
Academic Narcissist: Type That Can Destroy You in Minutes 

Danish Bashir
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10 сен 2024




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@narcabusecoach Месяц назад
Heal After Surviving Narcissistic Parent emotionalabuserecovery.com/hap
@DennisWanjiku-en5or Месяц назад
They are also called cerebral narcissist
@NoliesonLysatya Месяц назад
I had the misfortune of living with such entities! Both my Ex and daughter have PhDs. Their display of superiority over others and disdain for the ‘lesser educated’ ones is deplorable. They are always right and no one can question or challenge them.
@joseenoel8093 Месяц назад
Me too but I put myself through college and became a stay at home mom for kids sakes, enough is enough and she's surprised I've called her silent treatment mean, I'm no contact and Mr. Perfect can deal with her, wouldn't be the first time I've sent him to a EU wedding alone! Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, imagine needing to demean someone (me) who'se done so much for them, our son's great, very down to earth with many skills and will probably be 1st to purchase a home although no degree, younger and no father in law who'se a multi-millionaire!😊
@N.O.W.826 Месяц назад
Danish, you were called out by God to step out and to stand out. Narcissists saw that light in you and hated it!!! You were chosen by God to do what your doing now. It's not personal, it's spiritual warfare!!! You carry the mantle of Elijah. Thanks for sharing this powerful message! #SlayJezebelAndAhabSpirits #ChosenByGod #PutOnTheWholeArmourOfGodDaily
@joyful_tanya Месяц назад
You are absolutely right.
@godschildyes Месяц назад
💯 % correct! I have always seen the hand if God on Danish since he first started his channel. This is truly God's work that he does. ❤
@prophet1782 Месяц назад
I second that.
@prophet1782 Месяц назад
Narcs are born not made.kids are narcs too.Since childhood i suffered narc traits in my narc family.Narc mum wud take side n gang up on me. Eldest bro Narc academic.He knew e'thing. And wud talk only money. Nsrc sis." I am super intelligent"
@prophet1782 Месяц назад
Danish your person bugged those narc kids .they saw something in you that bugged them.
@sawdustadikt979 Месяц назад
I live and work near an ivy league university. I’m a middle aged, self employed solo carpenter. I’ve worked for faculty and students at these narcissist producing facilities. There is always some moment when they need to devalue me by asking”bet you wished you stayed in school?” This usually happens when im happily working and it’s super hot outside, I’ve sweated through several shirts or in the middle of winter in 20deg weather and snow is gathering on my shoulders as I go up and down ladders all day. I know what they are desperately covering up, they have weakened their bodies and their spirit in their constant comfort seeking and acquisition, let alone their black hole like insecurity. I just stop, stare through them and smile, till they walk away. I’ve also noticed that artists behave the same way. Not all of them obviously. When I get the opportunity, I like to build three dimensional mandalas, that are big, like an accent wall. Boy, do “artists “ really rip me a new one. “This, is not ART!” As they wave their finger in my face. I grew up in a poor mill town, if you build or obtain something that inspires “triggered “ hate from someone, you have really accomplished something. I choose to think that hate means I’m on the right track. I mean it still hurts a bit, I’d like to think I would never do that someone else. But that’s the risk of putting yourself out there, your bound to piss someone off, that is if narcs qualify for being a “someone”😆 I know that was mean, just trying to make light of things with a joke.
@MrsEd-fh2gs Месяц назад
Art is meant to revoke an emotional response, whether it be positive or negative. A trade like carpentry is just as vital as any of the visual arts. Plus without carpenters we wouldn't have houses and furniture. Good for you for believing in your art and craftsmanship! 👍
@MrsEd-fh2gs Месяц назад
I have dealt with cerebral narcissists in my own family, at school and at work. Everything Danish said about academic narcissists is true: the sabotaging, the lewd comments about the opposite sex (even about children), but the smirk is the worst. You know these people were bullied severely by someone in their past. But instead of developing a sense of empathy it's as if they sold their souls for higher intelligence, fame, success and money. Nothing else. I worked and went to school with a guy exactly like this. I was his main target. He made sure I was excluded from every opportunity I could have excelled at within our organization. I heard after graduation he had a really hard time securing work in academia because interviewers could see while he was extremely "book smart", he lacked the people skills that would have made their organization a safe environment for the exchange of ideas. But most of society equates high intelligence with goodness, dare I say "godliness." Intelligent people can be evil, too.
@normanclatcher Месяц назад
Can confirm. I'm having to keep myself in check on this one; when my emotional read on the room is off? _NPCs _*_everywhere._*
@godschildyes Месяц назад
I had a Pastor who was exactly like this! He literally lost it when I left his church. It was a sight to see! 😮
@helenachiquele3800 Месяц назад
My husband. I ignored all signals😮. They were there always.
@joseenoel8093 Месяц назад
Better to get a head's up on what smucks men can be, go in with both eyes open, mine even had me sign a pre-nup then begs poverty, not happening he can pay for everything, my dad was dead beat my bro's an adulterer I'd trust as far as I could throw, men are lucky to be able to find anyone to marry them let alone bear children 'for'!
@whiteorchid5412 Месяц назад
I learned about sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissistic personality disorders in positions of power after I discovered the charismatic and eloquent senior pastor at a church I formally attended had a secret double life in which he had embezzled a large sum of $ from the church, had a crystal meth habit and was a member of sex slave family. He secretly had created a web of corruption in the church with corrupt enablers on the church board who included a sheriff deputy, a pediatrician and ICU nurse. Narcissists often pursue fraternal vocations like the clergy, law enforcement and medicine because of the power it inherently gives them over others and when they get caught and exposed for misconduct they know the wagons will be circled to cover up and smear their accusers.
@JesuisLord Месяц назад
Wow that’s like a movie , they are very calculated
@lorettajoy7275 Месяц назад
Thank you for pointing out the sad truth that even a child can display malignant narcissistic behaviors. Perhaps they have a parent who is the same way, or other family member. I also suspect that when serious crimes are committed by children, it's likely or possible narcissism is a factor. I wish the BEST for all of us who are survivors.
@TheThiaminBlog 7 дней назад
Other psychologists I listen to are talking about complex trauma in childhood-could be from a large variety of sources-as a trigger for narcissism. I am wondering if they are on to something.
@lorettajoy7275 Месяц назад
A very close relative had degrees from Harvard and other schools, spoke nearly ten languages, traveled the world while studying for years, and became a professor in two countries. (US and Russia) When he was "home" with the relatives, he would belittle his scapegoat brother at the table and ANYONE who dared question his beliefs and superiority of intellect. He had a way of "speaking down" to a person that i've rarely seen the likes of. I didn't know about narcissism and why my stomach would be in knots at those dinners. It took away the appetite! The father of this narcissist was also one of the worst sort who lived vicariously through this golden child son whose education he had financed. (Scapegoat son wasn't even allowed to go to high school, only getting an eighth-grade education- such was the disparity.) Sadly, there was so much narcissism on that side of the family it was healthier to break contact with them. Then, i also entered a relationship with a cerebral narcissist, who was brilliant. But finally, i was spurred into finding answers as to what was wrong! The past made sense for the first time. Am i still attracted to cerebral narcissists? Possibly a bit, because i grew up in that environment, but now the knowledge of what being with them would be like is a great deterrent! Life is better narc-free, and i'm a whole lot happier every day
@justmyopinion2205 Месяц назад
Yes, I have been the target of this type of demented narcissist in my professional career and one was as bad as the one you spoke of but worse in aggression, red burning hatred for me and he was dedicated towards making me see him as superior to me, better than me, he did everything to make me feel intimidated, scared and afraid of him. I don’t impress, intimidate or bow to anyone. He just became so enraged that the came after me full of rage and unleashed a verbal tirade on how worthless I was, I dragged the group down, I didn’t contribute positively to the group, etc… I was leaning against my office door the entire time watching him foam at the mouth and feeling so superior as he ranted against me. I just watched his body movements, the satisfaction of telling me exactly what he thought of me, he got a few inches away from my face at one time, I think he was trying to make me react by moving back in fear but I didn’t move and inch. He looked like a complete out of control moron and I just watched him acting like a fool, without saying a word, without moving or changing my facial expression the entire time. Eventually he was done. I just kept watching him without saying one word as if I was waiting for him to keep ranting. He was all out of breath standing there looking at me but he never got what he thought he would elicit out of me. After I was still staring at him for one minute or more and he realized I wasn’t responding the way he just knew I would, he came closer to me about 2 inches from my face and asked me, “What do you have to say about that!” I replied with his face still 2 inches from mine - The only thing I have to say is that if you have any issues with me, I would be happy to schedule a time where we can both sit down like respectful mature, rational and reasonable adults so you can calmly discuss the issues you have with me. I am interested in understanding your difficulties with me and addressing the validity of your issues being something reasonable for me to consider working on. He turned and walked away a completely failure. 😎 one of the most satisfying wins of my life! 😊
@briandrake6881 Месяц назад
I have a lawyer uncle like this. Smart and very unpleasant with it.
@francesbernard2445 Месяц назад
I will never forget being in class when the professor showed up that day with an obvious injury he was recovering from. He said his wife assaulted him. His wife who has higher I.Q. than he has whom he has so far never won any disagreement with. We all felt sorry for him. Wasn't going to be the first time a male professor showed up in class like that. Years later it happened again only that other professor at the time said his wife makes a lot more money than he does. I believe men suffer from domestic violence too only they report it less often than women do.
@Isabela2024-yr Месяц назад
Nahhhhh! I could easily figure out the narcissist's classic insecurities. I tell him to just butt out. I could tell his face every time he plans to gaslight anyone at home. He looks frustrated when I try to shut him off. Thank you new supply for taking over the guy. Good luck, and God bless you.
@joseenoel8093 Месяц назад
Ha ha gotta send her a sucks to be you anniversary card! Mine was my neighbour, could have told me he had a chick in another province, I was his neighbour and stumbled upon them, I bring up that she didn't fight too hard, her name was Karen and I tell him he's lucky I saved him from most hated name on the internet, I had to play hardball and still do, not much fun!
@user-fz5my8zj6z Месяц назад
I’ve been devastated by Narcissistic teachers and later professors. And I’ve had others that could care, support and guide. The narcissist destroys when upset or jealous or some ego wound real or from me, imagined. I am not a narcissist, I don’t dominate for sport. What menacing destructions these “teachers” have been on others.
@sneharanabagale1846 Месяц назад
Correct. I faced it.
@cebu7777 Месяц назад
this why it is easier to treat sociopaths. i have actually proclaimed , ''shukran allah, they are only sociopath!'' psychopaths sometimes seem impossible until, i cleanse them away with prayer. thank you allah for making me muslim. mashallah and thank you dr. danesh
@cebu7777 Месяц назад
in consolation, similar circumstances led me to later, watch all of these hurtful kids have, addiction, teenage pregnancies, criminality... gratefully allah uses iblis' and their kids as your step-stool. removing them from my personal life was actually protection and practice for adult psychopaths.some day you may have 2 recuse yourself from treating them. inshallah
@shirlspark_stardust Месяц назад
Gm/good evening or night Danish you have taught me something I didn’t even know this type exist wow thank you for your expertise and knowledge about these types of narcissist 🙏🏾❤️.
@alexcecille5116 Месяц назад
I had a friend super smart, the smartest in her class except for this other person in her life who pretended to be her best friend for years. She was also smart but tried to destroy my friend’s reputation and academic achievements by directly lying and slandering her name to teachers and friends and students. The situation got so complicated that even academic board members became involved because my friend and her family would not let her name be slandered. She was Lebanese whose family had seen war and the other family who tried to bully them were Indian, and me am Mexican. I got to learn a lot from them and got to eat delicious food with them pretty often. My friend graduated top of her class but sadly I did not get to go to her graduation. I often think about her now in then and miss them.
@marypatterson8053 Месяц назад
I taught elementary music (44 years), k-6: working with over 7,000 students. I have been learning about narcissism the last 5 years, and your channel is a Godsend. In processing those teaching years, I certainly can identify staff and admin. members with NPD traits, and there were a lot! but what about children? I could see it starting, but Danish, what do you think? At what age do you think they start on the NPD path? I'm highly empathetic and in each class I could feel what each student was feeling. I refused to let the bullies take over, and would not allow them to get away with anything (which I could tell they were doing in their homerooms and at home). I could definitely feel they were out to destroy the class, and the smirk was always there. I would either remove them to the hall (2-3 min) or in the back of the room where the other kids could not see them. (I could feel the appreciation from the healthy kids!). I think this is the reason so many teachers leave the field. Schools really need a comprehensive program to defend justice, and thwart, or at least contain the narcs. Thank you Danish for all your lessons on this. You are living proof that Goodness prevails. ❤
@michele_michele Месяц назад
@marypatterson8053 Thank you for your service. You did important work! ❤
@karenzilverberg4699 Месяц назад
Thanks, Danish. You are 100-percent correct. I appreciate all of your videos.
@TheThiaminBlog 7 дней назад
Two of these in my life. They THINK they are always right, and most often are, but over the years I have noticed MANY things they are wrong about. Important things.
@tommcewan7936 Месяц назад
I suppose an academic narcissist treats their academic subjects the same way any narcissist treats people, i.e. they do not respect it, they recognise no inherent value in it, the only worth they can perceive in it is as a means to obtain supply. Narcissists see relationships as things one owns, not things one does; I suppose academic narcissists see their chosen academic and career paths in a similar sort of proprietorial, uninvested way. They aren't sincere, their hearts aren't in it, and that means they likely don't actually care if their academic work is *correct* or not, only that it is perceived as such. I'll bet a lot of dangerous academic fraud and pseudoscience, Lysenkoism for example, is the result of academic narcissism.
@user-qv9nw1dq2f Месяц назад
Yes, I have once been told by a very intelligent narcissist that she will do everything to gain lots of money. Nothing would be off limits for her. It was a scary experience.
@CassandraClark-hl6rm Месяц назад
Same with my dad. He finds an older rich woman ,now he uses her to accomplish his goals turn each other against me.
@michaelgarrow3239 Месяц назад
I gal with a phd in psychology tried to destroy me. She is a marriage councilor now.
@joseenoel8093 Месяц назад
My narc angered me incredibly, he said I had anger management issues, the doc said I needed marriage counselling, after 7 sessions guy still said absolutely nothing, unbelivable, I told my boyfriend (now husband) he was wasting his money and we stopped going.
@TheThiaminBlog 7 дней назад
Lol! Figures
@michaelgarrow3239 7 дней назад
@@TheThiaminBlog - It is sad. She is a dangerous psychopath.
@Just_Me_Tee Месяц назад
Romance is such a good point!
@stevensawyer5924 Месяц назад
This is my ex trauma therapist. The master of master's of emotional manipulation. She is hailed as a god when dealing with severe emergency crisis situations. But for long term care she can't keep up the facade. In the 2yrs she destroyed my very psyche. My peer support person saved me. PS, why do I not report her? Because she is a single mother of four small innocent children. I would be destroying their life. I can not put them through that.
@M_SC Месяц назад
Would anything be done anyway? Long term psych abuse by a therapist is hard to prove to others and impossible to prove to people ignorant of narcissists
@stevensawyer5924 Месяц назад
@@M_SC Your correct. Court's are not interested in my feelings only facts. And I have more than enough facts. Decorum keeps me from giving even one example. Plus I have another therapist plus my peer support person. But at the end of the day, how am I healing by destroying four innocent children lives. I'm still struggling with that.🙏✌️
@joseenoel8093 Месяц назад
Cut your losses and count your blessings, you'd prob be wasting your time, they've all got each other's backs, these are money maker situations caused to string you along as long as possible, believe it!
@bettyjean740 Месяц назад
If theres still time you could at least report her. To me it isnt logical to separate who ahe is in practice from who she is in private( with her k8ds) you stated in 2yrs she destroyed your psyche, you a grown person with strenghth and wisdom of life. What will she do to 4 "innocent children" in 18yrs. I would have rather been raised by wolves or apes than my biological parents! Of course you must do what is needed to keep well. I'm just saying don't assume you would disturb a wonderful household by taking action❤ ​@@stevensawyer5924
@gcwalisile932 Месяц назад
Out could be saving them from a traumatic mom
@TheThiaminBlog 7 дней назад
They suck up academic information, but don’t have a love of learning or understanding. I used to study art, and spent a lot of time at our city’s museum taking art lessons as a child. A narcissist I knew as an adult had learned all about the great masters in the art world. We went to a special traveling exhibit at our museum, and she was in and out of the exhibit in about 15 minutes. Knew all about it, but didn’t have a clue about how to enjoy it. No appreciation for it. She was like that with the rest of the museum too. True students of art will stand in front of a painting, and spend time looking at it, enjoying it, thinking about it. She was an art “knower”, but not an art LOVER. She had no appreciation really for any of the things she had so much knowledge about.
@annamarietaljaard1193 Месяц назад
So scary! I know one!! My husband is like that!!
@amafoodie1728 29 дней назад
My ex narc husband was is an academic narc, he's so smart that I used to tell him he is the smartest human alive. Now I know better. My one year old daughter is also as smart as her dad but I pray I train her with love that she would not be anything like her father.
@Prabhunathchari Месяц назад
I fallen in abuse I think in 4th class..... His word effected in me after 4 years that is at 8th class. I think I started behaving like them in a simulation world in later part of my life ...... Memory like robots
@thebower8027 Месяц назад
Love your channel and the way you talk and describe everything to a T. The spiritual connections as well. Your words and insight are extremely comforting. I have no true advocate who understands. Listening to you fills that gap. Thank you. Blessings.♥
@klarissam8719 Месяц назад
I have come across this very experience. With dealing with my daughter's narcissists teacher's. They have all been very power hungry, and vindictive. They play favorites with the students. They give out fake awards,and grades. They have not worked towards, or earned. The teacher's themselves were harsh bullies. They would also turn a blind eye,and deaf ear to peer on peer on bullying. It was no use speaking with the principals. About the misconduct of the teachers, and violent students behaviors. Narcissists cover up for each other. They favored certain parents.Her peers parents would coach them to be kiss ups to their teachers.😮 These types of teachers will play with your grades. Give a lower score when you earned higher. Assigning excessive homework. They constantly lie. Will disrespect,and humiliate the students they Target it. Join in with the classroom bullies. Will triangulate an outgoing smart student. They will put you into groups with dysfunctional students. That do not take their work seriously. But they will give them the credit. When you have done all the work,and,studied for the grade. Teachers,and students will steal your ideas,notes,etc. They reward the bully teachers,and bully students. The victims are always punished.
@khadeejadja Месяц назад
Boarding schools is the first breeding ground of academic narcissists.
@klarissam8719 Месяц назад
@@khadeejadja The neighborhood public schools are No better.
@khadeejadja Месяц назад
@@klarissam8719 they are everywhere TBH, just from my experiences in my youth. As I'm getting older, questions started to pop out, questioning if entire education/academic system is actually the breeding ground for narcissists...
@klarissam8719 Месяц назад
@@khadeejadja Yes I agree with you they are every where. They work in every field. Narcissists love to be in positions of authority. No wonder so many of them are in the school systems. Where they abuse children that can't fight back. Even with the older students the teachers /instructor know.They have power over grades, and if you pass,or fail. With the younger children. They will manipulate the parents. That the child is lying/misunderstood. For the parent to side with the teacher. Then it scares the child into not telling their parents. Because they are afraid of not being believed. That's the set up play the narcissists teachers want. The teachers are so vindictive. When the parent confronts them.About the ill will behaviors towards their child. They will continue to take out it on the child. They use the other children as ponds to bully that child. They will punish with excessive assignments. That are impossible to complete. They will hinder you from taking important tests. Mess with grades anything to get back at that child.
@meabeck Месяц назад
Thank you, Danish. ❤
@janetstephens9563 Месяц назад
You are always 100% spot on, and the way you phrase things often makes me laugh. Thank you! I need all the laughs I can get. 😂❤
@anneli4939 Месяц назад
@valerieseals329 Месяц назад
Scary True! My sister is one. She just got her Master's a little over a year ago at age 64. She should have been retiring instead of climbing the ladder. She was an RN since 1996, now an FNP. Stuck up, selfish & cold-blooded. I'm considering going no contact, for about the fourth time. She couldn't care less about me.
@ClaudiaKhalifé Месяц назад
Wooow, this is scary ,I ve been there thou
@rajeshhoque9742 Месяц назад
Danis you are a special person to me beneath only my Great Generous Allah tala. You save me from a covert Narcissist. Allah will bless you❤
@Sophie-ur2qb Месяц назад
Thank you for your story 🙏 I didn't know it was possible for children to be full on narcs? 😢 could this be from being a golden child? Or just from narc parents? 🤔 My school was filled with bullying. It was awful. I'm sorry to you and everyone else who has been bullied 😔🩷 It really was a different kind of hell. There were a lot of messed up kids, so it's hard to tell what was going on 😂 I tried my best to keep my distance.
@SusiB123 Месяц назад
Bullies target the people who they feel threated by because they are so insecure
@katherinerentschler694 Месяц назад
I had a friend like this in elementary school.
@khadeejadja Месяц назад
These type of narcissists seeded in boarding schools.
@CassandraClark-hl6rm Месяц назад
Most of my family have this traits, they have a lot of degrees but when you know them they are awful and have cowardly narcissit personality and try to destroy the people who outshine them. That why i distance myself from them even they are my family.
@kerrytaggart8206 Месяц назад
Yes. Children can be narcissists as IT IS genetic but everyone is afraid to say that. It is a horrible struggle for the neurotypical parent to watch what they become. I have observed that the narc has a good memory and can succeed academically but have no original or creative thought. They become more grandiose once they do succeed but are the same psychotic ass. They are actually really dumb but destructive. They will cause harm as a doctor too. Have seen that.
@adrismit6084 Месяц назад
Soulless indeed
@CassandraClark-hl6rm Месяц назад
Hey danish how about cowardly narcissit when they try to destroy you and keep you in his house for the next 20 years and even put cameras and sabotage indirectly your relationship ?
@annamarietaljaard1193 Месяц назад
This is a great revelation!!
@janvisingh3464 Месяц назад
A narcissist and his girlfriend really honey-trapped me in university which really affected my studies and what I wanted to do after university. It was such that that guy became really insecure and conscious by me and used his girlfriend as a tool to manipulate and intellectually harm me. They're the worst. Worst kind of bullies.
@patormsby9441 Месяц назад
These are the most destructive narcissists. Literally millions suffer because these monsters have such an emotional stake in selling their own version of reality, or even outright lies, to the public.
@JesuisLord Месяц назад
In the latter days many will be lovers of self , Jezebel appears to be everywhere. Thank you Lord for going before beside and behind me , praise God for my sound mind and shield of faith ❤ no weapon formed against me or my children shall prosper 🙌🩸💥
@rubberbiscuit99 Месяц назад
I have several relatives of this type. They are extremely dangerous people who live to destroy others.
@kalbiahmatnoor1328 Месяц назад
Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakeel. 🤲🤲
@naveengulati7745 Месяц назад
Good video...I was trauma survivor andmet a frd he was same ..as per yr story ...he became my partner...did all bad things to me
@ladybird491 Месяц назад
They also steal knowledge from their students.
@CatsInHats-S.CrouchingTiger Месяц назад
And when they get older, they say a colleague “stole their idea”or got all the credit for an idea from theirs. They’ll sabotage the project, so it won’t work at the end, or decide at the closing time of a project not to show up for work because they get sick or their computer broke or their wrist is injured. It’s nuts!
@ladybird491 Месяц назад
​​@@CatsInHats-S.CrouchingTiger not sure why you said "and when they get older" age don't matter here, even older adult teachers steal knowledge from their students. Why didn't you first acknowledge what I said instead of just spring boarding off what I said?
@Anonymissus Месяц назад
@@ladybird491 I think CatsInHats mention when they get older is because some narcs (I would argue most) have things planned out in advance (which would explain how some of them get away with the stuff that they've done)
@Anonymissus Месяц назад
@@ladybird491 I think they did acknowledge what you said otherwise they wouldn't of said "And" at the beginning of their sentence, I just view it as then adding info onto your comment and both comments regardless are right
@TheUnderdogMinistry Месяц назад
Suddenly questioning my existence
@Prabhunathchari Месяц назад
Same feeling to me, I think most
@shawndadah1501 Месяц назад
My ex-wife and her mother are extreme academic narcissists with all their multiple masters degrees.
@neetubarupal8448 29 дней назад
It's horrific 😢
@afmccabe Месяц назад
Yes! You have described my ex perfectly!
@hamneetkaur9896 20 дней назад
You are the best. I like you content.
@TheThiaminBlog 7 дней назад
I think they have photographic memories. That’s how they seem to know everything.
@UrGranny-zc1mz Месяц назад
I see a lot of power abuse yet have to find a version you described yet too old to meet him/ her at school … and by your description I hope I never encounter one 😱
@jonathanwaddington965 Месяц назад
I live in a small college town, I concur.....
@pierre931 Месяц назад
With God those last years i was living like be in North corea..he love us luckly
@naveengulati7745 Месяц назад
Yes my partner is doing so
@simonpegg1196 Месяц назад
I had a Math teacher in 8th grade who by way of being also our class teacher, would conduct the class like a cult. This narc was into taking tuitions at her home at a time when it was looked down upon in our country. Basically, students who didn't attend her tuitions were targeted indirectly and shamed at every given chance, and besides being obviously given exam papers before the actual exams, the ones who did attend were treated like superstars. There was a boy just like what Danish described here. Anything below full marks was a disgrace to him, which he visibly expressed. Birds of a feather flock together, right?
@naveengulati7745 Месяц назад
What to do now?I have suffered from it still in touch and suffering..he has used me for power as my dad had high position
@joseenoel8093 Месяц назад
My neighbours, born in UK were this, they've moved, yay, they taught me the meaning of free speech, it means slander out loud and forget about protecting the off-leash dog on your property against your cats (cops no help said I was the problem), horrible people and more dangerous than I realized.
@sabhat786 27 дней назад
You seem to have too much jealousy hidden inside you....thank God it is coming out.......May God heal you......
@Andrea-HeIsKing Месяц назад
My neighbor has an 11 year old that is becoming a malignant narc just like his dad. They go bsck to school soon and I cant wait to hear ( from a distance) all the narc injuries as this punk gets in trouble at school. He literally was in handcuffs ( age 11) mouthing off to the cop. Yay. Way to go narc parents.😂
@ARUN_339 Месяц назад
Imagine that guy watching this video 😅 You have given him another narcissistic injury. ❤😅
@solmazsurvivor Месяц назад
They never watch these videos and never see a psychologist.
@yuu_miran Месяц назад
They may watch them i think
@normanclatcher Месяц назад
*_I_* sure do. :3
@b8akaratn Месяц назад
Gee, Danish, today's episode seems fitting for me... I blocked Narcspouse's email addy from 2 different accounts he knows I have, but last (& longest) hoover, I read a portion of the 1st paragraph -- seems he's got a new tenure-track job. Briefly I thought about sending them a copy of how his prior state of residence ordered him to attend a Domestic Violence training course in order to have any criminality WIPED from his record. Then i dropped the thought because... #DGAF. He also asked for some info to set up beneficiary status to Kiddo... cuz it never occurred to him for 15 years to write it down somewhere. Great dad & soon to be Associate Prof in some poor unsuspecting PA college. Good Luck, bro, but don't actually care one way or the other -- just stay away from Kiddo.
@rahulm2827 Месяц назад
I unfortunately realized very late in my life that my narcissist demon father did the black magic very intensively on my little brother and me just when we started studying. I realized only after the effects started showing. The demon himself was sent to London to study in his own childhood/youth and claims to have a degree in history. I've seen pictures of him in London but never saw his degree. Maybe he doesnt have any degree and didnt want my little brother and me to have an academic degree either. IDK what exactly made him intensify the black magic attacks on us during that time. Maybe it was also that he did not want us to be independent. The thing is: I'm dying inside because my little brother did not survive all the childhood abuse and the black magic as well as I did. I got to know just this week that he has a very serious condition. I havent been able to sleep since. My mother is giving me ZERO details. When did my brother get his first diagnosis? How old was he according to the doctor when the disease set in? What type/category of disease is it? What stadium? She wont even tell me the doctors name!!!!!!! 😢 And I'm dying inside. I'm trying to get my memory together for clues. I havent seen my little brother since more than 15 years. He started withdrawing and my mother always said that he doesnt like to be in contact with ppl. My mother is just protecting herself not my brother. And its a fking nightmare for me!!! Having to realize that my mother is just as evil as my father is. How can she remain quite and calm and not cry????? She's his mother!!! How can a mothers heart tolerate so much injustice. SO MUCH INJUSTICE. She told me my brother works in a day centre with patients who have the same sickness as him 😢😢😢😢😢 When I just imagine my little brother was so good in school, sports, everything. He secured himself a job in Abu Dhabi and moved there all on his own. And the way the demon father bought him down. I cant tolerate this because I know the effects of that fking black magic. I know what happens and how ppl start treating you when the effects of the black magic set in. And when I imagine what my brother must have gone through. I cant even cry anymore. My heart is crying tears of blood. I myself have survived through prayer and meditation but my little brother is suffering!!!!!! I'm honestly thinking about going to police. Also, the mental condition that my brother has, could also have been caused by physical violence that he experienced just like me. The demon used to pick us up and smash us to the floor or throw us across the room. That demon will burn in fking hell and never come out of hell. BTW, to everyone who replies to my messages like i.e. the 2 people yesterday under Danish's last video: THANK YOU FROM MY HEART. I tried replying but youtube has a bug and my comments dissapear when its a reply. Thank you for your words and your valuable advice. Its much appreciated.
@ruffuslenhador8873 Месяц назад
Stop thinking and go to the police. Your brother probably needs all the help he can get. Go with everything written down and leave a copy with the police, with all the facts, the narcissists' behavior, the things you think, what may be happening and the pressure your brother may be feeling, for obvious reasons that the police officer will not understand or know how to write down what you are going to say properly, do not trust their ability. Also write that you think they are malignant narcissists and that they should also be sent to a professional in this area and that you want all possible legal action to be taken against them. I hope this helps.
@joseenoel8093 Месяц назад
Sorry about your little brother, don't be so hard on yourself at least you know and able to save yourself, your mom's being weird... My mom sabotaged my education until 8 yrs on my own, seeing what my life would be like I got a student loan and college degree instead as mom programmed me I wasn't uni material,,, you've a right to be happy you owe it to yourself! Sometimes replies don't post, don't bother yourself about it, all you can do is try as in any situation.❤
@normanclatcher Месяц назад
So sorry for your situation. _Truly._
@lindabradley6185 Месяц назад
Nine years ago I was taking jazz piano 🎹 lessons from an instructor at liberal arts College. I was classic trained advanced pianist, plus I teach. The college where he instructs, only accepts top 25 percentile of students. After a month of lessons, He met me at the door door door
@lindabradley6185 Месяц назад
With only a robe on, said sorry he was running late. I went to remove my shoes and while I was bent over, he came at me with robe open, his eyes were black and he was growling.
@lindabradley6185 Месяц назад
I got away, but he has stalked me as recently (that I know for sure) as 3 years ago. He sent me a student as a flying monkey.
@hr3800 Месяц назад
Those Demons can do whatever they want. Without getting caught. Never. Laws must change.
@ayeshariaz6678 Месяц назад
My supervisor ( a male) is the same. He torture me psychologically but i can't do anything as my research proposal is yet to be published and I j have to wait and tolerate him for like 4-5 months . Oh god 😢
@aliaradi8277 28 дней назад
Yes in dead..and in the same house!!!
@joyful_tanya Месяц назад
This is my Dad. 😒 Danish, when you said "school and home were different rooms of hell", I can totally relate. I became the"traumatized high achiever" trying to people please my Dad. My parents divorced after 18 years because my mother is a covert narcissist. I appreciate your videos which helped me understand what actually happened in my life vs what the narcissist's claim. 🫂♥️
@normanclatcher Месяц назад
...ah, I found my new career goal.
@rabitariq2961 Месяц назад
Sahil is one of the examples
@user-pg8jj6cs9c Месяц назад
Nailed it! Plus everyone else is stupid compared to them!!
@normanclatcher Месяц назад
...ok, but like...
@marceladeoliveira5418 Месяц назад
Jesus says in John 15:18 - If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. So Danish, feels privileged because the Father and His Son chose you.
@beautypablotamarini7315 Месяц назад
Mine is last. Amen
@beautypablotamarini7315 Месяц назад
Against evil narc.
@cherryblossom6652 Месяц назад
Does Sheldon Cooper fits this description??
@TheUnderdogMinistry Месяц назад
Autism and narcissism have similarities
@Sharwari_Admane Месяц назад
@M_SC Месяц назад
@@TheUnderdogMinistryI think that’s a myth
@samxsara Месяц назад
No it’s very similar unfortunately
@krishnavyas313 Месяц назад
​@@M_SC No autistic people don't have sense of boundary and empathy.They priorities their own needs and don't care if it's inconvenient for other people.
@vibrantreadings6742 Месяц назад
@SushmitaUpadhaya-t4d Месяц назад
saw you cat wow😊
@zivulovicnenad58 Месяц назад
Sam V....wow
@casperinsight3524 Месяц назад
Aka cerebral narcissist
@jube2069 Месяц назад
100% my ex husband ... a lawyer .... you can imagine how the divorce was ...😬
@shinysnewlife Месяц назад
Do you charge for sessions via zoom?
Bro.. ill say this.. i think every teacher i talk to is narcissistic.
@rajendranagar4205 Месяц назад
Kindly do translation in Hindi through AI.
@SylviaAmpah Месяц назад
Such hypocrites! They can't stand the light chosen ones of God process. It injures them narcissisticcally.
@mash_0212 Месяц назад
@lindabradley6185 Месяц назад
This was private lessons at his house
@Resilience13 Месяц назад
My ex was always angry because I graduated Magna Cum Laude. Smhhh
@nuggetnoobx7298 Месяц назад
Danish **Children** A child I know is behaving Narcissistic he is 9 will this change?
@yuu_miran Месяц назад
Pray for them
@TiffanyRedGreen Месяц назад
All children are narcissistic, it's emotional incompetence. That's normal, what's abnormal is when they carry these traits into adulthood. Proper parenting is essential in dispelling these behaviours so they don't carry over into adulthood but whether or not they do is up to the child once they start hitting that next phase.
@terrydavis5223 Месяц назад
My EX 🙄
@MohammadHussain-jy4gw Месяц назад
Jordan Peterson enters the chat.
@PumpkinSoup1234 Месяц назад
That sounds like a psychopath.
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