
Are Amritdhari Women allowed to wear make-up or remove Hair? 

Basics of Sikhi
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@bikramsingh392 6 лет назад
Makeup makes your mind centred at your face which will ultimately grow old so accept it earlier and make efforts to improve your mind (Mann)
@namansinghbali 3 года назад
great perspective 👌
@awesomestevie27 6 месяцев назад
There is much more than the physical, even on first glance, one’s energy, one’s aura (what we subconsciously see) the sound one’s heart makes (what we subconsciously hear) much much more, and of course one’s mental and spiritual side which is much more important
@Rupinder-t5t 7 лет назад
Those who question Sikhi...... Follow this path for at least 7 days (HONESTLY)and then you may go ahead with your own lifestyle.... Trust me you will feel the truth and for sure you will miss those 7 days' experience 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@thegreatrestoration6784 2 года назад
Why should I be a Sikh rather than stay Catholic? Please answer.
@gerwsgse Год назад
@@thegreatrestoration6784 No reason? If you are connecting god the way you are then you’re fine? The gurus teachings tell those are Hindus or Muslims not to convert to sikhi but to be the best practising person you could possibly be to your own religion and live true to the words. Blessings brothers. I am born into a Sikh family but my parents never spoke Punjabi when I was growing up so I am trying to learn everything now. From history to religion and everything in between
@Inkulabi 7 лет назад
the beauty industry would die if sikhi prevailed ....maybe that's why it's a threat
@JT-nh3xk Год назад
There are literally billions of people in the world that are non-Sikh supporting the beauty industry, and the beauty industry is catered towards white women, so they don't even care about Sikhs
@Inkulabi Год назад
@@JT-nh3xk I guess you're right in the percentage of Sikh people in the world pales insignificant to the non Sikh population, but if the idea of beauty standards where you love yourself as you are I'm sure it would have a major impact on particular industries such as beauty
@user-uf6wc2zf6r 4 месяца назад
true. beauty industry just puts puts a lot of pressure on normal woman to look in a certain way. I am not a woman, but I know how much women have to go through to fit themselves in that beauty standard. If a lot of people were sikh, being yourself unchanged would become a norm and it would free a lot of women (even men) of the pain they have to go.
@shubhvijayaphalguna1125 5 лет назад
Dear ones, everyone who needs accessories like makeup or jewellery or hair style etc do so to prepare themselves to present(appearance) to this world. As one gets matured spirituality, s/he starts realising that we actually do not need any of them for a 'makeover'. We are best as we are. Some simple clothing, a confident look, warm smile and loving heart does it all. You look adorable, young and attractive if you have only these things. If you don't have these you're like painted tomb, not all the cosmetics make you beautiful. Listen to your inner voice not to the world.
@blissfullife2276 2 года назад
@25HARPREET 8 лет назад
when i was a child i asked my mom for a haircut.. she denied, but when i was a late teen my mom said, its your choice.. dont do something when your heart is not into it.. never let guilt make your decisions... if you keep long hair but in your heart, u are sad and dont want that, its better u get your haircut.. and if someday you are enlightened enough, and then decide to follow all rehat maryada.. it will hold more meaning....
@cowforces 8 лет назад
+25HARPREET This is how the panth was started, gurus started to build our rehat over the span of 10 generations, the first guru didn't make Khalsa right away, he knew that people were not ready for something like that. Take your time, make up your mind, fall in love with guru and baani.
@kirangill3606 5 лет назад
Love this ❤️ Yes we’re all on our own journey on our own pace ..
@BhupenderSingh-sm5hm 5 лет назад
Waheguru totally agreed on your views but also give a thought that "Manukh janam durlamb hai" don't waste your precious life in creating your own path you may follow the path followed by our gurus
@studystudy404 4 года назад
Bhupender Singh oh yes absolutely right ji
@studystudy404 4 года назад
25HARPREET u r also right sister but yes we should always try to convince our heart our mind to connect with god .... We should follow only guru granth sahib ji and on social media only true sikhs like on instagram or any other ......we should try to create such spiritual things people around us and love them
@rajduhra3073 7 лет назад
Peace inside makes beauty Outside. Dhan Guru Dhan Teri Sikhi.
@KuldeepSingh-le7nw 6 лет назад
Some people simply don't understand Sikhism religion practices. They tend to take the issue out of context. Maybe some of those who have negative comments are non Sikhs themselves but like to poke their nose in everything. Those people should learn about Sikh religion practices before deciding to comment.
@bka2810 8 лет назад
reading these comments I just feel that we take things to such a huge exterme like comment on pan ji wearing glasses or not cutting our nails. When we were born we didn't have cloths on that doesn't mean we walk around without any cloths on. All she is trying to say is that we are not this body we are the soul and this body was given to us so we can meet Guru Ji. We need to focus on our insides fix the karma that we have inside rather then worrying about hair, pimples, and fashion. I am not saying look like your homeless. We should look put together we are Guru Jis children but when your so focused on the outside all the time what time does that give you to focus on your insides. I took amrit when I was in grade 4 and for about 14 years I thought wearing my 5 kakars, covering my head and not cutting my hair made me a good sikh. But when I found sangat I saw how asleep I was and just fooling myself. These things pan ji talks about are NOT rules to make us feel like we can't live a empowering life as women with Kesh. This is a way of life we vowed to follow when we took amrit. These things are set in place to control our Kaam, To help us do simran, teaches us to be humble, to be different. Just because society changes there idea of how women or men should look like that doesn't mean that we can ignore the teachings our Guru Ji gave us. its just so funny watch tomorrow someone gets a picture of a Kardashian with a unibrow and then everyone is going to say "I want one". and we all know this is true we are so asleep. monkey see monkey do that's the beat of the drum with society today. Regardless of what I wrote and what was said in this video it doesn't matter because none of us change at the flick of switch. once you start focusing on your inside and surrender to guru ji that's when alll this will make sense. And then it won't matter to you what you looked like because you see that your not this body and we are all souls.
@tahirkhan8552 4 года назад
B K A 😂😂😂 that’s so true lol use are not born with hair omg Muslims have shave arm pit hair u have remove it all men and women women shave every ware men only do the personal hygiene is 100%
@gurgurgur 4 года назад
Yes you are right really story start when someone surround to guru and start accepting the teaching everything is inside when someone understand I am a souls not body.
@HarpreetSingh-lj1rx 4 года назад
Very well written and excellently interpreted,, u are a true soul
@GurleenKaur-ic2li 3 года назад
Woww 👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻
@ishita9876 3 года назад
Thanx bka you explained it beautifully
@shivanikapur7243 2 года назад
Never saw a man speaking like him.. truly gentleman ❤️
@SilentHotdog28 8 месяцев назад
He's a G. I'm Aussie and white, I never really understood the fascination with women cutting and shaving their body hair, everything being bare and same with makeup, I prefer natural women. If you want to wear makeup or cut your hair, then by all means, but never feel pressured.
@estevanhernandez2608 6 лет назад
I see many excuses on this video, that want to shape Sikhism to their liking. This isn't opression of woman and it's not restriction of women. Gurbani is a prescription to the disease called ego. When you go to the doctor and your sick he will give you a prescription on things to avoid and medicine to get better. These aren't restrictions you can do what you want nothing is stopping you, but you won't get any better. Do you think the Guru's wives wore make up? Sikh women and men especially amritdhari who are KHALSA are suppossed to be warrior saints ... you think warriors and saints wear make up?
@saabigee7004 6 лет назад
Sikhi is a spiritual path and it is totally your internal, individual journey in the way of spirituality. Whole game is internal. The outer or any false or external show up won't help you too much and even can create hurdle on your way in beginning but when you got enlightened (got victory on 5) nothing won't stop you and external things will loose their values and then nature will prevail and you will appreciate the nature from bottom of your 💓 heart and completeness will be reflected from inside to outside and it will be truly meaningful not just you were doing without realizing. Start from inside and finish it on outside. God bless every one!!!
@Kjas133 2 года назад
Thank you :)
@mandykaursarai 8 лет назад
This is the exact reason why Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji asked for Sacrifice of our heads when the 5 Pyaris took Amrit. I will not take Amrit until I can 100% commit to these, not rules, but a code of conduct - a way of living. The 5 K's are the Sikhs uniform and it is our identity and this Code of Conduct means that we will not give them up for money, for our own selfish desires, and we will help fight against oppression. The meaning of the sacrifice is to sacrifice our desires whether that is our desire to look beautiful, our sexual desires, or any other desires. We have to remain in the Guru's code of conduct that is why Sikhi is not for everyone and it certainly doesn't mean someone is an extremist. (like someone else mentioned in this comment section). For example: Why does Islam ban people from listening to music? You are allowed to listen to the music of prayer, but if you listen all day to music that just talks about killing, power, and how many girls you have or vice versa how many men love you because of your beauty then those songs just feed your ego, your pride. Instead, the music of God, hymns of the Holy Books, whether it be the Qu'ran, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or even anything other Holy Books out there, should create peace inside of us and clean our souls of all the dirt, like the way soap cleans our body. A another great example of this is pedophiles, they watch porn all day long, and 24 hrs a day they think about having sex with kids b/c they know they can't handle a true women. They have made their minds so dirty that they can never ever think of a child as someone who is innocent and needs to be protected, they can only see their own desires because that is all they think about. Prayer is so powerful, it can even change someone like a pedophile, but only if a person can truly listen to it and it will take time and it will need to be put into a habit.You can't be watching TV and listening to the Gurbani at the same time. You have to sit and say each word like your life depends on it and try to understand what the Guru is trying to tell us. These rules have been there from the day Sikhi was created. Before, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji started fighting against the Hill Kings. The Hill Kings asked Guru Gobhind Singh Ji that they would like to take Amrit, but they would only do it if he would change the rules of cutting the hair. The Guru Ji said that these rules have been already placed and cannot be changed. If anyone is like me and cannot live without getting their eyebrows done then I suggest that you are CERTAINLY not ready to take AMRIT and please DO NOT take Amrit until you are ready to sacrifice your head, which means our selfish desires. Another thing I want to mention to everyone is that Islam is so misunderstood and that is why there are so many people who are taking it to the extreme. But, whose fault is this, it is the parents fault for not teaching and passing that teaching onto their children. I am a Punjabi Non-Amrit Sikh (if there is such a thing) who lives in Canada, and I don't know how to read or write Punjabi, and now after I got married and had kids; I realized how can I teach my kids about my religion. My mom taught me through stories that she remembered and would tell us before bed. I have also learned a lot from going to India and seeing all the Gurdwaras there. But, now my goal is to learn Punjabi with my kids so I can read the Gurubani, and one day to read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and be able to teach my kids even more. But, each individual, needs to make that effort to learn for themselves instead of relying on others. Look at ISIS, they are teaching and making up their own rules of Islam. The true Scholars of Islam say raping women and keeping them as sexual slaves is not what the Qu'ran or Muhammad preached and yet ISIS is doing this. I believe, I could be wrong, that Islam is facing this crisis because the Qu'ran is hard to interrupt, same with, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. If I were to read the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and someone else was to read the same pages as me - we would both come out with different meanings. Why is this? Because the Holy Books are made from the holiest people who have the essence and attachment of God himself in them, while we are filled with worldly "messes" and 'mal - (dirt),' we have only selfishness inside of us and we have not reached that point to connect with God. But, I believe, if we keep reading, each meaning becomes clearer and God starts showing us the meaning in life. The words in Japji Sahib that I read and maybe don't understand, the next time I read it, I sometimes find that meaning in my life then it just clicks and makes so much sense. It is something that is kinda hard for me to explain. It truly is a aha moment. Anyways, wow I wrote way too much again.
@pajiseera 7 лет назад
The people talking about wearing Jewelry.. saying Guru Gobind Singh Ji also wore... The reason why I personally do not wear any Jewelry is because I never want to look royal. I am a servant of Guru Sahib and want to maintain that identity. Guru Ji's themselves in Bani say that they are slaves to people who serve the lord, how can I even think of looking greater than my Guru... You are right it is your choice now.. look like and be a slave of Guru Sahib or do your manmat. When you put Guru Sahib first in anything, when i say anything it means anything... your ego will cut off... cz you only rely on Guru's guidance. That guidance can be gotten through doing Ardaas and taking hukams from Guru Granth Sahib Ji. 🙏🏼
@instaswap5874 5 лет назад
Well i mean Guru Gobind Singh Ji aslo made every sikh to carry then selves like kings, im not saying that that is proof to wear jewelry but its just something to think about
@Parvinder111 4 года назад
Badshah Darvesh Guru Gobind Singh
@beejumarwah6431 4 года назад
You don’t need to stoop so low to make your point. It is disrespectful to talk about guru sahib using this language. Get a life.
@pajiseera 4 года назад
SS my word remains. I am a slave to the Guru. Haha they aint the same? 😂😂 you think? Guru Gobind Singh Ji maharaj as dude? Hmmm he must have been the coolest dude! Lol.. but on a serious note, your comment adds no value in this discussion.. i just noticed after 7 months that you replied 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@sukhdeepsm 9 лет назад
There are few things that I would like to point out: 1). some women do have excessive abnormal hair and it shouldn't be in such rare cases a hard and fast rule, reasons below : 2) what if your facial hair is creating Kaam in bio sexual gay people, is that allowed? 3). What if your looks create your partner to eventually look elsewhere outside his marriage, therefore you are creating Kaam, ? 3) shall we refer back to Sakhi where Guru Amar Dass ji insisted Women should remove their veil!!! Why: Remember to kill Kaam women should not need to wear veil, it needs to be killed from inside soul, how: Jaap WAHEGURU, Next point, we should be prepared to Die when we take Amrit. True. are we prepared to die? why is no one dieing for the innocent people suffering in Panjab day to day? This is only by Gurus grace we achieve this stage! Next point, about following hukam: whilst I agree we should try to follow Hukam, don't forget there are many Hukams given by Guru:, not to do Ninda, not to look at others wife's, not to steal, not to hurt anyone, not to have ego, not to think you are higher than others........list goes on. Why are we not focussing on these clear stated facts in Gurbani but rather focus on those things that are controversial? Are we following all these Hukams? Our hair is of no use if we not trying to follow these. it is hard to follow all Hukams, otherwise we would be brahmgiani's. But we should all try to follow as much as we can. Whilst I would personally encourage women to keep natural as much as possible, I think in some circumstances such as rare medical disorders where women have excessive hair on face, they should be allowed to treat. I mean what if a women had hair all over her face cheeks, it's easy for us to say doesn't matter what length etc as we not in their shoes. Whilst I have seen very few of such lady's keep it, asking many non amritdari said they do not find it inspiring but off putting them to consider Amrit. Gender was created for a reason. Differences between men women were created for a reason which explains why not all women are not given abnormal face on their face by our Lord. Otherwise we will have a very confused society especially with a lot of gay culture going on today. Times are changing, and some things we have to use logic. Back in days Guru ji's time for example, people got married at age of 11 even, including our Guru ji's. You do that now it would be considered child abuse. I think yes you should try your best to keep natural as much as way God created you and if your amritdhari not remove hair. But in some circumstances such as women having excessive abnormal hair or hormonal imbalances they should not be disregarded, & should be allowed to treat the problem. These women need support if anything as many times they may have problems such as: 1). Perhaps when they took Amrit they didn't have this excessive hair problem until few years later due to medical reasons 2). Perhaps the lady's in laws or partner do not like it so should she ignore her family and be a divorcee? Isn't gristee jeevan important? 3). Perhaps she has experienced bullying or harassment 4). Perhaps she's suferring from depression, just as we treat other disorders shouldn't this be allowed to be treated. List goes on......., Just thrive to do your best, in what ever way we can! And concentrate on our beautiful journeys
@bakhshishkaro 7 лет назад
Marvellect thanks...thank you so much...I wish sharnjit Kaur bhenji reads ur comment... that's so inspiring and motivation for sufferers and so unorthodox.. may maharaaj be wid all of us
@kurransingh7436 6 лет назад
Its a real shame you don't understand the value of kes and accepting the command of Guru Sahib.
@jasmeet170 6 лет назад
Marvellect with all due respect, people lost their lives for the very identity, no excuse can ever undermine their sacrifice...if you really wanted a list a reasons well they never end....either way sikhi isn't for weak anyway so cheers
@bakhshishkaro 6 лет назад
Jasmeet Singh its even not for those who have lost dayaaa for a sufferer...and for those who choose to do nothing for a deen , the suferring feeble
@preecha. 5 лет назад
@harkirankaur7216 8 лет назад
There are different Rehet Maryadas... Damdami Taksal's for example, says no jewelry at all while Sikh Rehet Maryada says everything except piercing is ok. Damdami Taksal's says no makeup at all ever. While Sikh Rehet Maryada does not specify either way. I'm not for loads of makeup, but I admit off and on I put a tiny bit of concealer over blemishes... because to me, a blemish is NOT normal and natural. It's an infection... and I can't really put a band-aid on my face! I wore a necklace at my anand karaj, and some SIngh I dont know at all decied to chide me for wearing it (his friend a bibi was present as our wedding) but it was gift from my Mother in Law, who is Amritdhari as well. When I took Amrit one week later with my husband, she was there, and Panj Pyaras specifically said that jewelry and makeup are allowed and choice of the person, just that piercing is not allowed. I am assuming that the Bibi in this video follows Damdami Taksal??
@TheTurbanatore 8 лет назад
+Harkiran Kaur The Gurus said to not care about ones physical appearance and focus on the inside, not the outside. The Gurus Condemned any shaving for both men and women, there is no disagreement on this fact, its either you accept the Gurus Hukam or you do not.
@harkirankaur7216 8 лет назад
I wasn't talking about shaving??? I was talking about makeup / jewellery. Removing hair is a big no no! One could say that if you don't care about your appearance at all, then you are letting yourself 'go' and others will notice that you have a hygiene problem etc. Should we all wear all white plain clothes all day? no... or else we'd look like a cult. So people wear nice clothing and coordinate things etc. Is that caring about how you look? well yes in a way.... people need to look professional for job interviews and work etc. The point is Sikhi is against such restrictive rules that we can't live in society. Piercing is not allowed because of history as slaves were pierced. It's a statement to reject slavery - not create a new slavery. Mehendi was prohibited because of history with other culture / religion. But face makeup was not spoken against. And other jewellery like bangles etc are allowed. Panj Pyaras told us at Amrit Sanchar, that it's up to the individual... maybe you have a necklace that has been in family and belonged to a beloved grandparent or something.... then its not about looks, but sentiment. etc. Anyway, certain sects are more restrictive. The panthic rehet maryada Sikh Rehet Maryada (the one acepted by Akal Takht), only bans piercing as far as jewellery goes. Hair must be left in tact always!!!!!!!!! Nowhere did I suggest it can be altered!
@cowforces 8 лет назад
+The Turbanator lol she never said anything about shaving man.
@cowforces 8 лет назад
+Harkiran Kaur I am guessing that you a lot about the panth already, there are different jathebandis and they are 95% same in almost everything; they do the same nit-naem and they all wear 5ks but there are certain things on which they don't agree with each other. The reasons for those jathebandis to do what they do are very concrete and logical according to them, and it is completely up to you whether you want to follow their code of conduct or the SRM which is generally considered as the minimum acceptable rehat maryada for a amridhari (because you can always add more to it and make your rehat ever stronger.) I hope i made sense, sorry if i was rude in any way.
@harkirankaur7216 8 лет назад
I follow SRM because it's the only one which advocates the equality of women (for which I TRULY IN MY HEART believe our Gurus taught. Yes including ALL seva, including as Panj Pyaras.... because Khalsa was created to put EVERYONE on equal level, not to exclude people). SRM was agreed upon by panthic decision and is the only one recognized by Akal Takht. If SRM is the minimum that everyone is to follow, then how can certain jathas / sampradas choose to disallow Singhnis equality? That would not be following the minimum, but it's for a different argument). You can choose to be more restrictive on yourself, but it doesn't make one more holy or spiritual just because they make themselves more restrictive. There are reasons for piercings (slavery), and it has nothing to do with it being jewelry. The same reason can not be applied to a necklace for example. Restricting yourself totally of all jewelry does not make you more aware of that history with piercing, nor do I think it brings you closer to God necessarily. In the end, all external things mean nothing. And even being completely restrictive and plain, is in its own way a 'show'. In the end none of it matters. There is only ONE, we are ALL a part of that ONE. The divine light is in ALL equally. Our goal is to surpass the physical and find that divine light and follow it back to Waheguru.
@jalebi5166 7 лет назад
well said phainji , I was confused about something but when I saw this video , I got the right answer .... thank you very very....much . you helped me alot ♥
@garimamittal6100 4 года назад
Mai ik hindu family to belong krdii aa te maii hun sikhi follow krnaa chondii aa Pr meri family allow n krrdii Maii ki kra je mere maa pyo v khush rhe te menu sikhi v Naseeb hoju🙏
@stutisharma3775 4 года назад
Waheguru ji simran kro.. Naam japo sachi kirat rakho and donate 10% of your money to welfare.. Guru maharaj aape mehr krenge 🙏🙏best wishes.. Just keep on practicing if you have that faith in you 😇 Waheguru tuhanu chardikala bakshan 🙏🙏
@Simransingh355-u1l 2 месяца назад
Maharaj kirpa karan
@pajiseera 7 лет назад
Totally agreed with Bhenji... As an Amritdhari, both Singhs and Kaurs are given hukam by "Panj Pyaare" for who Guru Gobind Singh Ji said "I will be there where my Panj Pyaare are".. So the hukam given by Panj Pyaare is equal to hukam being given by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and we cannot ignore certain hukams and accept other Hukams that suit us. We have to give our heads. 🙏🏼
@25HARPREET 8 лет назад
i dont care what u say... my whole family is amritdhari... when my sisters got married, they used makeup... its about happiness... do what you want.. dont ask others... they are not more sikh than u to tell u... why are people even asking this... sikhism means equality and freedom... no one has a right to tell others what to do.. it just create guilt in the minds of people listening...
@tanveersingh5423 8 лет назад
guru tells us the way to find happiness....there is a huge amount of diff between the happiness guru is leading to and the happiness you are talking about....your happiness is wordly...for example..if your sister or any other woman didn't wear makeup on her wedding day she would not be happy acc to your logic her happiness is temporary or dependent upon worldly resources....but a gursikh women will be at peace...because her happiness is not dependent on make up or worldly things...she is connected with akaal pirukh through guru's teaching..that's her never ending source of happiness...now u see?? the diff b/w your happiness and happiness what bhen ji is talking about???
@quigeeboh677 7 лет назад
Worry about your own happiness. Let people live their lives THE WAY THEY SEE FIT! After all, it's THEIR life. NOT yours. I've always wondered why there are people out there that concern themselves with the intricacies of other's lives? Do they have too much time on their hands? Are they unsatisfied with their own lives?
@halocraft3005 7 лет назад
25HARPREET Did Waheguru send us down with makeup? You know why? It's because sikhi is all about inner beauty. We don't need these makeups to cover ourselves.
@25HARPREET 7 лет назад
yeah but the choice lies with us... somebody doesnt want to use it... good. but if the other person wants to use it thats fine as well.. we dont use religious arguments to put restrictions on someone's wishes.. let the decision be from inside not because it has to be done as told..
@halocraft3005 7 лет назад
25HARPREET that's the thing. If people want to wear the kirpan they don't have to. If people don't want to wear kachera they don't have to. That is the logic ur using. If ur not prepared why take the amrit
@YaoEspirito 4 года назад
Brilliant young lady. Waheguru.
@rajr4299 6 лет назад
Kesh is for identity only and applies to head hair for men and women and beards for men only. Amritdhari women are free to remove body and facial hair. In 1699 when Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa order, the 5 K’s were, Kara, Kachera, Kirpan, Kanga and Keski (meaning head covering, dastar or Turban). All 5 k’s were articles of a soldier’s uniform, Kara to protect against a strike to the wrist, Kachera for ease of movement in battle, Kirpan for defence, Keski a head guard and the kanga for discipline of combing Kesh. ‘Kesh’ meant uncut head hair (and beards for men only), the joora on top of the head was meant for two purposes, to protect against a blow to the head in battle and to create a unique identity to distinguish Sikhs from other faiths e.g. Muslims wore turbans and kept beards but did not have uncut hair, Hindu Sadhus kept jooreh but didn’t have turbans. Hence, the combination of uncut head hair (and beards for men only) and the Keski (turban, dastar) created a unique identity distinguishing Sikhs from all others. The Bhatts were scribes of the Gurus (from Guru Arjan’s times onwards), the scribe from Guru Gobind Singh’s time was ‘Narbud Singh’, his writings and accurate account from the Vasakhi event of 1699 is still available today. His writings clearly state ‘Keski’ as one of the 5 K’s and not cutting Kesh (head hair and beards for men - only) as one of the four prohibitions. Guru Gobind Singh did not use the word ‘roam’ which means all body hair as one of the prohibitions, therefore women including Amritdhari women are free to remove facial and body hair. The ideas of the SGPC in their rehat maryada and of others who claim keeping unshorn hair across the body equals spirituality is wrong and is only an after - thought as spirituality has to come from inside one’s mind and body. Kesh is for identity only and means head hair for both men and women and beards for men only.
@American2100 9 лет назад
Please understand Sikhi; Its about Naam. We must not make Sikhi like Islam. If someone wants to look better and wear make up, will God disown them? Understand that road to spirituality, is like education. Its a gradual process. Yes when the soul merges with The Creator, it does not care for physical appearance. However, its a journey and a process of learning.
@user-we9rd6bb7d 9 лет назад
@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 9 лет назад
American2100 maybe you don't get it , if you tie your thoughts and attention to your physical form, it will be harder for you to progress and go into your spiritual life and at the end it will trap you in Maya jaal . You have to conquer your chanchal mind which is subject to the panj chor by cultivating the five gun/qualities by remembering Akal Purakh and learning Gurbani
@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 9 лет назад
cosmetics vich keh kisam de zahrile chemicals hunde hun te keh vich janwar di churbi ja insect di jism da atta . Per apo apni marzi anusar nal karo phal appe patta lag ju
@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 9 лет назад
***** well you can easily buy vegan friendly, non animal tested soap, shampoos etc one should try to show compassion also in our other habits apart from food. Cosmetics are not necessary really and neither is jewllery Panj Piare told us that Naam should be our gehna and gurroop gurbani (I wear dastar too) our shingar, Dharda should be parkash not tied (obviously some professions have requirements assuming certain things but the Khalsa have worked out a way here) . It is a maya driven dhil which people keep excusing because they are more worried about humans than Akal Purakh .
@jasbirkaurvillaschi8019 9 лет назад
Firstly I am older than you , and I live in the Uk so yes I know that different professions have different requirements like the examples you gave . But aam lok Sikh vastey they don't have so many restrictions in reality just what they believe lok will say... we should not be so scared of that, Waheguru is perfect and has made our situation as such so that is not a mistake, or something to feel apologetic for . One should feel confident in Guru ji's thappi and pray everyday to keep honouring our duties. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh
@diljitsingh7380 8 лет назад
amritdhari woman nowadays like to pose like models. evrywhere on facebook u c them . kurdish girls are warriors today not amritdhari woman . kurds doing the work of true khalss
@ravplayztabla7467 7 лет назад
What exactly is the problem with these amritdhari women doing a little posing and flaunting their looks? I understand that the first thing that comes to mind is that this issue hits on few of the vices that bhenji mentioned in the video. Yes, this is true however, how can you say that their only intent is to show off? I can give an example. Everyone has little steps to take after deciding to make an important change in their lives. I know many singhnis that do exactly what you've said and that is portray this glorified image of an amrit dhari woman adorned with some makeup. And most of them have just transitioned into sikhi whether they're from a sikh family or not. Theyre still trying to accept this new image of themselves and believe that makeup and clothing may help them ease the transition and hopefully they lose the makeup entirely. It is not right to generalize that these amritdhri women who have used even the smallest amoun
@ravplayztabla7467 7 лет назад
Also another point is that there is always a negative/positive byproduct to everything. There are more serious issues and flaws in the panth that must be addressed resolved. These are just lifestyle choices which is upto the individual to change him/herself. We are not perfect and it is not right to say that a sikh should be perfect and refrain from being victim to one or multiple vices. Its an individuals journey. Everyones sikhi experience is different. What counts however is whether or not these amritdhari women realize the extent to what they're doing and whether or not they're engaging in vices and emitting them to others aswell.
@ParamPanesar1808 4 года назад
Its ok to do little bit of makeup ..but if someone does too much den v should hav a problem ... its ok if girls want to remove facial and body hair dont make it such a big thing !!!
@user-ei3ow8ic4z 6 лет назад
If i am a girl and have hairy legs and get bullied ?
@bobbysingh5666 5 лет назад
WWE u stand up Like the gurus have always done
@poojakaur9418 5 лет назад
Keep staying strong and remember why you've kept your hair to begin with, people start a spiritual journey and can start to doubt themselves at some points, as have I which is natural given the influences we come across in the world but the more sangat you surround yourself with the more you will feel content and bliss when people bully you as nothing is stronger than the gurus love 🙏🙏🙏
@bhagwankerhindouchebag4609 4 года назад
Even sikh men don’t like hairy legged women
@singh8283 4 года назад
@@khurramghafoor5279 Hello what is ur actual problem like what r u doing with ur life at that big age commenting on sikhi program first of all if ur just gonna chat rubbish then don't pop up at sikhi channels in the first place obviously not meant for u then Cos let me tell ur un educated self out that what ur doing is totally inappropriate please come back when u educated ur self
@ohyeahyeah3242 4 года назад
khurram ghafoor we cut the dead part of the nail not the part that’s growing . Like wise when we comb our hair we drag out the dead hairs and leave the living hair . And how could Sikhs be smelly. We bathe every morning?
@saneh786 Год назад
I have a question What about personal hygiene???? Plz answer me!!
@user-uf6wc2zf6r 4 месяца назад
take a bath bro 🤢🤢🤮. Don't tell me you don't shower
@mafiagaming6441 Год назад
I have a question can sikh can cut thier body hair ?? Or private area hair?
@QasimAli-bc2vc 7 месяцев назад
No they cant apparently
@gurpal930 7 лет назад
excellent work veer ji and bhen ji
@varinderwaraich9727 6 лет назад
Sikhism dai vich hairs nu ktana allowed ni aa ona val v deakho jehrai hair lai sikhe lai sahid ho gai dhan dhan chotai sahibjadde g Waheguru g da khalsa waheguru g de fatte fatte
@badboykhalsa 4 года назад
Panji , hair is only a small part of sikhi, keeping hair and having a impure heart is much worse. You got to remember the era and society we live in now , guruji had to do what their era asked from them , but saying this having kesh and beard and following khalsa faith is not to be mixed with todays typical modern look . If your wearing a gol daster than no makeup please dont mix the two, but they we approach the sangat about our faith we are just pushing them away because they will real they dont fit into the society. So keep our brothers and sisters together. Also nobody is completely rid of the 5 vices , the aim is to work with them in harmony , ie if we dont have a little of lobh or hankar then obtaining that higher position in our careers wont be possible, so please dont confuse the sangat please , sorry if I offended anyone beliefs that isnt my attention. Waheguruji ka khalsa waheguruji ki fateh.
@raichu6269 3 года назад
@trymandeep 3 года назад
Bro, you said keeping Kesh and having impure heart is worse. But, keeping Kesh only and not reading Gurbani is pakhand and dikhava. But you can make ur heart pure onlu by listening to Guru Sahib. Kesh is a rehat which protects our kamaayi
@niranjankaurr 3 года назад
Accepting yourself as you and accepting everything on your body and this universe as a gift from thy is all I always wanted to tell people .... what this video said is exactly I want everyone to tell
@ZaydDepaor 7 месяцев назад
So you also don't cut your nails?
@user-uf6wc2zf6r 4 месяца назад
@@ZaydDepaor Nails are supposed to be small. Just do some research
@desiii420 Год назад
there's a version of the gurbani in which 5 guru when his a kid gets a haircut. there's passagein the mainstream gurbani where nanak dev condemns turban wearing for religious reseason - people can take anything out of context and blow it up into absurdities for religous doctrine that has very little textual basis.
@msingh9634 Год назад
Where does it say in Gurbani you can’t wear wake up exactly?
@kk49 4 года назад
I believe u have to make a desicion, either go on the path of society or the path of what our guru ji wants, its a gift, aren't we taking our life for granted if we don't respect what waheguru ji gives us. I'm not going to lie, I spent a whole month being depressed and self conscious, I didn't want to go out but when I was with sangat, I only saw myself as a sikh and forgot about all my problems. Now that I think back, I spent so long wasting time when I could have been doing something to make waheguru ji proud. Every time a thought about me with no facial hair came up, guru ji came into my mind and I would cry for hours thinking about why I even had this thought. I need only one thing, either go with society and impress others to fit in or follow what gurbani tells us. All this life is maya( attachment) none of it is going to go with us when we die, only the love and good deeds we have done will go with us.
@akaurb 9 лет назад
Well explained...
@ok-or6pw 9 лет назад
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Can you please make a video how we should meditate? like are we suppose to sit down for hours to meditate? or we can do it while doing something like while driving a car? or baking food or just simply watching tv and at the same time can we chant wahehguru while watching a tv? thank you very much!
@basicsofsikhi 9 лет назад
cute kitty Please watch our videos in the WhyGuru Course on Why meditate? its week #2
@ok-or6pw 9 лет назад
Basics of Sikhi thanks you!
@petestreet7535 8 лет назад
What exactly is the importance of hair other than its insulating value? I don't get it.
@halocraft3005 8 лет назад
It is the way God made us. Sikhs believe that hair is what the God gave us to grow and by cutting it we are insulting Gods views. We should say original.
@quigeeboh677 7 лет назад
God is pretty weak if it gets insulted so easily by humans removing their hair. Sikhs place too much emphasis on body hair - it's JUST HAIR! cut it - it grows back. It doesn't make you any "less a sikh" just because you cut your hair. By their definition, 95% of sikhs are "not sikh" then because they don't conform to a gursikh lifestyle.
@quigeeboh677 7 лет назад
Thank you "72 Virgins" for replying. And then blocking yourself so no one can reply back to you. :)
@nadala100 7 лет назад
Great work sister WaheGuru ji bless you and Jagraj Paji and your Team Basics of Sikhi Satnam Sri WaheGuru Ji
@rai6373 4 года назад
What confuses me is that Sikh boys in my school that had kesh would pick on my hairy sideburns, moustache and arms. Why would they do this? Does anyone know?
@rai6373 4 года назад
@k k these boys had guddis on their heads?
@janiceian9950 3 года назад
Mainly, it’s the effects of colonisation that’s indoctrinated us to hate ourselves. Hence why certain races find women of Eurocentric beauty more beautiful than women of their own race. It is not just Indians who do this but it’s not right. We need to free our minds and remember we are beautiful in our natural form - that goes for men and women. The media and effects of colonisation has played a massive part.
@jay6092 3 года назад
Sikh Gurus never wrote any specific injunctions in Guru Granth Sahib that no Sikh should cut his or her hair. Guru Gobind Singh gave that rule for Amritdhari (baptised) Sikh men who became Khalsa when he created Khalsa. At that time only men became Khalsa and rule of unshorn hair applied only to them. But later during Singh Sabha Movement during British rule, Sikh orthodoxy started preaching unshorn hair for women also and outfits like Damdami Taksal, Akhand Kirtani Jatha started criticising women who removed their hair. Since then baptised Sikh women who take Amrit do not cut their hair from any part of the body and are expected to keep facial hair, hair on neck, arms, legs etc. Sikh women who have not taken Amrit and are not baptised, are free to trim their hair, remove unwanted hair on face, neck, arms, rest of the body to look well groomed, appealing, presentable and feminine. Sikh men also prefer women with non hairy body which is why hairy girls find it hard to get married despite being baptised and religious. Some Sikh women these days get permanent hair removal through laser and electrolysis before taking Amrit so that they do not look hairy and manly. Overtly orthodox Sikh preachers and older generation disapprove of men and women trimming hair but usually people accept women managing bushy eyebrows, removing unwanted hair from arms, neck, face, legs etc. People do not talk about it, they just go ahead and do what they feel like doing. Particularly when they are not baptised, orthodox Sikhs. Those who say women do not have hair are probably unaware of biology. Women very much have hair on face, neck, arms, legs and anywhere else on body and some Amritdhari women have beards like men which they try to hide with dupatta wrapped around neck in a way that covers hair. Having body hair is not a hormonal imbalance. Women look non hairy to you because they have always been removing excess hair from body using various desi or modern remedies.
@akshkaur9196 3 года назад
Well said bhenji 🙏🏻💙
@ManojSingh-dm2jy 8 лет назад
with due respect, wahe guru made us with patches of hair here and there, so we want to keep the body like this only. My only confusion is that wahe guru made us naked also, then why we walk with clothes on. if cloth is really needed on our body then wahe guru would have created us with cloth on, becoz He is always loving caring and merciful???
@ManojSingh-dm2jy 8 лет назад
practically I feel that hairy body will cause poor sex life, then because of that gap the guy will jump on binge eating, and become obese. A religious minded person will say that it's all OK, because the guy is not becoming a slave of kaam, which is number one bad thing to indulge in as per Indian religions.
@tanveersingh5423 8 лет назад
don't you think seeing other naked will induce kaam in us???? and kaam is one of the five chor(vices) of which we have to be careful and stay away.....
@prabhsingh1057 7 лет назад
Quigster S how long life everyone living?So small.Be simple and enjoy.
@hashirali6247 3 года назад
Only islam religion is close to nature..no hard worships,no isolation needed to please the Almighty..just keep yourself clean,cut your unnecessary hairs and nails,bow 5 times a day before Almighty..take your sleep properly and do your job and business whatever you want but with honest & zeal..share your extra earnings with others..simple and graceful
@samarpreetsingh1052 3 года назад
@@hashirali6247 unnecessary hairs? How are they unnecessary?
@kirenpreetkaur3611 6 лет назад
Can we straighten our hair???? I have read the Sikh Rehat Maryada but it's not written that we can't straighten our hair
@pinkykashgill 6 лет назад
no, in the times the Rehat Maryada was written there were no hair straighteners, hence why it's not in there.
@jay6092 3 года назад
Sikh Gurus never wrote any specific injunctions in Guru Granth Sahib that no Sikh should cut his or her hair. Guru Gobind Singh gave that rule for Amritdhari (baptised) Sikh men who became Khalsa when he created Khalsa. At that time only men became Khalsa and rule of unshorn hair applied only to them. But later during Singh Sabha Movement during British rule, Sikh orthodoxy started preaching unshorn hair for women also and outfits like Damdami Taksal, Akhand Kirtani Jatha started criticising women who removed their hair. Since then baptised Sikh women who take Amrit do not cut their hair from any part of the body and are expected to keep facial hair, hair on neck, arms, legs etc. Sikh women who have not taken Amrit and are not baptised, are free to trim their hair, remove unwanted hair on face, neck, arms, rest of the body to look well groomed, appealing, presentable and feminine. Sikh men also prefer women with non hairy body which is why hairy girls find it hard to get married despite being baptised and religious. Some Sikh women these days get permanent hair removal through laser and electrolysis before taking Amrit so that they do not look hairy and manly. Overtly orthodox Sikh preachers and older generation disapprove of men and women trimming hair but usually people accept women managing bushy eyebrows, removing unwanted hair from arms, neck, face, legs etc. People do not talk about it, they just go ahead and do what they feel like doing. Particularly when they are not baptised, orthodox Sikhs. Those who say women do not have hair are probably unaware of biology. Women very much have hair on face, neck, arms, legs and anywhere else on body and some Amritdhari women have beards like men which they try to hide with dupatta wrapped around neck in a way that covers hair. Having body hair is not a hormonal imbalance. Women look non hairy to you because they have always been removing excess hair from body using various desi or modern remedies.
@AMRINDER-123 4 года назад
When you are confident from inside then you don't really need to do anything outside.
@hrpvlogs980 Год назад
I have a question ....plz give me reply I m feeling so much confusion I have a so much hair on upper lips and chin and all my family members see me and laugh on me even I also not feel good by having this hairs . I haven't think about any haircut and I m in the sikhi and following it . But upper lips hairs bother me alot now I m preparing for professor interview and feeling so nervous that how I could face the interview by having this hairs and I always not feel confident because of this Plzz help me
@ryanmwestate Год назад
Cut it off. thats my advice. unless you have already taken amrit in which case leave it.
@MissDoctor-ip7ib 3 месяца назад
Ask The Guru ❤❤ Talk to your God 🥹 He will never betray you don't listen to some one else except him ❤ If your looks judge your talent then, it's matter of value the greedy people have your Look doesn't define your capabilities and those who laughs are ones who shows you we are not we will never gonna be with you at the end follow the true HUKAM of Nirankaar❤❤
@jaskarangill124 4 года назад
Plz a video punjabi vich pao
@jitss2009 3 года назад
Kesh only means uncut head hair and is applicable for those who have taken the Amrit initiation. Guru Gobind Singh Ji instructed those who took Amrit to keep uncut head hair (Kesh) to show equality as both men and women can grow long head hair, it is also there to identify men and women who are initiated (as with the other 4 k's). Singh's kept beards (Dhari) out of tradition, to show masculinity, to give a majestic appeal and as an act of defiance against a Mughal edict that stated only Muslims men were allowed to keep beards. Guru Gobind Singh ji, did NOT instruct women to keep beards and moustaches as technically speaking Women don't have them, the bum fluff around a woman's mouth, hardly qualifies as a beard that Singh's grow. Also, Kesh is not kept for spirituality, it is there for identity only.
@GodsMakar 2 года назад
If you don't understand the spiritual reason for keeping kesh ,you don't know sikhi and don't understand gurbani. Waheguru
@jitss2009 2 года назад
@@GodsMakar Kindly explain the spiritual aspect of keeping Kesh. BTW Vaheguru is spelt with a 'V', there is no W in the Gurmukhi script.
@rai6373 4 года назад
I've seen many Amartari women wearing makeup and nail polish, so I'm very confused by this video
@natural1041 8 лет назад
I disgree with bhenji. Its a right of every girl or woman to look beautiful. i m a proud sikh but i disgree to all tht extreme education they r talking about. plx tell us in which shabad of guru granth sahib its written that woman cant do makeup. i dont want to see my mother, sister, wife or daughter with mustaches or beard, and i will never ask them not to wear makeup. i really cant understand which guru when and where said these things. bhenji u born without cloths and glass why to wear it. why to cut nails let them grow. sorry for being rude...but u guys need to understand the meaning of khalsa. however i would like to appreciate ur effort to bring sikhi in young people. but be more practical.
@harinderk9738 8 лет назад
I agree
@jasvinkaur7498 8 лет назад
I'm curious veerji. You said you don't want to see your mother, sister, wife or daughter with mustache or beard? what if they are naturally hairy? while i agree with you regarding make up because i personally dont find it wrong but removing hair is written in shabads & clearly a rule by our Guru. So really im curious with your statement regarding mustache
@tanveersingh5423 8 лет назад
look..either you talk about your own /worldly rights or what guru said...acc to your logic women who don't wear makeup are ugly???...NO..they are beautiful too...who says they are ugly....u are a proud sikh..thats your problem..what are you proud for??did you make sikhi??be grateful for being a sikh..its guru sahib's kripa....moreover when hairs turn white they give us sign that we are getting old...we should now do naam simran and start living in rehat....they have a spiritual meaning...nails don't have any spiritual meaning...women don't have beard or moustache...sometime they have facial hair...clothes glass don't have any spiritual meaning....yes you were rude...very very rude indeed...you can't be a sikh if you try to make your own sikhi???you are asking where it is written in sri guru granth sahib ji ...have you read guru granth sahib ji???meaning of khalsa is pure..that is without any adulteration....women don't need makeup to look beautiful.......have any of gursikhs woman done any sort of makeup in past??....don't try to make your own sikhi..and try to be a little respectful..
@natural1041 7 лет назад
+Vir u r just talking big not reality...
@bhindrankalan5404 7 лет назад
love singh "ਸਾਬਤ ਸੂਰਤ ਰੱਬ ਦੀ ਭੰਨੇ ਬੲੀਮਾਨ ਦਰਗਹ ਢੋੲੀ ਨ ਮਿਲੈ ਕਾਫਰ ਕੁੱਤਾ ਸ਼ੈਤਾਨ" sabat soorat rab di bhaney bayimaan drgeh dohi n mila kafir kuta shaatan.
@NightiKnight 8 лет назад
so I have a comment/question as I've been looking into the Sikh faith myself. however I do have tattoos, my hair is dyed, shave and wear make up sometimes. so you're telling me to be a devoted Sikh I have to remove my tattoos, stop dying my hair, stop shaving and stop wearing makeup because it's considered egotistical? how so? I do these things simple because it's uncomfortable to wear leggings with hairy legs, its a reminder of who i am, its fun to me, or I simply like the color. Not cause I can't leave the house without it, self-confidence, cause I don't accept myself, or for someone else's attention. I find this rather silly there are far too many variables and reasons people have for doing things like that have nothing to do with kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankar. while I agree with practically everything the Sikh believe in. I don't believe self-expression should be restricted. and yes God has given us our looks but he also gave us individuality and the guru wanted everyone to have freedom to Forge their own paths when before they were bound to caste, color, gender etc. so why not self-expression you can still wear the tuban so you can be recognized as a Sikh so I'm a little confused why your restricted in self-expression? and for shaving as far as I have read about the kesh it repeatedly something along the lines of says " keep the hairs on top of one's head" not the entire body. so why do Sikhs say the whole body when it doesn't even say that? now im obviously ignore to some things as i have personally not finished reading the guru granth sahib yet but mean if anyone can give me a good reason for sacrificing the freedom of self-expression and how head bacame the body then please tell me. the freedom of choices is very important to me and depending on others Sikh answers I decide according whether this path is right for me
@basicsofsikhi 8 лет назад
Hi Morgiana, the way of the Khalsa is different to the way of the Sikhs. The Khalsa is like an army and has a uniform which does restrict self-expression but only because an Army must be easily identifiable. Wrt to hair on head vs body hair, there has always been a concept of keeping all hair. Someone must have mis-informed you about only head hair. Sikh males and females in history have always kept all their hair on their body. Women tend to cover their legs anyway so people outside tend not to know about it. The only question raised in this video was about when women have excessive facial hair and feel pressurised to remove it by todays judgemental society. Yes the Gurus want us all to have freedom, but at the same time, please understand that the Khalsa Way does involve self-sacrifice for a greater cause
@quigeeboh677 7 лет назад
So as long as you don't become part of the khalsa, you are free to perform hair removal rituals. Ok Thank you
@Agyaat_ 6 лет назад
Did you got the answer yet?
@amarjeetkaur4683 6 лет назад
Body should b the mark of purity.. Jo dekhe pure ho jaye.. Taiyar guru gobind Singh Ji pita maharaj hunde san.. But raja hoke vi vikaari nai san... Ona da roop ruhani c.. Ae shingaar hai
@SandeepKaur-dv9ol 2 года назад
Khalsa g asi puchna c ki am Amritdhari bibi jida mere face te kaafi roam a gaye ne m pehla remove kite ne bt hun nehi m sehi a na
@bobbysingh5666 5 лет назад
Most of the people in these comments need to go to a Sikhi camp and stop saying things they don’t understand( not all however some are saying very true and intelligent things)
@subiafarooqui8932 6 лет назад
I just have a question that is it written in any of your religious books...can anybody tell
@simranmehtab3757 5 лет назад
Sabir Mariyam it’s in the rehat maryada which is a Sikh code of conduct
@mises9954 6 месяцев назад
What this stupid retarded woman is saying she has made up. Kesh specifically refers to hair on head. It's permissible to remove nose ear hair pubic hair if it comprises hygiene. Stupid stuoid woman
@paramjitsinghsagoo9247 6 лет назад
Can someone let me know - has she done her eyebrows?
@trymandeep 3 года назад
@mises9954 6 месяцев назад
Were did guru say head to toe stop innovating and making up.
@JD-go9ut 9 лет назад
Brilliant video Paaji!
@scientificbeekeepersofjammu 4 года назад
Why women need to Make up their face or Body? Why not men? It's because the society Objectifies women. A society decides a standard of beauty of women( either in its Religious or Secular scriptures). In most of the Religious Scriptures, Women were idealised such as Hoors in Islam and Apsaras in Hinduism. In sikhism there is no such concept. Gurbani frames no such standard of beauty. Instead gurbani Taught, beautiful are those Souls who remembers God in their heart. Thus according to gurbani's point of view Outward Look doesn't matter at all. Those females who cares for their external beauty are nothing but a part of Patriarchal system which Objectifies women. So better a gursikh Women keep herself away from such system. P.S: I doesn't means to say a women would not maintain herself. A women must take care of herself. He can use accessories to take care of her skin. But using them for the purpose of beauty is wrong.
@amarjeetkaur4683 6 лет назад
Everything should b in maryada only... Hair cut is not allow ed in sikhism.. But if u go back to past time... Everyone was kesadari.. Ram, Ravidas g, SHANKAR...even yesu... So it's a new trend now a days.. As behanji is saying.. Anything that we do is responsible to create vikaar in the eyes of a person watching us.. We r contributing in kalyugi sanskar in people n as per gurbani we will get a return of that coz it's our negative karma beej..
@MouthOfFunk 6 лет назад
Keep your hair a little wet throughout the day. Do kanga two times a day. Once of the two add a little water and keep cleaning and wetting your kanga as you comb and wet your hairs not too wet just a little from all 4 sides combing all directions as well but mainly front and back. After you do bath recite Gurbani. Sometimes dry your hair if you think that will do you good and skip a day or two but generally they end up drying after a few hours anyway after putting on parna.
@raghavmalhotra3482 7 лет назад
shingaar matlab he used to wear good clothes so whats wrong in looking good?
@damandeep6771 4 года назад
Bhai tu pahla , sona lagla, tension kahtu lena
@maanikakaur630 3 года назад
Shringaar means jewelry, not good clothes. Guru sahib never said not to wear good clothes. Either formal or traditional, one can take care of his personality if that person is not exposing.
@kaydee5748 4 года назад
I think amritdhari women not do such kinds of things. But if we are following Sikh religion than women and men should not cut hairs or wax bcoz it is hukam of our gurus and we have not right to question on that bcoz we are idiots and always have excuses.bcoz these hairs are not ours it's our gurus hairs who sacrificed their life for these hairs so as a mark of respect we should not do this. It's a basic step towards sikhi
@xsukhrajx 9 лет назад
not the best points by bhenji ... Seemed like an ironclad opinion which resonated with islam culture where they oppress females on how to dress etc. Person is not perfect and doesnt become perfect after joining the khalsa only the guru is perfect. Person has insecurities and sikhi helps overcome them but it is a constant battle inside.We should be happy they're are females in sikhi who are trying there best to be the best sikhs.. should be able to some extent express yourself.
@chocolate_cake 6 лет назад
G Blue Excuse me? Why are you bringing Islam into this? What do you know about Islam ? Let me educate you. In Islam we beautify ourselves for our spouse, man for woman, woman for man. We take care of personal hygiene and shave hair from armpits and private parts where sweat glands cause the most smell and the odour gets trapped due to hair. We wear perfume for our spouse. Women wear makeup to please their husbands because they want to see their spouse just as beautiful as any other woman out there. Men also look after their body and beautify themself with nice looking hair and perfume and shaven underarms and private parts hair to avoid odours to please their wives. We are taught to keep hair, teeth, nails, body clean. Its part of our religion. First struggle to end the forced dress code in your own community then talk of others. Why do women in Sikhism wear jewellery if they should be happy as God made them? Why wear beautiful clothes if you are meant to be plain even for your husband? Why brush your teeth and wash yourself....surely God gave the odour and the grime on the body too! Why reject that? So stick to discussion about your own religion. Leave Islam out of it. Sikhism has got enough of it's own issues without pointing finger at others.
@chocolate_cake 6 лет назад
G Blue Furthermore in Islam women are not meant to look like men with excess facial hair and men are not meant to look like women. There are no darhi wali beebiyan in Islam.
@prabhsangha1639 6 лет назад
G Blue p
@hs7767 6 лет назад
Someone tell me reason of not keeping our nails if keeping hairs is compulsory? If you want to go with nature then either go 100% or simply don't go.. 🤔
@singhtera2216 5 лет назад
Nail are dead part of our body I'm not science student And these is not same in case of hair because hair work as a keeping body temperature control.
@NavneetKaur-ke4uy 4 года назад
The white part of nails are dead. But the upper part of nail is live that is why we feel pain when we pluck it. Dead kesh come out while doing kanga, we don't feel pain there but when living kesh are plucked we feel pain. Its just same like killing living creatures.
@raichu6269 3 года назад
Well well what an intelligent point being discussed yeah you did it man . You did it .
@trymandeep 3 года назад
Hey bro if we take that logic, than we shouldn't bathe. And if we don't, then eventually body will not be clean and we will get diseases. So, not bathe? NO Similarly, cutting nails is part of hygiene just like we bathe every day, and wash our hairs.
@jsingh_15_20 3 года назад
Are we allowed to wear glasses because it kind of does change our looks so not allowed to change our looks at all from birth so like keeping everything like hair on head etc
@raghavmalhotra3482 7 лет назад
mere khayal aina restrictive banan di lodh nhi
@prabhsingh1057 7 лет назад
Raghav Malhotra are you sikh?
@simranmehtab3757 5 лет назад
Raghav Malhotra that’s your opinion but if you’ve take Amrit from the guru then you don’t touch the kes
@tanushha21 5 лет назад
Restrictive? Veer ji, just expressing my opinion, but I'd wanna tell you what is being restrictive: following these top models, not looking beyond the worldly ways, not looking beyond the societal norms, not looking towards your guru and being lost in the attempts to conform to rules is restriction. Sikhi is this world's future: looking beyond human made and into what's the creator's creation in the real sense. Hope you understand 🙏 WJKK WJKF
@damandeep6771 4 года назад
@@tanushha21 lol why all avtars have hairs since satyug to last yug of avtaars U forget what ur elders told u But we not
@PunjabiKudiUK 4 года назад
I agree
@babloo1666 9 лет назад
that was a great explanation by Bhen Ji, and Bhai Sahib added in a very astute observation with the male counterpart for the same "lack of confidence" issue, ie males trimming and tying their beards. When das first was becoming Singh the parents insisted I tie my beard because it looks more "becoming" and "nice," but however I felt I was ruining the saroop of the Guru and refused to tie this gift from Guru Gobind Singh, das will not tie up his own freedom to look like his Guru just because society says a tied beard looks "nice."
@basicsofsikhi 9 лет назад
babloo1666 well done bro!
@babloo1666 9 лет назад
Basics of Sikhi:) thank you Bhai Sahib!
@babloo1666 9 лет назад
***** if there is no objective reason for me to tie my beard, I will not. My goal is to be as close as I possibly can to the guru's original rehat, if I am unable to due to particular objective reasons then even as the Guru says we must be humble and adapt. But if someone is going to tell me I should tie my beard because it looks "nicer" and more "cleaner" without any objective reasoning to situation or safety, I will tell them to go to hell.
@TheMostwantedjatt 9 лет назад
babloo1666 looks are mitti focus on your soul
@Tru911s Год назад
Sikh women are the most naturally beautiful
@Learnwithfun-21 5 лет назад
When razer companies were not getting any profit from Men,then they advertised by showing Hair on women as weird thing and now see how much benefit they get now, if makeup will make us happy then i think models and actors are the most happiest persons on earth.
@harleenmankoo3009 7 лет назад
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji ji fateh Penji I want to ask you in this times the Amritdhari girls do make up and do wear choora and as well as put mehndi on is that allowed is choora and mehndi allowed ?
@joshydv9187 5 лет назад
@NavneetKaur-ke4uy 4 года назад
@noone-bd8xg 3 года назад
@@NavneetKaur-ke4uy sister...I have seen amritdhaari women wearing Choora.....
@user-uf6wc2zf6r 4 месяца назад
@@noone-bd8xg it doesn't matter It is like saying Cheating in classroom is not allowed but I am seen people do it
@SandeepKaur-dv9ol 2 года назад
Khalsa g plz can yu tell us in Punjabi language sanu ini zyada eng nehi aundi samagh plz plz .your will lots of thanks
@thrillamf9679 9 лет назад
What if you're born with a tumour? Are you allowed to remove that? What if later on you get cancer? Can you remove that? After all ot's all Waheguru's hukam....
@user-we9rd6bb7d 9 лет назад
thrillamf good one lol
@udasinirmale167 9 лет назад
Waheguru's hukam even allow singhs to remove some useless and disgusting people from this earth.
@simrandeepsingh9725 9 лет назад
thrillamf yes you can remove it....there is no logic in losing a beautiful life that god gave us.. peace
@user-we9rd6bb7d 9 лет назад
Simrandeep Singh but that is double standards then bro? Some people may prefer life without kesh so where is the logic?
@theundertaker6041 7 лет назад
1234567890 1234567890 kes and cancer aren't the same thing tho lol
@arezogill9392 6 лет назад
Sat shri akaal g! Can a girl wear jeans and shirts if she is Ambardhari ???
@pinkykashgill 6 лет назад
@trymandeep 3 года назад
Yes, it's fine. But all amritdharis should try to wear Guru's baana. Guru Gobind Singh Ji blessed his Khalsa with bana and not coats or pants. He wants his Khalsa to stand out
@SuperStargazer666 3 года назад
How silly. Waheguru Ji gave me nails, should I not cut them. Nails and hair are both dead material , the outer layer of our skin is also dead cells that through washing need removal. This is an example of a religion building more and more layers that were probably not even intended by the Gurus.
@raichu6269 3 года назад
Yes yes why not just peel off the skin also (dead cells)?
@SuperStargazer666 3 года назад
@@raichu6269 We do remove the dead cells every day, by washing.
@raichu6269 3 года назад
@@SuperStargazer666 so do we remove dead cells of hair too by washing🙄 . But if you could remove nails by washing then do tell me
@khalsa7133 Год назад
If hair strands fall out naturally/after combing, then it is dead. Not when the root is still intact on the scalp or anywhere else on the body. As for nails, the nails are cut because dead the part of the nail changes colour. Also bacteria accumulates underneath the external part of the nail bed.
@SuperStargazer666 Год назад
@@khalsa7133 Are you suggesting the hair that protrudes from our scalp is alive? Have you heard anyone scream when their hair is cut? I’m talking about the hair, not the hair follicle. When the hair is cut, the follicle remains unharmed, that is why the grows again.
@russeljohnson4302 8 месяцев назад
Okay according to that logic, why are you wearing glasses? If God has made your vision slightly imperfect, then you should learn to live with it? Same logic with getting sick and taking medication or getting treatment, let nature it’s way?
@eakjotkaur4176 9 лет назад
thank you
@Lucifer-qc7mf Год назад
I disagree with Behen ji here. Existence of Women is gonna trigger Kaam in Men and same is with Men. Looking Beautiful would trigger Kaam in others so it doesn't mean not to look Beautiful as long as you follow Gurmat. You can look Beautiful in Kesh. Don't make Sikhi equalent to Islam, Sikhi isn't Islam.
@brahmdeepanand432 Год назад
Pivoh Pahol khandedhar Huye janam sohila wah Wah Gobind singh Aappe gur chela
@radicalkills123 9 лет назад
@gauriramghariavlogs4815 3 года назад
Mam Meri Beti 10th Mai hai Amritdari hai Lekin wo rules Nhi follow kr pa rahi Usko gatra Utrana hai usse Nhi Ho PA raha Aisa Koi rule hai ki wo gatra Utar de plz help me..
@Simransingh355-u1l 2 года назад
Don't do that. This is the biggest sin.
@musicbeats430 9 месяцев назад
@gauriramghariaogs If she is not following from her inner heart but still keeping amrit is the sin she is doing everyday …. Always remember amrit daat is anmuli daat and by just keeping it but not following it , we are setting wrong examples …… so do ardaas mafi mangoo guru toh k oh apne andro mano tano eh daat lve…. Don’t pressurize her….. regardless teach fer real mean of sikhi and history and then when she is ready for this anmuli daat 🙏🙏waheguru
@Harpreetsingh-ur3vh 7 лет назад
i want to ask should a amritdhari man marry a amritdhari girl or a amritdhari man can marry any simple girl and they can have childrn????
@SangatSingh01 7 лет назад
Harpreet singh an amridhari must marry an amritdhari or they must become an amritdhari after marriage. U break ur amrit if u have children with non amritdhari even if they r married to u. It's in the reheat maryada and code of conduct
@YaoEspirito 4 года назад
You may marry any female you love, but she will have to walk the Sikh panth to marry you.
@tarankaur3063 11 месяцев назад
Ek amritdhari ensan aapne parivte part de hair remove kr sakhda hai ja nhj
@rai6373 4 года назад
What I've noticed is that amritari sikh men prefer to marry women that remove hair and wear makeup, why is this?
@jahvaults6500 3 года назад
Ask any man if they would marry or date a hairy woman , most won't date them.
@jay6092 3 года назад
Sikh Gurus never wrote any specific injunctions in Guru Granth Sahib that no Sikh should cut his or her hair. Guru Gobind Singh gave that rule for Amritdhari (baptised) Sikh men who became Khalsa when he created Khalsa. At that time only men became Khalsa and rule of unshorn hair applied only to them. But later during Singh Sabha Movement during British rule, Sikh orthodoxy started preaching unshorn hair for women also and outfits like Damdami Taksal, Akhand Kirtani Jatha started criticising women who removed their hair. Since then baptised Sikh women who take Amrit do not cut their hair from any part of the body and are expected to keep facial hair, hair on neck, arms, legs etc. Sikh women who have not taken Amrit and are not baptised, are free to trim their hair, remove unwanted hair on face, neck, arms, rest of the body to look well groomed, appealing, presentable and feminine. Sikh men also prefer women with non hairy body which is why hairy girls find it hard to get married despite being baptised and religious. Some Sikh women these days get permanent hair removal through laser and electrolysis before taking Amrit so that they do not look hairy and manly. Overtly orthodox Sikh preachers and older generation disapprove of men and women trimming hair but usually people accept women managing bushy eyebrows, removing unwanted hair from arms, neck, face, legs etc. People do not talk about it, they just go ahead and do what they feel like doing. Particularly when they are not baptised, orthodox Sikhs. Those who say women do not have hair are probably unaware of biology. Women very much have hair on face, neck, arms, legs and anywhere else on body and some Amritdhari women have beards like men which they try to hide with dupatta wrapped around neck in a way that covers hair. Having body hair is not a hormonal imbalance. Women look non hairy to you because they have always been removing excess hair from body using various desi or modern remedies.
@rai6373 3 года назад
@@jahvaults6500 Regardless am Amritari man who does not cut his hair cannot expect his wife to cut her hair also because that is against Sikh teachings
@jahvaults6500 3 года назад
@@rai6373 your a brave man
@OzSistersDiaries Год назад
What if someone has dyed their hair can they take amrit still and be a sikh or they have to change hair color to normal one?
@MrbeanTeddy-og3zu 2 месяца назад
If they have dyed hair before Amrit that's ok but after having Amrit you can't dye and if you have dyed hair before Amrit then there's no problem you can take Amrit cause you get 2lifes after having Amrit you'll have another life
@pritamkaurjethra7353 7 лет назад
it's ok for amirtdare treatment of facial hair??? plz Bibi ji answer me
@theundertaker6041 7 лет назад
Pritamkaur Jethra no
@YaoEspirito 4 года назад
Different interpretations. I feel if somebody is having hair that is unnatural due to hormonal problems, it's ok to treat the problem. But hair growing where every healthy woman has hair is untouchable.
@jay6092 3 года назад
Sikh Gurus never wrote any specific injunctions in Guru Granth Sahib that no Sikh should cut his or her hair. Guru Gobind Singh gave that rule for Amritdhari (baptised) Sikh men who became Khalsa when he created Khalsa. At that time only men became Khalsa and rule of unshorn hair applied only to them. But later during Singh Sabha Movement during British rule, Sikh orthodoxy started preaching unshorn hair for women also and outfits like Damdami Taksal, Akhand Kirtani Jatha started criticising women who removed their hair. Since then baptised Sikh women who take Amrit do not cut their hair from any part of the body and are expected to keep facial hair, hair on neck, arms, legs etc. Sikh women who have not taken Amrit and are not baptised, are free to trim their hair, remove unwanted hair on face, neck, arms, rest of the body to look well groomed, appealing, presentable and feminine. Sikh men also prefer women with non hairy body which is why hairy girls find it hard to get married despite being baptised and religious. Some Sikh women these days get permanent hair removal through laser and electrolysis before taking Amrit so that they do not look hairy and manly. Overtly orthodox Sikh preachers and older generation disapprove of men and women trimming hair but usually people accept women managing bushy eyebrows, removing unwanted hair from arms, neck, face, legs etc. People do not talk about it, they just go ahead and do what they feel like doing. Particularly when they are not baptised, orthodox Sikhs. Those who say women do not have hair are probably unaware of biology. Women very much have hair on face, neck, arms, legs and anywhere else on body and some Amritdhari women have beards like men which they try to hide with dupatta wrapped around neck in a way that covers hair. Having body hair is not a hormonal imbalance. Women look non hairy to you because they have always been removing excess hair from body using various desi or modern remedies.
@dasuge7940 4 года назад
So if sikhs cant cut hair, Can they not cut thier nails?
@damandeep6771 4 года назад
Why u wear sandles on foot, not on hands?
@dasuge7940 4 года назад
@@damandeep6771 Because we walk on our feet you fucking idiot. Unless you walk on your hands?
@damandeep6771 4 года назад
@@dasuge7940 u fucking asshole so what , u can also walk on feet without sandles likewise u also do work by hand , farming .... many more hard works
@ryanmwestate Год назад
hahahahahaha what kind of answer is that? @@damandeep6771
@cu99460 4 года назад
What about people who suffer from hairloss. How does God want people to grow there hair if there lossing it? It doesnt make sense, Sikhi wants us to keep our hair but nature is taking it away.
@GodsMakar 2 года назад
This is about keeping the way it is , a dastar is there for various one of which is to keep the head and hair protected among various others, if you are bald don't need to cut other body hairs , keep what you are given by God ,don't desecrate it.
@simmikaur8529 Год назад
Absolutely Brilliant ma'am and Sir! Salute your views.
@eakjotkaur4176 9 лет назад
Can amritdhari use body lotion and face mask? In modern country here some still going for facial and body massage. Is this all allow?
@MrManpreetsinghK 9 лет назад
According to Panthic Akal Takht Maryada, yes.
@gurpartap_ 9 лет назад
Excuse me Veer ji. Panthic Maryada doesn't talk about body lotion and face mask. Let us not "feed" the answer the Sister is "already looking for". The video already briefs about the feeling of insecurity which tempts us to fake ourselves into being "someone better than us" (later in the video Jagraj Singh ji counter this by expressing how this seemingly better self is not so much in actual - a Kaur and a Singh look better with what's natural with regal confidence radiating through them).
@eakjotkaur4176 9 лет назад
Thank you veer Ji
@gurpartap_ 9 лет назад
On the other hand, depending on the personal state of the being, it may be appropriate to dress yourself as royally as you may want to, for you're the sons and daughters of the King of Kings Guru Gobind Singh Ji, as long as you add to your Father's stature.
@TheTurbanatore 9 лет назад
Yes you can
@quigeeboh677 7 лет назад
Sikhs place too much emphasis on body hair - to cut or not to cut - that is the question. Some choose it as apart of their self identity - that's their personal choice based on their beliefs and values. Keep in mind, NOT everyone sikh shares in those values - some find it extreme and disengage from such practices. Whether you keep your hair or not, it does not make you any less human, or sikh for that matter. It's just hair. cut it and it grows back. Some don't even have hair! Let me guess - they are not "living by wahegurus wishes." Some keep it. Some do not. Judge not.
@Reme873 4 года назад
I think women can do make up.No extreme veiws on it.It can be a personal desicion
@RAJEEVKUMAR-xk5pz 4 года назад
Naamdhari phakhandi de ute vedio bano
@simransidhu3444 5 лет назад
If _kām_ (lust) didn’t exist, no-one would exist. Guru Nānak rejected outward displays of spirituality. Jap _bāni_ rejects physical practices as a means towards spiritual enlightenment.
@harkiratsingh4000 3 года назад
Is that why you haven’t kept KES?
@simransidhu3444 3 года назад
@@harkiratsingh4000, I used to have kés, but my parents cut them because they thought I was being bullied at school. I cried for a whole day. I soon grew out of the habit of keeping kés, but my love of Sikhi remained. In some ways, perhaps it became even deeper. Perhaps I was compensating? In the end, after much reading and reflection, I began to understand that although my kés had great symbolic value vis-à-viz the Panth, my kés was not related to my spiritual development. Otherwise, anyone with kés would automatically be spiritually superior. And I don’t think that’s what the Gurūs were trying to say.
@harkiratsingh4000 3 года назад
@@simransidhu3444 Bhai Taru Singh ji could’ve said that too.. but ok whatever you say.
@simransidhu3444 3 года назад
@@harkiratsingh4000, the kés was used by Khālsā warriors to anchor the dastār, which acted as a helmet. The demand for Bhai Taru Singh’s hair was to make a symbolic display that he had forsaken the Gurū and joined Islam. The Mughal’s wanted to use Bhai Taru Singh’s top-knot as a trophy of their victory over the Gurū, which Bhai Taru Singh bravely resisted, and was thus scalped as a result.
@harkiratsingh4000 3 года назад
@@simransidhu3444 like I said whatever you say you know better.
@samirae5307 3 года назад
This is really well expressed, but you're saying this god you believe in watts all these things for us, but how do you know that? How do you know the things you're claiming are true? You don't have evidence, and that lack of truth is also a contributor to false livelihoods.
@chocolate_cake 6 лет назад
Some people here, when they have got no real arguments all they can say is Sikhi is not like Islam without even knowing what Islam is. Poor insecure people.
@shahnawazhathila Год назад
Why you cut nails
@simritluthra974 5 лет назад
Everybody has right to look good within some displine and culture.Extreme of do,s and don’t,s are repulsive and not practical .
@jay6092 3 года назад
Sikh Gurus never wrote any specific injunctions in Guru Granth Sahib that no Sikh should cut his or her hair. Guru Gobind Singh gave that rule for Amritdhari (baptised) Sikh men who became Khalsa when he created Khalsa. At that time only men became Khalsa and rule of unshorn hair applied only to them. But later during Singh Sabha Movement during British rule, Sikh orthodoxy started preaching unshorn hair for women also and outfits like Damdami Taksal, Akhand Kirtani Jatha started criticising women who removed their hair. Since then baptised Sikh women who take Amrit do not cut their hair from any part of the body and are expected to keep facial hair, hair on neck, arms, legs etc. Sikh women who have not taken Amrit and are not baptised, are free to trim their hair, remove unwanted hair on face, neck, arms, rest of the body to look well groomed, appealing, presentable and feminine. Sikh men also prefer women with non hairy body which is why hairy girls find it hard to get married despite being baptised and religious. Some Sikh women these days get permanent hair removal through laser and electrolysis before taking Amrit so that they do not look hairy and manly. Overtly orthodox Sikh preachers and older generation disapprove of men and women trimming hair but usually people accept women managing bushy eyebrows, removing unwanted hair from arms, neck, face, legs etc. People do not talk about it, they just go ahead and do what they feel like doing. Particularly when they are not baptised, orthodox Sikhs. Those who say women do not have hair are probably unaware of biology. Women very much have hair on face, neck, arms, legs and anywhere else on body and some Amritdhari women have beards like men which they try to hide with dupatta wrapped around neck in a way that covers hair. Having body hair is not a hormonal imbalance. Women look non hairy to you because they have always been removing excess hair from body using various desi or modern remedies.
@jasbolina 4 года назад
Kise din goreya te ohna di government ne sare deporte krne entry ban krni ehna sb di majak ni oh desh ohna de aa safe dedh only punjab india aa aaah country ne sare bhejne punjab vapis USA Australia Newzealand itly france germen uk Canada vicho
@najahbrah 6 лет назад
This sounds like Sharia Law indoctration. What does this have to do with being a good caring, loving, compassionate person. The ideals the Sikh religion is based on. Getting to know people's problems and seeing what you can do to help is different then pushing a personal agenda onto others by telling them what is good or bad morally outside of being a good, loving human. This channel is really concerning. I see too many young, often very easily influenced, kids going onto these types of channels to find answers and not get what is truly needed.
@zoomzoom7444 3 года назад
I also feel these people are fundamentals. They make me not want to visit any gurdwara if people like them are there. I like easy going Sikhs who are also good people.
@samarpreetsingh1052 3 года назад
@@zoomzoom7444 then u should also stop following it
@JT-nh3xk Год назад
@@samarpreetsingh1052 Be for real, the gurus would not care if a woman wears makeup for a couple hours of a day because makeup is not permanently changing what god gave you
@estevanhernandez2608 6 лет назад
Sikhs aren't supposed to be radical, if you have a tumor you can remove it because you are preserving life. Same as killing someone in self defense, but we don't murder. Obviously we wear clothes and shoes because you would die in many places and injure yourself running around naked all day. Your body is the temple in which your soul resides you must care for it. You all keep saying Waheguru, but the Guru's contained the light of Waheguru and gave us examples of how to live. Men and women are equal and there is no gender roles in Sikhi.. did the Guru's wear make up? Of course not and the Guru's were sent by Waheguru and Waheguru spoke through them were an example for BOTH men and women. The ego wants to bend Sikhi to its own will to make itself feel better. The manmukh follows his own will, the Gurmukh follows the Guru's will. When you become Khalsa you are dead to the world you have given your life to Waheguru. If you are not ready for such a task don't take Amrit it's that simple. No one is judging you for your actions it's like someone saying lying is bad... it's just a fact, it's not a judgement... you shouldn't wear make up fact... no judgement... I haven't taken Amrit because I know I'm not ready and I'm ok with that. When I'm ready to give myself entirely "give my head to the Guru" if I am graced with his calling. Then I will take amrit.
@xack-t1s Год назад
@inderjeetkaur7996 9 лет назад
why u wear glasses? r u not happy with eyes god given you?
@jasleenkaur865 8 лет назад
maybe she has poor eyesight
@cowforces 8 лет назад
+Inder Kaur Those are very plain correctional glasses for eyesight, i would hardly consider them fashionable in any way. Were you trying to point out that she is accessorizing ?
@tanveersingh5423 8 лет назад
Anupreet Kaur ..don't you think wandering naked will induce lust in others and self???...lust is one of the five chor(vices)..of which we should stay away from...
@tanveersingh5423 8 лет назад
Anupreet Kaur ..we cut our nails because nails don't have any spiritual meaning in sikhism....on the other hand..when hairs turn white it gives a strong msg to person that you are growing up..jap naam and live in rehat....this is beautiful spiritual mssg of no shaving...and with long nail one can't simply just fold hands and meditate...while we don't need makeup to meditate.....
@kaurageouswarrior1496 5 лет назад
why are you being so disrespectful without any knowledge of Sikhi, did God not teach you to be respectful as well? Your points are invalid and literally BS. Calm down.
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