This is such a great video with so many wonderful thoughts! I am someone who actually have been lucky enough to obtain nearly all of the things mentioned here. Right now, I'm at peace with myself and leading my lifestyle both as a productive and self-loving person. It wasn’t the case always. Around a year and a half ago, I was way more harsh to myself, blaming myself for not sticking to a perfect routine I made up. Later, I came to realize this is no way to go. I started appreciating days when I can do a lot and learned to enjoy days when I'm not as productive. And my first step was... quiting social media. No, really, right now I don't use any except for work/study. This was life changing, and I really Really recommend it to everyone. Especially with stuff like tiktok/shorts etc Thank you for this amazing video! I loved watching it and realizing how far I've gotten. Good luck to you and every person in this comment section, sending love and support🙏💗
Aww I love this! I find that we tend to swing to extremes and then find ourselves in a happier balanced middle. That, truly is a huge part of maturity and coming home to ourselves. So happy to hear this, and thank you for sharing. 🫶🩵
So easy to fall into the scroll-hole or doom-scroll! Thanks for the reminder of being mindful, aware, and intentional. Especially being kind, understanding , and compassionate to yourself if things go a little sideways during the week. No big deal…reassess, readjust, and try again. I think you’re onto something, Dia! (Sorry so long…😂)
Me going to the gym at least 5 times a week… but I do it in the sacrifice of rest since I often sleep 5 hours instead of the recommended 7. Been working 14 hour days and it’s hard to fit in the time.
@@DiaJin it’s 5 hours of deep, good quality, sleep I guess. Some nights it’s 3 hours so I can’t complain. 😅 I’m on my feet all day so the gym seems to give me energy for the day