
Answering Atheists: Does God Command Genocide in the Bible? - 119 Ministries 

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@Matthew22.37 4 года назад
"If He (YHWH God) should determine to do so, if He should gather to Himself His Spirit and His breath, all flesh would perish together, and man would return to dust." - Job 34:14-15. In YHWH's "hands is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind." - Job 12:10. Father YHWH's wisdom is infinite and His judgement is perfect. YHWH has "complete sovereignty over all life." Examining the Scriptures, this conclusion is well founded and well stated. Shabbat Shalom!
@jameshenry1285 4 года назад
Rumor has it that the Canaanites are still at it today.
@chandlerraines9972 4 года назад
Are you Saying that the elites who sacrifice children and drink their blood in secret are descendants of Canaanites? interesting
@emmanuelnzube9617 4 года назад
@MikeJones-jf5ih 3 года назад
Hosea 13:16 talks about dashing infants heads against stones
@sudhirkumarendluri9567 4 года назад
Church is going through the troubles. Let all the people of God pray for His promise and rememberence of His elect. Because Jesus said in Matthew 24 the days of the trouble will be shortened for the sake of God's elect.
@joshdudeguy2830 4 года назад
17:26 Exactly why I do not believe we shape our own futures with our choices. He knows what we will choose when given any choice and He knows His plans for us. Our path is already laid out and it is as if we already made decisions that are yet to come. You might ask why we go through the motions, then? I believe this whole life is a learning experience to help us understand our God fully.
@OneHighwayWalker 4 года назад
Just a thought: Why do atheists spend so much time talking about something they don't believe in? I don't talk about what Yoda did because there is no real entity behind that imagined character. If Dawkins doesn't believe in a Creator and therefore a spiritual world, then he should just talk about the evil that he believes certain people did and just call them evil. We don't believe in Molech, so we know that the evil the people did was of their own choosing. Also, because we do believe in a spiritual world, we know that their acts were demon worship, something Paul also warns against. As Yeshua would say, "Let them alone. They are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both with fall into a pit." Matt 15:14
@lizabellos4859 4 года назад
It took me a long time to realize that some are meant not to hear or understand . So their heart has been hardened and they shall not understand or comprehend . it hurts to the quick to know this because I have family members are of such mind .
@violin245 3 года назад
I used to ask the same questions but of course, no one is voting, or making legislation, or raising their kids basing their life based on Yoda's teaching specifically. Maybe a few Americans(I am assuming you are American) but not millions. My wife is still a Christian and she is not worried our daughter is going to a Star Wars hell from some movie, she is worried about the hell written about in a book written about 2000 years ago. If we were majority Muslim atheists would complain about that more.
@kar3n35 4 года назад
This great video thanks.
@michaelwall4022 4 года назад
Let us be clear: We are answering atheists but since for the most part they don't really want answers our target audience is those who are influenced by atheist arguments. Answering that God can do what he wants because He is god, although true does not win them over. The same group of wallflowers that blanche at the thought of Israelites wiping out Canaanites centuries ago won't blink an eye at Americans killing Nazis in WW2 simply because they are Nazis. The argument is that these people were much worse than Nazis and it wasn't just their leadership.
@orsonzedd 4 месяца назад
What God commanded the Israelites to do would meet the United Nations definition of genocide yes
@Ozzyman200 4 года назад
So sad that even now we have people, indoctrinated as children, who will defend genocide. This is the damage religion does. Morality is the huge weakness of religion. If Christians would actually read the Bibles, we'd have a lot fewer Christians. Sadly history has had too many people like this who are ok with genocide. He's probably a decent man who's just never thought this through openly and compassionately. He's in too deep. If only history had had fewer apologists and more humanists.
@sanjeevgig8918 3 года назад
Yahweh/Jesus/Spirit is Love. Yahweh loves all the babies except the ones he drowned in the flood, the Amalekites babies, the Canaanite babies, the Midianites boy babies, the Egyptian firstborn babies and the babies in Sodom and Gomorrah. LOL
@berylackermann8240 4 года назад
Amen and Amen. Abba Yahweh Elohim is filled with abounding Grace and Mercy, and is patient and long suffering with humanity. As Abba Yah said "Every SOUL is mine (belongs to me) and MY DESIRE is that NONE should PERISH, but come to REPENTANCE". (Turn from their wicked was and say sorry with genuine deep regret, and to try to live our lives Righteously before Abba Yahweh (our Eternal Father God/Creator). Abba Yah's knows our weaknesses and will strengthen us by the power of His Holy Spirit to overcome our "evil inclination (the things of the flesh) and " to walk Righteously before Him. Our SIN (our defilement/CURSE (death) that is upon all, Yeshua took upon himself, and died in our place (substituted his life for ours) that through Yeshua (his righteous Merit), we can come before Abba Yah and seek His forgiveness. How truly Merciful, Gracious and forgiving is our Loving Abba Yahweh (a Eternal Father God/Creator). Blessed is our Abba Yah. (Father God).
@prettyjohnshill76 4 года назад
The children in Jeremiah were Israeites NOT canaanites, big difference. You seem to be apologising to atheists for our Fathers righteous actions in this video. Something I don't feel comfortable with.
@christopher4688 4 года назад
I was a Christian for over 3 decades, so I don't really need to imagine, I can just remember. Even as a Christian, I found this verses difficult to grasp. Many of your response I find very disturbing. My issue isn't with God being allowed to do something. My concern is about the character of God in the OT and how it seems to change in the NT. Also, if God wishes to do such actions as killing children, He should do it Himself. The way I see most of your argument is this: The Canaanites were evil because they killed children in sacrifice to their false god/s, but YHWH didn't like it, so He commands that all their children should die as well as all adults. The issue isn't resolved by simply saying they are bad people. The innocent life is the issue here (children). As for the hyperbole, how far can we take it? Is the resurrection of Jesus hyperbole? Is Noah's Ark hyperbole? This would help resolve the issues with these accounts, but if they were, why be a Christian at all? If you read the bible literally, it contradicts itself. If you read it as hyperbole or symbolic, it loses value. This is a dilemma I couldn't resolve in studying the bible. I consider myself agnostic.
@NerdWatchtower Год назад
You may have already found the answer to this conundrum but just in case you haven't, and for anyone else in this position: I totally understand this position, and the church today has been overtaken by Samael and his legion in order to "muddy the waters" and place himself as the underlying entity being worshipped. But with understanding comes clarity and with clarity comes harmony in Truth. Consider this: All the peoples that are talked about in these "genocidal" passages are the same that are talked about in Genesis 10 after the flood as the descendants of Canaan. And we all know that Canaan was the one that was cursed for Ham's act with "his father's nakedness." (His father's nakedness is a whole other issue and study in itself, but I can guarantee it's not what is taught in churchianity today.) So the question then becomes why THESE people, aside from them being cursed? Second consideration: In Genesis 6 there are talks of "Sons of God" coming unto the daughters of men and having children with them. Now who or what are the "Sons of God" in this passage is a hotly debated topic even today. If we consider that Scripture intreprets Scripture, every other instance of "Sons of God" in the Tanakh refer to angels. Which makes sense when you think about the resulting children of those unions being called Nephilim(fallen ones) or giants. We aren't told much more about these entities in the "officially canonized" scriptures, which tells us something: YHWH provided Moses with a term which he felt no need to elaborate on. Suggesting that everyone knew the meaning of the word. Or maybe they didn't and the books containing the information have been taken out. What we do know however is that Noah and his Sons were pure. This word pure(taMim) is also used in reference to the red heffer and all sacrifices are called to be this same "pure" word, without blemish. Due to his sons also being such means that Noah's wife must have been too. After this we are told that ALL the earth had been corrupted, then comes the first mention of the wives of the three sons. So if we take this chronologically, and we are told that only five people are without blemish, that means that by definition, the wives must have something wrong with them. So let's put this all together: Angels mate with women creating human/angel hybrids All the flesh of the earth becomes corrupt because of this act aside from five people These five people take additional three people(which are not pure) and survive a flood This flood wipes out all life on the plane other than those which were in the ark Ham does some act with "his father's nakedness" which leads to a curse on Canaan Canaan is the father of the tribes which YHWH says to "utterly destroy" Given these facts(all based in scripture, lest anyone should be skeptical), the only logical conclusion is that there is something else going on with these tribes that we need to search out. This is just the tip of the iceberg and a starting point. Steve Quayle is fond of saying that Genesis 6 is the Rosetta Stone for understanding the whole of Scripture.
@christopher4688 Год назад
@Huffinator I would love to have a conversation, but I don't believe it would be fruitful. I'm aware of the teachings you presented here. As I said, I was a Christian for over 30 years. We start at different places. You take the Bible on faith as the Word of God. I do not. It often contradicts itself and also contradicts my personal lived experiences. I criticize all other religions for the same exact reason. They seem ridiculous and full of impossible stories. How do I read the Bible without the same criticisms and not be hypocritical? If God can do anything, everything becomes possible. If everything is possible, all religions are equally plausible. If all religions are equally plausible, how do you know which, if any, is correct?
@NerdWatchtower Год назад
@@christopher4688 I too would enjoy a conversation and I can again understand the feeling that it may not be fruitful, but you never know until you try, right? That said, stop me if you don't wish to go any further. First, a question, where do you see the Bible contradicting itself? I'm would imagine you've heard this, but just in case: it is not the Bible that is contradictory, but man's understanding of it that has been twisted and deliberately misguided. If you haven't looked into the jesuits and the coucil of nicaea, that would be a good place to start if you don't understand the intentional misguidance of scriputre.
@christopher4688 Год назад
@Huffinator I will only mention a couple of contradictions I see. First, there is no way to create a single narrative of the resurrection story that accounts for all of the details from all four gospels, such as time of day, the number of people, the number of angels, what was said, etc. Also, Judas has two different types of deaths. The first, he hung himself. The second, by laceration. The field of blood was named for two separate reasons. The first, because Judas bought it with blood money. The second, Judas killed himself on it. The first account the chief priests bought the land, in the second Judas purchases. Another issue I have is the differences between manuscripts. It appears Mark ends before the resurrection in the oldest manuscripts. The oldest manuscripts are centuries after the originals. If the manuscripts have changed from our oldest to the newer versions we have, how do we have confidence in the oldest manuscripts, as they very well have alterations from the original? I probably ought to stop here to give you a chance to respond to these issues, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. Also, I am aware of the creeds and the counsel's. I'm sure there are gaps in my knowledge, but I have done my due diligence.
@yahannayahyahannayah8566 4 года назад
I believe all who do not bow to the God of the Israelites will perish( genocide for not choosing of a better life) capital punishment according to man's laws
@arthur6157 4 года назад
(1) There are no innocents, except Christ. Everyone is guilty and under God's death sentence for breaking the covenant of works in their covenant representative Adam on Mt. Eden, at a minimum, including men, women, children, & infants. [Psalm 51:5 NASB] "[5] Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me." Now, if you deny that Adam's sin and guilt have been imputed to all of his children (which includes infants and children who don't know right from wrong), then you have denied that our sin was imputed to Christ on the cross and that his righteousness was imputed to us. IOW, you have denied the Gospel, and humans cannot be saved. There is a reason why our Lord is called the Last Adam in Scripture. (2) The reason that the human death rate is 100% is because 100% of humans are guilty. "The wages of sin is death." If infants and children were actually innocent before divine justice, no infant or child would ever die. Even our Lord, the holy, innocent, and righteous One of God, died on the cross because our sins had been imputed to him. Infants are guilty of imputed original sin, children are additionally guilty of personal sins of ignorance (both of which require atonement under the Law), and of course, adults have added personal willful sin with knowledge and understanding to these. (3) Israel in the Promised Land was a recapitulation of Adam in the Garden, with the same results and for the same reason - Adam/Israel failed to drive out the Serpent/Canaanites leaving them in God's temple garden mountain to tempt the Woman/People of Israel, who then tempted the Man/Leaders of Israel. (4) You are correct in saying that God's command was to drive them out. Death was reserved for those who refused leave God's temple garden mountain. (5) Not only is the conquest of Canaan a recapitulation of Adam in Eden, but is also a type of the second coming of Christ in glory - right down to Joshua/Jesus leading the ark of the covenant/God's mobile battle-throne born by the Aaronic priests/four living creatures and the Levites/the ordinary orders of angelic ministers and the 12 tribes of Israel/all of god's people of every time, tribe, people, nation, and tongue across the Jordan river/boundary between Heaven and Earth into God's Earthly temple garden mountain, the New Jerusalem, or perhaps the New Mt. Zion. "Unbelievers" all know the triune God exists (Rom. 1:18-20) and know they are at war with him. IOW, unbelievers object to God's holy war against the Canaanites because they know that, apart from Christ, they ARE the Canaanites. Small wonder, therefore, that they object. (6) Jesus does love children, and I believe Christ saves them from their sin and guilt through his fulfillment of the Day of Atonement sacrifice for the sins of the people committed in ignorance. But do you suppose not a single infant or child died in the Noahic Deluge? How many Egyptian infants and children died on Passover eve? How many died in Sodom and the four cities of the plain that were destroyed? And speaking of Sodom, are you asserting that there wasn't at least ten "innocent and righteous" infants and children, on your view, in the entire city of Sodom? Nonsense. If that were the case Sodom would not have been destroyed. Infants and children are not innocent or righteous before God, though they certainly are far more innocent and far less guilty than are the average person who has attained the age wherein they have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for themselves, rather than their fathers extending back to Adam, covenantally eating on their behalf. (7) You are right about the wickedness of the Canaanites. I remind everyone that Sodom, et al, were Canaanite cities. (8) You are also right about Israel failing to wipe out everyone under the ban. And that's exactly why they ended up under the ban themselves centuries later and found themselves exiled from the Holy Land toward the east as also Adam found himself. None the less, Israel's failure to obey Yahweh does not mitigate the so-called evil of Yahweh's command to drive the Canaanites out or wipe them out if they would not leave - if indeed such a command from Yahweh COULD somehow be morally evil in the first place. It couldn't. (9) You are right that Christians could not do this today, but you are wrong about why. Christians could not engage in such a thing today because the canon of Scripture is closed and we have no such command in it to thus engage in unrestricted warfare or, for that matter, warfare of any fleshly variety. Indeed, we have Christ's positive command to be people of peace preaching the Gospel of peace to everyone. Any so-called "prophet" who commanded us in the name of our God or our Savior Jesus Christ to engage in any such warfare would be contradicting the closed canon of Scripture and therefore would be a false prophet. You have done a better job of not apologizing for God's righteous holy war against the Canaanites than many so-called apologists who have addressed this issue, but not quite as good as could be. "Whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this evil generation, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes with his holy angels." As Christians, we must stamp out the idea among unbelievers and even among Christians that there are any judicially innocent and righteous people according to the flesh on Earth. Bad things have only happened to good people once - and He volunteered for it. Rather than asking why bad things happen to good people, we should be asking why good things happen to bad people - since that's all there are. Not one of us has ever met a "good person" according to the flesh. We have met people who are less evil than most, and we have met people who are less evil than us (our own evil standard of minimum "goodness" being ourselves). [Romans 3:10-18 NASB] "[10] as it is written, "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE; [11] THERE IS NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD; [12] ALL HAVE TURNED ASIDE, TOGETHER THEY HAVE BECOME USELESS; THERE IS NONE WHO DOES GOOD, THERE IS NOT EVEN ONE." [13] "THEIR THROAT IS AN OPEN GRAVE, WITH THEIR TONGUES THEY KEEP DECEIVING," "THE POISON OF ASPS IS UNDER THEIR LIPS"; [14] "WHOSE MOUTH IS FULL OF CURSING AND BITTERNESS"; [15] "THEIR FEET ARE SWIFT TO SHED BLOOD, [16] DESTRUCTION AND MISERY ARE IN THEIR PATHS, [17] AND THE PATH OF PEACE THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN." [18] "THERE IS NO FEAR OF GOD BEFORE THEIR EYES."" The evil human moral standard of fallen evil by nature humans is not the holy, perfect, and divine standard of morality by which all flesh and angels will be judged. Those within Scripture who are called "righteous" are either called so because they are less evil than the majority of their culture ((i.e., civil righteousness) we, being evil, count those who are less evil than the majority, or less evil than us in some cases, as good) or else Scripture is indicating that that person has believed God's promise and God has accounted (imputed) it to him as righteousness, as he did in the case of Abraham (i.e., Abraham was righteous by faith). Even Christians on Earth are righteous only due to Christ's imputed righteousness and his death for our sins on the cross, and due to God's judicial decree of justification. In the flesh, we are still evil, though by the grace of God not as evil in the flesh as the unregenerate (or at least we shouldn't be). We are regenerate and are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and these impel us toward good deeds and away from evil deeds. But even so, no one of us keeps "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength" and "Your neighbor as yourself" for more than a few minutes (if that) of our waking day - the rest of our day is sin. When we fully and correctly understand the degree of wickedness of all mankind and of ourselves, then and only then do we correctly understand the immeasurable riches of God's glorious grace toward us and toward our brethren in Jesus Christ our Lord.
@rolysantos 4 года назад
Does He? Yes! Why? Now that's a better question!
@Atom7t9 4 года назад
I would have thought God was talking about the "Sword of the Spirit which is the WORD OF GOD!" They were preaching the gospel to these tribes not literally killing them! They were replenishing the earth with the incorruptible seed which is the Word of God. They had to die to the flesh hence annihilate them! "Show them no mercy" by not letting them accuse or excuse one another using the law. This is what happens when you carnaly interpret the Word of God. And hath made of ONE BLOOD all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; These tribes came from ONE bloodline, Adam! You really think God was talking about a carnal sword? The Godhead is not filled with the wisdom of this world nor does he have a carnal mind! It's no wonder non believers think this way when you're preaching that God sends his armies in with a "physical" or "carnal" sword to slay men, woman and children. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" You think that was a literal stoning of the disobedient and rebellious child by his parents in Deuteronomy 21? It is the same God in both testaments! Come on brothers let's pray for spiritual discernment. Praise my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
@rebeccasmith8567 4 года назад
The Bible is dual, spiritual and physical. The Cananites were dispossessed. They were wicked, burning their children to their gods (like our abortion, killing our unborn for our convenience). Our lives belong to God and we are not promised the next breath. I, for one, am grateful that He has my life in His control.
@kar3n35 4 года назад
@micvili7527 4 года назад
Those people were Nephiliym thats why He said wipe them out They not human !
@nickacker404 4 года назад
Finally someone that knows an important fact that plays a huge role in the Bible and we to shall see these things
@micvili7527 4 года назад
@@nickacker404 Amen
@OneHighwayWalker 4 года назад
May I ask what your Scripture proof is for that claim? It wouldn't explain the destruction of the animals.
@micvili7527 4 года назад
@@OneHighwayWalker Of course explains the destruction of the animals these creatures violated the laws of mixing why else would you wipe out all the animals in a village in those days
@valeriehinkle8995 Год назад
​@@philipps6032 who said anything about Africans or giants. He said "nephylim" which was a species of half human half fallen angel therefore not human as God had created.
@Gyrannon 3 года назад
So you acknowledge that he DID command it, yet you deny it and try to explain it away to make it seem justified. YOU CAN'T JUSTIFY THE KILLING OF CHILDREN!!! YOU CAN'T JUSTIFY MASS GENOCIDE AND CLAIM THIS CAME FROM A BEING THAT LOVES EVERYONE LIKE THEIR OWN SON & DAUGHTER - WOULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN KIDS AND CLAIM YOU LOVE THEM? Perspective is what you are ignoring. He has the power to do whatever he wants. He could make it so that those people were elsewhere, but nah he opted to have them slaughtered. HE KNEW WHAT WOULD BEFALL THEM BEFORE THEY WERE EVEN BORN; OMNISCIENCE and yet he still pushed for their utter annihilation... And what do you do? Defend him the atrocities. You might as well try that with Hitler while you're at it. Our belief and lack thereof is NOT A CONDITION to understanding. Lets look at islam, you call them evil for killing christians, yet you don't believe in their ways, hmmm.... maybe you have to believe in their ways to understand where they are coming from huh? Oh? No? THEN WHY SHOULD ANYONE FOLLOW YOUR BS THEN!? He did command people to do EVIL, to DO SIN - THOU SHALT NOT KILL. HE CONTRADICTED HIMSELF. HE IS A EVIL AND YOU ARE TOO BLIND TO SEE IT. You're like a slave that swears the owner is a great person when all they do is exploit, abuse, and take advantage.
@lauterunvollkommenheit4344 4 года назад
@shamrocku2d2 4 года назад
You need to do a Google Search on origins of the name god and know that OUR MAKER CREATOR IS NOT a god and is not god. I have been following your programs for years. I love your presentation's but you as all teachers have some good and some not so good. If you are being kind to ignorant sheeple by calling our FATHER god it's not going to help them come judgement day. Many will be called but few Will be chosen. PRAYERS! YAHUHA OUR FATHER.
@119Ministries 4 года назад
Shalom, We have a series of teachings about the name that you may be interested in watching and teaching. You can find part 1 here: www.119ministries.com/teachings/video-teachings/detail/hashem-part-1-whats-in-a-name/
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