers like Plato and Heraklit.
@user-kh5qi1rm7h 15 дней назад
Read and listened to Christians and Jews and frankly can't accept either as Gods word. So much violence, sex and other unpalatable things. on the other hand the Quran makes perfect sense. Submit to God through the Word of God. Very logical. The Jews rejected Jesus. The Christians have three. Islam; The only true monotheistic religion.