Gave my wife some Lithium orotate from seeking health and it worked amazingly! No side effects , cleared the stress right out. I took one capsule 30 mins ago and my stress has subsided greatly! Thanks Dr. Lynch
I used to be a person who couldn't help but react instantly to the world around him. No filter. It felt like I was out of control. Then I took L.O. and fasted 2 days a week. These two things literally rebuilt my brain! Don't get me wrong, things still annoy me. But it's like, for the first time, I now have the choice of whether to react or not.
I fixed my alchol abuse, depression, anxiety and so on with lithium orotate and I experienced the same as expressed in this video. As well, eating less or 0 carbs and more protein and meat have a positive effect. This is great stuff to try basically for free. 😊
I had been on Prozac for anxiety for a long time with breaks for pregnancies . Decided I was tired of the side effects , quit cold turkey in February 2024, not gonna lie it's been a roller coaster. Started taking LO about a week ago and it's already helping me, PTL! I was close to caving and going back on RX med
@@SM-by8mg I lowered the dose to 2.5 at bedtime bc it was causing me to be so sleepy. Im not sure if it's helping that much at this point. Have been taking the occasional propranolol when the anxiety gets very bad. How're you dong?
@@mcspankie2010 I used SSRIs prozac for a month and lost all the motivation and happiness in my life . Its been 5 year that I haven't returned to my post ssri situation. Struggling with motivation and mood disorder till now . Will never ever go back on Big Pharma Poisions .
Wow! Thanks for this. My 23 year old daughter, because of YOU, is finally stable as long as she maintains her diet. She is off 5 out of 7 of the psychotropic medications she was on and falling further and further into despair. We are now seeing these 2 extremes and can't find a trigger. We have noticed an immediate improvement upon eating a steak a couple of times. From full on anxiety and hearing voices to feeling normal. Thank you for the continued suggestions. We are fine tuning!
@@lseh4720 yes to adhd, about 5 years ago she was on Prozac and ended up with serotonin toxicity after it was increased. We then discontinued it and none since.
I take a low dose of stimulant medication for Adhd and was experiencing a lot of the symptoms you mentioned- panic, anxiety and overwhelm. NOTHING was helping, or if it did it was very short lived. My naturopath prescribed the lithium orotate supplement and it was the only thing that provided consistent relief. 😮💨 thank you for sharing this info!
Thank you for spreading the word on the brilliance of lithium orotate, Mr. Lynch. Your work set me on the genetic path years ago. I have videos on my channel praising lithium and other essential nutrients that alleviate other dirty genes. I'm expanding the research and the word further. This is the future of medicine. Nutrigenomics. 😊
I checked your channel but couldn't find any videos on lithium or other nutrients, only music videos. Do you have another channel, about the nutrients? Could you share the link / name of the channel?
Thank you Doc! You are so honest. Many are not. They represent big pharma...and they are not happy with natural remedies...guess why! This information made my day...and more. Greatings from Belgium.
Dr. Lynch thanks for highlighting Lithium’s positive effects. What you are talking about is nutritional lithium in the lithium orotate form and glad you separated it away from the lithium carbonate Rx prescription. I have found published data that recommends 1mg of nutritional lithium in the orotate or citrate form per day for everyone. As it is thought by some to actually be an essential element to this earth, that our bodies need. And published data has shown low levels of lithium to occur in some sources of spring water. Some Alzheimer’s probing type research also recommends low levels of nutritional lithium. Would you consider formulating a 1mg dose of lithium orotate? Then those seeking the health of nutritional lithium would have that option.
@@tishasgI have an entire protocol on my channel, going even deeper into what this brilliant expert, Dr. Lynch, talks about. I'm not credentialed like him but apply the same thinking he does. His videos and supplements are very useful too.
I just started yesterday on a low dose of 5 mg, I'm already having a feeling of great sleeping cycle and I think this should be the most important alkaloid metal to be included in every household nutrition
You may benefit from choline supplementation as well. I have a video on it and others too. Many mental health issues can be effectively cured with nutritional supplements and diet alterations. Take care, fellow mental health warrior. 😊
Thank you so much you're the best This is going to help me a lot especially when I'm wired at night I'm going to get it Thank you blessings to you.❤ I have your book but I must have missed that chapter.
I was taking 2 vitamins per day as recommended. Usually late day or evening. They said "energy" on the bottle. I just assumed B Vitamins, etc. The other day, I realized they have a caffeine blend for "energy", maybe for weight loss. I stopped taking them and feel much calmer now. That is such an obvious thing I overlooked. Been dealing with Anxiety off and on for years. I'm sure those vitamins were not helping either.
@mathiasmichel1797 not for everyone. GABA makes me mean and angry...can't sleep. Love my LO & st johns wort for mornings (plys adrenal cortex as needed), nighttime is Magnolia Bark 🥰 Everyone is an individual and treated as such
I’ve noticed when I’m forced to wear a mask even for a few minutes, I will later have a panic attack that lasts hours. I also have sickle cell anemia and feel dizzy, fatigued, and extremely anxious like to the point where I’m about to collapse. Is there a science to this and what can I do?
Have lots of Anxiety, Anxiety feelings in the body are considerably higher than merited from the situation. I wake up with minor internal tremors. Lithium Orotate doesn't do anything really. 5-HTP worked for a bit in tiny doses, L-Tryptophan worked for a bit, but doesn't seem to now. Gaba does nothing, never did. L-Theanine worked for a bit, doesn't now. Folate doesn't seem to help. Now thinking it's possibly a histamine issue, going to try DOA. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I am compound heterozygous MTHFR and super slow COMT. Would this work for someone like me? I have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety in the past, i seem to control my anxiety symptoms with diet and exercise but sometimes nothing helps with the nervousness. Would the lithium work for me or make me worse do you think?
Can you please make a video for people who have Fast COMT, I have watched all your videos and bought your book but only ever hear you talk about slow COMT
sure. Essentially you want to eat protein with each meal, listen to music and support healthy dopamine levels. Consider Dopamine Nutrients as well in the morning. If you don't feel much from 1-2 capsules, then you will need to add Brain Nutrients 1/2 lozenge with it to support healthy dopamine synthesis. Dopamine Nutrients: Brain Nutrients Lozenge:
You are amazing. Thanks for your information you provide here. So good and helpful. I can relate to all of this and use your ideas how to handle those issues for myself.
I’m praying to god this works. My doctor Cold turkey me off antidepressant, kolonopin and Lunesta. I’ve got the c677t homozygous high homocysteine low folate. The withdrawals are literally killing me and making my body sensitive to everything. Update I tried it my body feels like I can’t move with pain and made me very depressed anxiety worse. Headache. Only took seeking health 5mg
@@mistressvivian1116 I’m 18 months now. I still can only eat 7 organic Whole Foods. I’m slowly getting better currently bad situation since my soon to be ex spouse doesn’t believe in withdrawals from medications or anything else. I know once I’m healed I’ll have a better life without him waisted 16 years with him. I currently started working at the zoo and love it so far now working towards getting my own place. Please pray for me to recover. I pray you are well. My cognitive ability is slowly returning. I swear psych medication and anxiety meds are all poison worse than street drugs so stay away from them all. Eat clean whole food and take care of your body and gut. Your gut is your second brain.
@@Filthycoffin oh hunny, you sound like you have come so far. I know these meds are a poison, I take them. I CT'd effexor about a year ago OMFG!!!!!! I'm with a really good therapist now, and I am tapering my benzo slowly to minimize the withdrawl. Yay, the zoo! Super cool, I was once upon a time a vet nurse, animals are great therapy!!
I take 225 mg clomipramine for onsessive thoughts and depression and anxiety .but it fives me mixed state and hot flush all over thr body .but if j lower the dose of clomipramine it womt wdress my illness .so can adding lithium help the side effec tof clomipramine 225 mg ???
Lithium orotate made me really really ill. Felt physically so unwell with banging headaches. Tried it several times but no joy. Symptoms resolved each time on stopping. Never understood why.
sometimes low serotonin may be associated with headaches. In your case, I would consider 5-HTP. Lithium is known to reduce serotonin signaling so by increasing serotonin via 5-HTP, you may feel better. From research: "At the same time, decreased levels of neurotransmitter, serotonin have been observed in migraineurs. Serotonin receptors have been found on the trigeminal nerve and cranial vessels and their agonists especially triptans prove effective in migraine treatment." Lithium is an ANtangonist for serotonin - so that likely explains your headaches associated with lithium. Low serotonin is also associated with depression and anxiety. Here is some 5-HTP which may help:
Dr Ben Lynch, thank you very much for your reply. I will try 5-HTP and see if it helps. Have never suffered with depression but I do have a history of anxiety and panic attacks.
Sir how do you raise norepinephrine and epinephrine mines are low and I’m experiencing a lot of anxiety and insomnia and nervous tension and racing mind all the time. Any solution
If you feel a lot of stress, I'd consider Optimal Adrenal as it supports healthy levels of cortisol. If you feel down, I'd consider Hydroxo B12 with Folinic Acid Lozenges as they support neurotransmission.
I’ve had a cracked tooth since the end of lockdown (molar) I’ve been to the dentist once to arrange a filling (or whatever needs doing to it) I’ve cancelled twice because I had a cold both times I was due. Now I have an abscess. (confirmed by the incessant throbbing which only got worse) On the third day I managed to get a prescription for amoxicillin, 500gms x3 per day, then my face blew up. I’m just about to take the eight capsule as I’ve been told to carry on, even though they and my doctor believe the swelling to be from a viral infection. (recently tested positive for sars cov 2 and can end isolation on 15th) I have an appointment at the dentist on Monday but nut sure what they can do with so much swelling. I have some sea salt nasal cleanser enriched with copper that i’m thinking of gargling AND swallowing. What would you do?
My 17 year old is heterozygous c677t like me, his anxiety is off the charts and he is acting out(punching walls). Doctor wants to use lexapro. His labs showed his folic acid is 7.3 and b-12 is 413. Please help, my husband wants to put him in a inpatient facility
I highly recommend you get testing done by a functional medicine practitioner. It is so worth the out of pocket expense. They will get to the root cause. I will pray for your son. That has to be so hard. 😓🙏🏼❤️
@@imme1972 also wanta mention Dr. Leland Stillman and Clark Englebert. They use HTMA to balance minerals, which will detox heavy metals out of the brain. Find them and watch their videos. They’re amazing! By the way, I’m also heterozygous for C677T. I have only had very mild anxiety and mostly when I’m sleep deprived. I just don’t want you to think his genes are his destiny. Praying for him! ❤️🙏🏼
@Dr Ben Lynch... Have questions on health. 1st I want to get bupropion to quit smoking. Can I with this? If not, what vitamin (s)/herbs help to quit. Also, have certain health condition I need to get under control and want to talk to you about it.
Is it OK to take this with natural porcine 3 & 4 for hashimotos & is it ok with my 20mg Slow release adderall for add. Is folinic acid the same as folate?
I have had 4 major open abdominal surgeries. Since then, I have major adrenaline surges that feel like I am on a roller coaster that is going straight down.It is especially bad at night. I had blood & urine tests that confirmed high cortisol, but not diagnosed with cushings. I am also a diabetic. Sugars tend to go high when I get the adrenaline surges, but nobody bekieves me. I feel like my body is consrantly stuck in fight in flight response, but I can't find a reason for feeling this way. It is just something my body goes through and it SUCKS!!! have tried SSRI's in the past and they make me manic so I refuse to take rhem. Can you please tell me what these symptoms are, and whst I can do about them? I am DESPERATE for help, and all the doctors say is that I have an anxiety disorder, and give me sedatuves which barely take the edge off and I feel kind of gross when I take them.Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
It can be helpful too to have a major loading dose of Li Or at the first week for me. I will start with as much as 20mg the first week, and taper down to 10 for several months. Kind of the opposite direction I was told. Not medical advice of course.
Dr. Lynch do you have anything on high lactic acid which causes high glutamate? I got an organic acid test done. Please help what would cause it to be high? And all my neurotransmitters are below the mean.
if they are lashing out, anxious or angry, yes - it may help them. you may want to try 1/2 the capsule vs all of it - and definitely tell your healthcare professional about this.
I'm 69 years old and all my adult life I've had IBS w/diarrhea. The slightest amount of stress, a simple phone call or a conversation with someone, will send me to the toilet. For a few years now I am terrified to leave my house because of my bowels. Do you think this Lithium would calm the head, the vagus nerve and bowels to give me my life back? I'm not taking any SSRI's. I do take Levothyroxine, Atenolol, Metformin, Gemfibrozil and Cholestyramine (to make me constipated).
hi Brenda - I'd have your doc check your thyroid medications because if you're taking too much, you'll be more anxious. I'd also focus on breathing techniques and consider working with a naturopathic physician to work on this. There is likely something deeper that needs work. You can consider Lithium Orotate - it is pretty amazing. Optimal Adrenal is also quite good at calming people while at the same time not reducing focus.
you can overdo ANYTHING - including air and water - and even hugs. So yes. Ashwagandha is quite mellow - so yes - that is pretty solid and safe even while on SSRI's. You may notice though that you may not need as much of the SSRI so work with your doctor if you feel that you're feeling a bit calmer than you like. 5-HTP is a great alternative to an SSRI - but again - DO NOT switch or move to this without talking with your healthcare professional.
@@kimc9310 people on SSRI's must consult with their doctor. psych meds are potent and lithium orotate is as well. consider seeing a naturopathic physician.
My son has Thiamine deficiency. Doctors denied helping him and today he is locked up and sentenced to forced medications. In Sweden, nobody believes in alternative health and my son is only 23 years old .
Hi Christina - my apologies. It's a shame that people don't grasp that people act out because their neurotransmitters are not balanced. If we focused on holistic care, so many people who lash out or cause 'issues' in society would be helped.
I saw that a doctor diagnosed Justin Bieber bipolar and prescribed him lithium and other doctor said he didn’t had to take that because he was not bipolar and no one should take lithium before brain testing.🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
The best medicine is not giving a damn about everything just stop control I g everything and live as life will always go on with our without your controlling behavior just don’t give a shit and live
Thank goodness. Many MDs will just write you a script for an anti-depressent without running tests for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. He did say check with your doctor before taking.
A degree doesn’t mean your knowledgeable. He has experience in natural medicine and a degree in holistic medicine. He knows and teaches drs genetics. I’ve seen a person(dr) that has medical degrees and now I’m in worse shape than ever. I’ve seen and heard all the degreed people who live by the last four letters of degreed. Never a cure, treat the symptoms. The system is broken.