Questa splendida Sinfonia RV 132 è senz'altro un'opera tardiva di Antonio Vivaldi, uguale che gli altri brani (RV 111a, RV 125 e RV 137), TUTTI AUTENTICI VIVALDIANI, conservati nella Deutsche Staatsbibliothek di Berlin, dove inoltre è pervenuto il concerto per violino giovanile RV 381 anch'esso autentico.
I (who have a little music knowledge) also like what is 'allegro' or sound fast. Now I have to thank Budapest Strings Orchestra too. Thank you ('ขอบคุณครับ' in Thai).
I am working on a project of sequencing all known works of Vivaldi and anything in the Ryom catalog (I recently completed all of the Chedeville works) for MIDI. Does anyone have a PDF of the sheet music for this lovely Janitsch symphony?
@@2ndPyleOfVinyl I don't think anything can be confirmed in this sense, as the same manuscript is referred to as three authors at the same time. I bet this is Vivaldi, anyway
@@stellario82 I am on the fence. There are certain things that strike me about this work being written after Vivaldi's death. There is a lightness to the third movement that I never really heard from Vivaldi. I know that Vivaldi wrote lighter sinfonias but there would be this tension in places that I do not hear in this work. Vivaldi loved tension.
@@stellario82 This sounds closer to the work at hand than anything Vivaldi has written. Of course, this is all subjective. This is my personal opinion.
É totalmente Vivaldi, quanto à atribuição deve ser confusa, Vivaldi faleceu em 1741 Janitsch estava com 33 anos, é bem mais possível que tenha ocorrido erro de atribuição a favor de Vivaldi. Isso é pura Sinfonia de ópera de Vivaldi.