
Andrew J. Bacevich, "America's War for the Greater Middle East" 

Politics and Prose
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Now a retired colonel after nearly a quarter century in the U.S. Army, as well as professor emeritus of history and international relations at Boston University, Bacevich brings a valuable dual perspective to this study of American foreign policy over the last forty years. Taking as his point of departure the fact that few, if any, American soldiers were killed in the Middle East from the end of World War II to 1983, the author of Breach of Trust and The Limits of Power investigates why the region has been the scene of constant conflict and high American casualty rates in recent years.
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@smirhash 6 лет назад
Watched this video 3 times already, every American students have to read and know about these topics. Thank god, these important topics are discussed, too bad few people get to know them.
@DOLEWDREW 4 года назад
"America Wars For Greater Israel" would have been by far a better and more accurate title!!
@annabelle7626 4 года назад
@andyvanderwerff3706 4 года назад
You know what Israels motto is? Onward Christian soldiers. They own us.
@austin-sydneydunham8233 4 года назад
this is true
@davidsimpson9647 4 года назад
@@andyvanderwerff3706 Only if you don't tell the truth.Spread it as far as you can.
@nathanscottshoemaker2554 4 года назад
Korea was the first undeclared war, Vietnam was the second, we have since forgotten about congressionally approved declared war.
@ronalrocco4922 4 года назад
No we haven't BUT CONGRESS DOESN'T WANT THE BURDEN of declaring War. They never served and are afraid of their own elected position. They run away...
@ishrendon6435 2 года назад
@@ronalrocco4922 yet we lost both wars
@ishrendon6435 2 года назад
@@ronalrocco4922 a stalemate in korean war is to me a great failure
@macrosense Год назад
What about the Dominican Republic?
@turleytho 4 года назад
Col. Bacevich answers a question many hold. How high does knowledge if the origins of ISIS go? I heard no mention of the Greater Israel Plan.
@kouklepartali 4 года назад
Turley Thornton Indeed, this is the answer to everything! The Zionists, less than a million in ourPlanet, want to govern this Planet!the jews are only a portion of the other14 Million they have Organizations fighting the Zionists.However no body knows about them because the MÉDIA, BELONGS TO THE ZIONISTS AS MUCH AS 96 per cent!This is the drama, we are living!
@hadi96100 4 года назад
The Greater Middle-East Project - And no mention of Israel..
@davidbrother2200 4 года назад
The world will know peace only when the power of love overcomes the love of power.
@elvenkind6072 4 года назад
But the world loves darkness above light, as Jesus said.
@steveborchers2080 4 года назад
so true. but the devil is about war, power, suffering, etc.
@hadi96100 4 года назад
27:14 Proof, age does not mean wisdom - Shia vs Sunni - I never heard of those differences until the West decided to play both sides against each other... I'm from IRAQ, half my family are Shia, the other Half are Sunni, and we were all living with each other, until America decided to "Freedom" Bomb us, and tell us how the Shia are oppressed while arming the Sunnis of ISIS & Al-Qaeda...
@brianbozo2447 4 года назад
before 2003 I can't recall any single war that entailed shia fighting against Sunni. In the Iraq -Iran war sunni and shia iraqis fought against Iranian Shias.
@hadi96100 4 года назад
@@brianbozo2447 - Exactly, and that was also another war at the behest of the US - Millions died, and what good did it achieve & do for all concerned! *Absolutely Nothing...*
@lemortedbrian6070 4 года назад
@@brianbozo2447 now the shia and sunni in iran and iraq unite against the US, and every other muslim sect must do the same to drive out wahhabism, the US, saudi, and israel.
@onefodderunit 4 года назад
Title should've been: America's Wars for Expanding Yidastan
@doginu 4 года назад
30.00 Exactly this all started with Great Britain. They split Palestine to form Israel and walked out when they blew up the King David Hotel.
@lindacianchetti3599 4 года назад
Doginu that was the plan.
@lindacianchetti3599 4 года назад
Read, silent weapons for quiet wars. Club of Rome. UN Agenda 21.
@Stewie4321 7 лет назад
"What motivated the US to act as it has"...........3 things.......Oil, Oil,........and more Oil.......with Israel thrown in for good measure.
@dragonfly1929 6 лет назад
@Michael-qy1jz 4 года назад
I thought it was mainly Israel. We overthrew Iraq for Israel and they got 75 % of thier oil there at dirt cheap prices. We got none. Now we have to go to Iran for them.
@elaine1034 4 года назад
+@@Michael-qy1jz 911 was an inside job with the help of MOSSAD. This retired colonel either doesn't know about 911 nor know that ISIS/ISIL is US funded and assisted like Al Queda was or he's deliberately avoiding it.
@Michael-qy1jz 4 года назад
@@elaine1034 I think he is deliberately avoiding it. I do not see how he couldn't know.
@elaine1034 4 года назад
@@Michael-qy1jz Since all the major publishing firms in the US are owned by Jews, his book would not get published if he told the truth.
@hughsmith4008 4 года назад
Google RON PAUL. "We Marched in we can just march out."
@JoseHernandez-ph6iv 4 года назад
Someone needs to tell this guy that Isis is an arm of our defence department
@Claxiux 4 года назад
Jose Hernandez 100% correct! The US Air Force has become ISIS’ airforce as well
@alexhayden2303 4 года назад
So sad, that otherwise straight talking intelligent people, still do not understand 9/11, still connect it to the Arab world!
@yohannespeace959 4 года назад
Saudi Arabia is Arab monarchy. Plus 2 hijackers were Israeli mossad from Lebanon.
@bebopkirby 4 года назад
20 minutes in and this genius has never heard of Israel, bye bye.
@mary-leelutz4911 4 года назад
Will someone please tell me what Israel does for the U.S. that we cannot do for ourselves?
@lindacianchetti3599 4 года назад
Politics ! And prose ! Understand ?
@stevensica89 2 года назад
Sure he has. He's just pacing himself for Likudist tools like you. I've read the book - he is not fond of Israel and it's many lies.
@domingodeanda233 4 года назад
02-06-2020, that was so awesome, thanks. The U.S. empire must stop terrorising our world.
@dramirezg70 5 лет назад
The biggest connection Andrew does not seem to connect is that between the arms industry and war. Most of these wars have been fought not because of ideals, but because of profit.
@eddarichards3632 4 года назад
Arms industry just a tool
@jhpable 4 года назад
The answer is simple. The US military industrial complex. The only thing that matters is war. And to them every war makes perfect sense.
@powerslave6944 8 лет назад
Why can't a decent minded person like Bacevich becomes the President but the US has to have either Hillary or Trump whose policies either way may spell further ruin to the world and the US itself. I really respect this man for his unbiased and integrity on this topic.
@Conn30Mtenor 7 лет назад
Bracevich is a solid guy, but he's an academic. The USA HATES academics- no way the mouth breathers who vote for the Republicans would back him.
@TurboVonCrim 6 лет назад
Or mouth breathers that vote Democrat..
@@Conn30Mtenor retired colonel
@@TurboVonCrim Pod People MAGAts don't breathe at all, they're zombies
@TurboVonCrim 5 лет назад
@@whatifounddowntherabbithol5254 This side, "they're zombies", that side "they're a cancer, 3rd party "wow, those two sides are exactly the same. "
@CountryZorro 4 года назад
This is an absolutely useless discussion. He torturously arrives at a few conclusions which should be obvious to a grade school child. The first question I would ask is what strategic interest compels these endless wars in the Middle East. We don’t need the oil, we don’t need the land, we don’t need the allies. So why doesn’t he answer the question why are we there. United States is currently the largest Oil producer in the world. So it can’t be the oil. Quite simply it is the neocon foreign policy that for the last 50 years has been driven by lunatics like John Bolton and his cronies. Miko Peled in his excellent book “a generals son”” answers all these questions far more competently than is done here. I do agree with one of his main points and that is in the middle east military force is being misused on a tragic scale.
@michaelsabella5924 4 года назад
As far as if there are alternatives to wars or how we approach them as viewed from our U.S leadership, the answer is no. That is because the military ind complex will not allow anything but wars. Smedley Butler - Marine General- once said and wrote a book also - "War is a Racket" So really the constant need for wars, whether justified or not will not end in America, and because peace is NOT profitable. America one day will be judged by its actions and eventually we will reap what we sow. God help us . I will continue to pray for America and its people. Thank you Col Bacevich, for you service and the courage to speak the truth...
@MrJimseevers 8 лет назад
Well said sir. Excellent observations that so many intellectuals are aware of. It's refreshing to have a voice that spells out so concisely. I've asked for your book for my upcoming birthday. God Speed USA.
@EmHotep4520 4 года назад
There should be a draft. Make sure the middle class and hire, had a good numerical percentage to be drafted. All must come in as enlisted (first).
@paineite 4 года назад
THANK YOU for highlighting the Carter Doctrine, Dr. Bacevich. I have been preaching this sermon for decades now and people are always so surpised. "What do you mean? That NICE GUY ?? He builds houses for the homeless !!" Egad
@yohannespeace959 4 года назад
Oded yinon!
@stevenvonsancho 4 года назад
US Marine Major General Smedley Butler once said "war is a racket" We know this is true but now we know it's much much worse
@lindacianchetti3599 4 года назад
He must know it’s not naivety. He must know it’s for nothing more than power.
@manipunation 4 года назад
One thing I would like to see touched on by someone: If we are a nation ruled by *the people* (which we aren't but be that as it may), then one of the greatest problems is that we don't educate the people to what is really going on, explained in straight forward fashion such as Mr. Bacevich had done in this talk. The main way we keep our population 'educated' is through news sources, news 'papers' and TV. Unfortunately, I believe television is the main source of what shapes people's view of the country and world. Back in the 50's, 60's, and 70's around then, there were just 3 or 4 channels on TV (and it was relatively new so the news broadcasts I think were trying to prove to viewers that they were as credible as the best print news) and so the entire country saw the world pretty much in a certain way. Now we have 1000's of channels. People can find kindred spirits to reinforce any view of world they wish to. What is the truth? Is there one that we all have to agree with, or just it all depends? If we *need* all to see the *truth* , how can we do this? If Fox News is peddling lies, is there someway we can do something about this, if it is causing so many people to believe in lies (Note that AOC at one point was getting on Zuckerberg of Facebook's case for allowing political ads that were untruthful. Should conveyors of news be held to account for not spreading lies? It sounds good, but what is lie to some is truth to others, so who decides? Do we get into government regulation of news?) I have thought about this and I don't see any answer. You can't force people to watch a certain channel. We can't (I don't think) force Fox News or CNN to go off the air. Even if they did that, with the Internet they could just find another channel to verify their views. It seems to me an insurmountable, unsolvable problem.
@annford6640 6 лет назад
Run for President, Mr. Bacevich. Just. Do. It. (*dropped the mic*).
@Michael-qy1jz 4 года назад
He has no chance unless he bows down and States Israel is his master first. Just like all Presidents.
@alexhayden2303 4 года назад
If the US was in the M.E. just for the Oil, consider: Oil at 2 or 3 times the price, would cost far less and there would have been no human victims!
@stevensica89 2 года назад
Yeah, I tell the "No Wat for Oil" crowd that it's cheaper to buy the oil than fight a war for it. I counter with "No War for Ari Sharon" and they get real quiet real fast.
@Ben-DPPU 3 года назад
Wow, thank you very much for this insides and helpful explanations (even 4y ago).
@sjr7822 4 года назад
We need helping hands for the elderly and children Also, trash clean up, Have you seen the National forests and State forests and the borders, trash everywhere to the extent parks and national parks are closing or charging fees
@MarkAndersChannel 4 года назад
This gatekeeper would do a talk on the USSR without mentioning Trotsky, Marx, Lenin, the Holodomor...... ......and why does RU-vid's spellcheck not recognize "Holodomor"?
@lindacianchetti3599 4 года назад
Better to go quickly listen to Susan Abulhawa at the international conference. Wait till you hear all THE FACTS.
@shiromaru8236 2 года назад
As many reckon so failed war and when can war stop?
@shiromaru8236 2 года назад
This book is an eye opener to many of us what is the mission?
@eddarichards3632 4 года назад
@malamati007 6 лет назад
Starts at 4 minutes....
@hughsmith4008 4 года назад
He lost me about paying for 18 19 year old kids becoming a ward of the American People. How is public school working out.. Not well.
@davidd8481 4 года назад
The attack on the Sunni Symbol of power (Iraq, Baghdad), caused an eruption of Sunni religious identity, including the creation of ultra-radical islamic organizations. This clearly shows to a phenomena called cosmic war, an imagined battle between metaphysical forces-good and evil, right and wrong, order and chaos-that lies behind many cases of religion-related violence in the contemporary world. This is based on a defensive believe of a warrior, that they are defending their own civilization, which is under existential threat. This belief is common with the Sunni Muslims after the attack on Iraq, 2003, when Sunni rule was overthrown by US bombs, which lasted since 1638 (the retreat of the Safavid Dynasty) and gave way to Shia majority (they make 60% of Iraq's population, Sunnis 20%), to vote themselves into power (the influence of Iran spread across the region), and later on discriminated, humiliated and punished the Sunni population, which after the start of Arab spring, started a massive revolt which was ultimately transformed (from Jamat al Tawhid wal Jihad to Al Qaeda in Iraq, Islamic state of Iraq and Islamic state of Iraq and Syria), to Islamic state ...
@onceANexile 4 года назад
How do we know we have the best military???
@yournamehereyournamehere907 4 года назад
I would never trust the US with a national service. Poor people fight our wars because joing the service is a way out of poverty and a path to education. All education should be public.
@CECICEO-cz9ho 4 года назад
Left out Israel TOTALLY !!
@DidivsIvlianvs 4 года назад
If you can't win it, then destroy it.
@glen6945 4 года назад
usa 1million on welfare in the army-lmao
@uhuhuuuhhh9883 4 года назад
Glenn parent lmao ? They oughta draft your laughing ass .
@shiromaru8236 2 года назад
Professor Col. Bacevich should consider taking up politic instead lecturing in university.
@jumbe 4 года назад
Dear Sir, the issue is not as complex as you/they would have us believe. We are witnessing the end of history. The return of Jesus son of Mary, the emergence of Imam Mahdi, the defeat of Masihid Dajjaal and the dominance of Islam. These are the data points that are being fought against by the West. Jobs, education and acceptance of whatever sexual preference you claim today, will not stall or prevent any of these events. So we will lose these wars and exhaust our resources in the process. Why are we in the Middle East? Resources and to weaken their military for the benefit of the State of Israel. The Grand Chess Game by Zbigniew Brezinski lays out the importance of dominating the Middle East for any Stat that wants to command the 21st century. Americans can only see others through the lens of what they can do for us. Not how can we live together? Therefore, we all wait for divine intervention in the form of natural calamities, strange diseases and the collapse of our government. Which is underway as we speak.
@lynnwandering581 Год назад
The lawyer lady with hat again! She is really a regular!
@alexhayden2303 4 года назад
The man who was doing as much as anyone, about ISIS, was Soleimani!
@danielwalbridge1406 4 года назад
And we can't afford it!
@robdegoyim4023 4 года назад
There's so much stress in his voice that it becomes difficult to listen. But that's Americans for you.
@TXL-BER 4 года назад
Well, good thing we only had to read your comment.
@hughsmith4008 4 года назад
But at the end. He sold me his book
@sahalcadde6141 2 года назад
Power without justice fools you and makes you keep lying.
@DidivsIvlianvs 4 года назад
You are an empire or you pay tribute to an empire.
@earthinspiration9438 4 года назад
Consider the system and 'management class' that employ those illegals they reference (in NY & NJ which I also have seen). Investors are insulated by their money, leaving the judicial system in their wake along with the despair wrought by their exploitation. They are getting money from someone, yet the focus is always on the ones in desperation. The women speaking are dead on accurate, but the perspective of the men is too narrow to really understand; not that they are wrong, but they are leveling different arguments that have no bearing to what she is saying. It saddens me and I think it all stems from the homogenization of our schooling, where I myself had teachers that should have been in a mental institute for abusing children.
@thomassimmons1950 4 года назад
@ArChi285 4 года назад
Is this not a waste of time?
@fuckfannyfiddlefart 4 года назад
But the military industrial complex is doing week and that is all the oligarchy cares about.
@katherenewedic8076 Год назад
Why is he yelling
@charlesmartino1456 5 лет назад
It is pretty simply and what I have said since we invaded Iraq. We always sold ourselves as the Counter to the Soviet Union, yet once the Soviet Union was gone, we became them.
@vivalapalestine7235 5 лет назад
More like greater isreal
@frankzhu762 6 лет назад
There was no conscription in recent years, no, but there was stop-loss.
@lynnwilliams5432 4 года назад
Sold weapons
@goedelite 4 года назад
The questions Bacevich asks do not include any moral considerations.
@patrickvernon2749 Год назад
Americas?? Or Israel’s ?
@AlvaSudden 4 года назад
Why is this man showing up 3 times in my RU-vid feed? Who's paying for this? Russia?
@jamesstuart7649 2 года назад
Red devils is all.
@itsme-nt2lj 4 года назад
@elvenkind6072 4 года назад
This is balsam for the ears, words about America, war and the middle-east, that also make sense. Edit: The comments though, seem to be really anti-Israelli, if not anti-Semittic.
@johnnymisbegotten 4 года назад
AIPAC has been a main driver for our military operations in the M.E. They will donate close to $250 million dollars to get the Orange Man reelected in order to crush Iran and legitimize the Israeli settlements.
@elvenkind6072 4 года назад
@@johnnymisbegotten Are you trying to convince yourself that I didn't point out the truth, by piling up more anti-semittic propaganda? You should try to find something nice to say about other groups of people and you would feel better. Obiously Israel is desperate in anything that have to do with wheir security, and being safe regarding to Iran is the current priority, that they will do anything to not let them become another source of destruction. That's the reason behind the AIPAC lobby and why Netanjahu would want to team up with anyone willing to stand up for them. Even Trump. You and me can perhaps afford being less dependant on other, but I don't know, at least me don't have anyone that want to erase me and mine from the earth because of who we are or what we look like or because of our race etc.
@johnziggykelleher4871 4 года назад
@@elvenkind6072 Always the victim , not the instigator Their money focus has led us to unlimited growth and thus extermination .
@jollyyeholiver1578 4 года назад
To quote chomsky America succeeded in its primary objectives in Vietnam. And with regards to ISIS maybe America should just stop funding and training them as a proxy army
@stevensica89 2 года назад
I prefer that we stop funding and arming Israel. The US does not fund and arm ISIS. You must be echoing Israeli propaganda.
@fredfredrickson5436 4 года назад
Jesus! Where did this promotion take place- A care home for retired fascists? Here's my solution- A Green New Deal and a 5% discretionary budget limitation on military spending.
@s80key 8 лет назад
He needs to do more research on the subject he is just talking coo coo
@justincmueller 7 лет назад
...He is one of the most well-published and well-respected scholars of U.S. foreign policy history in the world today. What on earth are you talking about?
@jellypeanutbutter666 7 лет назад
He is just talking coo coo.
@mostaqahmed7498 5 лет назад
No one way of truth is absolute; if we can accept that then we can start to look for acceptable truth.
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