
Alan Watts - The Hoax Called Hope (Shots of Wisdom 14) 

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Check out the entire Alan Watts Playlist: • Alan Watts Playlist
In one of his most entertaining and, at the same time, most subversive speeches, Alan Watts dares to undermine one of man's most cherished concepts: The concept of hope in (a better) future. Approaching such an audacious undertaking with edgy, dark humor and razor sharp wit, Watts succeeds - in his usual manner - to make the listener overcome his reservations and open his mind to a new perspective.

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1 окт 2024




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@Tyrell_Corp2019 Год назад
“Heaven is where you go for the climate, hell is where you go for the company.“ - M. Twain.
@satyakrishnamurti Год назад
Great quote!! Thank you!
@chadelliottyler Год назад
So earth, basically, if you combine the two.
@samantha4713 Год назад
So true🦋
@craigkeller Год назад
Love Mark Twain!
@pinkifloyd7867 Год назад
.... LIFE is what happens to you, while you are busy making plans... - John Lennon
@chrisbirch4150 Год назад
Wow, I have heard a lot from Alan Watts but that is my favourite. That part at the beginning about 'aristocrats live in the past, proletariat in the present, bourgeoisie in the future' is a revelation. Although I would lean more towards financial security in the future than on religion and spirituality which Watts focuses on here. I worked paycheck to paycheck until I was thirty two. I wouldn't say I was always happy but I definitely lived in the present. At 32 I came out of grad school and started a nicely paid job. That moment when your net worth starts to grow, the future immediately becomes an area of satisfaction. You take pleasure in imagining your comfortable future, and the more you save, the more your net worth grows, the more satisfying the future feels; like a drug. The big problem with this of course is that once the bank balance starts to fall for whatever reason (I was made redundant) , it feels like your future vanishes. Not just a secure future, but a literal future. It feels like it isn't even there anymore. It takes a while to recalibrate. Phenomenal insights by Watts
@Mantras-and-Mystics Год назад
Absolutely brilliant! Had me laughing so hard at myself! Yes, everything I do is towards a "hopefully better future." There is no future - only Now - something I "know" but constantly forget. 😅
@mat.se57 Год назад
“The now” can not be known. The “now” is not a thing. “The” now is infinity.
@stephanepiteus4752 Год назад
Why do we constantly forget?..
@mat.se57 Год назад
@@stephanepiteus4752 because this cant be remembered! the moment you think about it, it is already gone
@focast1825 Год назад
The Now is present while you prepare for the future.
@harishsingh123 3 месяца назад
"You came a long way" can you understand it?
@MourningCoffeeMusic Год назад
“Nature is multidimensional, language is linear.” I saw EXACTLY this physically represented on mushrooms. I looked at a picture of myself as a child laughing and beaming with light, but when the word “happy” came to mind I saw all that light condense into a point and shoot off in one direction. I knew in that moment just how limiting words are.
@suzannecarter445 Год назад
I've been listening to Watts for 50 years and am amazed at how he never gets old; his message is always fresh
@shahir1395 Год назад
what a mind. what. a. mind. so thankful that his lectures are accessible to us and will be for future generations
@annoythedonkey Год назад
Well until it’s decided that thought is a crime……wait a second it will be soon with the new digital protection act.
@shahir1395 Год назад
@@annoythedonkey sad days
@Sciptopia Год назад
@@annoythedonkey lmao
@stephenwatts2649 Год назад
The Evolution of Your Soul In other words, if you choose evolution - the evolution of your soul - you won't produce that by the worldly activities of your body. Doing is a function of the body. Being is a function of the soul. The body is always doing something. Every minute of every day it's up to something. It never stops, it never rests, it's constantly doing something. It's either doing what it's doing at the behest of the soul - or in spite of the soul. The quality of your life hangs in the balance. The soul is forever being. It is being what it is being, regardless of what the body is doing, not because of what it's doing. If you think your life is about doingness, you do not understand what you are about. Your soul doesn't care what you do for a living - and when your life is over, neither will you. Your soul cares only about what you are being while you're doing what ever you're doing. It is a state of beingness the soul is after, not a state of doingness. What is the soul seeking to be? Me. You. Yes, Me. Your soul is Me, and knows it. What it is doing, is trying to experience that. And what it is remembering is that the best way to have this experience is by not doing anything. There is nothing to do but to be. Be what? Whatever you want to be. Happy. Sad. Weak. Strong. Joyful. Vengeful. Insightful. Blind. Good. Bad. Male. Female. You name it. I mean that literally. You name it. I am the Alpha and the Omega. That was not just a pretty saying, or nifty concept. That was Truth expressed. So, in seeking to be Me, the soul has a grand job ahead of it; an enormous menu of beingness from which to choose. And that is what it is doing in this moment now. Choosing States of Being. Yes - and then producing the right and perfect conditions within which to create the experience of that. It is therefore true nothing happens to you or through you that is not for your own highest good. You mean my soul is creating all of my experience, including not only the things I am doing, but the things that are happening to me? Let us say that the soul leads you to the right and perfect opportunities for you to experience exactly what you had planned to experience. What you actually experience is up to you. It could be what you had planned to experience, or it could be something else, depending upon what you choose. Do You mean that sometimes the soul wishes one thing, and the body or the mind wishes another? What do you think? But how can the body, or the mind, overrule the soul? Doesn't the soul always get what it wants? The spirit of you seeks, in the largest sense, that grand moment when you have conscious awareness of its wishes, and join in joyful oneness with them. But the spirit will never, ever, force its desire on the present, conscious, physical part of you. The Father will not force His will upon the Son, It is a violation of His very nature to do so, and thus, quite literally, impossible. The Son will not force His will upon the Holy Spirit. It is against His very nature to do so, and thus, quite literally, impossible. The Holy Spirit will not force His will upon your soul. It is outside of the nature of the spirit to do so, and thus, quite literally, impossible. Here is where the impossibilities end. The mind very often does seek to exert its will on the body - and does so. Similarly the body seeks often to control the mind - and frequently succeeds. Yet the body and the mind together do not have to do anything to control the soul - for the soul is completely without need (unlike the body and the mind, which are shackled with it), and so allows the body and the mind to have their own way all the time. Indeed, the soul would have it no other way - for if the entity which is You is create, and thus know, who it really is, it must be through an act of conscious violation, not an act of unconscious obedience. Obedience is not creation, and thus can never produce salvation. Obedience is a response, while creation is pure choice, indicated, unrequited. Pure choice produces salvation through the pure creation of highest idea in this moment now. The function of the soul is to indicate its desire, not impose it. The function of the mind is to choose from its alternatives. The function of the body is to act out that choice. When body, mind, and soul create together, in harmony and in unity, God is made flesh. Then does the soul know itself in it's own experience. Then do the heavens rejoice. EMOTION IS THE POWER WHICH ATTRACTS. The Law of Atraction - Thoughts are Creative. That which you fear strongly, you will experience. An animal - which you consider a lower form of life (even though animals act with more integrity and greater consistency than humans) - knows immediately if you are afraid of it. Plants - which you consider an even lower form of life - respond to people who love them far better than to those who couldn't care less. None of this is by coincidence. There is no coincidence in the Universe - only a grand design; an incredible "snowflake." Emotion is energy in motion. When you move energy, you create effect. If you move enough energy, you create matter. Matter is energy conglomerated. Moved around Shoved together. If you manipulate energy long enough in a certain way, you get matter. Every Spiritual Master understands this law. It is the alchemy of the Universe. It is the Secret of Life. Thought is pure energy. Every thought you have, have ever had, and ever will have is creative. The energy of your thought never ever dies ever. It leaves your being and heads out into the universe, extending forever. A thought is forever. All thoughts congeal; all thoughts meet other thoughts, criss-crossing in an incredible maze of energy, forming an ever-changing pattern of unspeakable beauty and unbelievable complexity. Like energy ATTRACTS like energy - forming (to use simple words) "clumps" of energy of like kind. (What that all means is: keep your thoughts at their highest because if you are spending your time alone worrying, it is wasted mental energy and will manifest those worries into your life because you have asked for it in thought and you always get what you ask for. THE TRANSCENDAL BODY? It is very difficult for a person who is too materially affected to understand the personal nature of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Generally, people who ate attached to the bodily conception of life are so absorbed in materialism that it is almost impossible for them to understand how the Supreme can be a person. Such materialists cannot even imagine that there is a transcendental body which is imperishable, full of knowledge and eternally.
@Anasef Год назад
Wow, Alan Watts' argumentation works always like magic. Really mind-blowing how he can make his point.
@solarnaut Год назад
I am so grateful for his voracious curiosity and his teaching spirit . . . and y/t's proliferation of his messages . . . Though enduring an eternally unresolved existential crisis . . . finds perverse solace that even Alan parted this mortal coil via spirit imbibing
@mikeys7536 Год назад
Hope is what you have when reality has left you with nothing else.
@robans702 Год назад
We work work work towards a small window called retirement that we die in. People are delusional to think like that and not enjoy every bit of life and skip retirement, I hope i die before old age.
@pieterathmer Год назад
Slogan no. 28 from the Lojong, a 12th century Tibetan Buddhist teaching: "Abandon Hope." ❤
@chrisweidner4768 Год назад
“The best part of them is underground.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@stephenwatts2649 Год назад
What is it like in the Afterlife? Really. Tell me all of it. There are some things which cannot be revealed, not because I do not choose to, but because in your present condition, at your present level of understanding, you would be unable to conceive of what is being told to you. Still, there is more which can be said. As we discused earlier, you may do one of three things in which you call the afterlife, just as in the life you are now experiencing. You may submit to the creations of your uncontrolled thoughts, you may create your experience consciously out of choice, or you may experience the collective consciousness of All That Is. This last experience is called Reunification, or Rejoining the One. Should you take the first path, most of you will not do so for very long (unlike the way you behave on Earth). This is because in the moment you don't like what you are experiencing, you will choose to create a new and more pleasant reality, which you will do by simply stopping your negative thoughts. Because of this, you will never experience the "hell" of which you are so afraid, unless you choose to. Even in that case you will be "happy," in that you will be getting what you want. (More people than you know are "happy" being "miserable.") So you will keep experiencing it until you don't choose to any more. For most of you, the moment you even begin to experience it, you will move away from it and create something new. You can eliminate the hell in your life on Earth exactly the same way. Should you take the second path and consciously create your experience, you will no doubt experience going "straight to heaven," because this is what anyone who is freely choosing, and who believes in heaven, would create. If you do not believe in heaven, you will experience whatever you wish to experience - and the moment you understand that, your wishes will get better and better. And then you will believe in heaven! Should you take the third path and submit to the creations of the collective consciousness, you will move very quickly into total acceptance, total peace, total joy, total awareness, and total love, for that is the consciousness of the collective. Then you will become one with the Oneness, and there will be nothing else except That Which You Are - which is All There Ever Was, until you decide that there should be something else. This is nirvana, the "one with the Oneness" experience that many of you have had very briefly in meditation, and it is an indescribable ecstasy. After you experience the Oneness for an infinite time-no-time, you will cease to experience it, because you cannot experience the Oneness as Oneness unless and until That Which Is Not One also exists. Understanding this, you will create, once again, the idea and the thought of separation, or disunity. Then you will keep travelling on the Cosmic Wheel, keep going, keep circling, keep on being, forever and ever, and even forever more. You will return to the Oneness many times - an infinite number of times and for an infinite period each time - and you will know that you have the tools to return to the Oneness at any point on the Cosmic Wheel. You may do so now, even as you are reading this. You may do so tomorrow, in your meditation. You may do so at any time. And You've said that we do not have to stay at that level of consciousness we're at when we die? No. You may move to another as quickly as you wish. Or take as much "time" as you like. If you "die" in a state of limited perspective and uncontrolled thoughts, you'll experience whatever that state brings you, until you don't want to anymore. Then you'll "wake up" - become conscious - and start experiencing yourself creating your reality. You'll look back at the first stage and call it purgatory. The second stage, when you can have anything you want with the speed of your thought, you'll call heaven. The third stage, when you experience the bliss of the Oneness, you'll call Nirvana.
@Matt_The_Red Год назад
I believe you are speaking straight truth. You are unlocked from dogma yet speaking truth and adding in all the elements of the world that we know. Please start to speak out. The world needs this truth.
@andreasschneider-pd8ou Год назад
Funny and mesmerizing at same time. This is now my favourite channel.
@brucegelman5582 Год назад
One of the finest observations on the human condition you will ever hear.What stupid creatures we are.
@piehound Год назад
WHAT IF your toilet doesn't flush. You call a plumber. He says it will be fixed in 30 minutes. So you HOPE you can use the commode 30 minutes from then. Is THAT what he means by being a sucker ????????????? NO ????????? So some hope in the future is OK. But other types of hope in the future are not. Let's have some more SPECIFIC EXAMPLES. I don't do well with some types of GENERALIZATIONS.
@oligram7673 Год назад
Every culture's downtrodden masses are TOLD that there will be an eternal reward for giving everything over to the tellers and their masters. They don't just get the idea, they are told.
@kevinstoneburner1116 Год назад
“Hope is the last thing a man feels before he dies.”
@mariachong4143 Год назад
Humor is like a joker who entertains like you and me. Laughter causes wrinkles, so when you see wrinkles on people, they lie that they are not happy. Being 61 and looking like 38, there has been nothing but pain.
@stephenwatts2649 Год назад
Imagination - Process of Pure Creation The process of creation starts with thought - an idea, conception, visualization. Everything you see was once someone's idea. Nothing exists in your world that did not first exist as pure thought. This is true of the universe as well. Thought is the first level of creation. Next comes the word. Everything you say is a thought expressed. It is creative and sends forth creative energy into the universe. Words are more dynamic (thus, some might say more creative) than thought, because words are a different level of vibration from thought. They disrupt (change, alter, affect) the universe with greater impact. Words are the second level of creation. Next comes action. Actions are words moving. Words are thoughts expressed. Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies come together. Energies are forces released. Forces are elements existent. Elements are particles of God, portions of ALL, the stuff of everything. The beginning is God. The end is action. Action is God creating - or God experienced. Hang on. There's one thing more I have to tell you. You are always seeing what by your terms you would define as the "past," even when you are looking at what is right in front of you. I am? It is impossible to see The Present. The Present "happens," then turns into a burst of light, formed by energy dispersing, and that light reaches your receptors, your eyes, and it takes time for it to do that. All the while the light is reaching you, life is going on, moving forward. The next event is happening while the light from the last event is reaching you. The energy burst reaches your eyes, your receptors send that signal to your brain, which interprets the data and tells you what you are seeing. Yet that is not what is now in front of you at all. It is what you think you are seeing. That is, you are thinking about what you have seen, telling yourself what it is, and deciding what you are going to call it, while what is happening "now" is preceding your process, and awaiting it. To put this simply, I am always one step ahead of you. My God, this is unbelievable. Now listen. The more distance you place between your Self and the physical location of any event, the further into the "past" that event recedes. Place yourself a few light-years back, and what you are looking at happened very, very long ago, indeed. Yet it did not happen "long ago." It is merely physical distance which has created the illusion of "time," and allowed you to experience your Self as being both "here, now" all the while you are being "there, then"! One day you will see that what you call time and space are the same thing. Then you will see that everything is happening right here, right now. This is....this is....wild. I mean, I don't know what to make of all this. When you understand what I have told you, you will understand that nothing you see is real. You are seeing the image of what was once an event, yet even that image, that energy burst, is something you are interpreting. Your personal interpretation of that image is called your image-ination. And you can use your imagination to create anything. Because - and here is the greatest secret of all - your image-ination works both ways. Please? You not only interpret energy, you create it. Imagination is a function of your mind, which is one-third of your three-part being. In your mind you image something, and it begins to take physical form. The longer you image it (and the more OF you who image it), the more physical that form becomes, until the increasing energy you have given it literally bursts into light, flashing an image of itself into what you call your reality. You then "see" the image, and once again decide what it is. Thus, the cycle continues. This is what I have called The Process. This is what YOU ARE. You ARE this Process. This is what I have meant when I have said, you are both the Creator and the Created. I have now brought it all together for you. We are concluding this dialogue, and I have explained to you the mechanics of the universe, the secret of all life. Okay. Now as energy coalesced, it becomes, as I said, very concentrated. But the further one moves from the point of this concentration, the more dissipated the energy becomes. The "air becomes thinner." The aura fades. The energy never completely disappears, because it cannot. It is the stuff of which everything is made. It's All There Is. Yet it can become very, very thin, very subtle - almost "not there." Then, in another place (read that, another part of Itself) it can again coalesce, once more "clumping together" to form what you call matter, and what "looks like" a discreet unit. Now the two units appear separate from each other, and in truth there is no separation at all. This is, in very, very simple and elementary terms, the explanation behind the whole physical universe. Wow. But can it be true? How do I know I haven't just made this all up? Your scientists are already discovering that the building blocks of all of life are the same. They brought back rocks from the moon and found the same stuff they find in trees. They take apart a tree and find the same stuff they find in you. I tell you this: We are all the same stuff. (I and the Father are One Energy) We are the same energy, coalesced, compressed in different ways to create different forms and different matter. Nothing "matters" in and of itself. That is, nothing can become matter all by itself. Jesus said, "Without the Father, I am nothing." The Father of all is pure thought. This is the energy of life. This is what you have chosen to call Absolute Love. This is the God and the Goddess, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. It is the All-in-All, the Unmoved Mover, the Prime Source. It is that which you have sought to understand from the beginning of time. The Great Mystery, the Endless Enigma, the Eternal Truth. There is only One of Us, and so, it is THAT WHICH YOU ARE.
@Matt_The_Red Год назад
@Matt_The_Red Год назад
How can I copy this to send to friends?
@soulfirexit351 Год назад
Hope and faith are not a hoax.
@ovo_faygss1440 5 месяцев назад
Bro has not educated himself one bit 😂 please educate yourself before you speak on something you know very little about
@chelsea11649 Год назад
This guy was a Zen master in a previous life.
@nathanielcellowenski3176 Год назад
Religion is was a easy way to keep kids/people in check for the parents/kings. With that being said, if you cannot spiritually balance yourself, find a religion to cling to. It should give you hope for the future. It shouldn’t take drugs, prescriptions substances. I enjoy my games. But it doesn’t have to be a literal game for you. But it should be what drives you to be a better person for the people around you. And in turn, will make you a better person. Moving past self-awareness. Isn’t that the last step towards enlightenment. Giving oneself for the future of”heaven”.
@hermanhandbrush4402 Год назад
I love this guy
@gordong2457 Год назад
This was really good
@tiffanyirvin5318 Год назад
No tree, can grow to heaven before first understanding it’s under roots , its the allowance in contrast, one has appreciation for its distinct, point of difference.
@b4467 Год назад
I have to point out the idea of heaven being a bore is not what I’ve heard. Heaven, from what I’ve heard from preachers, will be a place where you can have unlimited resources to do what ever you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t. To me that sounds like paradise. I love to build things. But I’m always short on resources. Heaven would be a place of unlimited abundance. So don’t say they all fall flat.
@epiphany55 Год назад
A little too convenient though, isn't it? I mean I'd want my ideal version of heaven as much as the next person. Preachers don't know with any more certainty than you or I what happens after death. And the worst preachers have traumatised minds with graphic descriptions of hell, even though there isn't a shred of evidence for it.
@stephenwatts2649 Год назад
Conversation With God - The Holy Trinity GOD THE FATHER is knowing - the parent of all understanding, the begetter of all experience, for you cannot experience that which you do not know. GOD THE SON is experiencing - the embodiment, the acting out, of all that the Father knows of Itself, for you cannot be that which you have not experienced. GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT is being - the disembodiment of all that the Son has experienced of Itself; the simple, exquisite is-ness possible only through the memory of knowing and experiencing. This simple being is bliss. It is God-state, after knowing and experiencing Itself. It is that for which God yearned in the beginning. Of course, you are well past the point where you must have it explained to you that the father-son descriptions of God have nothing to do with gender. I use here the picturesque speech of your most recent scriptures. Much earlier holy writings placed this metaphor in a mother-daughter context. Neither is correct. Your mind can best hold the relationship as: parent-offspring. Or: that-which-gives-rise-to, and that-which-is-risen. Adding the third part of the Trinity produces this relationship: That which gives rise to / That which is risen / That which is. This Triune Reality is God's signature. It is the divine pattern. The three-in-one is everywhere found in the realms of the sublime. You cannot escape it in matters dealing with time and space, God and consciousness, or any of the subtle relationships. On the other hand, you will not find the Triune Truth in any of life's gross relationships. The Triune Truth is recognized in life's subtle relationships by everyone dealing with such relationships. Some of your religions have described the Triune Truth as Father, Son. and Holy Ghost. Some of your psychiatrists use the term super-conscious, conscious, and subconscious. Some of your spiritualists say mind, body, and spirit. Some of your philosophers say a thing is not true for you until it is true in thought, word, and deed. When discussing time, you speak of three times only: past, present, future. Similarly, there are three moments in your perception - before, now, and after. In terms of spatial relationships, whether considering the points in the universe, or various points in your own room, you recognize here, there, and the space in between. In matters of gross relationships, you recognize no "in-between." That is because gross relationships are always dyads, whereas relationships of the higher realm are invariably triads. Hence, there is left-right, up-down, big-small, fast-slow, hot-cold, and the greatest dyad ever created: Male-Female. There are no in-between in these dyads. A thing is either one thing or the other, or some greater or lesser version in relationship to one of these polarities. Within the realm of gross relationships, nothing conceptualized can exist without a conceptualization of its opposite. Most of your day-to-day experience is foundationed in this reality. Within the realm of sublime relationships nothing which exists has an opposite. All is One, and everything progresses from one to the other in a never-ending circle. Time is such a sublime realm, in which what you call past, present, and future exists inter-relationally. That is, they are not opposites, but rather parts of the same whole; progressions of the same idea; cycles of the same energy; aspects of the same immutable Truth. If you conclude from this that past, present, and future exist at one and the same "time," you are right. (Yet now is not the moment to discuss that. We can get into this in much greater detail when we explore the whole concept of time - which we will do late.) The world is the way it is because it could not be any other way and still exist in the gross realm of physicality. Earthquakes and hurricanes, floods and tornadoes, and events that you call natural disasters are but movements of the elements from one polarity to the other. The whole birth-death cycle is part of this movement. These are the rhythms of life, and everything in gross reality is subject to them, because life itself is a rhythm. It is a wave, a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of the All That Is.
@paulvh84 Год назад
Alan Watts & Einstein are THE two geniuses in whatever consciousness realm you & I are in at this particular moment. You may try to pick apart flaws in the things they say, and the more you try try pick apart the flaws, the more you realize how much sense they both make.
@valeriecarruthers7084 Год назад
Do look into Neville Goddard’s talks.
@paulvh84 Год назад
​@@valeriecarruthers7084 ​​​Nice, thanks for the recommendation! I know that I've listened to certain quotes of his on RU-vid clips, but I should dig deeper into his view on things. Admittedly, though, I have been getting kind of burnt out lately on all this meaning of life stuff, and sorta just feel like watching a stupid Chaplin or stupid Laurel & Hardy movie 😁.
@valeriecarruthers7084 Год назад
I know how you feel, my friend! Enjoy the classic comedies and explore Neville at your leisure.
@fatmayo2293 Год назад
Watts is a pretty incredible speaker with a brilliant mind. How does one measure a great mind? Through success? Money achieved? No. They're many ways an individual can become rich. I believe Inner knowledge of one's self is the highest wealth a person can acquire.
@paulvh84 Год назад
@@fatmayo2293 Thumbs up to all that you said in this comment. I've listened to other spiritual teachers/gurus (whatever one wants to call these speakers), and the problem I have with a lot of them is that they'll say something on one talk, and on another talk, they'll say something else entirely and/or say something that sounds completely different to me. In other words, they'll contradict themselves. I mean, MAY-be I've listened to something that Watts has said that seems a bit contradictory, but I can't really think of a good example of what that would be off the top of my head. For most part, he almost always seems to be on point as to what this human experience has and will always be about.
@hideentity1518 Год назад
There os more hoax than hope...... faith.
@croissantlover1 Год назад
its also said that theres no time in the afterlife, everything there is in the now.
@hideentity1518 Год назад
@@croissantlover1 indeed my friend.....indeed. its all a mind trap.
@croissantlover1 Год назад
@@hideentity1518 Fully agree, I read the other day a comment on that the brain is designed to keep us deceived or locked if you will. It makes sense, if we knew everything and why we are here, it would alter everything. Possibly for the worse too, some would abuse that knowledge.
@TyDyck Год назад
*Reads Thumbnail Yo man I don’t need a relapse.. *[Allan Watts] …… ok well maybe I’ll give it a shot
@thisincarnation3735 Год назад
As an ex-Orthodox Christian, "Harmatia" is actually the Greek word for sin. He is right though that is does mean to "miss the mark"
@KMoon-ku4ri Год назад
People need to stop putting off seeing people they care about, because they are not living in the present. Unlike most, I do actually see each day as new. It is disheartening to see those who do the "when things get better, when I retire, when I am a little better, I will do it" dance. They miss out on most of the actual happiness in life. I trained my brain for over 20 years to not fixate on everything in the future. This is not to say that I do not make preparations, it is more a state of full presence. Resisting emotions leads to anxiety and depression. What most people seem so confused about, is how you can be completely unafraid of death, yet not at all suicidal. And FYI: Alan Watts has his cadence of speech from psychedelic use and unconcern over how others perceive his seeming absent-mindedness. If you pause here and there because you actually contemplate what you have to say, give pause for a brief moment, this is positive.
@pippilotta1980 Год назад
Wonderful, thanks for sharing ❤
@godleveleldritchblast5257 Год назад
But remember people you need to believe the little lies to believe the big lies. Trust me, you have to believe those big lies or you will go mad trying to understand the truth.
@ext1013 Год назад
I thought about that. I stop using the word 'hope' anymore. Wishing hope for some one is like giving them 50/50 change. Why do you want to wish 50% for people, why not wish for 100%? hope is like crossing your fingers for someone. Why not just be. it's just yes or no, or black and white.
@richardawrhodes6965 Год назад
Heaven is being in church forever. Think l will pass .
@jordanfalkowski6924 Год назад
Seems as if another fixture rather than rewiring attemp to be thrifty for sure maid to learn
@manassehsweeney2976 Год назад
Too many things to comment on I just say I'm in agreement with 95% ?
@kathleenwharton2139 Год назад
Jesus Said..God Will Give us Everything we Need..He is our Provider. I believe Jesus! You may be hoping for something you Dont Need. 😊❤
@poonoi1968 Год назад
Yeah, creepy goat farmers thousands of years ago had it all figured out.
@epiphany55 Год назад
Sounds more like Jesus is a symbol for the literal Sun. The "light of the world", the "risen saviour", our provider of everything we need. If you follow it you shall not walk in darkness etc. etc.
@Pavlovsobaka Год назад
I don’t subscribe to that belief
@nemesisurvivorleon Год назад
The peaceful music contrasted against alan watts ripping christianity a new one by describing hardcore hell is peak balance. He'd be proud of this unexpectedly perfect clash lmao.
@davidmusser7927 Год назад
Yeah, they need to have their assholes reemed! Oh, your serious?
@betsy2178 Год назад
Love his perceptive of life!
@margaretjohnson6259 Год назад
when evangelicals and others try to convert me and i tell them i'm an atheist they tell me i have no hope. i ask them "what hope?". and they say hope of a glorious afterlife. yes, they can never really describe what that is.
@dreamingofnaomi Год назад
If you really wanna get a good laugh, tell them I am God. 😂
@valeriecarruthers7084 Год назад
@@dreamingofnaomi IKR!!
@margaretjohnson6259 Год назад
@@dreamingofnaomi HAH! then they would never leave my porch.
@mikerussell2590 Год назад
1st read God's holy word. then if you decide to be an atheist or humanist fine. but you owe it to yourself, since Jesus says He is the Truth.
@margaretjohnson6259 Год назад
@@mikerussell2590 you mean the bible? the god of the bible is a monster. i grew up christian and could never understand why people worshipped a god as repellent as the bible god. most of the other gods are just as bad, but at least the greek and roman and norse gods were honestly bad actors and didn't pretend to be good as did the christian god. keep your god. i don't need it.
@queenrefiloe7287 Год назад
😂😂 very interesting,I love it
@vansanityy 5 месяцев назад
I love you Hope Brumbaugh ❤
@nctunes Год назад
Some people are planning to go skiing in heaven.
@markfromct2 Год назад
Mark. Please re-post without Soundclash and remove the music. Thank you. I have a hearing problem and I can’t understand anything he’s saying.
@poonoi1968 Год назад
down volume and put on text
@glasfish 3 месяца назад
We are blessed to have these recordings 🙏
@baalqefel1570 Год назад
Hope is a story about no one who cares. The shame is upon the hopeful In contrast; being hopeless is merely someone who has no talents or skills and cannot make do for themself. They are not to be used as opposites to one another as there are only 2 descriptions of mediocre types of being 😂 In the middle is the golden path; one who is being ✌🏻
@AvoidTheseMemes Год назад
Sincere, not serious...
@jackscruggs1536 Год назад
Pandora was given a box full of vile things, hope was in there. The rest is up to your perspective.
@NoahiShere2667 Год назад
Hope was In there to counteract all the evils.
@tehallanaz Год назад
Read the poem if
@timothylanders3189 Год назад
Yes, fuk hope!
@thisincarnation3735 Год назад
All is vanity.
@nathanielhellerstein5871 Год назад
From Laurie Anderson's "Language is a Virus": "Paradise... is exactly like... where you are right now... except much... much... *BETTER..."*
@UncleLouigisfamousyt Год назад
@mariachong4143 Год назад
Hope is dead, do not rely solely. Understand soully
@tashuntka Год назад
I'm a fan of the man 👍🙏👍👳‍♂️
@downwardlymobile4957 Год назад
Making good decisions is far more effective than hope.
@solarnaut Год назад
6:50 " Because You Can Not GO TO The Place Where You Are NOW . . . Obviously . . . " Even on the Alan Watts Meter . . . This Is Some Good Shit, Man ! B-)
@captainjosue Год назад
After practicing Daoism and learning the philosophy of The Tao, hope is really people's desire to control outcomes. Hope is people's desire to manipulate the future to their liking. It's people wish to get control for their own personal benefit.
@freetibet1000 Год назад
Yes it’s hard to accept that life is essentially out of control. It will always be out of control. Moksha, Dao, enlightenment, nirvana is not about getting in control of anything. It’s all about acceptance. Worries arise in a mind that thinks it can control things if it tries hard enough. Hope arise in a mind that do not accept the present moment and wants something else instead.
@sTeVe-vl3nh Год назад
If you don't go to school, you won't get good job. Without effort, no earnings. Just being empty... every cactus can do better than you. Hope is the fuel of your drive to bring what you desire in reality. I can tell the absolute opposite of his speech and it would be equal in truth. So alan what? 🎉
@humanitech Год назад
It seems life is a random opportunity to exist, be, see, experience and explore reality in your own way, ...or to mutually share, cohabit and experience with and for eachother ...or be forced to submit, or serve or fullfil someone elses life, dreams, aspirations or agendas..which at different times you may or may not always be happy about! 😂
@chrisbirch4150 Год назад
I'm glad the text is overlayed because he talks about the stock market then goes on to discuss the Tao. Because Tao is pronounced with a D, it sounds like he is talking about the Dow Jones
@cindychang-guidry8027 Год назад
@josebuenfil7559 Год назад
@maryherbivorre3393 Год назад
Just wow ❤🙏🏼
@brookegriego Год назад
I was trying to meditate to this on another channel and I started laughing 😂
@ianbaraza8256 Год назад
that title...alan always said he talked sincerely. not seriously
@eckiuME23 Год назад
Sounds like more apologia to me. Yeah am sure the rich are just trembling in their boots about the future or death or about god or philosophy, just scared out of their minds 😂 GTFOH. This guy never says anything substantial.
@davidmitchell6873 Год назад
Nor do you apparently.
@yoya4766 Год назад
Why have music that detracts from his speaking? Especially when there is no visual of him.
@Richard-hk6xr Год назад
What's the background music
@erickalb1 Год назад
The flute loop gets in the way
@vintageb8 Год назад
The bg music is unnecessary
@daryljohnson3945 Год назад
Thank you.
@inspireAS Год назад
You're most welcome!
@adavanja5682 Год назад
8:20 give it up indeed!
@nwsanagnwsths Год назад
Life = eternal now But what a miserable eternity.. What an unhappy present..
@inspireAS Год назад
There is no misery in the eternal now, no unhappiness in the present moment. Misery and unhappiness arise only from reluctance to accept the present for reasons inevitably related either to the past or to the future.
@rgrantconacher5300 Год назад
Truly brilliant
@algram8541 Год назад
No music please ruins it for me
@cscmolts77 Год назад
@aanler Год назад
Rename this "Hope, as taught by the devil" Alan Watts was misguided.
@davidmitchell6873 Год назад
You are so foolish!!
@junejune6177 Год назад
Heaven, and he'll is inside your mind..❤❤❤
@davidmusser7927 Год назад
There is nothing outside your mind, so, yea.
@petroflorence7962 Год назад
Get whit what join what look what enlightment is what completion of what this is not the way this is not truth
@tehallanaz Год назад
Faith and hope must be treated the same as fear and anxiety
@nathanielcellowenski3176 Год назад
So if someone wasn’t structured to handle them well, where does that leave the rest of humanity? A lesson not learned? Only looking inward? Hopeless? Unwilling to give oneself in the hopes to move past self awareness for all and many more who could understand and be enlightened. 😮‍💨
@tehallanaz Год назад
@@nathanielcellowenski3176 richard Kipling poem if read it
@mjparham6430 Год назад
For As Long As I Live I will Always Have Hope!Nothing Is Wasted❤
@Bonedust66 Год назад
This guy HOPES Jesus isn't the Christ. I hate to break it to him, but He is!
@nathanb2974 Год назад
No faith, sounds confident but I detect the self doubt.
@jakutz Год назад
Someone knows the name of the music?
@Genesis-ld5do Год назад
I challenge you watts?
@Genesis-ld5do Год назад
Take my Holy Spirit from you
@patrickkozak9490 Год назад
Alan Watts.... the drunk ?
@noahtenshen Год назад
@Genesis-ld5do Год назад
You lost
@soulfirexit351 Год назад
Proof not hope
@renakmans3521 Год назад
Not even proof…that sets the mind up just like hope. What does proof prove? Emptiness is emptiness not an outcome. 🙏
@william7835 Год назад
Like Jesus said, the only proof you get is the proof of Jonah...
@epiphany55 Год назад
@@william7835 It must be true if Jesus said it.
@adsffdaaf4170 Год назад
He died an alcoholic. Doesn't seem like he had the right philosophy on life.
@sneeringimperialist6667 Год назад
So , Yoga is a "Stopping of the wheel." . Like a hamster wheel...
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