
Accelerating Abandonment of FGM in Kenya - Documentary 

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@Halish2010 6 лет назад
FGM takes the sparkle from a girl's eye..... It hurts the core of her nerve.
@empathqueen6553 4 года назад
Such beauty in this woman. Praise God. Lord end all FGM!!!!
@journeytonowhere5540 6 лет назад
I just cant .. i cant image .. i cant stop the tears ..
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
God bless you amina,you are so courageous and brave you go girl
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
Fgm robs all girls of their innocence and their dignity and their childhoods and it turns the excitement and the anticipation of their wedding night into a traumatising and nightmarish ordeal from hell
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
All girls all over the world are precious and important in the eyes of god no matter what they look like because god looks at the inside not whats external
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
The virgin mary wasnt circumcised, elizabeth wasnt circumcised, god still saw them as precious and important
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
You are an absolute legend amina,god bless you so much
@charmaineyates9674 5 лет назад
Child abuse.
@wulfiii1490 Год назад
i still don't understand how did this practice become a tradition in the first place, like the first woman to have it done was like "yawn, what a beautiful day but i have nothing to do, let's try something new" and then she experienced the pain and was like "wow that was so cool, why don't we all do this to our children" or what???
@curtisthomas2670 2 года назад
Fgm is not only an African practice. It also happens in Indonesia, Iraq and Yemen. About 49% of Indonesian women undergo it (often carried out by health practitioners in medical facilities), 8% of Iraqis, 19% of Yemenis. Various types of FGM are also practised in various circumstances in Colombia, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and India.Certain ethnic groups in Asian countries practice FGM, including in communities in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In the Middle East, the practice occurs in Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, as well as in Iraq, Iran, Jordan and the State of Palestine. In the areas where it is practiced it is done regardless of religious belief, as it is also done by some Christians and Jews as well as people of other religions. Gynaecologists in 19th-century Europe and the United States removed the clitoris to treat insanity and masturbation. A British doctor, Robert Thomas, suggested clitoridectomy as a cure for nymphomania in 1813. In 1825 the medical journal The Lancet described a clitoridectomy performed in 1822 in Berlin by Karl Ferdinand von Graefe on a 15-year-old girl who was masturbating excessively. Some European and US doctors also carried out the procedure to "cure" women of lesbianism, irritability, fits "hysteria", overexcitability, erotomania, etc.
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
Fgm stands for fear,trauma,grief and misery
@gamerplay6916 4 года назад
Poor girls! so sad! it is 21 st century but such barbadic cruel and useless practice exicts, shame on the ones who finds it to be normal.That is terrible! the men who want their wives to undergo this torture do not deserve them, such men must use rubber dolls instead of alive women.Women do not deserve such much pain! that must be banned forever!
@guddikumari3505 6 лет назад
How a mother can be so cruel to her own child... its really heartbreaking
@bjkl9936 5 лет назад
being someone who has gone through this, I think I should make this fact clear. mothers, sisters, grandmas don't do this to be evil. they do it thinking it is the best for their daughter. they have gone through this, so have their mothers. they truly think this the best for their women. I don't know if you know this, but the "purpose" of fgm is to discourage girls from engaging in sexual activity. it is also the only way to ensure a girl's virginity until marriage. the logic is if the girl doesn't feel good during sex, or in serious cases can't even have sex due to closing, then she won't have sex to begin with. also since it is usually traditional communities that do this, it is important that a girl is "pure". if a girl's virginity is questioned, then it decreases her chances of getting married. and in most communities that fgm is performed, it is important for a daughter to get married, have kids, etc. So mothers do this inorder for her daughter to not be made fun of for potentially being "impure". if everyone knows she has had fgm performed, no one questions her virginity, so marriage won't be a problem. I know this is very strange logic, but it has been done for so many generations that people think its the best option. I know I am writing a lot, but I just want you to know the mothers don't do it to be evil. no loving mother would want her daughter to be outcasted, so they just follow the social norms. this is why fgm is so hard to erase from ppl's minds. So plz don't blame the mothers, blame the act.
@Freiya2011 4 года назад
@@bjkl9936 blame the men! Blame a society where men are allowed EVERYTHING and not being educated to have the least little bit of selfconstraint and selfcontroll and women are treated as if they were second degree citizens, not worth more than any animal.
@fritnat 3 года назад
@@Freiya2011 In Kenyan society it's mostly boys who forceably have their genitals mutilated as it is in the world as a whole. This has zero to do with men allowed everything or how they are educated, you are just hijacking this issue to use in your hatred of men. There's actually a lot more respect paid to female genitals than male genitals and not just in the case of mutilating traditions but as a whole. Just look at RU-vid for example where there are thousands of explicit videos of boys of all ages, having their genitals mutilated but as good as none of girls. What about American mothers having their newborn sons cut to satisfy future sexual partners?
@Freiya2011 3 года назад
@@fritnat ah, a fighter "for the power of the foreskin". Well, if you need to do so... But you are just wrong stating that there were no videos on fgm on youtube. There are. Hundreds, if not thousands. Yes, America IS a strange country, in every respect and I'm glad that I live elsewhere! So I'll speak up against fgm and you do so against mgm.
@fritnat 3 года назад
@@Freiya2011 No, I fight against all genital mutilation of children irrespective of sex, creed or culture as we are all human beings with the same inailenable rights. Tell me if you see a child hit by a car do you first look to see if the victim is a girl before trying to help? Afterall I assume you wouldn't help a boy but leave men to do that. I didn't claim there weren't any videos on FGM on RU-vid obvioulsy as this is one! I wrote that there were as good as no explicit videos of girls having their genitals mutilated whereas there were thousands of such with boys. Whereever you live the boys in your community are not legally protected against the harmful cultural practice, that you are happy to live in such a community while fighting only for the tiny minority of girl victims of genital mutilation says much!
@gamerplay6916 4 года назад
so cruel idiotic practice
@frederiquecouture3924 2 месяца назад
@jeanninecallan6079 Год назад
23 young and either Michigan or Wisconsin here in the United States were mutilated it went to the supreme Court of that state and they voted to let it happen because it was a religious practice. So please don't think it doesn't happen here those poor little girls were mutilated and it should have been prosecuted as child abuse.
@ankra12 5 лет назад
Evil practice
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
No to fgm,yes to education about the harms of fgm to stop it
@bethhaines6340 3 дня назад
Education,awareness as well as psychological and emotional support for girls who have been through fgm
@bethhaines6340 29 дней назад
Imagine a mum saying to her daughter ive been cut up down there and it was hell so you need to go through hell too how ignorant can a mum get
Donde están los derechos y la dignidad humana ?!?!? Qué barbarie!!!!
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
As well as hiv and mental health issues too not to mention constant bleeding and utis too
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
If god says that you are clean,then you are clean forever
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Sorry amina and sorry to all the other girls around the world who have sadly been through this dreadful misfortune
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
These women are so brave and so gutsy god bless them
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Childbirth is extremely painful at the best of times without throwing fgm into the mix
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Parents leave your daughters alone leave them be,let them stay as god intended,whole and free and open
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Cecillia is so beave not putting her kids through fgm you go cecilia god bless you and your family
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Let all girls and women stay as god has made them
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
God accepts all children it doesnt matter what they look like
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
I was born uncut and ill die uncut and im proud of it
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Some people might think that oh if a girl isnt cut shes not clean,but in the eyes of jesus christ,shes as pure as the driven snow
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
How can a mother allow her own child to go through this much less do it to her own child herself
@bethhaines6340 3 дня назад
All women and girls have the right to say no to fgm,im open,im uncut,im whole,its my body,my business not yours
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
What god has given to a girls body,only god can take away
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Free and open and uncut
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
Fgm is something that ill never understand ill never get it
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Get rid of this abhorrent practice,its abhorrent because its horrific and its pointless
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
To be a good role model is to totally reject fgm for all eternity
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
Let them stay whole and free,leave them alone
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
The parents believe that theyre doing whats best for their daughter,but theyre not fgm so causes more harm than good in sooooo many ways
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Fgm needs to stop now
@bethhaines6340 29 дней назад
Nobody on earth has the right except for god to take something away from anybody else that god has put there gid gives god take away
@borroco7504 3 года назад
But after they marry then have 10 kids,so what is the point,is ridiculous
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Talk about ludicrous fgm be damned
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
Who wants women to be free god does he wants women to be free and safe leave them alone so that can admire his handiwork that has been created in his image
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Its also abuse of a girls human rights and her consent cos it goes against their right to be whole and free
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
It makes more sense not to cut girls cos then theyre spared the trauma of period trouble,intimacy problems in marriage,pregnancy problems and childbirth and fistula problems
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Leave them alone let them be free,whole uncut and open they were born open let them die open
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Good way to cut off circulation
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
Fgm needs to stop forever,its not necessary,its not important,its not right,just let fgm go,lose the custom,lose the misery,lose the grief
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Why cant parents leave their kids alone,and let them be kids,ill never understand why they do it,itll never make any sense to me
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
As if childbirth isnt traumatic enough,the poor girl has to be circumised as well,id rather be a nun
@bethhaines6340 29 дней назад
God gives us free will we can say no to fgm,my body my business,my right,ive got the right to say no to fgm,ive got the right to say to my family and my community my body belongs to me not to tradition
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
No to fgm forever no more fgm
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
Getting raped repeatedly by my now exboyfriend was traumatic enough without going through fgm
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Those who think that fgm is ok are completely deluded and sick
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
Why destroy what god sees as perfect he has seen what he has created and he says its good why why why wreck what god has created in his own image he sees women as beautiful and important leave it alone let the kids be kids leave them in peace god bless you amina
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Its not mentioned in the bible so thats why its not needed in the christian faith praise and glory be to yahweh
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Hey no to fgm
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Fgm doesnt turn s girl into a woman it cant define you it will never define you how god sees you defines you as a woman
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
But now we understand it good so leave it in the past now yeah
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
Fgm belongs in the extremely ancient past
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to fgm
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
No to fgm,
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Girls dont need to go through fgm,it belongs in hell
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
Id rather be born dead then suffer aminas fate
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
We felt it was a good thing to end it,you shouldntve stsrted doing in the first place
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
A girls body belongs to god not to a barbaric custom that belongs to the devil
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
I couldntve said that better myself werner
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
If you knew that it wasnt good ,why did you do it in the first place its not needed why do it its not necessary,its not required,
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
Fgm is soooooo wrong its not flamin required in the eyes of jesus you are a thousand percent perfect and beautiful why desecrate what has been declared perfect and whole by our eternal lord of mercy
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
A womans culture and identity defines her,not fgm
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
In samburu culture you cant give birth until youre circumcised as if childbirth isnt painful enough you also have to be circumcised thats never gonna make any sense to me
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
It shouldntve happened in the first place no to fgm
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
It isnt necessary to butcher a girl so that she is clean.god has declared her to be clean in his eyes,therefore she is clean enough to be a woman as far as god is concerned
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
It shouldntve happened in the first place,its not required why cant people see that you dont need it
@bethhaines6340 3 года назад
God gave us girls sex organs in order for husbands and wives to enjoy being together and to rejoice in their love for each other within the safe boundaries of marriage not so that some sick person can mutilate the girl and curse her with a horrendous life of misery and suffering and mental trauma until the day she dies
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
If you knew that it was wrong,why did u still do,it,it makes no sense to anyone
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
It shouldntve happened in the bloomin 1st place its not required at all,its dumb stupid and pointless
@bethhaines6340 Год назад
All womens bodies belong to god not to tradition
@bjkl9936 5 лет назад
being someone who has gone through this, I think I should make this fact clear. mothers, sisters, grandmas don't do this to be evil. they do it thinking it is the best for their daughter. they have gone through this, so have their mothers. they truly think this the best for their women. I don't know if you know this, but the "purpose" of fgm is to discourage girls from engaging in sexual activity. it is also the only way to ensure a girl's virginity until marriage. the logic is if the girl doesn't feel good during sex, or in serious cases can't even have sex due to closing, then she won't have sex to begin with. also since it is usually traditional communities that do this, it is important that a girl is "pure". if a girl's virginity is questioned, then it decreases her chances of getting married. and in most communities that fgm is performed, it is important for a daughter to get married, have kids, etc. So mothers do this inorder for her daughter to not be made fun of for potentially being "impure". if everyone knows she has had fgm performed, no one questions her virginity, so marriage won't be a problem. I know this is very strange logic, but it has been done for so many generations that people think its the best option. I know I am writing a lot, but I just want you to know the mothers don't do it to be evil. no loving mother would want her daughter to be outcasted, so they just follow the social norms. this is why fgm is so hard to erase from ppl's minds. So plz don't blame the mothers, blame the act.
@DieynabaNduwayo 4 года назад
Doing it is not a proof of faithfulness for the futur husband
@bjkl9936 4 года назад
Dieynaba Nduwayo sorry? could you elaborate
@DieynabaNduwayo 4 года назад
@@bjkl9936 i mean that doing this didnt mean that the girl will be virgin till mariage
@bjkl9936 4 года назад
Dieynaba Nduwayo yes i’m aware, it’s a very backwards tradition. tbh the whole concept of virginity in general does not sit right with me. all it does is control women’s sexuality, it’s disgusting.
@DieynabaNduwayo 4 года назад
@@bjkl9936 yes excatly then they will keep us and use as much as they want with no regret but God is not blind this will end up even if its will be hard
@bethhaines6340 2 года назад
Giving birth is painful enough at the best of times without getting circumcised as well flamin looney tunes
The girl who said no to FGM
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