Absolument prodigieux ! Ce n'est plus un accordéon, c'est un véritable orchestre à lui seul ! Fabuleuse technique, virtuosité exceptionnelle ... mais aussi et surtout une interprétation sensible et tout en nuances. Je n'ai jamais entendu mieux à l'accordéon.
Любой талант без упорного труда - ничто! Чтобы так играть, нужен не только талант, но и упорство, воля, трудолюбие и бесконечная любовь к музыке. У Александра всё это есть.
please correct me if i am wrong 1. 0:00 F.Angelis. On the theme of song by A.Piazzolla "Chiquilin de Bachin" / Франк Анжелис - Концертный этюд на тему песни А. Пьяццоллы Chiquilin de Bachin. 2. 5:00 J.Brahms - I.Yachkevich. "Hungarian Dance №5" / И. Брамс-И. Яшкевич. Венгерский танец №5 3. 8:37 V.Chernikov "Jazz - Waltz" / В.Черников "Джаз-Вальс" 4. 11:43 V.Chernikov. "Waltz Impromptu" / В.Черников. "Вальс-экспромт" 5. 14:46 V.Chernikov. "The Lonely Harmonica" / В.Черников. "Одинокая гармонь" 6. 19:47 V.Zubitsky. Omaggio ad Astor Piazzolla" / В. Зубицкий "Посвящение А. Пьяццолле" 7. 25:16 J.Brahms - I.Yachkevich. " Czardas" / И.Брамс-И.Яшкевич. "Чардаш" 8. 31:00 E.Derbenko, "The song of Moscow cabman" / Е.Дербенко Парафраз на тему песни Н.Богословского "Московский извозчик"
Holy shit. I've always been interested in the accordion but now.. I'm blown away. Love the sound. I've been a bass player for 9 years and this is very cool. Being able to coordinate both hands like that is true talent.
I did the other way around. I was an accordion player for 5 years and migrated to the guitar. In terms of coordination, it's similar to the piano, the only difference is the learning curve, because the left hand follows another system. I absolutely agree with you about his talents. They are truly amazing.
OH, That's just Easy! Most likely, he started in musical studio at elementary school (couple of years of basic musical knowledge...) , then 5-6 years in musical school (along with general education...), then 5 years in musical college and finally 5 years in conservatory (musical university...). I don't know this guy, I'm just saying from my experience... You really think he is one of a kind, right, well, he plays well & such like him are THOUSANDS in Russia, LOL!!! )))) That's just another side of a moon you're not familiar with... ;)
Моё почтение дорогой! Не сочти за фамильярность.Закрыл глаза и окунулся в мир музыки,в твой мир.Может мне намного понятнивее чем другим слушателям,сам баянист .Конечно исполнение индивидуально у каждого и твое мне очень близко,слушаю с упоением.Успехов тебе в творчестве,получай удовольствие от игры и радуй окружающих Браво!
Spectacular technique, filled with the emotions of the performer! Music without emotion is only a collection of notes played in sequence. This man is truly filled with emotion, regardless of his technique, regardless of his performance. I believe he would play alone, or in front of millions with only his emotions and music in his mind! Congratulations to a most excellent person! Naysayers no nothing about life - period!
I could not write it better. I somteimes listen to music performed by players who are technically perfect, but they lack emotion. I rather listen to a piece of music played with passion, even if it might have some imperfections, even if the player makes mistakes, as he is deeply feeling the music. I do not want to listen to a machine, but a real human being, expressing their innermost emotional state through an instrument, creating art. Of course, in this video, we saw a virtuoso performing passionately, there is no compromise between passion and technique. I really enjoyed it from the first tones to the very end. BRAVO!
I have watched this many times already. Every time, i appreciate more, the level of skill and musicality is amazing. Bravo! Honestly, this guy blows my mind... His dedication must be unlimited. I would love to see him play in Ireland
+Emyll Somar Not only great talent, and tremendous hard work to polish that talent, he has such a truly beautiful passion for the music that is so evident as you watch him.
Смотрю с удовольствием ваше выступление и радуюсь, что у нас так высоко и профессионально поставлено обучение по классу баяна! Ваше мастерство выше всяческих похвал! Яркая игра и глубина чувств, лёгкость и изящество исполнения покоряют с первых минут. Здоровья и новых высот Вам! Удачной и светлой карьеры музыканта! Спасибо!!!
❤️ BRAVO! Молодец, всех нас- русскоговорящих и англо-говорящих, и не только , всех потряс своей игрой на баяне! Здоровья и Божьей помощи во всем! THANK YOU. You are AWESOME !
Jazz - Waltz of Chernikov it's the best interpretation that I heard till now. I do not think there can be interpreted more gorgeous than Alexander. Congratulations!
Incredibly amazing!!!!!!!! Best performance I'v ever seen in accordion!!!! Thanks very much for gift us your art and virtuosity!! Increíblemente asombroso!!!! La mejor interpretación que he visto en el acordeón!!!! Muchas gracias por regalarnos tu arte y virtuosismo!!!
Absolutelly amazing. This is the most fantastic performance I have ever seen. Beautiful sound of accordion fantastic choice of compositions, and of course mastered play!
This must surely serve as a lesson of humility for the rest of us. But just, please everyone, NEVER forget WHO taught, and still teaches these consummate young musicians. Yes, the country that the whole world seems to want to sh** on. Let's call a spade a spade. In the meantime we have a marvelous example of the best (accordion) bayan school in the world. You might want to tell your youngsters to get off gameboy and to do some honest hard work-for that's what it takes to even hope to imagine that maybe one day you'll get within a few light years of these superlative players. Fabulous. My total respect.
@@azaaza10Для вас может быть это и шутки, но для других людей в чей адрес это всё подаётся это может прозвучать как оскорбление личности, в принципе, так оно и звучит...
Александр, НЕ СЛУШАЙТЕ НИКОГО! ВЫ, ЧЕЛОВЕК С БОЛЬШОЙ БУКВЫ!!! Ваше исполнение поражает разум! Прошу вас, продолжайте своё дело! П.С. Можете пожалуйста исполнить пьесу Л. Малиновского "Вот кто-то с горочки спустился" Уж очень хочется послушать её в вашем исполнении)))
Супер!!! Александр, ты просто талант! Музыка изумляет и восхищает, слушал взахлеб с огромным удовольствием, молодец спасибо тебе, завидую твоему мастерству.
This performance is the reason I bought a Tula 209 and now a Jupiter 2D to learn free bass! The Bayan is a beautiful instrument for classical and baroque music!
Guardare il Maestro Alexander Hrustevich è uno spettacolo meraviglioso sia per l'orecchio sia per la vista: un suono bellissimo, un'interpretazione eccezionale e di ogni brano, sia moderno sia classico , e una tecnica che a volte appare quasi impossibile. Uno spettacolo per la vista guardare le mani sulla tastiera di destra e di sinistra. Per chi si intende di fisarmonica, è veramente meraviglioso vedere una velocità di movimento, con una tecnica impressionante sia nei suoni acuti sia nei suoni gravi, con passaggi repentini dall'uno all'altro con estrema facilità , con l'uso sia dei bassi sciolti sia del bassi precostituiti, con l'oscillazione del mantice , con una grazia e una classe veramente da Maestro. Tutto molto bello ed esaltante! Merci beaucoup.