
ADC #1: After death communication and dream visits 

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Can our deceased loved ones visit us in dreams? Yes, they can. People around the world experience such a phenomenon, and studies show it transcends all beliefs. Why do our loved ones visit us? Check out my story as well as a few others from Grief Diaries: Hello From Heaven. Share your own experience in a comment or send me an email at lynda@lyndafell.com.



14 окт 2024




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@youbestbequiet 2 года назад
My wife of 30 years died after routine surgery November 25th, 2020. I had the first ultra vivid dream about a week after. It was so real and i still remember it to this day. My wife in her favorite shirt sitting on the floor looking confused. I was kneeling down looking at her just crying the hardest i had cried. My wife was a strong willed woman her entire life but this time she looked so confused and vulnerable which was a first. As I leaned down she looked up at me confused and reached out to touch my face as she was trying to figure out why I was crying. I told her, "Nikki, You're dead" and I woke up wet from the tears and heart going 100 miles per hour. The second and last ultra vivid dream was about 3 weeks later. We were in our old home in Illinois and it was while our kids were very young. It had snowed and was the cold. We were near the front door and getting ready to go out. Our youngest son came out and gave her a hug as if to say goodbye which never happened. It was a weird goodbye hug. Then she told me to give her the car keys, she would go warm the car up while I finished getting ready. Again, I am crying so hard I can almost speak and I tell her again " But Nikki, you're dead" and this time she looked at me and said " It's okay, I am fine". That's the last thing said to me and again, the dream is so real. I still remember both like they are real life memories. I have dreamed about her 100's of time since over the past year but those two right after her death were different and only have happened those two times. The other dreams are...like dreams. Some I wake up not sure whats a dream or real and Ive called out her name here at home but non have been to that degree. I am convinced she was like not in Heaven yet and not sure what happened after the first dream and the second was God letting her help me by coming back to tell me she's okay. I don't know. I still battle major depression and lost a year already. I let my home go and myself go. I now live but cannot LIVE. I exist but am miserable. Life has no joy anymore. It's hard to put into words. We have been together since I was 18 and she was 15. She died a month after her 50th birthday. We had so many plans, retirement, travel you name it. We did everything together. I didn't hang out with the guys, I'd rather go out with my wife. We had that kind of relationship. Anyway, I am rambling. The dreams were amazing and I thank God for them.
@janjackson7732 2 года назад
I've had similar dream experiences. It's pretty hard to explain, but you've done a wonderful job. Grief is so hard. I know you'll be kind to yourself as you move forward. One day at a time.. :)
@richardwright8189 2 года назад
your account made me cry and im sorry for your loss. . when mom was sick from pulmonary edena and could not breath properly i saw the same confusion in her eyes. but mom.made it. my dad and i always thought mom would go first because of her CHF but my dad would pass on. first from a totally unexpected stroke. he passed in july and it is still devastating. and has left me in a state of confusion too. being an only child i think i was even closer to my dad than the average person. he was a friend too. right now my life is in limbo and i find no significance to it or meaning. i dont know if my mindset will change. i hope for concrete signs from dad . i did dream him walking near a crowd of people and that made me cry because dads knees were shot from arthritis. he needed a walker in the end and was always in pain. i pray he is in a beautiful place waiting for me and mom. God bless my friend
@youbestbequiet 2 года назад
@@richardwright8189 I too lost my dad at a young age from effects of agent orange in Vietnam. I still don't know what I believe. I want to believe that our soul goes somewhere else and that we do see them again but who knows. It's coming up on 2 years and while I have learned to function, there are still days I almost feel like I am ready to go too. It's not a healthy feeling to carry. Dealing with death is so hard for some and so unique to each person. I wish there was a magic pill to make us all feel better so that nobody had to experience the pain of losing someone close. I appreciate your comments and wish you nothing but the best. I know it's cliche' but one day at a time is all we can do and hope that one day we are able to experience joy again. Take care of yourself friend
@richardwright8189 2 года назад
@@youbestbequiet thank you Scott. god be with you
@cliffcunningham8432 3 года назад
Great video My dad died December 4th. We buried him Dec 14th. I prayed and prayed for a visitation dream to let me know that he was alright. 2 days later, he appeared in my dream and he was very healthy and not sick like he was prior to his death. He didn’t say anything but his smile gave reassurance. 2 days after that, he appeared in my dream again and he and I were walking on the beach (my favorite place on earth). Victory lap by Nipsey Hussle was playing in the background (one of my favorite songs).. And he looked at me and simply said “live your life”.. And he disappeared. That gave me a sense of peace and comfort
@fayshaw1 4 года назад
My first son died by going into a diabetic coma while driving. He drove off the road, hit a tree and burned to death. About a week after his funeral, I was on the phone with my daughter, talking about his life and death. Suddenly, I smelled insulin, very strongly! We attributed it to his reaching out. I have also had a dream of him wearing a sheer long gown sort of garment that I could see his jeans through. Next we were on a park bench with his head in my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair. The were were standing. He hugged me and left. My second son that died, recently came to me in a dream and said "I'm here", twice
@AarronGledhill 2 года назад
Great video thank you, in 2018 I was watching TV then all of a sudden a light appeared to the side of me and I saw it projecting deceased love ones talking and laughing to me for more than 5 minutes before telepathically disconnecting from me then vanishing or teleporting...I swear on my life, it was evening but not late and someone else saw something... It was like looking through a keyhole into the Afterlife/Otherside... Peace and love
@wanderingwants 5 лет назад
I've recently uploaded my experience, usually I don't feel the need to share much of what I'm thinking about, but feel like now's the time to maybe connect with like minded people 😊 A friend, Jane appeared in my dream. She died about 15 years ago and she gave me a message after a break up last year. She was the perfect motherly guide, perfect person to show up. 😊 She reassured me and helped me let go of some things I didn't even think I was still hanging onto. It was so good to be reunited with her. I hadn't thought about her in at least 3 years.
@carolinesimpkin9393 5 лет назад
Emma Robinson I just experienced my first visitation dream from my grandmother two nights ago who died from cancer around 16 years ago
@wanderingwants 5 лет назад
@@carolinesimpkin9393 Oh wow that's so awesome! Did she have a message for you? I had a really amusing Monday. I know my friend was definitely around too many "coincidences" lol
@carolinesimpkin9393 5 лет назад
@@wanderingwants she just wanted to let me know she was ok and watching over me. I'm so grateful for the experience and has changed everything.
@wanderingwants 5 лет назад
@@carolinesimpkin9393 That's so cool! I haven't noticed Jane around this week but she probably comes and goes 😊 As needed
@griefsupport 4 года назад
What a cool dream, Emma. How lovely that Jane came to reassure you and help you process some things. It's quite remarkable how people we haven't thought of for years can still bring a message of comfort and hope just when we need it (or didn't know we needed it). :) Thanks for sharing. XO
@angelalackey3521 4 года назад
I lost my Dad and my 16 yr old daughter 2 months apart. I have had bad dreams. I am a bitch. My Dad asked me to dance, and I was embarrassed in the crowd and said no....and have had no more of him yet😣 and even worse, my daughter came, I hugged her but had prior plans and continued to go out with friends and told her I would see her later. I only remember her sitting on a bench with my niece consoling her, and I just kept walking to leave out the door to my plans. How horrible. The REAL me would have held her and never let go and talked and talked. I haven't had one of her since....please tell me what this means. I haven't been able to stop regretting. Questioning and thinking of it
@maxmulsanne7054 4 года назад
Well for what it's worth coming from me, it would appear that there are some underlying issues involved. For instance I noticed that you said _"I am a bitch."_ Hopefully without offending your beliefs, I wish to let you know that we are all God's children before anything else. God, Budda, Allah, etc., whatever the case may be of how we refer to who it is that we particularly pray to... we are loved more so than we can possibly realize down here, and perhaps ever realize when we venture into the next life. I can relate to that status that you refered yourself to because I've done the same thing with a friend/former co-worker of mine who is curious about people and what makes them tick. I forgot what exactly we were getting on about, but somewhere along the line I told him this... _"Because I'm a piece of sh+t..."_ He proceeded to suggest I wasn't and asked why I would make such a claim. My response was.. _"Because I had always told myself that I would never turn out like the ol' man_ (my stepdad - an ex-Hell's Angel my mom married straight out of San Quinten Penitentiary) _I didn't join a biker gang like he did... I didn't go to prison like he did... I didn't kill anyone like he did. But I've come close to killing a lot of mother f@+kers that deserved it, who cost me time, money or compromised my life."_ He didn't believe that I was capable of that then so I gave him the low down of my experiences with my mother, stepdad, the platoon leader of our unit (when I was in the army during the Gulf War of 1991), my wicked grandmother and other jokers I have come across since I got out of the army in 1991. He was in awe of what I told him and said that it was a wonder that I didn't end up on death row. I grinned and shook my head, and said _"Yeah, I know. Other people have told me that before."_ He was still a bit baffled that I would claim myself as a _"POS"_ because as he put it, "you don't seem that way at all. You're mellow. You don't seem to get upset about things too much."_ Then I had to remind that _"Man, with everything that I just told you about me, do you really think that there is much around here (at work) to p+ss me off?"_ Then he finally realized at what I was getting at... _"I'm just being honest is all."_ So I got an idea of where you may be coming from, self criticizism perhaps. It's none of my business, and I don't recommend that people put too much out there about themselves - but with me it's different. My time is due I believe, since I've had several close calls for the last 15months and that I've been getting signs to reconnect with my mother (before either one of us dies). Which won't be easy, but that's another long, dreadful story not worth the time to waste upon.. so on to better things... My dream visitations or ADCs (After Death Communications) didn't come from a family member nor a relative of some sort, but from a girl I once knew along with her father. I had not seen either one of them since January 1987 and I had not thought of them since the mid-90's, the only reason I even bothered to remember them even that late in life was because of the sitcom _'Rosanne'_ that reminded me of them and the rest of their family. There is too much to go into detail about my ADC experience which would require a considerable amount of time - of which I intend to post later with a seperate thread here on this channel. Anyways this is just a suggestion from me that has worked tremendously in reducing my hostile nature since March 2018 - making a connection with God. I don't think it's a good idea of telling what or how people should pray but what works for me is: - praying mostly for others (because I got what need; food, shelter, clothing and a few friends to chat things up with). - pray for those when I see an ambulance goes by. Not only for those in distress, but for the emergency crew and any children that might be involved. - pray for those who are less fortunate than I; the sick, the poor, the oppressed, anyone who has ever had to bury a child, and the list goes on... - pray that _"may God Bless all those who I see, hear and make contact with"_ when I step out the door. - I ask God to forgive me for all the evil I ever thought, felt, expressed and ever done. - *pray for my enemies.* Not just because it's in accordance with the Bible (and perhaps other religions as well), though it's difficult I know. But because *whatever they may have done, it could not be as harmful as not being loved.* This didn't happen overnight, but I woke up in better moods, felt energized and started getting a bunch of signs about that girl I once knew. Once I found out that God really does listen I've changed. My heart has changed. I've changed for the better because of prayer. My psychologist has noticed it, my VA case worker has noticed it, as well as my friends and neighbors. There will still be up and downs in life. But things don't appear to be as difficult as they once were. All's I know is I'm in a better place now, and I don't want to go back to what I was for 27yrs - being a Hessian with alot of aggression. Again this isn't something that happens overnight, developing a relationship with God and being aware of His presence. If anything try to remember that you're a child of God.
@Toastedandtoasted 4 года назад
@@maxmulsanne7054 thank you. Your message has been received. I needed this.
@ritananyonga3735 4 года назад
Oh my grand mother communicates with me in my dreams if she wants something done.
@MajinValerie Год назад
Thank you for this video. ❤
@zepman38 4 года назад
I had a dream/visitation that I woke up from around 5 a.m. In the dream I was in a doctors office. I was having a doctor look at some concerns I had. I was telling them I was having some problems with my throat. They wanted to look into my throat but I told them the problem was too far down for them to see easily. While they were doing that I was telling them about some small masses under my skin. They looked at that also. While looking at my skin I could see small transparent areas rising up from my chest. The doctor took a sample of one and said it would be tested. After some light conversation I proceeded to get dressed. As I finished getting dressed I looked up and saw my deceased wife standing there as plain as day. I mean PLAIN as day! She was whole, she was solid, she was right there in front of me. I remember thinking that this what people mean when they have a visitation from their deceased loved ones. I went straight to her and hugged her. One of the things that stood out to me were her eyes. My wife had blue eyes, but her eyes were the bluest of blues. Not an earthly blue, but a heavenly blue. That's the best way I can describe it. She appeared as she would have been in her early to mid twenties. Beautiful! The look on her face was a mixture of gladness and sadness. I asked her whey she had a look of sadness. I asked if it was because of my medical tests? She nodded yes. I said, Am I coming home soon? She again nodded yes. As this reunion was taking place I remember thinking the doctor must think I'm nuts! To him, I must be having a conversation with myself and hugging thin air as I was sure he wouldn't be able to see my wife. So there was a part of me during this dream that knew this was my wife's spirit, but it was unlike any other dream I had had in the past. I have had what I'm sure were other visitation dreams but none like this one. I remember asking her how she was able to come to me in such a solid form. I didn't understand her answer, but she said she had to do a little bargaining with other relatives. At that point I woke up. So, could this dream be a premonition? I'm certainly not afraid of passing. Just curious of your thoughts. Thank you.
@janiemiller8706 4 года назад
I had a dream last night of my deceased Father. He was in heaven & showed me where he lived in heaven & of the beautiful view he had also. Wow- pretty view that was nature & def not earthly realm. It was surreal. He was comforting me- letting me know he is there for me- kind of hugged me- let me cry 😢 on his shoulder. Showed me he is in heaven ( or another realm - basically )- & I got the sense I was welcomed or that I’d know where to find him & that I’d see him again. Over the years I’ve always had spiritual experiences - from OBEs, pre cog Dreams, visitations from numerous people - friends that have passed away,- visiting me in dreams ,etc etc This dream - I had last night wasn’t the first 6th sense or spiritual experience I’ve experienced. It’s been a lifetime of numerous experiences for me. Just wanted to share .... 😇
@griefsupport 4 года назад
That is just lovely, Janie. It's very comforting to know we'll see them again when it's time. Thanks for sharing. Big hugs to you. XO
@tressahensley1477 4 года назад
I had a similar dream, as yours I lost a friend, 4 months ago..She was walking back from the store, she was hit by a car..I had a dream visitation..She showed me where she lives in heaven ❤️ She lives in a medium size nice home, and it seemed like the colors were more vibrant, more bright, and striking is the best way for me to explain it. I said, to her this is very nice..And one thing stood out too, the air was so clean, and fresh.And all of sudden there was my computer laptop in my hands, I guess that's how she remembers me ..We we're always on the computer together..I was on the computer, in the computer room, the moment, she was hit and killed..
@darleneklonk9128 5 лет назад
My ex husband and my late daughter's husband have had specific dreams concerning raising her 4 year old daughter. I have had specific signs from my daughter Tiffany concerning her daughter. I never believed in this until losing my daughter August 2018.
@kimlackey4135 5 лет назад
I’ve had several dream visits. Four from my grandfather and my grandmother was in one of the dreams. Four from my mother. Three from my best friend. One for my brother‘s best friend. And countless visits from a childhood friend. One visit each from my mothers two best friends. There are five people that I haven’t had a clear dream about. Lastly, there was one where I went looking for my mother. When I showed up over there, they asked me how I got there. I got the distinct impression that I wasn’t supposed to be able to do that, but my mother showed up immediately and it felt like a party atmosphere.
@evelisisdavis7242 2 года назад
Thank you for talking about!!!!!!
@wendysmith9929 5 лет назад
i lost the love of my life on september 3 2018. we were together 8 yrs.at two months into our relationship i dreamt he died. 2 wks later he had a stroke and a year after a massive heart attack. i knew cpr so he stuck around thru both, for the most part unscathed by the events. valley fever took him the 3rd time. now he is gone and i have had two dreams about him. both have been exactly alike and about something he wasnt capable of--being unfaithful to me. these are the scariest dreams and i wake up unable to shake the feeling of being victim of infidelity by the most wonderful man that ever lived.
@blossomblossom5342 4 года назад
wendy smith The sad thing bf pass away from a heart attack Feb 17!!! I haven’t dream about him as yet and it’s been only a months and 3 weeks. I didn’t get a chance to him I love him.
@JR6191947 4 года назад
I lost my husband in AZ November 2018 from a heart attack 5 months after we married. So I know how you are hurting. I think your heart is interpreting your feelings of abandonment not your husband’s ability to be unfaithful. I wonder if I will ever stop the tears because I feel I let him down. I found him but did not know CPR. You are not alone struggling with things and not having your love there to answer your questions. I am so sorry for your loss. I believe they are with us daily.
@breezykat206 2 года назад
God bless.
@yngnnG 3 года назад
My bro Sammy died couple weeks ago n I had a dream I was walking in the cafeteria and I heard my name being called but I didn’t look then my homie Sammy walked up to me and I was like wth what happened to you I thought you passed and all that he was like nah I’m good now n we started walking and he started to explain what happened but he was rapping everything like a song then he jus left
@arh7897 3 года назад
My best mate died in 1995 always shows up in my dreams maybe once a week
@jjbentley9 3 года назад
You could of taken the open book going down the stream.as a way of saying she's leaving this world but her book is not closed it well carry on.
@anisettyrupa 3 года назад
How can i write my grief dream stories
@fernmml7083 4 года назад
I had a dream when I was 18 yrs old that has stayed with me my entire life. I am now 55 and remember it like it happened yesterday.... I friend of mine passed away from a motorcycle accident in 1982. The night after he passed he came to me in a dream and we had the following conversation. During this whole time I know he is deceased and assume he is in heaven...I am also thinking to myself as we are talking Me: What are you doing here? Billy: I came to say goodbye Me: Is it beautiful? Billy: Its okay Me: Won't the lord be angry Billy: Yeah Yeah it's beautiful BIlly: I love you Me: Will I ever see you again Billy: No Me: Not even for Christmas? Billy: Yeah Yeah Okay Okay I immediately woke up feeling happy and thought to myself that it was real. I still believe he will come back and visit me again..
I'm 31 and single - am I leaving having kids too late?
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