
Anthrax's Scott Ian Shows Off his Insane Jackson Collection | Thrashed | Jackson Guitars 

Jackson Guitars
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Scott Ian of Anthrax walks you through some of his Jackson’s and the stories behind them and how they came to be.
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#JacksonGuitars #Thrashed #Anthrax #ScottIan
About Thrashed:
Check out the Jackson collections of your favorite artists as well as hear stories behind modifications and how some Jackson gear got, well - Thrashed! Jackson Guitars can take a beating, but for good reason, great music. Check it out!
About Jackson:
Jackson began back in the late 1970s, when heavy music experienced a flamboyant and virtuosic resurgence in popularity and a small Southern California guitar repair shop became the epicenter of a new level of shred-approved excellence. Ever since then, Jackson guitars have been universally lauded as the metal guitars; the shred machines-highly original high-performance instruments of distinctive style and formidable substance. From metal’s chart-topping peaks to its darkest recesses, for discerning guitarists all over the globe, Jackson is the only way to go.
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Visit JACKSON GUITARS WEBSITE: www.jacksonguitars.com
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Anthrax's Scott Ian Shows Off his Insane Jackson Collection | Thrashed | Jackson Guitars
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14 июл 2024




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Комментарии : 481   
@wingerfan1 2 года назад
What an incredible guy with an incredible collection. Imagine what he didn’t show us.
@TheLochs 2 года назад
Scott is a cool dude.
@nsnseuw6193 Год назад
IHOP Isuzu and also
@johnhareiel5118 3 месяца назад
Unless you sing for him
@SuperOpposum 2 года назад
Scott's guitars are all so personal, everytime you see these videos you can tell the artist loves their instruments and remembers them all as individual pieces. But the fact that nearly every guitar in this video has at least 1 personal and unique trinket on it is really dope, and shows how much he loves them
@user-ih1ko4uy2p 2 года назад
\🎸 🎸 ひずんだ カラダ 叫び出す= ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vLw3ecmuZas.html
@ThrillingTwo 2 года назад
Yes, that's what made this video great and interesting! Way more than some dude with his 40 year old, beat-up cream strat. Yaaaawn.
@debabasfore2741 Год назад
De um
@johnleveil1002 Год назад
@@user-ih1ko4uy2p to r
@kobrien6657 2 года назад
This man is so genuine, real, and overall 'nice guy'. Got to meet him briefly, almost a decade ago now (yikes), super friendly dude. Being a metal head from Queens, Anthrax has always been a huge inspiration.
@AJEDDY97 2 года назад
He really is as nice as people say he is?
@kobrien6657 2 года назад
@@AJEDDY97 for sure.
@anrymalsawma651 2 года назад
@Jeffmetal42 2 года назад
Damn, that is guitar heaven. The Dime Slime looks insane!
@Deke1 2 года назад
I agree, amazing Guitar!
@jsullivan2112 2 года назад
Yeah that one really stood out, one of the better looking slime finishes I've seen a company do. It almost glows.
@mthmar8543 Год назад
@manocornuta 2 года назад
I love Scott, I love Anthrax! I have seen Anthrax so many times live! Anthrax is a part of my life till I’m a teenager! Now I’m 48 years! Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪!
@trasakas 2 года назад
so inspiring to see that he only cares for using them and not keep them like a treasure.treasure is the music and not woods or magnets.respect
@OpenRoader 2 года назад
In the 80's, of the big 4, it was ANTHRAX that lit me up the most. The sheer speed of the band, the energy, the attitude. Great to see Scott's collection
@rahulmenon4357 2 года назад
Persistence of Time is one of the greatest albums of all time, 80s or not. That said, Spreading The Disease and Among The Living are better.
@OpenRoader 2 года назад
@@rahulmenon4357 ABSOLUTELY. Time, Keep It In The Family, and their cover of Got The Time just ROAR!
@rahulmenon4357 2 года назад
@@OpenRoader When progressive actually meant something, not DT or Meshuggah cloning
@creamysauce7966 Год назад
Anthrax is my favorite
@sirrigsby7788 2 года назад
That was really awesome! Getting a personal account of some of Scott's killer guitar's. If this video would have just been some dude from Jackson or anyone else other than Scott saying the exact same words it would have been alright. But hearing it from the man himself makes it something special like from the heart, u know. Would love to see many more videos like this in the future. From all kinds of guitarist & not just the usual names that come up when discussing guitar's & guitarist. Awesome!🤘🤘🤘
@simonsobarzo Год назад
Si ⁹🌃🌃
@adrianherrera987 Год назад
@xyzcreate 2 года назад
NOOOO! Why did this video have to end?! This video was so fun and I could watch hours of this!
@user-ih1ko4uy2p 2 года назад
\🎸 🎸 ひずんだ カラダ 叫び出す= ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vLw3ecmuZas.html
@chenkuallalrinawma5509 2 года назад
@@user-ih1ko4uy2p ll) llllllllolllololollloolllllllll) ll) lll) kl oool llllllloolollololloll) lll)) lol llllllllolololooollllol) llll) ll) lllllllolllllolooooolooolool) ol ol l ll lllllll) llllllllolllllllloolllooolllll) l llllllll) ll) llllllllollllolllllloollollllloll) l) l l ll llllollolllooloolllooloolllll) llll)) llllllolloooooollolooollollloololololl) l ) l l l) llllllllloloolooollllloloooollll))) lllll) lllllllllllolooolooolllll) l) l llo llolllolololllloolooooooollollololloooolllll)) ll olllllloloollooollolllooooloolo) l)) llllll) llloolllllooollloooooloolllooollollool) llll) ll) llll) llllllollololoolololooolllllolllll) lll) l llollooooloooooololooloololll) llllll)) ll llol llllollollolollllllllololol) lll)) lllloollolollooooollllolololl) lllllll) l)) llo looolooollolloolll) llllll)) l) l oollol llolloololollllooo) lllll) lllll)) llllolllloollooooolollollllll)) ll llllllllllllllollloolololololll) lll) l ) lllllloollllolllooollooolooolllollll)) lllll) lolllloolooooooololloool) 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@chenkuallalrinawma5509 2 года назад
@@user-ih1ko4uy2p ll) llllllllolllololollloolllllllll) ll) lll) kl oool llllllloolollololloll) lll)) lol llllllllolololooollllol) llll) ll) lllllllolllllolooooolooolool) ol ol l ll lllllll) llllllllolllllllloolllooolllll) l llllllll) ll) llllllllollllolllllloollollllloll) l) l l ll llllollolllooloolllooloolllll) llll)) llllllolloooooollolooollollloololololl) l ) l l l) llllllllloloolooollllloloooollll))) lllll) lllllllllllolooolooolllll) l) l llo llolllolololllloolooooooollollololloooolllll)) ll olllllloloollooollolllooooloolo) l)) llllll) llloolllllooollloooooloolllooollollool) llll) ll) llll) llllllollololoolololooolllllolllll) lll) l llollooooloooooololooloololll) llllll)) ll llol llllollollolollllllllololol) lll)) lllloollolollooooollllolololl) lllllll) l)) llo looolooollolloolll) llllll)) l) l oollol llolloololollllooo) lllll) lllll)) llllolllloollooooolollollllll)) ll llllllllllllllollloolololololll) lll) l ) lllllloollllolllooollooolooolllollll)) lllll) lolllloolooooooololloool) 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@pavankumars8965 2 года назад
@@user-ih1ko4uy2p .
@RajVerma-wp1os Год назад
@@user-ih1ko4uy2p p
@aandc2005 2 года назад
Jackson makes the most kick ass guitars on earth!!!😀🎸👍
@AadilKhan-rt9vv 2 года назад
@@creamwobbly 0
@greggblankley6222 Год назад
You spelled Ibanez wrong
@oilers4424 2 года назад
Massive thanks to Scott and Jackson Guitars for this video. I'm mostly an ESP/E-II/LTD guy nowadays, but was fortunate enough to pick up a T-1000 back in 2014 and it still holds a very special place in my heart and always will. It's wonderful to see Scott feel the same way about his Jacksons and I love that each one has a story or personal meaning to him. Definitely the mark of an incredible journey as a guitarist!
@user-ih1ko4uy2p 2 года назад
\🎸 🎸 ひずんだ カラダ 叫び出す= ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vLw3ecmuZas.html
@Guitarist19887 2 года назад
How’s the Indonesian ltds? I’ve heard the Korean are better or both are same mixed reviews, since you’re into ltds I’d like your opinion. I have a real ESP m-II but want an ltd backup.
@oilers4424 2 года назад
@@Guitarist19887 I'd say stick with Korean LTDs from 2015 and before if you're willing to buy used. If you can, always check the serial number: the first letter and first two digits will denote in what factory and what year it was made. The ones with a 'W' and any number 15 or lower that I own are all right there with USA Jacksons and Japanese ESPs and even surpass them in some ways. I've heard that more recent Indonesian versions of the same LTD guitars previously made in Korea are still decent but not quite as good as their predecessors. But I do own one Indonesian 2007 LTD MH-250NT that has been modded but I love very much so it is possible to find great Indonesian made LTDs too. I hope this helps!
@Guitarist19887 2 года назад
@@oilers4424 ah thank you was wanting just this kind of detailed information, I have looked also at esp the junior 89 which looks great too. So I’m definitely going with what you said if I go for Ltd though, I have heard the deluxe are insanely good for price. Why spend thousands that’s what I think 🤔 also the number thing I’ll have to look into a bit as it’s confusing. Just read one that is Korean with “W12120683” 🤔
@oilers4424 2 года назад
@@Guitarist19887 You're welcome. What model is the LTD you're looking at? The serial number beginning 'W12....' tells me the following: W = Made in Korea at World Music factory (where allegedly all the best LTDs come from). 12 = Built in 2012. I don't have familiarity with the ESP Junior model but I agree with you on not needing to spend thousands for a bonafide ESP... For example, I have a 2015 LTD MH-1000NT that I bought for around $600 used in 2019 with a case and that is one of my favorite guitars. In late 2020, I bought a used E-II Horizon NT-II. I ended up sending it back due to it not being in the condition described but also because it honestly didn't play any better that my MH-1000NT. I learned from that if a cheaper guitar plays and sounds really good then the price tag doesn't necessarily matter in the grand scheme of things.
@irmasil3 2 года назад
I am drooling over that silver burst King V single bucker Jackson....Like, I NEED THIS NOW!!!! MIJ please!!!!
@coryb2173 2 года назад
Scott’s like that old buddy you are always really glad to see as it’s “been too long”. Hard to believe it’s been dang near 37 years since Spreading the Disease melted my 17 year old ears. Thanks for the years Scott!
@VapnFagan 2 года назад
I own a USA King V and its one of the best playing and crafted guitars i own.
@tylerrue3108 2 года назад
@dirtbag daryal I was surprised he didn't mention that Mustaine designed it. They got beef or something?
@timgoetz9166 2 года назад
I have 6 js32 v,,,,,one king v signed by geoff Tate,,omc,, they are inexpensive and play great,,,I have 50 guitars but only play like one Jackson v ,,,,when it wears out I will just use another one,,love my Jackson's,,,
@timgoetz9166 2 года назад
@dirtbag daryal got a Dave mustaine abominations,,plays nice,united!!!!!
@Jstall7543 2 года назад
Scott looks exactly the same as he did 30 years ago! Sick Guitars! I❤️Jackson!
@JohnFFox12 2 года назад
Why not take the big 4 guitar home with you and mount it on the wall in your office or man cave or something? lol!! Your the best Scott always a positive attitude and smiling in every video or interview.
@harolddeschenes4640 2 года назад
The greatest thing for me is that he talks about his guitars with so much passion and that they all have their own history. This is where you recognise the trues from the fakes.
@lakhonlyngdoh6065 Год назад
@mhsigrist 2 года назад
That Big 4 San Dimas is just sick cool. Damn, what a piece of Metal history.
@andysalter7192 2 года назад
I could seriously watch Scott talk guitars for 8 hours and not get bored ! That 89 Dinky is as iconic to me as Eddie's frankenstrat, my introduction to Anthrax was Persistence of Time and that was the guitar in all the videos and live shots I watched back then .
@Furiora 2 года назад
7:30 "i didn't think they'd make it for me" and now there's a guitar just like that in the pro line
@DanPellegrino486 Год назад
and now a Dime Slime style X series...
@mikekuczynski1552 2 года назад
Sweet collection, I love how everyone one of them he knows intimately. Not just a collection, a lifetime achievement. Thanks for all you’ve have done . Happy Trails
@hiahpohtam7598 2 года назад
@mangsonkhongphan2546 Год назад
@@hiahpohtam7598 l lololol ppl
@mangsonkhongphan2546 Год назад
@@hiahpohtam7598 p
@philgarcia2097 Год назад
Big fan and my favorite rhythm guitarist next to Malcolm. After 35 plus years I finally got a my lefthanded jackson 🙌
@3Storms 2 года назад
With as many times as I've seen Anthrax dating back to 1989, those guitars are part of my growing up into today too. What happened to the ninja turtle guitars? 1989 = Anthrax in shorts, ninja turtles, Scott with a mullet, and an audience screaming "DON'T YOU FUCKING LOOK AT ME!"
@samanthaadams619 2 года назад
Good times there! That's always what comes to mind for me when Anthrax is mentioned, the shorts, ninja turtle guitars and all that.
@hotblackdesiato3451 2 года назад
The TMNT graphics were on Danny's Jackson.
@wc1994 2 года назад
@@hotblackdesiato3451 yeah, definitely Danny's guitar
@tommyibanez3958 2 года назад
When Danny left Anthrax I worked for someone whose gf was friends with him. I said I wish I could get my hands on one of his graphic guitars. She mentioned it to him and he offered to sell one to me for a few thousand (I think $5k?), and I seriously considered it even though I was pretty poor. I didn't know his guitars were 3/4 bodies though (or 7/8?) so I used that as my excuse to not make myself poorer. I DID have one of Petrucci's ivory Picassos that I traded an amp head for to one of his students- that amp cost me $300 so I considered, and treated, that Ibanez like a $300 guitar even though I loved it, pretty much destroyed it, then sold it for like $1500- those are now selling for like $7k. NY sucks, but the upside to living here is you always know someone who knows someone.
@jamiebruner8463 2 года назад
I love Scott Ian, protect this man. He's like the coolest dude
@Locoandchooch 2 года назад
Love these videos
@christophermerlot3366 2 года назад
All these years later I still have my tour programme from the Clash of the Titans tour signed by Scott. Killer show.
@quickdrawmcgraw3567 2 года назад
What I would give/do to go back in time to that show!!
@creamysauce7966 Год назад
@@quickdrawmcgraw3567 Same
@bpdarragh 2 года назад
Love that guiar with frets only up to 14. Heavy rhythm axe
@vanguard4065 2 года назад
Look at how incredibly healthy Scott looks the man is in great shape long may he live!
@hangman960 2 года назад
Awesome Collection
@LordVikingLive 2 года назад
I have all my guitars at home. I couldn't have em anywhere else. They are part of the family. Love Jackson guitars.
@user-ih1ko4uy2p 2 года назад
\🎸 🎸 ひずんだ カラダ 叫び出す= ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vLw3ecmuZas.html
@thebuck1152 2 года назад
Love the story behind each piece
@user-rz4ox4no8v Год назад
@yurnero7897 2 года назад
Impresive, thanks for sharing!
@jgmopar 2 года назад
The White RR guitar with NOT on it is my favorite. Way back when I saw Anthrax video madhouse on Nightflight many years ago he was playing that jackson
@Wildchildinc 2 года назад
Rhoads, Anthrax, and many others inspired me to get a Jackson. I've had my RR24 for 11 years and is the greatest guitar in my collection!
@GeorgeZimmermen 2 года назад
Is it an actual jackson or an import from one of 3 factories that makes 90% of all guitars
@Wildchildinc 2 года назад
@@GeorgeZimmermen Listen here Hoss, a Jackson is a Jackson. You ain't cranking the hawg hard enough with that mindset borther!
@GeorgeZimmermen 2 года назад
@@Wildchildinc there is a real objective difference though, especially with jackson. They are famous and world renowned for their custom shop and that’s how they started. If you say you have a jackson you gotta differentiate between a real one and an import made by Indonesians overseas who also make esp, evh, dean etc guitars. All these companies are essentially the same thing. Same guitars being built by the same people and the only difference is the name they slap on the headstocks
@Wildchildinc 2 года назад
@@GeorgeZimmermen Listen here borther. Unless you shredn and krankin the hawg, you got no say about quality guitars in these parts. Gobless!
@revhappymv 2 года назад
Love my RR24. I've got the snow white one with the black bevels. Absolute beaut 😁
@matthiasbrunschweiler515 2 года назад
It's really nice to see a man so happy about his guitars 🙂
@Daneidorff 2 года назад
Awesome. Love the Rhoads NOT guitar - remember that one from the videos when i was a kid. Legendary axe! Was hoping to see one of the JJs. I have one of those - and i freaking love it!
@randymiles904 2 года назад
Fantastic video. Love Scott and anthrax.
@gpgpgpgp1000 2 года назад
Anthrax is my favorite of the Big Four! Love those guys!
@danielluna1818 2 года назад
I’m glad he’s back playing Jackson’s . The washburns era was a strange time
@clanofhousecats8079 2 года назад
So inspiring to see Scott Ian with his Custom Jacksons and performing with a handful of them. Living the dream...
@chriskoch2465 2 года назад
Scott ian kicks ass. Thanks for showing your collection🤘
@stevekimmel3841 2 года назад
Kick ass Scott!Love Jacksons.Sorry for you and your ladies loss.RIP Meatloaf.
@louiscampbell1416 Год назад
Thanks again very amusing entertaining inspirational God bless you and yours beard man
@PMC47 2 года назад
I got my rr3 not only because of Randy but equally as much because of Dan Spitz. Love that alder bodied shredmonster🤘
@creamysauce7966 Год назад
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Guitar! Fucking Awesome! Dan The Man.
@markrushton1516 2 года назад
Great enthusiasm for the brand and some lovely guitars.
@mikeg.9238 2 года назад
The IN THE END one is killer with Ronnie and Dime!!!🤘🤘🤘🤘🎸🎸
@theinsaneshecklador6598 2 года назад
6:48 Hearing Scott say "colors" reminded me of the Married With Children episode.
@spiritualreflections1253 2 года назад
Scott is aging so beautifully
@rock2hot806 2 года назад
The man has some beautiful guitars 🎸🤘🎸🤘🎸
@carmencastillo4548 2 года назад
Wooooooow Awesome guitars 👏👏 congratulatoons Best regards
@SilverKnife0311 2 года назад
Great video!! I LOVE all of my Jacksons especially my Crackle Soloist and my Mick Thompson sig Soloist!!! You guys ALWAYS make great stuff and have enjoyed and cherish all of them!~
@cujo9071 Год назад
I deeply thank God First for letting this be possible then everyone @ Jackson Guitars Great Love and Hugs for EVERYONE at Jackson Guitars . You guys made my dream come true ❤❤❤ 😉😊👍👋
@martindejong4813 2 года назад
The “V”is the metal guitar by far. Gibson, Jackson, Hammer, doesn’t matter what brand it is. You play metal, you play a “V”! I’m not talking about sound here, i’m talking about looks. It looks fast, sharp and cool. But if you make it sound good, that’s cool too!
@simpleanswer8954 2 года назад
Iron Bird, Stealth, Warlock... Xiphos... Warrior.... There's plenty of guitars that are more metal than a V. The V is entry level shit. It's also a terrible design for anyone trying to play past the 20th fret because the edge of the body gets in the way. Give me an Ibanez Xiphos or a Jackson Warrior. Maybe an old BC Rick Beast.
@ClaimedEagle 2 года назад
@@simpleanswer8954 you play a V Period
@JimmyKSimmonsOfficial 2 года назад
1984 San Dimas King V was/is my work horse - shes the only one that never asked me where I have been, who I was hanging out with etc and does what I ask every time.
@ericnelson7524 2 года назад
@SxSxG666 2 года назад
I love it that Ian's guitars can tell a story. They all look beat up like my babies :) But with every scar they become stronger and sound even better \m/
@sicmonic 2 года назад
Very awesome!
@Boyd1875 2 года назад
What a sweet collection. Thank you for taking the time to show it to us. ✌️😎🎸
@sirchromiumdowns2015 2 года назад
Fantastic collection, Baldini!
@drumjoedrum 2 года назад
Man oh man, *drool* that is a nice farking collection! The Big 4 autographed guitar… is just beyond words killer. Now THERE’S a design they could put on a guitar to sell.
@meyou9655 2 года назад
Hi 👋 Scott. You are one great guitarist. I love how Anthrax is not afraid to be funny. And I think they are heavy as hell.
@jesushuerta4990 Год назад
@slovencjbg8697 2 года назад
Respect bro 🤘👏🤘
@dominicmendillo9642 Год назад
🔥Extroyer 🤘
@timjones1464 2 года назад
Awesome collection scot , man that slime V is nasty brotha , and that Jackson explorer is pure awesomeness killer man!!! They gotta make that a run for the public to buy cause I want one in black man! So killer!!!!
@MatzaFTW 2 года назад
His original Rhoads will always be one of my favorite Jacksons
@user-ih1ko4uy2p 2 года назад
\🎸 🎸 ひずんだ カラダ 叫び出す= ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vLw3ecmuZas.html
@flyinpolack6633 2 года назад
Awesome collection!
@user-bn9br3jx5x 2 года назад
I love you man. God bless you !!!
What happened to Dan Spitzs old Jackson’s?
@joe-ti8cj 5 дней назад
Luv ❤️ jackson, s very cool you have a limited edition concord ,rock on! 😊
@wtffrankreich6873 2 года назад
The Michael schenker 's one is soooo beautiful
@raymondewitprachtigerjr8915 2 года назад
❤️ Thank you for my skillz!!!!!
@MikeysMorgue 2 года назад
Love Jackson guitars! My Jackson Dinky is still one of my favorite guitars I own.
@user-ih1ko4uy2p 2 года назад
\🎸 🎸 ひずんだ カラダ 叫び出す= ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vLw3ecmuZas.html
@nickmaatjes5611 2 года назад
hey Mikey, cheers mate i play a Jackson V knockoff but it rules, i wish you a nice weekend stay rad!!!!
@thedam1012 8 месяцев назад
Could listen to Scott all day long
@Denmark_1974 2 года назад
Awesome with the loud music in the background.
@theoutlawtorn 2 года назад
That was amazing
@charlesbronson2806 Год назад
Those late 80s Jackson's are my favorite metal guitars.
@carlavelasquez6824 Год назад
walter holmo
@weemt07biker74 2 года назад
@myopicautisticmetal9035 2 года назад
WTF, I saw Anthrax and SOD back in the day on the same bill and Scott was playing 5 string Jackson guitars, where the hell did those go?!
@jamesbridges1107 2 года назад
@aliensporebomb 2 года назад
This was great - you should do this for other prominent Jackson players as some of the special custom shop ones Scott had built up were really interesting. It's always cool to see those one-offs. Great video!
@savagevidz149 2 года назад
Crazy collection. Badass to see that NOT Guitar. I was lucky to get the entire Anthrax band to sign my guitar when they was here in Seattle at MayhemFest, including Scott Ian at the end of meet n greet Table. I believe he was a little hesitant , but signed it anyway. Anthrax=Legend= 1of the BIG 4 FOR LIFE. Thank you for the Share.
@ashterfadgadget817 2 года назад
What is it with having ‘NOT’ on everything? I’ve never known what the reason / meaning is.
@fabianzuluaga7864 2 года назад
Scott is such a cool guy!!
@richardturk7162 2 года назад
I had a one of your signature model JJ's in TSB I bought off Troy Seale of Iced Earth and what a great guitar. Had one of the limited run made in China 2012 ATL one hum soloists and it was awesome as well thanks for signing it.Think it was #144. It played just as good as my 1985 Jackson USA San Dimas soloist. Long time USA Jackson player and collector still have my 86 super strat that toured the world back in 86.
@ranman1959 2 года назад
Would have loved to hear how Scott came to play a Charvel Surfcaster in the early 90s.
@rainxsupreme 2 года назад
Please make his signature soloists again Jackson! I’ve been dying to have one of those for years!
@mikenealon4042 2 года назад
incredible art the slime n the schenk 🤯
@mikej3584 2 года назад
I dont play anything but charvell Jackson . I'm not a signed Rockstar but I've done local gigs for 20 years! Lot of fun!
@19P77 Год назад
Awesome guitarist and man, fantastic collectoin! I love Jackson guitars too, have an SL2, SL3, RR3 from pro series 🥰🤘
@bradgamson3635 2 года назад
Class act Scott.
@timjames9963 2 года назад
Scott is awesome.
@SlasherthraX 2 года назад
Awesome collection. Love the Among The Living and Dime Slime - but that last one, feckin' 'ell! Thats gona be worth a lot and only increase in time. No wonder he checks in on it.
@josephedwards8604 2 года назад
So many great guitars. Dime Slime was awesome.
@BorislavZahariev 2 года назад
If I were the owner of that last one, I'd never leave it in a storage room outside my home. That thing is worth at least $200k with all these signatures on it
@sirwinchester2918 2 года назад
This interview was taken at my work 🤘. Scott is a nice guy when he comes in
@cweve 2 года назад
I was at SPAC when Mike Learn and Nubs were out front with the Dio tribute guitar.
@joncaterson4294 Год назад
Really humble bloke who goes that extra to show his respect for the guitar and the ledgends that helped influence Scott's music and way of life 🤘⚡⚡⚡⚡
@KoMar551 6 месяцев назад
man, scott is such a cool, down to earth dude to hang out with, have a few beers and talk about guitars. Jackson Guitars - can you make this happen for me please :D
@CriticalThinking88 2 года назад
That's a shit ton of metal history. Amazing.
@jbabcock74 3 месяца назад
Easily one of the nicest guys in music today 🤘
@PappiMelonJr Год назад
I subscribe thanks Scott Ian thanks Jackson I'm a big ESP fan but Jackson's art awesome too thanks Jackson
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