
A Short History of U.S. Meddling in Foreign Elections 

The Intercept
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Meddling in foreign elections is bad. I think we can all agree on that.
And almost everyone - bar Donald Trump - seems to believe that the Russian government meddled in the 2016 election. So that should be condemned.
Here's the problem, though: U.S. politicians and pundits cannot credibly object to Russian interference in U.S. elections without also acknowledging that the United States doesn't exactly have clean hands. Or are we expected to believe that Russian hackers were the first people in human history to try and undermine a foreign democracy?
In this video, I examine the ways in which the the United States has, in fact, spent the past 70 odd years meddling in elections across the world.
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@Kevin-cm5kc 6 лет назад
'forget all the coups, assassinations, invasions' Rofl. Because there is far too much American imperialism to cover in a single video.
@banzobeans 6 лет назад
jim bob We can’t start comparing apples and oranges here right? So unfair!
@detectordegados5292 6 лет назад
These just in Latin America even before the Cold War: 1846 - The U.S., fulfilling the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, goes to war with Mexico and ends up with a third of Mexico's territory. 1850, 1853, 1854, 1857 - U.S. interventions in Nicaragua. 1855 - Tennessee adventurer William Walker and his mercenaries take over Nicaragua, institute forced labor, and legalize slavery. 1856 - Intervention in Colombia's Panama province to protect railroad companies interests 1898 - War with Spain (In 1976, a U.S. Navy commission will conclude that the Maine explosion, blaimed on Spain and the excuse for the war, was probably an accident.) 1903 - The Platt Amendment is inserted into the Cuban constitution grants the U.S. the right to intervene whenever it sees fit 1903 - America backs Panama Mercenaries and rebels to declare independence from Colombia 1904 - U.S. sends customs agents to take over finances of the Dominican Republic to assure payment of its external debt 1905 - U.S. Marines help Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz crush a strike in Sonora. 1905 - U.S. troops land in Honduras for the first of 5 times in next 20 years.1906 - Marines occupy Cuba for two years in order to prevent a civil war.1907 - Marines intervene in Honduras to settle a war with Nicaragua. 1908 - U.S. troops intervene in Panama for first of 4 times in next decade. 1909 - Liberal President José Santos Zelaya of Nicaragua proposes that American mining and banana companies pay taxes; he has also appropriated church lands and legalized divorce, done business with European firms, and executed two Americans for participating in a rebellion. Forced to resign through U.S. pressure. The new president, Adolfo Díaz, is the former treasurer of an American mining company. 1910 - U.S. Marines occupy Nicaragua to help support the Díaz regime. 1911 - The Liberal regime of Miguel Dávila in Honduras has irked the State Department by being too friendly with Zelaya and by getting into debt with Britain. He is overthrown by former president Manuel Bonilla, aided by American banana tycoon Sam Zemurray and American mercenary Lee Christmas, who becomes commander-in-chief of the Honduran army. 1912 - U.S. Marines intervene in Cuba to put down a rebellion of sugar workers.1912 - Nicaragua occupied again by the U.S., to shore up the inept Díaz government. An election is called to resolve the crisis: there are 4000 eligible voters, and one candidate, Díaz. The U.S. maintains troops and advisors in the country until 1925. 1914 - U.S. bombs and then occupies Vera Cruz, in a conflict arising out of a dispute with Mexico's new government. President Victoriano Huerta resigns.1915 - U.S. Marines occupy Haiti to restore order, and establish a protectorate which lasts till 1934. The president of Haiti is barred from the U.S. Officers' Club in Port-au-Prince, because he is black. "Think of it-- niggers speaking French!" --secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, briefed on the Haitian situation 1916 - Marines occupy the Dominican Republic, staying till 1924.! 1916Pancho Villa, in the sole act of Latin American aggression against the U.S, raids the city of Columbus, New Mexico, killing 17 Americans. "Am sure Villa's attacks are made in Germany." --James Gerard, U.S. ambassador to Berlin 1917 - U.S. troops enter Mexico to pursue Pancho Villa. They can't catch him. 1917Marines intervene again in Cuba, to guarantee sugar exports during WWI. 1918 - U.S. Marines occupy Panamanianprovince of Chiriqui for two years to maintain public order.1921 - President Coolidge strongly suggests the overthrow of Guatemalan President Carlos Herrera, in the interests of United Fruit. The Guatemalans comply. 1925 - U.S. Army troops occupy Panama City to break a rent strike and keep order. 1926 - Marines, out of Nicaragua for less than a year, occupy the country again, to settle a volatile political situation. Secretary of State Kellogg describes a "Nicaraguan-Mexican-Soviet" conspiracy to inspire a "Mexican-Bolshevist hegemony" within striking distance of the Canal. "That intervention is not now, never was, and never will be a set policy of the United States is one of the most important facts President-elect Hoover has made clear." --NYT, 1928 1929 - U.S. establishes a military academy in Nicaragua to train a National Guard as the country's army. Similar forces are trained in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. "There is no room for any outside influence other than ours in this region. We could not tolerate such a thing without incurring grave risks... Until now Central America has always understood that governments which we recognize and support stay in power, while those which we do not recognize and support fall. Nicaragua has become a test case. It is difficult to see how we can afford to be defeated." --Undersecretary of State Robert Olds 1930 - Rafael Leonidas Trujillo emerges from the U.S.-trained National Guard to become dictator of the Dominican Republic. 1932 - The U.S. rushes warships to El Salvadorin response to a communist-led uprising. President Martínez, however, prefers to put down the rebellion with his own forces, killing over 8000 people (the rebels had killed about 100) 1933 - President Roosevelt announces the Good Neighbor policy. 1933 - Marines finally leave Nicaragua, unable to suppress the guerrilla warfare of General Augusto César Sandino. Anastasio Somoza García becomes the first Nicaraguan commander of the National Guard. "The Nicaraguans are better fighters than the Haitians, being of Indian blood, and as warriors similar to the aborigines who resisted the advance of civilization in this country." --NYT correspondent Harold Denny 1933 - Roosevelt sends warships to Cuba to intimidate Gerardo Machado y Morales, who is massacring the people to put down nationwide strikes and riots. Machado resigns. The first provisional government lasts only 17 days; the second Roosevelt finds too left-wing and refuses to recognize. A pro-Machado counter-coup is put down by Fulgencio Batista, who with Roosevelt's blessing becomes Cuba's new strongman. 1934 - Platt Amendment repealed.1934 - Sandino assassinated by agents of Somoza, with U.S. approval. Somoza assumes the presidency of Nicaraguatwo years later. To block his ascent, Secretary of State Cordell Hull explains, would be to intervene in the internal affairs of Nicaragua. 1936 - U.S. relinquishes rights to unilateral intervention in Panama. 1941 - Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia deposes Panamanian president Arias in a military coup-- first clearing it with the U.S. Ambassador. It was "a great relief to us, because Arias had been very troublesome and very pro-Nazi." --Secretary of War Henry Stimson 1943 - The editor of the Honduran opposition paper El Cronista is summoned to the U.S. embassy and told that criticism of the dictator Tiburcio Carías Andino is damaging to the war effort. Shortly afterward, the paper is shut down by the government. 1944 - The dictator Maximiliano Hernández Martínez of El Salvador is ousted by a revolution; the interim government is overthrown five months later by the dictator's former chief of police. The U.S.'s immediate recognition of the new dictator does much to tarnish Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy in the eyes of Latin Americans.1946 - U.S. Army School of the Americas opens in Panama as a hemisphere-wide military academy. Its linchpin is the doctrine of National Security, by which the chief threat to a nation is internal subversion; this will be the guiding principle behind dictatorships in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Central America, and elsewhere. Long before the Cold War. Source: www.zompist.com/latam.html
@ar2042 6 лет назад
Or in a movie 😂
@BellaCiaoCinemaGaming 6 лет назад
Literally though lol
@primednoble 6 лет назад
@@detectordegados5292 way to copy and paste
@pookz3067 6 лет назад
Our interfering in other elections started in south america well before the cold war.
@peterm.eggers520 6 лет назад
I don't think we (CIA) bothered with elections in South America before the cold war. From what I could discern, we went directly for armed coups, assassinations, and death squads. More expedient and effective.
@NaFran49 6 лет назад
Well, America didn't bother with them after the cold war too, even now they're still going the same way (unfortunately).
@peterm.eggers520 6 лет назад
NaFran49 -- we just don't eliminate leaders that don't kowtow to our corporate oligarchs, we destroy entire countries since 9/11, even those that tried to help us hunt terrorists down.
@detectordegados5292 6 лет назад
1846 - The U.S., fulfilling the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, goes to war with Mexico and ends up with a third of Mexico's territory. 1850, 1853, 1854, 1857 - U.S. interventions in Nicaragua. 1855 - Tennessee adventurer William Walker and his mercenaries take over Nicaragua, institute forced labor, and legalize slavery. 1856 - Intervention in Colombia's Panama province to protect railroad companies interests 1898 - War with Spain (In 1976, a U.S. Navy commission will conclude that the Maine explosion, blaimed on Spain and the excuse for the war, was probably an accident.) 1903 - The Platt Amendment is inserted into the Cuban constitution grants the U.S. the right to intervene whenever it sees fit 1903 - America backs Panama Mercenaries and rebels to declare independence from Colombia 1904 - U.S. sends customs agents to take over finances of the Dominican Republic to assure payment of its external debt 1905 - U.S. Marines help Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz crush a strike in Sonora. 1905 - U.S. troops land in Honduras for the first of 5 times in next 20 years.1906 - Marines occupy Cuba for two years in order to prevent a civil war.1907 - Marines intervene in Honduras to settle a war with Nicaragua. 1908 - U.S. troops intervene in Panama for first of 4 times in next decade. 1909 - Liberal President José Santos Zelaya of Nicaragua proposes that American mining and banana companies pay taxes; he has also appropriated church lands and legalized divorce, done business with European firms, and executed two Americans for participating in a rebellion. Forced to resign through U.S. pressure. The new president, Adolfo Díaz, is the former treasurer of an American mining company. 1910 - U.S. Marines occupy Nicaragua to help support the Díaz regime. 1911 - The Liberal regime of Miguel Dávila in Honduras has irked the State Department by being too friendly with Zelaya and by getting into debt with Britain. He is overthrown by former president Manuel Bonilla, aided by American banana tycoon Sam Zemurray and American mercenary Lee Christmas, who becomes commander-in-chief of the Honduran army. 1912 - U.S. Marines intervene in Cuba to put down a rebellion of sugar workers.1912 - Nicaragua occupied again by the U.S., to shore up the inept Díaz government. An election is called to resolve the crisis: there are 4000 eligible voters, and one candidate, Díaz. The U.S. maintains troops and advisors in the country until 1925. 1914 - U.S. bombs and then occupies Vera Cruz, in a conflict arising out of a dispute with Mexico's new government. President Victoriano Huerta resigns.1915 - U.S. Marines occupy Haiti to restore order, and establish a protectorate which lasts till 1934. The president of Haiti is barred from the U.S. Officers' Club in Port-au-Prince, because he is black. "Think of it-- niggers speaking French!" --secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, briefed on the Haitian situation 1916 - Marines occupy the Dominican Republic, staying till 1924.! 1916Pancho Villa, in the sole act of Latin American aggression against the U.S, raids the city of Columbus, New Mexico, killing 17 Americans. "Am sure Villa's attacks are made in Germany." --James Gerard, U.S. ambassador to Berlin 1917 - U.S. troops enter Mexico to pursue Pancho Villa. They can't catch him. 1917 - Marines intervene again in Cuba, to guarantee sugar exports during WWI. 1918 - U.S. Marines occupy Panamanianprovince of Chiriqui for two years to maintain public order.1921 - President Coolidge strongly suggests the overthrow of Guatemalan President Carlos Herrera, in the interests of United Fruit. The Guatemalans comply. 1925 - U.S. Army troops occupy Panama City to break a rent strike and keep order. 1926 - Marines, out of Nicaragua for less than a year, occupy the country again, to settle a volatile political situation. Secretary of State Kellogg describes a "Nicaraguan-Mexican-Soviet" conspiracy to inspire a "Mexican-Bolshevist hegemony" within striking distance of the Canal. "That intervention is not now, never was, and never will be a set policy of the United States is one of the most important facts President-elect Hoover has made clear." --NYT, 1928 1929 - U.S. establishes a military academy in Nicaragua to train a National Guard as the country's army. Similar forces are trained in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. "There is no room for any outside influence other than ours in this region. We could not tolerate such a thing without incurring grave risks... Until now Central America has always understood that governments which we recognize and support stay in power, while those which we do not recognize and support fall. Nicaragua has become a test case. It is difficult to see how we can afford to be defeated." --Undersecretary of State Robert Olds 1930 - Rafael Leonidas Trujillo emerges from the U.S.-trained National Guard to become dictator of the Dominican Republic. 1932 - The U.S. rushes warships to El Salvadorin response to a communist-led uprising. President Martínez, however, prefers to put down the rebellion with his own forces, killing over 8000 people (the rebels had killed about 100) 1933 - President Roosevelt announces the Good Neighbor policy. 1933 - Marines finally leave Nicaragua, unable to suppress the guerrilla warfare of General Augusto César Sandino. Anastasio Somoza García becomes the first Nicaraguan commander of the National Guard. "The Nicaraguans are better fighters than the Haitians, being of Indian blood, and as warriors similar to the aborigines who resisted the advance of civilization in this country." --NYT correspondent Harold Denny 1933 - Roosevelt sends warships to Cuba to intimidate Gerardo Machado y Morales, who is massacring the people to put down nationwide strikes and riots. Machado resigns. The first provisional government lasts only 17 days; the second Roosevelt finds too left-wing and refuses to recognize. A pro-Machado counter-coup is put down by Fulgencio Batista, who with Roosevelt's blessing becomes Cuba's new strongman. 1934 - Platt Amendment repealed.1934 - Sandino assassinated by agents of Somoza, with U.S. approval. Somoza assumes the presidency of Nicaraguatwo years later. To block his ascent, Secretary of State Cordell Hull explains, would be to intervene in the internal affairs of Nicaragua. 1936 - U.S. relinquishes rights to unilateral intervention in Panama. 1941 - Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia deposes Panamanian president Arias in a military coup-- first clearing it with the U.S. Ambassador. It was "a great relief to us, because Arias had been very troublesome and very pro-Nazi." --Secretary of War Henry Stimson 1943 - The editor of the Honduran opposition paper El Cronista is summoned to the U.S. embassy and told that criticism of the dictator Tiburcio Carías Andino is damaging to the war effort. Shortly afterward, the paper is shut down by the government. 1944 - The dictator Maximiliano Hernández Martínez of El Salvador is ousted by a revolution; the interim government is overthrown five months later by the dictator's former chief of police. The U.S.'s immediate recognition of the new dictator does much to tarnish Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy in the eyes of Latin Americans. 1946 - U.S. Army School of the Americas opens in Panama as a hemisphere-wide military academy. Its linchpin is the doctrine of National Security, by which the chief threat to a nation is internal subversion; this will be the guiding principle behind dictatorships in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Central America, and elsewhere. Long before the Cold War. Source: www.zompist.com/latam.html
@kevinportillo1971 6 лет назад
Anyone that read history from both inside and outside of the US knows the ungly truth about imperialism in disguise.
@themajesticspider-man6116 6 лет назад
Yeah, so much for the moral high ground, indeed.
@mtksbctk 6 лет назад
They did that for the good of democracy and USA is a working democracy with election cycles and checks and balances
@sihongjiang9809 6 лет назад
"democracy..." well ur a fucking idiot arnt u?
@granddukeofmecklenburg 6 лет назад
@@sihongjiang9809 meh... wasnt democracy...But better than Italy and Japan becoming communist Soviet puppets...The US and capitalism does fucked up shit, but Communism was the worst thing to happen to humanity, along with fascism
@zsydeepsky2 6 лет назад
@mtksbctk if by dictating we can protect the democracy, then so be it whoa, just like what described "War is peace" "Slavery is freedom" nowadays Americans: "Dictatorship is the democracy" the masterpiece of brainwashing, absolutely stunning & truly marvelous
@nathanbruce1992 6 лет назад
张绍源: 1984 is such a dull, two dimensional book
@ZaferKhanAlpha 6 лет назад
Yeah, only uncle SAM is allowed to interfere in others affairs.
@Dowlphin 6 лет назад
Uncle doesn't need SAMs. Only doing acts of aggression.
@sagalmusse6977 5 лет назад
Francis Leon .. absolutely true, but isn't it ironic?
@seamuswarren 6 лет назад
The hypocrisy is sickening.
@julienzornig9562 6 лет назад
Finally... I was always wondering when someone puts the Russia activity in perspective. As if US politicians would not meddle in many major international elections in some way. And so is Europe, China, etc.
@watchman835 2 года назад
China don’t meddle. I think it is so stupid.
@detectordegados5292 6 лет назад
These just in Latin America before the Cold War: 1846 - The U.S., fulfilling the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, goes to war with Mexico and ends up with a third of Mexico's territory. 1850, 1853, 1854, 1857 - U.S. interventions in Nicaragua. 1855 - Tennessee adventurer William Walker and his mercenaries take over Nicaragua, institute forced labor, and legalize slavery. 1856 - Intervention in Colombia's Panama province to protect railroad companies interests 1898 - War with Spain (In 1976, a U.S. Navy commission will conclude that the Maine explosion, blaimed on Spain and the excuse for the war, was probably an accident.) 1903 - The Platt Amendment is inserted into the Cuban constitution grants the U.S. the right to intervene whenever it sees fit 1903 - America backs Panama Mercenaries and rebels to declare independence from Colombia 1904 - U.S. sends customs agents to take over finances of the Dominican Republic to assure payment of its external debt 1905 - U.S. Marines help Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz crush a strike in Sonora. 1905 - U.S. troops land in Honduras for the first of 5 times in next 20 years.1906 - Marines occupy Cuba for two years in order to prevent a civil war.1907 - Marines intervene in Honduras to settle a war with Nicaragua. 1908 - U.S. troops intervene in Panama for first of 4 times in next decade. 1909 - Liberal President José Santos Zelaya of Nicaragua proposes that American mining and banana companies pay taxes; he has also appropriated church lands and legalized divorce, done business with European firms, and executed two Americans for participating in a rebellion. Forced to resign through U.S. pressure. The new president, Adolfo Díaz, is the former treasurer of an American mining company. 1910 - U.S. Marines occupy Nicaragua to help support the Díaz regime. 1911 - The Liberal regime of Miguel Dávila in Honduras has irked the State Department by being too friendly with Zelaya and by getting into debt with Britain. He is overthrown by former president Manuel Bonilla, aided by American banana tycoon Sam Zemurray and American mercenary Lee Christmas, who becomes commander-in-chief of the Honduran army. 1912 - U.S. Marines intervene in Cuba to put down a rebellion of sugar workers.1912 - Nicaragua occupied again by the U.S., to shore up the inept Díaz government. An election is called to resolve the crisis: there are 4000 eligible voters, and one candidate, Díaz. The U.S. maintains troops and advisors in the country until 1925. 1914 - U.S. bombs and then occupies Vera Cruz, in a conflict arising out of a dispute with Mexico's new government. President Victoriano Huerta resigns.1915 - U.S. Marines occupy Haiti to restore order, and establish a protectorate which lasts till 1934. The president of Haiti is barred from the U.S. Officers' Club in Port-au-Prince, because he is black. "Think of it-- niggers speaking French!" --secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, briefed on the Haitian situation 1916 - Marines occupy the Dominican Republic, staying till 1924.! 1916Pancho Villa, in the sole act of Latin American aggression against the U.S, raids the city of Columbus, New Mexico, killing 17 Americans. "Am sure Villa's attacks are made in Germany." --James Gerard, U.S. ambassador to Berlin 1917 - U.S. troops enter Mexico to pursue Pancho Villa. They can't catch him. 1917Marines intervene again in Cuba, to guarantee sugar exports during WWI. 1918 - U.S. Marines occupy Panamanianprovince of Chiriqui for two years to maintain public order.1921 - President Coolidge strongly suggests the overthrow of Guatemalan President Carlos Herrera, in the interests of United Fruit. The Guatemalans comply. 1925 - U.S. Army troops occupy Panama City to break a rent strike and keep order. 1926 - Marines, out of Nicaragua for less than a year, occupy the country again, to settle a volatile political situation. Secretary of State Kellogg describes a "Nicaraguan-Mexican-Soviet" conspiracy to inspire a "Mexican-Bolshevist hegemony" within striking distance of the Canal. "That intervention is not now, never was, and never will be a set policy of the United States is one of the most important facts President-elect Hoover has made clear." --NYT, 1928 1929 - U.S. establishes a military academy in Nicaragua to train a National Guard as the country's army. Similar forces are trained in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. "There is no room for any outside influence other than ours in this region. We could not tolerate such a thing without incurring grave risks... Until now Central America has always understood that governments which we recognize and support stay in power, while those which we do not recognize and support fall. Nicaragua has become a test case. It is difficult to see how we can afford to be defeated." --Undersecretary of State Robert Olds 1930 - Rafael Leonidas Trujillo emerges from the U.S.-trained National Guard to become dictator of the Dominican Republic. 1932 - The U.S. rushes warships to El Salvadorin response to a communist-led uprising. President Martínez, however, prefers to put down the rebellion with his own forces, killing over 8000 people (the rebels had killed about 100) 1933 - President Roosevelt announces the Good Neighbor policy. 1933 - Marines finally leave Nicaragua, unable to suppress the guerrilla warfare of General Augusto César Sandino. Anastasio Somoza García becomes the first Nicaraguan commander of the National Guard. "The Nicaraguans are better fighters than the Haitians, being of Indian blood, and as warriors similar to the aborigines who resisted the advance of civilization in this country." --NYT correspondent Harold Denny 1933 - Roosevelt sends warships to Cuba to intimidate Gerardo Machado y Morales, who is massacring the people to put down nationwide strikes and riots. Machado resigns. The first provisional government lasts only 17 days; the second Roosevelt finds too left-wing and refuses to recognize. A pro-Machado counter-coup is put down by Fulgencio Batista, who with Roosevelt's blessing becomes Cuba's new strongman. 1934 - Platt Amendment repealed.1934 - Sandino assassinated by agents of Somoza, with U.S. approval. Somoza assumes the presidency of Nicaraguatwo years later. To block his ascent, Secretary of State Cordell Hull explains, would be to intervene in the internal affairs of Nicaragua. 1936 - U.S. relinquishes rights to unilateral intervention in Panama. 1941 - Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia deposes Panamanian president Arias in a military coup-- first clearing it with the U.S. Ambassador. It was "a great relief to us, because Arias had been very troublesome and very pro-Nazi." --Secretary of War Henry Stimson 1943 - The editor of the Honduran opposition paper El Cronista is summoned to the U.S. embassy and told that criticism of the dictator Tiburcio Carías Andino is damaging to the war effort. Shortly afterward, the paper is shut down by the government. 1944 - The dictator Maximiliano Hernández Martínez of El Salvador is ousted by a revolution; the interim government is overthrown five months later by the dictator's former chief of police. The U.S.'s immediate recognition of the new dictator does much to tarnish Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy in the eyes of Latin Americans.1946 - U.S. Army School of the Americas opens in Panama as a hemisphere-wide military academy. Its linchpin is the doctrine of National Security, by which the chief threat to a nation is internal subversion; this will be the guiding principle behind dictatorships in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Central America, and elsewhere. Long before the Cold War. Source: www.zompist.com/latam.html
@jabalimohamed1983 5 лет назад
What a shame full legacy the actual cancer of the world
@Charles-hy6gp 3 года назад
@@jabalimohamed1983 “The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.” - Simon Bolivar
@milesdunstan-daams9162 3 года назад
I'm guessing you copy pasted this
@brucegibbins3792 6 лет назад
Even New Zealand has not been immune from US interference; specifically during the time of campaigning that countries 2005 general elections. New Zealand has a nuclear free policy that calls for the exclusion of all nuclear armed and powered war ships.The legislation was born out of New Zealand protesting French Atomic Bomb tests in Moruroa Atoll located in New Zealand's back yard. This protest also lead to a terrorist attack by the French government who sent agents to Auckland Harbour and blew a hole in the side of the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior killing one crew member and sinking the ship. The Nuclear Free law angered the US whose policy of neither confirm nor deny if the ships they wished to have visit New Zealand ports were nuclear powered or armed. The US position was unacceptable to the sitting centre Left government who originally enacted the legislation - so US Navy war ships stayed away. The opposition centre right party, while not openly suggesting that if they became the government would repeal the Nuclear Free legislation, their leader and one time governor of the Reserve Bank, Don Brash, had support from US interests and backing from the US centric Plymouth Exclusive Brethren church. Their tandem concern was the rising popularity of the Green Party whose egalitarian policies of citizens rights; their full support of the Nuclear Free laws and the environment generally rankled with the countries right wing pro-American National conservatives. Although initially denying so, would be Prime Minister Brash met with Brethren church leaders on various occasions, and helped push American interests. PEBs also embarked upon a country wide letter box drop of a flyer extolling the New Zealand electorate, in very much pro-American prose, to vote in favour of a Brash lead government. PEB spin doctors were also effective in having several newspapers reprint their flyer verbatim dressed up as an editorial piece. During one meeting with representatives of the US government Brash made the bold, almost sycophantic announcement that should his part win the upcoming general elections the Nuclear Free legislation would be "gone by lunch time". Although Brash denied having made this comment, or even having a relationship with the PEB church, it was latter revealed by a departmental representative, who because of civil service protocols was also there and that Brash had indeed made such a comment. Brash lead his party to defeat, but under a new leader: a sycophant of equal proportion to Brash and a great golfing buddy of Obama and pro-American one time banker and FX dealer realised that repealing the Nuclear Free law would be an act of political suicide for his party and so the law remained untouched. Under the new National government (UK Tory style Conservatives) New Zealand and the US slowly drew closer together again as the US learned to accommodate New Zealand law as it affected them, but up until that time Uncle Sam sought at every opportunity to treat NZ as a pariah and introduced a government to government policy of isolation. I would dread to think how New Zealand’s Nuclear Free law would be played out with the current US administration of Trump, Pence, Pompeo and Bomber Bolton et al had it not been resolved by a more rational set of individuals a decade or so earlier.
@zauberschatzkiste 6 лет назад
was the ban meanwhile ratified by more than 50 countries? i read the ban would be in force when ratified by at least 50 members of the UN.
@brucegibbins3792 6 лет назад
www.nti.org/analysis/articles/swedens-nonproliferation-history/ This link takes the reader to a site in English that details Swedens flirtation with nuclear weapons technology strarting in the period imediately after WWII. Now having long abandoned their earlier interest in a weapon of mass destruction, Sweden has been an active supporter of non-proliferation treaties yet allowing India to proceede with their rush for The Bomb. It is not immediately apparent in any google search how The US meddled in Swedens elections to achieve this process though. This link www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2017/09/01/mattis-reportedly-threatens-swedish-defense-cooperation-over-nuclear-treaty/ details the Mattis letter to Sweden threatening any future inclusion as a full NATO member if Sweden put distance between its own domestic Nuclear arms policies and the US conglomeration of a selective nuclear armed block of countries to maintain the US threat against Russia. Swedens geographical location being just a ferry ride away from Russia makes any dispobediance of US wishes something the US finds untenable.
@usmang.a7770 6 лет назад
This is quite the story
@koninkrijkdernederlanden8711 6 лет назад
New Zealand indeed has a big problem with foreign countries intervening in their politics. I already heard China is doing it as well. Poor you. Although... The Netherlands might be the best at getting foreign parties interfering in national politics: The Germans, the Turks, the Britons, the Israelis, a socialist coalition of Swedes, pan Africans and Hezbollah supporters, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Moroccan, Qatari and Kuwaiti governments and maybe the EU all are interfering in Dutch politics. The Americans are nice though. They only use sanctions and the Patriot Act to head us in the direction they want. The Chinese are trying as well in the background, but they just fail time after time after time.
@brucegibbins3792 6 лет назад
@@koninkrijkdernederlanden8711 A well obseved situation where China's ambitions globaly have been insidiously introduced into New Zealand politics. The previous National government - they lost the 2017 general election, was very much in support of a Chinese influence of the NZ economy allowing them to buy up large tracts of the country. The general population is far from happy about this and the new Labour, Greens, New Zealand Frst coalition government is so far carrying on in a similar manner as their predecessors but there are signs that there still maybe hope of a change in goverment approach to the sell out of New Zealand to the Chinese - we can only hope. The previous National government chose for the inclusion a Chinese national with permanent residency status (PR) to run for election and who subsequently received a winning majority of votes in an electorate with a large Chinese immigrant population. Auckland, this countries largest city is almost overrun with asian immegrants whos political influence is growing each day - thats democracy for you, I guess. Regretably, what had been known for centuarys and ignored for almost as long is that when two widely diverse cultures mix then huge societal problems emerge. Its like the dominant culture is overrun by pestilence. New Zealand has not yet been able to satisfactorily harmonise the relatioship between the off spring British settlers and the tangata whenua - the first peoples of polynesian origin - Maori. Chinese imigration to the extent experienced here makes this even more difficult. Chinese don't mix well in the societies they migrate to always being there but not fully part of their new environment and are always Chinese and always part of China. This world wide cross border exchange of peoples will, I predict, not end well. There will be no joy in diversity, only a growing resentment as disimilar peoples collide and dash themselves to pieces against each other.
@stonesofvenice 6 лет назад
This is Realpolitik. Nobody is going to stop meddling, ever. Especially not Israel.
@victornderu143 6 лет назад
Finally some truth other than the common high moral ground that american politicians try to take.
@ajaypalsidhu3029 5 лет назад
In the 1930s, Nehru had warned that biggest threat for developing nations wasn't the British imperialism any more but the US imperialism. Nehru had many faults but he was not dumb and could see what lay ahead.
@healthsongs 5 лет назад
Good work Mehdi. It gives a little more credence to why Western Imperialist powers are so keen that everyone had "Democracy" because it's so easy for them to interfere with.
@tylerd1297 3 месяца назад
Yeah we don't give a shit about that. How many governments have we put into place and then that government ends up being worse, and it creates a cycle. We fukkked up the Middle East so bad
@RassBrass 6 лет назад
Great video! Thanks for publishing it.
@genetEshete-lc1qz 11 месяцев назад
I really appreciate your point of view and information with evidence. Thanks!true journalism 👏
@rickbishop5987 6 лет назад
Excellent point. I agree completely.
@shamshadomar710 5 лет назад
Very well balanced report with a great conclusion. You are really the best Mehdi!
@justicewarrior9187 6 лет назад
Never knew about this channel Glad I found it
@tyraikaika 5 лет назад
Thank you friends at the intercept 👍🏾👍🏾🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙💂‍♂️💂‍♂️💂‍♂️💂‍♂️💂‍♂️ #freedomOfSpeech #freedomOfThePress #freePress #WeStandByTheTruth #WeStandByTheConscious
@lorenmiller3797 4 года назад
This is mostly right. The sentiment is right. The only thing he got wrong, is the idea that the Russians could have had any significant influence on US elections. Even the US media who engages in all of the hand-wringing about Russian meddling admits that there was never any serious threat. By comparison, interference by the CIA has been incredibly successful. I also wish talked about the catastrophic famine in 1990's Russia which was caused by the advice of American Neoliberal crackpot "economists" when Yeltsin was leader, but I guess that's another subject.
@charlescanzater 5 лет назад
Thank you for another hard hitting very clear and explicit rendering of the truth ❗️
@yesid17 6 лет назад
thank you for the subtitles
@jasonblakes 5 лет назад
Yet another great, well presented and informative video
@argadargad9128 5 лет назад
@TheFamousMockingbird 6 лет назад
Really glad you touched a lot on the point that you can think what Russia did was extremely wrong despite the US having done it. The way I have viewed it is that it was never ok of the USA doing it since the late 1800s in various ways. Bad behavior does not give a pass for more bad behavior. If American truly wants to be the leaders of the free world as we have loved to claim, I've stayed for years we need to openly acknowledge those acts, renounce them and have some courgae and actually lead by the example preached. We need to apologise massively to central and South America for the 43 overthrown governments that we participated in, using a very loose interpretation of the Monroe doctrine. Especially given the situation at the border. We have shares responsibility for the refugees, failed economies and tragic gang violence in the region. While it is not all those problems were soley the responsibility of the US, but we need to admit we played a huge role and do everything we can to make ammends
@7dragonflower 5 лет назад
I adore you!!! Keep on SPREADING TRUTH!!!!
@VicharB 6 лет назад
Thank you for this video! Their track record shows all, from 19th century.
@mdreza2246 6 лет назад
Mr Mehdi has an amazing manner of presenting fact and opening audience’s eyes with truth. Can’t wait for his next video
@thiagogomez2771 5 лет назад
well spoken and to the point.
@zakiramad 5 лет назад
Loving these videos
@TejendraBaruwal 6 лет назад
Absolutely right
@truth2tell 2 года назад
I'm baffled that Americans are not at all wondering why Trump and Biden were our choices. A whole country full of citizens, many of which meet the criteria required to run for president.... And these are the two all of America chose? These were the best choices? I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. No one batted an eye when the former head of the CIA became president, which should have been a clear conflict of interest.
@sukritgoswami4227 6 лет назад
Well done. A nice slap to hypocritical Americans.👍
@sasansasani669 6 лет назад
I still don't know HOW Russians "meddled" in the 2016 election.
@JF-bv6vc 3 года назад
So let me get this straight: America interferes in the elections of other nations but gets upset when given a taste of their own medicine?
@razabadass 3 месяца назад
@HypermarketCommodity 6 лет назад
6 min is like just the tip .q
@blackcat1642 6 лет назад
You should upload the youtube version without the subtitle and put them in CC, is kinda distracting
@ionly6805 6 лет назад
The Big Head Scientist Myth is starting to make more and more sense to me.
@aplaceholderbplaceholder9524 5 месяцев назад
Even our own elections.
@importantname 5 лет назад
Empires come and go. What stays is that Empires only get to be Empires by interferring with everybody else's attempts to be an empire.
@MusicByJC 5 лет назад
We have little or no control over what are government does. We have the ability to vote but both parties have had their share of meddling in the affairs of other countries. While it may be hypocritical of the US government to preach about Russian interference, it is not hypocritical for the American people to speak out and seek information on any meddling in US elections, both foreign and domestic. The fact that we do it is irrelevant. If any Trump officials or campaign staff colluded with Russia they should be prosecuted. If Hillary, Obama or George W Bush would had colluded with a foreign power, they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Nothing good will come from an attitude that we can't complains since we are guilty of the same thing. This will just normalize this behavior.
@g.anthonybenjamin281 5 лет назад
Sorry to J.R. Narrow - there’s no need for the background music in this video...
@DheerajJagadev 6 лет назад
Although this was not included in Dov Levin's dataset, Australia (1975).
@afanyuyembe4774 6 лет назад
The US meddels in other elections .even in Russian election but they cry when Russia dose..... really?😂
@LeeePowers 5 лет назад
Well,isnt that the Wok calling the Griddle a Frying pan?!?
@Ryanlexz 5 лет назад
I know roght double standerd at his finest 😂😂
@leoniegureghian7156 5 лет назад
We should accept the honest truth: We've screwed-up, destroyed, interfered, instigated, almost annihilated too much already ... How is it we still blame other countries?
@leoniegureghian7156 5 лет назад
@How Would The Unwary Know WRONG mon cher ... Each of our lives are valuable ... I personally do not give the hoot about religion, race, color ... After all what's color? We bleed the same way, the same color: RED ... All we've got to pray for is peace, tolerance of each other, prosperity ...
@theresewalters1696 5 лет назад
Thanks for the insight.
@ignaciojauregui2057 6 лет назад
All Americans should watch this.
@dominicperez3777 6 лет назад
I know the U.S. had a history of supporting dictators in the past but I didn't know about this until now.
@DarthSparhawk 3 года назад
Good video
@DavidJackTumusiime 6 лет назад
The ending of this video would have been perfect if they replayed the former CIA head's "ooh, yummm!"
@darrishawks6033 6 лет назад
"the Soviet Union or Russia" The Soviet Union was made up of 15 nations. It wasn't just Russia
@thekillers1stfan 6 лет назад
That's every nation who has global aspirations' purpose though. Superpowers align as many foreign governments to their side in any way possible. This has been the way since Ancient times. "When I am Weaker Than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles."- Frank Herbert, Dune. Why would the US not want to influence other nations but not be influenced themselves? That's the objective of every nation. Hypocrisy is just a word.
@mywhorled 5 лет назад
Its called the military industrial complex. They pay the politicians, along with and including corporations. Until the day comes that money doesn't influence political systems, as it does worldwide, it feels as though the hands of the citizenry are tied. No matter which party is elected, humans succumb to greed. I fear it has and always will be this way. Any suggestions for changing this atrocity?
@laMad123 6 лет назад
The good thing about USA is you can talk about these things, in most of other countries we would go missing the next day.
@NoWay1969 10 месяцев назад
It's horrible what we've done to the rest of the world. I'm not an idealist. I understand sometimes you bump the table, but we should have been on full tilt for decades. We've done this so casually that our politicians think nothing of taking help from other countries as long as they can get away with it.
@munenenganga2191 6 лет назад
Blowback. I hope other countries meddle in the Yanks’ affairs this November.
@davidfaubion1720 5 лет назад
Stopping election interventions is not to much to ask. But the imperialist mega-trend has been set and it will be hard if not impossible to stop. Central governments, concentrated power and the global consequences of both is the underlying problem.
@wiseali5584 5 лет назад
"Yes of course its OUTRAGEOUS that Russia meddled in the recent US elections, but..." You know this is when mehdi goes in the foot up ass mode!
@BChan1991 5 лет назад
THANK YOU!!! Even though I'm in the crossfire, America deserves it!!!
@kevindolan287 6 лет назад
Yes, of course. It's too much to ask. Election meddling will never end. Why would it end?
@CesarFCabrera 4 года назад
With globalization spreading, we can only expect MORE meddling of elections.
@wherestheoptoutoptionmfs 6 лет назад
Somewhat misses an important point. The US meddling practically always involves the CIA pumping money towards a favoured candidate to fund media propoganda campaigns. The US is practically immune to this strategy on account of their election campaigns already being so ridiculously expensive to win. A few facebook ads, which seems to be the only proven Russian involvement so far, would have had little effect compared to the money already being spent on campaigning by both sides within the US. The only defense against this strategy for poorer countries, like say Cuba, would be to not allow a free press. Of course they're then roundly criticised for not having a free press, as if there were no good reasoning behind it.
@sonofsarek 6 лет назад
Facebook ads aren’t “meddling”. Russia had about a 0.0000000001% influence over the election.
@eagle3676 5 лет назад
He has been killing it recently
@lidoz 6 лет назад
أنة عراقي؟ great and thoughtful video
@billyvalencia6758 5 лет назад
this is important more than ever right now
@TigerHawX 6 лет назад
Yes apparently that IS too much to ask.
@janetteshultz4113 6 лет назад
I disagree. I believe we meddled and blamed Russia. I do believe Donny-boy is guilty of money laundering. Donny-boy is an excuse, a sorry excuse, but an excuse nonetheless.
@lordsnow8438 6 лет назад
U dont know what ur talking about
@lordsnow8438 6 лет назад
@@gnomechomsky2524 hacking the DNC server.. are u dumb as hell.. just research it. it is truth. putin is responsible. why wouldnt u believe that.
@lordsnow8438 6 лет назад
@@gnomechomsky2524 www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/how-the-russians-hacked-the-dnc-and-passed-its-emails-to-wikileaks/2018/07/13/af19a828-86c3-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78_story.html?noredirect=on&.8f032728c0c2
@calebtimes453 6 лет назад
@@lordsnow8438 just because it's in a article doesn't mean that it's absolute fact. Someone could just bring up an article why Russia didn't interfere with the election.
@lordsnow8438 6 лет назад
@@calebtimes453 mate its been reported by many media outlets. Take ur head out of your ass.
@trentonjohnson402 6 лет назад
This hilariously ironic coming from a company named the intercept.
@heinzdirk69 9 месяцев назад
Very interesting
@visualilliusions7354 2 года назад
this aged well
@framerz 5 лет назад
The us is declining slowly on the world stage. The shit is out now even the eu is distancing itself from the us I hope Canada does the same.
@MrWhitmen1981 6 лет назад
Every nation does this. Pro tip don't get caught.
@whiteboy9192 3 года назад
Don’t forget meddling in the Australian election in mid 1970’s
@SThrillz 6 лет назад
US meddling is not meddling, it's charity work.
@edbartek6550 6 лет назад
See, this makes sense to me. Since we did bad things to others we should conversely turn a blind eye when others do bad things to us, thats logic. Thanos logic.
@smirhash 6 лет назад
Hey Mehdi even if a country has a kind of intervention-free election, like Iran, US will punish them by sanctions, because the people did not choose somebody who sides with US. What you covered was only direct US interventions. Cheers from Iran
@Iceberg6606 6 лет назад
Who the hell would "thumbs down" this video??? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!
@cheekypop 6 лет назад
it is too much to ask, as long as there are world powers with global interests there will always be election meddling
@josephnolan3570 Год назад
Mr. Hasan, nice work! This is far better than what the media typically does.
@kyleeames8229 5 лет назад
It’s too much to ask of the largest empire in Human history.
@Crazyassplanet2 6 лет назад
I think motive is very important , I would like to see a video going in-depth on U.S and Russia meddling in elections like who the backed , why ,outcome ...etc .
@yusufomar-umari4262 5 лет назад
Free and fair elections brings peace and stability.
@marklo6283 6 лет назад
Follow the Money.
@malikanuur4298 6 лет назад
Great video
@michael_stefanko 5 лет назад
I agree with the general sentiment of the video. However, his statement that *all* meddling is wrong in *all* instances seems too hard-line. If countries are to fall to dictators and demagogues, especially as they are more often than not violent, I would hope the international community would try to intervene.
@gusaholic 6 лет назад
Good little clip, although the host believes in flying horses.
@eelsoirdor3573 5 лет назад
Yeah, it is too much to ask. People follow their own interests, it is in their DNA.
@danielbrini562 6 лет назад
You forgot about Chile in 1973^ It's like the most important one
@raphaelbrigeiro 6 лет назад
As a south american (from Brazil), I must say that it is quite funny to see the americans obsessing about another contry medling with their democratic system.
@demogog3449 6 лет назад
But freedom!!!Oh, the irony. Operation Condor....Anyone? Anyone? Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.
@dgehosky 5 лет назад
This was psychedelically good!!!!!
@boxertest 6 лет назад
Good to know the truth
@bobmiller3627 6 лет назад
Who cares what people want. Whoever is the most peaceful candidate for a country is always the correct one to back. I don't care if elections get hacked or swayed in any country, just as long as the more peaceful candidate wins in the end.
@narrativenationUFC 6 лет назад
But we almost never back these so-called peaceful candidates; we back dictators because they're more friendly to Corporate America. Just ask the people of Chile.
@bobmiller3627 6 лет назад
That's why our votes and our wishes as Americans shouldn't count, and why a foreign power meddling in our election to make a Bernie Sanders or a Jill Stein our next president is objectively a better solution to this issue. Poland, Hungary, Greece, Britain, France, Brazil. All of these countries, and probably many more that I'm not yet aware of, have recently started hearing out the beliefs of self-avowed Nazi politicians that are running for public offices in those countries. This literally should not be happening, especially in fucking Europe! So, if people want to convince me that election meddling is a bad thing, then stop considering insane racist filth and warmongering scum as potential political candidates in your countries. That'll convince me.
@OhCrap247 6 лет назад
All of this still doesn't justify electing Mango Mussolini as President.
@baflange6477 6 лет назад
Hey he was speeding too officer
@garmenlin5990 6 лет назад
The roll safe meme be like: You can't have your election meddled with if you don't hold elections!
@thethird1967 6 лет назад
All right thinking individuals are aware.
@Chidulo 5 лет назад
They just hate the guy they meddled for
@mrlad4685 6 лет назад
But Americans don't want to know. 😊
@SiddikaKobir 6 лет назад
even if they know wtf they gonna do about it....pentagon can do whatever they want....fuck people...let them eat chicken and watch football....short life.....
@detectordegados5292 6 лет назад
Complete list of American military and political interventions JUST in Latin America from 1846 to 1996: 1846 - The U.S., fulfilling the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, goes to war with Mexico and ends up with a third of Mexico's territory. 1850, 1853, 1854, 1857 - U.S. interventions in Nicaragua. 1855 - Tennessee adventurer William Walker and his mercenaries take over Nicaragua, institute forced labor, and legalize slavery. 1856 - Intervention in Colombia's Panama province to protect railroad companies interests 1898 - War with Spain (In 1976, a U.S. Navy commission will conclude that the Maine explosion, blaimed on Spain and the excuse for the war, was probably an accident.) 1903 - The Platt Amendment is inserted into the Cuban constitution grants the U.S. the right to intervene whenever it sees fit 1903 - America backs Panama Mercenaries and rebels to declare independence from Colombia 1904 - U.S. sends customs agents to take over finances of the Dominican Republic to assure payment of its external debt 1905 - U.S. Marines help Mexican dictator Porfirio Díaz crush a strike in Sonora. 1905 - U.S. troops land in Honduras for the first of 5 times in next 20 years.1906 - Marines occupy Cuba for two years in order to prevent a civil war.1907 - Marines intervene in Honduras to settle a war with Nicaragua. 1908 - U.S. troops intervene in Panama for first of 4 times in next decade. 1909 - Liberal President José Santos Zelaya of Nicaragua proposes that American mining and banana companies pay taxes; he has also appropriated church lands and legalized divorce, done business with European firms, and executed two Americans for participating in a rebellion. Forced to resign through U.S. pressure. The new president, Adolfo Díaz, is the former treasurer of an American mining company. 1910 - U.S. Marines occupy Nicaragua to help support the Díaz regime. 1911 - The Liberal regime of Miguel Dávila in Honduras has irked the State Department by being too friendly with Zelaya and by getting into debt with Britain. He is overthrown by former president Manuel Bonilla, aided by American banana tycoon Sam Zemurray and American mercenary Lee Christmas, who becomes commander-in-chief of the Honduran army. 1912 - U.S. Marines intervene in Cuba to put down a rebellion of sugar workers.1912 - Nicaragua occupied again by the U.S., to shore up the inept Díaz government. An election is called to resolve the crisis: there are 4000 eligible voters, and one candidate, Díaz. The U.S. maintains troops and advisors in the country until 1925. 1914 - U.S. bombs and then occupies Vera Cruz, in a conflict arising out of a dispute with Mexico's new government. President Victoriano Huerta resigns.1915 - U.S. Marines occupy Haiti to restore order, and establish a protectorate which lasts till 1934. The president of Haiti is barred from the U.S. Officers' Club in Port-au-Prince, because he is black. "Think of it-- niggers speaking French!" --secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, briefed on the Haitian situation 1916 - Marines occupy the Dominican Republic, staying till 1924.! 1916Pancho Villa, in the sole act of Latin American aggression against the U.S, raids the city of Columbus, New Mexico, killing 17 Americans. "Am sure Villa's attacks are made in Germany." --James Gerard, U.S. ambassador to Berlin 1917 - U.S. troops enter Mexico to pursue Pancho Villa. They can't catch him. 1917Marines intervene again in Cuba, to guarantee sugar exports during WWI. 1918 - U.S. Marines occupy Panamanianprovince of Chiriqui for two years to maintain public order.1921 - President Coolidge strongly suggests the overthrow of Guatemalan President Carlos Herrera, in the interests of United Fruit. The Guatemalans comply. 1925 - U.S. Army troops occupy Panama City to break a rent strike and keep order. 1926 - Marines, out of Nicaragua for less than a year, occupy the country again, to settle a volatile political situation. Secretary of State Kellogg describes a "Nicaraguan-Mexican-Soviet" conspiracy to inspire a "Mexican-Bolshevist hegemony" within striking distance of the Canal. "That intervention is not now, never was, and never will be a set policy of the United States is one of the most important facts President-elect Hoover has made clear." --NYT, 1928 1929 - U.S. establishes a military academy in Nicaragua to train a National Guard as the country's army. Similar forces are trained in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. "There is no room for any outside influence other than ours in this region. We could not tolerate such a thing without incurring grave risks... Until now Central America has always understood that governments which we recognize and support stay in power, while those which we do not recognize and support fall. Nicaragua has become a test case. It is difficult to see how we can afford to be defeated." --Undersecretary of State Robert Olds 1930 - Rafael Leonidas Trujillo emerges from the U.S.-trained National Guard to become dictator of the Dominican Republic. 1932 - The U.S. rushes warships to El Salvadorin response to a communist-led uprising. President Martínez, however, prefers to put down the rebellion with his own forces, killing over 8000 people (the rebels had killed about 100) 1933 - President Roosevelt announces the Good Neighbor policy. 1933 - Marines finally leave Nicaragua, unable to suppress the guerrilla warfare of General Augusto César Sandino. Anastasio Somoza García becomes the first Nicaraguan commander of the National Guard. "The Nicaraguans are better fighters than the Haitians, being of Indian blood, and as warriors similar to the aborigines who resisted the advance of civilization in this country." --NYT correspondent Harold Denny 1933 - Roosevelt sends warships to Cuba to intimidate Gerardo Machado y Morales, who is massacring the people to put down nationwide strikes and riots. Machado resigns. The first provisional government lasts only 17 days; the second Roosevelt finds too left-wing and refuses to recognize. A pro-Machado counter-coup is put down by Fulgencio Batista, who with Roosevelt's blessing becomes Cuba's new strongman. 1934 - Platt Amendment repealed.1934 - Sandino assassinated by agents of Somoza, with U.S. approval. Somoza assumes the presidency of Nicaraguatwo years later. To block his ascent, Secretary of State Cordell Hull explains, would be to intervene in the internal affairs of Nicaragua. 1936 - U.S. relinquishes rights to unilateral intervention in Panama. 1941 - Ricardo Adolfo de la Guardia deposes Panamanian president Arias in a military coup-- first clearing it with the U.S. Ambassador. It was "a great relief to us, because Arias had been very troublesome and very pro-Nazi." --Secretary of War Henry Stimson 1943 - The editor of the Honduran opposition paper El Cronista is summoned to the U.S. embassy and told that criticism of the dictator Tiburcio Carías Andino is damaging to the war effort. Shortly afterward, the paper is shut down by the government. 1944 - The dictator Maximiliano Hernández Martínez of El Salvador is ousted by a revolution; the interim government is overthrown five months later by the dictator's former chief of police. The U.S.'s immediate recognition of the new dictator does much to tarnish Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy in the eyes of Latin Americans. As this list is too big for RU-vid comments, it will be continuing down at the replies. This list is from ONLY Latin America and from 1996, and don't account for even 1% of the crimes against humanity America and these dictatorships mentioned had done. Source: www.zompist.com/latam.html
@detectordegados5292 6 лет назад
The list continues: 1946 - U.S. Army School of the Americas opens in Panama as a hemisphere-wide military academy. Its linchpin is the doctrine of National Security, by which the chief threat to a nation is internal subversion; this will be the guiding principle behind dictatorships in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Central America, and elsewhere. 1948 - José Figueres Ferrer wins a short civil war to become President of Costa Rica. Figueres is supported by the U.S., which has informed San José that its forces in the Panama Canal are ready to come to the capital to end "communist control" of Costa Rica. 1954 - Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, elected president of Guatemala, introduces land reform and seizes some idle lands of United Fruit-- proposing to pay for them the value United Fruit claimed on its tax returns. The CIA organizes a small force to overthrow him and begins training it in Honduras. When Arbenz naively asks for U.S. military help to meet this threat, he is refused; when he buys arms from Czechoslovakia it only proves he's a Red. Guatemala is "openly and diligently toiling to create a Communist state in Central America... only two hours' bombing time from the Panama Canal." --Life The CIA broadcasts reports detailing the imaginary advance of the "rebel army," and provides planes to strafe the capital. The army refuses to defend Arbenz, who resigns. The U.S.'s hand-picked dictator, Carlos Castillo Armas, outlaws political parties, reduces the franchise, and establishes the death penalty for strikers, as well as undoing Arbenz's land reform. Over 100,000 citizens are killed in the next 30 years of military rule. "This is the first instance in history where a Communist government has been replaced by a free one." --Richard Nixon 1957 - Eisenhower establishes Office of Public Safety to train Latin American police forces.! 1959Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba. Several months earlier he had undertaken a triumphal tour through the U.S., which included a CIA briefing on the Red menace. "Castro's continued tawdry little melodrama of invasion." --Time, of Castro's warnings of an imminent U.S. invasion 1960 - Eisenhower authorizes covert actions to get rid of Castro. Among other things, the CIA tries assassinating him with exploding cigars and poisoned milkshakes. Other covert actions against Cuba include burning sugar fields, blowing up boats in Cuban harbors, and sabotaging industrial equipment. 1960 - The Canal Zone becomes the focus of U.S. counterinsurgency training. 1960 - A new junta in El Salvador promises free elections; Eisenhower, fearing leftist tendencies, withholds recognition. A more attractive right-wing counter-coup comes along in three months. "Governments of the civil-military type of El Salvador are the most effective in containing communist penetration in Latin America." --John F. Kennedy, after the coup 1960 - Guatemalan officers attempt to overthrow the regime of Presidente Fuentes; Eisenhower stations warships and 2000 Marines offshore while Fuentes puts down the revolt. [Another source says that the U.S. provided air support for Fuentes. 1960s - U.S. Green Berets train Guatemalanarmy in counterinsurgency techniques. Guatemalan efforts against its insurgents include aerial bombing, scorched-earth assaults on towns suspected of aiding the rebels, and death squads, which killed 20,000 people between 1966 and 1976. U.S. Army Col. John Webber claims that it was at his instigation that "the technique of counter-terror had been implemented by the army." "If it is necessary to turn the country into a cemetary in order to pacify it, I will not hesitate to do so." --President Carlos Arana Osorio 1961 - U.S. organizes force of 1400 anti-Castro Cubans, ships it to the Bahía de los Cochinos. Castro's army routs it. 1961 - CIA-backed coup overthrows elected Pres. J. M. Velasco Ibarra of Ecuador, who has been too friendly with Cuba. 1962 - CIA engages in campaign in Brazil to keep João Goulart from achieving control of Congress. 1963 - CIA-backed coup overthrows elected social democrat Juan Bosch in the Dominican Republic. 1963 - A far-right-wing coup in Guatemala, apparently U.S.-supported, forestalls elections in which "extreme leftist" Juan José Arévalo was favored to win. "It is difficult to develop stable and democratic government [in Guatemala], because so many of the nation's Indians are illiterate and superstitious." --School textbook, 1964 1964 - João Goulart of Brazil proposes agrarian reform, nationalization of oil. Ousted by U.S.-supported military coup. 1964 - The free market in Nicaragua: The Somoza family controls "about one-tenth of the cultivable land in Nicaragua, and just about everything else worth owning, the country's only airline, one television station, a newspaper, a cement plant, textile mill, several sugar refineries, half-a-dozen breweries and distilleries, and a Mercedes-Benz agency." --Life World Library 1965 - A coup in the Dominican Republicattempts to restore Bosch's government. The U.S. invades and occupies the country to stop this "Communist rebellion," with the help of the dictators of Brazil, Paraguay, Honduras, and Nicaragua. "Representative democracy cannot work in a country such as the Dominican Republic," Bosch declares later. Now why would he say that? 1966 - U.S. sends arms, advisors, and Green Berets to Guatemala to implement a counterinsurgency campaign. "To eliminate a few hundred guerrillas, the government killed perhaps 10,000 Guatemalan peasants." --State Dept. report on the program 1967 - A team of Green Berets is sent to Boliviato help find and assassinate Che Guevara. 1968 - Gen. José Alberto Medrano, who is on the payroll of the CIA, organizes the ORDEN paramilitary force, considered the precursor of El Salvador's death squads.! 1970In this year (just as an example), U.S. investments in Latin America earn $1.3 billion; while new investments total $302 million. 1970 - Salvador Allende Gossens elected in Chile. Suspends foreign loans, nationalizes foreign companies. For the phone system, pays ITT the company's minimized valuation for tax purposes. The CIA provides covert financial support for Allende's opponents, both during and after his election. 1972 - U.S. stands by as military suspends an election in El Salvador in which centrist José Napoleón Duarte was favored to win. (Compare with the emphasis placed on the 1982 elections.) 1973 - U.S.-supported military coup kills Allende and brings Augusto Pinochet Ugarte to power. Pinochet imprisons well over a hundred thousand Chileans (torture and rape are the usual methods of interrogation), terminates civil liberties, abolishes unions, extends the work week to 48 hours, and reverses Allende's land reforms. 1973 - Military takes power in Uruguay, supported by U.S. The subsequent repression reportedly features the world's highest percentage of the population imprisoned for political reasons. 1974 - Office of Public Safety is abolished when it is revealed that police are being taught torture techniques.
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