
Andrew Bridgen: Leicester sweatshops shows 'selective implementation of the law' 

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Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen has criticised the Labour led local authorities in Leicester following allegations of modern day slavery taking place in the city’s textile factories.
Speaking with talkRADIO’s Julia Hartley-Brewer, the North West Leicestershire MP said: “I think saying that there's a blind eye being turned to it is probably being generous.
“I think the Labour Party only presides over Leicester, I've come to the conclusion that it's actually run by criminal gangs in large parts of the city - it's absolutely lawless.”
Fashion brands Quiz and Boohoo have faced allegations of using manufacturers where staff are being offered as little as £3 an hour - despite the living wage being £8.72 for someone over the age of 25.



13 июл 2020




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@talktv 4 года назад
What is your response?
@martinbrown695 4 года назад
My answer is that it will be forgotten about in a few days and it will just carry on as no good people will do anything about it and that includes me
@frankcarrodus7543 4 года назад
The Tories have been in power for ten years and blame everyone else. Typical!
@whitehart1362 4 года назад
@@frankcarrodus7543 crikey we would be destroyed by now if labour and comnisar corbynov was in power.
@whitehart1362 4 года назад
@@frankcarrodus7543 oh and Kim happy to be corrected but isn't Leicester labour and has been since the lib dems lost it in the 2000s?
@deviceology9251 4 года назад
I would like JHB to accompany me on a bicycle ride up the Sefton coast sometime soon, I could bring lunch or we could lunch out as there are many cycle friendly independant cafe en route . Bust these sweatshops it is modern slavery and shouldnt be tolerated but they let it crack on and no one seems to care as long as there is cheap clobber cos ppl are poor.
@jamescullen2448 4 года назад
The power of Muslims , and the weakness of politicians, the end of a christened country,
@georgefrancis8602 4 года назад
@frankcarrodus7543 4 года назад
According to govt stats, 2018, only 800,000 people attend church and 33% of people identity as Christian. So I would suggest that we are a more secular country in practise.
@woeisme1261 4 года назад
Mrs. Edna Welthorpe Incorrect. This has been discussed and dismissed a million times. Christianity left it’s far fewer archaic practices in history. Islam didn’t. So no, they are not currently the same or as bad as each other. Islam is far worse, regardless of your bias so please take the claptrap elsewhere.
@billisaac326 4 года назад
@@woeisme1261 Well said and it needs saying👏
@ppppugh7892 4 года назад
@Mrs. Edna Welthorpe put it simpler, imagine you live in a typical Victorian terrace street in 2020, 50 houses either side of the road. Would you prefer 99 Muslim neighbours or 99 Christian neighbours? I dare you to not give a politician's answer or give a third option, simply answer the choice question! Thank you.
@rightfuljohnny 4 года назад
Good old Labour. Rotten to the core.
@stonehens 4 года назад
Ignore sweatshops, ignore child grooming all for the sake of diversity; that no one wants.
@JesterEric 4 года назад
I went to Leicester university in the early 90s. I had to pay the rent for the room I was renting at the landlords factory which was by any definition a sweatshop. In areas in was quite intimidating with large groups of young asian men walking round together. People talk about diversity but the reality is a racially divided city where different ethnicities colonise particular areas. If they talked about it local people were just about in tears about what had happened to their city. The whole of England will be colonised in 50 years if English people don’t wake up.
@davidmaxwell203 4 года назад
I'd say 20
@lynnehamer239 4 года назад
@johnhigson7459 4 года назад
It is nothing to do with the authorities being "afraid of being called racist". It is 100% to do with demographics and the Labour Party.
@annother3350 4 года назад
And the kalergi plan to flood us with illegals. That's why LBC raduo were shutting down any incinuation that illegals might work here
@wizdumb3777 4 года назад
Let’s be real here, they know this goes on just choose to ignore it, ignoring slavery and grooming gangs whilst slapping people with fines for not wearing face nappies that are proven to cause hypoxia. Society is utterly backwards and our so called leaders and systems need upgrading or removing for the future benefit of all.
@SPM2Comp 4 года назад
Ignoring migrants coming over the channel for years. Promises of talking tough but delivering next to nothing. Shadow government are well and truly in charge.
@markmorrid8144 4 года назад
Been saying exactly the same for years
@ollieb9875 4 года назад
If you believe facemasks cause hypoxia you are a raging buffoon and wild conspiracy theorist. Millions of healthcare workers wear them day in day out. To be clear, facemasks have little to no effect on airflow, they're there to prevent larger particulates, dust for example and in this case water droplets leaving the mouth which are transmission vectors.
@annother3350 4 года назад
Ollie - look at the tests where wearing a face mask rapidly depleted oxygen levels. I will never ever wear one
@annother3350 4 года назад
United nations agenda 21 is next year and they had some catching up to do.
@haircut. 4 года назад
Let the 3rd world in and you get 3rd world ways. but don't forget diversity is our strength.
@lone8869 4 года назад
Damn right.
@goddam9925 4 года назад
Hitting the nail firmly on the head
@RM-pf3wd 4 года назад
When it doesn't suit the narrative dont report it
@Schuey_M 4 года назад
I think it is very clear that the Leicester Mayor doesn't have a clue, every time he appears on the news he doesn't do himself any favours.
@pcat1378 4 года назад
If local Government (Labour) states they have no power to stop it....then why do we need them??
@skulptor 4 года назад
the colourful world allows a diversity of economic approaches. Slavery is just one of the multicultural aspects to the thriving kalaeidoscope world we have allowed to develop. A segregated reality. One can only imagine the Rotheramesque activities yet to be uncovered there.
@DarrenHarrison7160 4 года назад
A few weeks ago James O'bellend had someone from Leicester on his show and he was stating very openly about the illegal immigrants in the sweatshops up there catching it! LIVE ON AIR and James didn't bat an eye lid.....
@peterd788 4 года назад
One 3 bedroom house with 40 adults?
@brianhorton4085 4 года назад
This is probably a council house
@jean-pascalheynemand3271 4 года назад
All that is asked from authorities of any kind is the equal application of the Law. But no. Just like with the unresolved grooming gang scandal.
@deecook180 4 года назад
Wonder if bbc will do a panorama on this one!
@2506JJhudson1990 4 года назад
Don't hold your breath. Unless they can find a whitey to blame of course.
@theprincipalofficer4273 4 года назад
Insert meme here BLM “we are against slavery!” Sweatshops BLM “ sorry wrong kind!”
@thomasbelfast4415 4 года назад
Labour controlled Leicester is lost and the Labour Party should be ashamed and punished for letting this happen in the UK
@Slowburn_-lk4oh 4 года назад
Is it me or have the woke brigade kept pretty quiet
@lumpyfishgravy 4 года назад
Leicester East: Keith Vaz's old seat. What a surprise.
@slinkiegirl2001 4 года назад
i am a person of color and i find it shocking that more has not been said about these sweatshops in leicester, a lot was said about statues being pulled down then this modern day slavery
@kieronhomer3444 4 года назад
Start draining the swamp and look whats discovered people need to be accountable for there failings !
@chipchipperson5420 4 года назад
This whole situation needs to be reversed.
@juliebrown3714 4 года назад
Keep up the good work Andrew. It's about time someone sorted out Leicester.
@01parmy 4 года назад
they all knew about it man , but it suited them to turn a blind eye , bloody disgrace it is
@firsteerr 4 года назад
all those sweat shops i have seen on tv and you tube have NO life safety systems and no fire exit signs .how are they allowed to operate ????
@johnward8995 4 года назад
Seems like slavery isn't always a problem
@kennyandrews2630 4 года назад
Three pound four pound an hour = claiming benefits..
@harrypalmer7169 4 года назад
Follow the money, someone has kept this under wraps from a seat of authority.
@gumbyhead3214 4 года назад
I'm getting really bored of this conversation we keep having nowadays! Everyone knows certain group of people just won't adhere to the laws and customs of this country, thinking it doesn't apply to them! But still nothing changes and it won't and government,powers are scared witless to do anything and keep it all hushed up !
@joesheppard5960 4 года назад
Can we have the grooming report released or is that being blatantly ignored AS PER USUAL
@jjhw2941 4 года назад
This isn't about racism, it's about the total criminality at every level of government from MPs and Lords, the Civil Service, Local Goverment, the Police. How do we solve this without a Runnymede 2 Electric Boogaloo? Answers on a postcard.
@richardbradley5217 4 года назад
£3.50 an hour is more than I get on the dole after being forced out of over 15 jobs in 17yrs by the Child support agency. Where is my justice? Oh yeah sorry I'm white and English
@markgorton4154 4 года назад
Over in Manchester they have the same setup and the workers don't complain because of community pressure, these type of companies employ whole families and if one person causes a fuss they all lose their jobs.
@arthurmatthews9321 4 года назад
It’s simple guys. Everyone in Leicester who pays business rates or council tax should refuse to pay until the authorities grow a pair and shut these places down.
@malcolmsillick2192 4 года назад
Here is the answer - "HMRC can also take employers to civil court for not paying the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage. The maximum fine for non-payment is £20,000 per worker. Employers who fail to pay can be named publicly and banned from being a company director for up to 15 years". - so 10,000 x £20,000 is £200,000,000. That will help the economy a bit.
@MrStartrek62 4 года назад
Wonderful show. We are hearing the truth thank goodness for Talk Radio. It's shameful what's going on in my area.
@drengskap 4 года назад
I live in Leicester, and I have seen sweatshops like this. Around the mid-1990s, I sometimes used to visit these places when I worked for a building maintenance company, and they wanted electrical work or something doing. More often than not, we would refuse to quote for work which would have to be signed off as safe (making the contractor legally liable) in these Third World slumlord deathtraps, which have been allowed to exist in this city for 25 years and more, no doubt due to abundant 'greasing' of the machinery of our corrupt local government.
@I_Don_t_want_a_handle 4 года назад
Equality legislation has never been about equality but about control.
@lindastone6868 4 года назад
One can assume that this will be happening in Labour strongholds in London but will probably never be heard about.
@GrrMeister 4 года назад
*I live on the outskirts of Leicester in the **_County of Leicestershire_** and have been 'lassoed'' into the City at a stroke. The City Border is 1 mile away exactly. When regularly visiting Leicester's wonderful 96 Acre Abbey Park have witnessed crowds of young BAME congregating blatantly flouting the rules right from the start of lockdown, and certainly not there for the purpose of Exercise, and no doubt taking the CV home with them and passing it on to Parents and often vulnerable elderly relatives. Park stinks of Cannabis and stacks of Nitrous oxide cylinders discarded. On the first couple of days Police were patrolling in a car, but notably absent since then. Been having to go there as my local Park closed to walk my two dogs. No Surprise that Boris has picked on Leicester, but feel very aggrieved that Birstall North Leicester (Andrew Bridgen my MP) should pay the price of the few who spoil it for the many. My suspicion is that some flexing of outrageous weak Political Power is behind this, similar to the Scottish Nationalist Party **-Krankie-** sorry Miss Sturgeon only in the last few days allowing anyone to travel more than 5 Miles from home. In Scotland NO ONE has died from Covid19 in the last 7 days. This is absolutely ridiculous and unbelievably Ian Blackford (MP for the SMP) has demanded that the 'furlough' scheme to continue where 80% of wage payments in Scotland to be extended until Spring 2021. This is just being used as a Political Football.*
@HRPFayetteville 4 года назад
And when u bust the place whats gonna happen to the workers?? Deported?
@psychoticfox1965 4 года назад
I live right on the south-west edge of Leicester . I grew up living close to the city centre in the 1960's/70's. These sweat shops were around then, this is not a new thing. The house next door to us, a 3 floored 4 bedroom. palacaded terrace was rented by an Asian guy. Days later the house was filled with dozens of machinists . sewing away 18 hours a day. It took months of sleepless nights, noise and mountains of waste in the rear yard , resulting in rat infestations before the council finally moved them on. This sort of thing has been going on for decades. Throughout this lockdown, i have still worked when i can as a delivery driver and have frequently been across to the east side of Leicester , where these current outbreaks are. things are no different, hundreds of asian lads gathered on the park just last week to play and watch a game of cricket. Most shops are open. I even drove past a hairdressers that was busy just on friday, even though they should not be open. A factory i delivered to during the full lockdown in april had at least 200 women , crammed in to a small room , no masks, no ppe, no care. I have reported these to the city council, the hairdressers is still open. People in our area of the city are fuming with anger, we are helpless, losing our businesses, holidays, can not leave the city, cannot visit family, cannot have a beer, meal out. Our children are going stir crazy and suffering immensely . We need help, understanding and the government to rethink this lockdown to just include those areas east of the city where the cases are highest. My cousin is a nurse on the covid wards at the respiratory unit at gg hospital in the city, she tells me that ALL but a very few of their patients are of the asian community from the said infected areas of Leicester.
@sumo1756 4 года назад
And heres me thinking all these immigrants were Doctors, Dentists and Engineers. Ah well, maybe not. WE ARE BEING REPLACED.
@omaramoodi3057 4 года назад
Andrew B, you sir are a Hero. This world needs more people like you.
@johnnyhollis9977 4 года назад
If these people were not here then we would not have the problem!
@suffolkpompey 4 года назад
Meanwhile you will not hear a word of this the BBC
@LouiseAnnHalliday 4 года назад
This not just incompetence it's criminal and the authorities that have clearly ignored this should be prosecuted. They will not be though. Still not seen this report on the grooming gangs.
@MrJudgementday99 4 года назад
I remember when I was in university in the 1980’s it was known about sweatshops in Leicester then, this has gone on for ever
@joyceesmond6485 4 года назад
This has gone for ages in the late 70's I was asked to carry out safety checks on a house in Leicester by an Indian landlord ,just about every room was a sea of mattresses and stunk of curry. It was a classic case of sub letting and genuinely shocked the landlord.The house is well inside the present lockdown area.
@martinhambleton5076 4 года назад
Andrew is a proper bloke who says it like it is. I have heard him speak many times. Always common sense.
@earthstick 4 года назад
Why would Leicester have to raise the issue with central government? Enforcing the law is a local responsibility. Does the major of a city ask the PM if a bank-robber should be arrested? Local government is there to do the everyday tasks.
@fdocument2889 4 года назад
On 3 pounds an hour I think you will find this will allow the worker to still claim benefits as the money they make is low enough to allow them to still make a claim so these people probably live fairly decent lives although its wrong for the businesses to do this.
@andrewbayram765 4 года назад
Can't imagine it's declared income. There'll be benefit fraud, tax fraud and migration fraud. It will be costing the tax payer hundreds of millions a year.
@fdocument2889 4 года назад
@@andrewbayram765 ah I get you.
@sharon7073 4 года назад
Andrew is the first honest MP iv heard in all this lockdown.
@flat_bastard 4 года назад
Da worry.. Garry Liniker is on site.
@tomtweed7020 4 года назад
The laws are there to stop all this nonsense, Over crowded houses, Slave labour (Where are BLM when there needed), Minimum wage, Deportation ( flooding the country with legal migrants), not paying the tax man etc. Someone needs to start prosecuting these matters.
@earthstick 4 года назад
Those Labour MP's are finished now. How can anyone vote for people who claim to uphold the rights of workers when they are ignoring slavery.
@bigt6493 4 года назад
Illegal immigrant fine for employment never been used against one single employer.
@johnlawrence7386 4 года назад
If, as I have heard, these people are also claiming benefits why are they not being investigated for benefit fraud?
@RuneRelic 4 года назад
People will always break the rules to get an advantage if they can. The point is to ensure those who break the rules are; 1. Indentified 2. Prosecuted. 3. Not given a get out of jail free card by corrupt cronies and their sycophants, who should themselves be sacked/prosecuted. 4. Not sweep it all under the carpet and keep it hush hush because you are profiteering from it. Otherwise, if they know they can get away with it, they will.
@diddyd8350 4 года назад
The government and councils are not paid to be complacent. Do your jobs properly. Incompetence seems to the norm, ffs.
@darrenporter1850 4 года назад
Where is the main news on this? People being arrested?, and MP's losing jobs.
@EmpiricalMind 4 года назад
@goddam9925 4 года назад
@michaelstevens3479 4 года назад
If they as adults wish to risk their lives I do not see how you can help,stand guard outside every house?
@dirtydawg448 4 года назад
“Sir Peter” - how are these people honourable?
@ZenosOsgorma 4 года назад
Shut it down NOW! don't wait set a bloody Example!
@russellr6089 4 года назад
Disgusting behaviour from these sweat shops they should be closed down
@MyRonnierocket 4 года назад
Something else priti Patel needs to address.
@michaelgray9234 4 года назад
Send in immigration and dwp
@redjasper2443 4 года назад
They will be on benefits and have their rent paid for them, the system has to benefit someone but it’s definitely not the British 😡
@misterneckbreaker88 4 года назад
It’s too late, this country is gone. And don’t forget the 3 million Hong Kong nationals coming over.
@paulcollings4543 4 года назад
Please! Asian people? Really? Why can't we have the truth, for gods sake?
@user-yg2gw4je8d 4 года назад
I'm not entirely sure we still have a police force in the UK, but if we do they might investigate who is financially benefiting from this slave labour. And see if they made any political 'donations'. This will never happen, of course. And so we are _forced_ to guess which UK political party accepts donations from slaveowners. And consider for ourselves whether or not that lines up with the party's stated employment policies.
@peterj.f.blackwood-davis7840 4 года назад
The vast majority are working & claiming benefits as well. How else would they drive their Mercedes' to the mosque.?? Why we tolerate this crap from people who hate is rediculous. Mass deportation iis required !!
@fatfat1877 4 года назад
Just take the benefits away.
@alaistermclellan6710 4 года назад
selective implementation of the law ....British justice.....what a joke
@andrewstratford4753 4 года назад
Cant remember keith vaz bringing this up in house of parlement.
@nicolahamilton2036 4 года назад
Why don’t we know what companies are getting these clothes made for them?
@flat5sharp11 4 года назад
4:17 Well, of course. This is what multiculturalism looks like in practice. Multiculturalism is the first stage. Balkanisation comes later on down the line. It's simply the result of being unwilling to force immigrants to adapt to the dominant culture of the nation and keep them to a sensible minimal fraction of the populace. You either: 1. Force immigrants to adapt and keep immigration below a threshold and keep your nation and culture or 2. You cave in, allow multiculturalism and give it away - slowly at first but gradually accelerating via demographics. This is the unpalatable choice that Enoch Powell pointed out but was shouted down for (cancelled) for pointing out.
@alanmccluskey114 3 года назад
If this wasn't wanted by the powers that be it wouldn't be happening we should be looking into parliament
@wendysmith2255 4 года назад
@winstonsmith8240 4 года назад
I lived in Leicester over 40 years ago and it was going on then. I knew someone who worked in one.
@SidBonkers51 4 года назад
So has the Labour party been complicit in slavery?
@trevorthomas2373 4 года назад
In 2004/5 The government of the day repealed the Fire Precautions Act taking away power to police places of work etc. by the Fire Service. Self assessments was introduced. I rest my case. Let’s prosecute the survivors.
@earthstick 4 года назад
I know it is impossible to completely isolate policing from politics because everyone has a vote but their crime commissioner is member of the house of lords for labour, hasn't policing become too politicised?
@johngeorgeridley412 4 года назад
I despair for our country
@kevinbillington9773 4 года назад
And do you all not think blind eyes are not being turned by the Inland Revenue to avoid being called racist either.
@DavidSmith-ip6tk 4 года назад
It’s time we voted FOR BRITAIN.
@R56TurboCharged 4 года назад
"Rachmanism" for the 21st Century.
@mabelheinzle8758 4 года назад
40 adults living in a three bedroom house in Leicester
@alloutofbubblegum9223 4 года назад
Never mind, I’m sure those who live 40 to a household will all get their own places when all the high street shops have closed down (due to to the agenda to eliminate all but the biggest corporations).. A bit of renovation and hey presto, loads of affordable accommodation!
@pawelmacpoof5687 4 года назад
He didnt answer the second last question, and jhb left it.
@richardhobson6216 4 года назад
I wonder how many of these factory owners also claimed furlough for there workforce as well!!!!
@sirtinley-knot2944 4 года назад
make this man prime minister, instead of that spineless jellyfish
@rijamor 4 года назад
Birmingham next? Certain inner city areas (Sparkhill, Balsall Heath, Winson Green, Lozells) completely ignored lockdown, street corner mosques, masjids, temples open and Birmingham Council puts it down to a language barrier?
@2bsure407 4 года назад
Honest trader's have no chance against these illegal businesses...why should honest people comply to the government when others don't?
@JDP1tube 4 года назад
@chrissaunders75 4 года назад
Leicester bringing Third World living standards to a First World country. Labour Party....blatant hypocracy as usual!
@davidknight2104 4 года назад
Don't expect the bbc to rush to cover this...
@nickjung7394 4 года назад
Well, the HSE is a complete nonentity these days.
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