
Are You Liberal? Are You Progressive? This Bible Is Not For You. The Ruckman Reference Bible Review 

Rusty Bibles
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17 окт 2024




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@bruceherschberger1871 Год назад
First of all I want to say that I had studied the Bible version controversy for 25 years before I heard of Peter Ruckman. In my daily reading I had compared a number of "bibles" to the AV 1611 and asked the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth. And boy did He! I would encourage any redeemed child of God to the same. There is a vast difference between any "bible" and the KJV. So I didn"t need Dr. Ruckman to convince me of that. Now I had been reading the Bible and numerous commentaries for 25+ years before I got my Ruckman Bible 15 yrs. ago. It has cleared up all of the confusion I had. As in Pauls Gospel Salvation is by grace thru faith, while in James works are clearly required. The missing ingredient is "right division". Now 75 times thru the Bible later I see no contradictions. Also the Holy Spirit has borne witness to me repeatedly on the accuracy of "Ruckmans" theology. As to the offensiveness of Peter Ruckman: He talks like a man. We as a culture have been so feminized over the last 40 years that men now talk like women. So yeah if you can't handle the plain unvarnished truth go get a NIV. But know this, some day you are going to be called to give an account of your decisions.
@uswvme862 6 месяцев назад
Amen. I’ve seen people bash him so much, but it’s always literally just because he’s not a compromising ‘lovey dovey kissy huggy rub my tummy’ type of man. They slander him under the guise of heresy without directly quoting the heresy, but if I were a modernist I would absolutely hate him too. If you aren’t feminine nowadays you’re bound to get in trouble at work, school, and even in a publicly elected office. Anyways, I knew the Authorized Bible is the Word of God the very moment I picked it up instead of a csb. I was newly saved and reading that csb felt like I was reading a commentary, tweets, or somebody’s text messages 😂😂 There was absolutely no power or unction behind it, would’ve been better off reading secular literature. I don’t hear about Ruckman until this year
@WilldoAldone Год назад
I have the Ruckman Refference Bible and I absolutely love it.
@JosephAquino1430 4 месяца назад
I loved Ruckman. I did. But i woke up. At best he was a dedicated man… at worst he assumed waaaayyy too much. I recently put my RR back in its box. We all know what his private life was like. We all know he was just a man. And i admit it was these facts that had me in belief of his commentary. Then there was a particular sermon i heard. In it he told the story of a question that was asked him. If he were a member of a congregation and he discovered that its pastor was molesting a juvenile would he report the pastor? When he answered “No.” it broke my heart. He went on to claim he wouldn’t turn the pastor in in order to protect the child… which is BS. What if there were other children being molested? This answer broke me. How could he knowingly allow a sexual predator to remain in a position of power and claim it was to protect the victim?!?! Second, he claimed we’re all in an animal state when within the womb and we don’t receive a spirit until our first breath… so our LORD Jesus Christ was an animal?! Third, almost every two pages of the reference he suggests a book he wrote in the notes that can be bought at BBP. So its a reference book that refers you to other books for sale at his ministry. I can literally go on about his faults for an amazing amount of time but i don’t need to. Read him yourself and you decide. Just because someone has the ability to speak bluntly doesn’t mean they speak truth. In a twist, I thank Dr. Ruckman from the depths of my soul. He lead me to the KJV. And though I can no longer ignorantly nod my head and approve of him, I appreciate his fight. Perhaps he was righteous. Perhaps he was a beast of iniquity. Whatever he was, for many of us, he brought us to the door. And for that I’m eternally grateful.
@RustyBibles Месяц назад
That's some excellent insight. I thank you for sharing it. I think it's important that we remember it's only God's words that are infallible in any of these Bibles. All the footnotes and commentary must not be held in the same light.
@SimplyProtestantBibleBeliever День назад
I’d love to see or hear the sermon where he was asked that about a pastor being a molester and not reporting him, where did you find that recording/sermon/video?
@JosephAquino1430 День назад
@@SimplyProtestantBibleBeliever I have to apologize. I haven’t the drive to scan through the sermons. I can assure you that if you take on the task of working through his immense work posted on RU-vid, you will eventually find it. After several years I just can’t devote anymore of my time to him. I wish you the best on your journey.
@SimplyProtestantBibleBeliever День назад
@@JosephAquino1430 understood! Thank you anywho, if you happen randomly to come across it, send it here brother. Otherwise May our Lord richly bless you!
@Surfinbird8916 10 месяцев назад
I think Dr. Ruckman is one of the greatest teachers of the word he has forgotten more than the lace panty Preachers that preach the word today!!!
@FerrellKatz 9 месяцев назад
I love the book, the message and the messenger. We live in a wussified, politically 'correct' world and I hate it.
@TomiAnneTimm 5 месяцев назад
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
@johnmarston8868 5 месяцев назад
Yes, Jesus talking to the small hats of His time. The synagogue of satan as he called them more than once in Revelations
@justhearken8106 5 дней назад
Sometimes stubbornness and faith can look and sound the same. Dr. Ruckman's belief that a KJV is the only authorized version...was a belief rooted in a spirit of stubbornness.
@Is..4110 2 года назад
If you're going allow yourself to be offended as a Christian, you're not going to make a very good Christian to begin with...
@SaneNoMore Год назад
Ruckman purposefully offended and was a nasty human who felt superior to everyone.
@danpoi1319 5 месяцев назад
150 dollars with 5 out 10 commentaries. He can keep it
@Mirror245 5 месяцев назад
Wish there was a Red-Letter edition of Ruckman's bibles
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
"Foll0ow thou Me" and "Fight the good fight" are what those German inscriptions mean. Very Rucman like priorities. (I knew in person and through correspondence this peculiar but valiant man, even if I firmly remained Lutheran.)
@RustyBibles Год назад
I live fairly close to his store, and have been there a few times to purchase Gospel tracts. I've only heard endearing stories from his employees about his kindness and generosity, including a story where he offered to pay for extensive dental work for a street evangelist friend of his.
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
I left off the "k" in Ruckman. I know better than that, but my typing fingers made the slip. Through Ruckman and those Italian friends, I met another Fundy evangelist associated with comic, Alberto Rivera, encountering him twice at ralleys in Montréal. He was rather a scary guy with a demonic stare.
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
Yes, Ruckman had such a great heart. He was kind and approachable, not overbearing at all with lay Christians. He provided ways to make his literature available to us in Greater Montréal, but, alas, the bookstore itself overcharges Canadian orders.
@springray2323 2 года назад
I just bought the hardcover copy of this! I was pleasantly surprised by how well made it was. It’s a plain yet handsome, well made hardcover Bible with a very readable text. Haven’t really had a chance to dig too deeply into the notes but they seem very….unique so far. I’m not a King James Only person, but I’m a bit of a Bible collector and so wanted to try this one out.
@throughthegrace7893 2 года назад
I'm a Bible collector as well. I might get this one after I research Dr. Ruckman further.
@IamaNewCreature 2 года назад
@@throughthegrace7893 I believe he’ll make a good impact in your life. Well, he did mine anyway. Great man of God and Bible teacher. Check out his bible verse commentaries as well and other videos/books 🙂
@mva1965 2 года назад
Ordered this is in the $19 vinyl cover hand size and really like it. Very readable and has a sturdy feel to it.
@williamrobertson3643 9 месяцев назад
if you love the truth you will love this bible,but if you do not yhou will be offended
@gregwood8301 11 месяцев назад
The best reference Bible period.
@caleblee8902 8 месяцев назад
Where can I buy it in Canada?
@casey1167 Год назад
I just love this Bible. The notes are great, some are out there, but they make you think. The note on Jame 2:3, his short note on 1 John 5:7. He has one note "This is not an archaic word.... " sort of a "you idiot, improve your vocabulary." He just comes across regardless of his size, a guy you would want next to you when the goings got tough. Would be nicer is there were more cross references, but over all, great study Bible. And yes, being KJV-Only does help.
@RustyBibles Год назад
Totally agree with your assessment. Thank you for it, and God bless!
@kingston163 Год назад
The cheapest edition IS great quality in all aspects!!
@casey1167 Год назад
@@kingston163 yes. All good.
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
I've wanted to have a copy of this Ruckman Bible, preferably the revised edition of it, but the BIble Baptist Bookstore's mailing rates to Canada are viciously expensive and unreasonable. That makes anything from them prohibitively expensive.
@casey1167 Год назад
@@geraldparker8125 Ebay???
@JOSEPHC777 6 месяцев назад
The church of Philadelphia are the only church, out of the seven, in revelation, with no rebuke: I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast KEPT MY WORD, and hast not denied my name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because THOU HAST KEPT THE WORD OF MY PATIENCE, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. THEY WERE NOT REBUKED,, FOR AMONG OTHER THINGS,, KEPT GOD'S WORD,, Why would you want a BIBLE that takes away the WORDS OF GOD,?? Why would you want a Bible that came from EGYPT,, which is a description of the WORLD,, as so is SODOM,, and where our LORD was CRUCIFIED,,? Why would you choose a bible, VATICANUS,, ROME,, ALEXANDRIA EGYPT,,? IT IS BEYOND ME,,
@Corinthians--nx4oz 2 года назад
How could you be a REAL Christian and be a Liberal or progressive at the same time? Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” TRUST in the shed blood of our lord JESUS CHRIST! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
@bryanmassa6051 Год назад
Amen. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways James 1:8
@CryoftheProphet Год назад
As long as the notes dont take on more value than the Spirit, who teaches all things..
@kingston163 Год назад
Like other popular study Bibles.
@chriscravens8318 Год назад
​@@kingston163like this bible.
@KingjamesAV1611 2 года назад
Dr. Ruckman is hands down one of the BEST Bible teachers EVER!!!! 🙌 Love the Bible, gonna buy another one
@SaneNoMore Год назад
He was a nut job that even his own denomination wouldn’t support. I was there.
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
Dr. Ruckman was a real dynamo in the pulpet. He was an incredibly good and intense preacher. Those who have "been there" when he preaches will know what I mean. As to his doctrines, well, they are a mixed bag, but as a Lutheran I find that the case with ANY Baptist.
@KingjamesAV1611 Год назад
​@@geraldparker8125.....as a Lutheran, what points of Ruckmans doctrine do you believe are not correct? 🤔
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
Unfortunately, RUckman, and Baptists generally, are wrong about a whole passel of things! That is not surprising. Lutherans believe that God's sovereignty works itself out in all manner of aspects of Christianity, from salvation to the sacraments, and Ruckman, like other Baptists (but maybe a bit more so) wants to rip God's work and power out of His divine Hands and put it into the hands of humans themselves. Despite all of this, I admired Ruckman for holding to his principles, for defending the K.J.V. (importnat to me, too), and for attacking the unbelievers controlling so much of modernist and of neo-evangelical sectarian Christianity.
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
How I became, for those years in Montréal, so involved with Ruckman's disciples there was rather indirect and interesting. We got together there originally to form a chapter of a pro-K.J.V. Bible society. Since most of those present were Baptist, they were so impressed with the two Baptist missionaries present that they decided to form a local Baptist congregation with them as pastors. I often went to events and to worship with them, even though I was and am Lutheran. Of course, I would not commune with them since Baptists, whether they admit it or not, reject what God offers in the Lord's Supper. I limited my involvement with them in other ways that reflect my Lutheran disagreement with Baptists (those or any others, for that matter). However, I greatly enjoyed their partial fellowship.
@disconnecteddisconnected 2 года назад
I love my lambskin copy of this! This Bible has truly been my comfort Bible for a while.
@chipmarlin1032 2 года назад
God offends in about 300 verses !!!!
@carmennooner2027 Год назад
I find that I get more depth and understanding by reading other versions of the Bible. I also listen to a small variety of preachers/teachers, and I find that having the same version of the Bible that the pastor is using helps me follow along with them more easily. 90% of the Bibles I own are Study Bibles, which also helps me broaden my understanding of God's Word.
@RustyBibles Год назад
Totally agree!
@jeffcarlson3269 7 месяцев назад
@@RustyBibles just so you know... that German phrase in that logo..: "Kampfe ben guten kampf" translates to: "Fight a (the) good fight"
@joeseczulaica3053 2 года назад
No I'm not a liberal I am a child of God
@bryanmassa6051 Год назад
Amen! Looking forward to meeting you in glory
@joeseczulaica3053 Год назад
@@bryanmassa6051 I will see you Bryan in the NEW JERUSALEM we will be Praising and Singing to Jesus the Son of God King of kings and Lord of lords God-bless you my brother and your family from your brother , in Christ , Joe
@Rob-lu2ns 2 года назад
I love the RRB! Thanks for the great video!
@kingston163 Год назад
ESV is the Calvinist bible edition.
@BibleLovingLutheran Год назад
A lot use it but LSB will soon be. I love both but prefer KJV.
@JG4AU Год назад
I thought NASB 95. That’s what I use anyway 😊
@jkdbuck7670 2 года назад
Nice review. Always thorough.
@joest.eggbenedictus1896 2 года назад
I am offended that this is offensive! 🤯🥚🥚🥚
@ThePreachersDaughterKJV1611 2 года назад
Love the Ruckman Reference ❤️
@SaneNoMore Год назад
The man was racist against blacks, he spewed the most venomous hatred toward anyone who didn’t believe exactly like him and his works should be thrown in the trash. I was part of the same denomination and almost no one supported his garbage.
@WestonHatcher-zm3cf Год назад
I would reconsider the kjv only position. Compare some verses, see that almost all other "translations" add and subtract gods word which is explicitly forbidden by our God. Also most other translations don't recognize Jesus as lord.
@RustyBibles Год назад
If your worry is that other translations add or subtract from God's word, then I would look into the points against KJVO. Older manuscripts (that weren't included in Erasmus's selection) suggest that some passages in the KJV may have been scribe's notes that made it into the text over time. Also, I read many other translations, and it is very clear that Jesus is Lord in them.
@WestonHatcher-zm3cf Год назад
@@RustyBibles I just know that the textus receptus original manuscripts were of faithful accuracy in translation and comparing to translations using Alexandria (Egypt) manuscript have lots of pagan origin and that's where most modern translations come from. I also look at the fruits of the translators such as tyndale and his team as opposed to the more catholic/gnostic/asyrian folks who used Alexandrian manuscripts. (Constantines followers who mingled with pagan ideals). I'd point you toward some of dr gene Kim's teachings on those topics
@WestonHatcher-zm3cf Год назад
@@RustyBibles however I'm not one to go as far as to say those translations will lead you to hell or anything.. BUT comparing some verses side by side between modern translations and king James will surprise you in how the meanings get lost or changed entirely. I just like to point it out from love so folks can play it safe and get the most accurate information both historical and spiritual
@captainkrajick 7 месяцев назад
@@RustyBiblesI'd suggest reading Jeremiah 36, because there were many more words and yet God considered both the same thing. I'd like you to compare Acts 12:1-4 and Leviticus 23:5-7 in the King James and then look at Acts 12:4 in every single other version. It's like God blinded every single translator to that factual statement that only the King James gets correct.
@leohopkins71 Год назад
I just ordered a copy of Ruckman's Reference Bible hardcover edition. I just don't believe it's practical to spend $150-200 for a Bible just because it has a custom high quality leather cover with shiny page gilding. Just my 2 cents. If I had a better paying job, I might go for the calf skin leather. But for my simple needs, it's unnecessary.
@RustyBibles Год назад
Only you can decide what you'll spend your money on. I enjoy the leather cover because i like the floppiness of it. Either one is a good edition that will give you much in the way of insights. I hope you enjoy diving into Ruckman's notes as much as I do!
@leohopkins71 Год назад
@@RustyBibles absolutely will and make no mistake, maybe when God blesses me financially, I'll be sure to get the calfskin. But what I would really like to see is a giant print edition.
@markgushue9482 10 месяцев назад
What parts do you not agree with?
@RustyBibles 10 месяцев назад
In some of the helps in the back, presented information can be a bit "scatter-brained", and it's hard to follow the points he's trying to make. He also uses slurs in some of his comments. Ephesians 4:29, 31-32 New King James Version 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
@markgushue9482 10 месяцев назад
@@RustyBibles why did you pick the new king James? Aren't we talking about the king James?
@ScottStratton1 6 месяцев назад
If you’re offended by the living word of God, then you absolutely should read this Bible and repent. Except Jesus Christ as your personal savior it’s all about your relationship with God Jesus makes it clear no man gets to the father except through him so if that offends you, then the word of God offends you and you have bigger issues to deal with. Jesus didn’t come to condemn the world but to save the world so he did not come to condemn you. He came to save you. Why wouldn’t you let him?
@BibleLovingLutheran Год назад
KJVO disregards him as they believe anyone not reading it is headed to hell. Ruckman was a heretic.
@kingston163 Год назад
No, he's a Christian and doesn't suffer foolish religious academics who are not congruent in what they say and do. There's a lot of them.
@johnlee8885 Год назад
He is not a here tic he was a Bible believer mist bible believers were considered heretics by the Roman church I guess I'm in good company with hom
@BibleLovingLutheran Год назад
@@johnlee8885 keep thinking that
@Rob-lu2ns 7 месяцев назад
Got any references for your claim that Dr. Rockman held that view, or is this false whitness?
@allsouls5997 Год назад
Conservatives don't like it either, or moderates or fill in the blank.
@SaneNoMore Год назад
His own school and denomination didn’t support him either. He was not a person worth listening to.
@allsouls5997 Год назад
@@SaneNoMore Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One mans trash is another mans treasure.
@SaneNoMore Год назад
@@allsouls5997 Not when it comes to biblical truth verses heresy it isn’t. Ruckman was an avowed racist and he was self righteous to the extreme. I was a part of his denomination (IFB) at the height of his career. Having read several of his teachings and having spoke with several of his peers I quite familiar with him. He was in some points heretical in all points toxic and by many accounts mentally unstable. In the years I trained and taught in the IFB church I never met a pastor who supported him.
@allsouls5997 Год назад
@@SaneNoMore That's why they don't like it They do this for financial gain.
@joest.eggbenedictus1896 2 года назад
After reading some of those notes I think I want to try out whatever those folks are smoking over in Pensacola...
@RustyBibles 2 года назад
I mean... it is Florida... we are known for Florida Man! :D
@SaneNoMore Год назад
@@RustyBibles Ruckman’s teaching did not represent the school or the denomination. He was a nasty person with some dumb ideas, he was just smart enough to make those ideas sound plausible.
@johnlee8885 Год назад
​@@SaneNoMoreh Ruckman was a Bible believer and not a heretic most bible believers were considered heretics. You are wrong.
@SaneNoMore Год назад
@@johnlee8885 I did not call him a heretic, though there is certainly an argument to be made there. I knew the man, I read his writings and he was a toxic and somewhat mentally imbalanced person. What I did say is that his teaching did not represent BJU or the majority of IFB churches. I would also put forth that if anyone thinks their tiny group is right and everyone else is wrong you need to be very careful you’re not falling into a cult mentality. Funny note the JW’s knocked on my door as I was typing this.
@Rob-lu2ns 7 месяцев назад
@@SaneNoMore it sounds to me like this is more of your opinion and not really the truth about Dr. Ruckman. Did he hurt your feelings at one time? Maybe he rebuked you and you couldn't handle it? I have heard from many who knew him that he was genuine, kind, and caring man.
@anthonym.7653 2 года назад
Can I get this in an NIV? 😉
@RustyBibles 2 года назад
@IamaNewCreature 2 года назад
Awesome reference bible!
@gmcenroe Год назад
I know I shouldn't judge a Bible by its font, but this looks like it was typeset in the 1800s, maybe that is part of his style, lol. I think I will stick with my ESV Study Bible from Crossman.
@RustyBibles Год назад
Ohhhh! I love the fonts! There is something about big bold serif text that screams AUTHORITATIVE to me. On the flip side, the new Lockman NASBs came out, and they use a sans-serif font (like what you're reading), and I don't like it at all. It feels too modern to be used for biblical text.
@kingston163 Год назад
ESV is the Calvinist edition.
@jamesbhollingsworth5452 Год назад
Predjudice on another level. Lol.
@Christ_is_Lord_ Год назад
KJV or nothing. I believe Gods promise that He would preserve His Word, and it’s not in 100 different English translations. Look into it.
@RustyBibles Год назад
I have. And it's more like 1,500 english translations. I really love the heart and tenacity of the KJV-Only movement, but I just can't get behind it. I absolutely reject Bibles that change the message like the new, updated version of the NSRV, but there are some translations that do a nice job of bridging the old English gap and retaining the ideas of the text. The NASB 95 is my personal fav. God bless, Eric!
@bryanmassa6051 Год назад
Amen brother Eric! Looking forward to meeting you in glory.
@Christ_is_Lord_ Год назад
@@RustyBibles have you seen the statements that Wescott and Hort made? They weren’t even Christians and you wouldn’t let them teach your children Sunday School. They not only has an unbelief, but a disdain for the Lord. They’re the “fathers” of all modern translations. Even the 3 Alexandrian Codices were written by non-Christians; Gnostics. That’s why the manuscripts survived for so long, because they were never used.
@RustyBibles Год назад
@@Christ_is_Lord_ I haven't. If you shoot me a link, I'll check it out though. Do the changes between the 1611 KJV Text and modern translations disrupt any core doctrine?
@bryanmassa6051 Год назад
@@RustyBibles Yes, absolutely core doctrine is affected! Look for Acts 8:37 in your 'bible' and tells me what it says. Removing it implies that we are saved by water baptism and not by believing the gospel. There are lots of others. I've added some references.
@HD23777 Год назад
I love the KJV Ruckman bible.... rain down FIRE!!!!!!
@RustyBibles Год назад
I LOVE enthusiasm for God's word! His may have been a little misguided, but that fervor for God's word is something to be admired!
@BibleLovingLutheran Год назад
KJV satanic Bible? Got it.
@kingston163 Год назад
Says, the luciferian New Ager who keep looking for a Bible to suit themselves hence ALL these different bibles. Forever looking but never finding 'the Bible'.
@geraldparker8125 Год назад
Yup, here is another "KJV Loving Lutheran" -- li'l ol' me, Lutheran to the core, K.J.V. loyal to the core.
The NASB MacArthur Study Bible, Second Edition
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