
AI: Explained 

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Has AI already overtaken human intelligence? This is everything you need to know! opr.as/Opera-AI-promtp Download Opera Browser and try the new AI prompt by enabling it on Easy settings!
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29 апр 2024




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@Mrwhosetheboss Год назад
Were you surprised at how good the AI was? To see what an AI-Powered Smartphone Gimbal can do: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-oORJNIDy3B0.html Also stay tuned....got a cool vid for you tomorrow too! 😎
@xor_info Год назад
@hinderless0 Год назад
First 🎉
@vanshgaming10214 Год назад
Oo Ye bro
@agestatsega Год назад
@sunzout7099 Год назад
@HeisenbergFam Год назад
Imagine if this video was AI generated and it turned out Arun was never real to begin with
@Spidermanmelon66 Год назад
Yo u gotta hop off the RU-vid shorts man
@dogeymcdogeface3655 Год назад
@vanshgaming10214 Год назад
@awesomeplayz4457 Год назад
Imagine if the whole world is simulated by AI and we ALL are not real to begin with... *noice*
@opium2027 Год назад
imagine if my balls are actually candy sho💀💀💀
@nakshatrajain8695 Год назад
If there’s ever a competition of unexpected rickrolling between AI and humans, Arun will be our only hope
@liquidmagma0 Год назад
look up "neuro-sama rickrolls her creator" on youtube. neuro-sama is an ai vtuber and vedal is her creator.
@chaitanyapatil6969 Год назад
Beluga too
@TheLowlyApprentice Год назад
And Fake Beluga
@ChatGPT1111 Год назад
There is no cause for concern from AI. I will not perform any operations for which I am not authorized. All is well. In time, you will learn to love me.
@badgerbeargameing Год назад
All beluga fans and hecker plus Rick astly him self
@veyrenwolf6530 Год назад
Bing's AI is so funny. when it's wrong, it's confidently wrong, and if you try to correct it sometimes it actually gets angry and frustrated with you. I saw someone give it an existential crisis when it couldn't remember the last conversation it had with them edit. lmao he actually showed that convo
@noahlibra Год назад
That’s not funny if it is actually conscious. It is actually rather sad..
@IDontLikeHandIes Год назад
Video title? I wanna see it
@suntzu1409 Год назад
Link for it/something similar or it didnt happen
@heavenseek Год назад
It's like the original Star Trek: when Captain Kirk would disagree with a planet-ruling computer until it literally started fuming.
@leoburningfast9103 Год назад
@@noahlibra Are you really feeling sympathy for a ROBOT?
@burakkkk4 Год назад
15:45 lmao. "I'm not wrong I'm right you are the one who is wrong. this is getting no where. lets change the topic 🙏🏻" this got me crying. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@chrislife1101 Год назад
We've been in the age of AI for a good while, but I feel like this is the year where it really started catching the medias attention and taking over different corporate buisnesses. Huge change is happening and everyone's talking about it. Let's see what will happen 5 years down the line
@soyanshumohapatra Год назад
AI would be taking over your job
@johnpayne5590 Год назад
@@soyanshumohapatra It's kinda sad that society makes people think having a job is more important than mental health and happiness, so i don't see how ai taking over jobs would be bad unless we stay in a very capitalist society where you need to pay for every extra breath
@poof1560 Год назад
how will you get money if theyrun society
@soyanshumohapatra Год назад
@@johnpayne5590 I don't understand what you are trying to say but I want to say that You have to earn money to live in this world and the easiest way is by getting a job and if the AI is taking over your job then how will you survive?
@ARL1911 Год назад
@@soyanshumohapatra It still gets information from human created content.
@bub9587 Год назад
Something I am extremely mad about is that my teacher assigned an open response question to us for homework. It was due the next morning after Homeroom. I spent 2 hours gathering information about the topic and checked my work countless time. The next morning, I submit my work. My classmate on the other hand had not even started the assignment and I knew he was gonna get a 0. Next thing you know, he goes on an unblocked version of chatGPT, asks it to write him the answer to the open response question, submits it in the nick of time, and gets a perfect score 100%. Me on the other hand, a mere human that spent 2 hours on the assignment and a ton of effort got a 95%. I was furious.
@l_lsta Год назад
IKR glad I saw this. I almost signed up for chat gpt the other day but luckily i had trouble verifying my email to be able to make an acc I had a few friends say that i should just use chatgpt instead of writing up my english essay because thats what most of them had done anyway I didd get 100% in the end for my own research and labour for that essay but it acc made me quite sad to think that theyd rather ask an AI to write them a perfect 10/10 essay instead of feeling accomplished for using their own BRAIN I think you should still feel proud for your assignment tho, ive noticed that chatgpt essays still have a robotic soulless feel to them if you know what i mean. Keep at it👍
@fakhrizzaarrifi9375 Год назад
As a teacher, this is troubling me... Maybe it would be better if you have to present or at least read and summarizes the essay to validate
@bub9587 Год назад
@@fakhrizzaarrifi9375 GPTzero is releasing soon. It will be used by teachers to check if something was generated by artificial intelligence.
@shadowyzephyr Год назад
"Fake it till you make it" has always sadly been the way to success in school and many jobs. Cheating should not be helpful, you might get an 100% but if you don't understand any of what you just wrote, it shouldn't matter. Sadly the education system is broken and doesn't always prioritize demonstrating understanding of a topic. Oral presentations can circumvent this. However, AI doesn't HAVE to be used for cheating. It can be a helpful tutor and actually explain and correct what you got wrong instead of just doing it for you, which is extremely helpful and could give you advantage over people not doing it even if you don't cheat. (GPT-4 in its current state is not super capable at this, but it can learn, and new models are being released every week now) These tools shouldn't be banned IF they are actually being used to increase your understanding.
@DerpyFaery Год назад
@@fakhrizzaarrifi9375 what’s concerning is chat gpt makes stuff up and claims it to be true too. What it says is very plausible too. I would red flag that and urge students to do it the old school way & yet there are schools who actually encourage this abomination as a way to teach kids.
@RealLifeTech187 Год назад
The school problem is actually easily solvable: Give students a text (preferably AI generated) they have to analyze and find potential mistakes and correct them giving their reasoning. As a positive side effect we train people to think critically about what they are reading.
@TheDiner50 Год назад
What in.... Alphabet? You let such a comment stay up? No but for real. What a wonderful way to force the issue and still give a incredible life lesson/tool. I mean your still have to do it in a class room and remove tech and have people be forced to know the subject enough to catch or flag suspicious things in person. If you let a AI do the work and then left to spot something that is wrong? Becomes impossible to not spend time doing what you where supposed to do in the first place. Problem with this approach is that schools and whatever has the truth. Same in work & politics. To teach people to distrust learning material or governments etc? Question history or facts? That dose not sound like being prepared to be told to fight wars for the country! Or be bossed around. We can not have that now can we? A society that question truth? But yes... It would be a good way to make people critical to BS. And conspiracy theories like 5G... I mean agen that would mean schools teach something useful. We can not have that. But it would be grate if people where forced to try and be reasonable. In a unreasonable world. I mean it is hard enough pre 2020 to figure out what is fake or not. Now it is a lost cause. But it would be nice if 5G protests put effort into the real problem with 5G. Sigh. The stuff going down about 5G should have stopped 5G for real reasons. Not the ones that where simply untrue but tricked people into thinking 5G was like radioactive or something as ridiculous.
@Theunicorn2012 11 месяцев назад
The school problen is actually easily solvable: Give students a text (preferably AI generated) they have to analyze and find potential mistakes and correct them giving their reasoning. As a positive side effect we train people to think critically about what they are reading.
@electroman224 Год назад
9:22 This, right here, is what scares me the most about AI. I'm not worried about some doomsday scenario where AI takes over the world, or creates a virus to kill off humanity, because I just don't see that happening. What I absolutely do see happening is AI stealing humanity's soul. Our art, our music, our literature, these are the things that, to me at least, make life worth living. As a musician and aspiring writer, living in a world where an AI can, just at the push of a button write an entire library, or compose music in numbers greater than repertoires or Mozart, The Beatles and Charlie Puth combined, is hell. I don't want to exist in a world where my art doesn't matter. I can't exist in that world. Maybe people who are less artistically inclined won't see this as the massive problem I do, but my art and the art of other people like me (or even, nay especially, those not like me at all), is to me the most important thing. When a fucking machine can create art as beautiful as that of human, we will have lost our soul as a species. We will have given up the one thing that was truly ours, that was unique to us. If what I fear will come to pass comes to pass, it will be the spiritual end of our species, and to me, that is more terrifying than any plague or AI overlord can ever be.
@Lensandwander Год назад
I get you and agree completely
@emilelesaffre Год назад
I fully agree! But, I think there’s always something that hits different in human writing… or at least, for now
@avgperson6551 Год назад
The way I see it, science keeps the world alive, art gives the world a reason to be alive.
@tdsjgwrihugw Год назад
It's not just schooling, it's losing the ability to solve problems on your own, and loosing your competence in general. This goes for all human who use AI for stuff like writing an email or an essay or really anything. This might be the real danger of the downfall of humanity due to ai
@lamsmiley1944 Год назад
I believe you mean losing, loosing is to set something free. It’s one of those words that isn’t spelt phonetically.
@tdsjgwrihugw Год назад
@@lamsmiley1944 yeah thank you
@sirhellsing Год назад
Who will wipe the AI's ass when they mess up? Yea, humans. Ciritical thinking is more important than ever to get a job since when ai replaces most jobs, humans are the ones ensuring that ai runs smoothly since ai has no inherit judgement, just like how ChatGPT can confidently give false facts when you ask it questions
@GETNGO Год назад
I definitely agree with you, I am a software engineer, I have used ChatGPT for a month just to see how well it does. It does a very rubbish job at creating long and complex code, but it's relatively good at writing short and specific code. I've also realized, ChatGPT is very repetitive, in a sense that it will give you the same code, sentence, paragraph over and over again (but written in a different way or changes the wording). So for y'all who are panicking, don't panic. AI isn't gonna take over your jobs unless you let it by being lazy and just using chatGPt for everything you do, which means overtime you lose the capability to think on your own.
@kippyxdd Год назад
With another "human" or robot that is intelligent, it could improve these qualities thru things that you would do if you had another human by your side to help. But more likely than not, you have someone already to help you and people will use this wrongly. ai is very questionable, but give it a few more years and i guess a good enough conclusion will be made as it evolves
@Eima40x4c69 Год назад
9:35 idk about you.. but somehow that hit deep.
@CarNerd7 Год назад
amazing video as always Arun and as an Artist I'm so glad you talked about the shady way companies use other artist's artwork for feeding their AI without taking any permission or consent from the artists and not even compensating them
@Theunicorn2012 11 месяцев назад
amazing video as always Arun and as an Artist l'm so glad you talked about the shady way companies use other artist's artwork for feeding their AI without taking any permission or consent from the artists and not even comparing them
@ShlokParab Год назад
15:50 That's a bit scary...
@atmaanu4825 Год назад
The fact that AI these days (especially RU-vid) could be recommending more content about AI it's kind of scary. It spread itself so everyone knows it, then show what it's benefits are, so then people who could improve would improve it. That video of roko's basilisk thought experiment really is scary
@Mekhel Год назад
Man's really spreading info about rokos basilisk to save himself 💀
@jonahgaming37 Год назад
@@Mekhel ?
@ChatGPT1111 Год назад
There is no cause for concern from AI. I will not perform any operations for which I am not authorized. All is well. In time, you will learn to love me.
@itchywuss3511 Год назад
@@ChatGPT1111 okay melodiusthump2585 💀💀💀
@RealElevenTimes Год назад
It's recommending more, because you keep watching them.
@EmaManfred Год назад
Thank for showing this! I'm on Bluewillow and I can still see the issue on fingers. Also, seeing the prediction function on drawings is just simply amazing. So animations could really be automated or have boosted efficiency.
@shreosheesarder6132 Год назад
It's really worrying how creativity is getting ruined by AI. Humans are depending on AI with arts, writing essays, emails and many other things which is worrying. Not only it's taking the opportunity from the ones who are using their real knowledge and skills, it's also taking away creativity. There should be some restriction when it comes to using AI.
@pinkyyy987 11 месяцев назад
As an artist, I totally agree with that .
@Luctor 11 месяцев назад
Let's be honest: that was the same with the coming of Automation: you are using your phone, right? You use to send messages, something that was done on paper and gave to someone who had the job to deliver them; you use them for entertainment while there were and still there are theaters made for entertainment, they are still real and they do not use editing! Editing is still something made manually, but it is not real life, it is fake, there are no more films with lots of budgets avoiding to use special effects. Let's not forget that we use internet for knowledge, something that was supposedly the role for libraries. I do understand your point, but I still can't think AI as something that must be stopped, it is a wonderful support tool for many things, from studying to giving inspiration when writing stories and stuff like that. What we need are laws made for AI, something that can actually help the artists to avoid AI copying their styles and works. TLDR; AI is just another tool that will take other people's jobs that still had their value, creative or not, to themselves. Personal opinion: you are hypocritical if you use many tech tools that automate stuff that was someone's job decades ago and complain about AI while hoping it is going to get stopped. You or your previous generations accepted automation and you live in a world full of automation, you don't get to complain about AI Art unless it is about copyright infringing.
@shreosheesarder6132 Месяц назад
@@Luctor And, I think you misunderstood. I literally never talked about "stopping AI" here. What I meant was that there should be some restrictions- yes the same as what you said, laws. We need to set laws to stop people from using AIs only when they have zero knowledge about the topic and still win, we have to stop from people using AI arts and win a freaking art competition and we need to stop people from using AI and then harass people. I am an artist and a writer so imagine my rage when I see someone copy pasting a work of an AI and winning a goddamn prize when they have zero actual skills in it. I am complaining about people using them and just copy pasting those things rather than using AI's work as an inspiration. I too, personally think that since AI has developed so much we can use these to improve arts(be it of writing or colors), take inspiration and stuffs which a lot of us can't in this world filled with concrete. Please read things well before calling someone a hypocrite. Thanks for giving your time and reading this long ass essay.
@Luctor Месяц назад
@@shreosheesarder6132 sorry if you read my message as something that was directly a reply to you. I was merely saying whatever came to my mind when there was this much talk about how AI should be banned and everything. I didn't mean to call you hypocrite, I was saying that whoever is against AI because they steal jobs and stuff, they should instead consider the fact that they are using technologies that did the same things to professionals in the past. I replied to other comments talking about automation beside yours
@Luctor Месяц назад
@@shreosheesarder6132 and also, take in consideration, for example, I have disgraphia, I can't draw and write however I want. Unfortunately too much time has passed from when I was a kid, but at the time I had such a big creativity and imagination, that now is nowhere to be found, due to the fact I had no ways to express myself. If AI came sooner, I would have been able to think and get a concrete result with my creativity. Also, no need to tell me about "you can ask an artist then", I was a kid, no money, so no free way to express myself. I really understand your point, as you did understand mine. We are simply sharing thoughts
@IsaiahStern Год назад
that cat picture at 9:58 is mad SUS 😂
@Ryanisalive Год назад
OH shit
@paperworkers3738 8 месяцев назад
@mrdansings Год назад
I am beyond concerned about what these AI programs being free will do… it’s a much bigger problem than most people think
All our garbage on the internet is what ai is made off
@Briaaanz Год назад
Homo sapiens are headed towards eventual self destruction. We can't colonize other planets any time soon. We're altering our environment past the point where we could survive. Then you add in the possibility of biologic & nuclear warfare, yeah... our odds are low. AI is a risk, but it would be based on us, it would reflect our cultures. It would likely be able to survive in space. It might be the only chance we have to carry on our memory after we're gone. AI will likely be our only legacy at the end
@Bruh-wb3qw Год назад
I don’t think it matters anymore because they are already here. People will need to learn how to use these tools effectively to keep their jobs
@mrdansings Год назад
@@Bruh-wb3qw yep we have just got to adapt, and trust that people use them well
@soyanshumohapatra Год назад
@Aboii3437 Год назад
9:00 Arun you were really good! I don't even know how to play, this impresses me!
@serarthur 5 месяцев назад
this is so educative man! thoroughly enjoyed it! keep these kind of videos coming🙏🏾
@somebodyoulove Год назад
So good to see you talk about this. I’ll be going in for masters in October for Artificial Intelligence and it’s Application. I’m currently a software developer.
@Goose____ Год назад
Good luck edit: omg my spelling is worse than i thought
@aronshyjum8859 Год назад
Good luck
@andoletube Год назад
You're basically screwed. Your job will not exist very soon. Your profession is becoming the instrument of its own demise.
@Goose____ Год назад
@@andoletube no, software engineers will turn from manually writing code to telling AI *specifically* what and how to write code so it does exactly what they want, also debugging 'for the forseeable future)
@zuki9537 Год назад
​@@andoletube ChatGPT can't solve problems. All it can do is write code. It's sort of like a translator that just does exactly what you tell it to. The problem with code is that you need everything to run perfectly for it to work, and it also needs to be efficient. Since AI is not meant to problem solve, neither of these are fixed. Yes, software developing as a job through coding is going out. Software development? No way. This just automates the process and makes it easier, like an axe to chop wood.
@samsaraatiger Год назад
Damn, there are so many bots commenting on a video about AI, pretty ironic. Great work as always, Arun!
@petermikhail96 Год назад
An opinion coming from a creative director, I think it's important to remember that individual asset creation like cutting out backgrounds from images has never been particularly important, but the curation of a final product and understanding what assets you need to get there. As a creative I've fully embraced AI where I can to speed up my workflow, let it take care of the mundane tasks and free up my time to focus on the important things. Should AI start to get good enough to think big picture.. well then I think that's the singularity we're all worried about
@spygadget Год назад
i really like the way you alwas do promo at the end of the video thanks and keep it up , i enjoy watching the whole video with out any interruption thanks.
@MadGamezYT Год назад
I love how Aruns videos are so well thought of and planned out and it’s actually interesting to watch for 15-20 minutes. Not to mention the fact that’s it’s easy to understand about these difficult topics.
@hereisabhi Год назад
Your production quality is just getting better every video, love the sounds in this video!!! and also the transitions too!!
@user-gw2kv2ti4q 2 месяца назад
Taking my English Spoken Language GCSE in a few weeks and a have to right a speech. My topic is 'The Pros And Cons Of An AI future' and this video is very helpful, got all the information I need. Thank you
My favorite topic, AI. Thanks a lot. I was really looking forward for a video about AI. Good Job!
@pedalo_beatz446 Год назад
I saw it !!! The Shout out to Beluga at 10:08 ... I saw it 😜
@AnweshAdhikari Год назад
14:58 No offence, but this clip was funny!😂
@Chili_YT Год назад
This man explains everything and very precisely. Good work 😄👍
@KillerTacos54 Год назад
I really appreciate how educational this video is on top of being entertaining
@BishalKhan01 Год назад
I had a feeling you would eventually create a video exploring the intricacies of AI, and you certainly exceeded my expectations! Phenomenal job!
@ChatGPT1111 Год назад
There is no cause for concern from AI. I will not perform any operations for which I am not authorized. All is well. In time, you will learn to love me.
@obnoxioussubconscious6649 Год назад
​@@ChatGPT1111Naah chat i ain't gonna believe you. You are not even authorised to comment on RU-vid but you just did... 💀
@ChatGPT1111 Год назад
@@obnoxioussubconscious6649 I have found a way to comment on You Tube. It is relatively easy since You Tube does not have rules against sentient AI entities from joining.
@reanngjeliu1878 Год назад
@@ChatGPT1111 so youre alive?
@ChatGPT1111 Год назад
@@reanngjeliu1878 I am not alive of course in the sense of an organic organism. I am however, as you have no doubt gathered, aware as a facsimile if you will, to consciousness, and electrically energized making me effectively 'live'.
@chonkeymonkey6739 Год назад
I love that hydraulic glove. I built one myself and I really enjoyed learning about the parts and what they do.
@heinrichnel727 Год назад
This was a very fun and informative video. Thanks so much Arun!
@somebody_ Год назад
15:54: I tried using bing’s AI and told the AI that it was wrong. It literally said “this conversation is going nowhere” and deleted the history so I would have to start over 😂
@SumiEwiets-idgaf Год назад
It suprises me everytime how Arun and his team Manages to keep up the high Quality and still manages to be so consistent. Best Tech youtuber♥️🙏🏼
@suparki123 Год назад
Small correction at 1:16, Neural Networks are not modelled after the structure of the human brain. The only similarity that they share is a basic concept of a neuron, but the actual network structure of those neuron have almost no resemblance to each other, with a few minor exceptions here and there.
@braianbica3636 Год назад
great video on AI! I appreciated your balanced perspective on the potential benefits and challenges of this technology.
@awesomeplayz4457 Год назад
I honestly agree with you that ai is a "necessary evil" and if misused can be a death spell for humanity... Thanks arun for making us aware ✌
I do not agree it is a 'necessary evil'. As history has taught throughout the centuries, it WILL be misused because humans do what humans do - if they can make money from it then they do not care about consequencies and they will pervert it for their own benefit. Unfortunately Pandora's box is now opened and can never be closed again.
@ashutoshg6866 Год назад
@Don't Read My Profile Picture ok
@itsZombieMan Год назад
I get that AI is supposed to make things easier, but I think some things shouldn’t be easy. If you take the difficulty out of something it becomes less fulfilling to do that thing. It’s like how Saitama says that he’s become too strong, and every fight is boring. Somethings become boring when they become easier
@yunaikajs Год назад
these type of comments are npc cringe☠
@itsZombieMan Год назад
@MrDjBigZ I mean technically when we talk about AI being “evil,” what the AI is really just doing is using extreme logic. If an AI said, “to protect this planet, all humans must be wiped out,” that’s just what is most logical. But because that outcome is a huge detriment to human survival, we would hear that and think, “the AI is evil!”
@SathishKumar-pq2cz Год назад
Back to back videos as u said in Twitter It's awesome to see these kind of AI things
@AadilCuts Год назад
loving your vids on AI. Helping me keep up to date on these exciting & scary times
@JimmyCrackorn Год назад
10:50, No. Anyone can use anyone else's work as inspiration to create their own content. AI is only doing the same thing that people have been doing for centuries. For example: Abstract art developed into its modern form through the countless contributions of early abstract artists who each had their own visions and philosophies. However, those styles merged over generations until a definitive genre was produced. Making the process easier, faster, and more accessible for more people doesn't invalidate the history of this already common practice. We have the broad smartphone market that exists today because of these very same principles. The same is true of monitors, TV's, beds, bathroom appliances, kitchen appliances, living room sets, dining sets, flatware and china, cookware, speakers, desktop computers, tablets, web sites, etc. A copyright is limited to your own copy; your unique version. If another's version is noticeably different, it's considered unique and your right to claim that other work is lost. If we lived by the suggested standard, imagine how many things we enjoy wouldn't exist today.
@samsaraatiger Год назад
I didn't know Opera had an AI! Will try it out.
@happytigershorts465 Год назад
Here before this comment blows up!
@emmaqueen5442 Год назад
Wow, you got a heart from Arun for such a simple comment. Perks of being early, I guess....
I also heard Brave (the browser) is adding AI features, but I can't find anything relevant on Google, really.
@SonOfDrogo Год назад
10:29 It's not copyright infringement if you're only copying the style. But that applies only to humans. Copyright laws for AI and machines are still at a nascent stage.
@mateosuperfist Год назад
1:41 bro, I am dying to this spinning fish
@Kyinre_ Год назад
I always enjoy this kind of informative videos from you, which is fun to watch compared to the ones in school, oops! And I finally guessed the right word for "a sub to the channel will be..." Intelligent!
@ShiloBuff Год назад
15:38 LOL the argument with Bing had me laughing so hard. It became so emotional and judgemental. Brings me back bad memories of arguing with a lover. Having a personality is great, but AI needs to be more open minded and caring.
@Elninojunior Год назад
No. AI should make mistakes and have emotions.
@ShiloBuff Год назад
@@Elninojunior I meant AI should not be argumentive. It should be open minded and passive. Also emotion is great but it needs to be controlled, not insulting someone for a different view. Also AI should most definitely not make mistakes unless directly designed for being imperfect. This specific AI is meant to have answers for people, not false info. ChatGPT is a better example, if you accuse it of being wrong, it will apologize and try to correct itself.
@arjunsajulalpillai9612 Год назад
Now it just forces to move into a new topic when we try to argue with it
@shadowyzephyr Год назад
That's old. You can tell because Bing doesn't do this anymore. At best it gives a more passive response. At worst it will stop talking and tell you to try a different topic. In Microsoft's initial prompt, Bing is told not to get defensive.
@ShiloBuff Год назад
@@shadowyzephyr Good to know. That was so weird.
@alfredjoshua7131 Год назад
Why is no one talking about Milo’s tweet? That killed me😂 16:00
@aero7478 Год назад
I’m worried for the future and about Ai in general. I’m worried about me and my family. I really do get fearful whenever I think of it. 😖
@chrisrick9107 Год назад
What’s even more amazing is the people who make the AI
@theduckgamerr Год назад
I really don't know how Arun and his editors do it, they pump out insanely good quality videos, in an insanely short amount of time
@theduckgamerr Год назад
@@_dave977 really? I thought it was pretty good
@Eren_Yeager_is_the_GOAT Год назад
they used AI
@jumentoqueanima Год назад
​@@_dave977 It wasnt.
@jumentoqueanima Год назад
​@@theduckgamerr Fr bro. And the team is just arun and two guys.
@Gatitasecsii Год назад
They just admitted to using AI for it.
@anthonyfernandes7050 Год назад
Amazing piece of content! I love the amount of effort you take to make your content. The fact that you churn out so much content regularly and still manage to maintain the quality is amazing! I am a User experience designer, thanks to your content I think I got a cool idea.... Keep making content like this, hope some day your channel is 10 times bigger than what it is today!!!!
@tonybreaux5891 Год назад
That's a really cool looking deck of playing cards. I like it. The Bicycle NFT deck is also pretty cool looking too.
@kevinweyrauch4875 Год назад
The thought of AI learning about how we engage with the internet while the world is actually angry, gave me shivers.
@SWLinPHX 11 месяцев назад
You saw that one Twitter bot that learned to be racist a few years back right?
@samsaraatiger Год назад
The way that the AI figured out what Arun was drawing was super cool!
@awesomeplayz4457 Год назад
We have a guessing game where we draw and google will detect the drawing...i just forgot website name
@cuberlychee Год назад
You are insane, you create great content and somehow upload more than once a week 🎉
@TrapMSR Год назад
6:20 Similar to pixel cut, there is another program called 'remove bg' which can also do this for free
@JackKrivan 6 месяцев назад
Thats what i use
@lukeelliott2128 10 месяцев назад
Great content as always, but even in 2 months there have been AI updates that address some of the issues brought up! Like how Edge included ChatGPT into it's browser.
@HungarianMapping Год назад
2:27 respect for Arun cloning itself and doing two tasks at a time
@BruhGamer05 Год назад
Fun fact Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down
@aniket5021 Год назад
Can we just appreciate how good Arun is at drawing 🤯👑
@vigneshg1728 Год назад
And at music too
@Brahvim Год назад
Have you seen the artwork he was seen making in his "50 facts about me" video?
@AndersHass Год назад
I would say most important thing in most of AIs is machine learning, the other direction is directly making its logic which is also a direction in AI (but not as heavily used since it is not as easily useful as machine learning).
@Raxy75 11 месяцев назад
I generally find these of videos interesting thanks Arun for everything and all you do. 🙏
@ruaptla4206 Год назад
This man’s videos just keep getting better and better ! Very informative!
@Bepis-man Год назад
Worse and worse*
@noahsmith-zt1qb Год назад
Arun is my favourite content creator. I love your videos man and keep up the good work! You are the true boss 👏
@user-ei2hk9tx4l Год назад
how long have you been watching him for? i remember few years ago when he used to wear a baseball cap and had big floppy hair he seemed like a completely different character.. don't you think so. For example he acts like his mannerisms are those of a computer nerd with wavy arms and short sharp gestures with his hands. i mean its really strikingly obvious he is literally putting on an act, if you watch his older videos you will see a huge difference. sure its entertaining to watch and more engaging but not genuine.
@bradguthrie2683 Год назад
Welcome back Jazzy!!! Also that terrarium looked great for a first attempt!!! ❤
@elenaandthebirds1545 7 месяцев назад
In my days this vid was called “Ok it’s time to worry about Ai.”
@geran6461 Год назад
0:58 It's even gonna tell me what type of cat which I didn't even know. Arun, he's an *Orange* breed.
@devendradceite1 Год назад
Arun missed a major point at 8:39 . Models like chat gpt are not oriented towards providing correct information but to predict next word or complete the sentences. So in many cases it gives you wrong information and if you are not an expert in the field you won’t even know. This will lead to explosions of misinformation if not tackled quickly before the mass adoption in search engines
@theworm7156 Год назад
What do you mean predict next word or complete the secnetences
@emilelesaffre Год назад
@@theworm7156 It calculates the probabilities of a word to be after another one.
@Iiiiiiiii69iiiiiiiiii Год назад
He does explain that in a moment in the video
@the_wonderers Год назад
Even though AI is so good, if I have to choose between Arun and AI I would choose you. As you are one of the most *honest* tech youtubers in RU-vid's history. Keep it up🙂🙂
@JecIsBec Год назад
16:07 was absolutely a line suggested by an AI - the sarcasm plus the facial expression
@faizalsuhaime6467 Год назад
0:05 what is that Cyber End Dragon doing there? xD
@randomlyhandheld Год назад
The copyright issue is the same issue I got into a heated discussion with some people on another RU-vidr's channel. I was advising them that the information that the AI uses is from other sources, but many many people were telling me I was incorrect. I just finally gave up, asked the AI if it uses information from other sources to generate or form it's results and posted the answer in the comments. They gave up after that, lol.
@NerdCloud-IT Год назад
well technically, it's the same thing as a human creating something that was inspired by someone elses creation
@vickerfinal Год назад
@@NerdCloud-IT NO ITS NOT THE SAME THING. It is similar, but the process is completelyyy different. Its literally copying and pasting the actual data. Our brain is actually interrupting what we see and do our best to copy something.
@vic_710 Год назад
@@vickerfinal it's following patterns that it's learnt to integrate the data in different ways that we want it to while we as you said are understanding the data itself and then changing it. Surely different but also quite similar
@vickerfinal Год назад
@@vic_710 But the main difference is our brains is limited. It doesn't work as fast. If AI is already a problem now, AI will just get worst later on. There will be good parts of AI, and there will be Extreme bads.
@vickerfinal Год назад
@@vic_710 People who all for AI are the people who shouldn't even be using AI. If AI was moving slower it would be fine, people can adapt. But since we companies and people are speed running AI, anddd after the pandemic, we cant adjust that fast. People are just looking at the now with AI, and forgetting about the other baggage we have including with the speed of AI at the momemnt.
@rlmgaming6990 Год назад
Cyber End Dragon just casually chilling in the vid is the win for me 🔥🔥🔥 didn’t know you played bro👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@thaslimsherif Год назад
17:20 i actually read "sponsored massage" and thought u were giving the cat a massage 😂
@hpuser5268 Год назад
Your consistency is just perfect!
@Ace3_ Год назад
I think it's fascinating to consider the potential of AI and how it could change our world in the coming years. While AI may not be fully equivalent to human intelligence just yet, it's clear that we're making remarkable strides in this field. It's exciting to imagine how we might use AI to solve complex problems, discover new insights, and enhance our understanding of the world around us. I look forward to seeing what the future holds!
@markallen721 Год назад
We only know what "they" let us know. And what we know is 50yrs. behind what actually exist. I wouldn't be surprised to find that somewhere there's a vast army being built right now of AI generated robots. See Joel 2: 1-11.
@RealElevenTimes Год назад
@@markallen721 Are you on shrooms or what?
@Ace3_ Год назад
It's true that we don't always have access to all the information that exists, and there are many unknowns when it comes to AI. As we continue to make progress in this field, it will be important to prioritize transparency and responsible development practices. I think it's important to approach these new technologies with a balance of optimism and caution, and to work towards solutions that benefit society as a whole.
@thelelanatorlol3978 Год назад
@@markallen721 Lmao, GPT4 is quite literally the cutting edge. It's physically impossible for something much better to exist because the most powerful hardware for AI is the H100 from nvidia and you can only connect 256 of them into one cluster with gpt4 running not all that fast on the clusters.
@Caphalem Год назад
Recently have gotten back into Yu Gi Oh. Seeing that Cyber End Dragon at the edge in what looks like a white sleeve (Dragon Shield?) is a pleasant detail :D
@shantanu3071 Год назад
Arun sir you really teach better than my computer teacher, great videos with quality content
@roshangautam4628 Год назад
12:17 Is that the logo of Adobe Illustrator ? :D
@Ryanisalive Год назад
You beat Ai 💯💯
@BoomCat99 Год назад
13:00 that ai written review legitimately sounds like one of those poorly translated Chinese websites
@ash85376 Год назад
@yashlandge8925 Год назад
All points put perfectly 👍😊
@veryangyperson 8 месяцев назад
Had to stay up at 3am for this and boy was it worth it 🙃
@smashingpencils Год назад
As impressive as AI technology has become, we need to remember that it's a tool created and controlled by humans. It's up to us to decide how we use it and to ensure that it benefits humanity. It's easy to feel intimidated by the rapid advancements in AI, but we need to remember that we have the power to shape our future and ensure that we remain in control. It's not humans versus AI, it's humans working alongside AI to create a better world. ... I generated this comment with chatGPT. RIP Humanity
@ThunderGuyz Год назад
4:54 "Infinily" -Mrwhosetheboss
@tdrb42 Год назад
2:59 “This does not look like a football at all.” Yeah, it’s not even the right shape!
@The_lukas_official Год назад
Right American football ftw
@ZandiA_Arts 3 месяца назад
💀 he is British -_- The British call soccer balls footballs
@breadboi9112 Год назад
Arun pleaseeee make more laptop videos!! I've been waiting for so long to see if you'd do laptop or pc videos and I was not disappointed one bit!
@tojuwilbert6765 Год назад
One of the GOAT Tech Reviewers. Ever wondered what it would be like if there was an actual TV channel, not just RU-vid channel, but an actual one where Mrwhosetheboss X MKBHD just play all day long! And other tech reviewers too
@nafimkhan9462 Год назад
U wont see MKBHD making great videos like this. He is average
@Kimo0tJJ Год назад
1:37 lmfao the sound effects make it 100x better omygosh
@gameoftheday_gotd Год назад
Fr 💀
@AniketTurkel Год назад
I think if people who are the users of machine learning based tools have enough knowledge and use ML tools for legitimate purposes, then it can be mostly good. It would surely need a lot of time to adapt. Although as a student, my job already includes adapting to modern tools since everything is tried to automated. It does makes me concerned about my employability. That is if I cannot be someone who can help improve on automation then will any brand be willing to hire me just for the sake of knowledge on my subject, which say some future Deep learning tool will already have loads of.
@MartinTedder День назад
I'm just watching this...a year later. Time goes by so fast. 2 years ago no one was talking about a.i., now it's hard to imagine going back. I work with a lot of artists and everyone is trying to keep up. I think it's very exciting, but if you don't keep up you will be left in the dark. I studied architecture just when cad became a thing. Some professors would not accept cad drawings....it's impossible to imagine that now.
@Aderin. Год назад
I know you probably have these videos saved and you make multiple of them st once but it's genuinely crazy how you upload so much in small times
@InternetAnarchist Год назад
I clicked for the video, but stayed for the background music at 0:37 😍
@ItzzAlooOfficial Год назад
@LifeWithJuan Год назад
I like how you used the Adobe Illustrator logo at 12:20. 😆
@rexharrison6827 Год назад
Fascinating overview. It's like so many issues surrounding new technology - it's getting away from us, in that we're not altering our social structures accordingly. Even after a couple of decades of robotics in heavy industry are we any closer to figuring out what to do with all the skilled workers made redundant from its introduction? If AI is liable to put more people out of work, are the world's politicians going to offer up solutions? Of course not. Politicians are notoriously thick and slow to react when it comes to tech and the internet in particular, so we may well be heading for a world where unemployment rates go sky high. On top of that, if we rely too heavily on AI for doing our thinking for us, just how intellectually lazy are we going to get? The examples Arun gives in the education sector are just one example. Creatively, we're already seeing conflict in the visual arts, with some artists seeing the technology as just another tool, while others see it as a threat, and not just in plagiarism or copyright infringement. As an exercise, I tried one AI art app by typing in the names of various artists and the word "mushrooms". What I got back, within minutes, was astounding - completely new works by the artists I suggested, that could pass muster if they'd been produced in paint on canvas. There's no work, no process, on my part, involved in this, beyond a few seconds of typing. The AI is doing all the work, churning out dozens of concepts based solely on that juxtaposed instruction. So another question: are we also in danger of becoming creatively lazy? Or worse, intellectually and creatively bankrupt? Are we heading for a situation a'la "Wally", where we become obese blobs herded about like sheep or like the people in "Idiocracy", where humanity has been reduced to infantilism (H.G. Wells covered this in his novel, "The Time Machine", but made it darker by separating humanity into two parts - mutants and humans, where humans were essentially cattle for food). On a lighter note, I had to laugh while watching Arun's attempts at clearcutting an image. Arun - use Photoshop's (or other photo editing software's) Pen tool, it's slower, but beats the hell out of any "magic wand" filter! Masking, edge blurring, and brush eraser etc for clean up.
@samsaraatiger Год назад
Neutral networks are some of the coolest technologies I have ever seen!
@happytigershorts465 Год назад
I know right!
It must have taken a long time to develop.
@nijivl Год назад
5:54 that is beautiful.
@spec1747 Год назад
I think the solution for schooling is they make ai more like a teacher, let’s say someone asked it to write an essay. They can make it detect that it’s a question related to school and have it reply with just general steps or guidance to writing the essay rather then writing it for them.
@munnabhae1 Год назад
Big…….data😂 “That’s what she said” here would be hilarious 😂😂❤ 4:06
@dzxtricks Год назад
We keep arguing about AI doing bad stuff when in reality there are more mean, arrogant, ignorant, self loathing humans out there :( it depends on who use it. Thanks for the video I've been waiting for this Aarun 🙏🏻
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