Damn i just noticed this youtube channel is still active. Thank you so much for helping me out during my secondary school years 2009-2013! Keep going!! ❤️
Your love for maths legit made u the best teacher Maan. Me, a student of G11 being assessed for Cambridge, is actually quite weak in add maths. I've been watching your videos for days now and i know that I have gotten better. A huge thanks from me and I subscribed! P.s did you do any video concerning differentiation, it's application and the rate of changes as well as small increments. Same for integration? I am quite obsessed with your teaching skill now😅😅 I swear its in a good way. 🙂👍😂 Edit: I actually found them, but do you have videos about exponential forms for log, and graphs? I am terrible at those.. 😭🙏
thank you sir for helping us out always. I've been watching you since 2017 (spm) and took some time off until i decided to enrol to uni again and here i am still looking forward to you!
Surd (szlovénül: Šurd) község Zala megyében, a Nagykanizsai járásban, a Zalaapáti-hát területén. A településen polgárőrség működik.Csurgótól északnyugatra, Zákány és Nemespátró közt fekvő település. Központján a 6804-es út halad keresztül, de közigazgatási területének déli részét érinti a Porrogszentkirálytól idáig húzódó 6813-as út is. A 6804-esből innen ágazik ki a Nemespátróra vezető 68 153-as, illetve a Beleznára vezető 68 154-es út.