
AC/DC - Shot In The Dark [acoustic] 

Ben Owen
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Acoustic cover by Ben Owen of AC/DC Shot In the Dark from the new AC/DC album PWR UP!
Check out the AC/DC records on display, would you like to see more of my vinyl collection at some point in future videos?
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15 сен 2024




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@oreo-roblox6678 3 года назад
Bon Scott Singing Shot In The Dark
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
just wanted to tell u that Jesus Christ loves u so much 💟 and u should google these verses if u have not before! john 3:16-21 romans 5:6-8 romans 10:9-13 God bless u! :)
@thetrooper4743 3 года назад
@@trustinjesuschrist6933 the guy you “blessed”: OREO ROBLOX
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
@@thetrooper4743 yes! the person is very special to God that’s why He created them! and i encourage you to google those verses too and find out what they say if you don’t already know, and God bless you as well in Jesus name!
@بغدادرسمالحنان 3 года назад
Now that's what I call a good cover
@romagallardo7504 3 года назад
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
Jesucristo te ama y nos salvará de nuestros pecados si ponemos nuestra fe y confianza en Él. todos pecamos y estamos destituidos de la perfecta gloria de Dios (Romanos capítulo tres) y la paga del pecado es la muerte eterna. (Romanos capítulo seis) pero la gracia de Dios es esta Juan Capítulo Tres: “Porque tanto ama Dios al mundo que dio a su único Hijo, para que todo el que crea en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna. Porque Dios no envió a Su Hijo al mundo para maldecir al mundo, sino para salvarlo a través de Él. El que cree en Él no será castigado, pero el que no cree, será castigado porque no creyó en el nombre del Hijo unigénito de Dios. Esta es la decisión: la luz ha venido al mundo, pero la gente prefiere la oscuridad a la luz porque sus obras son malas. Todo el que comete el mal odia la luz y no saldrá a la luz por temor a que sus obras sean expuestas. Pero los que viven de la verdad salen a la luz, para que se ve claramente que lo que han hecho, se ha hecho ante Dios. " Y Romance Capítulo Diez: Si dices con tu boca: "Jesús es el Señor" y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de los muertos, serás salvo. Porque con tu corazón crees y eres justificado, y con tu boca profesas fe y eres salvo. Como dicen las Escrituras, "el que en él cree, nunca será deshonrado". Porque no hay diferencia entre judío y gentil, el mismo Dios es Señor de todos y bendice abundantemente a todos los que claman a Él, porque "Todo el que invoque el nombre de Dios será salvo". así que Dios vendrá cuando menos lo esperemos, y si ponemos nuestra fe y confianza en Él, Él nos dará Su gracia y nos vestirá con la justicia de Su sangre (pero por supuesto que la muerte no puede detenerlo. ¡Él ha resucitado!) Y tendremos vida eterna en Su reino donde no habrá más muerte, ni dolor, ni llanto. no habrá más dolor, porque lo viejo ha pasado. porque te ama tanto! (Romanos capítulo cinco) pero si lo negamos y lo rechazamos y no nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados para seguir a Dios, entonces tendremos nuestra parte en el lago ardiendo con fuego y azufre, que es la muerte segunda. porque no hay mentirosos, ni ladrones, ni blasfemos (using el nombre de Dios en vano como una palabrota para expresar enojo o disgusto) y no hay adúlteros (Jesucristo dijo en Mateo cinco que cualquiera que sólo mira a alguien para codiciar hay adulterio en el corazón) entrará en el reino de los cielos. así que escucha estas palabras, arrepiéntete y cree en el evangelio. acepta a Jesucristo y confiesa tus pecados para que Él te perdone y te dé una vida de verdad, amor, gozo y paz. que nunca se desvanecerá ni perecerá. esto es todo si no lo has hecho y Jesucristo no te ha salvado, ¡Dios te bendiga! 🙌👑💟
@mariarivera6376 3 года назад
@@trustinjesuschrist6933. _.
@juliantriana4733 3 года назад
Que haces Aquí Roma?
@sebah8519 3 года назад
@@trustinjesuschrist6933 XD
@fernandojoaquinricaldelima7619 3 года назад
roma que haces aca jasdhfhkskajdfads
@Prey.Rock99 3 года назад
Electric Vocals⚡ like always 🔥👌
@IVAN_123_ 3 года назад
Этот парень круто поёт! Молодец!
@Fabul124 3 года назад
no entiendo nada pero me caes bien
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
Иисус Христос любит вас, и Он спасет нас от наших грехов, если мы поверим и уповаем на Него! мы все согрешили и лишились совершенной славы Бога (Римлянам, глава 3), и возмездие за грех - вечная смерть! (Послание к Римлянам, глава шестая), но это дар Божий Иоанна, глава третья: «Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего единственного, дабы всякий, верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел жизнь вечную. Ибо Бог послал Сына Своего в мир не осуждать мир, но спасти мир через Него. Всякий, кто верит в Него, не осужден, но тот, кто не верит, уже осужден, потому что они не уверовали во имя Единственного Сына Божьего. Вот вердикт: свет пришел в мир, но люди любили тьму вместо света, потому что их дела были злы. Каждый, кто творит зло, ненавидит свет и не выйдет на свет из страха, что его дела будут разоблачены. Но всякий, кто живет истиной, выходит на свет, чтобы было ясно видно, что то, что они сделали, было сделано в очах Бога. " и к римлянам, глава десятая: «Если вы заявляете своими устами:« Иисус есть Господь »и верите всем сердцем, что Бог воскресил Его из мертвых, вы будете спасены. Ибо сердцем вы верите и оправдываетесь, и устами вы исповедуете свою веру и спасаетесь. Как сказано в Писании: «Всякий, кто верит в Него, никогда не будет посрамлен». Ибо нет разницы между евреем и язычником - один и тот же Господь - Господь всех и обильно благословляет всех, кто призывает Его, потому что «Всякий, кто призывает имя Господа, будет спасен». поэтому Бог грядет в то время, которого мы меньше всего ожидаем, и если мы поверим и уповаем на Него, Он подарит нам Свою благодать и облечет нас праведностью Своей крови (но, конечно, смерть не смогла удержать Его, Он воскрес! ), и у нас будет вечная жизнь в Его Царстве, где не будет больше ни смерти, ни печали, ни плача. боли больше не будет, потому что прежнее прошло. потому что Он так сильно тебя любит! (Римлянам, глава пятая), но если мы отрицаем и отвергаем Его и не покаемся в своих грехах, чтобы следовать за Богом, тогда наша часть будет в озере, которое горит огнем и серой, что является второй смертью. потому что ни лжец, ни вор, ни богохульник (напрасно употребляя имя Бога в качестве ругательства для выражения гнева или отвращения) и никакой прелюбодей (Иисус Христос говорит в пятой главе Евангелия от Матфея, что всякий, кто смотрит на кого-то в похоти, они прелюбодействуют в глубине души) войдет в Царство Небесное. так что слушайте эти слова, покайтесь и верьте Евангелию! примите Иисуса Христа и исповедуйте свои грехи перед Ним, чтобы Он простил вас и дал вам жизнь с истиной, любовью, радостью и миром. который никогда не исчезнет и не исчезнет. это все, если вы еще этого не сделали и Иисус Христос еще не спас вас, да благословит вас Бог! 🙌👑💟
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
@@Fabul124 Jesucristo te ama y nos salvará de nuestros pecados si ponemos nuestra fe y confianza en Él. todos pecamos y estamos destituidos de la perfecta gloria de Dios (Romanos capítulo tres) y la paga del pecado es la muerte eterna. (Romanos capítulo seis) pero la gracia de Dios es esta Juan Capítulo Tres: “Porque tanto ama Dios al mundo que dio a su único Hijo, para que todo el que crea en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna. Porque Dios no envió a Su Hijo al mundo para maldecir al mundo, sino para salvarlo a través de Él. El que cree en Él no será castigado, pero el que no cree, será castigado porque no creyó en el nombre del Hijo unigénito de Dios. Esta es la decisión: la luz ha venido al mundo, pero la gente prefiere la oscuridad a la luz porque sus obras son malas. Todo el que comete el mal odia la luz y no saldrá a la luz por temor a que sus obras sean expuestas. Pero los que viven de la verdad salen a la luz, para que se ve claramente que lo que han hecho, se ha hecho ante Dios. " Y Romance Capítulo Diez: Si dices con tu boca: "Jesús es el Señor" y crees en tu corazón que Dios lo levantó de los muertos, serás salvo. Porque con tu corazón crees y eres justificado, y con tu boca profesas fe y eres salvo. Como dicen las Escrituras, "el que en él cree, nunca será deshonrado". Porque no hay diferencia entre judío y gentil, el mismo Dios es Señor de todos y bendice abundantemente a todos los que claman a Él, porque "Todo el que invoque el nombre de Dios será salvo". así que Dios vendrá cuando menos lo esperemos, y si ponemos nuestra fe y confianza en Él, Él nos dará Su gracia y nos vestirá con la justicia de Su sangre (pero por supuesto que la muerte no puede detenerlo. ¡Él ha resucitado!) Y tendremos vida eterna en Su reino donde no habrá más muerte, ni dolor, ni llanto. no habrá más dolor, porque lo viejo ha pasado. porque te ama tanto! (Romanos capítulo cinco) pero si lo negamos y lo rechazamos y no nos arrepentimos de nuestros pecados para seguir a Dios, entonces tendremos nuestra parte en el lago ardiendo con fuego y azufre, que es la muerte segunda. porque no hay mentirosos, ni ladrones, ni blasfemos (using el nombre de Dios en vano como una palabrota para expresar enojo o disgusto) y no hay adúlteros (Jesucristo dijo en Mateo cinco que cualquiera que sólo mira a alguien para codiciar hay adulterio en el corazón) entrará en el reino de los cielos. así que escucha estas palabras, arrepiéntete y cree en el evangelio. acepta a Jesucristo y confiesa tus pecados para que Él te perdone y te dé una vida de verdad, amor, gozo y paz. que nunca se desvanecerá ni perecerá. esto es todo si no lo has hecho y Jesucristo no te ha salvado, ¡Dios te bendiga! 🙌👑💟
@IVAN_123_ 3 года назад
@@trustinjesuschrist6933 За всех не говори (не пиши), пиши за себя.
@АндрейТихонов-б5ф 3 года назад
Полностью согласен, если бы он играл не электро гитаре это был бы разнос
@arfirrr 3 года назад
ur voice really rock n roll. nice to meet ur channel. i'm from indonesian🇮🇩❤️
@sebah8519 3 года назад
Uno de los mejores covers que he visto...
@rdt999 3 года назад
Yes!! You kicked it! Love that voice!
@bloodycountess 3 года назад
Thanks for this perfect cover. Can you cover 'Welcome To The Jungle' too? 💜🤘
@user-gm3uf2yr3z 3 года назад
Sounds amazing!
@vellmorgomusic 3 года назад
Опа, русские
@JohnJano 2 года назад
Dude from one singer to another, you should be the lead singer of TESLA!!!!!!!
@br1nk_0f_illusi0n5 3 года назад
Dude that sounds badass man, keep rockin’ 🤘🏻🎸✨
@Name-uq5bv 3 года назад
Bro you are such an amazing guitarist damn broo👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@jordanrconnelly 3 года назад
Awesome dude! Loving the new video styles too!
@gamingworld1876 3 года назад
I follow many cover artists in RU-vid but you have something special.Yeah,I mean it. I'm also a little artist who's struggling and you inspire me a lot!❤️
@JamminOwen 3 года назад
Aw thanks my friend! Keep doing your thing too and follow your heart 🙌🙏
@calvinbes2099 3 года назад
Sounds good. I've got a vision of Telsa's 5 Man Acoustical Jam in my head hearing your voice. Great Job!
@ajayonline 3 года назад
I was thinking the exact same thing!
@fenniblues 3 года назад
Tesla covering shot in the dark...wow
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
Jesus Christ loves you so much and He will save us from our sins if we put our faith and trust in Him! because we all sinned and fell short of Gods perfect glory (romans 3:23) and the wages of sin is eternal death! (romans 6:23) but the gift of God is this john 3:16-21 "for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. this is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposes. but whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God." and romans 10:9-13 "if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. as scripture says, "anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame. "for there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." so God is coming at a time we least expect, and if we put our faith and trust in Him He will gift us His grace and clothe us with the righteousness of His blood (but of course death could not hold Him, He is risen!) and we will have eternal life in His kingdom where there will be there will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying. there will be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. because He loves you so much! (romans 5:6-8) but if we deny and reject Him and don't repent from our sins to follow God, then we will have our part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. because no liar, no thief, no blasphemer (using Gods name in vain as a cuss word to express anger or disgust) and no adulterer (Jesus Christ says in matthew 5 that anyone who just looks at someone to lust for they’re an adultery at heart) will enter the kingdom of heaven. so hear these words, repent and believe the gospel! accept Jesus Christ and confess your sins to Him so that He will forgive you and give you a life with truth and real love and joy and peace that this world can never give you or fulfill in you you! and the love and joy and peace that He will give you will never fade away or perish. this is all if you haven't done this yet and Jesus Christ hasn't saved you yet, also when you have time please you should watch this channel here on youtube called "Christ forgiveness ministries" and hear what they have to say, glory to God. God bless you! 🙌👑💟
@Cylance-ji9tn 2 года назад
YAY ⚡ Xactly 🔥
@donvito2303 Год назад
@antonkoudryavtsev7105 3 года назад
Just great! Keep going!
@berkturan3485 3 года назад
@kagankalender6437 3 года назад
burada bir türke rastlamak iyi oldu :)
@berkturan3485 3 года назад
@@kagankalender6437 her yerdeyiz :)
@mikecole4489 Год назад
Love it dude sounds GREAT
@alfredvitalla1382 3 года назад
Flawless man! 🤘
@victoriabarbero 3 года назад
Awesome and amazing!!! I really love your covers
@sleepangelwhitenoise 3 года назад
Nailed it brah!!... Great job! 🤘
@abrilleal1883 3 года назад
WAAAAAH It sounds amazing! Greaaat Job! Love your voice
@weosir 2 года назад
может я и русская,но это...ШИКАРНО😭😭😭💞💞💞
@garfieldngsapangbato 3 года назад
@SunnyStreak_ 3 года назад
Oh man that was so cool.
@talhawaqar2704 3 года назад
Yes yes yes
@live2shredguy 3 года назад
Can you cover Man In The Box?
@faqugang4527 Год назад
such a rock voice
@danielwhitaker5445 2 года назад
You're voice is ON POINT!!..
@gregc8483 3 года назад
Now that was something!
@gregstuber8956 3 года назад
Nice name
@mitra2791 3 года назад
Thanks ❤️🤟
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
Jesus Christ loves you so much and He will save us from our sins if we put our faith and trust in Him! because we all sinned and fell short of Gods perfect glory (romans 3:23) and the wages of sin is eternal death! (romans 6:23) but the gift of God is this john 3:16-21 "for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. this is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposes. but whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God." and romans 10:9-13 "if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. as scripture says, "anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame. "for there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." so God is coming at a time we least expect, and if we put our faith and trust in Him He will gift us His grace and clothe us with the righteousness of His blood (but of course death could not hold Him, He is risen!) and we will have eternal life in His kingdom where there will be there will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying. there will be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. because He loves you so much! (romans 5:6-8) but if we deny and reject Him and don't repent from our sins to follow God, then we will have our part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. because no liar, no thief, no blasphemer (using Gods name in vain as a cuss word to express anger or disgust) and no adulterer (Jesus Christ says in matthew 5 that anyone who just looks at someone to lust for they’re an adultery at heart) will enter the kingdom of heaven. so hear these words, repent and believe the gospel! accept Jesus Christ and confess your sins to Him so that He will forgive you and give you a life with truth and real love and joy and peace that this world can never give you or fulfill in you you! and the love and joy and peace that He will give you will never fade away or perish. this is all if you haven't done this yet and Jesus Christ hasn't saved you yet, also when you have time please you should watch this channel here on youtube called "Christ forgiveness ministries" and hear what they have to say, glory to God. God bless you! 🙌👑💟
@aschobert 2 года назад
just awesome, you still rock more than ever, damn man you keep going please
@greyc.4728 3 года назад
The voice, the hair, the jacket, EVERYTHING is perfect!!
@vellmorgomusic 3 года назад
@AlienorchestraNetoslo 3 года назад
awesome acoustic cover, Ben! nicely performed!
@AndreChaser 3 года назад
Nice acoustic version! Keep the great work!
@forphilme1 3 года назад
That is exemplary. What skills.. 🙏
@user-yh7jy3qn9y 3 года назад
О боже мой. Круто. Продолжай :)) Omg. Cool, not stoop ))
@AndrewOnTheYouTube 3 года назад
So badass 🤜🤛 🐐 level 🎸
@paulhasenauer4166 3 года назад
kick ass man!!🤘☠
@dvt8886 3 года назад
Ultracool !!!
@br1nk_0f_illusi0n5 3 года назад
Yo man you rocked that! 🤘🏻🎸✨
@Rai_bibek59 3 года назад
Awesome 👌
@ElectricArtist 3 года назад
🤘🏻it’s rockin🤘🏻
@MrRego1965 3 года назад
superb Ben ,,well done ,,quick to learn that one :-)
@JamminOwen 3 года назад
Thanks Kev!! Started jamming it as soon as it came out, would’ve done this sooner but was getting over a cold haha 😛🤘
@matiasflores3630 3 года назад
@dbminor9694 3 года назад
Amazing cover!!! Now cover shot in the dark by Ozzy
@trustinjesuschrist6933 3 года назад
Jesus Christ loves you so much and He will save us from our sins if we put our faith and trust in Him! because we all sinned and fell short of Gods perfect glory (romans 3:23) and the wages of sin is eternal death! (romans 6:23) but the gift of God is this john 3:16-21 "for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. this is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposes. but whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God." and romans 10:9-13 "if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. for it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. as scripture says, "anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame. "for there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." so God is coming at a time we least expect, and if we put our faith and trust in Him He will gift us His grace and clothe us with the righteousness of His blood (but of course death could not hold Him, He is risen!) and we will have eternal life in His kingdom where there will be there will be no more death, or sorrow, or crying. there will be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. because He loves you so much! (romans 5:6-8) but if we deny and reject Him and don't repent from our sins to follow God, then we will have our part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. because no liar, no thief, no blasphemer (using Gods name in vain as a cuss word to express anger or disgust) and no adulterer (Jesus Christ says in matthew 5 that anyone who just looks at someone to lust for they’re an adultery at heart) will enter the kingdom of heaven. so hear these words, repent and believe the gospel! accept Jesus Christ and confess your sins to Him so that He will forgive you and give you a life with truth and real love and joy and peace that this world can never give you or fulfill in you you! and the love and joy and peace that He will give you will never fade away or perish. this is all if you haven't done this yet and Jesus Christ hasn't saved you yet, also when you have time please you should watch this channel here on youtube called "Christ forgiveness ministries" and hear what they have to say, glory to God. God bless you! 🙌👑💟
@ufimskii.chevapchich9854 3 года назад
Hello from Russia It`s stunning! I listened all your covers!
@jp_infinity7355 2 года назад
@Capt.Turner Год назад
That's pretty awesome !
@youtubeaccount5267 3 года назад
Fam you need to put this as a #pwrupcontest
@ondrejkral209 3 года назад
You inspired me to practise my guitar more and grow my hair. Rock on man 🤘😁
@James-gn3rx Год назад
This guy is a crack oh my goodness that was so fun
@emin6626 3 года назад
@donvito2303 Год назад
Great voice
@joshrocks8807 3 года назад
Yea this is awsome , nicely done 👏👏
@andaccebe100 3 года назад
Demon fire acostic
@leonashcroft9876 Год назад
Awesome 😁👍
@donvito2303 Год назад
@SiddharthSingh-mn6iq 3 года назад
You should be having subscribers in millions
@zeNt1m 3 года назад
My favourite AC/DC song. That was cool cover.
@romanlebedko4244 3 года назад
@DonPolarek 2 года назад
Dude you're a God. This deserves so many more views than it has, but who cares about views or clicks, rock the fuck on.
@nintendolegend5344 Год назад
This sounds good🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
@natanael7146 3 года назад
Epic 💥
@chadspencer9302 Год назад
Awesome brother
@razbory_pesen_Vysotsky 3 года назад
@marvinreuter319 3 года назад
Very nice
@amelieschaich1038 3 года назад
Sehr sehr nice 💪mega cool .!!
@antoniofranco8765 3 года назад
Nice bro!!!!!
@filippons000 3 года назад
Very Good!
@lmao8329 3 года назад
Bro ur awesome sriously
@danny117hd 3 года назад
Really cool acdc hit. Go TC.
@Benni9ton 3 года назад
@stevepoole4707 Год назад
Hey Ben - Steve Poole - we met ABGC - great vocals - you’ve got a proper “rock” voice. Would like to hear your own material in the future …..
@JamminOwen Год назад
Great to meet you Steve! I’ll be reactivating my channel very soon & posting updates about the new material. Keep rocking those Gibson’s it’d be nice to chat another time :)
@kanarri 3 года назад
Very cool
@ambracapuozzo2264 3 года назад
Your channel is one one my favorite🤟🏻🔥very very niceeeee😁
@victorhernandezcampos1695 2 года назад
Oohh fuck man!!!!! This boy sings fucking great ....his voice is really amazing... He maybe should be the next AC/DC's singer jjjj
@diogogomes6040 3 года назад
Maaaan, you come back save my 2020, say hello to Brazil!!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
@icaromorbeck2120 3 года назад
You rock bro
@dustinroses 3 года назад
Enorme ! Continue comme ça !
@angus5041 3 года назад
Nice one
@metusaalemi 3 года назад
You got some pipes, man!!! Well sang and played!
@nikola0303 3 года назад
Another legendary cover by him!
@DuduAlessandro 3 года назад
Que voz. Pqp !! Parabéns! Um fã Brasileiro!
@burakerol0_0 3 года назад
oh shit this is awesome maan
@sing-bp6rj 3 года назад
@paulhasenauer4166 3 года назад
my wife says you need to be on American Idol!
@Xanywa 3 года назад
Good job brother
@santiagoolpo3373 3 года назад
good cover
@igorqueiroz2812 2 года назад
Muito bom! Essa cara arrebentou a boca do balão
@luissousa7872 2 года назад
Sou um fã portugues
@raissaoliveira7812 3 года назад
@alexairene3899 3 года назад
i love your covers.:D
@oasislok 2 года назад
From where have you the red MM emblem of your jacket? Its the icon of the industrial fair of the german City of Leipzig. And Great work!
@user-ly5cd9kd1b 3 года назад
@adambill5505 3 года назад
Very cool cover man!
@ThePappy420 2 года назад
This shit is fucking epic man
@kalegeer7095 3 года назад
The singing has improved over 6 years😂
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