Wow, so the PS1 BIOS startups actually explain how Fearful Harmony and Personified Fear were made. Just corrupting the order and length in which they play
Ps2 is made of nightmares..... Mine was specially crazy.. Sometimes its fan goes into hyper mode and just keeps going faster and faster till i freak out its gonna explode.. Have to turn it off by force each time..
Those sounds are fake. The PS1 BIOS stores only 3 sounds. The other sounds played on this video are just sped up or slowed down versions of the three base sounds. The first is a saw synth sound, the scond a kind of bell and the third a shattering glass. If you combine this sounds, you'll get this actual startup of the ps1. Tue fearful harmony is not an actual sound file, rather a combination of these 3 sounds but played in an incorrect speed, causing it to be that creepy. the cause of this slow down is not in the scope of this comment, but it can be archived if you try to load an unknown data CD into the Ps1, causing the ps1 to search for valid data so many times that the console starts lagging itself and ends producing this sound, that is an slowed version of the three base sounds that I told you before.
PS1 bios is all really 3 sounds played at different speeds. This makes sense because the bios is only 512kb, to store the sounds and essentially what to do with them.
I remember playing The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Game and I accidentally took the disc out before resetting the console, the screen glitched out and a "SYNTAX ERROR" message popped up
4:55 fun fact: this sound was used earlier in sony smartphones. You can hear this sound by turning on your device (my old sony Xperia M2 had this sound)
Meanwhile in 2078 PS9 : Hey PS1 , did u know the scariest sound ever before i was borned i mean its like in 1994 PS1 : Ya PS9 : Can i hear it? PS1 : *_Fearful harmony_* PS9 : Woah , thats kinda loud PS1 : Ye , i know After 2 mins PS2 : Hey , what you guys talking about? PS9 & PS1 : Nothin , jus- Windows XP : *_WINDOWS XP STARTUP EARRAPE_* Editor : wait wot...where da heck windows xp came in here Edit : *_-Window XP : WINDOWS XP STARTUP EARRAPE-_* Replaced Original XBOX : *_XBOX CREEPY SOUNDS_*
@@bluedash24 Oh. Yeah there is like a piezo speaker inside the console that beeps. It will also beep out error codes when something may be wrong, like a PC speaker does.
Man I am deciding to give away my ps2 to our coworker's son. Should I do it or not? Its been a long time since i bought it and as a matter of fact I have a lot of memories with it since my childhood.
@@Moviesxp The video is called ALL SOUNDS OF SONY PLAYSTATION so it implies everything, console and handheld so it wouldn't be too out of place to expect the PSP or Vita.
I love my ps4, but ps2 is something special for me. But after watching this video I gotta admit that some of its bios sound was really creepy. Also 22 Xbox fans has visited this video
aland723 bc they are not needed. They are stored on the on system instead of the bios I know this because I have a jail broken PS3 and PS4. You can also change the sound to whatever you want on a PS3 unsure about PS4 I haven’t messed around with it much.
Савник Игры yeah i had tons of those blocks and all of them were very high and the blocks were even less than the amount of games i played but they wouldn’t even fit to the screen.
BIOS_sound_9 from the PS2 sounds so calming, honestly It's a bummer that I can't remember most of my childhood, I only have this nostalgic feeling, but without any memories :(
The BIOS startups for the PS1 gave me scary nostalgia. You can't imagine my horror when I realised it was because of my "Fearful Harmony" experience when I was younger.
This made me had a Nostalgia trip I still have a PS2 so I decide to booted up my classic PS2 and found some really old somewhat scratched discs play some Jak and Daxter 2 and 3 though I wasn't able to find the first one and then I found the old game case that my dad used to put his games in and I completely forgot he had the entire Tomb Raider series on PS1 and I also found my old memory cards this brought back so many memories
Bios Sounds 9-12 for the Playstation 2 are basically the Playstation 2 Startup Also, Bios Sounds 8-10 for the Playstation are basically Fearful Harmony