
Andy Woods - Soteriology 01: Introduction 

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Dr. Andrew Woods from Chafer Theological Seminary gives a lengthy and very complete course that deals with soteriology and takes the time to rebut all the arguments against the doctrine of eternal security, also known as OSAS (Once Saved, Always Saved). I feel it is important to get this information out, as there is so much misinformation and poor understanding of what the true grace of Jesus Christ actually implies. I hope you take the time to listen to all of these sessions and that it may bless you.
This is not Andy Woods’ official channel. Andy Woods' videos are used with the permission of Andy Woods Ministries.
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@karinabrampt1556 3 года назад
Thirty eight years I've been a believer in Jesus. This is the very first time that I have heard these explanations with definitions. Praise be to God for Dr Andy Woods.
@MLiving4Jesus 4 года назад
Why aren't more people learning the Bible from Pastor Andy Woods. He's a great teacher. Absolutely love this man. You can check your Bible and check that what he's teaching is Scriptural. Thank you brother Andy! God bless!! 🙏❤
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@simonnattrass2171 Год назад
Andy, where you been all my life?!?! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@juanestopinan3250 Год назад
Not that I hadn’t known these tenses of salvation,but when it’s laid out so clearly as this in the scriptures it aligns so much with personal experience and reality
@s.l.7982 20 дней назад
you said the most significant thing that I am just learning this week - the Christian life is a life that needs to be lived under divine power of the Holy Spirit. Talk about leaning!!!
@erikderuiter7475 3 года назад
THANK YOU for posting this series! It's not on the official channel so I'm very glad and grateful... Dr. Andy Woods has blessed my life so much by his teachings...
@havenofear7033 3 года назад
So grateful I have this for myself and to share with others. Thank You, Jesus.
@faithintended190 3 года назад
Thank you soo much Pastor Andy Reading LSChafer during the day ☀️ listening to this video series during the night 🌚 what a combo 👍
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@dianeharbauer4506 5 лет назад
Hello from the USA. Just found your channel. Thank you for sharing this body of work. I've been watching Dr. Andy since Jan 2019.
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@hopenjc1418 Год назад
So glad these videos are here!
@lizziegillings5380 2 года назад
Absolutely brilliant brilliant teaching bless you Andy woods
@larrysmith7439 4 года назад
Thank you Lord for servant Andy Woods.
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@crossing3790 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing. This will help in every conversation with believers about scripture. Knowing where you stand in your salvific shoes is clearer now. -Justification is an event.........born again by Gods grace through our faith ...........judgement not for heaven and hell.....qualified for heaven -Sanctification is a process....our walk as saved disciples......................................how we follow christs example ....developing fruits or not -Glorification is an event........death, rapture..............................................................judged at bema seat for our place in heaven including gifts and crowns or not......
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@CPoh333 Год назад
Thank you, Dr. Woods for clarifying that sanctification is a "possibility". It reminds me of the parable of the four soils on which the good seed fell. I believe that only the seed that fell on the soil but was snatched away before it took "root" is the only image of "not being saved". I believe the seed that fell on the other three soils are pictures of believers in various conditions of sanctification. However, the erroneous doctrine that claims that "unless you see fruit" a person isn't saved is just that...erroneous. There are those who are saved but have shallow roots...others who are saved but distracted by the world...and then there are those who bear much fruit for the kingdom. OSAS Maranatha!
@opindras.bangerh129 3 года назад
What a wonderful introduction to the teaching on Soteriology. I learnt so much 👍 and look forward to the other teachings.
@sbwill1983 2 года назад
Wife and I are second time arounders if there is such a word. Thank you for this venue that we can repeat these.
@kramsdrawde8159 10 месяцев назад
LOL... hahahaha 12 weeks ehh? You were only off by 40 weeks ...hahaha... Love to you brother, so very glad you did this, I have gleaned an abundance of information from you and I have made it to video 33... GOD Bless you and all that had a hand in the production of this series...
@amaynard65 4 года назад
So thankful I watched this series!
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Recently, another conservative pastor's sermon was blocked.
@ryanlandon7817 2 года назад
Brilliant Teaching!!!
@saltshakerrefill6087 4 года назад
Thank you for posting these. I was listening to these on a website, but there was no speed-up function available, which I usually use to get through videos faster. God bless you.
@jantz01 3 года назад
Lol I do the same thing. 1.25x or 1.5x speed. 😃
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@jude1243 3 года назад
Great teaching. Thank you!
@stephenfiore9960 4 года назад
(A) Excellent Thank You Watch again (B) 1st time (3/16/20) : Done
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@jonavan1450 3 года назад
Hi Pastor Andy! I rlly rlly rlly need ur help in this... Bcos I'm trap in this spiritual depression between whether I'm saved or not, confusing with theological differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. At 52:40, U said that 'Unless u are called to be an evangelist which is basically transferring unbelievers to believers, unless u HAVE THAT SPECIFIC CALLING, most of us have ministries based on different gifts that God gives to the body of Christ or were transitioning people from carnality or infancy into spirituality.' I thought we as Christians are commanded to evangelize and preach the gospel to our neighbors and that no gifts is involved with regards to evangelism? Also, u said at 55:27 that Paul is not threatening the carnal Christians with hell, my qns is.. Does not the Bible also mention that people with jealousy(envy) will not inherit the Kingdom in Galatians 5:21? Does this mean to say Paul is contradicting himself? Please help me in this Pastor. Thank u so much and God bless u!
@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 3 года назад
As Chuck Missler always said: "To inherit is not the same as to enter the Kingdom. You can enter someone's house, but that doesn't give you the right to change the furniture." :)
@jonavan1450 3 года назад
@@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 Hmm.. Can u elaborate a little more? I just found ur channel ystd and this is, I believe, the first time I've listened to a free grace preacher. I believe a vast majority of the time I'm listening to mostly Calvinist(and didn't know it) and Armanian. What about evangelism? =D
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@hopenjc1418 Год назад
God gives every believer different spiritual gifts. For example: We are all told to evangelize, but those given that gift of evangelism will be “better” at it.
@stephenfiore9960 4 года назад
1st time (3/16/20) : Done
@steadfastinthefaith. 3 года назад
This was a very interesting sermon. I was able to understand quite a bit as well as gain new insight. However I guess the question I have is if we are always saved and we cannot lose that salvation, because yes the Bible does say it is not by our own works that we are saved but a gift from God, how do you explain Hebrews 10: 26-39? Verse 26 says "for if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, they're no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries." When we look at verse 38 it says now that just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him." So if one continues to sin and draws back living in carnal ways not living by The commandments because Jesus himself says those who love me will do my commandments, then would they not lose that salvation? Would they not be judged harshly and punished? In Revelation 21:7,8 it says "He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the Lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." If a believer who was backslidden committing sexual immorality or sorcery or idolatry, would they not also be thrown into the Lake of fire? Also in Colossians 1: 21-23 it says 'And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now he has reconciled"...in verse 23 it says "if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the Gospel which you heard..." So if someone were to stray away from the faith altogether they would no longer have their salvation, is how I understand this. I am trying to understand these things better. I would very much call myself a mature Christian at this point. I can definitely handle solid meats, but of course there are certain things I am still studying and wanting a better understanding on.
@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 3 года назад
Thanks for the kind words (: Feel free to listen to more of dr. Woods' sermons, concerning the "problem passages" that you describe. Below, you will be able to find most of them. Check part 45 from this playlist for example, concerning Hebrews 10 and the misconceptions people have about this text (: ru-vid.com/group/PLGdC054Yt7t2sJ2g98YHAnxAShlHGNPer
@steadfastinthefaith. 3 года назад
@@andywoodsunofficialchannel7421 Thanks for responding and giving resources to help explain. I will definitely be checking it out when I get time as well as listening to more of this particular series.
@sicibell Год назад
I have been searching for answers to the same verses, as I just finished part 1. However, I might have to fast forward and then come back to part 2.
@steadfastinthefaith. Год назад
@@sicibell There's a lot to take in when it comes to this doctrine, that's for sure. It's good you are searching for answers and understanding as well!
@sicibell Год назад
@@steadfastinthefaith. agreed. I believe overall the Bible is just a small account of the big God we serve. God is love, but also a mystery. He is everything in one!
@EdwardGraveline Год назад
I have a question. Why are there so many different beliefs in the Protestant world? Some believe in Once Saved, Always Saved, and Some do not! Why do some of them believe in the Rapture and Some Don't? Why do some believe in Baptism regeneration and some do not? Why do some Believe in Bible Alone and some do not? Why do some believe they are saved by Faith alone, and some do not? Why did Luther tell people to interpret the Bible independently before he died? There were 250 Christian Churches, all teaching different doctrines! Paul says in 1 Tim 1:3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer Ephesians says there is one Lord, one Faith, One Baptism. Jesus prayed in John 17:21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. Why did the Mother of Jesus appear to children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 and tell them she was from Heaven and to Pray the Rosary. Then she had 70,000 people show up to see her make the sun dance in the sky and move closer and closer to Earth and many people converted, and Portugal did not go communist, it stayed democratic even though it was about to.
@inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад
Jesus is going to save people who don't believe in Him? huh. I thought all spiritual blessing was in Christ (Eph 1:3) and that those who don't believe in Him are condemned (John 3:18-21)
@frankthe2ndsonof1st16 3 года назад
No, Jesus will save people who believe in Him and they will be blessed with all spiritual blessing. There is a time that people dont believe but ones the Word of God preached to them,...some will believe and they will be saved! Some will not believe, and they will be condemned. Thomas, or Paul did not believe, but after he believed....etc; -everyone has a story how and when had the "turning point" I hope you have it too
@inTruthbyGrace 3 года назад
@@frankthe2ndsonof1st16 you hope I have a "turning point" ...from what?? away from my confidence in Scripture?? that that Ephesians 1:3 *_CLEARLY_* says that God the Father has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessings in heavenly _places_ in Christ? ...or are you recommending that I have a "turning point" away from my belief in John 3:18-21 that clearly says *_"He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God_* and this is condemnation that Light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil and everyone that does evil does NOT come to the light lest his deeds should be reproved but everyone who does truth comes to the light that their deeds may be made ,manifest that they are wrought in God" Thanks anyway. I'm not going to turn away from what the bible says.
@inTruthbyGrace 3 года назад
@@frankthe2ndsonof1st16 my comment was in reference to this heretical idea that Jesus is going to save Jews who "endure to the end" of the tribulation ....NOT _just_ believers as Romans 10:12 ans Galatians 3:28 specify believers are *_ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS_* so there really is IS NO MORE JEW nor Greek but believers are all one in Christ..... but no. According to this man, Jesus is going to save *_Jews_* who do NOT believe so they are not in Christ...in direct contradiction to the entire bible. (discussion starts @27:19)
@frankthe2ndsonof1st16 3 года назад
Dear inTruthbyGrace, Why so harsh words? You dont understand what was Andy talking about at 27:19 or you know very well what he us talking about becouse of his theological background and you dont interpret the bible the same way... -In that case, your interpretation is different! And sometimes different is good! Or maybe you dont really believe what the "Bible says" but what you think it says. Remember, you are human too, More carefully and lovingly None wants to turn you from the Bible! It is actually the opposite: We can not leave TIME out of Biblical revelation. Jews are part if the history an they will stay in history till the endtimes. No one could see this, not even the highly educated in Roman Catholic, Orthodox or Reforned lines of theologians, just AFTER the second world war! Israel came back to hystory as a nation. Couple of other things: Jesus was Jew, each Apostles was Jew, also the first believers... if you really belive what Bible says than you can read that God did not turned his face away from Jews. And also, that there will be a major change (tuning point) in nation of Israel and they will recognize Jesus as the only savior. Maybe you dont see the same way, but your first comment was too generic, and I dont think anybody would conclude that "Jesus is going to save people who don't belive in Him" and so on... I listen to Andy's preaching and teaching and there are some things here and there that I would interpret differently but to label it Heretical is going go far!
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@johnmartin5671 Год назад
It was man who sinned in the Garden of Eden; Shouldn't man be somehow involved in the process of recovering the state of grace? But God sends His Son to die for the sins of men to provide salvation; But in what does the sacrifice of Christ consist? Die on the cross? But weren't there other men dying on the cross? And did Christ, 100% God and 100% man, not know that he would rise to his former state after three days? In what, then, did the sacrifice of Christ consist? In temporary suffering? Did Christ lose something he had before the sacrifice? How then to classify his act of sacrifice if he lost nothing, sacrificed nothing? Mary had a role in salvation. And man had none? "Pieces" are missing from this "puzzle"! Wouldn't that be the reason why Christ told the disciples that he still had a lot to say to them, but they couldn't bear it yet?
@stephenfiore9960 4 года назад
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@schonnellhamboi7222 2 года назад
Christ died⚰ for our sins, according to the scriptures📖, and that He was buried, and that He rose from the dead on the third day🤴..... Believe this MESSAGE of TRUTH and YOU will have ETERNAL LIFE🥳
@tornadofactory 12 часов назад
Behold, you are trusting in deceptive words to no avail. 9“Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery and swear falsely, and offer sacrifices to Baal and walk after other gods that you have not known, 10then come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My name, and say, ‘We are delivered!’-that you may do all these abominations? 11“Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of robbers in your sight? Behold, I, even I, have seen it,” declares the LORD.
@beaulin5628 7 месяцев назад
Is this "antinomianism"? How does one recognize "false brethren" and "false teachers" in the church, and people who have never been saved ( "tares") among believers if there is no godly "fruit" in their lives at all? Believers are said to be made a"new creature" with a new power of God in their soul that begins to change them from within which is the beginning of progressive sanctification. Unless a believer dies shortly after believing (like the thief on the cross) some change will begin to happen in their life if Christ resides in their soul . There will be an inclination to begin to learn about God and a new impulse to obey him which may be weak and inconsistent at first from lack of teaching (like an infant). 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a "new creature": old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Phil. 2:13 "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Phil. 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" Ezek. 36 25-27 describes the result of the New Covenant which the Church experiences now, when Christians are "born again" (by faith alone) which the remnant of Israel will experience later when they believe in Jesus at his 2nd coming. Ezek. 36 25-27 "Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I CLEANSE YOU. A NEW HEART also will I give you, and A NEW SPIRIT WILL I PUT WITHIN YOU: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT WITHIN YOU, and CAUSE YOU TO WALK IN MY STATUTES , and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." "Christ in you the hope of glory" is bound to affect a change in the life and behavior of a person if he truly resides in the soul. Christians should have as much "faith" in Jesus to progressively sanctify them as they do for him to "save" them from the penalty of sin.
@anbreadnut 5 месяцев назад
I would say it's impossible to know a true believer by their "fruits." A Mormon, Roman catholic, some Muslims, Buddhists and even atheists do many "good" deeds and in that case bear much "fruit." However, if someone claims to be a believer but consistently acts in disobedience, you treat them like an unbeliever as far as fellowship is concerned. You we are to judge someone's teachings and whether it lines up with scripture. That is how you tell whether someone is a believer or not. Do they believe the gospel according to scripture? If you only judged works you could be left thinking most of the Pharisee's were saved. They looked beautiful on the outside. That is why the people were astonished at statements like your righteousness must exceed the Pharisee's in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. The average person looked at their deeds and assumed they were "saved." Thus we don't judge someone's law keeping but rather what they believe. If we find they are living in open sin and bringing shame to Christ defellowship them.
@beaulin5628 5 месяцев назад
@@anbreadnut I agree.
@farcornersbiblicalseminary9235 3 года назад
Now I know where you get your accusations with Dr. John MacArthur you have your own self claim above what Dr. John MacArthur says. Ask him personally about your accusations if you will.
@TheEnestr 3 года назад
Food for thought. A number of similar ministries are having their audiences reduced. Not all subscribers are being able to watch the videos of strong pastors. I have put similar videos, along with my blog posts on my channel's playlist and discussion area. My beliefs are in sync with this wonderful teacher....just in case.
@jimdapogny4531 3 года назад
That's a first. Islam was started by a demon masquerading as an archangel. That's fascinating and if true would certainly explain a lot.
@sicibell Год назад
His reference is true, as I know someone who is Middle Eastern. Muslims recognize Gabriel, however, he was the messenger angel sent to Muhammad not Mary. This is a prime example of how other religions doctrines piggyback off of the one true Gospel. It is taken out of context, Satan’s plan to distort the Gospel.
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